HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-21, Page 8rniWW, MARCH Slst, IMO THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Make your Easter a success fid one with a wave from s Beauty Shoppe 3HCOXTgs^jaCOJLi3> <1 W. J. Smith & Son 4 Door® Horth Bank ol Montreal Main Street, Exeter ► •i 0 New Electrical Appliance •a H Price Range Refrigerators $150 to $300 p E< 0 Washing Machines $59.50 to $185.00 Cream Separators $57.50 to $200.00 Sexving Machines $75.00 to $150.00 M ► a H Guaranteed Radios $17.50 to $200.00 Q G. E. Vacuum Cleaners $59.50 Pianos all Guaranteed W $50.00 to $200.00 USED MACHINES AT BARGAIN PRICES u JE* X A. JXT O Exeter Markets Wheat 7S-80c. (according to grade) Oats 42c. Barley 60c. Biukwheat Gue. Creamery Butter 33c. Dairy Butter 25c., 2 Eggs A large 19 c. del. Eggs, medium 17c. Eggs, B 15c. Hogs, dressed 811.50. T FOR Comfortable Phone 1W Evenings by Appointment Vera C, Decker, Proprietress BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES LOCALS ADVANCE Hominy $32.00 Ton Fresh Supply Livingstone’s Blue Blossom Oil Cake $2.25. cwt. Yellow Com $1.45 cwt. Salt Prices Same as Last Week R. G. Seldon & Son Exeter, Ont. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, lLAn B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special Easter Services Junior Choii’ as Evening Service, Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every xveek day except Wednesday MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A, Miss Evelyn Huston Organist andl choir Leader 11 a.m.—-Easter Sunday 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Easter Sunday Thursday 7:30—Holy Week Service FLOWERING PUTS and PANS, well filled with Flowers suitable for Easter and Sick Rooms. Lilies. Or­ ders taken for lilies until Friday. L. DAY & SON APPLICATIONS IN WRITING— For an organist and choir leader in Main Street United Church will be received by the undersigned up to March 30th. Duties to begin June . 2nd. State salary. The list of duties may be seen. W. C. Pearce, G. S. Howard. I I I iiOWIII.WM.i gj To-day (Thursday) is the first day of spring. Mrs. Manford Luther is visiting friends in London at present. Schools close this Thursday ev­ ening for the Easter vacation. Mr, Roy Parsons has been order­ ed to bed for a rest by his physician. Mr. J, H. Hopper, of Wingham, visited with his son E. R. and Mrs. Hopper over the week-end. Ralph Delbridge, of London, the week-end at JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 ,m.—-Easter Service “Practising Immortality” The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 3 p.m. -— Church School 7 p.m.—‘Sacred Cantata “The Thorn-Crowned King” Wed. 7.30 p.m.—Holy Week service Rev. D. C. Hill, speaker Monday 8 P.m.—Y. P. Union Mr. spent here. Try his home for Easter 52 for Hot Packers have extended an to the Thames Road Club to visit their plant and experimental farm at Toronto during the first week in April. Any­ one interested in hogs and would like to go, please get in touch with the secretary or one of the directors. Regular meeting of the club April 1st, and a special meeting April Sth when James Shearer, Agricultural representative will give an address. P. Passmore, Secretary. Canada invitation Farmers’ Blue Bicycle with carrier—Taken from the rink on Wednesday last. Will the person taking this wheel return it to Keith Gordon and avoid prosecution. FOR SALE—Manure spreader and cream separator, nearly new, cheap. Apply Box HRB, Times-Advocate. Itp. FOR SALE—A 9x12 rug in lent condition. Apply phone Exeter. FOR SALE—One % h.p. Wagner Electric motor, real good shape. Ap­ ply to Morris Hern, Granton phone Kirkton 4-13. RR. 1, Itp Brick In FOR SALE — Hensail: house, well built and located, good repair. Property of Mrs. M. Eacrett. No-w at very low price.—C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE — Yorkshire hog, sev­ en months old. Apply to Garnet Miners, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone 32-9. Itp. IFOR SALE—A barn, 35x50- feet. Apply Wm. Watson, Zurich. Phone Dashwood 35rl9. Itp. FOR SALE—100 acres with full set of buildings, some bush, handy to school and village, §3,500, half cash. A number of houses in Ex­ eter.—W. C. Pearce. , We sell more cars because we ser­ vice more cars, ask about cur Free lubrication coupons. -—Sandy Elliot. TENDERS WANTED — For 12 cord 16 inch, hard wood for S. S. No. 1, Usborne. Tenders to be in by March 16th. Luther Reynolds, Sec’y.-Treas., RR 1, Hensail. 3-7-2tc. FOR SALE — A 400-egg incuba­ tor, hot -water heated, like new. Ap­ ply Times-Advocate. COTTAGE FOR SALE —. Medium sized, comfortable and in good re­ pair. Reasonable price and terms. Several other homes.—C, V. Pickard phone 165, Exeter. HOUSE FOR RENT — On Ann street, town water. Apply to Mr. Wm. Sims. FARMS FOR SALE —50 acres, good buildings, hydro, best of land, close to town and school, Reasonable price. 100 acre highway farm, very best priced for quick sale. Several others. Exeter. C. V. Pickard, phone 165 WOMEN! HERE’S WHAT BEEN WAITING FOR! A INCOME—financial sectir- w. E. Middle ton Novelty Candies. Phone Cross Buns. •Miss F. Hatter spent several days Fredxvith. her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hatter in Ailsa Craig. The meeting of the Red Cross Executive for Monday night, March 25th, has been cancelled. A number from the community were at Chatham Saturday attend­ ing a fertilizer conventipn. Miss Pauline Follick, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and babe spent with their Mr. and Toronto, have returned home after visiting at the home of Mr. J. Senior. Mrs. John Head, of London, visit­ ed at the home of her brother Mr. Wm. Hatter several days last Mrs. Hahner, of Brucefield, guest of her sister Mrs. Wm. and Mr. Smith, Exeter North. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle, of town, will on Easter Monday cele­ brate their Golden wedding anniver­ sary. There will be no season for the boys ing Easter vacation district this year. Miss Isohel Turnbull left Wed­ nesday morning for* Glencoe where she will visit with hei’ cousin Mrs. Singleton who is ill. Mr. F. J. Delbridge, who has been confined to his home for. over three weeks, is slowly improving. His many friends hope to see him around town soon. Mr. John Kinsman, of Bursay,- Sask., visited xvith Mr. dnd Mrs. W. J. Pybus recently. Mr. Kinsman re­ ports conditions in the West some­ what improved. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd will J celebrate their 5'5th wedding anni­ versary on Monday, March 25th and they will be at home to their friends on Sunday and Monday. A hostess tea sponsored by the W. A. of the Main Street United Church Friday afternoon in the church parlor was well patronized and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. R. E. Balkwill has been awarded a contract to put a metallic ceiling on the science room of the Exeter High School. Some of the plaster fell recently making a change necessary. Laverne Heywood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heywood, of Usborne, returned Sunday from Victoria Hos­ pital, London, where he recently un­ derwent an operation for appendi­ citis. Mr. Wm. H. Penhale, of town, will observe his 86th birthday Monday of next week. Mr. Penhale is just in fair health and has been confined to his home pretty much during the winter. At the Exeter branch of the Can­ adian Legion Tuesday evening Mr. K. Clarke was appointed secretary­ treasurer of the branch succeeding Mr. A. Ehston, who has enlisted for overseas service. Mrs. V. L. Roulston and the forepart of the week parents in Exeter. Mrs. G. H. Williams, of week, is the Smith maple syrup and girls dur- week in this MEN - YOU’VE STEADY ity for life—guaranteed you with a Familex Agency of your own. In­ quire TODAY without obligations. THE FAMILEX PRODUCTS, COM­ PANY, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. Teacher: ’“What are the effects of heat and cold?’* Charles! "Heat causes things to expand. Cold makes them contract. In summer the days are long, while in winter they are shbrt.” ■IfWIMWTr HIM 111—111II—I— FARMERSX The Ontario Pioneer Broom Corn Company have opened an agency at Exeter, Ont., for the purpose of contracting acreage and giving general information regarding the groxving of Broom Corn. See or call A. E. Buswell, agent, phone 25.7, Exeter, Ont. TRIVTTT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MaeFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss . EASTER DAY a.m. — ‘Holy Communicn ■Sermon. “The Gladness uf Seeing Lord”—Bt. John 20:20. 11 a.m.—'Sunday School “The Easter Story” p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “Christ the Resurrection” - John 11:25. Solo —■ “Open the Gates of the Temple” Service Good Friday at 8 p.m. .Speaker:' Rev. Wm. Weir, Hensail 10 7 The Short Cut to Comfort Is A Quick Call For D&H ANTHRACITE You’ll save many days of trouble­ some beating—if you phone your order for D&H Anthracite, today This Pennsylvania Hard Coal is a fuel of tested quality—especially prepared for home heating use. Once you’ve tried D&H Anthracite —you’ll know it’s the only short cut to heating comfort. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33; Residence 157 MARCHING INTO SPRING A Naturelie Permanent Wave that xvill glorify your personality is the Coiffure of Charm for Easter time. Get Yours Noxv Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Painting and Paperhanging Sign Work of all Kinds^ Display Cards, Etc. TOM WALKER an He: “Sweetheart, I love you ter­ ribly.” She: “You certainly do.” FOR SALE Several Used Electric Refriger­ ators from $50.00 up 2 Used Ranges Very Cheap 1 t See Used Electric Washer Used Radios From $5.00 up the New C.G.E. Refrigerat­ ors now on display W. J. BEER Phone 52, Middleton’s for your Hot Cross Buns, full of choice fruits, delivered Good Friday morning in time for breakfast. ,$40.00 Beatty Electric Washer Thermo Tub, Ball Bearing, Crepe Roll Wringer, Cost $169.50, Looks Like New W. J. Smith & Son Unless your figure Is firm and youthful you will ilot look well-1 dressed. Slendor Tablets. $1, 'Rob­ ertson’s. ' Good Friday A DISTRICT FELLOWSHIP' RALLY will be held in the Pentecostal Tabernacle at 10:30 a.m., 3 and 8 p.m Rev. D. N. Buntain xvill speak assisted by ministers from th district. Special Music and Singing Easter Sunday SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES xvill be held in the Pentecostal Tabernacle at 11 a.m. and in the Exeter Theatre 8 p.m. Rev. D. N. Buntain, General Super­ intendent of the Pentecostal Assem­ blies of Canada, xvill preach at both services. Mr. Buntain xvas formerly a United Church minister im the city of Win­ nipeg and is a forceful speaker. The Public is invited to all meetings E. Clemens, Pastor bum GROCERY SPECIALS CRISCO 10c 2 cans 25c DAIRY BUTTER 3 lb. can 1 lb. can 95c 48c 60c 20c * . 19c PINEAPPLE Sliced 40 IN. CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON A good quality Bleached Pillow Cotton that is extra good value at Per Yard 40c 1 lb# <>•••« • 29c i. ..........II „|. mi'. 1.1 I....... w ■■w.iw.i.mini in . jj i ................. Run , FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE In the newest shades for Easter in Chiffon Crepes and Service Weights at per pair 69c, 85c and $1.15 TAPIOCA Minute Package . . . T HONEY E. L. JOHNSTON OATMEAL Quick Quaker NEW FOOTWEAR FOR EASTER Step out in a pair of our New Shoes for Easter. We have many new styles to show you. Priced at $2.75, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 Large pkg. . . 19c 2 cans.............19c UNBLEACHED SHEETS A Good Quality Unbleached Sheeting 2 yards wide by 2% yards long. Only one bolt of this quality to sell at Per Sheet $1.10 Phone 183W, Exeter Ask fox* LYNN VALLEY PEAS Number 3’s TOILET SOAP Assorted With Bowl Free 5 cakes .... New Dresses and Coats for Easter I OUR RACKS AKE FILLED WITH NEW STYLES IN DRESSES AND COATS FOR EASTER BUYERS. WE INVITE YOU TO SEE THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE WHILE WE HAVE SUCH A FINE ASSORTMENT TQ SHOW YOU. New Curtains and Curtain Nets for Spring Before buying your new curtains we would like you to see the many New Nets and Curtain Materials that we have on display. Price® range from 20c to 75c a yard. Men’s Rubber Boot 24 pair only Men’s Rubber Boots with red soles. You will need a pair for the sloppy Spring weather. These are the last we will have at this low price, Per pair $2.00. W allpapers W allpapers Brighten up the interior of your home with a few rolls of our New Wallpapers. The cost is not great. You can buy suitable papers for any room in your home for as little as 10c, 12i/8c, 15cj 20 to 35c per single roll.. Rooms Lots at $1.29, $1.49, $1.79, $1.99. Men’s and Boy’s Smart Suits for Easter All bought at last year’s prices when fine woollens were much lower in price than they are today. We have a wonderful range of New Patterns in Single or Double Breasted Styles Priced at $12 to $30. 2 Pant Suits. Social Evening at Fairfield The monthly social evening of the school section number one Stephen was held on Friday, March 16 and was much enjoyed by the usual good attendance. Cliff Hicks was the able chairman of the ev­ ening. There were three dialogues “Teaching the City Boy” “Ghosts and Burglars” “And a Wedding in Weyback.” Miss Watkins read a fine paper on St. Patrick's. Music was rendered by Harvey Lovie and Harold Edwards on guitar and vio­ lin. Mrs. Hepburn played a piano solo. Community singing of Irish songs; a chorus negro folk song daughter were May Schroeder and a St. Patrick’s number by the Fairfield Press was read. Judging by the laughter the press is an im­ portant detail of the evening as it leaves no doubt as to the social acivities of Fairfield residents. A contest “Drawing an Irish Pig” was judged by Mel King who awarded the prize to Louis Davey. A hearty lunch was served by the committee in charge afer which dancing was in order. by the school and by Mrs. Powe and program numbers, gave a recitation SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. RumaCaps* Two-Way Action quickly cleanses and invigorates the Kidneys. Use Rumacaps. BROWNING’S DRUGSTORE. EXETER LOCKER SERVICE Phone 70 Jumbo-Ice Cream Bricks Assorted Flavor®each 7] 8 lb. Pail . .. 4 lb. Pail . . . PUMPKIN Canned 2 large cans . 19c Southcott Bros Exeter EASTER SPECIALS Grade “A” Chicken Heads and Feet off and Drawn Winnipeg White Fish Winter Catch—Drawn i per lb. per lb the Painter and Paper Hanger Papers range EASTER! EXETER ONT. We’re Ready with a Smart Collection of Men’s Wearing Apparel including: New Suits and Topcoats; Hats, Shirts, Ties, Socks W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81See New Samples of and Paints. Papers from 10c to $25.25 per roll with a selection of about 400 samples Get your estimates on paint jobs, also concrete, brick and stucco painting with Bondex, the concrete paint. Ask for a Bondex circular. SPRAY PAINTING AND CAULKING Get prices on Window Shades and Drapes x Used Cream Separators McCormick-Deering De Laval and Others $5.0'0 to $20.00 W. J. Smith & Son Negro was put upon the stand witness, and the Judge inquir- A as a ed if he understood the nature of an oath. 'For certain, boss,” said the citL “if I swear to a lie I must to him?* ii' zen: stick James Street W. A. Group 1 Mrs. Jas. Bbxvey was hostess on Tuesday evening to group one of James Street W. A. The meeting was opened by the group leader, Mrs. C. W. Kestle, the Lord’s Pray- er being repeated in unison. Mrs. Roulston then took charge,. A hum­ orous reading was given by Mrs. Asa Penhale which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. After taking part in several interesting contests the ladies were served a delicious lunch­ eon by the hostess and her com­ mittee. The next meeting will be April 16th at the hoifie of Mrs, Sturgis. Teacher: “Lizzie, Who was Fran­ cis Drake?” Lizzie: “A friend of Donald Duck.” Murray Mission Band A very interesting program whs put on by the Murray Mission Band, at their last meeting which was held in the evening. After the opening exercises, recitations were given by Norma Snell, pearl Kirk and Gene- veive Elliott; solos by Patsy Hopper and Joan Hopper. An exercise en­ titled “The Lilies” was given by six girls: Ruby Stire, Jessie See- brook, Lillian Stire, Marjorie Mc­ Donald, Muriel Hewitt and Yvonne Smith. Mrs. Penrose, our W. M. S. president very capably took the chair and Slides entitled “You and I Bro­ therhood” depicting scenes of Indore (India) Christian College, were shown and very much enjoyed by everybody. The offering was receiv­ ed by Marion Webber and Yvonne Smith. o———0—o Hubby:., bills, dear. Wife: » only want “Don’t bring me any more I can’t face them. You needn’t, darling, you to foot them.” I Barber: “Wet or dry, sir?” Customer: “I never divulge my political leanings—just comb my hair.”