HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-01-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE JANUARY 18, WIO HENSALL the the Hensall arena, and Mrs. Elgin Hay ter of London, attended funeral on Saturday. held, and the Mr. Harold Bonthron spent week-end in London. An Operetta will be held in town hall on Friday, January 19, Mrs. Hunt, of the village, has been confined to hei' room owing to illness. Miss Florence Welsh is able to be out after being confined to hey room with laryngitis. Miss Mary Buchanan, Reg. N„ of St. Thomas, is home visiting her mother who is ill. * Hensq.ll defeated Exeter 3-0 on Friday night at a hockey game in the Mr. babe, Clarke A Hot Roast Beef Supper will be held by Carmel Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening January 29. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale was in Toronto last week attending the Furniture Show and visited ’ and Mrs. G. Knapp. Miss Greta Lammie was onto over the week-end ing the executive meeting Alumni Association of the for the Blind. Mr. Eldred Smith, of Blenheim, and sister Mrs. M. B. Parker and little son Jack, of Dorchester visit­ ed with Hensall friends on Friday last. Mrs. Alex Buchanan had the mis­ fortune to fall in her home and suf­ fered a fractured hip. We are glad to report that she is resting com- ortable with a nurse in attendance. At the morning service of Carmel Presbyterian church Mrs. W. A. Mac'Laren sang a pleasing solo. In the evening the choir featured the music. Rev. Wm. Weir B. A. preach­ ed morning and evening services. Reltou Hedden, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heywood, was rushed to the Seaforth hospital on Saturday, January 13th with a very severe case of pneumonia. While there he was put in an oxygen tent and it is hoped he er. Rev. Mr. Brook ing and evening church, choosing for his subject “They That Wait” anthem. In the evening the sub­ ject was “The Life Worth While" With organ dered with Dr ... .m Tor- attend- of the School will soon recov- preached morn­ in the United morning and an Dr. Smillie presiding at the a beautiful anthem was ren- by the choir. Young1 People’s Union United young people held regular meeting with Ruth in the chair. The meeting was and a Kil- min- and tak- The their Brook opened with “Jesus Saves prayer by Goldie Cross. Patrick read a poem and utes and roll call were answered. Collection was en., Norma Cook gave a very pleas­ ing piano solo. B.ob Hess read the scripture and hymn 68 was sung. Miss Consitt gave the topic. “Mov­ ing Millions.” Hymn 255 was sung and the benediction followed. Death of Raye Clarke The death occurred at his home on Friday morning of Raye Clarke son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke Jr. He had been ill for a week with a severe jsase of pneumonia which had started from a bad cold. Sur­ viving are his parents and three brothers. The funeral was held on Saturday at 2 p.m. in the home con­ ducted by Rev. A. R. Brook. A hymn “Safe in the Arms of Jesus" was sung also “Shall We Gather at the River.” The pallbearers were Billy Greene, Lorne Ford, Harold Dilling and Bobby Traquair. The four little boys carried the flowers. Interment was made in Hensall Union ceme­ tery. Congregational Meeting The annual congregatonal meet­ ing of Carmel Presbyterian church was held in the schoolroom Mon­ day evening January 15 at 8 p.m. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance was only fair. Rev. Wm. Weir occupied the chair and the meeting opened by singing hymn 74 followed by pray­ er. Mr. utes new three years were: bell and Mr. John Love. Mr. Roy MadLaren being re-elected also for three years. The ushers are Doug. ■Sangster, Gerald Campbell, Harold Bonthron, A. Davidson, R. MaaLar- en. The reports of the different so­ cieties were most encouraging and the books closed with a balance on hand. Hymn 571 was sung and the meeting was closed with the bene­ diction. Miss the read then The congregational secretary, J. W. Bonthron read the min- of the previous meeting. The managers elected for a term of Mr. Earl Camp- Wolielo Class The Wohelo class held their meet­ ing on Friday evening January 12. The meeting opened with hymn 240 the first and last verses followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The Scrip­ ture lesson Psalm one was read by Kay Drysdale after which the min­ utes and roll call were read. Miss Gladys Luker played a very pleas­ ing piano solo after which musical numbers followed by Mrs. Hedden and Kay Drysdale. The business was discussed and the treasurer’s report was read. The election of of­ ficers then followed presided over by the president Tod Munn, tt re­ sulted as ■Chapman; McDonald Treasurer follows: President, Lorna. ■ vice-president, ; Secretary, G. Goldie Cross; Lloyd Luker; pianist, Free Motion Pictures “The Romance: of Fertilizer” * An Educational .Feature, Interesting and Fascinating “The Black Scourge” Treating Seed Grain for Smut Zurich, Town Hall THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th at 2:30 p.m. Dashwood, Becker’s Hall FRIDAY JANUARY 19th at 2;30 p.m. Drysdale at Night Exeter, McNight’s Hall SATURDAY, JANUARY 20th 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Farmers should see these pictures. ADMISSION FREE All Kay Drysdale; assistant, Ruth Brook; conveyance, Jack Corbett; press secretary, Maude Hedden; The closing hymn was the 143rd, the first and last verses. The Miz­ pah benediction was repeated in unison. Miss Kay Drysdale sup­ plied the games and a dainty lunch was served afterwards. Carmel Church W. ML S. The W. M. S. of Carmel Presby­ terian Church held their regular meeting in the school room of the church on Thursday, January Uth at 3 p.m. with the president presid­ ing. The meeting opened with the call to worship and prayer by Mrs. C. Hudson. Hymn 695 was sung. Mrs. W. Sangster read the Scripture lesson. The roll call was then ans­ wered using prayer as the text word The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and adopted. Mrs. Patterson favored with a solo ac­ companied by Mrs. J. W. Bonthron “Have You a Friend.” After a few minutes of silent prayer, son led in prayer. Mrs. gave a splendid report of meeting held in Clinton. Mrs. Man- C. Hudson the annual Mrs. Hud­ son read a well prepared paper on the Weirdale Nursing Home. The meeting closed with hymn 697 and the Lord’s Prayer in unison, executive of the home of on Saturday program for The the W. M. S. met at Mrs. W. A. MacLaren evening to prepare the year 1940'. the Women’s Institute The meeting was opened by sing­ ing the Institute Ode followed by “O Canada" after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. The minutes were read by Mrs. Moore The roll call was answered by “Something I Can Remember About my First Teacher.” The. members' decided to make quilts* for Red Cross hospital beds. Miss Gladys Luker gave a very nice piano solo. Miss Beryl Pfaff gave a splendid demonstration on work done by the pupils of the Hensall School. A most interesting talk on “Education" was given by Rev. Mr. Chandler, Kippen. A duet of three numbers was given by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess ac­ companied by Gladys Luker on the piano and Miss Kay Drysdale on the guitar was enjoyed by all. The motto “The greatest school for the human race is the home” was given by Miss Kilpatrick. She made it clear how much parents could do in moulding the lives of their chil­ dren by setting a good example of their own lives. A lovely collection of sea shells was on display which had been sent to^the W. I. from N. Zealand. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem- after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses. KHIVA Miss Jean Willert spent the week­ end with Miss Aldene Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clarke at­ tended the funeral of the late Ray Clark seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark, of Hensall, Sat­ urday. Mrs. .Henry Eagleson visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake at Grand Bend. Miss Eileen Willert left last week for London where she has taken a position, A number of relatives from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Peter Dietrich nee '(Katherine Ziler) at Waterloo last Tuesday. Mrs. Dietrich was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. Ziler. She was born and lived here until her marriage to Mr, Dietrich. Miss Maida Wein, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Miss Aldene Ea­ gleson. phone aid ’ NOTICE I wish to announce to the public that I have purchased the Funeral Stock and Equipment of the late Peter Mclsqac, including the Equip­ ment of the late Daniel Molsaac, of Crediton, and am now fully equip­ ped to serve the public in time of need. Day and T. Licensed CREDITON Phone 70 Night Ambulance Service HARRY HOFFMAN Embalmer, aand Funeral Director Dashwood, Ont.. DASHWOOD Mr. Harry Hoffman has purchas­ ed the funeral stock and equipment of the late peter Mclsaac and is now fully equipped to- serve the public in time of need; also day and night ambulance service. Rev. A. E- Pletch, of Crediton, will be the guest speaker in the Evangelical church on Sunday morn­ ing. Miss Betty Prance, of Thedford, spent last week with her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vin­ cent, Carl Oestricher, who has been taking a Short Course at the O.A.C. in Guelph lias returned home. Mr. Norman Kellerman, of Kit­ chener, called on friends here one day last week. Mr. George Keller­ man, who has been visiting in Kit- cener and Waterloo for a few returned home with him. Harold Kellerman spent the end with friends in Fergus. Mrs. Lane, who has been ill home of her daughter Mrs, Oestricher was removed to St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, on Friday with I-I. Hoffman’s ambulance. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziler and An- tionette attended the funeral of the late Mrs. P. Dietrich in St. Clements last week. Mr. Isaiah Tetreau has purchased a new Ford V8. He has purchased the DeLux, there being­ good for Isaiah. Mr. and Miy?. Harold Shirley, of Thedford, weeks week- a.t the A. E. nothing too Prance and spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent. A Pioneer Day service, in the in­ terests of the superannuation fund of the Evangelical church for dis­ abled ministers, widows and orphans will be observed next Sunday, Jan­ uary 21st in all the Evangelical churches throughout Canada and the United States. Rev A. E. Pletch of Crediton and Rev. H. E. Roppel, of Dashwood, will exchange pulpits for this service next Sunday morn­ ing at 10 o’clock. Death ol' Mrs. Felix Wilds The death occurred on Friday ev­ ening of Mrs. Felix Wilds formerly Caroline Schroeder in her 7'0'th year. The deceased had been sick for al­ most two years and has lived in Dashwood for the past 15 years. She was also a member of the Ladies’ Aid and the Lutheran church. Sur­ viving are her husband, one brother Adam Schroeder, of Pittsburg, Penn, and three sisters, Mrs. Rose Cum­ mings, of Chicago; Sophia Suther­ land, of Pasadena, Calif, and Mrs. Emma Moore, of Seaforth. The fun­ eral was held on Sunday with pri­ vate services at the house and pub­ lic service at the church at 2.30 o’clock.. Interment in the Bronson Line cemetery with Rev. T. Luft of­ ficiating. Death of Mrs. Peter Dietrich Catherine Dietrich (nee Cather­ ine F. Ziler) widow of Peter Diet- rich, of St. Clements died in St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener. She was a native of Stephen Township, sec­ ond daughter of the late Malcolm Ziler. A brother John Ziler, Park­ hill died three months ago. Surviv­ ing are three daughters and two sons her husband having prede­ ceased her two years. Caroline, Mrs. Walter Dietrich, Kitchener; Marie, Mrs. Clarence Haff oner, of Waterloo; Olive, Mrs. Haffoner, of New Hamburg; Leo and Alfred of Kitchener; three lyothers, Joseph Louis and James, of Dashwood. The funeral was held from Mrs. Clar­ ence Haffoner’s to St. Louis church thence to St. Clements for interment CORBETT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hod gins. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtis spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tweddle Gary and Ronald, visited his aunt Mrs. Arthur Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dietrich, of Shipka, spent Sunday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. W. Shank. Mr. Cecil Pickering is spending a few weeks with Mr. Arthur Baker at Grand Bend. Mr. Wilbert Young, reeve of Mc­ Gillivray, is attending County Coun­ cil in London. Word has been received here Mrs. Garfield Steeper of a fire W’TL'n whi'h started at 2 a.m. last Tuesday making !t necessary several fam’lies lining In apartments Over the stores to make thc-.lr escape *n ni,''t al|ire. uptu , idglrs f^rcui to leave zero weather. Messrs, Jacob Haberer and G®o« Deichert, of Zurich, were in the vil­ lage on Monday auditing the treas­ urer's books of the Hay Township Fire Insurance Company. The weekly meeting of the Young People’s League of the Evangelical church was held last Friday even­ ing. Miss Ella Morlock conducted the opening devotion and introduc­ ed the topic, “What It Means To Trust in Christ for Strength” which was given by Marion Brown. Miss - Alma Smith and Mrs. Wni. Smith rendered a vocal duet. Mr. Pletch completed the program with usual half hour Bible study, Mr. Bill Wood returned to onto Monday, after spending weeks in Crediton and Ailsa Craig, Mr. Fred Amy, of the West, visited last week with Mr. Amy. Mr. God. Nicholson list. We hope for a ery. We regret to report -that Mrs. F. W. Clarke is still confined to her bed. We hope she will soon be up and around again. Mrs. Hollman returned to Tor­ onto, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker last week. A communion service will be co­ served in the United church next Sunday evening. On Wednesday ev­ ening, January 24th, the annual congregational meeting of the church will be held when reports will be given by the various organizations. Women’s Association The Women’s Association of the Crediton United church met Thurs­ day January 11th with Mrs. W. Mack presiding in the absence of the president, Mrs. Gerald Zwicker. Plans were made for the eongrega- itonal meeting to be held January 24th. The society was pleased to welcome Mrs. Turner as the first member of the year. Rev. M. Turn­ er also brought greetings to the ladies. Mrs. Or. Misener favored with an instrumental and Mrs. Woodall with a reading. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Misener and Mrs. Woodall. United Y. P. U. The regular meeting of the Unit­ ed Church Y. P. U. was held Thurs­ day evening last in the basement of the church. The meeting was in charge of Alfred Mathers and open­ ed with the singing of hymn 174 after which Beverley Cliffe led in prayer. Doreen Baker read the Scripture lesson and hymn 3 62 was sung. An interesting topic was giv­ en by Mr. Brown after which Ted Wright gave a reading. The roll call and the minutes of the last meeting were read and the election of offic­ ers for the coming year were ap­ pointed: President, Gerald Schroe­ der; vice-president, Ted Wright, treasurer, Howard Lightfoot; secre­ tary, Rhena Yearley; music conven­ or, Grace Hill; Christian Fellowship convenor, Audrey Hardinge, Doris Wright, Bill Woodall; Citizenship, Harvey Lovie, Edith King, Beverley Cliffe; Missionary, Doreen Baker, Bryce Mack, Donald Kestle; Chris­ tian Culture, Ila Lamport, Alfred Mathers, Helen Bullock; Recreation Douglas Hill, Audrey Yearley. The meeting was brought to a close with hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Annual Sunday School Meeting The annual 'Sunday School meet­ ing was held in the United chu.rcjlu on January 9th with a good atten­ dance present. Rev. Mr. Turner presided over the meeting. Various reports were given by the secretary and teachers and proved they had a very successful year. The election of officers '■for 19 40 resulted as fol­ lows: ,Supt., H. Mitchell; Assist., E. Chambers, J. Mawhinney; Record­ ing secretary, Mrs. J. iGalloway; Envelope Secretary, Howard Light­ foot; Assist., Bill Woodall; Treas., Edward Chambers; Paper Librarian Mrs. G. Mawhinney; Musical Super­ visor, Mrs. J. Galloway; Correspond. Secretary, Mrs. S. King; Auditors, Mr. Lovie and Mr. Baker; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. E. Chambers, Mrs. L. Swartz; Teachers: Class I, Mrs. W. Mack; assistant, Mrs. E. Cham­ bers; Class 2, Mrs. Trevetliick; as­ sistant, Doreen Baker; Class 4, Mr. J. Woodall; assistant, Gerald Schroeder; Class 5, Mary Chambers assist., Mrs. J. Galloway; Class 6, Mrs. G. Hill; assist., Mrs. S. King; committee, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. L. Swartz, Mrs. Turner; Temperance Mr. T7 Trevethick, Mr. the Tor- two and Mrs. Art is on the sick speedy recov- BRINSLEY The Brinsley Mission Circle girls are having the play “Looking Love­ ly” put on at West McGillivray Hall on Wednesday evening, January 24 by the young people of Wesley Unit­ ed Church, London. Mrs. Thos. Lee received word of the death of her brother Wallace Weir who died in Michigan. Mr. Weir was formerly a resident ot this neighborhood having attended Brinsley school in his younger days. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amos attend­ ed the funeral of the late A. E. Mc­ Cormick of London on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morley en­ tertained a number of the young people on Wednesday evening last. Mr, and Mrs. Morley have, recently moved into their new home which is a decided improvement to the farm; also to the neighborhood. Mr. Wesley White had a success­ ful sawing bee in Mr. Neil McEwen’s bush on the 7th concession of Mc­ Gillivray. Brinsley Mission Band rrhe Brinsley Mission Circle girls held their January meeting on Sat­ urday, January 6th at the home of Marion Morley with the presi­ dent presiding. The meeting was opened by singing a Morley led in prayer Prayer was repeated Scripture lesson was Lewis. Ruth Scott read the minutes of the last meeting; also a letter of thanks from Mrs. Melvin Allison. The roll call was answered by “A New Year’s Resolution. It was de­ cided to have the Wesley Y. P. U. of London present their 3-act play “Looking Lovely" in West McGil­ livray hall on January^ 24th. Mar­ garet Amos is in charge of the tickets. Myrtle Neil gave the to­ pic. Verna Robinson favored with an instrumental and Gladys Neil gave a reading. A story of some of the work being done in the Central India Mission was gven by Vera Wasnidge. Marion Morley rendered a solo. The meeting closed with a. hymn and the Mizpah benediction. The contest given by Jean Webb was won by Jessie Lewis. Mrs. Mor­ ley and Marion served a delightful lunch. # hymn. Marion and the Lord’s in unison. The read by Jessie KIRKTON Mrs. L. Malcolm, Mit- is quite ill at time of Lewis returned to her Mrs. Wilfred Doupe is nursing her sister chell, who writing. Mrs. E. home at Pt. Huron, after spending the past month with her son, Rev. C. L. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben .Switzer en­ tertained a number of their friends to a euchre party Tuesday even­ ing. A good time was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moor and little daughter were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Joliff, of Mt. Elgin this past week-end. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meet­ ing of Kirkton United held Wednesday night and took the form of Supper. There was a sentation of the congregation pres­ ent showing a great interest taken in the church activities. After the supper a sing song with Mrs. Alex Crago at the piano was indulged in. Rev. C. .L. Lewis took charge of the meeting and Dr. G. H. Jose act­ ed as secretary. Dr. Jose gave the treasurer’s report stating that all bills were paid and the M. and M. fund exceeded that of last year. All were well pleased to see our church in such good financial con­ dition . and many took their old again for the coming year. a Church was January 1’0, a Pot Luck good repre- a all A.ol Oil All vacancies were filled places In very fine evening was spent. Hold Skating Party The Anglican A. Y. P. Kirkton held a skating party Tuesday, January 9th on the Kirk­ ton rink with some 25 present. Af­ ter skating they returned to the basement of St. held their usual mittee ed hot having Mrs. ghter guests shall. The cinity all welcomed thaw which helped the water situ- tion. Paul’s church and meeting. The com- of the lunch serv- all returned home in charge soup and had a good time. Wm. Lankin and her dau- Miss Bertha were Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mar- by in on for Mr. and Mrs. Ken- wcre among those their homes in the Monster Carnival EXETER ARENA FRIDAY, JANUARY $5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Prizes Awarded as ’Follows Best Dressed Couple Gent’s Fancy Costume ...... Ladies’ Fancy Costume .... Gent’s Comic ..................... Ladies’ Comic .................... Girl’s Fancy Costume 16 years and under 130 Boy’s Fancy Costume, 16 years and under . .... 130 Comic Boy or Girl under 16 years Open Race, Men ........................... Open Race, Girls ........•»................. Boy’s Race, 10 years to 15 years ... Boy’s Race, 10 years and under .... Girl’s Race, 10 years to 15 years Clowns (Performance and Dress considered) ............ 130 1.50 .... 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 DOOR PRIZE 19 th 2.50 1.50 1.00 VALUABLE BASKET GROCERIES Grand Parade at 8:30 for those in Costume followed by Judging Dancing After the Carnival Ice Reserved for Those in Costume Until After Judging TWO HOURS SKATING Admission: 25c; Children 15c Band in Attendance CROMARTY A very pleasant and social even­ ing was spent af the home of Mrs. J. Hamilton in honor of her daugh­ ter Mary Janette who was recently married to Lome E. Elliot, of Staf- fa. The bride was the recipient of many useful gifts. Agnes Scott read the address and Esthei’ Hock­ ing and Hazel Hamilton carried in the basket laden with gifts. Dor­ othy Miller assisted with the pres­ ents after which the bride made a very suitable reply. A sumptuous lunch was served by a group of the girl friends. ‘ Cromarty Presbyterian Church held its annual meeting in the base­ ment of the church. Rev. P. Pam- eson was appointed chairman and Thomas L. Scott secretary for the meeting. Favorable reports were given by the secretaries of the dif­ ferent organizations. The books show a balance on hand. Miss M. B. Currie is spending the winter months in Toronto with her sister Mrs. Tufford. WOODHAM last being a very day and road conditions safe for driving, the at- dis- and was an hour home. the Con- and social room church. and Mrs. Crago and fourth line and Mrs. were recent visitors at the Billy Matt. Sunday agreeable really not tendance at Sunday School and the church services were the lowest for a long time. One motorist started out and took to the ditch obliged to stay there for after which they returned Remember the date for gregational meeting event on Thursday evening Janu­ ary 2 3 rd in the Sunday School of the Mr. of the Routly home of Mrs. John Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott and Audrey were among the guests that were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore Thames Road on Friday evening last. Mrs. Laverne ter Donna, of couple of days former’s home. Miss Marion teacher of Eddy Mills, spent the week-end at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar John­ son. Miss Margaret Dowse, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and Shirley were Sunday visitors at the of Mr. and Mrs. J. Squire. Stone and daugh- Kirkton, spent a last week at the Johnson, school home > ! i i J THAMES ROAD AND ROYS was planning work hockey came into its with every night be- Missionary Mrs. Mack, Lovie, Mrs. committee, L. Swartz, Mrs. H. Mitchell, Mr. J. Mawhinney, Mrs. E. Penhale; Flow­ er committee, Mrs. Mawhinney, Mr. Mawhinney and Mrs. A. King. The Good Cheer class held their election of officers which resulted as follows: Teacher, Mrs. J. Wood- all; assistant teacher, Audrey Har­ dinge; President, Audrey Yearley; vice-president, Doreen Baker! sec­ retary, Rhena Yearley; assistant secretary, Grace Hill; treasurer, Mrs. Russel Finkbeiner; Good Cheer convenor, Ila Lamport. ■wristA lady’s or gent’s cBulova watch will be given away as a grand 'prize to subscribers of the Exeter [Times-Advocate who renew their .subscription before February 17th. Second prize $5.00; five prizes of two one each hew dollars each and ten prizes of dollar each. One coupon for 50c paid on subscription. Re­ Now. people in the village and vi- the January MOUNT CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Geromette and family, of Denfield, spent Sun­ day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Geromette. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCann and Mary spent Saturday in London. Mr. Joe Glavin has returned from Guelph after spending a few weeks there. Mr. Gerald Masse, of Dashwood, spent Tuesday with his sister Mrs. Hubert Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan and family spent Sunday in London. Miss Kate Carey is spending a few weeks with relatives in Ham­ ilton. Mr. and Mrs.' Hubert Desjardine, Mrs. A. Morrissey and Mrs. Glavin spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Dennis Bedard in Mr. Jack ?.ror’issey week-end with friends Wo are glad to beer Hartman has fully rec injuries received in an automobile spent a few days recently af the ; accident between Elginfield and t.LLucan on No. 4 Highway January Sth. KIPPEN Mr. and Saturday er’s sister Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cam­ eron of Clinton. Mrs. Allan Johnson returned to her home from Clinton hospital on Sunday. Her many friends hoph to soon see her out and around again. Mr. W. Horney aiid Mr. J. C. Simser spent Saturday in Goderich. Miss Vera Ropp, who has been attending Bible School L ’Utehener returned to her homo o” Tuesday. Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Allan John­ son. • Mr. Archie Ryckman, of Exeter i-nent a day recently nt tin home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. William Sherritt, of Hartley, Mrs. John Cochrane spent at the home of the form­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mows- seau. i Joe and Zurich spent in Detroit, that Mr. H. 'overed from the 1 A joint meeting of the Roys and Thames Road Y. P. U. was held Friday night at Thames Road church Some seventy were present. Music was supplied by Murray Christie and readings by Mrs. Ed. Hocking. After the meeting a skating party was held on the rink followed by lunch served by the Thames Road Y. P. U. The annual meeting of Roy’s Church was held on Friday, All the reports of the church were satis­ factory. Thames Road church have their annual meeting on January 24, and the opening part will be in the form of a Pot Luck Supper. The rain of Sunday was a blessing but it did not increase the church attendance as it did the cisterns. , Next Sunday at Roys the Rev. Mr. Grigg, of Exeter, will speak. Miss Marion Hodgert satag a very fine solo on Sunday. We hope to have her again. Mission Circle of Thames Roati met at the manse on Saturday. The chief business for 1940. Skating and own last week ing occupied in some form of sport. The W. A. met at the church this Wednesday. After business a skat­ ing party was held. We are hoping that the “upsets” won’t be too se­ vere. The W. M. S. of Thames Road had its opening meeting of the year1 at Mrs. John Allison’s last week. A good crowd was in attendance and the work for 1940 planned. Rev. Mr. Mair and Mr. John Dow, of Roys were in London on Tuesday. Colds are the order of the day but there is no serious illness. The Thames Road Mission Circle met at the manse on Saturday after­ noon with Helen Selves, our new president in Charge and a good at­ tendance. This being the first meeting of the year, plans for this year’s work was discussed. It was decided to have a “White Elephant” sale at our February meeting and each girl bring material for a patch­ work quilt, which is to be made from stocking tops. A letter of ap1 preciation was read from Carlton S. S. in Northern Ontario for the Christmas parcel which was sent by our Circle. After the business per­ iod Anne Morgan took charge . of the program. Miss Thelma Parker favored us with a piano selection. Mrs. Mair then said a few words of welcome to our new members telling them the obligations of our Missionary work and what we must do to be a good Missionary at home or abroad. The new study book “Freedom” on India was outlined by Mrs. Mair and the first chapter read. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Helen Selves. She: “Mother and I can hardly understsand each other over the tele­ phone.” * He: “Did you ever try talking one at a time?” OLD AND NEW TYME Dance at Kippen FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th CLAYTON STEEPER , and his Canadian Cowboys FLOOR SHOW—A Real Treat Something New and Different General Admission 35c C. Watson, Manager