HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-28, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-,\DVOCATE THURSDAY, MARCH, gSth, 1040
En i tit Dlr DI 8 I.JL <•*. L*
Most of the great discoveries are
the result o£ avocation - plaything
during rest time.
The father . of photography was
an army officer; and of the electric
motor, a bookbinder’s clerk. The
inventor of the telegraph was a
portrait painter; and the jacquard
loom, a dressmaker. A farmer in
vented the typewriter; a poet, the
sewing machine; a cabinet maker,
the cotton gin; and a coal miner,
the locomotive.
The telephone was the after
school work of a teacher of the
deaf; the disc talking machine, the
night work of a clothing salesman;
the wax cylinder phonograph, of a
lawyer’s clerk; the type-setting, ma
chine, a grocery man. A physician
made the first pneumatic tire be
cause his little son was an invalid.
The story of nearly every great
invention has been the result of
someone’s riding a hobby.
Be skilled in youi’ vocation - an
expert - or if you like even a spec
ialist — but — have an avocation.
$ # ❖
Over 25 per cent, of the notables
listed in the American “Who’s who”
were born on farms — but did not
remain there.* * *
The average business man has a
vocabulary of about 3,000' words
but gets along on 1,500 or less if
the stenographer is out to lunch.* * *
Call it temperament or individ
uality or any other’ polite subter
fuge — it still remains "pure cussed
ness.,* * *
To see how far a man has gone
on the road to success, look for the
friends he has discarded along the
path.♦ * ♦
Bill Nye, the last of the American
humorists, was once a postmaster
at .Laramie, Wyoming. When he
could stand it no longer, he wrote a
letter of resignation to President
Arthur. This letter got into the
newspaper, was copied all over the
country, and made Nye’s reputation
as a jokesmith.
In the letter he told the president
where everything was to be found,
explained that the postal cards he
had read were carefully pigeon-hol
ed apart from the unread, and con
tinued warningly: “If Geacon Hay
ford does hot pay up his box rent,
you might as well put his letters
in the general delivery. When Bob
Head gets drunk and insists on a
letter from one of his wives, you
can salute him through the box de
livery window with an old Queen
Anne tomohawk that you will find
near the Etruscan water pail.”* . * *
There’s a terrible pest
And none could be bolder;
I mean the guy who
Reads over my shoulder.
* * *
Two of the farthest nebulae are
so far away — so scientists tell us
— that although the light which
comes from them; traveling at the
rate of 186,2|8I4 miles pe'r second—
it takes 13'5,000,000 years to reach
the earth. They are visible on
the earth now. 'So, if you are. mild
ly interested and like to figure
things out, you can get a general
idea of the age of the universe.* * *
What does the Christian charac
ter or balanced life mean?
It is this: “Faith without credul
ity, conviction without bigotry,
charity without condescension, cour-
arge with pugnacity, self-respect
without vanity, humility without
obsequiousness, love of humanity
without sentimentality and meek
ness with power.”
* * *
New ships for the U.S. Navy are
9 Cruisers, 10 Battleships, 4 Air
craft Carriers, 50- Destroyers, 26
Submarines and more than 256 sup
plementary or supply craft.
A Help To Those
Past Middle Age
When meh and women get past
middle age their energy and activity,
in many instances, begin to decline,
and their general vitality is on the #
LittlS sicknesses and ailments seem
harder io shake off than formerly,
and, here and there, evidences of a
breakdown begin to appear.
Now is the time when those who
wish to maintain their health and
vigor, and retain their ehergy un
impaired should take a course of
Milburn’s Stealth and Nerve Pills.
They brace up and invigorate the
system, and help stall oft the decrepi
tude of advancing years.
The T. Milburn Co., Lid., Toronto, Ont.
In the course of an official inves
tigation made by one of the depart
ments at Washington D.C., into the
condition of private schools, letters
were sent to all such institutions
which were known. Among these
communications, one was addressed
“To private Kindergarten” and
naming the city and state where it
was a vital power in youthful in
struction, ?
Gome months later the letter came
back to the department, the' envel
ope being covered with disclaimers
from forts and stations all over
the South. A line in copy lead-
pencil read: [
“No private or non-commissioned
officer of this name can be found.”
♦ <•
An embryo columnist sends in
the following observations:
an exclusive neighborhood, is a
place where people pay high prices
to live near you.
—a Hollywood actress has just re
married her ex-husband — In Holly
wood, if a girl marries a man three
times she gets to keep him.
, —a college president admits that
college students occasionally get
drunk at dances, but how can he
pick out the drunken dancers from
the others.
—speaking of universal languages,
Esperanto will never come into such .
general use as the wink.
* *, *
In his own home, Paderewski, the
great patriot and pianist, had . a
small green parrot which was a
household pet. When Paderewski
played the piano, the parrot took
its place on one of his feet. When
the selection was completed, if flew
upon his shoulder and squawked
out: “Good boy! Good boy!”
Constructive criticism doubtless
has its place in the general order
or disorder of things, but no one
ever did his possilbe best under
the devastating fire of criticism.
What every man needs is a little
green parrot sweetheart, wife, or
friend who will pat him on the
shoulder and say: “Good boy! /
Good boy!” even if he isn’t as good
as he should be. If he has a spark
of real manhood in him, he will
make a desperate effort to live up
to the appreciation.
* * #
Two little coons on the bridge a-
sittin’ "
‘ Two" little bones, back and forth
Hole in the plank where a knot was
a-missin’ - t
-Par-a-dice Lost.
* J *
Insurance statistics show that out
of every 100 women iii the United
States who become widows, 3 are
left enough wealth to live in com
fort1; 15 are only temporarily pro
vided for; 47 have to work; and
, 3'5 are in absolute want,
* * *
The man who misses all the fun
is he who says: “It can’t be done.”.
In solemn pride he stands aloof
and greets each venture with re
proof. Had he the power, he’d
efface the history of the human
race. We’d /have no steam or trol
ley cars no streets lit by electric
stars, no telegraph, no telephone.
We’d linger in the age of-stone.
Then, when some keen, barbaric
brain, of life’s conditions dared com1-
plain, and planned a wheel on
which to roll the load the load
-could not control, sneers would arise
from all the crew ’that ever scoff'
at what is new.
The world would sleep if things
were run by men who say: “It can’t
be done.”
* * *
The baby was being displayed to
admiring callers. One who was find
ing it difficult to think of some
thing original to say, finally observ
ed: “My, how much he resembles
his father.”
Whereupon the young man re
plied: “Oh, that's only this rainy
weather, as a rule, he is really quite
cheerful looking.”
♦ # ♦
The worst enemy of progress is
* * *
Ironical Antithesis
Europe: A place where eVdry
child inherits a grievance and a
profound hatred.
America: A place where every
child inherits a right to life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.
* # *
Basket full of Easter Eggs
Children bless the bunny
Mother and Aunt Gue colored them
Don’t you think that’s funny?
Put for Easter eggs we’ll hunt
With all the neighbor’s children
For long ago we got the habit
From our oWn first Easter rabbit.
-—the colonel
One of the best beauty treatments we know of is a flve-mile
walk in granulous snow.
The war and the winter are teaching us that we dp not
know what a day may bring forth,
We hear our American cousins saying over and over again
that they are helping Britain and her allies by supplying them with
munitions. One would think that these munitions are supplied
at the expense of the American pocketbook. But what are the
facts? The United States would supply munitions to the Germans
were the Germans able to supply the cash for such supplies and
to transport these supplies to, the place where they are needed.
The United States aids Britain on the strict basis of cash and
carry. Their motto in the present war is the old principle of an
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Allies and Germans are
free to deal on equal terms with the United States. Where, then
the benevolence that Americans talk about? Where the aid ex
tended to Canada when American interests have reduced the value
of the Canadian dollar from 1 OiO cents to a little over eighty cents?
Wherein lies the right of the United States, to negotiate a peace
which they openly proclaim is no concern of theirs.
The fall of Finland has caused considerable uneasiness among
• a great mauv earnest people. The impression has been given that
while Finnish soldiers were being tramped into snow and ice in
behalf of freedom their politicians were carrying on a series of
negotiations for the ruin of their country. We believe that there
is no reason for the receiving of any such impression. Slowly
emerging facts will establish beyond all doubt the patriotism of
every Finnish leader.. Among Anglo Saxons there has been the
belief since the fall of Finland, that the allied statesmen are carry
ing on a sort of double-barreled campaign in which there is osten
sible effort to prosecute the war, but a very serious effort to
come to some conclusion of the strife at the expense of the
common people. These uninformed critics say that our statesmen
are giving us the impression that they are waging war for freedom
and all that it implies while they really are sparing no pains to
feather their own nests. All of which is stupid, groundless sup
position that our statesmen are hypocrites and self-seekers. Such
° jumping to conclusions is utterly unwarranted and nothing less than
the swallowing hook, line and sinker of our enemies’ propaganda.
From all such humbug let us pray to be delivered.
Did You Know That
A vicious colt may make a good
They must hunger in frost who
spring time have lost.
Do good to your friend that he
may remain your friend.
The first black tulip sold in Hol
land for Ten Thousand Dollars $10,-
Some fellows take off from the
landing field; others simply fly off
the handle.
The members of the Automobile
Club of Michigan are as a group the
“Best Drivers in America”. Proof
they secure their insurance at the
lowest cost in America.
You can tell a smart man. He is
the one who doesn’t pretend to
know as much as he really knows.
Aluminum is heavier than con
crete. Answer: Aluminum weighs
160 pounds per cubic foot; gravel
and cement weighs 150 pounds per
cubic foot.
Every can of pineapple shipped ,
from Hawaii is tested by boys who
tap the cans with rubber mallets to
detect air in the container, and are
so expert they can test one hundred
cans a minute.
S. J. S.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mellin cele
brated their 59 th anniversary of
their wedding recently at a family
reception held at the home of a
daughter, Mrs. Bertha Tiedmann, of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Mellin were
married at Grand Bend. Mr. Mellin
was for many years engaged ip
general contracting. He is 82 years
of age and was born at Galt, while
Mrs. Mellin is 77 years old and is
a native of Grand Bend. They have
four sons, five daughters, 25 grand
children and eight great grand-chil
The winter of 1940 has done its share in teaching Old Ontario
a lesson or two in humility. For one thing we have learned
that mankind cannot control the elements. Winter has proven
stronger than our hopes and far more uncontrollable than our
suppositions that old fashioned winters are a thing of the past.
Roads simply have been impassable. Further, our efforts to keep
the roads open have resulted in making them very difficult for any
use, either by horse vehicle, for walking or for cars. The result
has been disastrous for social life, for schools and for churches
and for farm business. We ignored winter but he came and beat
us to a frazzle. Let us own the corn.
Further, we have been taught that the day of the horse in
his various ways of serving is not consigned to the period of the
auk and the dodo. The horse and sleigh carried on while the
truck has stood idle in the garage. The tractor has loafed while
Nell and Dobbin have carried on. This is no rage against modern
equipment. It is an effort to have all of us see that certain equip
ment belongs to the luxury class and to have us see its value
when so regarded. We believe in progress but progress is a plant
of slow growth. Luxuries are very fine, but they come high.
Expensive equipment is a great convenience iii the hands of those
who can afford it.
Mr. Cromwell, minister of the United States to Canada, has
been censured for some remarks he made before the combined
Canadian and Empire Clubs of Toronto, not because what he said;
was not true nor because what he Said was not timely, but because
his remarks did not conform to the niceties of diplomatic speech.
Some folk with keen noses for what might be offensive to the
Germans saw in this bold man’s utterance something that might
offend Hitler and his kindred spirits. Of course such speechmaking
tvould never do. Hitler’s government may murder and spread:
ruin to strictly unoffending nations but no United States repres
entative must say a word about it. German legions may enter a
country that is an Eden and leave it a sepulchre full of trampled
fields and burning cities and towns, with its population either
dead or carried into slavery or to a living death, but no American
representative of his government must say so. Such utterance
might be offensive to the Hitlers and the Mussolinis and the Stalins
and that would never do. All American representatives must be
carefully lessoned in the extremes of niceties of expression, and
bow and genuflect and smile, and say “After you sir!” whenever
the name of Hitler and his bosom cronies and spiritual affinities
are mentioned. Men are still judged by what they allow, but
might have prevented. The mills of the gods grind slowly. Am
erica is still the home of the free — when it is safe to speak one’s
We confess that we are delighted to learn that there is a
reasonable prospect that many Finlanders who suffered during their
country's struggle for the best things for which their race stands
are coming to Canada. It is eminently fitting that they should
do so. Canadian stock is characterized by folk who suffered in be
half of freedom. We have, for instance, the U. E. L. stock with
all their fine traditions. We have, too, the disbanded Highland
regiments who fought with terrific zeal under Wellington. We
have further, • the folk who came from the Old Country from the
intolerable conditions following upon the invention of machinery
and the development of new applications of power. Then We have
the brave sons of old Scotia who refused to knuckle to landlordism
that sought to turn their scanty holdings into deer runs. The
Western Provinces of the Dominion are filled with sturdy folk who
refused to bow the knee to any political Ball. The exploits of
the Finlanders still stir the blood of all who love freedom and all
that it implies to the intellect, to the hand and to the conscience.
There is but one real danger about the coming of those ’Fin
landers to our shores. Governments may become over paternal
and with the best intention in the World make it impossible for
the Finlanders to make their best contribution to, Canadian life.
Let it not be Overlooked in our welcome to these wonderful people
that they already, for centuries, have shown that they know well
how to carry on in all the arts of peace, in education, building,
in merchandising, in religion and in government and in all that
makes for healthy national life.
Our suggestion? It is just this. The governments of Canada,
provincial and federal, should invite representative Finlanders to
Visit Canada and to discover where they can best carry on. Con
ferences may well follow after this investigation and arrangements
made for settlement. It is a thousand times better to proceed in
this Way than to send a deputation to Finland. In any case there
is no time to be Io$t. Let Canada strike while the iron’s hot. All
meddlesome Mat-ties will do well to keep out of the Situation.
•The people with the history of the Finlanders can be trusted and
must not be hindered by hampering or onerous conditions Should
they seo their way to trying a new life under the clear skies and
in the rare air ’of the land of the maple and beaver.
Laugh if you want to,
Grin if you must,
But keep a straight face
If the joke’s dry as dust.
Clinton Barrister Hurt
When Six Cars in Jam
Storm Responsible for Accidents
Frank Findland, K.U., of Clinton,
barrister and first past president of
Clinton Lions Club, is in Clinton
Hospital with a broken and crushed
right leg, six cars are damaged and
a hockey game prevented from tak
ing place as a result of a traffic ac
cident which occurred at 3 o'clock
on 'Saturday afternoon on No. 4
highway, two miles south of Clin
Five .of the ears are owned and
were driven by the following mem
bers of Clinton Lions Club: H. C.
Lawson, E. A, Fines, F. Findland,
L. Brown and A. Garon. The play
ers were with the [Lions-sponsored
juvenile hockey team as passengers
and had left at 2.30 for St. Thomas
for a game in the semi-final series.
Two miles out the highway was
blocked by three cars in a collis
ion. R. A. Crawford, of Exeter,
and a motor car company car of
London, had first got into difficulty
and were stalled on the highway.
A third car, owned and driven by
Thomas Small had plowed into the
two. The three cars thus involved
had the highway blocked.
The first three Clinton cars stop
ped in line on coming to the ob
struction, but a blinding drift of
snow shut out visibility as the
others came on and unable to stop
in time to avoid striking another
three-car mix-up occurred.
Mr. Findland had stepped from
his car to signal the fourth and in
the crash had his leg crushed be
tween the bumpers of the colliding
cars. He was rushed to the Clinton
Hospital, where ft was found .that
amputation of the leg as at first
feared, Would not be necessary.
A carload of Clinton fans 'which
had started out earlier had passed
along before the obstruction oc
curred, and were at the <St. Thomas
rink before they heard of the ac
Mr, 'Colquhoun, fathei* of K. Col-
quhoun, of the ’Clinton juveniles,
was a passenger in the Garon car
and was thrown against the wind
shield, suffering a forehead lacera
tion. The Findland, Brown and
Garon cars were considerably dam
Your Child
Relieve the Misery
Without Dosing
Rob chest, throat and back thor
oughly with Vicks VapoRub at
bedtime. Right away, VapoRub
goes to work.., two ways at once.
VapoRub acts on the skin like
a warming stimulating,poultice.
At the same time it gives’off medi
cinal vapours that are breathed
direct into irritated air passages.
This direct, double action contin
ues for hours after restful sleep
comes, Often by morning most
of the misery is gone.
Why risk increased discom-
ric%oSng^ %/|CKS
“I’d like to be cremated, but I’m
sure my wife wouldn’t like jt.”
“Why so?”
“She’s always complaining about
my leaving my ashes around.”
Your Next Visit to
Hotel Waverley
Located on Wide Spadlna Ave.
at College St.
Easy Parking Facilities
Convenient to Highway*
M „ Single - - $!.SHo$2JI
Rates D°ub|°«• 5ts6i»$5.w
Four to Room. S5.H to SI.M
Close to the University.
Parliament Buildings,
Maple Leaf Gardens,
Theatres, Hospitals,
Wholesale Houses, and
the Fashionable Retail
Shopping District.
A, M» powell, president
. . . all the way from camp! And
he said it didn’t cost so much!”
Trust every "Braw Laddie” to find
his way home the most economical
way — and to leave a cherished
memory into the bargain. Especially
after 7 p.m. and all day Sunday*
you can travel hundreds of miles
by Long Distance for so little!