HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-11-23, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1031)THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe For Charnij Beauty and Individuality Croquhmde, Combination and Spiral Rennanents Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C, Decker, Proprietress (FOR SALE Pea Ensilage $1,00 per ton. Exeter Markets Wheat 49-53JC. (according to grade) Oats 30c. Barley 52c« Buckwheat 55c. Creamery Butter 33ct. Dairy Butter 27’30c. Eggs, A large Eggs, medium Eggs, B 24c. Hogs, dressed FOR Comfortable Glasses AT — 32c. 27c. $11.25 Reasonable Prices SEE Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 noon CANADIAN CANNERS • 1 I OYSTERS « • theIn the report last week of death of Mrs. Kaufman, Brantford, a sister of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, of town, we regret that the name of Mrs. Kaufman’s husband, Mr. Ed­ gar Kaufman was omitted. Mrs. Kaufman is survived by her hus­ band, two sons and three daughters. a FOR RENT—House on Ann St., S. W. Sims, Exeter. The Ideal Meat Market WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from Rheumatism, 'Sciatica, Back­ ache, use Rumacaps — theii* Two- Way Action attacks the Browning’s Drug Store. Phone 38 Main St Cronyn’s Stephen, STRAYED—On Charlie grass on 19 concession of a black and white heifer. The owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to John Luther, phone Dashwood, llr32. ltp cause. LOCALS Trivitt Memorial Chancel Guild will hold a tea at the home of the president, Miss Marion Bissett, on Frdiay, November 24th, 3.30 to 6.00 and 8.00 to 10 p.m. 10-16-2tc WANTED—-5 to 10 tons of good hay. Cash and carry. Apply L. B. Moore, Ford Garage. FOR SALE—A number pigs. Apply to Albert Dashwood. of small Morenz, ltc Experienced farmer, Wants job by day, month, or year. Otto Winegardner on Milton Luther farm, R. R. 3, Exeter. married. WANTED—'Limited quantity of second market Exeter. cutting alfalfa, also in the for some peas.—Wein Bros., Fur neckpieces made, fur work, coats relined. Apply to Mrs. John Taylor, Nelson street. FOR SALE—A boy’s suit aged 13 or 14, in excellent condition, only worn a few times. Apply at Times- Advocate. lite. Worden, relatives o. of in of London, ■SELL WHAT EVERY HOUSE. HOLD NEEDS! You will earn more than a decent living if you join “Familex.” QUICK and SURE SALES - BIG PROFITS - REPEAT ORDERS. Beginners can earn good money from start. Get facts .and cata­ logue today: FAMILEX PRODUCTS, —• 570 St. Clement, Montreal. Farm For Sale — The Fothering- ham farm, one hundred acres of ex­ cellent land; second lot from High­ way 23, 9th concession of -Blanshard. . Two-storey brick dwelling, driving­ cement poultry and hogpen, large bank barn. $5,000 on easy terms. Information at farm opposite. Write or telephone, J. Dearness, 3 0 Marley Place, London. to be out. of Arkona, is vis- of her grandpar- T. Collingwood. FOR 'SALE—'One l|h.p. gas en­ gine; one 9i inch Vessot Grinder; one 8 inch Vessot Grinder.—Wm. J. Thomson, Centralia, phone, Kirkton 48r4. WANTED—A young man for farm work to hire by the year. Apply to Ed. Dundas, R.R. 1, Clandeboye near Mooresville. ltp. FOR SALE—9 young pigs, suck­ ers. York hog for service. Barkner Exeter North. George ltc. in Ste-FOR SALE—50-acre farm ■phen; substantial house and bank barn. 120 acres on highway near Clinton, brick house, bank barn, electricity.—Wm. Pearce, Exeter. ltp. FOR SALE—An electric Apply to Times-Advocate. washer. 2tc. WANTED—Dead animals and fox horses. Reverse phone charges. Jack Williams, phone 47rl5 Crediton. ll-2-4tp. HOUSES—This week you can buy a medium-sized, comfortable brick house at a low figure. This house is well located. Why pay rent? C, Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. V. Mrs. Richard Davis is visiting in Detroit. Laverne Christie is ill and con­ fined to his room. Mr. John Preszcator is confined to his bed through illness. Mr. Andy Easton spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. Clarence Boyle, of London, was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Hind are vis­ iting in Walkerton and Kincardine this week. Mrs. Arthur Felman, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Staffa, visited with town Sunday. Mrs. Flossie Beade, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ford. Miss Alva Wuerth, of Detroit, spent the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth. Mr. Sidney Davis, who has been confined to his home through ill­ ness is again able . Mabel Alderson, iting at the home ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Lyle Gordon, of Cranbrook, is visiting with his brother at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson and son, of Centralia, were Sunday vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Sproule and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner Sun­ day. Messrs. Wm. Hatter and Nelson Stanlake are in Toronto this week attending the Dairymen’s 'Conven­ tion being held at the Royal York. Masters Harry and Bobby Hern, of Zion, spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Beavers, of Sarnia, -spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ford have re­ turned home from London where Mr. Ford has been taking treat­ ments for his eye. Miss Douglas, of the Exeter High School staff, is off duty with ton- silitis and Mrs. D. C. Hill has been supplying in her place. Mr. and Mrs. John Leary, Staffa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May on Sunday and Mrs. Leary is re­ maining for a few days. On another page will be found the instructions for knitting Red Cross socks. These instructions were printed on request. Mr. Samuel Stanlake, who been seriously ill in Victoria pital, London, for the past weeks in slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Culligan and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair, of Strat­ ford were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Martin. Mr. Stanley Walter, of Yarker, is holidaying at the home of his father, Mr. H. S. Walter ,He has al­ so visited in London and Hensan. Messrs. Chester and Lawrence Dunn, Misses Ila and Iva Willis were in Toronto over the week-end visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley. A drain about eight feet deep on the south side of the Exeter School has become clogged and workmen are now engaged in opening it up. Mr. W. C. and Ellis Pearce on Friday last attended the funeral of their cousin, Well. Waters, of Fingal Interment took place in the St. Thomas cemetery, xu p _ FOR RENT- conveniences. Situated on street. Apply, Miss Weekes. all-House, modern, Main tfc. FARMS FOR SALE — 175 with good buildings, hydro available. 100 acres without buildings, .would make with Other C. V. acres good pasture farm. 50 acres good buildings, hydro, etc. farms. All priced reasonably. Pickard, phone, 165, Exeter. NOTICE Having been appointed adminis­ trator Of the estate of the late Peter Mclsaac, it is desired that all per­ sons once, Sic. owing the estate will settle at Books are in my possession. T. Etarry Hoffirtan Bashwood C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 YOU NEED HEAT! Healthful, Comforting Heat All Winter Long But remember, just any ordinary kind of coal won’t give you the heat you require. Actually, you need a high-quality coal such thraeite—and we can ■yyith this celebrated Hard Coal in any size fuss or delay. So, why not join the many wise folks who, at this very foment, are placing their orders for a supply of this comfort-packed quality fuel. Pick up your tele­ phone and call the number below . . . and our as D&H An- supply you Pennsylvania . . . without you’ll be pleasantly surprised clean, courteous delivery. Phone 33, Residence 157 JAS. P. BOWEY at Ml I I has Hos- three CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Rill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “Walking Worthy of opr Vocation” 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “A cry for help” Wednesday, November 29 th. Regu­ lar meeting of the Y. P, S. at the home of Miss Annie Mason. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev, Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston 11 a.m.—Magnetism 3 p.m.—The Sunday I 7 p.m.-—(Friends Tuesday 8 p.m.—Y, P Thursday 7.30—Prayer Service of Jesus School . U. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—'Divine Worship 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 .p.m.—Divine Worship Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—'Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Sunday Next Before Advent 10.45 a.m.—'Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—'Evensong and Sermon “True Ambition” •JI ) |F4 All Ladies’ Coats Greatly Reduced in Price We offer all Misses & Ladies’ Coats on our racks at Greatly Reduced Prices. It will pay you to see these before Buying That New Coat. Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats With Woollens steadily advancing and materials hard to secure, don’t delay buying that New Winter Overcoat as we are showing some smart New Models at last year’s prices. Beautiful All Wool O.V. and Kenwood Blankets We have been advised from the mills that they cannot ship any more blankets this season. We are fortunate in having a fairly good stock of best sellers at old prices. Buy them now and we will lay them away until Christmas. X McBrine Baggage for Christmas McBrine Baggage makes a real Christmas Gift. We offer new styles in Gladstones, Over Nite Cases, Twin Sets and Suit Cases. Any of these pieces will be sure to please. Dominion Rubbers and Galoshes You will soon be needing new Rubber footwear. Try Dominion this Season. For wear they are hard to beat. Wheh you buy Dominion you buy the best. GROCERY SPECIALS PORK & BEANS 3 cans.............25c Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and family, of Sombra, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hedley, of Ridgetown, visited with the former’s mother in town on Wednesday of last week. j Miss Olive Wood and Mrs. Wm. i Blatchford, of Toronto, motored up for the week-end, the former visit- | ing with her parents and the latter j with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Down. I Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Brodie and daughter Wilma and Miss Mildred Collingwood, of Markdale, spent the week-end with their father Mr. Ern­ est Collingwood at the home of Mrs. Samuel Stanlake. At the morning service in Main St. United Church on Sunday three children received the rite of baptism. They are June Ida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Webber; Barbara Ar- abelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Os­ car Tuckey and Velma (Fay, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Egdar Rundle. Several young men ran foul of the law about midnight Tuesday ev­ ening. A quarrel developed into a fisticuffs with the use of profane language. Failing to heed the warn­ ing of Night Constable William Wareing, a charge of disorderly conduct is being laid. The engagement is announced of Ileen Velma, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ristau, of Fullar- ton Township to Mr. William Henry Westlake, of Usborne Township, son of Mrs. Westlake and the late Henry Westlake. The marriage take place the latter part of month. We wish to announce to the public that in future SWEET CORN Aylmer, Choice 3 cans.............2 PURE LARD MATCHES 3 boxes............20c Pansies in Bloom 2 1-lb. pkgs 25c Mr. to this Notwithstanding the many of the past three weeks Mr. W. F. Abbott, of Victoria street, has been picking in his garden beautiful pan­ sies, many of which are more than two and a half incnes in diameter. He has been giving considerable pleasure to his neighbors by bestow­ ing handsome bouquets of these love­ ly flowers on them. At Sister’s Funeral frosts and Mrs. E. S. Steiner mo-Mr. tored to Cleveland the latter part of last week where they attended the wedding of the latter’s brother, Mr. James Wallace, Mr. Steiner acting as groomsman. iOn their return to Buf­ falo on Sunday they received word of the serious illness er’s sister, Mrs. (Dr.) of Rochester, N. Y., immediately for that Large passed away 1 day and the funeral is being today (Wednesday). Mr? and Mrs. Steinei* are expected home on Thurs­ day. I Walker’s | Condition ftowder y Aft EutlleM tonic tor ’ $ Hones.Gttf e.Sheep HootPoUiry ) . 1. « RmwCMlitM H R. A. FINN’S Wormfoods for POULTRY, HOGS AND HORSES will be handled by Brownings Drag Store EXETER Cann visited with Miss of London on Friday, of Loudesboro, was the and Mrs. Anderson for Mrs. W. T. Acheson is visiting for a couple of days in London. Miss Jean Doreen Sims Miss Kirk, guest of Dr. several days last week. Mrs. W. S. Appleford, of Hamil­ ton, is visiting at the home of her orother, Mr. Joseph Senior. Ralph Delbridge and Grant Tay­ lor, of London, spent the week-end at their respective homes. The most familiar topic of con­ versation these days is the wonder­ ful fall weather we have been en­ joying. A very enjoyable dinner was serv­ ed last Sunday to the daughters and sons of Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer at a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kinsman, of Chiselhurst, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pybus on Sunday and at­ tended the anniversary services. Miss Jean Cann and Mr. Alvin Cutting visited over the week-end at the home of the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Rockola, Marden, also visited with friends Kitchener. of in SALMON Fancy Cohoe 1 lb. tin ... .25c BREAD FLOUR Special 98 lb. bag .. $2.95 SPAGHETTI Libby’s with Meat & Sauce 2 cans............25c MINCE MEAT 2 lbs. for . . .25c NEW IVORY SNOW Suds in Cool Water Per box . 22c Southcott Bros. J. W. Morley Addresses Lions Club At the Exeter Lions Club supper meeting Monday evening Mr. James Morley gave a very interesting and valuable address on the legal dis­ position of a person’s estate follow­ ing death. He spoke on the drawing up of a will; a wife’s dower; the duty of an executoi' or an adminis­ trator; the disposition of insurance and various other phases that were of interest to those present. The Lions club will again sponsor hockey in Exeter this winter. Arrangements were made to visit the Seaforth Club Monday evening of next week. On the following Monday Mr. T. H. Yuli of London will give an interesting travel talk on “A Gringo in Guate­ mala.” Cold Weather Suggestions We Have a Large Choice of BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS, SUEDE AND WOOL WINDBREAKERS, WOOL MUFFLERS, SPATS, TIES, GLOVES, SOCKS, FANCY BRACES INITIALLED AND PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Ik of Mr. Stein- • W. B. Large, and they left .place. Mrs. the following held The Perfect Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Hogs Sheep and Poultry For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store Guests at Byron for Opening Christmas Seal Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pryde, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southcott visited the Queen Alexandria Byron on Sunday the guests of the Committee at the of the campaign, shown through the surgical build­ ing where the operations are per­ formed under powerful lights.' One very interesting instrument shown the guests or rather a series of three instruments is used in removing a tack or foreign substance from the lungs. Another interesting feature was the incubation of the tubercul­ ar germ. Following an inspection of the building a short service was held in St. Luke’s chapel a small Anglican church of beautiful archi­ tectural design. At the conclusion of the service tea was served in the nurse’s residence. Byron Sanatorium has grown from a small beginning to one of the largest if not the larg­ est and most up-to-date institution of its kind in Canada. On the staff is a Hensail boy, Dr. Harry Joynt and on the staff Is an Exeter girl, Miss Alma Winer. The iise of the Christmas Sedl is One way in which all can help in carrying bn this great work. of (Sanatorium at afternoon being Christmas iSeal official opening The guests were Official Board Banquet A banquet was held in the parlor of James Street United Church on Wednesday evening of last week by the members of the Official Board and their wives. The ladies provided the .supper which was served by a number of girls from the Young People’s Union. About eighty per­ sons sat down to the tables and par­ took of a splendid repast. A com­ mittee from the Presbytery consist- W. Mr. ing of the Chairman, Rev. A. Gardiner, of Seaforth; Rev. Chandler, of Kippen and Rev. Mr. Peters, of Varna, together with their wives were present. At the conclus­ ion of the supper a questionaire pertaining to the duties of the var­ ious organizations and the work be­ ing carried on in the church was dis­ cussed and filled out. The 'question­ aire is intended for a self analysis to quicken and increase the effic­ iency of the work now being carried on. Trivitt Junior W. A. The regular meeting of the Jun­ ior branch of the Trivitt Memorial W. A. was held in the parish Hall on Friday, November 17th at four o’clock. The meeting was opened byUiymn 697 followed by prayer by Shirley Baker. This was Joan El- lerington’s birthday and a social time was spent by the girls. A delic­ ious birthday cake was enjoyed and candy served. At 5.30 the meeting closed with prayer by Shirley Baker and benediction by Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Chas. Kerslake is confined to her bed, We have all the latest samples in suits AND OVERCOATS PHONE 81 . W.AMAN EXETER, ONT. F James Street Y. P. U. James Street Y. P. U. held their regular meeting Monday evening with the president, Vera Decker presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn and the reading in unison of Psalm one. Business was dis­ cussed. It was moved by Betty Coates and seconded by Margaret Clarke that the nominating com­ mittee to re-elect a slate of officers for the coming year be Helen West- Cott, Ruth Brown and • Mary Van Camp. Alden Walker . then took charge of the program. Allen Rich-" ards read the Scriptjire and Dorothy Welsh gave a prayer, A -reading was given by Vera Decker/ The ‘special speaker was Rev. Brook ,.af .Hensail. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Cookies were served. .. . Caven W. M. S. JOHN W. WARD Optometrist <. Chiropractor, Electro Therapy Announces that he is returning to ExOter Tuesdays and Saturdays of each Week and *will occupy his old quarters south of the Bossenberry Hotel where he will welcome all his old as well as any new customers. The Thankoffering Meeting of the Society was held in the schoolroom of the church on the after-noon of November 16th. There was a record attendance of members and home helpers present. Mrs. Hill president had the meeting in charge. Mrs. Sil- le’ry led in the worship period read­ ing from Scripture and leading in prayer. After roll call and dispos­ ing of the minutes of the previous meeting reports from the Treasurer, and secretaries of the various bran- > ches of the 'Society, the president introduced the guest speaker for the occasion, Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Goder­ ich. Her theme was HThe victory that overcometh the world. Her in­ teresting message commended itself to a most attentive audience, Miss Reta Rbwe favored the meeting with a vocal solo, “T Heard the Voice of Jesus say.” After the moving of a vote of thanks by Miss Jeckell to all who had helped to make the meeting a success, tea was served and a plea­ sant social half hour spent. Twelve Goderich merchants have started it 'Christmas Gift Campaign giving away a grand prize of $400; a handsome 3-piece Chesterfield suite; a C.G.E. All-wave Radio and a 'C.1G.E. Washing Machine.