HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-28, Page 3l 7 7B nd 4 ’ 7 L A. z •'5?% * ,%■ A healthy, hungry, fast-growing chick eats only 2 pounds of Roe Vitafood Chick Starter in its first 6 weeks! Why take any chances with your 1940 chicks, when so little of this complete, farm-proven feed will ensure life and vigor? It’s made fresh daily—is always fresh : when you get it. I Give your baby chicks Roe Vita- food Chick Starter, the tested' food which means so much to their fast growth, future health and egg-laying ability. See your Roe Feeds dealer next time you’re in town, Ask for the free Roe booklet on raising chicks for profit. CHICK "'STARTERCHICK Sold by: J. A. TRAQUAIR, Exeter W. R. DAVIDSON/ HensaH HAROLD KELLERMAN/ Dashwood VltAMIZED FOR • heaqh-\:.farm; RROVErt FOR > •^RESULTS ■ French-Morley A pretty wedding took place at Centralia parsonage when Rev. John Falconbvidge united in mar­ riage Mary Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Morley and William Harlow French son of Mr. French, both was lively in street-length Of sweetheart roses and fern. She was attended by her sister, Miss Jean Morley, who wore a turquoise blue alpacca dress with matching accessories. Gerald Hern attended the groom. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride’s parents where a wed­ ding supper was served by Misses Jessie Finlayson and Maida Morley, with 17 guests present. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Will French left by motor to spend their honey­ moon in Detroit, the bride travel­ ing in a green printed dress, green boucle coat with Persian lamb trim­ ming and matching accessories. • On \heir return they Will reside on groom’s farm at Whalen. ., youngest and Mrs. Edward K. of Whalen. The bride a royal blue silk crepe dress with a bouquet the Mr. Jones (viewing Niagara) — “What a stupendous sight!” Mi’s. Jones: ‘Robert, are you sure you turned off the water in the bath room before we left home?” Many a Romance The lives of many young people are made miserable by the breaking out of pimples on the face, The trouble is not so much physi­ cal pain, but it is the mental suffer­ ing caused by the embarrassing dis­ figurement of the face which vCry often makes the sufferer ashamed to go out in company. Tho quickest way to get rid of pimples is to imp’ove the general health by a thorough cleansing of the blood of its impurities. Burdock 'Blood Ritters cleanses and purifies the blood —Get rid Of your pimples by taking B.B.B. The T. Milbum Co., Ltd., Toronto, Oat. J. A. Carroll Speaks at Horticultural 50 YEARS AGO Convention Following are the opening ahd closing remarks of the Superinten­ dent Mr- J. A. Carroll at the 34th Annual Convention of the Ontario Horticultural Association in Toron­ to last week. When a state of war was declared all thinking citizens, particularly organization officers, anayzed their positions immediately and contem­ plated changes by which greater service might be given to the Nation and to the Empire, due to the re­ percussions of the war. Thoughts turned at once to efficiency in those activities which might be expected to make the greatest contribution to the war effort. We naturally pondered whether beautification in its various forms, might be left in abeyance, or decreased somewhat, during the war period. The last Great War 1914-191i8, or should be say the first part of the saipe war, may serve as a guide. The figures show there was an increase of 70 per cent, in the num­ ver of Societies; the total member­ ship was more than doubled, and the expenditure for horticultural purposes was multiplied by three-. This may be taken as evidence that in trying times people require a hobby which affords recreation and spiritual rest. We may, therefore, proceed on the assurance that Hor­ ticultural Society ^activities are fully warranted and a well planned pro­ gram should be promoted with more euthusiasm than in times of peace, Dark days may lie ahead of us, particularly those in public office must be on the alert for opportun­ ities to serve. Let each do his part so that in Canada we may continue to plant trees and shrubs in the as­ surance that they are not likely to be uprooted by bomb oi’ shell, or trampled by the feet of ies. left Saturday where he will left Monday March 27, 1890 Mr, Andrews Sr., morning for Goderich reside in future. Mr. David Tate, morning for St. Marys, where he has secured a position with the A. Beattie &, Co. Mr. John Ran ton, of Winnipeg-, formerly of Exeter is renewing ac­ quaintances. On Wednesday evening March 19 the checker club met as usual with Messrs. Prouty and Oke chosing sides: Results, C. Prouty 2; Terry 3 Hotham total 14. Jacques total 14. 3; Mills 4; Hyndman T. Oke 3; M. Eacrett 3; Levett 2; Walters 25 YEARS AGO March 25, 1915 Mr. Henry Siemons has returned to Semans, Sask, after visiting with relatives at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clemens, of Zurich have moved onto their farm on the Bronson Line recently pur­ chased from Mr. Simon Deitz. Mr, Jack Chittick, of the Bank of Commerce staff, has been trans­ ferred to the Branch at Lindsay and Mr, Bert Gillies who has been sta­ tioned at Lindsay has been trans­ ferred here. Mr. John F. Krueger, of the 14th concession of 50-acre farm jardine. Mr. in Exeter. Mr. J. acre farm Mr. Ed. in Rainey 15 FALLIS — RACEY K. alien arm- solemnized church, in A quiet wedding was a.t St. James’ Anglican Parkhill by Rev. F. L. Lewin, when Patricia Mary, daughter of Mrs. N- Racey, became the bride of Claude Elgin ‘Fallis, sou of Mrs. W. B. Fal­ lis, of Ontario, Cal, The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle, D. B. Cameron, wore a street-length dress of powder blue, matching hat with shoulder-length veil and cor­ sage of sweetheart roses. A recep­ tion was held at the home of the bride’s grandparents, Mr. dud Mrs. Fred T. Zaphe. After a honeymoon spent in Ottawa and Montreal, and Mrs. Fallis will reside in Forest. KENSIT — THOMSON 1 Mr. Mt. on in of Denfield, to Cyril Kensit, A. F., Trenton, son of Mr. and Walter Kensit, London. Rev. The bride suit with corsage of sweetpeas, was the Farr officiated, an air force blue The wedding was solemnized Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock St. David’s Anglican church, London of Rosene .Caroline Thomson, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thom­ son, R. C. Mrs. Bev. wore white accessories and a sweetheart roses and The pretty bridesmaid bride’s sister, Miss'Helen Thomson, Denfield, who ware a rust dress, accessories to match and a corsage of yellow roses. The best man was the brother of the groom, Leonard Kensit, of London. A reception was Jield at the home of the groom’s parents. They will reside in Dart­ mouth, N. S. HURON FARMERS MEET The United' Farmers Co-Operative of Huron held their annual meeting in the Hensail town hall with a splendid attendance present. Ad­ dressing the gathering were Mr. Newland and Mr. McKerracher, of the United Farmers Co-Operative of Toronto. During the meeting a con­ siderable number of shares of the company were sold. Albert Hend- rich of Zurich, was appointed presi­ dent and Mr. Andrew Bell, Kippen, secretary, and the board of direct­ ors, appointed includes Albert Hend­ rick, A. B. Bell, J. C. Bell, Kippen; John Armstrong, Zurich; William Alexander, .Hensail; Bert Klopp, Zurich and Blake Horner. of The Huron County Junior Association of Toronto Entertains Again The Huron (bounty Junior Asso­ ciation is holding a dance and cards at Malloney’s Art Gallery at 66 Grenville street jm Thursday, April 4th. This is a* splendid place for card parties and dancing. A large crowd is expected to this spring get-together and a very so­ ciable time is assured. The Associa­ tion is a success in keepng Huron people in touch with one another. All Huron people vlsitin’g or living in Toronto are invited,. Fon further particulars call the secretary, Miss' Jessie Archibald, at MI 5693, THURSDAY, MARCH, W>», 1H0THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE LETTER BOX 2; 3; 3; certainly should though. Up to present time we haven’t found what army life is. Comparing treatment with the treatment chaps had in the last scrap 1 The following letter has been re­ ceived by Mr. 'Ted Pooley, head of the Canadian ILegion Branches for this ness Zone, from Pte. Laverne Har­ in England. Stephen, has sold his to Mr. Wilfred Des­ Krueger will reside Ehlers sold his 150- last week to John Wein. Sanders left for his home River Monday. YEARS AGO March 2®, 1925 ofMr. and Mrs. William Davis, ■Saintsbury, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday, March 17 th. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Short, who have spent the winter at San Diega, Calif, are expected home this week. Mr. O. C. Ward, who has been a resident of Exeter for a number of years and bookkeeper for the Exeter Canning and Preserving Co. and continuing with the Canadian Canners has resigned his position and will move to London where he has secured another position. Friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. Fred White, of Centralia and made him a presen­ tation prior to their departure "for Newark N. J. On Saturday afternoon at I-Iensall Mr. Geiger bought, the house .and lot of Miss McTaggart at the sale. Miss McTaggart intends leaving shortly for the West where she will make her home. Mr. Hamblyn, cutter for the S. M. Sanders Manufacturing Co., has rented a part of Mrs. Thos. Brock’s residence on Huron street. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perrett, who have been residing in London are moving back to town this week. A9502 Pte. I. L. Harness Serial 48, H Section Army Base Post Office Canada Somewhere in England Dear Comrade Pooley: Received your most welcome let­ ter last night and certainly was glad to hear from yon. The other three boys are well at present and seem to be enjoying life very much. We the out our you think we really have been fortunate. Instead of canvas and rain, boards to lay on and not such good food, we are| getting the best. We have heated quarters “steam heated”, cots with springs and mattresses, lockers for our clothes and equip­ ment, four blankets each, electric lights and even a radio in every sec­ tion room. Of course we have to rent our own radio but it costs each of us only three pence a week. Even then some fellows kick. It makes me smile to think how much some of them are going to learn when we hit France. We certainly can’t ex­ pect to get the comforts over there that we have here. Personally I never had as soft a job as I have had up to the present. I realize it will be different later on I know but I think we have had a real snap so far. The folks here have certain­ ly made us welcome. We could not have had better treatment anywhere The climate got the best of most of us at first but we seem to have got the best of it now. Shortly after we arrived here there was an aver­ age of about parade every and a spoon back to duty, have been pretty sick of the sight of us. But we all seem to have got past that stage of the game now. I know when we get back you fellows will have four members for the Branch. All the boys are real interested in the progress of the branch. I certainly wish all you comrades the best of luck in all your undertakings. I hope all’ your bingo*, dances, e^tc. are a huge fi­ nancial success. I bet you are all a busy crowd. What with the Lions, Red Cross, etc., it must be a lot harder to raise funds too. My address at top of duration. How are all the branch. Give each best regards. I would A foot of snow is called a heavy fall. So far the weather has not been much below freezing but they think it is a terrible winter. He had read in the Times-Advocate that Exeter had had some severe weather FALLS IN PATH OF CAR PARKHIDL GIRL INJURED FIRE THREATENS BOSHART FACTORY McGillivray council Council met pursuant to adjourn­ ment. All members present. The minutes of previous meeting were read and signed. Thomson—Hodgins — That fol­ lowing accounts be paid viz:—Hy­ dro account $7.32; (Lucan. Sun, dog books $2.2.5; Prov. Treas., insulin patients, $14.64. Hodgins — Thomson — Resolved that the Township Council require all persons wishing to use the Twp. Hall for presentations pay the Treasurer in advance and the Treas­ urer will give said person or per­ sons order to present to the janitor who will then open the hall.— Car. Young—Cunningham — That we authorize the Treasurer to purchase the new system for keejing accounts Carried. Hodgins—Thomson —• That the Township Council attend the Good Roads 'Convention in. London on March 15th, 1940. Each man to receive Council pay and mileage.. Thomson—Morley — That the Council authorize the Road Super­ intendent to order timber from Coultis^fe Son for bridge over Pete Seebe River and small bridge over Canada Co. drain re outlet at Haig Farms—Carried. Morley—Thomson — Be it resol­ ved that James G^romette and Sim Ireland tenders for 7* cents per cubic yard mile for loading and hauling gravel on the Township roads be accepted and that they are required to carry compensation on all trucks and men in their em­ ploy and that they give a marked check for $200.00. Work to be done; under direction and supervision of Road Superintendent and gravel loaded from crusher to be hauled at IS cents less cost.—Carried. The Council then adjotirned meet on Saturday, the 6th day April, 1940, at one o’clock p.m. Town Hall, West McGillivray. Oliver Amps, Clerk to of at First it’s “too cold”-—- Ahd then “it’s too hot”-— Which ever it Is v We wish it were not! one hundred on sick morning. Two pills of cough syrup and I guess the M.O. must HIBBERT COUP J JI CELEBRATE 20TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred H. Carbert, Staffa, was the scene of a happy gathering on the evening of March 12, when friends and neighbors to the number of 135 assembled to celebrate and congrat­ ulate them in their 20th wedding anniversary of their wedding. They were presented with a number of beautiful and costly gifts. A very refreshing lunch was served by the ladies. The evening was spent in dancing and playing cards. Music was supplied by Lois Williams, Al­ vin Kemp and Nelson Kahle on the piano, Howard Pinder on the vio­ lin and Robert Carbert on the vio­ lin and saxaphone. way the ear She PARKHILL —- Della Jean, six- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Addison Baird, while on her home from school slipped on icy pavement in the path of a driven by Leslie Hutchinson, was picked up by Leonard Pierce and taken to the office of Dr. W. J. Mooney, where it was discovered she was suffering from minor cuts about the face which required stit­ ches. The amount of snow which had fallen on the street during the day although a menace to motorists’, and which disrupted mail service in the rural areas, probably saved Della Jean from more serious in­ juries. As it was, sue fell directly beneath the car, missing the wheels completely. Editor: “I accept only work from Authors with well-known names.” Author: Jones.” A blaze in the Boshart furniture factory on South Main street was quickly extinguished by the fire bri­ gade on Monday evening shortly after 8 o’clock. Fire »was discov­ ered in the boiler room behind the boiler and alarm Little damage was done. < its early discovery prevented a •astrous fire.—Seaforth News. was turned in. Only , dis- The rue test of ability is to applause from people who do like us. TkeJue u> no tefcucco WST win not OLD CHUM letter is for the boys in and all my like to be there for an hour or two and trim Arthur and Earl. Parsons in a game of one and eight. You fellows can depend on us lads to do our very best to carry on where you left off. You chaps certainly set a high mark for us to shoot at but we are going to do our dead best to keep up your fine record. It is a pretty stiff mark to try to equal but we are going to make a big shot at it anyhow. One thing I am aw­ fully glad about is that we are get­ ting our own truck to drive in France. We have been getting h> struction on Austin trucks blit they seem to lack the power. We have all ‘Chevrolet trucks and V 8 now. What a difference. Jakie I were up to the Legion Branch night and the chaps welcome. Played a snooker and darts, crowd of comrades, we were welcome anytime and also told us to tell all the others to come also. Give my best regards to anyone you see that I know. We sure will vote the right way Ted. I sure won’t be satisfied to come home un­ til Hitlerism is smashed so bad it will never start again. In closing I ask you to give my best regards and wishes to all the Comrades and the best of luck to the Legion and all its good work. Yours sincerely, Comrade V. Harness Somewhere in Blighty made us few games of A real nice They told us ** Mrs. R. Kydd, of Usborne, has received a letter from Pte Verne Harness who is now overseas. Pte- Harness said that they arrived in Scotland on December 18th, after a wonderful trip across. The water was calm all the way, with not more than a dozen men sick, and . he never lost a meal. They had eight battleships and cruisers escort them half-way across. By the time they arrived they were escorted by 23 plane carriers, battleships and cruis­ ers. Not a bad convoy for five troop ships. Hitler didn’t have much chance to get many of us. They landed in Scotland and went across country by rail to their pres­ ent situation. They have learned map readifig, compass reading, truck driving, road signs and everyone has to be able to ride a motorcycle. When the troops are inspected all have fresh haircuts, shining buttons and shoes, everything spick and span. They hav' very nice quar­ ters now which are called huts and hold 25 men and, are- steam heated. The English call them spiders. Pte. Harness says the people amuse him 'where the weather is concerned. When they have a little show they think they are having a bad time. My name CT-43B 1-TON PANEL DELIVERY—Featuring high-quality Chevrolet-built body for style with durability. All-Steti construction. 1-TON PICK-UP DELIVERY—Unusually large load space provides truck capacity with delivery car speed and economy. Three-man cab. TRUCK OPERATORS are flock- ing to see and buy these new Chevrolet 1-Tonners. Because here’s the ideal answer to their own demand for a truck of medium capacity that compares with the lightest trucks in low price—low operating costs—and low upkeep. See the new 1-Ton Pick- Up and Panel Models. See how read­ ily the Chassis and Cab will mount your own particular type of body. Come in and get a demonstration oi these new 1-Ton Chevrolets that star in extra capacity, extra savings and extra long life. 1-TON CHASSIS AND CAB Tailored ■ to-measure for mounting all pop­ ular body styles. With stake body, as illus­ trated, becomes the ideal truck for all- atound service with lowest costs. Exeter Associate Dealers1 G. Koehler, Zi 'ich:J. & Sorowl. Lucan