HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-28, Page 2THURSDAY, MARCH, 28th, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
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Blended For Quality
“MARK 1702
by Eardley Beswick
neat,” re-
see if there’s
“Neat, exceedingly
marked his companion
“Come on, we’d better
anything we can do.”
They crossed the verge and scramb
led across a ditch and through the
torn gap between the elms, “Keep
your finger on the trigger, Geoff,
and fire at the first movement,”
Cope said loudly as soon as they
reached the field beyond,
He wondered what on earth the
fellow was talking about and uo
one could possibly know that better
than Johnny Cope. However,
was too bewildered, too stirred
the thought of what must lie
front across some fifty yards
crumbling plough, to remonstrate.
The only effect of the instruction
was perhaps to make him move a
little more careful, to keep
senses alert. Perhaps that
what !Cope had intended.
Within fifty yards they came
on a bent and tangled mass of
■chanism that had once been a
torch over it. Cur-
was swathed with
tarpaulin. “Driver
Cope murmured.
morning, and did it jolly well, too,
for I heard every word of it. He was
inclined to pull a gun a hit too
readily - never ought to have been
trusted with one really, too .quick
in his reactions when he was fright
ened — but he was no worse than
the rest of his kind, I suppose. The
car in front’d be Morganthau’s. 1
recognized it. That was what gave
me the clue to the meaning of the
initials M-0, ‘My lead,’ he said,
That meant we were to follow him,
but he added ‘Follow suit’ to make
it clearer, ’When in doubt, bear
right,’ indicates that he was fully
in touch with the plans of the op
position. I confess the meaning of
that did not fully occur to me until
it was almost too late. That’s the
best of giving a leading car plenty
of wake. If anything happens you
have time to think before you’re in
to him. Poor
hadn't allowed
which to think,
ter of fifty yards
eighty. And Morganthau’s
sailing on, satisfied we’re safe, even
if we did"stop to ascertain what the
bather was about. I told you he'd
do his damnedest to keep us out of
harm, particularly when he was re
assured that we were really bound
foi’ Croydon en route for Geneva
and the Poisson d’Or in the morn
ing. Ah, well, I’m afraid we must
make the excuse
were to upset
“But how did
can understand
ing .quick enough to take the bend,
but I can’t figure out what happen
ed to that fork road.”
“There never was any fork road,
my dear chap. There was just a
bend with two largish elm trees
about a road’s width apart, in the
hedge at the start of it. Between
the elms was a rick sheet that had
been pulled up when our headlights
were signalled. It draped the verge
to the roadside and, being about
the same colour as the road itself,
looked, in headlights, and to any
one travelling at our speed, exactly
like another road going straight
on between trees and dipping a mile
away over a crest of a hill. I’ve
known a haystack play the same
trick, and many a car has run off
the road at night because of some
thing of the kind, or charged a
stuccoed wall,
Cope flashed his
iously enough it
ragged pieces of
thrown out,”
“Come along.”
About another fifty yards on they
found a crumpled body. Cope bent
over it and raised it gently. Above
the almost fleshless face there was
fair hair almost unruffled, the
comb-marks still clear in its well-
greased, rounded surface, and along
one side an exquisitely perfect part
Illusion Explained
“Pamphlett,” pronounced
but his companion, who had
seen the man in life, turned his
face from the ghastly sight. He
wanted for the moment nothing
more than to vomit.
He was roused by Cope saying re
proachfully, “Here, give me a hand
with him, Geoffery man. There’s
isn’t much we can do and it won’t
be healthy for us to stay here much
longer. The poor devil’s nearly
passed out anyway. All that possibly
remains is to ease his passing.”
So he nerved himself to kneel and
support the faceless head whose
hair was still so immaculate while
Cope brought out his hypodermic
set and proceeded to make a rapid
injection in one of tlxe limp arms.
The pale eyelashes flickered in
the light of the torch, a breath like
a sigh came from the ghastly mouth,
and for a moment Mr. Phamphlett
seemed to cringe a little as if grate
fully towards Hendringham’s sup
porting arms.
“You can lay him down,” said
Cope. “He’ll never feel pain again.
We ought to be getting out of this.”
They made their way back across
the hard furrows and at the hedge
Cope paused to shine his torch back.
Almost as the limit of its illumina
tion Hendringham saw what looked
like two shadowy figures diverging
from the light.
“You look after the rear, Geoff.
I’ll take care of everything in front,'
Cope said loudly and added, “Be
as quick as you like on the draw.
You'll only be killing vermin.” He
flashed his torch at the boles of the
trees before he jumped the ditch.
Hendringham followed him and was
relieved to find the big car standing
where they had left it, its headlight
still making a blaze along the road
that had bent to the right.
Immediately Cope switched off
all lights and in the darkness man
oeuvred the long body about, A
Shot rang out from the field behind
them and whined harmlessly into
the blackness beyond. There was an
other shot equally ineffective and
then they were once more running
smoothly back along the road they
had come. Presently Cope switch
ed oh his headlights again and ac
celerated to a comfortable forty-
five. They* ran in silence for a mile!
or two and then Cope began to talk j
in a strangely subdued voice, for i
him. l“That was poor little Pamphlett, j
the fellow I told you about who im
personated me to Miss Silvane this
Chest Wheezing
Means Bronchitis
The principal symptom Of bron
chitis is a dry, harsh, hacking cough
accompanied with a tepid wheezing
and. feeling of tightness across the
There is a rising of phlegm, espe
cially in the morning. This phlegm
is at first of a light color, but as
the disease progresses becomes yel
lowish or greenish, and is sometimes
streaked With blood,
You will find in Dr. Wood’s Nor
way Pine Syrup a remedy to Stimu
late the weakened bronchial ofgans,
subdue the inflammation, soothe the
irritated parts, loosen the phlegm
find mucus, and help nature to easily
dislodge the morbid accumulation,
The T. MlibUtn Co., LU., Toronto, Ont
little Pamphlett
himself room in
After all, a inat-
is soon covered at
that our nerves
the accident to
happen, really. I
Pamphlett not be-
and the accident
regarded as inexplicable.”
Cope said: “Midnight already, Time
is slipping, as the poet puts it,
underneath our feet. Better get you
back on the job again as fast as
possible." He once more took the
narrow turning oxi the right and
with an infallible memory retraced
the windings that brought them
back to Evans’ little workshop. “1
don’t much care for driving up here
too often,” he remarked as they
turned into the lane that ran uphill
to the yard, “but it can’t b.e helped.
We can’t hope to go unnoticed every
time, and if they do trace us to the
work shop we shall need the car for
defensive purposes.”
Hendringham left him in the yard
to work out what he called a neat
little problem in defence and, enter
ing once 'more the shed where the
two mechanics still bent eagerly
over their machines, hastily got to
to- his own job, feeling a little guilty
at having been absent so long from
what was him the real crux of the
affair. However much the tubes
might be declared to be of primary
importance to their enemies, for
him it was the provision of a finish
ed sample that counted. In that
he felt that his own reputation was
bound up. It was his official job,
the rest merely external circum
stances for. overcoming which he
anticipated no credit. It cheered
him to realize that the job was well
forward and his workmates con
centrating with an ardour that ob
viously increased with the advanc
ing of the vision of handling a lump
sum of twenty pounds before the
morning was out.
For an hour or two the three of
them worked on silently, each man
concentrating on ’getting the ut
most out of his machine, while the
night drew on, dwindling into those
“small” hours, when vitality is at
its lowest and the least of troubles
seems an implacable menace. They
were all three weary by now, and
though he had the advantage in
theory over the other two that he
had spent the previous night in bed,
Hendringham was beginning to real
ize that a drugged sleep has none
of the fortifying quality of natural
slumber. His head ached, and his
mind was tormented with a horrible
insistence on the recollection of the
smear that had been Pamphlett's
seen in the beam of a. torch
the fair hair immaculate above
Bacl< To Work
The run back to Shalbridge was
entirely uneventful and Cope for
once was silent until his companion
half envious of the precision with
which he made observations and
deduced an explanation from the
most puzzlingly unrelatable facts,
remarked a bit humbly: "I suppose
I ought to have arrived at all that
from the sight of those bits of tar
paulin about the wreckage.”
“I don’t know. One is either built
that way or one isn’t. I was lucky
there in having previous experience
to suggest the solution. I remem
bered an occasion out in France be
hind the base when a Brass Hat’s
car went clean off the road at a
bend one night and. plumb through”’
a marquee sort of thing they’d been
rigging up for a concert. I remem
ber the driver protesting that it
looked as if the road went on
straight ahead. There was a similar
ity about the look of things after
that smash that set my mind work
ing 'and I confirmed the diagnosis
as we came back by the fact that
there were the ends of light ropes
hanging from the trees. I’d have
liked to have stopped a bit longer,
but it obviously wasn’t going to be
very healthy,
job couldn’t have been
away, and
were both
arms, wasn’t likely to keep them off
“What do you think Pamphlett
was following us for?”
“Oh, just sticking to our trail
like the perfect litle sleuth, poor
devil. -He didn’t know whether we
had the goods on us or not but he
h.0 doubt believed we had, and he
wasn't taking any chances letting
us disappear with them.”
Hendringham lit a ciparette and
pushed it between the driver’s lips.
Then he lit one for himself. “Died
in the execution of his duty,” he
“Precisely, The verdict ought to
be that but any jury would probably
decide that he was driving without
due care,
Pamphlett, either way. A sad af
fair, I’m afraid, but it has its ad
vantages for us. We’Ve exploded-
MOUCh’s master-trick and he’ll have
to think hard to got another one
as good ready for to-morrow night,”
From the market square a clock
was booming twelve times when
they again ran into Shatbridge,
Ghaps who did the
very far
the rather ingenuous
I threw out for their in
to the effect that we
fairly bristling with fire-
must have been around two
o’clock when Cope came in from
yard. Hendringham had been
viously picturing him asleep in
car. but he now observed that
hands were astonishingly dirty,
tonishingly for Cope *usually cared
for his hands as meticulously as a
surgeon does.
He 'made a strenuous effort at
joviality, calling: “Hullo. What
have’ you been up to?” but Cope
took no notice, and- instead of re
plying went up to Evans and asked
if there was anything he could boil
water- on.
Evans raked out a small gas ring
and a’’kettle.
“Good man,” Cope told him.
“Leave the rest to me."
They worked on, forgetting Cope,
who was fussing about with the
kettle, but presently a delightful
scent began to rouse them to an
interest in his doings, and, sniffing
gratefully, foregave him for the
idleness they had presumed and en
“Blow up for coffee!” he called
presently, and Crowder delightedly
gave a passable imitation of a works
footer. “And it is coffee, mind you,”
they were informed by the provider
with an insistence almost boastful
ly dogmatic.
“It really ought to have a splash
of rose water rinsed around the cups
before pouring. At least that was
how old Mahommed el Nebi taught
me at
after a
different from the stuff they
out in the canteen.”
“Keeps you awake properly,
always a nasty feeling at this
of night that I’m liable to fall asleep
over the lathe,” confirmed Evans.
The maker of real coffee glowed
Refreshed they resumed their la
bors, and for half an hour "worked
on while Cope kept coming in and
out, prowling as if his mind were
uneasy. In the end he came to
stand beside Hendringham and, cas
ually, as if he were announcing
only the hour of the niglit, remark
ed: “It looks as if we’ve been
smelled out already Geoff. ”
Hendringham rah to the end of
his cut and with one hand Chsed
the belt on to the loose pulley be
fore answering: :And what precise
ly does that mean?”
“Weil, it might mean A scrap ift
which we should be outnumbered
and outmunitioned, seeing we
(Sign of the Thousand
the waterfront in Ba-
told them reminiscently
and a
I reckon
sniff of apprecia-
he knew how all
It's nil the same to
cat All £
haven’t so much as a gun between
us, but I don’t think it Will come to
that. I’ve been perfecting certain
defences that ought to take care of
things for us if the staff-work’s effi
cient. I’ve just had a scout around
and confirmed that there are some
half dozen husky louts assemble^
at the far end of that field. They’re
well-oranized too, nothing amateur
ish q.bont them. I fancy Mr, Gros-
smith is in command, and I should
imagine it won’t be the first raid
he’s engaged in.”
Hendringham glanced at him. His
knees showed patches of grass stain
and the whole front of his elegant
suit was fouled with dust and weed.
“Looks as if this job was going to
be worth something to your tailor,"
he remarked.
“Ah, well,” was the philosophic
reply. “All the best armies march
on their bellies, you know. I want
you to keep on steadily here, and
tell the other chaps on no account
to leave their jobs unless they hear
the car hooter pip three times. As
I’ve foreseen it you and I ought to
be enough to repel the first attack.
If it swings open slip out. Keep as
low as you can—they’ve firearms
remember—and work round to the
right. There’s a line of heavy flex
running up the fence at the far
corner of this shed and you’ll find
another line near it on the ground.
When you hear me shout ‘switch!’
just make a temporary connection,
by jamming them together on the
ground and putting your foot on
the joint. There’s the rubber mat
of the car to insulate ’em on the
earth. Mind you make your joint
on the middle of that. Don’t keep
the current on too long. Count
three from the first contact and
break it smartly. You may have to
do it more th'an once and there’ll
be a bit of sparking, but that won’t
hurt' you, since there’s only twelve j
volts behind the whole display, i
It’s the moral effect I'm relying on j
Don’t overdo it, I ay want some I
• You can get those heavy, money
making hogs to market quicker—and savet makin
vk up to 400 pounds of grain per pig—by using
>' Roe Wondergrow Hog Concentrate. See your Roe
Feeds dealer and start your hogs on the short
“Roe Road” to market today. Complete feeding
directions in every bag.
ROE WoudviqMMi
juice left in the battery for the
headlights. Got all that clear?”
“O.K.,” said Hendringham and
pushed his belt over again, prepar
ed to resume work.
Cope slipped out into the dark
ness after a whispered “I’ve got a
trip signal fixed down the field. I
mustn’t be too far away or I shall
miss that going off. If it does
come to an assault there -are some
useful piles of brickbats round the
fence for ammunition, but don’t
make use of them unless you have
to. I’ll do all the artillery work
that’s • needed if the scheme comes
off as I expect”
(To be Continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb,
William Oesch and Mrs. Chris,
attended the funeral of the
John Bechler at Pigeon, Mich.,
the week-end, Mr. Bechler, who
in his 52nd year was a son of the
late Chris. Bechler, who was a form
er Zurich district boy, being a
brother of the late Menno and John
Bechler. The late Mr. Bechler was
unmarried at the time of his death,
his wife having predeceased him.—
Zurich Herald
SUperstition is the greatest bar to
advancing thought..
MAKE THEM This Year Hogarth Chicks
Once You Try You Always Buy From Hogarth
EXETER, ONT* Phone 266
Tiny Sage’s Day at
Cockshutt Plow
it was
a visit
the huge factory
and found farm-
Belmont, Embro,
Lucan, St. Marys,
’The Exeter Times-Advocate
Established 1873 and 1887
at Exeter, Ontario
published every Thursday monaim!
SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year tn
RATES—Farm or Real Estate for
sale 50c. each insertion for first
four insertions. 25c. each subse
quent insertion, Miscellaneous ar
ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or
Found 10c. per line of six word*.
Reading notices 10c. per line,
Card of Thanks 50 c. Legal ad
vertising 12 and 8c. per line, If
Memoriam, with one verse 50c.
extra vefses 25c. each.
Member of The Canadian Weekly
Newspaper Association
Last week, March 15th,
heigh-ho for Brantford and
to the ’Cockshutt factory for
farmers from the Exeter district,
friends and customers of John
Campbell, Cockshutt dealer for Ex
We arrived at
about 11.45 a.m.
ers from Alymer,
Ingersoll, London,
St. Thomas, Strathroy, Woodstock,
Zurich and other
gathered, Other
every minute.
To start things
pictures taken in front -of the plant,
Then specially trained guides took
us in hand, by-groups and our tour
commenced. We started out in the
Shipping Department, from where
thousands .of Cockshutt farm imple
ments are shipped to all parts of the
world. Next we came to the great
warehouses. Here 250,000 square
feet of floor space is set aside for
storing new 'Cockshutt implements
awaiting shipment. I never saw
so much machinery in one spot. The
drill assembly department was the
next stop, and here we saw new
drills being put together, run in by
motors, then tested by hand for
smooth, easy .operation. From here
we went through the inspection de
partment where we saw the chief in
spector > and his men making sure
there were no flaws in machinery
going out to be sold. The paint!
shop was the ■ 1st spot we visited
before lunch. We saw different
parts of implements dipped in huge
vats of bright paint saw them dried
in great baking ovens, then striped
and stencilled with the trade mark
and trade name. All this was done
on a continuous assembly chain ac
cording to the most up-to-date Me
We were entertained by the Com
pany at a lunch to the number of
500. Following lunch the manager
of the Ontario branch, Mr. Georgq
E. Goodfellow, presiding at the
speakers’ table spoke a word of
welcome and introduced the speak
ers. The general manager of the
Cockshutt Plow Company (Limited
and its subsidiary at iSmith Falls,
Mr. W. J, Phillips, greeted us on
behalf of the entire Cockshutt or
ganization, lHe was followed by
the general sales manager, Mr. G. G.
Scott, and members of the Cockshutt
Foremen’s Association.
After inspecting and discussing
the Cockshutt line for 1940, which
was arranged in display along the
sides of the long lunch room, we
resumed our inspection trip. The
afternoon tour was the most inter
esting part of the visit, all agreed
for it was at this time that we saw
what a really intricate business it
is to turn out the farm equipment
we use. We saw how thorough
was the work of the, highly-skilled
machinists, some of whom had
twenty to thirty-five years exper
ience doing the same or similar jobs,
behind them.
The press and shear room took
our breath away. There was one
press capable of exercising 400 tons
pressure, all of it controlled by a
light touch on a foot treadle. We
saw great shears which slice metal
sheets as easily as you could cut
cheese and a “Whole-hog” drill
which bore seventeen holes with
100 per cent, accuracy and so fast
you couldn’t believe your eyes.
There were several huge machines
for shaping plow beams — “Bull
dozers” they called them — and
they bend the tough steel beams as
easily as you could bend a wax
candle. Row upon row of electri
cally-controlled, gas-heated furnaces
heat different parts for “heat-treat
ment” which puts toughness where
it is needed in the finished machines
One of the most impressive things
we saw was the pouring of liquid
iron at 2,300’ degrees Fahrenheit
into carefully fashioned moulds.
This moulding process drew many
expressions of awe from all of us.
It was a great trip and an exper
ience most of us will never forget.
It has given us some idea of the
brains, the organization, the care
and precision which goes into every
piece of machinery we use. We go
back to our farms with a new sense
of the part Canadian manufacturing
plays in the daily lives of farmers
throughout the .Dominion. We farm
ers who went to Brantford and saw
the machinery we use made have
returned with new conceptions of
the value of that matchinery.
A Cockshutt Customer
districts already
groups arrived Professional Cards
(F. W. Gladiuiui)
Money to Loan, Investments Made
Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our
Clients without charge
Office; Carling Block, Mjain Stree*,
Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S,,D.D.S.
Office; Carling Block
Closed Wednesday Afternoons
Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.DS.
Office opposite the Post Office.
Main Street, Exeter
Office 36w Telephones Res. 33J
Closed Wednesday Afternoons
For Huron and Middlesex
Phone 57-18 Dashwood
For Huron and Middlesex
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction
EXETER P. O. or RING 138
Head Office, Exeter, Ont.
President ........... JOHN HACKNEY
Kirkton, R. R, 1
Vice-President .... JOHN McGRATH
Dublin, Ont.
W.. H.. COATES ................. Exeter
ANGUS SINCLAIR ... Mitchell, R. ‘1
WM. HAMILTON ... Cromarty, R. 1
T. BALLANTYNE ... Woodham, R. 1
JOHN ESSERY ............... Centralia
ALVIN L. HARRIS ...... Mitchell R. 1
THOS. SCOTT .........„...... Cromarty
B. W. F. BEAVERS ...... Exeter
Solicitors, Exeter
Lumber Shingles
Our Prices are the Lowest they
have been for several years.
If you are building it will pay
you to call and get prices.
Just think Matched Lumber at
$35.00 per M. feet
Phone 12 Granton
We Deliver
Pigs is Pigs
Mr. George H. Leonhardt, of
13 th .concession of McKillo'p
four sows which apparently are
has 1
to do their bit to*win the war, Mrs.
Pig No. 1 has a litter of fifteen
young pigs, four weeks old; a year'
and three months old, this is her
second litter, the first consisting of
nine, Mrs. Pig No, 2 has a family
of 12, 3 weeks old, Mrs.
has ten young pigs three
ahd NO. 4 has nine four
They are all Yorkshires,
by Mr, Leonhardt’s soft,
Mr. Russell Bolton’s stock,
forth News.
“Henry wants me to take a trip
around the world,” said the bright
young wife, “but I’ rather go some
where else.”
Pig No; 3
weeks did,
weeks bld.
Fred from
♦ ♦ ♦
In the olden days, a young man
proposed oft his knees - now the
young lady proposes on his knees.
♦ * *
The man who thinks in terms of
nickels never makes it in bunches
of thousands — to make millions,
you have to think in terms of mil