HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-11-16, Page 89HVBSP4Y, NOVEMBER 16, 1639 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe For Cham, Beauty and Individuality Croquinole, Combination and Spiral Permanents Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Mr. Grafton Cochrane, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Elmer Reeder is recovering from a fall in which she sprained her arm. Mr. S, J. Elliott returned Tues­ day after visiting for two weeks in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hedden, of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Mrs. Fred Hatter, of Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end with her son Fred and Mrs. Hatter. i LOST—A spade on Highway No. 4, south of Hensall, Saturday after­ noon about 4 p.m. Persons were seen picking it up. Please return to Chief Hedden, Hensall, The James Street Y. P. U. held a successful erokinole party on Mon­ day evening. Prizes were given and lunch served. Gent’s high went to Wesley Greb, and ladies’ high to Josie Kerslake. Consolation prizes were won by Helen Buswell and Donald Case., CHRISTMAS CARDS Our new line of Christmas Cards are on display. Exclusive assortments of hand-painted Canadian winter scenes, English flowers gardens, inns Seeaud famous cathedrals, etc. them at the Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—A number of young pigs. Apply to Sol Gingerich, R. R. 3, Zurich, phone 84r3. Itp. FOR SALE—11 young pigs, suck­ ers. York hog for service, Barkner Exeter North. George ltc. Con. 4,STRAYED—Onto Lot 13, Usborne on or about the tenth of September, a roan heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Wm. Moodie, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 172r31. FOR SALE—Beatty Electric Wash­ er, (new guarantee) will balance of payments.—G. Hardware. sell for Hawkins’ Itp. FOR SALE—'50-acre farm in Ste­ phen; substantial house and bank barn. 120 acres on highway near Clinton, brick house, bank barn, electricity.’—Wm. Pearce, Exeter. Itp. FOR SALE—An electric Apply to Times-Advocate. washer. 2tc. and foxWANTED—Dead animals horses. Reverse phone charges. Jack Williams, phone 47rl5 Crediton. ll-2-4tp. HOUSES—This week you can buy a medium-sized, comfortable brick house at a low figure. This house is well located. Why pay rent? C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. STRAYED—-From Lot 14, con. 6A Hay Township, four cattle; 3 heif­ ers and a steer, 2 black, a blue roan and a red. Apply James Exeter. Green, 2tp at the $3.45 a Winterize your car now Ford Garage. Prestone only gallon. Reasonable prices on Alco­ hol and all winter grease and oil. Service on all makes of cars. Three fully experienced licensed mechan­ ics to serve you. FOR RENT—'House, modern, all Main tfc. conveniences. Situated on Street. Apply, Miss Weekes. ■ CRUSHED GRAVEL—We a position to furnish crushed for lanes and other work, at Skinner’s pit. crusher is removed. nison, phone 52 r 18, Dashwood. 2tc are in gravel Crusher Order now before Ireland & Jen- NOTICE Having been appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of the late Peter Mclsaac, it is desired that all per­ sons owing the estate will settle at once. Books are in my possession. T. Harry Hoffman Dashwood3tc. WANTED—Live horses and dead animals, Apply Kennedy & Arm­ strong, Lucan, phone 12, ’Collect. FARMS FOR SALE — 175 acres with good buildings, hydro available. 100 acres without buildings, would make good pasture farm, wi'li Othe C. V. Pickard, phone, 165, Exeter. 50 acres good buildings, hydro, etc. fcirnis* All priced Exeter Markets Wheat 49-53JC. (according to grade) Oats 30c. Barley 52c. Buckwheat 55c. Creamery Butter 33c. Dairy Butter 27-3Oc. Eggs, A large 35c. Eggs, medium 33c. Eggs, B, 25e. Hogs, dressed $11.00. FOR Comfortable e . OYSTERS 45c a pint The Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 * ' • Main St Memorial 'Chancel Guild will hold a tea at the home of the president, Miss Marion Bissett, on Frdiay, November 24th, 3.30 to 6.00 and 8.00 to 10 p.m. 10-16-2tc i ■" ’"■■■ ■■ 111 ■■ 1 ■ ■ " r ! LOCALS j 1___________________1 Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Geddes, of Hay, visited in London last week. Mr. Norman Floody, of Windsor, visited in town over the week-end. Mi\ and Mrs. C. W. Aidworth spent a day recently in Stratford. Dr. latter part of last week in Toronto. Mr. Orval Lawson, of Orillia, spent the week-end at his home here. Thos. Flynn, of London, is with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ware- and Mrs. Weekes spent the Chas. Hodgins, of Lucan, is Mrs. visiting ing. Mrs. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls. t Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfong and family visited relatives at Sarnia on Sunday. Mr. Marchand, of Otterville, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ida M. Sanders. Mr. Stewart Campbell, of London, spent last week with his father, Mr. Arthur Campbell. Miss Mary McKaig visited in Hen­ sall with her mother, Mrs. McKaig, over the week-end. Private E. Watson, of the Perth Regiment, Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell and daugh­ ter, Ann, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Bowey. Mrs. Lillie McFalls, of Lucan, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barker and family, of town, spent Sunday with Mrs. Chris. Johnston of Goderich Twp. Mrs. Arthur Campbell is visiting for a few weeks in Brantford, Galt, and Hespeler with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pearce, of Holmesville, spent Saturday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mr. Les. Coates and Miss Margar­ et Ellerington, spent the week-end at in C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a-m. to 5 p.m. every weak day except Wednesday Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 YOU NEED HEAT! Healthful, Comforting Heat All Winter Long But remember, just any ordinary kind of coal won’t give you the heat you require. Actually, you need a high quality coal such thracite—and we can with this celebrated Hard Coal in any size fuss or delay. iSo, why not join the many wise folks who, at this very foment, are placing their orders for a supply of this comfort-packed quality fuel. Pick up your tele­ phone and call the number below . . . and our as D&H An- supply you Pennsylvania . . . without you’ll be pleasantly surprised at clean, courteous delivery. Phone 33, Residence 157 JAS. P. BOWEY tv-wan Main Street Church will hold a ....BAZAAR.... at the TOWN HALL Saturday, Nov. 18th ; 1939, at 3:00 o’clock The Booth will Consist of Gift Shop Aprons, Home Cooking, Candy, Post Office and White Elephant A 10c Afternoon Tea will be served also a 25c Casserole Supper I her home days Flynn with and Miss been Hos- and of the Lions Strathroy Tuesday visit of the Carrol, Mit- “LIVE AND LET LIVE” IS T. H. ELLIOTT’S MOTTO YES, I DO TAILORING Alterations, Repairing Suits and be open from 7 to to 11:30. My new place of business is over F. W. Gladman’s Law Office. Cleaning, Pressing and oil Ladies’ and Men’s Overcoats. My shop will Tuesday and Thursday 9 and Saturday nights 7 MiiMmMUiMwuintmuannm| Walker’s fCondilion Powder 1 § o KmUmIwJ u . . The Perfect Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Hogs Sheep and Poultry For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store Through a misunderstanding last week the dance by the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion was adver­ tised for Friday, November. 10th. This should have been Friday, No­ vember 17th. It will be held in the Exeter Arena. Nat, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bat- tersby, has returned home from Montreal, where he has been under­ going treatment in the Cripple Chil­ dren’s Hospital. Nat is very much improved, but it is expected he will return to the hospital in six or seven months’ time. George and r ARE YOU THE MAN? You will make amazing profits every hour selling 200 guaranteed necessities used in every home. You can have a solid business established within three months. If you are tired of working to earn profits for someone else OWN YOUR BUSINESS and en­ joy all the TION. Get ERSE. BE PRODUCTS, real. profits, NO OBLIGA- details and catalogue FIRST. FAMILEX 570 St, Clement, Mont- the home of the former’s parents Brampton. Mrs. iF. K. Matthews, of Toronto, has returned to her home after vis­ iting for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May. Miss Catharine Campbell, of Glan- worth, has returned to after spending several Miss Mary Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn and Helen Flynn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyne Flynn, of London, Miss Dorothy Cox, Reg. N., of Woodstock, and Mr. Gordon Mat­ tingly, of Sarnia, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Hannigan. Mr. J. W. Batson who has receiving treatment in Victoria pital, London, spent Sunday Monday with his family here. Several members Club were at evening attending the District Governor, W. chell to that club. Mr. Hy. Rader, son Miss Jessie Heywood, of Dashwood, Mr. Samuel Lawson, of Crediton add Miss Ethel Coward, of Exeter, spent the week-end in Detroit, Miss Mary Westlake has returned to her home after spending the past three weeks in London at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Westlake, In the report of the bazaar of the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall last week it was stated that Miss McTag- gart had donated a Christmas cake. This was in error as the cake was donated by Mrs, F. Ellerington ahd Miss Quintoti. We wish to announce to the public that in future Rev. Robert Copeland B.A» Miss Evelyn Huston Kenwood and O. V. All Wool Blankets GROCERY SPECIALS PURE LARD 2 1-lb. pkgs 25c I 20c sOlllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllO WHEATFLAKES MY-T Nice 3 for ... . MIXED PEEL Fresh 5 lb. ..... . 23c Southcott Bros. TENDER LEAF TEA OF HEART Desired its what you need when over tired 1 pkg...................................31c 1 lb....................25c REX COFFEE Fresh Ground 1 lb................ 45c % lb....................................23c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Annual White Gift Service fpr the Peace River District 11 a.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “Christ at the Door” 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: The Reign of Christ. Thursday, November 16th at 3 P.m. Annual Thankoffering meeting of W. M. S. Special speaker, Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Goderich. MEH MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.—Public Worship 3 p.m.—The Sunday School 7 p.m.—Service withdrawn in favor of James Street Anniversary Monday 8 P-m.—Y.P.U. Thursday 7.30—Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader CHURCH ANNIVERSARY . a.m.—Rev. Professor A. S. Orton S.T.M., Toronto p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Professor A. S. Orton Emmanuel College Monday 8 pan.—Y. P. U. Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday 6.30 p.m. — Supper meeting of the Official Board. li o 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss 24th Sunday Alter Trinity a.m,—Morning Prayer & Sermon “Fortitude” a 10.45 a.m.—'Sunday School Evening service withdrawn owing to James Street Anniversary. 10 R. A. FINN’S Wormfoods for POULTRY, HOGS AND HORSES will be handled by Brownings Drug Store EXETER R. M. Price and Toronto visited on Tues- cleaning patch of covered E. L. Gibson, Homer Rus- Campbell and William left the forepart of the Chesley lake in/ Bruce Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. N. Dear­ ing and little son have returned to Windsor after visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis in Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. daughter Kay, of with Dr. and Mrs, Anderson day. Mrs. Geo. Grant, while the windows discovered a ’violets. Some had been with snow. Mr. and Mrs. William Cook have returned home after spending sever­ al days at Pt. Burwell and Tillson- burg. Mr. Eli Christie, of London, visit­ ed with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Thomp­ son and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chris­ tie oxi Saturday. Messrs, sell, Earl Northcott week for County on a hunting trip. They are going as far as Tobermory and will be gone for a week. Recent visitors to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston were Mr. Nelson Hood, of Kippen, Mrs. E. L. Drake, of Enchant, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton, of Ashfield. Mrs. Drake, who left Ontario 22 years ago is down on a prolonged visit as she cares for her father, William Anderson, whose health has not been the best lately. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH 77th ANNIVERSARY Sunday, November 19th, 1939 Il a.m. and 7 p.m. PROF. A. S. ORTON, S.T.M., of Emmanuel College One of the outstanding preacher* of today SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR You Are Cordially Invited to These Services WHEN YOU CAN BUY A NEW WINTER COAT AT THE LOW PRICES OF LAST YEAR IT IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. WE HAVE ON OUR RACKS A FINE ASSORT­ MENT OF NEW MATERIALS AND MODELS PRICED FROM $15.00 TO $27.00. STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR If it is Stanfields you know that it is the best that money can buy. Combinations at $2.OQ, $2.75, $3.00 and $5.00. BROGUE SHOES FOR YOUNG MEN Brogue Shoes are very popular with the young men this season. We offer three styles at $4.00, $5.00 and $5.95. BILTMORE HATS AT $2.00 TO $3.95 Showing the Newest Shapes and Shades that are so popular this season. BRUSHED SWEATERS FOR YOUNG MEN Warm and Cosy Sweaters for young men in Green Blue, Brown and Wine Combina­ tions. We can’t replace them at these prices $1.95, $2.95 to $3.50 We have been advised by these two well known makers that they cannot ship us any more blankets this season. This is your opportunity to secure a beautiful all wool blanket at old prices as we have a good supply at old prices. ESMOND PLAID BLANKETS 22 only plaid Esmond part wool and colors of Rose, Green and Blue. Extra value at old prices. Each $2.00 DOMINION RUBBER BOOTS AND HEAVY RUBBERS Are made to stand the roughest wear. Try a pair and prove this for yourself. $1.95, $2.75 and $3.50 FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Made from warm English Flannelette and Yama Cloths. It does not pay to make them when they can be bought at these low’ prices. $1,49, $1.75 and $1.95. IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS In the largest size, white or grey with pink or blue borders, also checks in mauve and green only. Per pair $2.35 Ladies’ Smartly Trimmed Fur Collared Coats These coats are all interlined with Chamois. Are made of the newest materials and are trimmed with beautiful fur collars of Sable or Persian Lamb. HERSHEY’S COCOA 1 lb. Tin...........................25c lb. Tin...................... 15c JOHN W. WARD Optometrist Chiropractor, Electro Therapy Announces that he is returning to Exeter Tuesdays and Saturdays pf each week and quarters south Hotel where he old as well as will occupy his old of the Bossenberry will welcome all his any new customers. Main St. W. M. S. The November meeting was held in the church parlour, on Thursday afternoon, with a fair attendance. The opening hymn was “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah” followed by prayer. Cards and flowers were sent to shut-ins. A very encourag­ ing report was given by the Treas­ urer. Because of the illness of our delegate, the report of the conven­ tion held at Grand Bend, was held over to the next meeting. The la­ dies decided to pack a bale to be forwarded to Hearst, Man., partic­ ulars to be announced later. R. C. Copeland congratulated Society on the success of the past year’s work, and took charge of the election of officers. Mrs. H. Ander­ son presided over the worship ser­ vice, taken from the October Mis­ sionary Monthly, assisted by Mrs. Abbott. Mrs. Wickwire offered pray­ er for the special missionary. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gunning under the leadership of Mrs. K. J. Sims. Rev. the Engagement Announced The Globe and Mail of Wednesday morning contains an announcement of the engagement together with pictures of Miss Edith Clysdale, daughter of Rev. F. E. and Mrs. Clysdale, of Palmerston, to Rev. N. Burnett Magruder, of Cleveland, O., son of Rev, G. N. and Mrs. Mag­ ruder, of Odessa, Mo, The marriage to take place in the Divinity School Ohapel cember ate of and of School, University of Toronto and has been doing graduate work at Yale. in New Haven, Conn., in De- , Mr, Magruder is a gradu- William Jewell College, Mo., the Yale University Divinity Miss Clysdale attended the A BREAD FLOUR Choice 24 lb. bag TOMATO JUICE, PEAS, CORN" 25c SUPER SUDS 1 box................,.......... with 2 cakes toilet soap lc iFall Suitings W e have now on hand a fine display of New Fall Suitings and Samples TIP-TOP SAMPLES W. R. JOHNSTON SAMPLES Prepare for the cool weather Get Your Order In Early W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Caven Congregational Circle The regular monthly meeting of Caven Congregational Circle was held Tuesday afternoon, November 7th at the home of Miss Jeckell with a good attendance. Mrs. Hatter gave the Scripture lesson followed by prayer. The officers gave their re­ ports oh last month’s work. Follow­ ing committees were chosen for month of November. Envelope, Mrs, Dow, Miss Weekes; Flowers, Mrs. Mason; Hostess, Mrs. W. Simmons; Lunch, Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. W. Simmons; program, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. Flynn; Nominating committee, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Mason. Volunteers from Presbyterian church to help in the Red Cross canvass ate Mrs. Whyte, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs, Dow, Mrs. Hatter. During the program Mrs. Flynn gave a delight- fill piano solo and Mrs. Hill gave a talk on her trip through Quebec, Lunch was served by the lunch com­ mittee. for funds James Street Mission Circle The James Street Missoin Circle held their monthly meeting at the home of Mary Van Camp. The presi­ dent, Dorothy Welsh, opened the 'meeting. Business was discussed. Betty Coates was in charge of the program. A hymn was sung fol­ lowed by prayer by Dorothy Welsh. A letter was read by Mrs. Page on the hardships endured as the result of war in the Eastern countries. Dorothy Traquair and Laurene Beav­ ers sang a duet. Miss Down gave a much enjoyed reading. Edna Mar- tene gave the second chapter of the study book. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the Mizpah bene­ diction, Lunch was served. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Van Camp by Dorotliy Welsh and seconded by Laurene Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClellan and family, M Stratford, spent the week-end with friends,