HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-02-29, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE -L Coming to Hensall C, R. Wilkinson, R.O, Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.nqu Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL Mrs. James Sangster is quite ill at her home here. ; Mrs. James Parkins spent a few flays this week in Toronto. ■ Mr. Henry Horton continues quite |11 at his home at date of writing. ; Miss Helen Moir returned home after spending the past week in London. ■ Miss Nellie Fee has accepted a position with Mr. Ed. Douglas of Hyde Parke. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Billy and Betty, spent the week-end in Windsor and Detroit, Mrs. Ed. Stewart and son Carmen of London, visited on Friday with Miss Elizabeth Slavin. Miss Florence Welsh returned home after a very pleasant visit with rela­ tives and friends in Toronto. Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren visited on Saturday with their cous­ in, Miss Alice Glen near Clinton. Miss Velma Dow, of Staffa, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Feme MacLean. The Young People of Kippen Un­ ited church held a skating party on Monday evening on the local rink. We are pleased to report that Rev. Wm. Weir, pastor of Carmel church is able to be out after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Corn­ elius Cook. Shirley Faber, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rocus Faber, is ill in Clinton Hospital with bronical pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at the home of the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mrs. Ann Berry left last week for Windsor where she will spend sev-, eral weeks at the hopie of her son Mr. Ed. Berry. ’Mr. and Mrs. Steer, of Mount Brydges visited on Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer. Mrs. Lloyd Hudson returned to her home in St. Marys on Friday af­ ter spending the past week with relatives and friends here. Mrs. James MacMartin and Mrs. Charles MoMartin and .family, of Barrie, spent the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs. Robt. Bon- thron. Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N., of Hillsgreen, visited last week at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farqu­ har. A Bingo and Dance was held here on Wednesday evening under the , auspices of the Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion Murdock’s orchestra furnished the music for the dance. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser­ vices in the United church on Sun­ day and delivered very fine dis­ courses ' on the subjects “God as Restorer” and “The Chance Friend.” The choir rendered two excellent anthems “Ashamed of Jesus,” Mrs. I. G. Smillie soloist and “O God, The Rock of Ages:” Former Resident of Hensall Passes Away Word was received here recently of the death of Robert A. Buchanan .who passed away in St. Vincent’s Hospital, Portland, Oregon, in nis 74th year. The deceased was born in Hensall and entered the ministry and was a graduate of Parke College of Missouri and Auburn Theological Seminary, of Auburn, N.Y. Surviving are three sisters, Miss Margaret Buchanan, of Hensall; Mrs. James Hope and Mrs. Agnes MacDonald, of Vancouver; also two brothers, John, of Guelph; Peter, of St. Thom­ as. Funeral of the Late Win, Craig The funeral of the late William Moore Craig was held from Carmel Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. of which the deceased was a valued member and was conducted by the pastor Rev. Wm. Weir assisted by Rev. J. B. Townsepd, pf Belgrave, Mrs. J. W, Bonthrpn sang a beautiful solo “Good Night Here and Good Morjif ing Up There,” The Black Knights of Clinton, assisted in the service. The deceased was a member of the Orange Lodge here and had not missed pn Orange Walk in his life. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Craig and had been a resident of Hensall for the past 26 years. ’Surviving is one sister Miss Hannah Craig and one brother Mr. John Craig, The floral tributes were very beautiful showing the esteem with which the deceased was held. The pallbearers were Messsrs. Thos. Hudson, Peter Moir, W. R. Davidson, W. A. MacLaren, Alfred Taylor and Archie Ryckman. Inter­ ment in Baird’s Cemetery, Mrs. John Keys Passes Suddenly There passed away suddenly on Wednesday of last week, a well known resident of Hensall in the person of Mrs. John Keys at the home of her son, Albert, on High­ way No. 4, North of Exeter, with whom she had been spending the wintei* months. Formerly Margaret Jane Parke, the deceased was born on the Parke homestead north of Zurich, wab in her 80th year and had been a resident of Hensall for the past 19 years. Her husbanfl, predeceased her sixteen years. Sur­ viving is one daughter’ Mrs. Lang­ ford of Streetsville, and two sons Albert and Percy, the latter resid­ ing in Hamilton. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. Albert Keys on Friday at 2 o’clock and was conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. In­ terment in Bayfield Cemetery, Song Service Held Rev Wm. Weir conducted services in Carmel church on Sunday and the choir sang a very appropriate anthem “I Will Extol Thee” at the morning service. At the evening service a service of song was held with a large congregation attending and taking part in singing many favorite hymns. Rev. Mr. Weir delivered a very fine discourse on the hymn “Jesus Lover of My Soul,” written by Charles Wesley and a quartette comprising Misses Irene Hoggarth, Mabel Workmon, Messrs. Frank Battersby and James Camp­ bell sang this hymn very beautifully. The choir rendered an excellent an­ them “Sweet Hour of Prayer” with Miss Irene Hoggarth and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron soloists. Mrs. John Mur­ dock presided at the organ. Young People’s Union The Young People’s Union held their regular meeting in the school room of the church on Monday ev­ ening with the president, Miss Elva McQueen presiding. The meeting opened by singing a hymn followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. Mr. Ross Forest read the Scripture and the devotional talk was taken by Miss June Saundercock. Miss Mary Goodwin led in prayer. A. delight­ ful vocal solo “God’s To-Morrow” was sung by Mrs. Hedden. The minutes were read and adopted and the roll call answered. The busi­ ness was discussed and it was de­ cided to hold a Young People’s Anniversary on Sunday, April 7th. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and a Bible contest. 'Young People Meet The Young People of Carmel church held their regular meeting on Monday evening in charge of the Fellowship committee, in the basement of the church and opened by singing the theme song “The Call of Christ” and was presided over by Miss Irene Hoggarth. The Scripture was read by Mr.* James Campbell. Miss Beryl Pfaff gave the devotional talk on the continuation of the Apostle’s Creed. A hymn was sung and the roll called. The business was discussed. Miss Mar­ garet Dougall played a piano instru­ mental. Rev. Mr. Weir gave the topic on “The Beginning of Philos­ ophy” which was very interesting. The meeting closed with singing “All the Way my Saviour Leads Me” followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Weir. Ladies’ Association Meets The regular meeting of the La­ dies’ Association of Carmel Presby­ terian Church was held in the school room of the church on Tuesday ev­ ening with the president Mrs. Frank Farquhar presiding and opened by singing “By Cool Siloam’s Shady Rill” followed by a prayer. A short period was devoted to the memory of the late Mrs. Basil Edwards and a beautiful poem read in memoriam of her by Mrs. Farquhar followed by silent prayers. The business was discussed and it was decided to hold a social evening in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday, March 5 th with the various organizations of the church' presenting the pro­ gram. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer in unison. CREDITON See Canadian Canners advt. re waxed beans, page 5. The Women's Institute will hold their meeting at the town hall on Tuesday, March Sth at two o'clock. Please note change of date. Miss Helen Telfer and Miss Edna Beaver, of London, spent the week­ end at their respective homes. Mr, H. K. Eilber is redecorating the interior of his office. Mrs. F. W. Clark is a patient of St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she is receiving treatments, We are glad to report that she is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Eilber, of Port Hope Mich., Miss Edna Eilber and Mrs, Schrader, of Ubly, Mich,, visited at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr, and. Mrs. Henry Eil­ ber last week. Harold Fahrner visited the school last Friday and gave a demonstra­ tion on rope splicing to the boys in Grade 9 and 10, He has promised to give the boys another demonstra­ tion on the adjustable halter. The regular meeting of the Cred- iton United Y, P. U. was held in the basement of the church on Febru­ ary 22nd. The meeting opened by singing hymn 119 followed by pray- e‘r by Rev. Mr. Turner. Minutes of the last meeting and roll call was read and business was conducted, Doreen Baker, convenor of Chris­ tian Missionary committee then took the chair. The theme for the meeting was “The Christian World Community.” Quiet music of hymn 231 followed by prayer by Helen Bullock. The Scripture lesson was read and a reading by Rhena Year- ley.. Hymn 95 was sung. The topic foi* the’ evening was given in the form foot duet ing. meeting was brought to a close by the DANCE In CENTRALIA HALL MONDAY, MARCH 4th Adam Brock and his Columbians 7 Piece Orchestra Admission 35<p Everybody Welcome Cafeteria Lunch CENTRALIA MAKE THEM This Year logarth Chicks HIGH QUALITY, BLOOD TESTED CHICKS AT REASONABLE PRICES Once You Try You Always Buy 'From Hogarth BARRED ROCKS, WHITE WYANDOTTES, WHITE LEGHORNS, NEW HAMPSHIRE#, JERSEY BLACK GIANTS, COCKERELS, PULLETS AND STARTED CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING HOGARTH CHICK HATCHERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 266 of a dialogue. Howard Light- and Audrey Hardinge sang a and Bryce Mack gave a read- Hymn 276 was sung and the Mizpah benediction. GREENWAY The W. A. of the United church are planning on having an Oyster Supper on March 28th. Further particulars later. A number of relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. T. Bullock on Sunday evening to celebrate her birthday. Messrs. Dean Brown and A. Gol- len are on the sick list. We hope for them a.speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stewardson mov­ ed into Mr. ’ Lawrence Pollock’s house last week., ■Mrs. Emerson Woodburn spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris, of Brinsley. Miss Mary Bullock returned to her home from London last week where she has spent some time. We are sorry to report Mr. James Wilson was taken to the Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday. We hope to see him home soon. Mrs. Jas. Gardner spent a few days with Mrs. Geo. Hall south of Cor­ bett. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elson and Billie returned to their home at Brinsley after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gollen for some time. Mrs. S. McIntosh was surprised by a visit from former pupils of S.'S. No. livray, Mrs. Geo. Campbell, of Win­ nipeg and Mrs. Geo. Hodgins of con. 20, McGillivray. Many ories were recalled. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd tertained the members many Class at their home on Fri­ day/ February 9 th. The class was well represented and in the absence of the president, Mr. Roy Whiting, Mr. Will Hicks was inf,charge of the meeting. The meeting opened with a hymn followed by prayer, The worship period was in charge of Mrs. Harold Turner who chose as her theme “Prayer” which was a very appropriate topic as the meet­ ing was held on the evening of the World’s Day of Prayer. Articles on the subject were read by Mrs. Eg- and Mrs. Beacom. The Scrip­ lesson was taken by Mrs. Ar- Brophey. The games and con- were in charge of “Mr. H. Lunch was served by the pleasantly two of her 13, McGil- happy mem. Brophey en- of The Har- gart ture thur tests Turner, ladies and a social time enjoyed. Everyone appreciated the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Brophey. BRINSLEY Congratulations to Mr. and Raymond Pierce. It’s a daughter. Mrs. J. Turner, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Hodgson, celebrated her 80th birthday on Sunday. Mrs, Turner received many messages and wishes. Mr. and Mrs, Kelly 'Morgan’s chil­ dren who have Mrs. cards of birthday been in the hospital are improving nicely. Rev. Mr. Turner, pastor of the United Church is preaching a ser­ ies of sermons on “The Beatitudes” which are very interesting. The Young People’s Union at­ tended the conference held in Ailsa Craig on Monday evening. Mrs. Wes, White and Mrs. Wes. Lewis spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lightfoot Of St. Marys. Mrs. Earl Furtney’s family, of .Sylvan, including the young people, Adce, (Stanley and Bill, spent (Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee. Miss Tlene Watson, of London, is holidsw'n* with her mother, Mrs. L. !L. Craven. The’Womeb's Institute held their February meeting on Wednesday of last week in West McGillivray Hall. Panerg were given by Mrs. Martin Watson oh “Health and Child Wel­ fare”; Mrs. Allen Reid gave a paper on “Canad’anigation.” Music was furnished by Mrs, Craven, Jim Tre- vothick and Jack Trevethick. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, IfHO Wanted! DASHWOOD See Canadian canners adyt, waxed beans, page 5. My, and- Mrs. Edgar Restemayer attender the funeral of Mrs. Reste- mayer’s uncle, Mr. Strome, in Wa­ terloo on Monday. Mr, Ervin Mclsaac and family, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Mrs. Ottillie Restemayer has re­ turned after spending a few days with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs, D. Tieman, Mrs. Cook is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fee, of Hensall, were Sunday visitors with Mr. S. Gottshalk, Mrs. Hopcrofit visited with friends in Toronto last week. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor motored to Windsor on Sunday. Mr, and Chas. Guenther who spent time there returned home Acreage to Grow Golden Wax and Green Refugee 'See waxed The’ Mills will regret to know that he suffered a stroke on Sunday and at present is in a critical condition. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Cyril Hennessey spent a few days last week in Toronto, attend­ ing the Wawanesa Insurance ban-; timm. Messrs. Edward Hamacher Roy Bender are spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. Valentine Becker gave a splendid display of machinery here last week to a large crowd and has so far been successful in selling about twenty-five tractors which is a credit to Mr. Becker as an agent in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Shipka, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman ; Bowmanville, spent the : with the latter’s parents, . Mrs. Wm. KJeinstiver. Mrs. Klein- • stiver returned to Bowmanville with them for a couple of weeks’ visit. Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Water­ loo, is at present here at the bedside of his father, Mr. George Kellerman who is very low at -time of writing. Word was received here last week of the death of Mrs. Kursinsky (nee Freda Miller) at Minden, Mich, in her 26th year. Mrs. Kursinsky was a daughter of Mrs. Millei* and the late Mr. Otto Miller, of Dashwood. She leaves her sorrowing husband; hex* mother; two sisters, Rev, Mrs. Koessel, of Minden, gard at home and Rhinard, Theodore, win, of Dashwood home. A number tended the funeral at Minden on Saturday. Lutheran League A number of our young people are again busy at a play which we well tell more about later on. Our February meetings opened with a Valentine social in which we enjoy­ ed the game of Bingo. The highest prize was won by Mildred Luft while Eileen Millei* received the consola- ton prize. A tasty lunch was served ater a sing-song by the young people. The comittee in charge was Ada Kellar and Theodorem Luft. On Feb­ ruary 13th w*e held our usual study on the “Borderland of Right, and Wrong” dealing with Knowledge.” The foliowin, the pastor, Rev. charge of Bible Study. The meeting of the month was spent on topic Study “Your Personality” which was very interesting, the latter part of the evening was the usual busi­ ness meeting. Canadian Canners advt. re beans,’ page 5. many friends of Mr. Harry quet and convention. j Mr. and Mrs. F. Huxtable and ‘ Marie, of Exeter, were Sunday visit­ ors with Mia and Mrs. R. Smith.. ' Miss Marie McCaulay, of Wiartotf, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs, Truman Mills, of Ft. Erie and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and Marilyn, of Wyoming, were call­ ed home on Friday of last week ow­ ing to the illness of their father Mr. Harry. Mills. Mr. Donald Hicks, working in Toronto, few months has been Wingham. He spent at his home here. ■Mr.*L. Mills, of Woodham, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Mills. Mrs. C. J, O’Brien, who has been in London with her daughter Mrs. J. Mugan for sometime returned to her home on Sunday. who has been for the past transferred to the week-end GRAND BEND advt.re•See Canadian Canners waxed beans, page 5. ■Mrs. Oliver, of .Sarnia, been visiting with her Statton returned home who has daughter Mrs. Gib. last week. Mr. and family, of Mrs. Abner Mollard last week-end. Mrs. J. W. Holt who has been un­ der the doctor’s care the past two weeks is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Pollock visited Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard last Friday. Miss I. Qill is visiting in Windsor at present. Mr. Johnston, of Whalen, visited his father Mr. Dave Johnston over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jim'''patterson and family visited theii* daughter, Mrs. Knight, of Chatham on Sunday. . Mr, and Mrs. Norman Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull visit­ ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown Miss a few ing. Mrs. Mrs. Russell Mollard and Bridgen,, visited Mr. and at Greenway. Beatrice Green entertaintd of her friends Sunday even- to an the the Earl Webb, of Monroe, Mich., is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. F. Turnbull at present. Mrs. Bert Craig was taken Victoria Hospital, London, for operation. Mr. and Mrs. .Turnbull have sympathy of the community in loss of their little daughter. Farmers interested in the Farm School to be held at Grand Bend on March 18th, will be privileged to hear Mr. I. C. Marritt of the Forest­ ry Branch, Toronto, on the subject of “Home Beautification and Re­ forestation.” At the evening session Mr. A. P. Watson of the Livestock Branch, Toronto will speak on the subject “The Bacon Hog Business.” Do not fail to hear these experts on their timely subjects. Mr. Shearer is in charge of this Watch for further news. KHIVA J. C. school. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson at Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beaver, of Exeter; Miss Edith Wurm and Mr. Roy Campbell, of Hensall, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mat­ thew Clarke. A number of men from, here and Dashwood were on a jackrabbit drive up north around Kincardine on Thursday bagging around 110 jacks. .» Miss Aldene Eagleson entertained a number of young people at her home last Thursday evening. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake, of Grand Bend, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. MOUNT CARMEL Rev. Father Corcoran and Father Mulkern, of Stratford, spent Thursday last with friends here. Mr. Jack Morrissey spent Mon­ day in Toronto. Mr. Dave Geromette spent Friday in London. Little Jimmy Dalton has been ill tile past week with the flu, but he Rev. the flu, but hetile past week with is recovering. Mr. Jack Madden in London. Miss A. McPhee number of friends party in honor of her niece Miss Geraldine Harness, of Stratford. Mrs. Hubert Desjardine and Mrs. Joe Glavin spent Friday with Mrs. Augustus Morrissey. Mr, Gerald O’Rourke had his ton­ sils temoved In Dr, Taylor’s hospital oh Monday. Spent Tuesday entertained a to a birthday <7 Mrs. some with and t Scott, of week-end Mr. and Mich and Hilde- five brothers, Albert and Ed- and Herbert at of relatives at- which was held “Christian g week Mr. Luft took Read Snell Bros. & Co. advt. re specials in used cars on page three. ELIMVILLE ■See Canadian Canners advt. waxed beans, page 5, Miss Gladys Johns is visiting with Mrs. Fred Long in Atwood this week Mrs. Wes. Johns returned home Friday night after [spending two weeks in Hamilton. Several from this church attended the Oyster .Supper at Centralia last Friday evening. The Mission Circle had a social evening at the church on Friday ev­ ening, The Late Mrs. Wm. Skinner The funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Skinner was held from the home of her son Mr. Everett .Skinner Satur­ day afternoon. A large number of friends and relatives showed their esteem for the deceased by their presence, Mrs. Skinner was a resi­ dent of this vicinity for many years and her neighbors can bear testi­ mony to her kindness and helpful­ ness in their time of need. Mrs. S. Brock is confined to her bed at Mr. Jno. Brock’s. She was brought back on Tuesday of last week from Mrs. Geo. Hunter’s Exe­ ter where she had been cared for, for a couple of weeks. Her numer­ ous friends hope for her speedy provement and recovery. Miss Irene Johns visited at uncle’s home near Lumley week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns family were guests of Mr. and. Jbs. Smith Thames Road last day night. CORBETT re im- her last and Mrs. Fri- Mr. Lloyd Bender is spending a few days with his aunt and uncle, Mi*, and Mrs. O, Burney. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr. Arthur Hutchinson and son Gordon, We hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mr. Chas, Hodgins, of Grand 13eiidj- find Mi'r, Garfield er and Lyle spent several days in Detroit with rrailick. Mr. John a ci’? from Gilliviay, Mr. Jas. K, Hodg’ns, of the lard Line is vRifing with Mrs. field Sieeper aud Lyle while Steeper is in Excelsior Springs, Mr, Gordon Young has been faring from a, tooth infection. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McGiPis has purchased Hodgirs Bros., of Mo­ Mol- Gai*- Mr. Mo. suf- Contracts taken one-quarter t acre and up. FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY AT Canadian Canners Limited Exeter, Ontario PHONE 28 / NOTICE TO FARMERS ooooo—O—ooooo Chopping, Rolling and Mixing Done. Only in Afternoons Until Further Notice ROLLING* 5cCHOPPING 7c ooooo—O—ooooo WE PURCHASE GRAINS AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES (Subject to Change) Wheat 82c Oats 42c Barley 60c We will be milling this week. Send in your orders for Pastry Flour and Cracked Wheat Cereal Exeter Flour and Feed Mill G. A. CANN & SONS 'Phone 35 HARPLEY Mr. Garnet Hodgins and Mr. Bil- yea, of Lieury, called on Mr. M. Hodgins on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Mellin spent Sunday with Mrs. Joseph Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robb Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, of Lucan, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodgins. Mrs. John Gill visited on Sun­ day with her sister Mrs. Austin Hayter. CROMARTY ■See Canadian Canners advt. waxed beans,- page 5. The Annie Reidie Band held regular monthly meeting at home of Mrs. Houghton on Saturday afternoon. president and Anna Hamilton as secretary. wered the roll call. Several items of business were discussed. Mrs. Houghton read the Scripture les­ son, also a very interesting story, one of Dr. Margaret Strang Savage’s own editions telling some of the ex­ periences Of the building of her first shack. ;Rev. P. Jamieson closed the meeting with prayer. Messrs. Everett Kerslake and Ross Houghton spent the week-end in To­ ronto. The Young People’s Society held their meeting Sunday evening in the church. Rev. Mr. Jamieson presid­ ed and also gave the topic. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss, Pearl Houghton. Miss Margaret Allen favored with an instrumental. re its the Agnes Scott acted as Twelve members ans- ZION (See Canadian Canners advt, re waxed beans, page 5. Mrs. H. Kyle visited on Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. D. Stephens, of Woodham, visited on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern, Miss 'Laurene Hern spent (Satur­ day afternoon at her home. The community meeting was held on Friday night. The special speak­ er was Mr. William Stewart, Lon­ don Township, who gave a very in­ teresting address on co-operative marketing. A short play was pre­ sented by the members of the com­ mittee entitled “The Kidnapping, of Betty.” There was a large crowd and an enjoyable evening was spent. FARMALL SHOWS ATTRACT MAMMOTH CROWDS Zurich and Dashwood Audience® Pleased With Performance On Wednesday, February 21st,- McCormick-Deering dealer Valentine Beckei* agent for Dashwood, Zurich and vicinity gave two free entertain­ ments for his farmer friends and their families. Both shows were wit­ nessed by “packed houses.” In the afternoon the show in Dashwood had to be repeated in part, to allow the school children to see some of the sound movies. An estimated crowd of some 400 persons in all attended at Dashwood while many were turned away. This entertain­ ment was held in Mr. Becker’s ware­ house. In the morning some 25 purchasers of the New Farmall Tractors attended a service lecture in Mr. Becker’s shop to receive in­ structions on operating and caring for their new tractors. The evening performance held in Township Hall at Zurich at­ tracted about 500 persons while many were unable to gain admis­ sion. Every available inch of space was taken. Mr. Becker opened each show and called on I.H.-C. Blockman, A. J. McMurray, of Clinton, to act as chairman. Mr. McMurray re­ viewed tractor evolution mentioning in turn various I.H.C. models devel­ oped since’18918 by the Internation­ al Harvester Company. Mr. Alf. Darby’s magical art was very good and went over especially well with the kiddies. Hisk perform­ances as a ventriloquist®'was very clever and kept everyone laughing. Mr. Barney Siim, Service Manager of the I.H.iC, gave an interesting talk on service which was very helpful to the many tractor owners in the audiences. Speaking in regard to the New Farmall he mentioned the record for the fuel economy made by these new streamlined models at the University of Nebraska test­ ing field. Mr. C. A Wonall, I.H.C., London, described the working of the New Farmalls through. Western Ontario ns a silent film with Ontario scenes was shown. Comic and educational films com­ pleted the shows. These were under the capable supervision of Mr, Chas. Etier. Mr. Becker’s "Farmall Day” was fine all the way through. He is to be congratulated for obtaining such high class entertainment for his many friends of this district, “Would you say ‘honest politics ’ or *are?” “ ’Is,’ of tours©. Honbst politic always singular.” Fish Dealer: “Lobsters, lady? Fine lobsters. See, they’re all alive.” Bride: “Yes, of course. But are they fresh?” o-—o——o Mistress [hearing dishes falli «*»* “More dishes, Mary?” Maid: “No, ma’am, less.”