HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-12-07, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE < We wish to announce to the public that in future TMCUSDAY, DECEMBER 7tli, 1939 Comfortable Glasses AT Reasonable Prices FOR SALE SEE I 45c Main St.Phone 38 home heating Jarmain’s Re-Tex Cleaners had C. V.in LEAVITT’S THEATRE 135Phone THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Chapleau, has has Miller, Welsh, Erie, her who has at present and the of of who West, just ask delivery LOST—Near the post-office a key case with keys. Miss Dorothy Welsh Exeter Taxes may be paid in the Town Hall, December 11, 12, 13, 14. Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, except noon. W. C. Pearce, Tax Collector. Ft. with For free Valeria 2tp. Pea Ensilage $1.00 i>er ton PUPS FOR SALE — 4 Cocker Spaniels, 3 months old. Reasonably priced. Breeding and quality consid­ ered. Apply T. J. Sherritt, Hensail. 2tp. HOUSES FOR RENT—Brick resi­ dence in central location. Apply to R. D. Hunter, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 39r7. -Four heifers in calf, due January 1st and one due 1st.—H. J. Taylor, R.R. 3, Ex- ltp. A regular meeting of the Execu­ tive of the Red Cross will be held in the Public Library Monday ev­ ening next at 8 p.m. conveniences. Situated on street. Apply, Miss Weekes. is spending friends Agent Phone 25W Phone for Information HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED BEFORE CHRISTMAS Homes 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 noon CANADIAN CANNERS FOR SALE — A number of small pigs. Sol. Gingerich, phone 84r3, Zu­ rich. Itp. Butter 27-3 Qc. A large 25c. medium 21c. B 20c. per pint of' London, ill at Victoria McTavish was r*Walker*s""ffl" FOR SALE—S. Half, Lot 12, Con. 4, Hay. About half tillable, balance pasture with some bush. Wm. Pearce Exeter. FOR SALE- three April eter FOR SALE — An English made bicycle in good condition. Apply to Times-Advocate. 2tp. FOR SALE — Rural store busi- ’ ness, long established in good local­ ity, Immediate possession. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—90-acre farm, good soil, good buildings with electricity, well located on Varna pavement. Other good farms. Wm. Pearce, Exe­ ter. Itp. HOUSES FOR SALE — A good home for $1,000.00. Brick, nice lot, town water, also several good homes C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. ♦ WANTED — A used upright piano, plain case, medium size, Martin’s Music store. Exeter. Itp. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Phone 245 BADMINTON TOURNEY A local badminton tournament will be held at the Arena on Friday ev­ ening. Members and prospective members are invited. FOR RENT—House, modern, all Main tfc. V’s Beauty Shoppe Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress A PERMANENT FOR CHRISTMAS The Gift That Lasts For Months v Spirella Foundation garments, in­ dividually designed, cut and styled for your figure at its best, preview phone 125, Mrs. Armstrong. OYSTERS Double Feature “Coast Guard” Santa’s Whisker's don’t need a wave, but you want to look your best for the Holiday Season, Exeter Markets Wheat 49-53Jc. (according to grade) Oats 30c. Parley 52c. Buckwheat 55c. Creamery Butter 33c. Dairy Eggs Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, dressed $11.25 C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday Christmas Cards, beautiful fold­ ers, printed with jour name, two dozen for One Dollar. Also indiv­ idual cards or by the box. We have a grand assortment. Times-Advo­ cate. The Ideal Meat Market OmMBH ____________________ _______________■MW—<Q 1 1 i LOCALS i i Qi— 11 — l^lHUBWiii mi —r-t w r -1___nr - iriwn 1 — I —O IT’S ALWAYS HOME SWEET HOME When You Heat With tlie Favorite Pennsylvania Hard Coal “There’s no place like home,”—es­ pecially your home . . . when it’s heated by D&H Anthracite....This Favorite Pennsylvania Hard Coal as­ sures a constant supply of healthful, comforting heat . . . regardless of the temperature outside. So, why be content with inferior fuels? In­ stead, specify D&H Anthracite and enjoy the advantages of the most modern, dependable fuel. Next time you order for D&H Anthracite, will be prompt, clean coal, Our and courteous. Phone 33, Residence 157 JAS. P. BOWEY STRAYED—Onto the property of Amos Wildfong, lot 9, con. 4, Hay, a heifer rising two years. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 36rl3, Dashwood. STRAYED—From Lot 12, Con. 7, Hay, a yearling grey steer, in left R. R. 17 r 7. ear. Apply E. J. 1, Exeter, Phone U mark- Shapton Credlton Itp When buying Christmas our complete stock of Wrist Watches, ware and China at S. B. TAYLORS. Gifts see Diamonds, Jewellery, Silver- FARMS FOR SALE — 100 acres, near Exeter, best of land, ploughing all done. Low price and easy terms. 100 acres on No. 4 Highway, good buildings, acres and ture. C. Exeter, hydro, etc. Also good 50 100 acres suitable for pas- V. Pickard, phone 165, SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumacaps’ Two-Way Action quickly cleanses and invigorates the Kidneys. Use Rumacaps. BROWN­ ING’S DRUG STORE ARE YOU THE MAN? You will make amazing profits every hour soiling 200 guaranteed necessities used in every home. You can have a solid business establishment within three months, if you are tired of working to earn profits for someone else OWN YOU& BUSINESS and en­ joy all the profits. NO OBLIGA­ TION, Get details and catalogue BE FIRST. FAMILEX PRO­ DUCTS - 570 St. Clement, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sims, of Windsor, spent the week-end with their par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden spent the week-end in Hamilton and St. Cath­ arines. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kettleberger were Sunday visitoivs at the home of Mrs. Samuel Stanlake. Dr. and Mrs, Ferguson, of Ayl­ mer, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke, on Sunday. Mrs. R. G. Gillies, of spent Tuesday visiting mother Mrs. S. Martin. Mr. Geo. W. Walker, spent the summer in the I returned to his home here. Ralph Delbridge, Wm. Wilson and Grant Taylor, of London, spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers during the week. Mr. Ted Kenyon and Mr. Kitchen, of Brantford, visited with Mr. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers during week. Mr. Ted Wright, of Crediton, his tonsils and adenoids removed at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Jas. Van Camp has returned after spending a week with relatives and friends in Wingham and Bel­ grave. Miss Margaret Rogers the week-end visiting Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry London and Mr. Scott Hensail, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke, on Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, spent the past week with her mother Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mr. Patrick motored up Friday for the week-end. Messrs. W. J. Smith and Percy Webber were summoned to Goderich Tuesday to serve as petit jurors for the fall assizes. The grand jury was not called. Mrs. Scott Welsh, who underwent an operation in Scott Memorial Hos­ pital*, Seaforth, is recuperating at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates. Mr. Coates, been ill for some time, is in a critical condition. Mr. G. A. Matheson, of visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tom­ linson on Friday last and was ac­ companied home by Mrs. Matheson, who has been visiting here for some time. Mrs. Basil Preszcator was taken ill Thursday of last week with an acute attack of appendicitis and was rush­ ed to Victoria Hospital, London, for an operation. She is improving nice­ ly and is expected home in a few days. Exeter High School hockey team has entered Wasso “B” hockey div­ ision and has been grouped with Clinton and two St. Thomas teams, St. Josephs’ and St. Thomas’ in group six. Mr. Samuel Stanlake, who has been seriously ill with rheumatic fe­ ver for five weeks in Victoria Hos­ pital, London home here, his bed but his many for a speedy recovery. Miss Douglas, of the School staff, who was over a week with tonsilitis, resumed her duties on Monday. Mrs. Mit­ chell, who was relieving for Miss Douglas, has returned to her home in London, Following the usual custom of this season of the year attention is being called to pdtential danger to life and property by fire from the Christmas decorations. Flammable materials should not be hung Over heating and lighting devices. , has returned to his He is still confined to friends hope Exeter High off duty for Forest City Laundry — and — Now is the time, before the rush begins. Every garment is given personal attention, especially when it comes from Exeter. As you may know an Exeter Old Boy is supervising the Jarmain Cleaning Plant in the name of Oswald Brown. You will always receive fair play here. SEND TODAY, DON’T DELAY TUCKEY TRANSPORT Action Drama Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT, FRANCES DEE ‘West of Cheyenne’ Western With CHARLES STARRETT MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY Double Feature JACK LONDON’S “Romance of the Redwoods’ With CHARLES BICKFORD and JEAN PARKER “No Time to Marry Comedy Featuring RICHARD ARLEN, LIONEL STANDER, MARY ASTOR 99 99 “LIVE AND LET LIVE” T. H. ELLIOTT’S MOTTO YES, I DO TAILORING Alterations, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing on Ladies’ and Men’s Suits and Overcoats. My shop will be open Tuesday and Thursday from 7 to 9 and Saturday nights 7 to 11.30. My new place of business is over F. W» Gladman’s Law Office IS ' Stephen Council minutes, Hen- sall council minutes and several items of nows have been crowded out this week. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B A., B.D. Minister Airs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public worship Sermon; “Perfect Love” 7 p.m,—Public Worship Sermon: “Trust in the Lord’ Friday, December 15. Annual Sun day School Christmas Concert. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston 11 a.m.—“The Bible Chained”, 3 p.m.—'The Sunday School 7 p.m.—“iGood and Evil” Tuesday 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday 7.30—Prayer Service The Sunday School Entertainment Monday December 18th. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. " Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday 8 P.m.—Y. P. U. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Christmas Tree, December 15 th TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Air. Middlemlss Second Sunday in Advent 10.45 a.m.—'Sunday School 7 p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon “The Holy Scriptures . Sunday School Supper and Christmas Tree, Friday, December 15 th R. A. FINN’S Wormfoods for POULTRY, HOGS AND HORSES will be handled by Brownings Drug Store EXETER Lucy , Harwood, of London with ‘Mr. and Mrs. W. H. on Sunday. D. McTavish, Suggestions for Christmas KENWOOD AND O. V. BLANKETS These beautiful blankets, all wool, come plaip and reversible and while our stock is low we still have a number of lovely blankets that will be very welcome at Christmas New China and Glassware We invite you to visit our China Display. We have our counters full of new merchan dise very suitable for Christmas Gifts. See our counters with gifts at 25c, 35c to 50c. Dainty Lingerie, Neatly Boxed We suggest Lingerie for the Season’s Gifts. Lovely Night Gowns, Pyjamas, Vest and Pantee Sets, Brassiere and Pantee Sets, Slips and separate Vests and Bloomers all Neat­ ly Boxed. All popular priced. For Ladies, Misses and Girls Silk Hosiery Silk and Wool Hosiery Kid Gloves Woollen Gloves Purses Ice Box Flowers Boxed Handkerchiefs Silk Umbrellas Fancy Slippers $sg Galoshes & Felt Juliets Angora Gloves Linens Tea Towels & gw Lace Cloths Bath Towels McBrine Luggage for Christinas Make your selection now while our stock is complete and we will gladly lay it away until Christmas. Gladstone Bags, Twin Sets, Suit Cases, Over Night Bags. A good as­ sortment to choose from. Fine Suits and Overcoats for Boys and Men Buy them for Christmas at Prices much lower than today’s markets. You will buy better quality materials and the prices are the same as 1st season. For Boys and Men Fine Slippers Galoshes Leather Helmets Biltmore Hats Fine Spats Forsyth Shirts Forsyth Pyjamas Forsyth Ties Hosiery Mufflers Braces Arm Bands Handkerchiefs Windbreakers V Neck Sweaters Sweater Coats House Coats Gloves Miss visited Pollen Rev. formerly of Exeter, is Hospital, London, Mr. taken ill at his home the latter part of last week and was found lying on the floor by Mrs. McTavish hav­ ing suffered from a hemorrhage caused by ulcers of the stomach. His many friends in this community will hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Richard .Barnard and Mr. Bert .Barnard, of Bonarlaw, Ont., spent a few days last week with Mrs. Barnard’s grandmother, Mrs. M. J. Moore at the home of Mrs. A. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard came from the west on their wed­ ding trip. Mrs. Barnard was form­ erly Miss Sadie Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, of Wa- wota, Sask. Mr. Moore is an Exeter Old Boy. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston were Mr. Herbert Alton and her son, Harvey, of West Wawanosh; Mrs. J. J. O’Brien of Brucefield; Mrs. Rich­ card Johnston, her mother, Mrs. W. Blake, a niece, Miss Phyllis Blake, her son Cecil Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, all of Ashfield. The last four went on to London to see Miss Muriel Blake, who has been in the iron lung since September 1937. She is improving slowly and is able to remain out of the lung thirteen hours daily. Her fellow patient, Francis Pettman, of Tillsonburg, is out of the iron lung and will soon be allowed to go home on a visit. JAM Raspberry, Strawberry, Plum and Orange 25c BAKER’S COCOA 1 lb. tin .... 25c McLaren’s JELLY POWDERS DID YOU KNOW THAT— pub-The first weekly paper was lished in 162'2. “Worthwhile results are worth­ while effects.” A bee has two kinds of eyes, three Small ones and two enormous ones. The Mice” The rarest animals remain on earth. iSimcoe, first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, was the “father” Of 'Ontario’s present-day road sys­ tem. September 15th, 1938, was the last write up on “Did you know that”—- How time flies. nursery rhyme "Three Blind is more than 300 years old. Mountain Zebra is Africa’s animal only about 50 of these FLOUR Choice Pastry NEW CHRISTMAS . Oranges, Candies and Mixed Nuts PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Large Cakes, 10c size 25c With 40 Xmas Seals and ' Tags FREE CHATEAU CHEESE V2 lb. pkg. . . 15c CHOICE BREAD FLOUR Five Roses and Maple Leaf 98 lb. bag:. $2.95 Schneider’s LARD OR SHORTENING 2 1-Ib. pkgs.. 25c Southcott Bros iConditionRowder AnEiceUfntTbfttfor g IKfIM •* The Perfect Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Hogs Sheep and Poultry For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store and Holt’s Grocery Store Grand Bend SUNDAY BAND CONCERT The Exeter Concert Band gave a Sunday evening band concert in Leavitt’s Theatre. The attendance was not quite as large as usual. Stanley Smith played a difficult cor­ net solo and received a great ova­ tion. The “Beer Barrel Polka,” a great hit at the present with the soldiers, was played by the band, and received such a hearty applause that the number was repeated. Conductor Ted Walper, announced that anothei’ ‘concert will be given Sunday even­ ing, December 17th, the proceeds to go to the Christmas Cheer Fund. Mrs. Fred GaisOr, of Crediton. called on Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer. The family of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Winer were all home Sunday and enjoyed a fowl dinner with their parents. Cold Weather Suggestions * We Have a Large Choice of BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS, SUEDE AND WOOL WINDBREAKERS, WOOL MUFFLERS, SPATS, TIES, GLOVES, SOCKS, FANCY BRACES INITIALLED AND PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST SAMPLES IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS 1‘HONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETEIt, ONT. Subscribers to the Tlmes-AdVo- cate who wish to take advantage Of the very low clubbing rate on maga­ zines as announced on another page should do so at once so as hot to miss any of the issues of the new year. New subscriptions take from two to three months to get started. ■ Mr. S. J. Hogarth, who has been in bed for the past four weeks, con­ tinues in a weakened condition. Harold Elliot, of the Ford Garage is taking a special course this Week in service and repair work at the training school now being conduct­ ed by the Ford Motor Co. in Wind­ sor.