HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-14, Page 8THMISDAI’, MARCH 14, 1!H«THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Make your Easter a successful one with a wave from V’s Beauty Shoppe Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, proprietress Exeter Markets Wheat 82c. (according to grade) Oats 42c. Barley 60c. Buckwheat SJc. Creamery Butler 32e Dairy Butter 25c., 28c Eggs, A large ISe, del. Eggs, medium, 16c. del. Eggs, B 14C Hogs, dressed $11.50. FpB Comfortable Glasses AT A 4 W. 1. Smith & Son 4 Doors North Bank of Montreal Main Street, Exeter u 0 New Electrical Appliance H Price Range Refrigerators $150 to $300 p £Washing MacJiines $59.50 R to $185.00 R tl Cream Separators $57.50 F to $200.00 Sewing Machines $75,00 to0$150.00 Guaranteed Radios $17.50flto $200.00 0. G. E. Vacuum Cleaners $59.50 fl Pianos all Guaranteed M$50.00 to $200.00 n USED MACHINES AT MJRBARGAIN PRICES The Ideal Meat Market Phone 38! Main St. LOCALS SEE C. E. ZURBR1GG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Our tuner, S. BOARDMAN, eleven years with Heintzman Go., will be in Exeter and district in the course of a few days. Just phone Exeter No 3 and your order will be taken care of by W. Martin. Every piano is care­ fully examined for moth damage Miss M. Heywood is visiting with relatives in Windsor. Mr, to be to his Mr. Hominy $32.00 Ton Fresh Supply Livingstone’s Blue Blossom Oil Cake $2.25. cwt. Yellow Corn $1.45 cwt. Salt Prices Same as Last Week R. G. Seldon & Son Exeter, Ont. 0We sell more ears because we ser­ vice more cars, ask about cur Free lubrication coupons. —Sandy Elliot. WANTED—'Housework in town by experienced girl who can supply references. Apply Times-Advocate.i FOR SALE—Colony house, brood­ er stove, electric washing machine. Apply R. E. Balkwill. FOR SALE—Turkeys, toms and hens. Apply to R. D. Hunter, phone 39r7, Kirkton. R.R, 3, Exeter. Itp. FOR SALE — Range and dining­ room suite. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Reid, Dashwood. ltc. FOR SALE—20 pigs, suckers. Ap­ ply R. Faber, R.R. 1, Hensall. Phone 22 on 92 Hensall. Itp. FOR SALEdue in April, 5 years old; 2 wheels complete, ready for made tractor.—W. B. Volk, lrl. Dashwood. A big Durham cow, binder home­phone lte FOR .SALE — Hanging lamp in good condition, low price. Apply at Times-Advocate. Itp. POTTED PLANTS FOR SALE — Orders taken for Easter Lilies.—L. Day & Son. FOR SALE—White Holland Tur­ key, tom. Apply to Wm. Gould, Phone 36rl2, Dashwood. Itp FOR SALE—A bunch of young pigs, stockers. Apply to Jack Quin- livan, phone 17r2, Crediton. ltc. Well-dressed women take Slendor tablets $1. at Robertson’s, FOR SALE — A 40‘0-egg incuba­ tor, hot water heated, like new. Ap­ ply Times-Advocate. 12 S. in TENDERS WANTED — For cord 16 inch, hard wood for S. No. 1, Usborne. Tenders to be by March 16 th. Luther Reynolds, Sec’y.-Treas., RR 1, Hensall. 3-7-2tc. J. A. Traquair is again able around after being confined home through illness. Chas. Brooks, of Crystal City, Manitoba, paid a flying visit to Exeter Thursday of last week call­ ing on a number of friends. Mr. Warren May, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is>,enjoying two week’s holidays and is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keen and Mrs. Fred Hatter, of Ailsa Craig, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatter, Jr., of Exeter North. Mr. J. B. Creech, principal of the Exeter public school was off duty for a couple of days last week with a severe cold. Mrs. Rodway supplied during his absence. The O.R.H.A. Senior hockey fin­ als will be played off tonight (Thursday) at the Exeter Arena .be­ tween Parkhill and Lynden or St. Jacobs. Mrs. Jas. Green held a quilting bee Wednesday afternoon and en­ tertained a number of friends in the evening. There were two sit­ tings at supper, one at six o'clock and the other at seven. Mrs. G... Hockey, Mrs. Blanch Boyle, Mrs. E. A. Howald, Miss Stel­ la Southcott and Miss Jean Sheere returned Monday after visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Parker and Mr. Aquilla Sheere at Lansing, Mich. The death took place in Water­ loo on Thursday, March 7th, of Florence Helen Haviland, wife of Hugh J. Haviland, a former prin­ cipal of the Exeter High School. Two daughters survive, Miss Edna Haviland, at home and Mrs. Roy Scrimshaw, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Rev, Mr. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodds and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatter, of Ailsa Craig, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatter Jr., Thursday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hatter are moving from Ailsa Craig to Blyth where Mr, Hat­ ter has secured a position with the flax mill there. Mr. Wm. Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lamport, Mrs. J. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis and Mi’, and Mrs. E. Harness were in London on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Alfred Bedford, who died March 7th in her 77th year. The deceased was a former resi­ dent of Exeter. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Thos. Wilson, Wilbur Luker. Ed. Harness, Jack Hedden, Russell Hedden and Oliver Fee. Good Friday DISTRICT FELLOWSHIP1 RALLY will be held in the Pentecostal Tabernacle at 10:30 a.m., 3 and 8 p.m Rev. D. N. Buntain will speak assisted by ministers from the district. Special Music and Singing 'A COTTAGE FOR SALE — Medium sized, comfortable and in good re­ pair. Reasonable price and terms. Several other homes.—C. V. Pickard phone 165, Exeter. 'HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT — Two storey frame on Huron street; hydro, hard water inside; acre of land. Phone Crediton 18rl5. 1-6 re- re- FOR SALE--1 h.p., y2, %, Electric jnotors. Electric motors paired and rewound. Motors also paired and exchanged for washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, etc.—Lome Johnston, Ex­ eter, Ontario. FOR SALE — 1-matched team, mare and gelding; 1 mare. All are Clydesdales rising four years old. Both mares are show horses; also good hay wanted. — G. A. Cann, Exeter, phone 35. FOR SALE—50 acre pasture farm about half tillable, lot 12, Con. 4, Hay; 90 acres, brick house, bank barn, electricity,-- school 1 -mile, pavement. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. HOUSE FOiTrENT^- On Ann street, town watef. Apply to Mr. Wm. Sims. FARMS FOR SALE-—5 O' acres, good buildings, hydro, best of land, close to town and school. Reasonable price. 100 acre highway farm, very best priced for quick sale. Several others. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. BIRTHS McPORTLAND — At St. Joseph’s] Hospital, London, Ont., on March I 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mc- Portland (nee jean Stanbury) a daughter. McFALLS—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos-1 pital, on Friday, March 8', 1940', to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls, of Usborne, a son, Frederick Wil­ liam Garnet McFalls (Billie) WOODBURN— On Saturday, March 9, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn (nee Edna Harris) of Greenway, a daughter. MARRIAGES CORNISH — KERSLAKE —At the Presbyterian manse on' Thursday, March 7 th, 1940, Dorothy Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. and jMrs. Arthur Kerslake, ' Usborne,' to Chester C., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cornish, by Rev. D. C. Hill. DEATHS SHERMAN—At his home near Kirk­ ton on Monday, March'11th, 1940, George E. Sherman, beloved hus­ band of Mabie Kemp, in his 47th year. CARROTHERS --In Stephen Town­ ship on Monday, March 11, 1940', Charlotte Steeper, wife of the late Joseph J. Carrothers, in her 6 9 th year. Interment in Grand Bend cemetery. BEDFORD—I- — T’_____day, March 7th, Mary Ann, be­ loved '■ ‘.......................... ‘ ford, 77th In (London, on Thurs- wife of the late Alfred Bed- formerly of Exeter, in her year. BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks. Hybrids (White Leghorn-Barred Rock Cross) and White Leghorns Jc., Barred Rocks and New Hampshires and Brown Leghorns 10c., White Rocks and Black Giants lie, 5 per cent, dis­ count for early orders. Phone 38-3. A, SWITZER HATCHERY Granton, Ontario CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker desires to express their sincere thanks to the many friends who remembered Mrs, Baker with cards, letters and treats illness in various ways during her’ in Mrs. Godbolt’s hospital. ANNOUNCEMENT and Mrs. John Caldwell, of announce the engagementMr. Exeter. ----------- --- —-------of their daughter, Olive Devona, to Clarence Jack Essery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery, of Centralia, the marriage to take place the lat­ter part of March. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, HRh B.A., B.». Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—"Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public ’Worship Sermon: “The Death ' ‘ 7 p.ni.—Public Worship iSermon: Paul’s First Friday, March 15 at S , .Stuart Parker D.D., Moderator o£ the General Assembly will address meeting in Knox Church, Goderich on work of the church, of Chris! Sermon p.m. Rev MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copelgnd B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Palm Sunday. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Service JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—“Religion’s Promise” 3 p.m. — Church School 7 p.m.—-The Minister Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. UnionWednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Service Thursday 2.30 p.m. W.M.'S, visit of Main Street Auxiliary Holy Week Services-—Monday, Mar 18 to Friday, March 22nd. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacEaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Palm Sunday 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Royal Progress of the King of Kings’’ Holy Week services Monday and Good Friday at 8 P.m.Easter Sunday SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES will-be held in the Pentecostal Tabernacle at 11 a.m. and in the Exeter Theatre 8 pan. Rev. D. N. Buntain, General Super- ___ ___ _____ intendent of the Pentecostal Assent-' fuel of tested quality—especially blies of Canada, will preach at both prepared for home heating use. ! Once you’ve tried D&H Anthracite —you’ll know it’s the only short cut heating comfort. The Short Cut to Comfort Is A Quick Call For D&H ANTHRACITE You’ll save many days of trouble­ some heating—if you phone your order for b&H Anthracite. today This Pennsylvania Hard Coal is a services. Mr. Buntain was formerly a United Church minister in the city of Win­ nipeg and is a forceful speaker. The Public is invited to all meetings E. Clemens, Pastor from. White Leghorns, Leghorns, Black Minorcas, Minoras. Anconas, New Hampshires, Reds, White Rocks, Barred ■Rhode White Jersey BABY CHICKS We have the following breeds to choose Brown While Rocks. Island Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Black Giants, Black Australorps, Hybride, Black Minorcas x White Leghorns. Barred Rocks x New Hamps.. New Hamps x Barred Rocks White Leghorns x Barred Rocks, L. Sussex x New Hamps. Prices start at .$9.45 for nonsexed chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited Fergus, Ontario Four Free Lubrications, no obligation, just look at our used cars, and let us make an offer on your present car. We sign and present you with the coupons, you get the grease jobs any time from your Ford dealer who gives service the cars he sells. on SANDY ELLIOT Ask the Man Who Drives One V to JAS. P. BOWEY rhone 33; Residence 157 FOR SALE Several Used Electric Refriger­ ators from $50.00 up 2 Used Ranges Very Cheap 1 Used Electric Washer Used Radios From $5.00 up See the New C.G.E. Refrigerat­ ors now on display W. J. BEER TWO-WAY ACTIONn on the kid­ neys, antiseptic and '‘invigorating. Rumacaps attack the cause of Rheu­ matism, Sciatica, ILumbago. BROWNING’S DRUGSTORE Confucius say: Lady who have hair styled at Tomlinson’s, have Happy Easter. TOMLINSON’S (MODERN) ■M GROCERY SPECIALS COMFORT SOAP BROOMS 4 bars.... . 15c I Monday, Mar. 18i FROM 11 a.m. TO 4 p.m. I ooooo—- O—ooooo MR. M. R. PARK MARCHING INTO SPRING A” Naturelle Permanent Wave that will glorify yOur personality is the Coiffure of Charm for Easter time. Get Yours Now Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 New Dresses and Coats for Easter OUR RACKS ARE FILLED WITH NEW STYLES IN DRESSES AND COATS FOR EASTER BUYERS. WE INVITE YOU TO SEE THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE WHILE WE HAVE SUCH A FINE ASSORTMENT TO SHOW YOU. NEW FOOTWEAR FOR EASTER Step out in a pair of our New Shoes for Easter. We have many new styles to show you. Priced at $275, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE In the newest shades for Easter in Chiffon Crepes and Service Weights at per pair 69c, 85c and $1.15 New Curtains and Curtain Nets for Spring Before buying your new curtains we would like you to see the many New Nets and Curtain Materials that we have on display. Prices range from 20c to 75c a yard. UNBLEACHED SHEETS A Good Quality Unbleached Sheeting 2 yards wide by 2% yards long. Only one bolt of this quality to sell at Per Sheet $1.10 40 IN. CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON A good quality Bleached Pillow Cotton that is extra good value at Per Yard 40c Men’s Rubber Boots 24 pair only Men’s Rubber Boots with red soles. You will need a pair for the sloppy 4 Spring weather. These are the last we will have at this low price. Per pair $2.00. W allpapers W allpapers Brighten up the interior of your home with a few rolls of our New Wallpapers. The cost is not great. You can buy suitable papers for any room in your home for as little as 10c, 121/jjc, 15c, 20 to 35c per single roll.. Rooms Lots at $1.29, $1.49, $1.79, $1.99. Men’s and Boy’s Smart Suits for Easter All bought at last year’s prices when fine woollens were much*lower in price than they are today. We have a wonderful range of New Patterns in Single or Double Breasted Styles Priced at $12 to $30. 2 Pant Suits. 10 5 2 lb. pail lb. pail lb. pail CORN SYRUP . Rinso . . 22c ,;3e’ Lifebuoy 9c Pkq‘ 31c 69c 35c 25c While They Last REX COFFEE 1 lb* • • • • s • 45c FRESH CREAM SODAS 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c SPECIAL PURITY FLOUR 98 lb. bag . $2.95 Win $30.00 Cash SWEET PICKLES Large jar . . . 20c AMMONIA ... 3 pkgs. 15c. Southcott Bros Exeter, Painting and Paperhanging Sign Work of all Kinds Display Cards, Etc. TOM WALKER W. R. Johnston’s Representative WILL BE AT THIS STORE ON SHOWING A BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF MEN’S AND LADIES* TAILOR-MADE SUITES ’ LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO SEE THIS RANGE W. W. T A M A N BARBER SHOP EXETER, ONT. EASTER LILLIES 25c Bloom Orders Taken up to and In­ cluding March 16th ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE Watch for Nyal 2 for 1 Sale BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 81 SPRING CLEARANCE SALEEXETER LADIES’ WEAR IS NOW SHOWING A COMPLETE LINE OF SPRING STYLES Ladies Coats and Tailored Suits, Dresses in all the Newest Shades and Styles, Girls’ Coat Sets, Children’s Eclipse Dresses, Hats, Blouses, Skirts, Sport Jackets, Slips and Lingerie A Shipment of Smart House Dresses Has Just Arrived Sizes 14 to 46. Price $1.00, $1.29 and $1.59. Call and look our stock over and if you see something you like a small deposit will hold it for you till Easter It’s Spring Cleaning Time and Time for NEW FURNITURE FOUR BIG WEEKS Saturday, March 16 to Saturday, April 13 This is YOUR Chance to Fill Your Furniture Needs at the LOWEST PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Everything Reduced in T> XT T> (A Price for this Great Sale. X^l • IVx/ ▼ ▼ A-/ Phone 20W Buy Your Furniture in Exeter and Save Money Don’t Forget the Dates We Deliver ?