HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-01-18, Page 7* THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE THTIWAY, JANUARY 18, W 50 YEARS AGO January 23, 1890 Morgan - Haskett - At the James. St, parsonage, Exeter, on the 15th< Inst., by Rev. B, Clement, Mr, Wel­ lington Morgan of Marlette, Michi­ gan to Miss Charlotte Haskett, of Lucan. (Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 133 A.F. & A.M, have removed their fodge room to the hall over Spack- man's Hardware store. Messrs, Edward Gill, James Fer­ guson and David Dew represented L. O. L. No. 924 at Parkhill Tues­ day. The annual meeting of the iBid- dulph District Orange ''Lodge was held on Tuesday with the following officers elected; W.D.M., Bro. John Neil; D.M., Bro. James Gathers; Chap., Bro. D. Poulter; Rec.-Sec, Bro. W. J. Wilson; Fin,-Sec., Bro J. Grieves; Treasurer, Bro. N. Grieves; D. of C., Bro. F- Davis, Jr.; Lecturers, Bros. Garret and Gibson. 25 YEARS AGO January 21st, 1915 Mr. Fred May has rented Mr. -C. B. Snell’s house on John street. At the annual congregational meeting of Caven Presbyterian Church the following members were elected to the session: Rev. S'. IF. Sharp, F. W. Gladman, J. H. Scott, W, H, Moncur and H. Strang; the Board of Managers, J. H. Grieve, J. Jeckell, Ed. Christie and Dr. Amos. Mr. Ern Rivers, who spent several weeks with his parents has returned to Jasper B.C, Mr,. W. W. Whedon, of Toronto, has been transferred to the local branch of the Bank of Commerce as junior clerk. Mr. Jerry " Heaman '*’h*a% moved from town to his farm in Stephen and Mrs. Delve has moved into the house on the corner of William and Ann streets vacated by him, Mr. W. H. Levett, who for many years has conducted a wholesale produce and coal business in Exeter, has sold it to Messrs. Thos. Kestle, H. Howe and Miss Woods. Mr. Fred Kerr won a gold Watch in St. Thomas shoot last week by a score of 22 out of 23. In Algomac Mich., he was high gun missing only 17 out of 300. In Toledo, Ohip, he was also high gun with 192 out of 200. 15 YEARS AGO The Exeter O.H.A. Intermediate team met defeat at Goderich, the score being 7 to 2. Mr. Wm. Hamblyn, of Bowman- ville, who for seventeen years was employed with the Jackson Mfg. Co. of Clinton, has accepted a position with the S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. Mrs. Bishop, who has been resid­ ing on Simcoe street is moving this week into Mr. Ed. Treble’s residence on Elizabeth street. Mr. Cordon Appleton is into the residence vacated Delve on Huron street. At the annual meeting Ladies’ Guild of the Trivitt ial church the following were elected. President, Pomfret; Vice-President, Miss Annie Sanders; Treasurer, Mrs. N. J. Dore; Secretary, Mrs. H. Walter; Assistant Secretary; Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mr. Don Davis, teller at the Can­ adian Bank of Commerce, has’ been transferred to the Blenheim branch. moving by Mrs. of the Memor- officers Mrs. W. NEW MINISTER NOW AT CROMARTY There was a large congregation present at Cromarty Presbyterian Church at 2.30 Wednesday after­ noon when Rev. Peter Jameson was formally inducted as pastor. Mr. Jameson comes from Wilton, Ont., near Kingston, to fill the va­ cancy caused by the death last Aug­ ust, of Rev. James Reidie, former minister of the congregation. Rev. John Elder, of Milverton, . delivered the address to the minis­ ter and to the congregation and the sermon was preached by Rev. J. H. Moore of Shakespeare. Present also were Rev. Jas. West, Jr., Monk­ ton, Moderator of Perth presbytery, and Rev. J. W. West, of Stratford, who served as Interim Moderator of the church during pulpit was vacant. At the conclusion a supper was served Aid and an informal to give members of the congregation an opportunity of meeting the new minister and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Jameson have taken up residence in the Manse f the period the of the service by the (Ladies’ reception held I’d. like to have a ten-ton truck Upon the days I meet The chaps who make a right from The centre of the street. turn HENSALL The following list of new books have peen added to Public Library: the Hensall Fiction ‘Remember the End” ‘Sandra O’Moore” ‘Dr. Hudson's journal” ’The Great Tradition” ‘Escape” ‘Miss Susie Slayless” ‘Lost Sunrise” ‘Anne o<f Ingleside” 'The Champlain Road” ‘The Coming of Cassidy" ‘Riders of the Spanish Peaks” Grey Gann Baldwin Eberhart Beach Du Muriar Greig Raine Mulford Cameron Turnball Willoughby Douglas Keyes V ance Tucker Norris Montgomery MacDowell Mulford “The Trail Boss” “That. Man is Mine” “Hasty Wedding” “Padlocked” “The Hoving Spirit” “Stop Over in Paradise” “(On the Dodge” “Buck Peter Ranchman” “The Pot of Gold” “Keeper of the Red Horse Pass' [Tuttle /Christie Christie Hill Hill Hanck Hanck Hanck “Murder in Three Acts” “Death on the Nile” “iBrent Wood” “Daphne Deare” “One is Beloved” “Marriage for Rosamond” “Whip Poorwill House” Non-Fiction “Let the Record Spbak” “Autobiography” “Popular Quiz Book” “Step by Step" “Pountry Lawyer” ... Thompson Milne Cuthbertson Churchill ...Partridge “Land Below the Wind’’ “The .Precise Household pedia’’ (2 volumes) “Disgrace Abounding’’ “Montcalm and Wo.lfe” (2 year roads sche- **r count re Lewis $31.$>0. The Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Creditor, on Monday, the 5th day of Febru­ ary A.D, 1940, nt 1 o’clock p.m. * H. K. Eilber, Township Clerk A<X)I1>ENTS AND COMPENSATION UNDER THE WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT Raith Encyclo- Reid volumes) [Parkman Junior Fiction” ‘Jack Harding’s Quest” ‘Boy Books of Everyday “Popular Quiz Book’’ “Little Greta of “Dot and Dash Duff Science” [Ray Slifer Denmark” Bailey at Happy Hollow” [West Sugar [West at Maple Oz” “Dot and Dash Camp” “‘The Wizard of “The Patchwork Girl of Oz” “(Little Princess of Oz” “Little I Like to Help” “Little Dog Cracker” “.Raggedy Anne in Cookie “Little Folks Mother Goose” “Shady BrOok Farm” “Sand Man Hour” “Tom Sawyer, Detective” “Palty’s Suitors” “The Golden Girl” “Under Wellington’s “Berio the Briton” “Mistress of the Air” “Tarzan, the Invincible” “The Littlest Rebel” “Typee” “The School on the Moor” Beard Dixon Land” [Gruelle Rule Olsen Walker Twain Wells Windon Command” Hurty Hurty Carter Burroughs Peple Melville Brazil WINCHELSEA A very successful Moccasin Dance was held Friday night on the Win- chelsea rink. A large attendance was present and all reported a very good time. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood .Brock have returned to their home. after holi­ daying in Indiana with the latter’s sister Mrs. Vernon Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Miss Marion Creery has returned home last Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with her aunt Mrs. Geo. Davis. Mrs. W. F. Batten spent one day last week with her sister Mrs. Ray Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephen of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. John Prance and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym, Thedford. STOP INSECT ATTACKS As a result of a preliminary sur­ vey carried out to furnish data from which could be determined a proce­ dure for safeguarding from insect attack present supplies in Canada of cereals, grains, and seeds, the Di­ vision of Entomology, Science Ser­ vice, Dominion Department of Agri­ culture, has undertaken the inspec­ tion of imported cereals, seeds and grains at the ports of importation under its jurisdiction, and also the inspection of boats and premises to be used for storage. Many inspec­ tions of seed have been made at the various ports. Several flour mills, warehouses, and elevators have also been Inspected, ten of which were found to be infested with various species of insects. Of seventy boats to be used foi* winter storage of grain inspected at Fort William, thirty-five required cleaning. Granton United AV. A« Officers p«r««l form In which t«b«ce« smoked” The United Church W. A. Gran­ ton, elected as their 1940 officers: President, Mrs. A. Morley; secre­ tary, Mrs. A. Hobbs; treasurer, Mrs. W. Alp; corresponding secretary, Mrs, R. Rainey; pianist, Mrs. N. Gunning; parsonage committee, Mrs. W. Barrisdale, Mrs. W. D, Langford, Mrs. A. Kew. STEPHEN COUNCIL The newly elected Council of the Township of Stephen, met in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 8th day of January A.D. 1940, at 11 o’clock a.m. Present: Reeve Alonzo McGann; peputy-Reeve, R, Rat?; and Councillors: Arthur Amy, Thomas Love and Nelson Schenk. Rev. A. E. pletch offered prayer asking that Divine Guidance be giv­ en the new Council in transacting the year’s business. The Reeve in his Inaugural address asked for the hearty co-operation from each mem­ ber of* the Council throughout the year. After each member had sub­ scribed to his Declaration of Office, the minutes of the last regular meet­ ing were read and adopted on mo­ tion of Thomas Love, seconded by Roy Rats. Moved by Thomas Love, seconded by Nelson Schenk: That the Clerk order 425 dog tags from the Toronto Stamp & Stencil Works and also subscribe l'or six copies of the Municipal World for each member of the coun­ cil and Clerk. Carried. Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by Arthur Amy: That the Reeve and Clerk be au­ thorized to sigij the application to the Department of Public Highways of the Province for the statutory subsidy to be allowed on the expen­ diture incurred during the 1939 by the Township on its according to statements and dules prepared. Carried. Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by Thomas Love: That By-law No. 538 to provide for the total 1940 Expenditure on roads in the Township of Stephen, having been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corpora­ tion attached- thereto. Carried. The Clerk stated he had received the Municipal Auditors’ Report of the audit made of the Expenditure on Roads in the Township foi* the year 1938. This report was read and discussed by the Council and ordered filed. Moved by Thomas Love, second­ ed by Arthur Amy: That the following be appointed to their respective offices and a By­ law be prepared confirming such ap­ pointments: Caretaker of Hall'—'Ernest Guet- tinger $20 per annum and $1 extra for each public meeting or concert when an. admission is charged. The Salary of Road Superinten­ dent — George Eilber to be 35c. per hour. Board of Health — Alonzo Mc­ Gann and Roy Ratz at $8 per an­ num. Secretary of Board: H. K. Eilber at $15 per annum and $18.0'0 extra foi* attending meetings. Sanitary Inspectors — Eli Law- son, Clayton Pfile and Win. B. Oliver at 25c, per hour. School Attendance Officers —• Eli Lawson for schools No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14 and Unions 9 and 13. Clayton Pfile for Schools No. 7,'11 and Unions 15 and 16. and S.'S.S. No. 6. W. B. Oliver for Schools No. and 12 and Unions 8, 17 andi 18.at 25 c. per hour. Athletic Field Committee.— Al­ onzo McCann and Roy Ratz. (No salary. Milk Inspector •— Ernest Guet- tinger at 40c per hour. Pound-keepers — B.'D. Cook, H. Shapton, Royal Gai’ser, Michael Ry­ an, William Love, Ezra Webb, Alvin Baker, Lome Finkbeiner, Arthur B’aker, Solomon Pollock, Henry De­ vine, Hilton Ford, William Stade’, Garfield Steeper, Lloyd Brophey, Thomas Mawhinney. Fence-Viewers: Murray Elliott, John Morlock, Leslie Richard, Jac­ ob Ratz, Ed. G. Kraft, Eli King, W. J. Brown, John Gill, gins. Road Foremen — Baker; No. 2, James 3, William Rollings; rence Hill; No. 5, John T. Hirtzel; No. 6, Christian Haist; No. 7, Wil­ fred Mack; No. 8, Jos. G. Finkbein­ er;* No. 9, Harry Yearley; No. 10, Henry Eagleson; No. 11, Jas. Clarke No. 12, Wm. Devine; No. 13, Elmer Pickering; No. 14, Chris. Baumgar­ ten; No. 15, Wm. Hodgins; No. 16, Augustus Latta; No.. 17, Hugh Hod­ gins; No. 18, Hugh Hodgins (South Boundary); No. 19, J. G. Lovie; No. 20, Elgin Webb; No. 21, Cen­ tralia, Wm. Baker; No. 22, Credit­ on, W. J. Bowman; No. 23, Dash­ wood, Dan. Haugh; No. 24,. Grand Bend, Peter Eisenbacli; No. 25, Ex­ eter Side Road, Frank Triebiler. Moved by Nelson Schenk, second­ ed by Thomas Love: That the following shall be the Scale of Wages to be paid for gen­ eral work including snow roads per­ formed on Township roads during the year 1940: Man and team, 40c per hour; man and three horses 45c per hour; man alone 20c per hour; road foreman, 20c per hour; grading with tractor, $1.00 per hour. Carried. The following orders were passed: Sundry persons, Municipal Elec­ tion expenses $140.65; Canadian Bank of Commerce, cashing road •cheques $1.95; Canadian Bank* of Commerce, collecting taxes $71.95; E. K, Fahrner hall suppllbs $1.34; Municipal World, supplies and sub­ scriptions $11.66; Lucelle Lochner, -conveyance to Sanatorium, $2.00'; Treasurer co. of Huron, hospital ac- James E. Hod- No. 1, William Willis Jr.; No. No. 4, Law- Mc- The During the year 1939 there were GO1,520 accidents reported to The Workmen’s Compensation Board of Ontario, as compared with 59,834 during 1938. The fatal accidents numbered 314 as against 352 during 1938. The total benefits awarded dur­ ing the year amounted to $6,152,- 407.53 as compared with $6,464,- 261.19 during 193$, the figures for 1939 being made up of $5,0/57,714.- 23 compensation and $1,094,6*93.- 30 medical aid. There were 5,138 accidents ported during December and benefits awarded amounted $'581,37-8.9;2. The accidents reported during December a year ago num­ bered 4,450. re- the to Kippen W. M. S. The W. M. S, of St. Andrew’s United church held their first meet­ ing of the year on Wednesday ev­ ening at the manse.. At the last meeting the W. M. <S. and Mission Circle decided to unite so there were several of the girls at the meeting. The meeting was presid­ ed over by Mrs. H. McMurtrie and opened by singing “Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” Mrs. Murtrie then led in prayer. Scripture readings were taken by Mrs. Meilis and Miss Margaret Sin­ clair. A hymn was then sung fol­ lowed by a prayer by Mrs. W. (Coop­ er. The topic “The Miracle of Modern India” was given by Mrs. Chandler. Another hymn was sung and the meeting closed by repeating the Lord’s prayer* in unison. Fol­ lowing are the officers for 1940: Honorary Presidents, ler, Mrs, Monteith; Allan Johnson; 1st Finlayson; 2nd McMurtrie; 3rd Henderson; 4th Chipchase; Secretary, Miss Mrs, Chand- President, Vice-Pres., Vice-Pres,, Vice-Pres., Vice-Pres., Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Irma J. H. J. E. Ferguson; Treasurer, Mrs. L. Mallis; Missionary Monthly Sec,., Mrs, E. Sproat; Stranger Secretary, Mrs, W. Alexander; Associate Helpers’ Sec., Mrs. T. Forsyth; Mission Band Supt. Mrs. Chandler; Baby Band Supt., Mrs. W. Horney; Asst. Baby Band Supt., Mrs. J. Finlayson; Supply Com., Mesdames J. C. Bell, R. Day­ man, N. Jones, T. Workman and H, Chesney; Pianist, Mrs. John Sin­ clair; Asst, Pianist, Mrs, John Hen­ derson, CROMARTY MAILS DELAYED WHEN SNOW BLOCKS ROADS The great depth of snow every­ where caused delays in mail matters until Wednesday morning of last week when, the snow plow went through the centre road, then traf­ fic livened up at once. But with snow still falling horses and sleighs and spanky drivers and cutters and flying robes as in winters in bygone days are all in evidence. Rev Peter and Mrs. Jameson are now getting settled in Cromarty manse after a difficult moving through storm and snow. The man who is ashamed to dis­ play his ignorance by asking ques­ tions has to keep on covering it up. * * 1K It is the influence of some friend who trusts us that holds most of us true. HIBBERT COUNCIL The Hibbert Township Council met ip, the Township Hall, staff# on Jan­ uary Sth pursuant to statute, all members present, who subscribed to the necessary declaration of office and assumed their responsibilities. By-law No. 480, confirming the .appointment of Municipal officers and fixing their salaries was given its third and tfinal reading and pas­ sed. The following officers were ap­ pointed to ithe respective offices: Thos. D. Wren, Clerk; Roy Burch- ill, Treasurer; Joseph Roach, Asses­ sor; Thos. Molyneaux, School Atten­ dance Officer; Andrew McLachlan, Ernest Templeman, Live .Stock Valu­ ators; S. W. Archibald, Engineer; Jas. Scott, Sanitary .Inspector; Jas. Morley, Township Solicitor; Frank Tuffin, Caretaker Township Hall; Jas, O’Rielly, Weed Inspector; John McDonald, Road .Superintendent. By-law No. 481 providing for es­ timated road expenditure was given its third and final reading and passed. The Road Superintendant was authorized by resolution 'to purchase 2500 ft. of snow fence1'and 120 six- foot posts. The following accounts were pas­ sed: The Beacon-Herald, advertising $4.08; Municipal World, supplies $2.09; Geo. Hess, printing $2,25; Whillin & Co., tax arrears notices $8.50; interest on private loans $50; Relief account $35.38. Regular Council meeting will be held on the .first Saturday of each month. ASK FOR ACTION FILLING HURON .COURT OFFICES The annual meeting of Huron Law Association which met in God­ erich sent a resolution to Attorney- General Conant asking that the va­ cancies of justice of th? peace and police court clerk at Goderich be filled forthwith, The former position was made vacant by the drowning of F. G. Weir op the liner Athenia the court clerk was recently tied and resigned. The officers for 4940 are; president, T. M. Costello; president, L. E. Dancey, K.C.; first viee-presi- dent, D. B. Holmes; secretary, R, C. Hays," K.C,; librarian, D. R, Nairn; auditors, F. R. Darrow, D. R. Nairn; representative on Ontario Law Association, James MorJey, of Exeter. A credit balance of $14'0' was reported in the treasury. while mar- Hon, Thos. D. Wren, Clerk In Constant Touch “Since you have become rich I suppose you are out of touch with your old friends.” “Oh, dear, no. Some of them touch me nearly every day.” Bad Blood the Cause When boils start to break out on different parts of the body it is an evidence that the blood is loaded up with impurities. Just when you think you are rid of one, another crops up to take its place and prolong your misery. All the lancing and poulticing you may do will not stop more coming. Why not give that old, reliable, blood purifying medicine Burdock Blood Bitters a chance to banish the boils? Thousands have used it for this purpose during the past 60 years, Take B.B.B. and get rid of the bad blood and the boils too. The T. Milburn Co,, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Dan n of a New Era! The World of 1880- Sixty years ago the Bell Telephone Company of Canada was organized. let’s step for a moment into the world of 1880 —into the stuffy parlour where furniture was ornate and uncomfortable; where heavy draperies deepened the gloom of the lamp-lit room. The ’’what-not” in the corner carried a varied assortment of sea-shells, family photographs, glass-enclosed flowers. By the dim light of the prismed hanging lamp people were reading the debates in Parliament on the Canadian Pacific Railway contract; of Peter Redpath’s gift of a Museum to McGill; of the assassination of Honourable George Brown of the Toronto ’’Globe”. The Amazing Progress of telephone communication since ibis company was formed sixty years ago will he told in a series of adver­ tisements, of which this is the first. The story is based upon authentic records in the Company's Museum in Montreal. Illustrations also are made from original data. Came the telephone with its insistent ring, its, amazing ability to get things done. The Victorian household was never to be the same again. The pace at which life moved began to speed up. A new era had begun. Perhaps more than any other single factor, the tele­ phone is responsible for the changes these sixty years have seen. GEO. XV, LAWSON Manager nUw