HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-02-15, Page 5THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE
Coming to Hensall
C. R. Wilkinson, R.0.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purppse of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con*
suit me. Hours 10 a.m, to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
forMrs. Chesney left last week
an extended visit in the West.
Mr. and Mrs, David Kilpatrick vis
ited in Kippen and Brucefield, on
The Senior Women’s Institute was
held at the home of Mrs. James Pat
terson on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Karting and
babe, of London, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson,
Miss Margaret Schwalm, London,
is holidaying at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Schwalm-
Mr. Lloyd Hedden has been con
fined to his home for the past sev
eral days suffering with cold in his
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Gould, of Clin
ton, visited on Sunday with the
latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. Wm. Consitt has been ill
during the past week with pneu
monia but is improving at date of
Mrs. Hannah Workman and Miss
Mabie Workman visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Herb,
family of Dublin.
Mr, and Mrs. Cline
London, spent the week-end at
home of the latter’s parents,
and Mrs. Jas. Parkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Rothaernel and
Reg and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were
Sunday visitors at the home of
C. Hedden and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Taman, of
towel, spent the week-end at
home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. McDonald, j
on Sunday
following a heart attack. His wife,! tributes were very beautiful showing
formerly Miss Marie Foster and a the esteem with which the deceas-
family of small children survive, i ed was held and included wreaths
The sympathy of the community is and sprays from Mr. Ed. Geiger and
extended to the bereaved. > family, Dr. Wm. Geiger, Mr. and
Rev. Wm. Weir conducted servic- Mrs. Oliver Geiger, Mr. Rory Geiger,
es in Carmel church on Sunday to'Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Geiger, Fisher
large congregations at both services.; family, Kitchener; Mr. Zwicker and
The choir rendered two beautiful n/r.. a/t..,.
anthems “The Heavens Declare Thy
Glory” and “Lead. Me Loyd/’ Mrs.
W. A. MacLaren
Dougall presided
Sunday evening
service of song
special music by
Euchre .
Lady's or Gent's DASHWOOD
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Ireland and
family, of St. Thomas, were Sunday
visitors with
The ladies
World’s Day of Prayer
Bend last Friday.
Mrs. E. Bender, who spent last
week with Mr.
twins, of Port Frank were Sunday
visitors with Mr, Jonas Hartleib
and Lavada.
Mrs. R. Baker has returned home
after spending a few weeks with
her daughter in Windsor.
Mrs. Reid has sold her house and
property to Mr. Louis Rader of the
14th concession.
Mr. George Kellerman, who is on
the sick list is still in a very serious
Mrs. Percy Weido, of Waterloo,
was on Sunday last rushed to the
Kitchener-Waterloo hospital, where
she underwent an operation. She
has now recovered sufficiently to
return to her home.
The Dashwood branch of the Red
Cross Society is pleased to be able
to report again on the splendid
work done by the ladies of Dash
wood and vicinity during the past
few weeks. The following articles
have* been made up and sent to Ex
eter for shipment. 50 pairs of socks,
12 sweaters, 14 pairs wristlets, 11
suits of pyjamas, 6 hospital night
gowns, 9 quilts and two girls dress
Word has been received here of
the death of Mrs. Adam Schroeder
(nee Emma Hartleib) in Pittsburg.
Interment took place in that city.
McCormick Deering
Power Farming Entertainment
Afternoon Show starts at 1:30 p.m. sharp in my warehouse.
Evening Show starts at 7:30 p.m, sharp in the Town Hall,
See and Laugh with us as we witness the fine performance
of “Alf and Tommy”
in feats of sleight of hand and ventriloquism. /See and hear about
the new Farmall family — four new streamlined McCormick-Deer
ing Tractors with many revolutionary features designed to provide
maximum power requirements for any farmer at lowest possible
Don’t miss many interesting new sound moving pictures, in
cluding “Helpful Henry” the city boy who goes to the country to
show how farming should be done — you’ll laugh at this one. See
a new sound movie of the visit of the King and Queen to this coun
try. There will be many other fine pictures and never a dull mo
ment in the whole show.
If you have any problem in connection with services on any
farm implement or tractor, bring it with you—International Har
vester Company factory trained engineers will give you free and
helpful service.
Bulova Wrist Watch Mrs, Tiernan and Mrs.
of the W. M. S, of the
church attended the
at Grand
jAl VUllt-llVU } A VJLJL , UUU
family, of Crediton; Mr. and Mrs.
E. Patterson, Royal Bank, Clinton;
United church, Hensail; staff of
Bank of Montreal, Fenlon Falls;
Rev. Roy and Mrs, Geiger, of Wel
land; Reeve and Council, Hensail;
Mr, and Mrs. Noah Geiger, Mr. and
> Mrs. Amos Geiger, Pigeon, Mich, and
J spray, Lodge A.F. & A.M., of Fenel-
■ on Falls, Ont. Those attending from
out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. E.
. soloist, Mrs?. Mac-
at the organ. On
February 25th
will be held with
the choir.
and Dance
A euchre and dance was held in
the Town Hall on Wednesday Geiger and daughter Mary, of Lon-ing under the auspices of the Red dw; Dr aJld Mrg, Wm Gei and
Cross Society and was largely at- (family of Waterloo; Mr. Roiy ex
tended with about forty tables play-'
ing euchre. The ladies
won by first Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren,
Hensall, second, Mrs. Ross Broad
foot, Kippen, consolation, Mrs. E,
Norminton, Hensall. Gent’s first,'
Mr. Irvin Ruekert, Hillsgreen, sec- oio
ond, Mr. Richard Taylor, Kippen,'
consolation Mr. J. E. McEwen, Hen
sall. The Steve Dundas orchestia,'
of Lucan, furnished excellent music
for the dance.
W. M. S. Meeting
er, Phm.B., of Kitchener; Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Geiger, of .Fenelon Falls;
Mr, Sidney Geiger, Gore Bay; Mr.
Amos Geiger and son Edward, of
Pigeon, Mich; Mr. Noah Geiger,
Mich,; Mrs. Haus, of Bridgeport;
Messrs. Harry Fisher, Sam Fisher
xi win Fisher, of Kitchener.
Telegrams of sympathy were receiv
ed from Judge J. G. Stanbury, St.
Catharines; Mr. Wm. Golding, M.P.
and Mrs. Golding, Seaforth; Mr, Jas,
Ballantyne, M.P.P., Cromarty; Mrs.
The regular meeting of the W. M. Jas. Gardiner, Thames Road, mother
S. of Carmel church was held on j of Hon. Mr. Jas. Gardiner and a
Thursday afternoon In the school message from Dr. Witwer, Kentucky,
room of the church with Mrs. P. I
Manson presiding. The opening hymn “Quiet Lord My Forward |
Heart” was sung followed by the, Bible lesson, Psalm 122 by Mrs. ( Rev-
Frank Farquhar. Mrs. Hannah
Workman led in prayer and the of- 1
fering was received. The minutes I
of the previous meeting were read
and adopted. The roll call was an-1
swered by “Peace.” Mrs. J. W.
Bonthron sang a pleasing solo
“When I’ve Gone the Last Mile of
the Way.” Mrs. Manson gave the,
prizes were
last week
spent the
son Fred-
A. E. Pletch and Arthur
Gaiser spent a few days
in Kitchener.
Miss Aldonna Wuerth
week-end in Brantford.
Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and
erick, of Lucan, are spending a few
days this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Kerr.
Mr. Harold Pletch, of Kitchener
topic on “The Christian Church in and Miss Myrtle Pletch, of
India,” which was very interesting. | ton, spent the week-end
1 “O Love That Casts Out Evangelical parsonage.
was sung followed by the, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fletcher
I ed Tuesday after spending
at the
Lord’s prayer in unison.
Young People Hold Valentino Social months near Ridgetown.
The Young People’s Union held a!. missionary program was given
Valentine Social in the basement of iu the United Church Sunday School
by Mrs. J.
sung by
the United church on Monday even- 011 Sunday last.. An
ing and opened the program by sing-; reading on Christian
ing hymn 309 followed by the Lord’s work in China was given
prayer in unison. The chairman’s Galloway. A duet was
address was given by Rev. R. A.Phyllis and Edith Hill.
Brook. The following program was j The young people of the Evangel
well presented: A reading by Miss ical church have received a frater-
Win and Tnhn Pannpr nf Gladys McKenzie, solo by Miss Mabel nal invitation to meet in conjunc-Messrs. Wm. and John Feppei, of ,.ooA4„„ k,, ivn«00« i„„ a? h.,.Fairburn and reading by Misses Dor
's Buchanan and Elaine Beer;
Guitar selection by Miss Margaret
Schwalm, duet by Misses Patsy Mc
Donald and Ruth Hess, reading by
Miss Kay Drysdale, fallowed by the
collection. A girls’ quartette was
very much enjoyed and Mrs. George
Hess gave a humorous reading, a
; guitar selection by Miss Margaret
near Hensall, attended the funeral . •
of their aunt, Mrs, Wm. Pepper at1
Mitchell, on Saturday..
Misses Helen Flynn and Edith
Parkins, of Exeter, spent the week
end at the home of the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins.
Mrs. E. Broderick, of Exeter has
been spending several days at the
JX to the mness’oi ita was foDowed by an Inter-
°™r. sMt flireoted Olande
Foster and Mr. Rae Foster attend
ed the funeral of their son-in-laiw,
the late Mr. Charles Hart in Toron
to, this week.
A canvass of the town was made
this week for the Canadian Legion
War Services Educational and Per
sonal Service by Messrs. Fred Beer
and Harry Horton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins, of
and Mrs. Orville
of Thames
and Sixteen Prizes
Will be Given Away
Saturday, Feb. 17
Grand Prize-Lady’s or
Gent’s Bulova Wrist
Second Prize $5.00
(FOUR COUPONS Will be given
for each year’s subscription, one
coupon for each 50c paicl.)
Draw will be made
Saturday Night at
9 o’clock
Subscription $2.00 a year
We Club with all Papers and
and Mrs. Archie
Toronto has returned
Fassold is visiting with
Mrs. D. Meerburg and
Remember the date and plan to be our guest at this big
You will find the program interesting and educational.
V. L. Becker, Dashwood
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns and Mr.
Wm. Johns visited
with Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johns in
Hamilton. Mrs. Wes. Johns is re
maining for a two weeks’ visit.
Mrs. Sam. Brock is at present
confined to bed at the home of Mrs.
Geo. Hunter in Exeter. Her friends
here hope for a speedy recovery,
Mr. Lloyd Bell, who in Decem
ber passed his examinations for the
R.C.A.F. was called on Saturday
and has gone to London to report.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore visited
Mr. and Mrs. B. Venner last Satur
Miss Dorothy Johns spent the
weekend with Miss Mary Gardiner
at Farquhar.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter, of Ex
eter and Mr. Norman Perkins from
Saskatchewan, visited at the home
of Mr. Everett Skinner recently.
The W. M. S. observed the World’s
Day of Prayer at the church last
Friday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Mair
gave an address. There was a fair
attendance although quite a few
have been indisposed with colds.
Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas
don, where he had
treatment for two weeks.
Mr. Jno. Brock and Mr. Charles.
Stephen attended a hockey match
in Toronto recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis and fam
ily, of Stephen, were visitors at Mrs.
John Johns on Sunday,
The -Annual Congregational meet
ing of this church will be held here
on Thursday night of this week.
The W. A. held their monthly
meeting on Thursday of last week
at Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw’s. They are
sponsoring a play in the church on
Friday night of this week.
over Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb and
family and Mr. Tom Webb are vis
iting in Detroit at the present time.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull*
Miss Gertrude Amon and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Turnbull visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Love are in
London visiting with their
Lloyd for the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill
ited with Mr. and Mrs. James
ter son on .Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver,
have spent the winter so far in St.
Marys, returned home on Monday.
Miss Ella Mousseau, who has been
on the sick list is able to be up
each day for awhile.
Mr. Lloyd Taylor sports a new
Chevrolet and Mr, Bruce Eagleson,
a new Dodge.
The ice on the lake has not frozen
solid enough to allow the fishermen
a chance to go far out to fish for
anything but suckers. There are a
few of those being caught.
While some are coming quite a
distance to the prayer service at
the different homes each Wednes
day evening there is still room for
Mr. Stanley Grill, who enlisted in
the Royal Canadian Air Force some
time ago was called to London on
Wednesday for a medical examina
tion. /Stanley is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Gill, Lakeview House,
Grand Bend.
ton with the Young People of the
United Church at the latter place
on Thursday evening of this week.
Mr. Henry Eilber has been quite
ill. We are glad to report that he
is improving.
The Rev. Lawrence H. Turner,
B.A., minister of the Crediton Cir
cuit of the United Church of Can
ada comprising Shipka, Brinsley and
Crediton announces his sermon
theme for next 'Sunday Requisites
for Citizenship in the Kingdom —
“IPoor in .Spirit -but Rich in posses
Worshippers are requested by the
minister to submit in writing or by
telephone the number of favorite
hymns they desire to have incorpor
ated in the service. These hymns
will constitute the song service.
The hour of services are as fol
lows: Shipka 10.30 a.m.; Brinsley
2.15 p.m.; Crediton 7.0-0' p.m., Sun
day School follows the Service’S at
Shipka and Brinsley.
“I Gave My Life For Thee,
What hast thou done for Me?”
A hearty welcome awaits at this
Temple of Prayer.
Thaw Clears Ice
A welcome visitor to the district
on Monday was the thaw. After a
siege of old fashioned winter wea
ther and treacherous, icy roads the
thaw came over the week-end to
clear away some traces of ice and
give pedestrians and drivers alike
was a visitor
M. Gardiner
C. E. F. sta-
• Blowes. Games were played, direct-
I ed by Miss Kilpatrick and candy was
served at the close. |
Prayer Service Held in St. Paul’s j
Anglican Church
The World’s Day of Prayer Ser-*
vice was held on Friday afternoon
in St. Paul’s Anglican church and. was largely attended. Presiding I
were the president of the W.M.S, I
Miss Mary Fee, of St. Paul’s church;
Mrs, Colin Hudson, president of the
W.M.S. of Carmel church and Mrs. IC. Ballantyne, vice-president of the
W.M.S. of the United church. The,
theme was “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” Fol- |
lowing the call to worship the open
ing hymn “O, Worship the King”
Exeter, and Mr.
Beavers and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and j
Mrs. Ed. McQueen.
Miss Mary Ann
been confined to her room for the
past few weeks suffering with an at
tack of sciatica. Her many friends
hope for a speedy recovery. _ _ .
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Douglas, of, was sung followed by prayer in uni
Hyde Park, visited on Sunday with.son. Responsive Bible reading was
the latter’s mother, Mrs. John j read followed by a moment of silent Johnston and sisters .Miss Margaret | prayer and hymn “Breathe on me
Johnston and Mrs. J. Parke. - -•
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harburn and. were read from John 15 verse 1-4,
daughter, of Staffa, visited on Sun- 5-11 and 15-16. Hymn, “O God, i i < * -r-r_4___1 A * *•
j Breath of God.” Bible readings
day at the home of Mrs. Harburn’s. Our Help in Ages Past” was sung
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Datars. ' _ ........... ‘ .
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser- er led by Mrs. Jas. Simpson and re
vices in the United church on Sun- sponsive prayers by
day to large congregations. The Mrs. McDonald, Mrs.
choir sang two beautiful anthems; Workman and Mrs.
“’Lift Up Your Hearts” "Z,
Praise the Lord.” Uy dxxx6xxxS .
A three-act play entitled “Lena A very interesting devotional ad-j
and a period of intercession of pray-new‘sense of security.
Evangelical Mission Circle
The Crediton Evangelical Mission
Circle held its meeting Monday ev
ening at" the home of Nola
with an attendance of fifteen
uucc-cwu pw cxxLiuxcu -----------a ------------ — , bers present. (Several newRivers” will be presented in the j dress was given by Mrs. (Rev.) M. i bers joined the Circle. The presi-
Town Hall on Friday evening, Feb
ruary 16bh by Ailsa Craig cast,
sponsored by Hensall branch of
Canadian Legion.
The handsome hooked mat that
was raffled by the Exeter-Hensall
branch of the Canadian Legion was
won by Mr. Sam. Dougall. The
draw was made at the Bingo held
in the Legion rooms, Exeter on
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill
left on Sunday for Rochester, Min.,
where Mr. .Hemphill will
treatment at the hospital of the
famous Mayo Bros. The
friends of Mr. Hemphill hope to see
him return much improved in
Mr. and Mrs. A, Foster received
the sad news of the death of their
son-in-law Mr. Charles Hart, in To
ronto, who passed away this week
Mrs. Logan,
Brook, Mrs.
Goodwin. A
and “O, - prayer in time of war was followed
by singing “Unto the Hills Around.”
was closed
is on’ the
A very pleas- dent Alma Ratz was in charge ofA. Hunt, of Exeter. A very pleas- dent Alma Ratz was in charge of
ing duet “I Heard the Voice of < the devotional part of the meeting
Jesus” was sung by "
and Mrs. Middleton.
was received and dedicated followed
by singing “We Thank Thee
Thy Church Unsleeping” and
Funeral of Mrs. Geiger
The funeral of the late Mrs.
Geiger was held in the 1
church on Thursday afternoon at 2
p.m. following a short service at the
home conducted by the pastor Rev.
R. A. Brook. Mrs. Lee Hedden and
Mrs. Geo. Hess sang a duet “Sun
rise To-Morrow.” Interment was
made in Bronson Line Cemetery,
Zurich. The pallbearers were nep
hews, Messrs. Roland Geiger, Josiah
Geiger, Blake Horner, John Gascho,
Zurich and Ray Fisher, Zurich; Ed.
Geiger, of Pigeon, Mich. The floral
Mrs. Goodwin
The offering
, Owen
Going Daily Feb. 17th to March 2nd, Inclusive
COACHES at fares approximately 1%C per mile
TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1 % c per mile
STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approx’iy l%c per mile
Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and All information as to
Stopover Privileges from Any Agent T-28
which took the form of a candle
lighting service concluding with
prayer by Rev. Mr. Pletch. The
finance committee had charge of
the program which consisted of a
Scripture reading; a chapter from
the Study Book and a Valentine
reading. A Valentine contest was
conducted. A Valentine lunch was
served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ross
Krueger, Alma Ratz, Dorothy Ratz,
Mrs. Maurice Beaver.
United Church IV. A.
The February meeting of the W. A.
of Crediton United Church was held
on Thursday, February Sth. Mrs. G.
Zwicker, the president, taking the
chair. After the customary devo
tional period, minutes of last meet
ing were read and a goodly number
responded to the roll call. Reports
of the different committees were
read and the business transacted.
Hymn 140 was sung and Mrs. Telfer
gave a reading. Ways were discuss
ed for making mo’tojr. Penny bags
were given out and plans made for
a St. Patrick’s supper to be held on
March 14 th. Rhena
vored the meeting
mental. Hymn 92 *”
meeting closed with
A Social half hour
Mrs. G. Zwicker and Mix. Fred 1“
served a daVntv b nrh
United C’ "wh Y. P. U.
The regular meeting of the Cred-
*ton United V. P< u. was held in the
basement of the church on Februa)‘y
5>th. The meeting was opened by
singing hymn 267 followed by the
T ord’s Prayer In unison. Minutes of
the last meeting and roll call were
Yearley then fa-
with an instrn-
t ■mug and U'C
c '■ benediction,
war spen* v’en
read. Business. It was moved and
seconded that the convenor of each
meeting get the games and decorate
the church when the Evangelical
League visits our League for a Val
entine Social on February 15. Aud
rey Hardinge, convenor of the Chris
tian Fellowship committee then took
the chair. The devotional part of the
program was opened by singing hymn
231 followed by the Scripture read
ing by Ted Wright. Edith King then
led in prayer followed by the topic
‘"Our Quest for Truth" by Audrey
Hardinge. Hymn 2>84 was sung. The
program for the evening was openecl
by an article taken from the Read
ers Digest by Jack Galloway. Har
vey Lovie then rendered a guitar,
solo followed by a reading “Musical
Heritage” by Lilian xFaulder. Piano
solo by Grace Hill and Current
Events by Sidney Brown. Hymn
241 was sung and the meeting was
brought to a close by the Mizpah
Mrs. Frederick Gaiser Succumbs
Mrs, Lydia Gaiser, wife of Fred
erick Gaiser, of Crediton, died on
Thursday of last week at her
following three weeks’ illness
a heart condition, in her 75th
She was formerly Miss Lydia
and was born a half mile north of
'the village, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs., Gottfried Wein. She had liv
ed in Crediton for the past 13 years,
going to the village from Shipka.
Mrs. Gaiser was a member of the
Crediton Evangelical church. Mr.
and Mrs. Gaiser celebrated their
golden wedding October 25th, 1938,
Surviving are her husband; two sons
Ernest Gaiser, living on the Blue
■\yater Highway and Lloyd Gaiser,
of Crediton and two daughters, Mrs.
William Decher and Mrs. Ferdinand
Haberer, both of Zurich; also two
sisters, Mrs. William Bowman and
Mrs. Paul Schenk, both of Crediton.
Funeral of Mrs. Lydia Gaiser
The funeral of Mrs. Lydia Gaiser
wife of Frederick Gaiser, Crediton
was held from the Evangelical
Church Sunday afternoon. The au
ditorium was filled. Interment was
made in the family plot in Crediton
cemetery. Few women in the vil
lage have received as great a tri
bute as was paid by citizens from
Crediton and other points through
out the district. Rev. A. E. Pletch
delivered the funeral sermon touch
ing on the unselfish life that char
acterized Mrs. Gaiser’s service in
the home, in the church, of the
consecrated life she had led; her no
bility of character and her courag
eous faith during her illness. “Her
life,” he said, “remained a challenge
to others and a beautiful memory
to those who were left behind.”
Services were held first in the home
where Mrs. J. Woodall and Miss
Hazel Woodall rendered a very ap
propriate duet then the remains
were taken to the Evangelical
church where the choir was ill at
tendance led by Freeman Morlock.
During the service, favorite hymns
of the deceased wore sung including
“The Old Rugged Cross” There’ll
be no Disappointment in Heaven”
and a duet “God’s Way” was rend
ered by Arthur and Ada Gaiser. The
floral bearers were: Edward Schenk
Orland Gaiser, Elsie Gaiser, Ortha
Gaiser, Ruth Ratz and Ar vis Hab
erer. The nallhearers were; Rod
bey Bowman, Arnold Gaiser, Lome
Gaiser, Carl Decker, Hugo Schenk
?nd Karl Haist. Those in attend
ing from out of totvn were: Mr.
ind Mrs. Ed. Sitter and daughter
Pauline, iwr*’. Kooltzow, of
B'*roit and Miss Beatrice Schenk,
Of Milton. Our deepest symnat.hy
goes out to the bereaved family.
The World’s Day of Prayer was
observed Friday in the church by
the W. M. ,S. The president, Mrs. P.
Stone presided. The program for
the day was carried out. Mrs. Mair
gave a paper on Prayer — “A Pray
er a Day” was her theme. Mrs. Gol-
lings and Mrs. Parker sang a duet
“/Garden of Prayer.” Mrs. S. Co
ward gave a reading on present
conditions in China in relation to
missionary work as seen by Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, of
Zion, visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cann. We learn that
there is a little improvement in
Mr. Cann’s condition.
Miss Dorothy Johns
with her cousin, Miss
for the week-end.
Mr. Les Barnes, of
tioned at Stratford, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone.
The 'Lumley school
Friday. Mr. Whitmore
sick list.
A beautiful white
adorned the rostrum at church Sun
day morning in memory of Rev. H.
Taylor a former minister, who pass
ed away five years ago Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Mair made a fitting tri
bute to kindness of thought which
prompted the action.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green, of Kip
pen, were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Passmore.
Mr. R.. Williams has been chosen
superintendent of Thames Road
Sunday School, Mr. Moodie having
resigned after many years of faith*
ful service.
Box Social
A very successful Valentine box
social was held Tuesday evening in
the basement of the church under
the auspices of the Y. P. U. Crokin-
ole and Chinese Checkers were the
games. During the intermission
Miss Marion Hodgert sang a solo,
Messrs. Arnold Cann and Orland
Squires gave a musical selection on
the mouth organ. Mrs. John Hod
gert and Miss Mildred Hodgert gave
a piano duet. Some very pretty
creations in boxes were sold up to
the week-end with relatives
Teddy Johns
from Victoria
has returned
Hospital, Lon-
been taking
THe Times-Advocate draw Will
made Saturday next at Si p.m.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Joseph Dayman suffered a
attack on Thursday last. We
her a speedy recovery.
Miss Mary Westlake, Miss
(Ferguson and Mr. A. Gackstetter
visited on Sunday with Miss Esther
Price, of Dashwood,
W. M. S. Holds World’s Day of
The W. M. S. of the United church-
held their meeting on the World’s
Day of Prayer at the home of Mrs.
John Henderson with a good at
tendance and was presided over by
the president, Mrs. Allan Johnson.
The meeting opened with the call
to worship “Be Still and Know that’
I am God.” .Hymn, “0 Worship
the King” was sung. Mrs. Johnson
led in prayer followed by the re
sponsive reading. “'Breathe on Me
Breath of God” was then softly
sung. The Bible readings were
taken by Mrs. E. McBride and Mrs.
W. Meilis ahd Mrs. T. Workman.
Mrs, Johnson then led in prayer fol
lowed by responsive reading. Hymn,
“O Fount of Light Unfailing” fol
lowed by responsive reading and
prayer in unison. Hymn, “O God
our Help in Ages Past.” Various
Prayers wore taken by Mrs. A. Mc-
Mnrtrie, Mrs. John Henderson,
Mrs. H. Jones. Mrs. Chandler and.
Mrs. a. Monteith,
w. . ,
and Mrs. J, B. McLean favoured.
with a duet Hour P^ay- ’
er.” "We Thank Thee that Thy
Church Unsleeping” was sung fol-:
lowed by the benediction in unison. ’
A dainty lunch was sotted by the
committee in charge. 1
“Unto the Hills”
-'•ne. TM topic taken from
Study Book was given hv Mrs.
Coop'r. M**. Tohn Hendowm
Miss Evelyn McCann, of Wallace
burg, spent the week-end with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann.
Mr. Hubert McKeever spent Sun
day in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, of
Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Glavin.
Mrs.- John McCarthy, of London,
is spending a few weeks with her
mother-in-law, Mrs. J. McCarthy.
Mr. Jack Morrissey spent
week-end in Detroit.
Mr. Dave Geromette spent
day in London.
Mr. M. Doyle and son Jim,
don, spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Frank Coughlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietrich
family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carey
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. L. Dietrich of Shipka.
Mrs. D. Bedard has returned to
her home in Zurich after spending
a few days with her mother Mrs,
A. Morrissey.
Mrs. Jack Morrissey and children
have returned home from Detroit
after spending a couple of months
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wareing and
two children, of Exeter, spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley,
Mrs. Frank Scheiding and Mrs. S.
Kelly, all of London, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Catherine Motz.
Maxine, the youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner, who
has been ill with bronchitis and kid
ney trouble is somewhat improved.
Mrs. Blake Heathe has returned
to her home in Windsor after a
week’s visit with her parents Mr.
and Mrs, H< Kuhn.
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