HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-12-14, Page 12;u DECEMBER 14, 1939 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE =.& V:?!.H THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS ALL NEXT WEEK W r ■ 1 Gift We have a very large stock to choose from Suggestions FOR LADIES AND GIRLS Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Bathrobes and Dressing Gowns Silk Hosiery and Underwear Fancy Linens Knitted Suits ■' & Girls’ Winter Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices EVERY COAT MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. THESE WOULD MAKE A HANDSOME CHRISTMAS GIFT NEW DRESSES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON FOR LADIES AND MISSES Smart Styles, New Materials, Low Prices.A large Range to Choose From. Extra Special 10 DOZEN BATH ROBES AND DRESSING GOWNS Ladies’, Men’s, Boys’ and Girls’. New Styles and Materials WOOLCOTT BRAND BLANKETS AT OLD PRICES RUGS AND LINOLEUMS For Christmas at Old Low Prices Super Silk Crepe Hosiery New Fall Shades. Very Slight Imperfections. Sizes 8^ to 10^. A Real Bargain at 79c a pair Groceries Wool and Cotton Mixed. Bound Singly, Beauti- Old Pricesful Colors. $2.00 REVERSIBLES IN EACH SAME $2.95 EACH Gift Suggestions FOR MEN AND BOYS Initialed Linen and Bordered Handkerchiefs We are Agents for McCALL and SIMPLICITY PATTERNS Men’s Suits & Overcoats You may need a New Overcoat and Suit before Christmas. We still have a Good Choice of Overcoats in Styles and Colors at Old Prices the Newest Christmas Groceries HEAVY ALL WOOL BLANKETS Shirts, Braces and Ties in Sets in full array. Oranges Nuts Candies Singly and in Pairs at Various Prices CHENILLE BED SPREADS Very Popular, New Patterns. Large Size $3.95 and $4.95 EACH Subscriptions Taken for $15, $18 and up to $25 McCALL MAGAZINE They are Real Bargains at These Prices. We Good Selection of the New Green and Blue Shades in Men’s Smart Double Breasted Suits. have also a All Baking Requisites Full Assortment Low Prices MOTOR BOOTS In the Newest Colors. An Ideal Christmas Gift. Lie and Handkerchief Sets Arm Bands, Neck Scarfs, Sweaters, Windbreakers, Gloves, Suits and Overcoats, Hockey Shoes With Skates Attached f rJH' Main Street Y. P. U. MEN’S WINDBREAKERS, SWEATERS AND HORSE- HIDE COATS AT POPULAR PRICES Poultry We will appreciate your order which will have our best attention SKI and SKATING SUITS or SEPARATE JACKETS and SKATING SLACKS for Girls and Misses Umbrellas Bath Robes, Pyjamas, Lace and Linen Table Cloths SPATS FOR MEN New Shades at $1.00 PAIR Also English Broadcloth Spats at $2.50 PAIR Extra Special E5® pr- pl;in“t,eplanJl,®lette®lahnli'tst $2.35 prI Extra Large whipped singly, 2i/2 yds. long, while they last ■ ■ p,;r JONES & MAY a Exeter Ont. DID YOU KNOW THAT- SKATING OUTFITS Good Hockey Boots With Skates Attached A REAL GIFT FOR GIRLS AND BOYS I *4 f c. The regular meeting of the Main Street Y. P. U. was held on Tues­ day night.The meeting opened with singing a hymn and prayer. The Scripture was read by Rev. Mr. Copeland. The election of officers was held with the following results: Honorary President, Rev. R. Copeland; Advisory Director, Mr. W. Gr. Medd; President, Miss Flor­ ence McDonald; vice president, Tom­ my Walker; secretary- - treasurer, Miss Norma Wilson; pianist, Miss Merna Sims; Chris. Fellowship, Miss Mary Caldwell; Missionary, Miss L. Hewitt; Christian Culture, Miss E. Penrose; Citizenship, Miss Doris Webber; Social, Misses Lillian Mc­ Donald and Thelma Hockey; Recre­ ational, Jack Jennings; Press respondence, Mary McDonald, •meeting closed with hymn •benediction. the world: Bridge at Windsor, world’s longest single the largest of smallest teeth, of them in each home is like a Cor- The and Napoleon never won a battle. Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in Ambassador Ontario is the span bridge. In the United States more homes burned in 19-34 than were built dur­ ing that year. Beavers can close their lips be­ hind their front teeth, thus enabling them to cut wood under water. The whale shark, all sharks, has the but has about 3,000 jaw. The baby in the sheaf of wheat—because it is first cradled, then threshed and after­ wards became the flower of the family. There are about 1,000 nuts in a car, but only one nut behind the steering wheel. Canned meat 11-5 years old is on display in London, England - Can­ ned 1824. “The best thing to give your en­ emy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; conduct of you; all men, to your mother, that will make her proud to yourself, respect and to charity.” s. ‘blue coal’ The same fine old D, L. & W. Scranton Anthracite that has been the favorite in Canadian homes for over 50 years, — is sold in — Jjy* WWiilWW W. C. ALLISON PHONE 1OW ALBERTA COAL AND COKE B. A. GAS and OIL Hydro Rural Extension The Clinton office of the H.E.P. Commission which operates the Clin­ ton, Walton, and Goderich rural po­ wer districts, reports that during the fiscal year ending October 31st a total of 32 miles of new line was constructed to serve 73 new consum­ ers. In addition to this, another 73 consumers were added on exist­ ing lines, making a total of 146 new services during the year. The Clin­ ton office now operates 273 miles of line, which serves 1314 consumers. During the year a new high-tension sub-station was erected in Clinton to meet the increasing demand for power in the Clinton rural power district. Construction of a new five- mile extension in the Goderich dis­ trict is expected to start in a few days. It is about time to get up nerve enough to ask your wife what you are going to give her for Christ­ mas. I I I LOCALS | _____ ___________I Col. W. J. and Mrs. Heaman, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Heaman and Mrs. Gillean, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mr. R. N. Rowe is erecting a new sunroom in front of his residence. The work is almost completed. It makes a splendid additin to the home Misses Barbara Dinney and Betty Hogarth, of Exeter, Doris Meyers and Greta Haberer, of Zurich, spent the week-end with Miss Ada Gaiser at Shipka. Mrs. Edna Hearts returned to Toronto Thursday last aftei’ visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Follick. Mr. Follick's condition remains about the same. Mr. Ronald Hookey and .two chil­ dren Barbara and Ronald, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Hookey over the week-end. They were here visiting the former’s mo­ ther who has been ill. Last week we reported in error that Mrs. James Jewell was confined to her bed through illness. It should' have read Mrs. Jas. Hookey. Mrs. Hookey is somewhat improved and able to be up a little each day. The pupils of Exeter Public School had at the end of October 1939 on deposit $93-8.88 in the Penny Bank. The Comparative figures of a year ago is $697.86. The weekly percent­ age of pupils depositing during Sep­ tember and October was 7-5. The members of the first degree team of the Exeter I.O.OjF. together with several of the brethren motor­ ed to Seaforth Wednesday evening of last week and exemplified the work of the degree on two candi­ dates from Hensall and one from Seaforth at the Seaforth lodge. Mr. E. A. Howald occupied the chair of the Noble Grand. There was a good attendance. Lunch was served at the close. LOCALS Usborne Council Meets Friday In the Usborne Council minutes last week it was reported in error that the council would meet for the final sitting of the year oiTDecembei’ 18th. This should have read Decem­ ber 15th. The council will meet on Friday, the 15th. This will be the last date for Haying the township taxes without a penalty being added. • Up-to-date the taxes have been com­ ing in fairly satisfactory. New Library Books The following books have been recently received at the Public Lib- rary: “Black Narcissus”Godden “Mr. Emmanuel”iGolding “Green Money”Stevenson “Harlequin House”-Sharpe “Knights of the Range"Grey “To Have to Keep”Abbott “Cancelled in Red"Pentecost “The Bride"Irwin “Champlain Road"McDowel “Vanished Men"Marsh “Mussolini Murder Plot”Newman “Foui* Part Setting”Bridge “Escape"Vance “Dark Wing"Stringer “Sea Tower"Walpole “Dr. Hudson’s Secret Journal" [Douglas Non-Fiction “New York Fair”Hillis “European Jungle"Brown “Vanishing Frontier”Godsell Juvenile “Masha”Rudolph “Chico"Muller Trivitt Memorial W. A. Trivitt annual in the opened The Woman’s Auxiliary of Memorial church held their meeting on Tuesday evening Parish Hall. The meeting with hymn 318 followed by the Lit­ any and prayers led by the presi­ dent. Mrs. Bierling gave the Scrip­ ture reading. The roll was called and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. Thom­ son gave the secretary’s report and Mrs. Bierling gave the treasurer’s report. It was moved and second­ ed that all pledges and outstanding bills be paid, and that $15. should be given toward coal for the Parish Hall; $3.0(L to the Sunday School and $-2.0'0 to the Junior Auxiliary. Luella Stanlake gave the Social Ser­ vice and Little Helper’s reports. The president, Mrs. O. Winer thanked all the members for their help to her. Mr. Hunt was called on to take the chair for the election of officers. He congratulated the W. A. on their year’s work and moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Winer for her good work as president for six years. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. H. Bierling; vice- president, Mrs. C. Heywood; secre­ tary, Mrs. D. Thomson; treasurer, Miss E. M. Bowey; Dorcas secretary Miss N. McTaggart; prayer partner’s secretary, Mrs. W. E. Middleton; Superintendent of Little Helpers, Miss L. Stanlake with Miss M. Day as assistant; Secretary to Living Message. Miss M. Day; Social Service Secretary, Mrs. Middleton. meeting closed with hymn 314 ter which Mr. Hunt pronounced benediction. Jehovah’s Witnesses Questioned In Huron The af- the iGODERICH — Acting on com­ plaints from several citizens police brought in for questioning two mem­ bers of the Jehovah Witness Sect. Phonograph records bearing ad­ dresses were played, and contents of tracts and booklets scrutinized, but nothing was found contravening the Defence of Canada Act or offensive to othei’ religious bodies, as com­ plained of, the authorities said. The Jehovah Witnesses -have been some weeks in Huron County, visiting in Goderich. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry, Grand Bend, announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Aleen Chris- tena, to William James Waddell, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Waddell, of Owen Sound, the wed­ ding to take place in Christ Church, Forest, on Saturday, December 23, 1939. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Hogarth, of Exeter, Ontario, announce the en- gagament of their youngest daugh­ ter Eva jane, to Robert John Mc­ Naughton, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John McNaughton, of Kippen, Ontario, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of December. “Pirates on Oz” “Land of Oz” “.Lost Princess of Oz” “Wizard of Oz” “Rosemary” “Flying -Sub” “Watch” “Three Chums” “King Arthur” “Young Knights” "Whispering Isles” “(Folly Farm” Baum Baum Baum Baum Lawrence Snell Hastings Beverage Smith Briggs Snell Abbott The Public Library received a very interesting book as a gift from Mr. H. V. .Smith, of New York, entitled ‘Engine! Engine!’ The book tells the story of fire fighting in earlier Amer­ ican days and is illustrated through­ out. White Gift Sunday Sunday School of the James United Church held a White A selections. The Street Gift service Sunday afternoon, Junior choir sang two Miss Mary Van Camp gave a reading. The children from the Primary then marched to the front and deposited their offering in a white bag along with their parcels in white wrappers. Each class made their offering and the gifts were dedicated by the su­ perintendent, Mr. J. H. Jones. A lovely lot of presents were received and about $26.00 in cash. YOUR Holiday Table The holiday table in every home should groan with the weight of choice quality Meats and Poultry . . . .Here you’ll find tasty foods at low prices ... all specially reduced for the festive feasts. Shop here if you want to save on choice Christmas Meats and Poultry* quality All Poultry Drawn Free 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Choice Beef, Pork, Lamb, Smoked Bacon, Smoked Ham, Picnic Hams, Cottage Rolls, Weiners, Headcheese RIVERS’ QUALITY MEAT MARKET | "for Service and Quality” Phone 9, Exeter ||