HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-28, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,Sixty-Seventh Year SUDDEN DEATH OF SON.................................mini...................................i XXX Men’s Made-to-Measure Suits ■FRIDAY, M ARCH 29th Mr. E. Neeb, of the House of Stone Clothing Co., Toronto, will be at this store on the n §above date. He will have an exclusive line of suitings and cloths for top coats. We in-n J vite you to come in and inspect his cloths whether you buy or not. Included in his line n will be samples of lighter colored cloths for men’s summer suits. Make a note of the n ==date.—March 29th. .n 1 A Word to the Ladies 1 HI Mr. Neeb also takes measures for Ladies’ Suits and Coats. Have your Spring Suit man- n nish-tailored to your measurements. The result is a suit you’ll be proud to wear. A good 1 variety of new styles to choose from.i Men’s Wear for Spring i i NEW SHIRTS, TIES, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, HATS, ETC. ARE NOW = READY FOR SPRING.GET YOURS NOW!II 1 Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Coats for Spring g This is the largest and finest range of spring coats we have ever shown. New styles and 1 materials and better values than ever. Come early while there is a good selection. We ==j feature half sizes as well as regular. Misses’Spring Suits, Smart Styles at very low prices.n 1 Ladies' and Misses’ Dresses Ready for Spring Showing 1 New Summer Dress Fabrics—Now is the time to select your materials and have your == Summer dresses ready when needed. We have a large stock to choose from.== BUTTONS—The New Dress Buttons and Buckles are here. We have a very large range == =of the newest shapes and popular colors.n XXX - • FOR THE HOME—New Linoleums, Rugs, Window Blinds, Congoleums, Etc.i = Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday xxx i Huskies, lc Deal 9 nkffc A Real Special—Buy Now .......“ Pork and Beans, 21 oz. 9 fine 1 Qp Libby’s, Aylmer or Clark’s ...........“ Uv II H Strawberry Jam a sir 11 Good Brands, 32 oz jars ..............VI1WI Monarch Pastry Flour 7 97p I4 7^P Fancy Quality for Fine baking ■ V, lb. I i XXX Maxwell House Coffee 1* Ik fin dAr Regular or Drip Grind .........* ***** Singapore Sliced Pineapple 9 fjnc 99 p Market will'be higher soon .........“ Hud ticPV Golden Wax Beans 9 Pap 1 Qr Polo Brand, 19 oz. Tins ........“ 1U1 Happyvale Mincemeat aorli 9Cr» In 2 lb. Tins ..........................CdLU n 1 Phone 32 Jnnpc (D R/f Your i V lyla V Superior s HI * Store i IIIIIIIIIIhlllllllllllllNHIIIIIIIIIIUIII^ .. ....................Illllll...IIIIHIIIIII..lllllllllllllllllllllllllllinnmmmlfnnTinwniiniWIinHmni in? SPRINGNEEDS Purina, Dr. Roe, Royal Purple anl Pioneer Chick Starters, Chick Feeders and Fountains, Brooder Stoves, Coal and Electric, Crock Fountains, Chick Charcoal, Grit and Shell We have 2 all Enamel Stoves with 18 inch oven, 1 Black with 20 inch oven bought before the advance in price.’ We will sell these stoves at the right price. See them Royal Purple Electric 3 lb. tin Garden Light Chan Seeds Bulbs Wax 7 for 25c 2 for 25c 98c REDUCED PRICES 22^—------------------- DR. ROE’S PURINA -x Chick 40% Hog Sow and Pig Starter Concentrate Chow SPECIAL $2.95 $3.25 $2.65 Giocoat, pints ...*........ 59c.Hawes Floor Gloss Giocoat, quarts . ..... 98c Pints 59c, quarts 98c Norub, pints ....... 59c Free Applier with each Norub, quarts . ..... 98c can Traquair’s Hardware Tinsmithing Sign Work Plumbing “Eyes of Love” Will be presented by Kirkton Young People under auspices of the W.A. in Elimville United Church FRIDAY, MARCH 29th at 8:15 Admission 25c and 15c Mr. Preston Dearing was In Tor­ onto Wednesday and Thursday of last week attending a directors* meeting of the Ontario Sheep Breed­ ers Association. Motors 25 Miles to Make 7 Miles The longest way round was the shortest way home for H. Hoffman, driver of the Dashwood bits on Tuesdays In order to reach Exeter from Dashwood’ in the morning Mr. Hoffman travelled to Grand Bend and out the Crediton road to the highway and Exeter a distance of about 25 miles. He'took the same route home in the evening. A one­ way track was opened up on the Lake Road late Tuesday. School re-opens next Monday (All Fools* Day), BINGO In the Legion Rooms THURSDAY, MARCH 28th 15 Good Prizes Chickens and Hams Door Prize Admission 25c EXETER BOWLING CLUB Postponed Easter Dance EXETER ARENA Wed., Apr. 3rd TED PALMER AND HIS BAND Under the Auspices of- the Exeter Bowling Club EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission 50c ■ —I.—........................_ I Hi ...... — DEATH OF A. McCURDY The death took place on Sunday of Mr. Archie McCurdy, a life-long resident of Usborne Township in his 87th year. The deceased had not been well all winter and was taken seriously ill Thursday of last week. His wife, whose maiden name was Catherine Kay, prede­ ceased him about five years. He is survived by two sons and two dau­ ghters, Mrs. J. McNichol, of Hib­ bert; Mrs. N. Fletcher, of Lambeth; Lester, of Detroit and Alvin on the homestead, also one brother James, of Kirkton. The funeral took place from the residence Of his son ATVin, lot 15, concession 13, Usborne, on Wednesday afternoon with inter­ ment in the Kirktom Union ceme­ tery, EXETER COUNCIL Monday, March 25th, 1940 A regular meeting of the Muni­ cipal Council was held with all members present. The minutes of the meeting held March 11th were read and adopted on motion of Councillors’ Taylpr and Hern and carried. i , Mr. Ernest Appleton on behalf of the Horticultural Society asked that the Council would in some way prevent cars from being driven into and around the groun'ds of River­ view park as they were driving over and breaking down trees and shrub­ bery. Council promised to investi­ gate. By-laws No. 2 and 3 of 1940 as authorized were read and consider­ ed and duly passed. The Reeve and Clerk authorized to sign the same. The following list of accounts were read and ordered paid: Western Assurance Co., town hall and contents, $22.98; The Municip­ al World, dog tags 1940, $4.65; William Andrew, labor R&B, $5.50; Frederick Moore ditto $3.75; Glen McKnight, snow ploughing $6.50; Henry Green," ditto $8.0:0; Municip­ ality of Southwold, relief acct. Nov. Dec., Jan., Feb., $18.47;. The coun­ ty of Huron, hospital fees, $5 2.50. Passed on motion of Dignan and Soutlicott. 'Carried. Ajournment by Dignan to meet Monday April 8th at 7.30 p.m. J. Senior, Clerk HOWEY—GARDINER Easter lilies and spring flowers decorated Lundy Lane’s United Church, Niagara Falls, Monday af­ ternoon for the marriage of Miss 'Beulah Mary Gardiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Gardiner, Mount Forest, to Mr. Eugene David­ son Howey, Mount Forest, son of Mrs. Howey and the late W. S. Howey, Hxetrisr. Rev. R. J. Mor­ den officiated \and Mr. Kenneth Greenaway played the wedding musTc-.^ | The b’ri'de, given in -marriage by her father, wore a grey biege dress­ maker suit with frosted pink acces­ sories and a corsage of orchids with, a flower hat trimmed with doves. Miss Doris McCrea, her only atten­ dant, wore a royal blue dressmaker suit with delph blue accessories and corsage of .pink tea roses and for­ get-me-nots. Mr. Lome Howey at­ tended his brother and the ushers were Mr. M. H. Howey and Mr. IL. E. Howey. Following the ceremony, a recep­ tion was held at the Rainbow Salon of the General Brock Hotel, Niagara iF’alls. Guests were received by the bride’s mother, ’gowned in black sheer trimmed with white and matching accessories with corsage of deep red roses and lily of the valley and the bridegroom’s mother, in smoky blue with matching ac­ cessories and corsage of roses and lily of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Howey will live in Mt. Forest. The many friends of the bride and groom in town will join with the Times-Advocate in wishing them much happiness. 85th BIRTHDAY Mr. Thomas Appleton, of Exeter, celebrated his 85th birthday on Sunday last. He was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner at the home of his son Gordon. The table was centred with a large pink and white birthday cake, decorated with candles. Mr. Appleton thor­ oughly enjoyed his dinner and still eats a hearty meal. His daughter, Mrs. K. J. Sims and his other son, Ernest, were present. All his grand­ children, of which he has 16, were not able to be present. Mrs. Douglas Dellow, of Detroit, came the farth­ est distance. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sims, of Windsor, who could not be present telephoned their congratu­ lations. Mr. Appleton also receiv­ ed numerous gifts and best wishes from other friends and relatives. He has one brother, Mr. John Ap­ pleton, of Crediton and one sister, Mrs. Phoebe Avery, of Maline, Ill. He is in good health and able to be about his duties every day. We wish him many more happy, birth­ days and the best of health. Storm Interferes With Wedding Celebration The storms of. the past week and the blocked condition of the roads interfered with the plans of many for Good Friday and Easter. On Good Friday Mr. and Mrs. John Strange planned a celebration of their thirty-fifth wedding anniver­ sary but owing to the storm none of the family were able to reach pome. Miss Grace Strange, Toron­ to, and Frank, of London, who had been visiting for the week in Tor­ onto arrived here Saturday morn­ ing and visited over the week­ end. Mr. Richard Tapp, of town, re­ ceived word early Saturday morn­ ing of the sudden death of his son, L, C. Tapp, high school principal at Qravenhurst. The deceased is in his middle forties and is survived by his widow’ and three children. He was born near Virden, Man, Mr. Verne Tapp attended the funeral at Gravenhurst on Monday. The sym­ pathy of many will be extended to Mr. Tapp in his bereavement. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER A number of friends and neigh- -bors gathered at the home of Mrs. Ivan Webber, on Thursday night and presented Miss Olive Caldwell, bride-elect, with a mis'cellaneous shower. The address was read by Miss Florence McDonald and the gifts were brought in by Miss Lil­ lian McDonald. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games and contests. A dainty lunch was served by the girls. SUFFERED STROKE Mr. Frank Wood, who is widely known and highly esteemed in the community, has been critically ill at his home during the past week but at present his condition is very much improved. On Wednesday af­ ternoon of last week while sitting at the table Mr. Wood suffered a stroke and fell to the floor. With­ in the next three days he suffered five slight strokes. His son, Dr. C. Wood, of Sudbury, was called home Saturday and remained until Tues­ day evening. Mr. Wood Will have the best wishes of many friends for his speedy recovery. Staffa Minister Travels Five Miles on Snowshoes to Con­ duct Sunday Service From the Stratford Beacon-Her­ ald we clip the following: There hasn’t been a car travel the county road from Dublin to Staffa since about mid-night on Thursday so you can imagine the condition of that particular road right now. From a party in the village of Staffa came the word that there is snow piled high all ever the place. From the village store window, they say there is so much snow alongside the road through the settlement that all you can see when a team passes are the bobbing heads of the horses. Rev. Aidworth, pastor of the United Church at Staffa, also preacher of the Zion United church located on the highway between Mitchell and Dublin, had his hands full on .Sunday. He had no .way to getting out from Staffa for Ais ser­ vice at Zion Church so he simply tied on the trusty snowshoes and went the five-mile trip to Dublin. He reports waluing on top of the bank of snow at one point and be­ ing able to touch the hydro wires without any trouble. And still there are those who like steering a little criticism at the 1940 min­ isters, saying they aren’t any too interested in theft work . . . Have you ever walked five miles on snow­ shoes? EASTER CANTATA Sunday evening at James Street Church the choir under the direction of W. R. Goulding rendered a mus­ ical service. An Eastei’ cantata^ “The Thorn 'Crowned King” com­ posed of thirteen number was given. The opening chorus, “Let the Righteous Be Glad” by the choir was followed by a solo by Miss Reta Rowe; “He Chose the Cross of Shame” and a null’s chorus, “There Was No Other Way.” The chofr sang, “Betrayed” with solo part by Miss Pearl Wood followed by “The Thorn Crowned King” — a solo sung by Miss Helen Penhale. and “Let Him Be Crucified” -with Mr. E. Lindenfield taking the solo; “Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed” a trio with Miss Lindenfield, Miss Wood and Mrs. Ellsmere, “They Laid Him Away” sung by the choft with Miss Jean Sheere taking the solo; “Have Faith in God” was sung by Messrs. Cutbush and Wuerth. Then the choir sang “He is Risen” with solo by Mr. Ted Buswell, “Glory in the Garden” With Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Lindenfield tak­ ing the obligato duet, “Jesus Lives” with choir aud quartette, Miss Wood Mrs. Goulding, Messrs. Cutbush and Fawcett. The final chorus by the choir was ‘'Praise Ye the Lord.” The pulpit was centred with a white cross bearing Easter lilies and sur­ rounded by ferns and baskets of Easter flowers. At the morning service a junior choir seated in the West gallery sang two selections that were much appreciated. GOLDEN WEDDING The goldeji wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle was celebrated at their home Monday of this week. Theft only daughter, Mrs. Earl Whiting, Mr. Whiting and six children, and Mrs. Paul Coates, only surviving sister of Mr. Kestle were pleasantly entertained for this occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Kestle re­ ceived numerous cards of congrat­ ulations and their nephews and nieces called in the evening to of’ fer felicitations. Mrs. Kestle’s maid­ en name was Annie Chappel. She has one sister, Mrs. Rogers, of Ham­ ilton. Before coming to Exeter twenty-one years ago Mr. and Mrs. Kestle resided on a farm near Shar­ on. It rained on the morning ot their wedding day but in the after­ noon the sun shone brightly. The Times-Advocate joins their many friends in extending congratula­ tions. REV. R. J. PETERS IS INJURED IN ACCIDENT Rev. J. R. Peters, United church minister at Varna, and formerly of Elimville, is in Clinton Hospital following a motor accident which occurred at noon Monday on No. 4 highway one and a half miles south of Brucefield. Mr. Peters was driving south to Hensall on his way to Zurich where he was to conduct a funeral service for Mrs. Charles Reaman, of near Zurich. A drifting snow screen prevented him seeing a car approaching from the south driven by Robert Barnes, of Goderich, until the two were al­ most head-on in collision. Placing his foot on the brake to mahe a quick stop, the impact jammed his right knee cap against the instru­ ment board, resulting in a broken and misplaced kneecap. Fortunate­ ly both cars were traveling at low speed. A passing northbound motorist took the injured minister to "Clin­ ton Hospital • where his injuries were treated by Dr. W. A. Oakes. Provincial Officer Frank Taylor in­ vestigated. Mr. Peters, whose work includes the churches at Blake and Goshen, may be unable to take ■full charge for a few weeks. A Zu­ rich clergyman was called to take charge of the funeral service. CHARGED WITH FRAUD Arrested at Mitchell on Wednes­ day of last week on three charges of issuing worthless cheques, Ger­ ald Cluff, of Kirkton, was taken to Stratford and appeared before Ma­ gistrate J. A. Makins, Thursday. He was remanded to jail until Wednes­ day of this week. The charges are that he obtained goods to'the value of $44.05 from W. G- Blackmore, Listowel; $20.00 from C. Zilliax & Son, Listowel; $6.50 from Richard Oke, Listowel, by issuing cheques. On all three oc­ casions it is charged, he used the name of G. H. Murray. Cluff is also being held for Go­ derich authorities who have a war­ rant for his arrest on a charge of fraud. Cluff visited Exeter on two occasions arid passed worthless cheques on a number of merchants. ■He called at the stores, purchased some goods, offered a cheque and in most cases received some cash in exchange. Last fall nine charges were sent to Goderich against him. The year previous he visited here and victimized three of the mer­ chants. He is said to be wanted in Beaforth, St. Marys, London and Strathroy. A report from Strathroy states: “Notified of the arrest of Gerald Cluff, Chief 'George Tanton, ' of Strathroy, consulted with Crown At­ torney Newton and then declared the arrested man would be brought here to face charges after author­ ities in Perth and Huron were fin­ ished with him. About the middle of February, a man giving the name of Robert ■Samuel Gordon came to Strathroy claiming he was about to open an agency there for a farm implement company. He got $71 from the Royal Bank, a $525 car from Pearson Brothers $11 worth of shoes and $4 cash from the Rivers shoe store and $11 of clothing and $9 cash from the Evoy store. Strathroy merchants haven’t seen him since, A car was seized by police and Chief Tanton will check up to see if it is the car obtained from Pear­ son Brothers’ garage. Ill in Hospital Mr. Andrew Campbell, who has not been well for some time, was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, Tuesday for treatment. His many friends hope to see him around again soon. LIBERAL PARTY SWEEPS THE COUNTY The Liberal party under Premier W. L. Mackenzie King swept the country in a Federal election on Tuesday and was given a five-year mandate to continue Canada's war effort. The victory was comparable to the landslide in 1935 giving the Liberal party an overwhelming ma­ jority. Out of 24'5 seats in the House, 166 have been returned as Liberal^, 33 as National Govern­ ment, and the rest either doubtful or divided amongst different par­ ties. Hpn. R, J. Manion, Conservative leader, met personal defeat in his home city of Fort William. Agnes Macphail, of Grey-Bruce, the only •woman attempting to retain a seat, •was defeated in a three-cornered fight. W. H. GOLDING ELECTED Marjority is 2,112 W. H. Golding, of Seaforth, twice- elected Liberal member for the rid­ ing of Huron-Perth was re-elected for his third term at the polls on Tuesday. The returning officer at Seaforth gives Mr. Golding’s major­ ity as 2,112. In the list of polling sub-divisions printed elsewhere, Mr. Golding’s majority figures out at 2,152 an error somewhere of forty votes. In the 1935 election Mr. Golding’s majority was 3,0>45 in a three-cornered fight. James W. Morley, barrister at Exeter, was a National Government standard bear­ er. Mr. Morley was given splendid support in his home town. He in­ creased a Conservative majority in Exetei* of 59 in 1935 to 375. Exe­ ter was the only municipality in this and the last election to give a majority to a Conservative candi­ date. The surprise of the election throughout this riding was the large number of voters to exercise their franchise considering the blocked condition of the roads. 'Of the to­ tal eligible vote 14,742; 9,066 votes were polled, only 930 less than in 19 35. Stephen township in 1935 tied the vote between Liberal and Conservative and on Tuesday gave Mr. Golding a majority of 17. Us­ borne reduced Mr. Golding's major­ ity from 101 to 6. ‘Hensall increas­ ed it from 116 to 135. Hay Town­ ship is the Libei^I stronghold giv­ ing Mr. Golding a majority of 605. A celebration was held at Zurich on the night of the election and a great ovation was given Mr. Golding. Mr. Morley, the defeated candidate, telephoned his congratulations to the victor. In Seaforth Mr. Gold­ ing’s majority was reduced by 36 votes. In North-Huron Elston Cardiff has a small majority of 29 votes over R. J. Deachman, Liberal mem­ ber in the last House. The out­ come of the electiori will possibly depend on the • soldiers’ vote. TO THE ELECTORS Exeter, Ontario March 27, 1940 Editor Exetei’ Times-Advocate, Permit me through the columns of your paper to extend to all the people who saw fit to support me at the Dominion election on March 26 my sincere appreciation. Ih view of the fate of so many of the Nation­ al Government candidates, I feel that the result for me in this tradi­ tional Liberal Riding might have been worse than it was. Furthermore, I desire to express especial thanks to those of my own community who worked and voted for me, and to those who, while they could not support me, did not work actively against me. In view of. the fact that I was born and raised in Exeter, I have a great feeling of satisfaction over the result of the vote here. I am reminded of the words “Life has no blessing like a prudent friend.” Whatever caused the people of Exeter to support me I attribute to the training my mother and father have given me and the example they have set for me. The election is now a matter of history. Therefore, let us, regard­ less of race, creed, nationality or politics, have the full co-operation of every Canadian and a united na­ tional effort which will herald'the dawn of a new era of peace, pros­ perity and contentment Yours truly, J. W. MORLEY Mrs. Edward Scott and daughter Marjorie, of Mirnico, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. U. Tauten, Mrs. Scott and Marjorie came by train to Clinton Monday afternoon and it was necessary to go to Clinton to meet her as the traiu from the north was snow-bound.