HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-03-14, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 13WIMSMX, MABCH M, IMO “BAKE CUTS COSTS 3^^ opentoq canfiat ApLLL Z>| II1AET DOUBLE-ACTING VALUHIK. I BAKING POWDER BRAND JONES & MAY “Your Superior Store” SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR makes FINER cakes Corn Syrup 'Bee Hive or Crown per 26c 5 lb. 37c 10 lb. 69c Granulated Sugar Fine or Medium WELCOME 10 lbs.65c Pastry Flour Made in Exeter, None Better 24 lbs.............59c Grand New Recipes that Will be More L Economical with the Lower Cost of Eggs Party Time Is Cake Baking Time Carefully Tested NEW Recipes Make Perfect Snurpises to Go With the Fun a is minutes. Let sponge cake cool In pan. Quick! Tie on your apron; let's make a perfect one together! Every one of these gro-ud new recipes has been carefully tested Every one is a beauty snap to make- it right! -if you and. retested, and a perfect just go about 4 Add brown sugar to butter and cook over low flame, stirring con­ stantly, until mixture darkens very slightly (about 5 to 6 minutes.) Re­ move from fire and add granulated sugar milk and water. Return to fire and boil, without stirring, un­ til smal amount of mixture forms a very soft ball in cold water (232 degrees F.) Remove from fire. Cool to-lukewarm (110 degrees F.); beat until of right consistency to spread. Makes enough frosting to cover top and sides of two 9-inch layers.. The Quality Tea "SALADA1 We A ■nh Hillcrest Shortening The Popular Brand 2 lbs................25c Bakers Cocoanut ' Dessicated or Shredded per lb.25c Calumet Baking Powder The Double Acting or Combination Type 6 oz. tin16 oz. tin 25c 10c Baking Syrup in Bulk The True Sugar Syrup per lb...10c LEVEL OF LAKE HURON AT GODERICH IS LOWER The hydrographic and map ser­ vice of the mines and resources de­ partment reported March 6 th le­ vel of the St. Lawrence River in Montreal harbour during February a 0 By Katherine Baker Winter and early Spring give new impetus to hospitality, This the season when entertaining really gets under way. Perhaps it’s be­ cause the tangy air quickens appe­ tites, and offers more opportunities for get-togethers. Whatever the reason, be prepared this season with some new cake recipes to please your guests. Don’t forget your own family, too. Especially the men­ folk. It’s just as easy to make them rave with a perfect cake. Do you wonder how you can be sure that every time you open your oven door a perfect dream of a cake will come out? A delicate, moist, tender cake with a crust that’s gold­ en brown and daintily crisp? A cake so high, and beautifully light and lovely to look at, even before it is frosted? A cake with such del­ icate tempting flavor and appeal that your family and friends will “o-o-oh” and “ah” till the last crumb is gone? Butterscotch Pecan Cake Two cups sifted cake flour; 2 teaspoons double-acting baking pow- cup cup cup bak- tea- 1-3 1-4 1 egg, unbeaten; 3 unsweetened chocolate, 1-2 cup thick sour cream; sweet milk; I teaspoon van- der; 1-2 teaspoon salt; 2-3 butter or other shortening;* 1 sugar; 3 eggs, unbeaten; 1-3 of milk; 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour once, measurer, add ing powder and salt, and sift to­ gether three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beat­ ing thoroughly after each. Add flour alternately with milk, a small por­ tion at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla Bake in 2 greased 9-inch layer pans in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) 2(5 to 30 minutes. (Spread Butter­ scotch Fudge Frosting between lay- m B Ts' 0 <: s 3Si inches lower than January 5 % inches higher than Febru- 193'9. Lake Huron at Goderich \two inches lower than January i inch lower than February, k « It isn’t a matter of luck or long- experience. It’s easy, I promise— if you just go about it right!, -So next time you tackle a mixing bowl and spoon, here are a few simple new ideas — the lastest step-by-step methods to sure baking success -— I’ve learned from real baking ex­ perts: ers and on 'top and sides of cake. Decorate side of cake with chopped pecans. 1. Plan your baking before you start. Choose your recipes. Read it carefully and understand it clearly, step-by-step. Then set out all the ingredients named and all the utensils needed. Butterscotch Fudge Frosting Two cups light brown sugar, firm­ ly packed; 1-2 cup butter; 1 1-4 cups granulated sugar; 3-4 cup top milk; 1-2 cup sugar. FORFARMING The Bank of Montreal is always glad to Con­ sider loans for productive purposes. Ask for our booklet, "The Farmer and His Bank.” 2. Use good tools. -Good tools make any job easier. Use good tools for baking and you’ll measure more accurately and quickly. 3. Use good ingredients. Use qual­ ity eggs, fresh, sweet shortening. Use fine, granulated sugar, unless the recipe calls for some other kind Remember that the kind of baking you get depends on flour, baking powder ingredients you use. the kind of and other- in- Most recipe level. Make 4. Measure exactly, measurements are yours level! Use standard measur­ ing cups and spoons to be sure of the exact amounts. 5. Mix carefully. Follow exactly the mixing directions in each recipe. The way you combine and handle ingredients must be right for bestJ results. “Say, John, have you got your seed and fertilizer yet?’* “Sure thing —borrowed $200 from the Bank of Montreal for them... and I saved money on the deal by paying cash.” 6. Use pans called for, Make sure your pans are the specified. Prepare mixing. 7. Make sure oven right. Don’t guess about it. your stove doesn’t have an oven regulator, use a portable thermom* ter. It tells you when the bakin’ temperature is right! 18. Cool cakes properly. Handle all ’ -cakes' carefully after baking. Coo’ * butter cakes in pan for abO’P type and size pans before temperature is If BANK OF MONTREAL ESTASLlSttEiD 1817 {tank udtete accGMiU gap welcMnA19 Exeter Branch: W. H. MOISE, Manager 4 Chocolate Peppermint Cake Two cups sifted cake flour; 1 spoon soda; 1-2 teaspoon salt; cup butter or shortening; 1 cups sugar squares melted; 3-4 cup ilia. Sift flour once, measure, add salt and soda, and sift three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream well. Beat in egg, then chocolate. Add about 1-4 cup of flour and beat well; sour cream. Add remaining alternately with amounts, beating after each tion. Add vanilla. Bake in greased. 9-inch layer pans in erate oven minutes. frosting. When cold but soft sprinkle border of chocolate flakes around top. For flakes, scrape unsweeten­ ed chocolate with sharp knife, scraping down. ■ HIBBERT COUNCIL The Hibbert Township Council met in the Township Hall, Staffa, on Saturday, March 2nd. All members were present with the reeve presid­ ing. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting which were adopted as read. By-law No. 483 appointing Fence Viewers and Poundkeepers was read its third and final time and passed signed by the Reeve and Clerk and affixed with corporate seal. The following appointments were made: Fence Viewers — W. Pullman, Joseph Linton, Samuel Norris, Os­ wald Walker, Frank Jordan, Alvin Barbour, Patrick Maloney, J, M. Miller, Andrew McLachlan, and G. T. Wren. ■Pound Keepers — Frank Feeney, Alma Gray, Fred Vipond, John Hocking, Lome Pethick, Louis Q’- Rielly, Bert Peart, Walton Kers- lake, Wellington Crawford, Arnold Westlake and Frank Hambly. The following accounts were paid: Hydro electric lights $6.64; Pro­ vincial treasurer, insulin $6,99; p. Gestetner supplies for printing $1.- 36; Municipal World, dog tags and supplies $13.53; Mr. O. W. Reed, premium on bond $8.00; Direct re­ lief $61.17. Thos. D. Wren, Clerk of then flour, small addi- three mod- (350 degrees F.) 30 (Spread with peppermint milk, in .Peppermint Frosting Two egg whites, unbeaten; 1 1-2 cups sugar, 5 tablespoons of water;- 11-2 teaspoons of light corn syrup, 1 teaspoon vanilla. 'Combine egg whites, sugar, water and corn syrup in top of double boiler,, beating with rotary egg beater until thoroughly mixed. Place over rapidly boiling water, beat con­ stantly with rotary egg beater and cook 7 minutes, or until frosting will stand in peaks. Remove from boiling water; add vanilla. Color a. delicate shell pink by adding a very small amount of red coloring, and flavor to taste with oil of pep­ permint eessary.) spread. (only a few drops are ne- Beat until thick enough to hisHe arrived home to find young wife weeping bitterly. “What’s the trouble, my dear?” he asked. “■Boo-hoo,” she wept, “the cooked meat shop is moving from the cor­ ner,” “Never mind,” he said gently, “we can move too, you know!” f ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES ) Exeter Hensail Special Swansdown Cake ngc Flour Large Jar Sweet Mixed Pickles 21c jar Sweet 2 doz- Juicy 9C_ Oranges Utlv 3 boxes Matches 19G Calumet small 10c Baking med. 18c Powder large 23c Baker’s half ,b- Baking 1 Q _ Chocolate * *7 L Large Lemons u0Z.“^V Kleenex 1 A _ Package * ”L 1 A. ccnte . U /UILk’ ON ■>W Listen to “The Shariovi 4 ezo’-y '“-o.su t.-, • UX*HB, 9,00 ,o 9»i»0 p.m. ’fir -■ it *THE COLOUR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY MAKE THEM This Year Hogarth Chicks HIGH QUALITY, BLOOD TESTED CHICKS AT REASONABLE PRICES Once You Try You Always Buy From Hogarth BARRED ROCKS, WHITE WYANDOTTES, WHITE LEGHORNS, NEW HAMPSHIRES, JERSEY BLACK GIANTS, COCKERELS, PULLETS AND STARTED CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING HOGARTH CHICK HATCHERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 266 Night Coughs Terribly wearing on the system is the cough that comes on at night and prevents sleep. Sometimes it is the constant Cough, cough that will not be quieted. Sometimes it is a choked-up, stuffed- up feeling that makes breathing difficult. Dr, Wood’s Norway Pino Syrup is the remedy you need to give you relief, for the reason that this prep* aration contains the healing virtues of the Novw™ ’ pine tree With which is combined wild cherrv bark, and the f.oi prop? barks The T. James Street Mission Circle The James Street Mission Circle held their Easter meeting Tuesday evening March 5-th at the home of Mrs. J. P. Bowey. The president, presided over the opening numbers. A hymn was sung, minutes read and the roll taken. It was decided to make a layette at the next meeting at the home of Helen Finkbeiner. Ardys McFalls had charge of the progra" which opened with a hymn - oliowon by prayer by Mrs. Walker, he S'wii tn re lessen was rrtad by Aorothy Welsh, Helen a \ M Ficede n RaU loaf'd i Prayer, m toyed WHEN A COLD THREATENS YOU OO THIS To help prevent colds developing, uSC this special* - - ized medication at first warning ▼ • W fW 9 sniffle or sneeze. Va-tro-nolr Finkbeiner St- dy Book. Gomp gave Lc meeting d lord’s were -thing, healing hn expectorant 'it's of other excellent balsams, and herbs, , Milbam Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.