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S the Old Year draws to a close
we take the opportunity of
thanking you for your liberal pat
ronage of this store.
Reeve W. D. Sanders and Coun
cillor B. W. Tuckey will this year
contest the reeveship, Nominations
for the various municipal offices
were held Friday last between
twelve and one o’clock noon, pres
ided over by Clerk Joseph Senior.
A goodly list of names were placed
in nomination for all offices.
Members of the old council, E. M.
Digman, J. W. Hern and H. O.
Southcott were re-elected along with
Sylvester B. Taylor. The latter
takes the place of Mr. Tuckey.
For the Board of Education W.
H. Dearing and John Willis were re
elected and Wm. J. Smith takes the
place of F. J. Delbridge who retir
ed. Their term is for two years.
For Public Utilities Commission
Thos, Pryde was elected to take the
place of Wm. Ward who had pre-
iovusly announced his retirement.
The names places in
were as follows;
Freddie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Elliott who was taken to the Chil
dren’s War Memorial Hospital in
(London, Tuesday evening of last
week after being knocked from a
bicycle when hit by an automobile
passed away on Saturday. Deceased
was in his eighth year. The funeral
was held from the home of his
ents Tuesday afternoon and
largely attended. The little lad
a student in the public school
among the many beautiful flowers
was a wreath from his schoolmates.
Besides his grief-stricken parents,
two brothers and three sisters sur
vive, Lila, Elva, Harold, Bill, and
Geneva. The funeral was in charge
pf Rev. Clemens of the Pentecostal
Mission. The bearers were Roy Kirk
Alex Ellis, Archie Webber and Carl
Jaques. Among those from a dis
tance who attended the funeral
were Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Elliott,
of Millford, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Garnet Ford and daughter, of Flint,
Mr. and
Mr. and
nia; Mr.
of Kirkton.
Green and
We extend to one and all our very
best wishes for a
Sanders, William D.,
nominated by James
Frank H. Glanville.
Turkey, Benson Ward, Transport Op
erator, nominated by Bittle M.
Francis and Thomas Pryde.
Pryde, Thomas, Draftsman, nomin
ated by Benson W. Tuckey and J.
Wellington Hern.
Most Happy and Prosperous
Jones & May Your
Superior ||
Store B
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Jones, of
Mr. and Mrs. Gould and
Cornish, of Clinton;
Herman Elliott, Sar-
Mrs, William Elliott
Taylor, Sylvester, nominated by
M. Francis and John R. Hind.
Dignan, Edward M,, nominated
John R. Hind and William F. Ab
■Snell, Clarise, nominated by B.
Francis and John R. Hind
Hein, J. Wellington, nominated
B. M. Francis and Wm. J, Smith.
Southcott, Herbert Oke, nominated
by William J. Smith and J. Wel
lington Hern.
Cochrane, ,J. Goldie, nominated by
Thomas Pryde and James Green.
Tuckey, Benson Ward, nominated by
Thomas Pryde and J. Wellington
Tanton, Cyril.. W., nominated by
William J. Smith and Thomas
Abbott, William Fl, -Yfijiriihated by
Simon P. Greb and John F. Peart.
Traqilalr, J. Albert, nominated
Thomas Pryde and Benson
Bowey, James P., nominated
Thomas Pryde and B. M. Francis.
Francis, Birtle, M., nominated by
Benson W. Tuckey and J. Wel
lington Hern.
Public Utilities Commission
Twenty-eight families were re
membered at Christmas through the
generosity of those citizens who
contributed to the Christmas Cheer
Fund along with various organiza
tions. On Thursday of last week
the members of the Women’s In
stitute met at the Library and pre
pared the twenty-eight baskets for
distribution. A thorough canvass
had been made of the town by the
ladies to determine the most accept
able gifts. The greater amount of
the money spent went for warm
clothing and footwear. The amount
collected was $73.60 while the ac
tual amount spent was $169.49.
The balance will be made up by the
Lions Club. The money was spent
as follows: For drygoods $65.08;
groceries $42.36; bread and milk
$<38.00; fowl $24.15. B. W. Tuck
ey undertook the delivery of the
baskets. In addition to the above
the Exeter Chapter of the Eastern
Star and the Canadian Legion con
tributed a number of baskets,
contributions acknowledged
week amounted to $49.75.
tional contributions were
lows: Exeter
$10.0'0; Frank
Francis $1.00;
J. W. Morley
the band concert $'9.85; total
60. In addition Mr. Rollie
contributed candy.
Best Wishes for a
We pause from the hustle of business,
To give credit where credit is due,
For we greatfully know that our progress comes
From the friendships of folk like you.
Traquair’s Hardware
Tinsmithing Sign Work Plumbing
V ,
Exeter Arena
Friday and
Saturday Night
20c, 15c, 10c
During the heavy motor traffic on
Exeter’s Main Street Saturday even
ing Herbert Bierling, 17-year-old
son of Wm. Bierling, of the Blue
Water Highway was knocked down
by a passing motorist, while the
young man wa's attempting to cross
the street. He suffered lacerations
of the right wrist, one of the ten
dons being cut.
car struck him
ed if he were
without leaving
ter is under
Fletcher attended the injured youth
who was later removed to his home.
The motorist whose
stopped and enquir-
hurt, and drove on
his name. The mat
investigation. Dr.
Francis, Birtlc ML, nominated
William J. Smith and John
Ward, William, nominated by B. M.
Francis and George Mawson.
Thomas, nominated by Wil-
Ward and George Mawson.
Board of Education
William J., nominated by J.Smith,
Wellington Hern and B. M. Fran
Cowen, Dr. Harvey H., nominated by
Mrs. Roxie E. Beavers and Ben
son W. Tuckey
Willis, John N., nominated by Wil
liam H. Dearing and Benson
Dearing, William H., nominated
J. Melvin Southcott and John
Lindenfield, Edward, nominated
J. Melvin Southcott and Mrs.
Roxie Beavers.
Tanton, Cyril W., nominated by
IFranklin .J. Delbridge and J. Wel
lington Hern.
Delbridge, Franklin J., nominated
by J. Wellington Hern and Ben
son W. Tuckey.
Friday Night Meeting
Following the noon nomination a
public meeting was held* in the Town
Hall in the evening to hear the ad
dresses of the various speakers.
Clerk Jos. Senior presided. The re
tiring members of the council were
first invited to the platform. The
(Continued on Page Four)
If one looks mainly at the surface of things, he will say that
1940 dawns on a crazy world. Germany has over-run Czecho-
• Slovakia and Poland and Hungary without the shadow of justifi
cation. Russia has thrown her hordes upon Finland without the
ghost of a reason for so doing, Japan burns and bombs and
slaughters without mercy and without claim to sustain her con
duct that will stand at the bar of reason. Even in the democracies
there is an underworld that would break out like a pestilence were
the opportunity to offer itself. The moral collapse of Germany is
without parallel in history.
Yet we have the revulsion of Captain Langsdorff at the per
fidy of his country. We have the swinging and singing march of
Canadian soldiers as they step to the new conflict. We have the
representative heroism of Commander Bickford in the face of in
estimable odds. We have the quiet, deadly, whiteheat earnestness
'of our allied statesmen who explore every avenue that victory may
be overtaken. We have the faith and confidence of our merchants
who carry on undent difficulties never before encountered. We
have the devotion of parents who gaze longingly on the faces of
their youth but who point steadily to the path of duty, even when
walking therein may involve the supreme sacrifice. Supremely,
we have faith of the allied nations in a Supreme Being who will
not allow even a sparrow to fall without His knowledge, Under
His guidance and by our own efforts we look for victory. Men
with such spiritual possessions and with such faith cannot but be
happy, and wish one anothei’ a Happy New Year.
HARVEY BROS. MILL SOLD Municipal Nominations
sold to
who re
Following are the nominations in
this district on Friday last.
We understand that the
Bros, grist mill has been
Mr. G. A, Cann, Dunnville,
cently came from the west. The sell
ing of this property has been in
the hands of W- C. Pearce. Mr. Cann
we believe will operate a chopping
mill for the present and it may be
a little while before the whole mill
is in operation. The re-opening of
the mill is a business asset to the
community, and we welcome
Cann to our midst.
There is a lively municipal con
test on in Stephen Township. At the
nomination meeting at Crediton on
Friday three were placed in the
field fox* Reeve: Chester Mawhin-
ney Edward Lamport and Alonzo
McCann. Mr. Lamport, who has
been the deputy-reeve has retired,
leaving the field to the other two.
For deputy-reeve Edward Lamport,
Roy Ratz, Thomas Love and Ed
mund Shapton were nominated. Roy
Ratz and Edmund Shapton have
qualified and are contesting the
election. There are four in the
field for council, three to be elect
ed. They are Nelson Schenk, Ar
thur J. Amy, Thomas ILove and
Herman Powe. Roy Ratz, Edmund
Shapton and Harold Walper were
the others nominated.
Traffic Officer Wm. Robinson, of
Exeter, who patrols No. 4 Highway
has received-notice that he is be
ing transferred to Smithville. Mr.
Robinson will assume his new du
ties at the beginning of the year.
He and Mrs. Robinson have made
many friends during their residence
in Exeter and the best wishes of all
will go with them in the future.
as fol-
$1.00; A.
Ernest Elliott
$1.00; receipts
A quiet wedding took place at
Metropolitan Church manse, London
on Saturday, December 23rd, when
Miss Eva jane Hogarth, of London,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hogarth, of Exeter, was mar
ried to Mr. Robert John McNaugh
ton, of London, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. John McNaughton, Kippen
The ceremony was performed by
Dr. Niven. The young couple was
attended by the bride’s sister, Miss
Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor and the
groom’s brother, Mr. James Mc
Naughton of Kippen. The bride was
smartly gowned in sail blue crepe
with dubonnet accessories and wore
a corsage of gardenias while her at-
tendent wor.e a dress of gold crepe.
After a short honeymoon Mr.
Mrs. McNaughton will reside
Wolfe street, London.
The many friends of Mr. William
May senior member of the firm of
Jones & May, will regret to know
that he is seriously, ill in Victoria
Hospital, London. On Thursday
last Mr. May suffered a hemorrhage
and in the evening he was given a
is showing some improvement.
The death took place in Usborne-
on Thursday, December 24th, of
Harriet Harris, beloved wife of Ce
phas T. Pym, aged 72 years and 21
days. The deceased was born on
the fifth concession of Usborne on
the farm now occupied by her son,
Ernest J. Pym. For the past four
teen years she has resided on the
farm next to it. She was a daugh
ter of the late John and Ann Harris.
On the eleventh of September Mrs.
Pym suffered a stroke, and had im
proved considerably when she was
taken ill with influenza followed by
complications which resulted in her
death. One sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Blatchford predeceased her as did
two half-sisters and a half-brother,
Mrs. Robert Herdman, Mrs. Fergus
on and Mr. Henry Horney. Besides
her husband and son Ernest, she is
survived by two daughters, Mrs.
Hubert' Hunter, of Usborne and
Miss Lila, at home. The funeral
was held from her late residence,
Saturday afternoon, conducted by
Rev. Mr. Mair, of Thames Road,
Mrs. Morgan leading with the mu
sic. The bearers were six nephews,
John and Enos Herdman, William
Horney, Alvin Pym, George Davis,
and Hubert Dickinson. Interment
took place in the Exeter cemetery.
Reeve, Percy Passmore; council,
Hugh Berry, Clark Fisher, Bruce
Cooper, John Hodgert (accl.).
Hay Township
Reeve, George Armstrong, Mat
thew Turnbull; council, Alex Crer-
ar, Roland Geiger, Fred Haberer,
William Haugh and Nelson Stanlake
Reeve Myron Culbert and Joseph
Ryder; council (accl.), John Park,
William Morkin, Joseph Bryan, C.
W. McRoberts.
Reeve, W. J. Kay (accl.); coun
cil, Joseph Atkinson, John W. Hack
ney, Frank Allen, Lloyd Colquhoun
Reeve, J. A. Bryans, J. W. Gamble
Deputy Reeve, T. L. Weir, A. E.
Toner; council, E. H. Strong, Ed.
McCallum, Robert Baker and John
Cecil Wheeler, Francis
council, Frank Shaw, Ro-
and J.
bert Wallace, James Michie
transfusion by his brother
On Sunday evening he was
to the hospital in London
he was given a second trans-
He has been quite ill but
The students of the Exetei’ High
School attended a theatre party at
Leavitt’s Theatre when the school
closed Friday afternoon for the
Christmas vacation. At the close
of a two and a half hour entertain
ment a treat was given to each
pupil by the principal and the staff.
Reeve, John L. Campbell,
W. Codling; Deputy Reeve,
Valentine, Roy Elliott; <
(elected by acclamation),
Scott, Ralph Morrison, Arthur Wells
Cliff Walden.
, George
, George
, Bruce