HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-11-23, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE IHUKSDAI’, NOVEMBER 28, 1980
Mr. 'Cline, of Southampton, is re
lieving Mr. A. L. Case at the C.N.R.
Mrs. Robert Middleton returned
home after a pleasant visit with her
mother at Bayfield.
Mr, Stanley Tudor and Mr. puft
Brown are enjoying a hunting trip
in Northern Ontario.
My. and Mrs. W* R. Davidson
ited 'on Sunday with relatives
friends near Stratford.
Mr. Robt. Richards, of Sarnia,
a recent visitor at the home of
and Mrs, James Parkins.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Moore
family spent the week-end visiting
with relatives in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett and
son Ross spent the week-end visit
ing with relatives in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Elder Kading and
babe, of London, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson.
Miss Mary Coleman and Billy
Coleman had their tonsils removed
at Dr. Steer’s office on Saturday.
Mrs. J. Horning and son, of Pal
merston, visited recently with Miss
Kate Scott and Mrs. C. Ballantyne.
Mr, Howard Hemphill, of Toronto,
. Visited over the week-end with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W, E. Hemp
Miss Violet Schwalm, of St. Thom
as, visited recently at the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Rev. R. A. Brooks conducted ser
vices in the United Church on Sun
day and the choir sang two beauti
ful anthems.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Laughton, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with
the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Wm. Smale underwent
operation last week at Dr. D.
Steer’s office for the removal of her
Mr. and Mrs. .Clarence Shepherd
and daughter, of Exeter, visited on
’ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elder, of
Oshawa, spent the week-end visit
ing .with the former’s parents
and Mrs. John Elder.
Mrs. Geo. Gould returned to
home in Clinton after spending
past week with her parents Mr.
Mrs. Geo. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of
don, visited over the week-end
the latter’s parents, Mr. and
James Parkins.
Mrs. Colin Hudson visited
week at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Kading in London.
Miss Audrey Kerslake and friend
o£ London spent the week-end vis
iting with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kers
lake and Mrs. Walks.
The knitting committee of the
Red Cross held a very successful
and profitable meeting in the Town
Hall Monday afternoon.
Di*. Spellman, Mrs. .Spellman and
famly, of Kitchener, visited Sunday
with Mrs. Spellman’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Bolton.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Britton and
daughter, of Dublin, visited on Sun
day with Mrs, Hannah Workman
and Miss Mabie Workman.
Mr. and Mrs.. T, G. Hemphill, of
Wroxeter, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill and
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook.
The ladies of St. Paul’s Anglican
church will hold a "Bargain Sup
per” in their church on Tuesday ev
ening November 28th. Everyone is
cordially invited.
Mrs. Harry Abray and family re
turned to their home in London af
ter spending the past week with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Col
in Hudson.
The Ladies’ Association of Car
mel Presbyterian Church will hold
a ten-cent tea and home-baking sale
in the basement of the church on
Saturday November 25th. Every
body welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle were
guests at the Wiggins-Morgan wed
ding in the Metropoliton United
church on Saturday. Miss Florence
Welsh as soloist at the wedding sang
A congregational meeting will be
held in Carmel Presbyterian church
on Monday evening, November 27th
for the purpose of constituting a
call to a minister. All members and
adherents Of the church are asked
to attend.
A nomination meeting will be held
in the Town Hall on Friday evening
November 24th between tile hours
of seven and eight o’clock for the
purpose of nominating reeve and
councillors for the coming year. If
an election is necessary it will be
held on Monday, December- 4th be
tween the hours of 9 a.m. and 5
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert
MacLean on Wednesday, November
15th when the Hensall Senior Wo
men’s institute gathered in honor
of their eldest daughter Maude, who
was married on Saturday, During
the evening the bride was presented
with a handsome silver relish dish
and numerous kitchen articles.
Dainty refreshments wore served.
Rev. B. F, Andrew conducted ser
vices in Carmel Presbyterian church
oil Sunday, 'The choir sang a beau-.
MacLaren, Mr. Frank Battersby, Mr. ’ ipg of a coal oil stove in the Town
W,J](A. MacLaren sang
QGimtly Lead Us.” Rev. Mr. Newton
B.A., B.D., formerly of Calgary will
preach next Sunday.
Married 55 Yews
Mr. and Mrs, Janies Priest cele
brated their 55 th wedding anniver
sary recently at their home here.
Mrs. Priest was the former Miss
Morrison, of Atwood district. They
have three children, James, of Port
Huron; Morrison, at home and one
daughter, Mrs. Alphine McEwan.
w. T. U.
The Hensall-Exeter W.C.T.U. met
in the United Church, school room
on Thursday, November 16th. There
was a good attendance with a good
ly number from .Exeter present. A
“Gently Lord, fHall.
Shepherd and Twitcjieii: That
secure a coal oil stove for use
the Town Hall* Carried.
Correspondence read: Judge T,
Costello, S. Roger, Dept, of Muni
cipal Affairs, Dept. Pensions and Na
tional Health, same considered and,
Bills and Accounts; Provincial
Treasurer, Insulin $1.30; J, Roger,
drain plans $25.00; J, T. Turner,
'gravel $24.00,; Total $50.30.
Jones and Shepherd: That
and accounts as read be paid,
Horton and Twitchell: That we
now adjourn to meet December 4th,
1939. Carried.
Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk
full report will be printed
Congregational Meeting
A congregational meeting
held in the United Church last Wed
nesday evening to discuss “The
Questionaire sent out by the Con
gregations of the London Confer
ence.” Various organizations of
the ghurch were discussed and a
profitable time spent. Rev. H. V.
Workman, of Seaforth, presided
over the meeting assisted by Rev.
Mt, Mair of Thames Road. At the
close of the meeting lunch was
served by the members of the Young
People's Union.
Celebrate Fortieth Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman cele
brated their fortieth wedding anni
versary at their home on Wednesday
last with their family present. The
house was beautifully decorated for
the occasion and the attractive table
centred with the wedding cake. Mr.
and Mrs. Coleman have been resi
dents of the village for the past six
years, moving from their farm on
the Parr Line.- -.Mrs. Coleman was
the former Sarah Elmira Turner and
they were united in marriage by IRev.
Samuel Atcheson, of Kippen and
Hillsgreen churches. The family of
two sons Lome and Harvey reside
on the Parr Line near Varna. There
are also two grandchildren. Mr.
and Mrs. Coleman are members of
Hensall United church and received
many beautiful gifts for their anni
Euchre and Dance
Chamber of Commerce held
successful Euchre and Dance
Town Hall on Fright night,
first prize for euchre
a very
in the
The ladies’
was won by Mrs. Edwin Dick, of
Cromarty. Second prize by Mrs. H.
Coleman, Varna and the ladies’ con
solation prize by Mrs. Fred Har-
burn, Cromarty. The gent’s first
prize was won by Mr. Wm. Hyde,
Hensall and second prize by Mrs. A.
J. Switzei- of Beach-O-Pines. The
gent’s consolation prize went to
Mr. Wm. Neill, of Mitchell. Mur
dock’s orchestra furnished the mu
sic for the dance which was largely
attended. The Chamber of
merce are sponsoring
dance on Wednesday,
proceeds will go
a euchre and
December 13
in aid of the
Arnold Circle Meets
at the
was read
by sen-
was dis-
The Arnold Circle, of
Presbyterian church met
home of Miss Beryl Pfaff on Mon
day evening. Mrs. Roy Bell presided
over the meeting which opened by
the use of a hymn.'A poem
by Miss Beryl Pfaff and
hymn was sung followed
tcnce prayer. The business
cussed, the roll called and the offer
ing received. A very interesting
story on “Yesterdays” was read by
Mrs. Roy Bell.'Mrs. Malcolm Dougall
favoured with a piano instrumental
followed by another hymn. The to
pic of “The Untouchables of India”
was very ably given by Miss Mabel
Workman and the 'meeting closed
with prayer. A social hour was
spent in sewing and dainty refresh
ments served by the hostess.
Young people’s Union
The Young People’s Union of
United church met on Monday
ening with a very good attendance.
The program was arranged by Mr.
Carey Joynt under the Citizenship
Committee and presided over by Mr.
Edison Forest. The opening hymn
was sung and the Lord’s Prayer re
peated in unison. Mr. Ross Forest
read the Scripture and Ross Ken
nedy favored with a vocal solo. Al
ter another hymn the roll was call
ed and the offering was received.
A social evening will be held next
Monday evening and everyone is re
quested to bring their youngest
baby picture. After singing an
other hymn Miss Gladys Luker
gave the topic on "What Can We Do
Now?” which was very interesting.
A vocal duet “The Cross Is Not
Greater” was suhg by Mrs. Hedden
and Mrs. Hess. After singing ‘Blest
Be the Tie That Binds” the meeting
closed with the Mizpah benediction.
Drown, of Benmilier,
engaged by the true-
taken ovei’ the pj'in-
We welcome him to
Death of Bernard Moore
The many friends, and acquaint
ances of Bernard Moore in. Hensall
and vicinity will be sorry to hear of
his tragic death in an automobile ac
cident Friday, November 17th. The
deceased was in his 27th year and
was a son of the late John and
Frances Moore, of Ingersoll,
funeral was held on November 20th
from the residence of his step-mo
ther Mrs. John Moore, of Ingersoll,
to the Church of the Sacred Heart.
Interment in Sacred Heart cemetery.
Requiem High Mass was sung by
his brother Father Patrick 'Moore,
of St. Francis Xavier Seminary, of
Toronto, assisted by by Father Sca-
li&ci and Father Fuerth, of Ingersoll.
He is survived by three brothers:
Joseph, of Ingersoll; Father Patrick
of China Mission Seminary and John
of Sudbury, all of whom attended
the funeral,
were Misses
Bolton; Mr.
as and Mr.
don; Miss Victoria Bolton, Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Sudbury;
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton, Mr.
and Mrs. John Bolton, Mrs. Anne
Berry, Hensall; Father O’Donnell
and Father O’Donahue, Father
Leonard and the Rev. Thomas Mc
Quaid, Patrick Burke, Rogers Pel-
low, of China Mission Seminary, of
Those from a distance
Alda, Norma, and Maud
and Mrs. Gordon Clem-
George Parke, of Lon-
Mr. Sidney
who hag been
tee board has
cipal’s room,
our midst.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eilber Thurs
day have attained their 59th wed
ding anniversary. We extend to
them our heartiest congratulations
and hope they may be spared to en
joy many more of them.
The Evangelical Mission Circle
held a very successful ten-cept tea
at the home of Mrs. H. K. Eilber on
the 20th. A splendid layette which
will be sent to Northern Ontario
was displayed. The proceeds from
the tea amounted to about $5.00.
Rev. Lawrence Turner, of Engle-
hart, will have charge of the ser
mons in the United Church next
The United Church Sunday School
will hold their annual Christmas
concert on December 15th.
Mr. Chas. Jones, of Marmora, vis
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Mitchell.
Last Sunday evening the Young
People’s League of the Evangelical
Church observed their annual Lea
gue Rally. Gordon Ratz, president,
of the league acted as chairman in
his usual capable manner and the
guest speaker for the evening was
Rev. Mr. Siebert, of Tavistock, who
spoke on "Standing for Something”
A men’s quartette including Lloyd
Wein, Lawrence Wein, Eldon Smith
and Earl Haist sang “Can It Be You.” *
The regular meeting of the Unit;
ed Church Y. P. U. was held on Fri
day, November 14th, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport, Hymn 226
was sung and the Lord’s Prayei* re
peated in unison. The Scripture was
read by Beverley Cliffe and an in
teresting topic was given by Bryce
Mack. After the business part of
the meeting Doris Wright gave a
reading and hymn 241 was sung. An
instrumental was given by Miss Har-
dinge and the meeting was brought
to a close witli the Mizpah benedic
tion. The next meeting will be held
in the church basement, Thursday,
November 2'3rd.
Concert on December 20th.
and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman
a few days in Toronto last
Harry Hoffman was guest
at Devine St. United Church,
We have installed a top feed mixer for the benefit of demonstrating to the public the handiness ■
value of thoroughly mixing Poultry and Hog feeds ive will
concentrate with your chop free of charge for the balance of
year» After that a small handling charge may be made. Come
try one lot >of feed thoroughly mixed with a mixer and YOU
never mix by hand again. Two samples of feed, ope mixed
for the balance of this year
with a mixer the other by hand, look like two different brand of
Feeds for all Needs
Lakeview Laying Mash $2,10, Roe Laying Mash $2.40, Roe Com
plete 40% Laying Concentrate $3.50, Roe 40% Hog Concentrate
$3.15, Roe Sunshine Minerals for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle. Sev
eral other brauds of Concentrates at Lowest Market Prices,
Corn, Hominy, Oyster Shell, Shell Maker, Soya Bean Oil Meal,
Alfalfa Meal, Salt, Worm Treatments for Poultry and Hogs.
Bring us your grain and we can grind it and the ingredients you
may need such as Corn and Hominy, Concentrate and Minerals
and you can go home with a complete mixed feed at lowest possible
cost and trouble to you. Don’t delay, try a lot today.
Exeter, Ontario
Si jr
Broadfoot * MacLean
Rev, Mr. Grant, of Alton occupied
the pulpit last Sunday and preached
a very clever and acceptable sermon.
A very successful bazaar was held
on Friday evening last in the base
ment of the church under the aus
pices of the Ladies Aid. A pot luck
supper was served. But a very boun
tiful one it would be better termed,
a very lucky supper.tThere was a fine
display rof all kinds of sewing
useful articles.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Miller,
Grimsby, visited* with Mrs. S.
Miller on Sunday last; also Mr.
Mrs. Lloyd E. Miller, Stratford.
Mr. Ernest Allen of the village is
at present installing the electric
lights in his home.
trim and ac-
■She carried
mums. Lyla
sister of the
A wedding of wide interest took
place on Saturday, November 18th,
at Blyth United church manse when
Rev. Arthur (Sinclair, former pastor
of Hensail United Church, united in
marriage, Anna Maude, eldest dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac-
Lean Hensail to Wilson’ S. Broad
foot, son of Mrs. A. G. Broadfoot and
the late Mr. Broadfoot of the Mill
Road. The bride was becomingly
gowned in a floor-length gown of
white corded silk taffeta with jacket
in basque effect quilted in a gold
thread wearing gold slippers and a
headdress of orange blossoms and
carried a bouquet of American Beau
ty roses and maiden hair fern. She
wore a gold bracelet, me gift of the
groom. The bride’s sister, Miss V.
MacLean was bridesmaid attired in
street-length gown of turquoise moss
crepe, with burgundy
cessories in burgundy,
a bouquet of yellow
Ruth MacLean, little
bride was a winsome little flower
girl dressed in a baby pink shirred
frock, carrying a nosegay of mauve
and pink baby mums. The groom
was attended by Mr. Bill MacLean,
brother of the bride. Following
the ceremony a reception was held
at the home of the bride’s parents,
when a wedding dinner was served
to some thirty guests. The dining-
. room decorations were in pink and
■blue and the bride’s table centred
with the three-storey wedding cake.
The waitresses were four friends of
the bride Misses Beryl Pfaff, Mabel
Workman, Beatrice Drover and Mrs.
John Sinclair. Later the . happy
couple left amid showers of'confet
ti and best wishes for a wedding
trip to Eastern Ontario and Quebec.
For traveling the bride donned a
gored frock of dark rose sheer wool
with gold leather trim, black wool
boucle coat with smart fur bolero
and black accessories.
’ On their return they will reside
on the groom’s farm on the Mill
Miss Blanche Robinson spent the
week-end at her home at Ailsa Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson and
daughter Marion and Mrs. Elizabeth
Simpson visited with relative^ in
Kincardine recently.
Miss Ila Paton spent the week-end
with Miss Gwynneth McGowan at
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dundas and
family spent Sunday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Simpson and
the latter’s mother, Mrs. McVey, of
Lucan visited relatives in Wingham
on Saturday.
Women’s Institute
November meeting of Clandeboye
W. I. was held at the home of Mrs.
Omar Cunningham. The Scripture
was read by Mrs. (George Young.
■Currents events were given by Mrs.
Alvin Cunningham, Mrs. R. Kilmer
gave her report on the District Con
vention. Readings were given by
Mrs. G. Young and Mrs. O. Cunning
ham. Paper on "Immigration” was
given by Mrs. Karl O’Neil. The con
test was won by Mrs. T. Brooks
Mrs. Charles Carter.
Dashwood Public’ School concert
will be held on December 21st.
Mrs, Henrich, of Sarnia, spent the
week-end with friends here,
Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Merner spent
the week-end with relatives in Kit
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman
and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eaid spent
the week-end with friends in Fisher-
Mr. Ezra Bender is on the sick list,*
We hope for a speedy recovery.
S. S. No. 8 Hay will hold their
in Sarnia on Sunday,
Mr, Leonard Birk and sister Ver
na, of Guelph, were visitors in town
on Sunday.
Mr. Howard Klumpp, of Kitchen
er, spent the week-end at his home
Miss Catherine Finkbejner spent
Sunday with her sister Mrs, Humble
in Sarnia.
Miss Veola Marie Vincent, London
spent the week-end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weber and
daughter Joan spent the week-end
in (Galt with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent a
days in Toronto last week.
Word was received here of
death of Mr. William Ehlers, a
mer resident of this community at
Kitchener, The funeral was held
on Tuesday afternoon.
Several from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Henry
Truemner in Zurich on Sunday.
Zion Lutheran League
The Walther League held a zone
Rally at the Lutheran church with
105 registering. The “Blue Water
Zone” consisting of Sarnia, London,
Monkton, Mitchell Logan and Strat
ford societies were in attendance.
Rev. Mr. Luft conducted the open
devotion. Words of welcome were
expressed by the zone chairman Mr.
Harold Kraft and the response was
made by Mr. Fred Herbert. The
minutes of the previous meeting
were read by Miss Freida Rader.
Rev. Mr. Kuster, of Sarnia, gave an
interesting talk on the church. Mr.
Harry Jansen, manager of the Wal
ther League Messenger Campaign
advised us to elect a leader in each
society to take care of the Messen
ger. Our Wheatridge Seal manager, |
Mr. Ross Merklinger described the
situation in the Wheatridge Sana
torium. Mr. Noah Brubacher, presi
dent of the Ontario district took
charge of Christian knowledge and
drew our attention
tant facts, namely:
pic, talent, guest,
a.nd vacation at
Teacher Borchardt
Chris tin service.
about Road Markers, Red Cross and
Recreation. Mr. Wilmur iStrome
publicity manager for our district
for the 19 40 International conven
tion at Ottawa urged leaguers to
attend the convention and also join
the choral union. A buffet lunch was
served in the basement of the
church. At 7.30 p.m. the leaguers
entered the church in processional
manner where Rev. Mr. Kuster, of
Sarnia delivered an interesting ser
mon to a full house. After the
service a social gathering was
held in the basement of the church.
The committee in charge was Dor
othy Kraft, Hildegard Miller, Freida
Rader, Leona Fischer, Hedwig
Schendell, Elgin Rader, Garnet Wei-
berg and Elmore Gackstetter.
to a few impor-
Bible study, to-
' Negro .Mission
Sparrow Lake,
took charge of
He made remarks
On Saturday, October 28th, im
mediately after the Howe-Mahaffy
nuptials at the home of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Mahaffy, the service of
baptism was observed when Mary
Elizabeth and Helen Jean, little
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Barbourg were baptized by Rev. Mr.
Mrs. Warren Brock spent Tuesday
and Wednesday visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Stuart of Toronto.
The Perth Regional School will be
held on Wednesday evening in the
Kirkton church. As this is the last
meeting the certificates will be dis
tributed and there will be two guest
Mrs. H.
visited on
Mrs. Ross
Those wishing to knit for the Red
Cross are able to obtain yarn from
Norman Jaques,
the late John
Zion church on
Kirk and Mr. T. Pullen
Wednesday with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perry,
Exeter, visited on Sunday with
L. Schroeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford McGregor, of
Parkhill, spent Sunday last at
home of the latter’s parents,
and Mrs. Wilfred Disjardine.
Rev. Mr. Flindale preached in
United Church on Sunday last.
Miss Lillian Lovie left this week
to visit her sister Mrs. Prouty at
Miss Alma Ratz and her pupils of
>S.S. No. 7, attended a public speak
ing contest in Exeter on Monday ev
Mr. Milton Sweitzer is sporting a
coupe car.
Council Meeting
A statutory meeting Of the Village
Council was held Wednesday even
ing at $ p.tn. in the Council Chamb
ers with all members present. Theon isunaay. xae chum ■— --- - -tiful anthem at the morning service minutes of the previous meeting were
.. . ■ - si ’ nW al-J*.-A' Alt AvyWith Miss Margaret Dougail as the read and adopted on motion
soloist. A quartette comprising’Jones and Shepherd.
Miss Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. W. A. Led Hedden reported rd the need-
the secretary, Mrs.
The funeral Of
Brock was held in
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor and
Grant, of Exeter, spent Saturday ev
ening with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern.
Miss Margaret Hern spent several
days last week with her aunt Mrs.
Harvey ParkinsOn.
Harry and Dobby Hern spent the
week-end with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Earl, Exeter.
and Mrs. Carlyle Taylor visit-
•Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H.
Thompson, of Strathroy, vis-
Mrs. Ken
Dufferin Hall
“Sammy,” asked the tehchor,
“How many make a million?” “Not
many!” answered Sammy quickly^
McNichoI Orchestra
Admission 25c
Door Cafeteria Lunch
Mr. Wilbur Dewey, who
each summer at Hudson returned
home to his family last week. His
brother Francis came home for a
visit with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard and
Miss Yeo visited with Mr, and Mrs.
H. Elliott in Sarnia over the week
ed on
ited with his daughter
Lovie on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Blatchford, of Toron
to, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J, W.
Holt on Sunday.
Mrs. Gibb. Statton visited in Sat-
nia over the week-end with her par
ents, Mi*, and Mrs. Oliver,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie, Park
hill,, visited Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Turnbull on .Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Beacom is
new Ford VS.
Mr, Dick Hamilton
Forest Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shelling, of
Sarnia, visited witH Mr. and Mrs.
Abner Mollard.
sporting a
Visited in
his brother
The sympathy of the community
is extended to Mr. Frank Brock on
the bereavement of his brother, Mr,
! John Brock, of Centralia.
Mr. Clarence Edward Prance
spent a few weeks at Harold
Prance's Thedford.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott, Billy
and Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Davis, of Saintsbury, spent Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dickens, Saints
bury visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Delbridge.
Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas,
Mrs. Peter Whitlock and Mrs. Den
nison, of Elimville spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques, of Exe
ter, visited on Sunday with Mrs. W-
J. Veal,
Mrs. W. F. Batten spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camm,
of St. 'Catharines.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGiven, of
Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George Davis.
Miss Gladys Batten spent the week
end with Miss Norma Fletcher.
Miss Margaret Cook spent the
weekend with relatives in London.
Mr. Donald Hicks left Sunday for
Toronto, where he has accepted a
position in the Toronto Branch of
the Canada Packers Ltd.
Miss Marion Pooley of Exeter,
visited over the week-end with Mr,
and Mrs. Bruce Field,
Messrs. Lome, Frank and George
Hicks were North on a hunting
trip last week, the latter being lucky
enough to bring home a deer.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and
son Donald and Mr. Arthur Brooks
visited with relatives in Blyth on
Several from here attended the
funeral of the late Jno. Brock in
Lucan on Monday of this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Pollard visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Nichols of Parkhill.
A number of the Masonic members
attended a special meeting in Ilder-
ton on Monday, evening.
The regular meeting of the Home
and Schoool Club will be held on
Friday at the school. Rev. Mr. Mair
of Thames Road
is the guest speak
The Mission Circle held a success
ful crokinole party at Thames Road
on Friday evening. Prizes went to
Beth Ballantyne, Robert Jeffery
Bessie Johns. A candy lunch
Beth Ballantyne has resigned
position at London and returned to
her home for the present.
John Morgan is still confined to
Westminster Hospital, but will soon
be out.
Mr. Wm. Moodie, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Gardiner attended anniversary at
James Street, Exeter on 'Sunday.
Chicken-pox has got a few of the
younger folk down, but nothing ser
Mr. Everett Miller; motored to
Toronto on Sunday with Mr. Ben.
A great deal of ploughing has been
done this fall, which spbaks well for
another year.
Mrs. Ernest Do.w is improving
fast after her recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, Rev.
and Mrs. Mail’ were in London on
Saturday evening.
In making up the Christmas
for the friends — don’t forget
Red Cross.
The Centralia
their regular meeting on Monday
night with the president, Reg. Hodg
son presiding. The meeting was
opened by a hymn after which Gret-
ta Webber led in prayer. After the
roll was called and business discus
sed Bruce Isaac took charge of the
meeting, opening this part of the-
meeting with a hymn, followed by
a responsive Scripture reading. Miss:
Hazel Watkins then gave an inter
esting topic on “How to Win
Friends and Influence People” and
Bruce Isaac gave a reading. Rev.
Mr. Falcon bridge led in a discussion
on the topic and the meeting was
closed by the use of another hymn
and repeating the Mizpah benedic
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns
Howard; also Miss Mary Johns, of
London, visited relatives at Wyom
ing on Sunday last.
Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas,
spent the week-end here.
Master George Kellett is improv
ing but is still confined to his bed.
Mr. Jas. Laurie and Miss Buch-
anan, of Milverton, were visitors last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Mr. Bruce Cooper, who is quite
ill with pleuro-pnetimonia shows
some improvement at time of writ
ing. His many friends hope it will
More news appears on another
“Do you know anything at all
about electrical appliances?” asked
the foreman. “Yes, sir,” was the
P. U.
young people held
Mr. Michael Ryan purchased a
new Pontiac car from Herb Hart
man last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Overholt, of Zurich,
spent Sunday with the latter’s mo
ther Mrs. Dennis Mahoney.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Brien, of
St. Marys, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Francis Coughlin.
Miss Jean McCann, of Kitchener,
spent Saturday with
A. McCann.
Miss M. Williams
few days in Dublin.
Miss Louise Masse
few days with her sister, Mrs. Hu
bert Carey.
Mr. Benny Morrissey spent the
week-end in Toronto.
Miss Mary McCann returned to
Kitchener, after spending a few
weeks at her home here.
Mrs. J. H. DaLton and family
spent Friday in Denfield with her
sister;T Mrs. N. Geromette.
Mr. John Hall Jr., returned home
from the hospital last week and is
doing as well as can be expected.
A number attended the party last
Friday night held by the C. Y. O.
and a good time was had by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Geromette,
of Detroit, spent the week-end With
the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Geromette.
Mr. and Mrs.
is spending a
is spending a
“And,” said junior as he smear
ed the jam on his little sister’s face,boy’s reply. "What is an armature?” j "I hate to do this but I can’t have
asked the foreman, “It’s a guy Who I the finger of suspicion pointing at
sings for Major Bowes.” jme.”
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