HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-12-14, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE > V. T. reporter, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. W. DECEMBER 14, 1939 James Street W. A John of the W. We DeliverPhone 79 DIES AT DETROIT HENSALL COUNCIL Waterman’s Fountain Pens Priced from $1.25 to $4.25 in sets Built to Last Christinas Thursday reported re floor plugs with Mrs. * ifc Our Stock is Large and Well Assorted and Covers all the Many Items that you expect in a Music and Stationery Store. Fountain Pens, Games, Papetries, Christmas Cards, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Wrappings, Small Musical Merchandise, Etc. ORANGES, ALL SIZES * * * * ALMOND ICING— M lb. pkg. ... 18c; 1 lb. pkg. ... 35c Seedless Raisins Bleached Raisins Seeded Raisins Large Raisins with Seeds Currants TRY US THIS YEAR FOR CHRISTMAS CANDY Xmas Mixed, 2 lbs. .. 25c Xmas Creams, 2 lbs. . . 35c Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs............. 35c SPECIAL PRICES ON Candied Cherries Candied Pineapple Shelled Walnuts Shelled Almonds Fresh and Low Prices BRUCE RIVERS GROCERY Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurm and Mr. Louis 'Wurm, of near Hensall attend­ ed the funeral on Monday of the late Mrs. Henry Schluchter at Detroit. Mrs. Schluchter was a Zurich girl, her name being Hannah Rupp, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rupp, and has been a resident of Detroit for many years. She passed away on Friday, last being 6S years of age. Surviving her are her husband, two sons and two daughters — Zurich Herald. FORDj^OTELS RATESWSt Hso $ to '2.50 S'jwuRoJSattsW ‘If ’ihiFTFMODERH ‘ • • »!•»!’/FIREPROOF ’ •» !•»'!£ ►HOTELS {»’!»»;‘’>awvFNiDinY LOCATED Injxillr *«*sv <4 ?! ® 41 You’ll Enjoy Shopping at MARTIN’S Sleighs Built to Last Ytel SEE OUR HANDSOME DESK SETS Wagons Joy cycles Built for Speed Disc Wheels, Rubber Tires and Ball Bearing PRICED FROM $2.75 to $4.95 Full Streamlined Priced Right GUITARS Hawaiian, Complete with Instruction Book, Steel and Pick (No Seconds) $6.95 to $23.00 PIANOS Re-Conditioned and Fully Guaranteed All Popular Makes Make Your Own Terms SEWING MACHINES Drop Heads, including Raymonds, New Williams and Singe** $10.00 AND UP — SHOP IN THE MORNING — IT WILL PAY — MARTIN’S MUSIC STORE PHONE 3 EXETER Jfli ZION * Mrs. William Brock spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Routly, the occa­ sion being the eightieth birthday of the former’s mother, Mrs. William Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tookey, Mar­ ion and John, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques also Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. The Zion Mission Circle were en­ tertained on Friday evening by the Woodham Mission Circle. Everyone enjoyed the evening very much. The annual Sunday School meet­ ing was held on Monday evening in the church. There were very few changes in the officers. Mr, William Stephens called on his sister Mrs. E. Hern on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thompson, of Centralia, Mrs. E. Hern spent Tuesday Mrs. Charles Kerslake and Hector Taylor, of Exeter, The Sunday School Concert will be held on evening, December 21st. Zion W. M. S. The December meeting M. S. was held at the home of Mrs, Harold Hern with twelve members and one visitor present. We sang a Christmas hymn after which Mrs, Warren Brock led in" prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. Melville Hern gave a reading entitled “Christmas Eve”, Mrs, R. E. Pool- ey then took charge. The Christmas worship was taken by Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Mrs. Melville Hern. Hymn 240 was sung followed by prayer. The third chapter of the study book on India was taken by Mrs. Pooley. We then had a piano selection by Mrs. Norman Brock. A reading “Back to the Trail” was given by Mrs. Angus Earl. Rev. Mr. Laing closed the meeting with a prayer. We then had the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Melville Hern; 1st vice - president, Mrs. Wellington Brock; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. T. Hern; Recording secretary, Mrs. Harold Hern; Corres. and Mite Box secretary, Mrs. Norman Brock and Mrs. Charles Jaques; treasurer, Mrs. James Earl; Mission Circle leaders, Mrs. Warren Brock and Mrs. Angus Earl; Christian Ste­ wardship secretary, Mrs. Norman Jaques, Mrs. Ward Hern; Commun-| ity Friendship secretary, Mrs. E. Hern; Baby Band secretary, Mrs. J. T. Hern; Associate Helpers’ secre­ tary,’ Mrs. Tom Hern; Temperance secretary, Mrs. Angus Earl; Mis­ sionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. N. Jaques; pianists, Mrs. George Brock and Mrs. Norman Brock; Flower committee, Mrs. Eph. Hern, Mrs. T. Hern, Mrs. Harold Hern; Literature secretary, Mrs. Melville Hern; lunch committee, Mrs. Allen Jaques, Mrs. Charles Jaques; Heralds: Home Missions, Mrs. J. T. Hern, China, Mrs. W. Brock, Japan, Mrs. Norman Brock, India, Mrs. Warren Brock, Korea, Mrs. Laing, Africa, Mrs. J. Earl, Trinidad, Mrs. John Johns. CORBETT have been comic dia- dedication and Mrs. evening Miss Nola Isaac, school teacher here is busy preparing for a Christ­ mas entertainment on December 21. Members of the. section invited to take part in a logue, etc. Many attended the service on Sunday evening in the United church, Greenway, to dedi­ cate the hydro installed recently in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson and Miss Mae Wilson. The moving pictures and travel­ ogue put on by Rev. Denny Bright were enjoyed by a good crowd on Wednesday last. Many thanks to everyone who has donated so liber- erally to the Bible Society and col­ lections now are near $30.00 with a few more collections to hear from Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goodhand, of Parkhill, called on Mr. Wilbert Young on Sunday last. Mr. spent here. We Pollock, general merchant, is feel­ ing better again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton i spent Friday evening with Mr. Gar­ field Steeper. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Mellin. Mr. Hugh Ryan, of Petrolia, call­ ed on his parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan on Friday. Mrs. Wm. Hodgins spent Wednes­ day in London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young vis­ ited her mother Mrs. Murray, at Thedford, who is in London Hos­ pital on Wenesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. L C. Goodhand were entertained at dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, and Miss Nathalie Hutchinson Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Wes. Mellin, Harold Pollock, of the week-end with Detroit, friends are glad to report that Mr. J. Roy Hutchinson spent Wes. ILDERTON —Over $ LO'O 0 been raised by the local Red committee under the leadership of J. W. Freeborn, M.L.A. Donations dre still being received. has Cross The Women’s Association of the Janies Street United Church held their annual meeting at the church on Thursday Mrs. 'C. Kestle presiding. Mrs, Sharpe took the first part of meeting. Mrs. Heywood read Scripture and Mrs. Sharpe offered prayer. Mrs. S. McFalls gave a Christmas reading. Reports were read by the treasurer, Mrs. H. C. Carey and the secretary, Mrs. M. C, Fletcher showing a very successful After the business session a of officers was presented by A. Page and accepted as fol- December 7th with F. the year, slate Rev, lows: Honorary President, Mrs. A. Page; President, Mrs. F. A. May; 1st vice- president, Mrs. E. S. Steiner; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. C. Kestle; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. T. Coates; secre­ tary, Miss F. Down; assistant secre­ tary, Mrs. J. M. Southcott; treasurer Mrs. R. Motz; assistant treasurer, Mrs. H. C. Carey; Corres. secretary, Mrs, W. R. Gouding; press reporter, Mrs. J, Norry; assistant Mrs, C. Snell; pianist, Kestle; assistant pianist, Coates; Floral committee, Coates, Miss N. Keddy, Mrs. Roul- ston, Mrs. S. Jory, Mrs. G. Westcott, Mrs. G. Hockey; Parsonage commit­ tee, Mrs. M. Heywood, Mrs. F. Sharpe, Mrs. S. McFalls, Mrs. H. Cowen; Emergency committee, Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Mrs. .F. Boyle, Mrs. Pickard, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. F. Coates; Vestry committee, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, Mrs. J. Bowey, Mrs. J. M. Southcott, Mrs. J. H. Jones; audit­ ors, Mrs. F. Boyle, Mrs. E. Buswell; Visiting committee, Mrs. F. Taylor, Mrs. M. Snell. Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Moise took charge of the Red Cross work. Collection was taken at the close of the meeting. The regular meeting of the Village Council was held in the Council ■Chamber on Monday at 8 p.m. with all members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. On motion of Shepherd and Twitchell. The minutes adopted as i;ead. Carried. Mr. Chas. Moore Drysdale appeared from the Chamber asking for a grant j as Tree.. Jones and I we give the usual Carried. Reeve Shaadick quests for electric the use of the Red -Cross in Council Chamer, same’’granted; so inquired re poll tax collection. Horton and Twitchell: That the con­ stable be instructed to collect Poll tax at once. ’Carried Mr. Lee Hedden reported re planting the walnut trees in the park also regarding the rink as in shape for the winter use also re­ garding the work done on the streets and the same as in good shape for the winter. Correspondence read as follows: Sick Children’s Hospital, Last Post Fund, County Treasurer, Judge M. Costello, Consolidated iFire Casualty Insurance Co., Minister Municipal Defence. Same filed. Bills and accounts: Jas. A. Patterson, revising, voters’ list $50.60; R. J. Patterson, revising voters’-list, $5.00; Lee -Hedden, sal­ ary $55.00; R. E. Shaddick, salary, reeve $4’2.00; as councilor ditto $28.00; $28.00; Wm. R. J. Patterson, salary as tax col­ lector $45, and postage $7.62, total $52.62; Dr. I. G. Smillie, salary, M.O.H., $90.00; J. A. Patterson, bal­ ance salary as clerk and treasurer, $112.50; H. Cudmore, gravel streets $10.50; W. J. Reid, gravel streets $1.00; 'G. Parker, D.R.C. election $■3.00; Geo. Follick, D.R.O. election $3.00; J. A. Patterson, R.O., elec­ tion $5.00; M. Jinks, P.C. election $2.50; S. Welsh, P.O. election $2.50 Bonthron & Drysdale, supplies hall $30.39; R. Middleton, supplies, hall 55c.; G. M. Case, teaming $2, coal hall $62.1'0, total $64.10; Hensall Hydro, hall $7.39; Chamber of Commerce, Christmas Tree, grant, $15.00; Last Post iFund, indigent Burial $15.00; W. A. MacLaren, supplies .F.D., $2.40; Canadian Le­ gion wreatK$5.00; Municipal World supplies $3.24; total $684.29. Jones & Shepherd: That bills and accounts as read be paid. Carried Jones & Shepherd: That we ad­ journ to meet December 15 th at p.m. and Mr. G. as delegates of Commerce for the Christ- Horton: That grant of $15.00. T. ,& of Twitchell, salaryO. $2,3.00; -W. J. Jones, H. W. Horton, ditto Shepherd, ditto $-28; Carried. James A. Patterson, Clerk 7 36 Any Gift that makes the home more comfortable and more livable is Thrice Welcome and Inrice enjoyed. Our store is crammed with furniture of exceptional beauty and style which will make your selection a Stand-out, no matter what you buy. Smokers, Cedar Chests, Bookcases, Desks, Mirrors, Fancy Cushions, Dinner Wagons ■ LAMPS Table, Junior, Bridge and Tri-lite Lamps Over 100 to choose from We can suit any purse Studio Couches with spring-filled cushions spring mattress All Good Covers $28.50 TO $57.00 Tapestrys and Velours Occasional Chair Mother and Dad would or a Table would fill that empty space in your room We have a very large selection to choose from appreciate a Spring Mattress for Christmas We can fit any bed $11.95 TO $39.50 There must be some room in your house that you have long felt needed a little Primping up here and there. Our Holiday Stock will make your selections easy and unusually satisfying. ******** A small down payment will hold any article for Christ­ mas Delivery. We invite you to inspect our story early and your Christmas worries will be over. — WE DELIVER ANYWHERE E. R. Hopper’s Residence 63 Phone 99 FURNITURE STORE Season Broadcasts season broadcasts, an- the week of December Canadian Broadcasting include a performance “The Messiah”, by the a Christmas Christmas nounced for 17 by the Corporation, of Handel’s Mendelssohn Choir, of Toronto; program played by the Hart House carilloneur, Leland Richardson; and a gala extravaganza, “Turkey Trim­ mings” arranged and conducted by Percy iFaith. The great Handel oratorio will be given Wednesday, December 20, 9.30 to 10.00 p.m. E.S.T., the bells from the Hart House Memorial Tower will be heard Saturday, December 23, 5.30 to 5.45 p.m. and the special stream­ lined Christmas fantasie, under the ’ baton of Percy Faith will be listed i Friday, December 22, 9.00 to 9.30 | p.m. E.S.T. I »■ A 4 1? EGGS and POULTRY Phone 208 Highest Cash Prices Paid C. FAIRBAIRN OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL Don’t Fail to Visit the Store with the New Front o Up-to-date Jewellery JAMES STREET Y. P. U. James Street Y. P. Union met Monday evening with the president Laverne Christie in charge. After business was discussed, minutes read and roll taken, Miss Dorothy Welsh took the chair. Tommy Wal­ ker played several piano instrumen­ tals and Margaret Clarke gave tations.” Mrs, D, A. Christmas world and mas. -She much interest. Meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpdh benediction. oh Bluebird Diamonds Men’s Diamond Signets Ladies’ Diamond Signets Birthday Rings Costume Jewellery Evening Bags Compacts Silver Tea Services Community Silverware . Hollow Silverware Chinaware Dinnerware Spode China Sheaffer Pens and Pencils Comb, Brush, Mirror Sets i Schick Razors Sunbeam Shave Master Christmas Cards Bulova Watches Westfield Watches Elgin Watches Lorie/ Watches Helen Buswell gave a prayer Medl- The -guest speaker was Anderson, who spoke oh customs throughout the the meaning of Christ- was listened to with JEWELLER EXETER