HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-28, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THCRSDAY, MARCH, 28lh, IMO
Coming to Hensal
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O, GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the, purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment*
Hold Missionary Meeting
The Young People’s Society of
Carmel Church held their Mission
ary meeting on Monday evening and
opened by singing a hymn. The
Scripture was read by Miss Mildred
Hackney and Rev. Mr. Weir led in
prayer. The devotional topic "Im
mortality - Easter” was very ably
given by Miss Sarah Manson. Mrs.
J. W. Bonthron and Miss Mabel
Workman favored with a vocal duet.
A hymn was sung followed by the
roll call. The topic on "Dr. Buch
anan and His Missionary Work” was
given by Mr, Alvin Kerslake, Kath
leen Bridgman, of St. Marys, then
favored with a solo. The meeting
closed by singing the theme song
"The Call of Christ” and the Lord’s
Prayer in unison.
at Centralia United Church
under the auspices of the W.A.
Supper from 5:30 to 8:00 p,m.
followed by a program of Ideal
Admission 35c and 20c
FOR SA|LE — Hensall: Brick
house, well built and located. In
good repair. Property of Mrs. M.
Eacrett. Now at very low price.-
V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter.
Union will
services on
of Clinton,
her mo-
Miss Kay Dobbs, of Toronto,
ited with friends here over
Mr. Robt. Drysdale accompanied
by friends spent the week-end in
Miss Grace Brock, of London,
visited over the holiday at her
home here.
Mrs. F. G. Weir returned home
after a pleasant visit with relatives
in Strathroy.
The Young People’s
hold their anniversary
Sunday, April 2,1st.
Miss Helen Rumball,
is spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam. Rennie.
Miss Joyce Scruton, of
spent the week-end with
ther, Mrs. A. Scruton.
Miss Jean Bonthron, of
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron.
Mr. Jas. Priest, of Port Huron,
visited on Sunday with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Priest.
Mr. Rae Patterson, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Tor
onto, spent Sunday with the form
er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon vis
ited over the holiday with the form
er’s mother, Mrs. Kate Cantelon.
Private Donald Walker, of Tor
onto, spent the week-pnd with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur prior and
family, of Stratford, visited over
the week-end with relatives here.
Mrs. Nichols, of Parkhill, spent
Easter with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K. Hicks.
Mr. Robert Passmore, of Toron
to, spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore.
Dr. Harry Joynt, of Byron and
Dr. Wm. Joynt of Brookville, spent
Easter with their mother, Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, Lon
don, spent the week-end at the home
of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James parkins.
Miss Hazel Thompson, of Parry
Sound, is spending the Easter holi
days with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Thompson.
Mr.? and Mrs. G. Gould, of Clin
ton, spent the week-end at the home
of the latter’s parents Mi1, and Mrs.
George Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Minor and dau
ghter Joanne, of Port Huron, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy MaoLaren.
Mr. Jack Murray and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hart and family, of
Detroit, spent Easter with the form
er’s sister, Miss Hannah Murray.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Weir return
ed home from Toronto, where Mr.
Weir was a delegate at the Young
People’s Convention held there.
Mr. Howard Hemphill, of Tor
onto, and Miss Mary Hemphill, of
London, spent the holiday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore
and daughter Anna and Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Passmore, of Delhi, vis
ited with Mr. an<L Mrs. John pass-
more on Sunday.
Mrs. A. J. Todd, who has been
spending the past week at the home
of the late Miss Mary MacGregor,
who passed away on Thursday, re
turned home on Monday.
. Rev. Wm. Weir conducted spec
ial Easter services in Carmel Pres
byterian church on Sunday, deliver
ing very fine discourses at both ser
vices. A ladies’ quartette compris
ing Mrs. McDougall, Misses Irene
Hoggarth, Mabel Workman and Mr.
W. A. MaoLaren sang "In the
Shadow of the Cross” at the morn
ing service and the choir sang the
anthems "Jesus Christ is Risen To
day” and "0 Saviour of the World.”
A male quartette "Death Cannot
Keep His Prey” was sung at the
evening service by Mr. Frank Bat-
tersby, Rev, Mr. Weir, Mr. James
BengoUgh and Mr. W. A. McLaren.
The choir sang two very appropriate
ist Miss
King at
"Declare His Glory”
Mabel Workman and
Thy Gates.”
Dies in Saskatoon
hereThe sad news was received
recently of the death of Mr, Peter
Douglas, of Saskatoon, Sask,, in his
61st year. The deceased visited h’s
relatives here and attended t.he Old
Boys’ Reunion in 1985. Surviv
ing are three brothers, George of
Hensall; William of Brucefield and
Robert of Kapuskasing and two
sisters Mrs. Marjorie Sparks, Hon-
sall and Mrs. Ed. McAsh, London.
W, C. T. U. Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.'C.T.U, was held in the United
Church on Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. Charles Jinks presiding over
the devotional part which opened
by singing a hymn and the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. The Scripture
was read by Mrs. Brooks. The De
votional paper "What is this W. C.
T. U.? was given by Mrs. Hedden.
The theme song "Spirit of the Liv
ing Christ” was sung and prayers
were offered by Mrs. Hedden, Mrs.
Lammie, Mrs. McQueen, Miss Jen
nie Murray. Mrs. Hedden favored
with a vocal solo accompanied on
the piano by Miss Irene Douglas.
Mrs. Jinks closed this part of the
meeting •with prayer. The president
Mrs. Geo. Hess presided over the
remainder of the program and Miss
Jennie Murray led in prayer and a
hymn sung. The minutes were read
and adopted and the roll called.
During the receiving of the offer1
ing Miss Irene Douglas played the
piano. Rev. John Richardson gave
a fine address on "Keeping Fit.”'
After singing a hymn the meeting
closed with the benediction.
XV.M.S. Easter Thank-Offering
The W. M. S. of Carmel Church
held their Easter Thank-Offering
meeting on Tuesday, March 19th
with Mrs. Wm. Weir presiding and
opened by singing a hymn followed
by the Lord’s Prayer-in unison. The
minutes were read and adopted and
the business discussed. The roll call
was answered with an Easter mes
sage. A period of worship was ded
icated to the late Mrs. Basil Ed
wards when Miss Lillian Fitton read
Psalm 104 and Mrs. Arnold led in
prayer. A hymn was sung. A tri
bute to the late Mrs. Edwards was
read by Mrs. John Dallas. A letter
of thanks for flowers sent the late
Mrs. Edwards by Mrs. J. W. Bon
thron. Mrs. Annie Logan read the
Bible lesson and Mrs. Manson led
in prayer. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron
sang a delightful solo. Rev. Wm.
Weil’ was the special speaker and
gave an excellent Easter message.
After singing a hymn Rev. Mr. Weir
pronounced the benediction.
Young People’s Union
The Young People’s Union of the
United Church held their Devotion
al meeting on Monday evening pre
sided over by Miss Ruth Brook and
opened by ginging a hymn. The
Scripture was read by Miss Gladys
Passmore and Rev. Mr. Brook led
in prayer. The roll was called and
the minutes read. Miss Cecilia Ste
phenson read^an Easter verse. Mrs.
Geo. Hess, Ruth Hess and Miss C.
Stephenson sang a trio accompanied
on the piano by Mr. Bob Hess. Mrs.
Geo. Hess ga ve, an Easter heading
and another hymn was sung.. A
delightful piano solo was played
by Miss Mary Goodwin. The topic
on “India’s Rural Millions” was
very ably given by Miss Norma
Cook and illustrated by souvenirs
anl pictures of India. Lantern slides
on "The British Navy” were shown
by Rev. Brook assisted by Bob Hess
and Howard Love. The meeting
closed with a hymn - and the bene
Rev. ,T. S. Henderson D.D. Passes
In British Columbia
.Rev. J. S. Henderson D.D., pass
ed away in the General Hospital at
Vancouver last week in his 82nd
year. Born in Newmarket, Ontario,
Dr. Henderson entered as a youth
Knox College, Toronto,. where he
studied the ministry. Upon his com
pletion there he was .appointed to
the Presbyterian Church at Mel
bourne and was ordained in 18183.
In 18(88 he was called to Carmel.
Church Hensall Where he preached !
for fifteen years and then he was
called to St. Andrew’s church, West
minster B.C. After ten years of ser
vice there Dr. Henderson was "called
to become secretary of social ser
vice. for the Presbyterian Church,
for the western provinces and upon
the death of Dr. Shearer,* he was
named secretary for the whole of
Canada. In 1918, St. Andrew’s
Church, Vancouver, called Dr. Hen
derson to’ be their minister. The
deceased visited friends here At the
Old Boys’ Reunion in 1935 and con
ducted morning service on the Sab
bath an the United Church and the
evening service in Carmel Presby
terian Church.
The Bate Miss Mdry MacGregor
One of Hensail’s oldest residents
passed away at her home here on
Thursday in the person of Miss
Mary MacGregor in her 86th year.
The deceased had been in failing
health for the past several months.
Born on the MacGregor homestead
second concession of Hay Towriship
Miss MacGregor spent all her life
there until coming to Hensall 29
years ago, where she has resided
ever since. Surviving is one sister
Mrs. Rumball, of Toronto. Funeral
service was held from her late home
on Saturday, conducted by Rev.
Wm. Weir pastor of Carmel Pres
byterian church, of which the de
ceased was a valued member. A
quartette comprising Misses Irene
Hoggarth, Mabel Workman, Messrs.
R. Y. MacLaren and James Ben-
gough sang "The Old Rugged
Cross”. The floral tributes were
very beautiful showing the esteem
with which the deceased was held.
Interment in Hensall Union ceme
tery. The pallbearers were Messrs.
Albert Geddes, Wm, Chapman, Da
vid Shirray, Basil Edwards, John
Passmore and Stewart McQueen.
Those attending the funeral from a
distance were Miss Wilkinson, of
Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Psal
Mrs. L. Mills, of Woodham, visit
ed during the past week with Mrs.
H. Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huxtable and
Marie, of Exetei\ were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith.
Miss Hamilton R.N., of Toronto,
was a guest with Rev. and Mrs.
Falconbridge while conducting the
Short Course classes in, Home Nurs
ing last week,
Mrs. Trueman Mills returned to
her home in Fort Erie last week.
Miss Hazel Watkins is spending
the Easter vacation at her home
near Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs, Rex. Mills and Mari
lyn were week-end visitors with Mrs.
H. Mills. Marilyn is remaining for
a week.
Mrs. C. O’Brien visited over the
weekend with her daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Mugan, of London.
Mrs! E. Thompson and family and
Mr, S. Davis, of London, where
week-end visitors with Mrs. Parsons
and Mrs. Kershaw.
Mr. Fred Baynham, of London,
spent the week-end with his parents.
Mr. and. Mrs. George Baynham.
Miss Dorothy Hicks, of London
and Mildred Hicks, of Thedford,
spent the Easter holidays with their
mother Mrs. B. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of
London, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham.
Short Courses Big Success
on Vet-
in the
and Mr. Herb Nichol, London.
Guaranteed Used Radios
$5.00 to $20.00
W. J. Smith & Son
Dress, Up Your
0--0--0 ’
Masonite Tile Board or Plain
Masonite Board Makes a Modern
Easily Cleaned
Ask for Samples
Free Estimates
Lumber Company
Phone 48, Exeter
What a March ! !
Miss Beth Ballantyne was taken
to hospital in London by ambulance
Saturday afternoon. An operation
was performed at midnight.
Master R. Gollings is spending
Easter week with hi& sister, Mrs.
With stormy weather, and full
roads, no mail, the radio has held
more than usual interest. Post
ponement and cancellation has been
the fate of many gatherings and
Despite the inclemency
weather the Short Course
held here last week were
attended. The men’s course
erinary Science was held
schoolroom on Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday evenings. The
opening exercises were presided over
by Mrs. Fi’ed Penwarden president
of the Home and School Club spon
sors of the course. An addressOof
welcome was’ given by Rev. Mr.
Falconbridge. The-chairman, Mr. E.
Beaver then took charge of the
meeting. Short addresses were given
by Mr. A. McCann, Reeve of Ste
phen Township; Mr. Roy Ratz, De
puty Reeve and Mr. Shearer, of
Clinton our Agricultural Represent
ative. Dr. McIntosh O.V.C. of the
O.A.C., Guelph was the speaker. The
Wednesday evening class was in
charge of Dr. McIntosh assisted by
Dr. Steiner, of Exeter. On Thursday
evening Dr. Campbell, of Hensall,
was in charge of the class.
The course for the ladies in Home
Nursing was held in the schoolroom
of the church. The opening of the
class was presided over by Mrs. R.
Smith, 1st vice-president of the
Home and School Club, who intro
duced Miss Hamilton R.N., of Tor
onto, instructress for the three
evenings. Short addresses were
given by Mrs. A. Webb, Huron Coun
cil President of Home and School
Clubs and by Mrs. A. Gaiser presi
dent of the £>hipka Home and
School Club. On Thursday evening
the men’s class and the ladies’ class
met in the schoolroom of the church
for the closing of the codrse. 1
Penwarden was in the chair
short addresses were given by ]
Hamilton, Dr. Campbell and
Shearer. The meeting closed
singing "God Save the King.”
We take this opportunity of
pressing our appreciation to
Homfe and School Club for bringing
us this very interesting and instruc
tive course.
Always Bring
Highest Market
Relatives here received word on
Monday from Mr. Lloyd Bell that
‘he has arrived in Vancouver where
he is training with the R.C.A.F, He
was delighted with the scenery en
route and enjoyed the trip very
Miss Leola Johns, of Toronto,
spent a few days with her mother
here during Easter week.
, We are sorry to report that Mr.
Robt. Woods is confined to his bed
as the result of a nasty fall. His
friends sincerely hope that there is
no permanent injury and that the
old gentleman will, 'soon be around
Miss Mary Johns, of Watford,
spent the week-end with 'her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes.
Cpl. W. H. Dickey, of
Regiment Stratford, is
two weeks leave here.
The service held here
day night of last week was attended
by about two dozen people but the
inclemency of the weather was a
good reason for no more being pres
ent. About fifty were present on
Sund'ay afternoon at Sunday School
and the evening’s service was can
celled. Words fail to describe
condition of the roads.
The W. M. S. meeting was
held last week on account of
The W. A. are sponsoring a play
entitled "Eyes of Love” to
sented by Kirkton United
young people in the church
Friday evening March 29.
the Perth
on Thurs-
Rev. Father Sullivan, of Toron
to, spent the week-end. with his
brother Mr. P. Sullivan.
•M'iss Madeline Glavin ,of Colgan,
is spending the Easter holidays at
her home here.
Miss Mary Ry-An, of Chatham, is
spending the holidays with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs, Michael Ryan.
Mr. Herb Hartman spent Thurs
day in London.
Miss Lorraine Glavin, of Kitchen
er, spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Joe Carey.
Miss Rita Dietrich, of Chatham,
is spending the’Easter holidays with
her mother, Mrs, N. Dietrich.
Mr. Benny Morrissey spent a very
pleasant week with the Hennesseys
in spite of the fact that the rouds
have been completely blocked ex
cept from Exeter to London.
be pre
here on
A-l Baby Chicks for 29 years.
Hybrids , White Leghorn - Barred
Rock Cross and White Leghorns 9c
Barred Rocks and New Hampshires
",nd Brown Leghorns 10c, White
■t.ocks and Black Giants 11c. Phone
Granton, Ont.
Kenneth Lions,
staff spent the
Exeter, is
her home
week-end in
the local
Rodney Bowman left Satur
The Election is Over
Telfer, of London,
the week-end at her home
Arnold Robertson and Miss
Beaver, of London, spent the
Miss Hazel Woodall,
spending the holidays
day for London where he has been
engaged as a Grey Hound bus driv
Mr. Martin Morlock, of Sarnia,
spent a few days with his parents
•Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlock.
Miss Helen
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Beaver.
Miss Lulu Morlock of Windsor,
is spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mor-
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held April
1st at 8 p.m. Dr. Taylor, Dashwood,
will be the speaker for the evening.
All members please bring your quilt
Messrs. Kenneth Lillow and Ger
ald England and Mrs. Lloyd Eng
land motored to Sarnia on Tuesday.
An Easter program was given in
the United Church Sunday School
last Sunday. A recitation was given
by Patty Chambers, an Easter song
by Donald Misener and Orland Tay
lor, a song by Mary Chambers’ class
The story of Easter was
of girls,
given by Ted Wright. A duet
given by Phyllis and Edith Hill and
a duet by Mrs. Lawrence Swartz and
Mrs. Baker. Mr. Trevethick’s class
of men gave a number and the pan
tomine, "The Old Rugged Cross”
was acted by Helen Bullock.
Twenty-four members and teach
ers of the first and senior rooms of
the Crediton public school were
guests recently at a well-planned
social evening of Bryce and Evaline
Mack. The evening was spent in
games and contests in which the
spirit of St.
Mr. and Mrs.
the evening’s
was served at
ed a very enjoyable evening.
A very effective Easter program
was presented last Sunday at the
Evangelical Sunday School. The pro
gram included a recitation by Ed
ward Schenk; Scripture, Pilot’s
class; prayer, Ella Morlock; reci
tation, Marion Drown; chorus, Mrs.
Ewald’s class; recitation, Doris
Schwartz; exercise, Victor’s class;
pantomine by Norma Finkbeiner,
Ilene Fahrner, Nola Faist, Ella Mor-
lock and Mrs. Freeman Morlock;
recitation, Frederick Wuerth.
Patrick was present.
Mack had charge of
entertainment and
An excellent lunch
midnight. All report-
Easter Service
'Special Easter services were held
in the United Church on Sunday
and in spite of poor road conditions,
a good crowd was present at the ev
ening service. Rev. Mr. Turner
preached a very helpful sermon,
choosing as liis subject "The Jour
ney to Emmaus” and also sang a
much appreciated solo "Open the
Gates of pie Temple” the choir
contributed an anthem "Where,
Death Thy Sting” 'Mrs. F. W.
Clark and the Lamport family were
responsible for a beautiful Easter
lily and a lovely display of spring
flowers that adorned the
Folio-wing the service the
of the choir visited the
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark
many favorite Easter hymn and an
thems. Mrs. Clark, who has been
a faithful life-long member of the
choir and who is convalescing from
a long illness greatly aprfeciated this
gesture by the choir. Dainty re
freshments were served and all'
wished Mrs. Clark continued restor
ation to health.
home of
and sang
Amos - Lamport
The home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ezra
(Lamport was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Friday, March 22nd
when their daughter Mary Elizabeth
became the bride of Linwood Grant
Amos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Linwood
Amos, of Brinsley. The -ceremony
was conducted by Rev. Mr. Turner.
The bride looked lovely in a street
length dress of blue crepe and car
of pink sweet peas,
was supported by his brother Owen
Amos. After the ceremony a wed
ding dinner was served to immed
iate relatives of the bride and
groom. The happy couple left on
a honeymoon trip to Detroit and
Lansing, Mich, on their return they
will reside on the groom’s farm in
McGillivray Township.
a bouquet of spring flowers
with white baby ribbon. She
attended by her sister Elva
wore a crepe dress of garden
and carried a colonial bouquet
The groom
Miss Willa Carruthers visited in
London for a few days with -her sister, Ms. Willis Hotson. ■»„ ” *
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love, -Lot/
don, visited on Sunday with Mr. ahd
Mrs. Ross Lbve.
Mr. and Mrs. E.
called on Mr, and
over the week-end.
Mrs. J. Matcheson, of London,
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Joseph Hickey.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keyes, of
Windsor, were week-end visitors at
the latter’s home here.
Oliver, .Detroit,
Mrs. J. Ridley*
Our 1937, 1938, 1939 Forels, Chevrolets, Plymouth? arid
Dodges are all R. & G. Cars, Renewed and Guaranteed
100 per cent satisfaction or all of your money back.
with Heater. This car is guaranteed like a new car
ONLY $875.00
near to New Car Condition you would have to see it
appreciate the condition
ONLY $795.00
so to
only 9,000 miles. See this beauty and
PRICED AT $775.00
the Original Paint, Upholstery and Tires are Like New
More than 40 Good Used Cars worth mote than $14,000.00
1 1 f
• Give your hogs the “Sunshine Vitamins” that come in every bag of Roe
Wondergrow Hog Concentrate—and watch them make‘‘summertime”
gains all winter long! By mixing this rich money-saving, time-saving.
Concentrate with your own grains, you save up to 400 pounds of grain per
pig. You get premium pork to market faster. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer-
There were <no/church services in
either the United church or St.
Marys church on/ Sunday due to the
bad roads.
We extend co/igratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Grant
ried on Good
Harvey Le
from Toronto
ter spending a
to with his t-
Emerson Hamilton spent the week
end at the ho^he of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hehry Hamilton. He re
sides in Toronto.
Miss Robertson and Miss McjLeod
are spending the holidays at their
respective homes in Ripley and AiL
sa Craig.
mos who were mar-
is returned home
hursday evening af-
few days in Toron
to sisters.
Tested Breeders
$10.00 per Hundred
Parkhill Grain Elevator
Seed Cieaning, Grain, Seed Grain
II ■
Cleaned, Graded and bags free
leaned, Graded and bags free .........
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lCIeane3/Grnaed And bags free
Cleaned, Graded and bags free ...........
* »AAL»
. $1.10
per bus.
per bus.