HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-28, Page 6THURSDAY, MARCH, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE you insure Confederation Association. ........ * . ’.....-7 - F. J. DELBRIDGE, Representative, EXETER ta Query and Reply by Page Turner (All Radio and Reprint Rights Reserved o—0—o Query: When and where was the first Drug Store opened in America? Reply: The first pharmacy in America was opened in Boston, Mass., in 1646. Previous to that time, each doctor did his own dis­ pensing of drugs. Query: Is Gcnei'al George C. Mar­ shall the only man who ever at­ tained the coveted position of Chief of Staff who did not attend West Point? Reply: No. He is the fourth non­ West Pointer to be appointed to the post. The General ,S. B. S. John C. Bates Wood. other three were: Young, General and General Leonard Mount Lucania in Yukon ever been Query: Has Southwestern climbed —* and what is its height? Reply: Mount Lucania is 17,554 feet nigh. It was North America’s highest unclimbed peak until July 9, 1937, when Bradford Washburn of Cambridge, Mass., and R. H. Bates of Philadedphia, pa. reached the summit and set up the flag of the National Geographic Society. They also made a complete photo­ graphic record of the trip. Query: What is the Holy Grail? Reply: -Is is the drinking cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper. Query: Is former Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes still living and what relation was he to the poet and author of the same name. Reply: Oliver was the son of the March 8, 18141 in came an associate preme Court in Justice in 1899. he retired to private life and died in 1935. Query: What is the percentage weight of the blood of a person weighing 168 pounds? Reply: The general average is one pound of blood to 14 pounds of body or flesh -— thus 12 pounds of blood is the answer. Holmes born in He be- the Su- 1882 and Chief At the age of 90 Wendell poet, was Boston. Jutice of and Query: Do all states have the Primary election system? Reply: No. New Mexico, Rhode Island and Connecticut do not have direct primary, system. Query: What is the Geographic location of Eden? Reply: The Garden of Eden men­ tioned in Genesis 11 is believed by some scholars to have been iri‘“ the Nile delta. Others think its lo­ cation may have been in Southern Mesopotamia, still others claim it was in. Arabia. At present no de­ finite location is known. Stubborn Cases of Constipation Those who keep a mass of impurity pent up in their bodies^ day after day, instead of having it removed as nature intended, at least once in every twenty-four hdurs, in­ variably suffer from constipation, The use of cheap, harsh purgatives will never get yott any Where ns they only aggravate the trouble and in­ jur© the delicate mucous lining of the bowels, and are very liable to cause piles, If constipated take Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills and have a natural movement of the bowels. They do not gripe, weaken and sicken as many laxatives do. Tbo T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, Huron County Has Provided Four Provincial Premiers JJy Victor Lamiston in London Free Press a result, seems to have men who not merely for local political hon- transplanted, to distant dis­ any dis- four I had lost his North Essex seat in the general election. The mid-winter by-election campaign whs closely contested. Late on election night, the Cameron supporters held a cele­ bration of their victory. Next morn­ ing some belated returns elected Patterson by was the turn brate. Before the 16 majority; and it of the Tories to cole- parliamentary term ended, Patterson was appointed lieutenant-governor of Manitoba. In the ensuing by-election Cameron won handily over David Weismuller. Tradition has it that the doughty veteran was greeted by gusty cheers from both sides of the House when he once more made his appearance at Ottawa. He won again in 1896; and shortly afterwards was appoint­ ed lieutenant-governor of the North- West Territories. It was surely a curious coincidence which brought the two opponents in the hard-fought West Huron by­ election of 1892 to the two lieuten­ ant-governorships on the prairies a few years later. Cameron died at Regina ‘while lieutenant-governor. Patterson com­ pleted his term but did not re-enter politics, passing away only a few years ago at an advanced age. Huron has contributed numerous sons to lesser positions in prairie politics. The late Hon. Robert Weir, minister of agriculture in the Bennett Government, was born in Huron County. Another old Huron boy for many years active in jour­ nalism and politics in Saskatche­ wan, was — and is — Hon. Sam J. Latta, who has held various port­ folios in successive Liberal provin­ cial cabinets. Outside the realm of active poli­ tics, Hon. R. S, Robertson, the pres­ ent Chief Justice of Ontario, was a Huron boy. who brought distinction on his native county. In the civil service, Dr. R, H. Coate, chief sta­ tistician of Canada, is a native of Clinton, and Prof. C. Elf ord, once president of the World’s Poultry Congress and for many years asso­ ciated with the federal department of agriculture, is a native of mesville. James Street Mission Band Hol- CREDITON ‘SUqyvcv for iMfle-Elect About seventy-five neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport, Mon­ day evening last and completely 'surprised their daughter Mary to honor her on her approaching mar­ riage. games and contests and a short pro­ gram. gram a prettily decorated loaded with many lovely and useful gifts was drawn into the room by little Lorraine Pfaff and Barbara Wright and presented to the bride­ elect. Miss Doris Wright read the address and after the gifts were opened Mary thanked her friends and neighors with a few w/ell chosen words for their kindness of remein- ering her; Following is the address: Dear Mary: We, as friends and neighors liave gathered here tonight because Mar. 18th, 1940 instead of singing spring is around the corner it is whisper­ ing wedding bells are ringing and that it was you Mary who intends giving u‘i> single bliss and starting, your voyage on matrimonial sea. It’s not an unco strange affair, A very curious thing; That folks should run avowedly Into a loopit string. Nor how it comes no man can say, It never will be known. But just has always been that way And will be to the end. We know how you’ll be wife As ever yet was seen You’ll be a comfort of his You'll be Grant’s fairy We have met here tonight Mary, to assure you of our true regard for you, as friends and neighbors and to wish you every success in your new life. We are glad you will not be so far away that old ties need be en­ tirely severed, and hope you will not forget your old friends at Cred- iton, who wish God’s blessings on you both as you travel on life’s way. We ask you to accept these tok­ ens, of our regard for you and as they brighten your home may they make pleasant memories of your old friends. 'Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. The evening was spent in After the close of the pro­ wagon WINCHELSEA a bonnie life, queen blocked due of the past Johns visit- CANNELLS’ PURPLE KING Hugh John Mac- old chieftain, as under this new decisive victory Greenway died many In the days immediately before and immediately after Confedera- ion, Canadians took their politics seriously; hut nowhere did they take their politics more seriously than in Huron County. It was a county were Conservatives were Tories and Liberals were Grits, not merely during election campaigns but all the time. Doubtless this political intensity was an outgrowth of the predomin­ antly Scottish quality of the early settlers. Political principles were deep-rooted and political arguments were the expression of settled con­ victions. Huron, as bred public fought hard ors, but, political fields, inevitably won tinction. It is doubtful for example, if other Ontario county has the tinction of having produced provincial premiers. Huron has done just that. The first of the quartette was a man who, 50 years ago, played a big part in the development of the West and an even bigger part in breaking the stranglehold which the political arts of the unforgetable “John A” had gained for the Con­ servative party on federal politics. Thomas Greenway was a big fi­ gure in Huron political life even before he emigrated to Manitoba. In the late 70’s or early 80’s he served at least one term as an M.P. for one of the Hurons. Later he moved to Manitoba, where he em­ barked in provincial politics, be­ came provincial Liberal leader, and ultimately, premier. In the latter 80’s he fought, successfully, in the Legislature and the courts, to break the railroad monopoly in the prairie provinces. In the 90’s his govern­ ment abolished Separate Schools; thereby precipitating the contro­ versy between province and Domin­ ion which resulted in the Bowell Government’s Remedial Bill and Laurier’s victory in the federal elec­ tion of 18'9 6, Curiously, Greenway’s Govern­ ment in Manitoba was the first of the numerous provincial Liberal Governments to go down to defdai after 1896. The provincial Conser­ vatives chose Hon. Donald, son of the their leader; and leadership won a in 1900. years ago. Sackatchewan is indebted to Hur­ on County for two provincial prem­ iers. The first of these was Hon. William Melville Martin. His father was Rev. W. M. Marton B.D., of Exeter, and he received his High School education at Clinton. A graduate of Toronto University and Osgoode Hall. Martin went ’'west, practised his profession in Regina, was elected to the federal house in 1908, and later became provincial premier in succession to Hon. Wal­ ter Scott.. In 1919, he was seriously urged as federal Liberal leader. Subsequently he became a Supreme Court judge. Hon. James G. Gardiner, the “little giant” of later Saskatchewan politics, and today federal minister of agriculture and potential suc­ cessor to Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King in the federal leaders'hip, was Huron’s second contribution to the Saskatchewan premiership. Gardin­ er has experienced his political ups and downs — notably just prior to 1930 when, after a brief period as provincial premier in succession to Hon. Chas. A. Dunning, he went down to defeat before a combina­ tion led by Hon. J. T. M. Anderson. In the next election Gardiner scored an emphatic, comeback, the Liberals wiping out the entire Con­ servative membership and reducing the opposition to a handful of C.C.F. members. His transition to a fed­ eral portfolio followed as a matter of course when the Liberals came into power at Ottawa in 1935. The fourth, of the quartette Is the doughty Hon. William Aberhart who for the past five years has led, in Alberta, the first and so far the only Social Credit Government in the British Empire, or anywhere else. Aberhart hails from Seaforth and, however one may differ from his political views, there is no room for difference of opinion as to his power of persuasiveness as a speak­ er or his astuteness as a politician. Two men closely identified with nolifical struggles in the old con­ stituency of West Huron ultimately became lieutenant-governor in the West. In the 80’s and early 9O’s,f Malcolm Colin Cameron was an out­ standing member of the Liberal op­ position at Ottawa. Usually he had 'to ctTcl for liis t for Tio was a critic old Sir John was anx­ ious to retire to private life. In 1887, indeed, the late Robert Port­ er actually won West Huron for the Conservatives. Tn 1891 Cameron came back;, to defeat Porter; ohly to be unseated. For the ensuing by-election, the Conservatives nominated: Hon. J. C. Patersbh minister of Militia, who Mis-The regular meeting of the sion Band of James Street Church was held on Tuesday afternoon at four-fifteen with 36 children pres­ ent and 14 interested mothers and friends. The president, Dawson Goulding was in charge of the meet­ ing and the first number on the pro­ gram was the Opening song after which Donald Grant offered prayer. The Mission Band Purpose was re­ peated in unison after which min­ utes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mary Fletcher. Donald Grant read the Treasurer’s report and Dorothy, Myrtle and Ma­ xine Reeder sang sweetly “Beautiful Garden of Prayer.” The Scripture lesson was read by M. A. Horton, then all repeated the Mission Band Prayer. Janet Kestle piano instrumental which joyed by everyone present, usual charming Goulding , Donald Southcott, Billy Brintnell and Mac chorus “When He Mr. E. Grigg, returned missionary from Burma was the guest speaker and held the children spellbound for half an hour, while he told inter­ esting experiences of child-life in Burma. His story entitled “Pete No, 2” was the high light of inter­ est’, The Easter Thank-Offering amounted to almost seven dollars. Closing Easter hymn and prayer brought the meeting to a close. The roads are almost to the terrible storms week. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Routly of Elimville, Mrs. Freeman Horne spent Sun­ day with her mother Mrs. P. Whit­ lock, of Elimville. Mrs. jack Delbridge has return­ ed home from Exeter after attend- Mrs. McFalls, who is improving from her recent illness. Miss Easter Murch, Wilma Veal is Spending the holidays with Miss Marion of Elimville. KHIVA Miss manner Grant, Moise, Grant Cometh.” played a was en- In their Dawson Donald Donald sang in Rev. MR. AND MRS. W. J. WALKER. MARRIED FIFl’Y YEARS Mr. and Mrs. W.-J. Walker cele­ brated their 59th anniversary of their wedding on Monday evening last at their home here with their family attending. Mr. and. Mrs. Walker were married in Brussels on Mar. 26, 1890, by Rev. .S. Jonescand settled on a farm in Morris Town­ ship which they later disposed of and engaged in the furniture busi­ ness in Brussels. After spending a few years there they removed to Teeswater and in 1906 came to Seaforth where they have since re­ sided and conducted a furniture and undertaking business. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have a family of four children: Sam in TimminsMary in Ottawa; Grace (Mrs. Cameron) in Toronto and jack in business with his parents here.—Seaforth Expositor. MT.CARMEL DIES AT 'Crowley,Mary Amherstburg, ’engtliy illness. Ont. at NATIVE AMHERS'lTXTRG* 81, died March 15 th Born in Mt. she lived in West Miss her in after a Carmel, Lome for years before moving to Amherstbug in 1917. A sister, Mrs. Victor Schindler, resides in Thames* viile. Evelyn McCann, of Waliaee- burg,xis spending her tion with her parents, B. McCann. Mr. spent Ziler. Mr. Easter vaca- Mr. and Mrs. of Exeter,Gordon Miller, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stratford, with Mr. sp ending Fred Preeter, of is spending a few days and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Miss Leila Mossey is her Easter vacation at her home near St. Marys. Mrs. Victor Kraft spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Restemayer, of the 14th concession. CHISELHURST The monthly missionary meeting of the Y. P. U. was held recently and the meeting was in charge of Jean Wright and Harold Cudmore. The opening hymn was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in uni­ son. Russell Ferguson read the minutes of the last meeting. Next week will be our social1 meeting in charge Of R. Dalrymple, P. Wright, R. Venner and N. Chambers, After the next hymn an Easter responsive reading questions directed by Venner and Ruby Dalrymple the place of a topic. After the ing hymn the benediction was nounced. Jean took cl’os- pro- CREDITON EAST Mr. Jack Anderson, of London, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mrs. Mary Ann Wilier, of Sarnia, is visiting with her neice and ne­ phew, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sims. Miss Lois Hunter, of Exeter, spent a few days with her, aunt and uncle, Mrs. and Mr. Murray Neil. Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, spent a few days with her parents last week. Mrs. EH Lawson had the misfor­ tune to fall last week and was badly bruised and the ligaments of her back torn at d is confined to her bed. We wish h?.r a speedy recovery, A jolly time was spent on Monday afternoon when Mi4, and Mrs. Wm. Ollffe entertained -seven little r iris In honor of thei daughter Marlene’s seventh birthday, Marlene received some dainty gifts. TURNIP (RwUUj,) SEED C«W«*t Outrtanitlng Export end Tahir Rutabaga n>u,u I Ik ft,l THB FACIUGE O0NTAJN3 GENUINE CANNELLS’ PURPLE KING QtflMW ■’ ..... DOMINION SEED HOUSE CtOBprTOHy. pMTAiUQ PRESENTATION KO EK» Every Farmer an<J Gardener should have our big FREw 1940 Seed and Nursery’ Book. It includes full • information on the world famed Cannells’ Root Seeds for which we are sole North American distributors. Write today. DOMINION SEED HOUSE, Georgetown, Ontario sotQ in » cfnUINE CANHEfES? PdRPt On Wednesday evening week friends and neighbors of the second concession of Usborne gath­ ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Kerslake and presented Mrs. Chester Cornish (Dorothy Kerslake) with a miscellaneous shower of kitchen accessories. A prettily decorated basket was taken into the room by Misses Iva Fisher and Marie Heywood. The address was read by Miss Irene Sweet and Miss Blanch Whiting, Mrs. Cornish af­ ter opening the lovely gifts made a fitting reply. Then games and don- •tests were enjoyed. During the ev­ ening Miss Doris Westcott sang sev­ eral numbers and Mrs. Quinn gave a reading. Refreshments were serv­ ed. SHIPKA Owing tp blocked roads there was no church service Sunday last. Sun­ day school was as usual. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held Thursday, April 4 at the home of Mrs. J. Ratz. Miss Violet Sharpe, of Auburn, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwartzen- truber visited Sunday .with the lat­ ter’s father near Zurich. Quite a number from here at­ tended the sale of Mr. Sam Webb last Thursday. 14,743 VOTERS FARM SOLD Mr. Joseph line sold his a neighbor’s erich, cession 9, Hay Township.- Herald. Foster of the Babylon fine 100-acre farm to boy, Mr, Lome Ging- The farm being Lot 5, con- -Zurich Eligible voters in Huron-Perth total 14,742, as compared to 14,672 in 193'5. The preliminary list con­ tained 14,6 60 names and additions made course of the revision net of 82 names being lists. and changes during the resulted in a added to the When Louis Firpo, the Argentine fighter, came to the United States his press agent desirous of getting Firpo’s name on the front pages of the newspapers, arranged for Firpo and his manager to go to Washing­ ton where they called on President Calvin Coolidge. The Chief Executive shook the’ pugilist’s hand, remarking that Fir­ po was jutft the likely-looking man he had expected to see. The moving picture cameras clicked off a few yards of film for the news reels — thus the press agent obtained his publicity. After he was on asked his manager: little guy?” his way, Firpo "Who was that Jjs delicious meal! You have an old family “ * “What a surely must cook.” “Yes, she’s been with us more •than a month now!” o—0—0 Colored Sergeant: “If anything moves you shoot.” Ditto Sentry: “Yassuh, an’ if any­ thing shoots, I moves/' 'shiftin') is th Driver v the lever WHEN you VaCuum o£ Chevrolet s sOine. tlMl Tha‘ er cylindei .. • hidde11 to^atically supph^ HchautomaU effort d°/o of the s instead does the work h of making y .k yourself hi!n 1 It’ s standard equ»P- wheel. It Chevrolet ment on « _ ^tra cost. models, at O11 why And eye, W and You *°X chevroUt, buy a n today! Bros. & Co., Exeter Associate Dealers* , G. Koehler. Zurich; J. £. SorOwl Lucan