HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-11-16, Page 4THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1939 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Rolling an<i Mixing after Monday, Nov. 13th
for the balance of this year. We have installed » ton feed mixer
for the benefit of demonstrating to the public the handiness
value of thoroughly mixing Poultry and Hog feeds we will
concentrate with your chop free of charge for the balance of
year. After that a small handling charge may be made. Come
try one lot of feed thoroughly mixed with a mixer and you
never mix by hand again. Two samples of feed, one mixed
a mixer the other by hand, look like two different brand of
this :
feeds.Feeds for all Needs
Lakeview Laying Mash $2.10, Roe Laying Mash $2,40, Roe Com
plete 40% Laying Concentrate $3.50, Roe 40% Hog Concentrate
$3.15, Roe Sunshine Minerals for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle. Sev
eral other brands of Concentrates at Lowest Market Prices.
Corn, Hominy, Oyster Shell, Shell Maker, Soya Bean Oil Meal,
Alfalfa Meal, Salt, Worm Treatments for Poultry and Hogs.
Bring us your grain and we can grind it and the ingredients you
may need such as Corn and Hominy, Concentrate and Minerals
and you can go home with a complete mixed feed at lowest possible
cost and trouble to you. Don’t delay, try a lot today.
Exeter, Ontario
Phone 135
November 16th, 17th and 18th
Mrs. David Lippert, of Melbourne,
visited on Sunday with relatives here
Rev. A. Smith, of Port Elgin,
preached in the United Church on
Sunday last,
Mr. Roy Baynham has returned
from Windsor sporting a coupe car.
Miss Ida Sweitzer, of London,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Messrs. Roy Ratz, Wm. Sweitzer
and Ed. Lamport spent Monday in
Mr. and Mrs. E. Keys, Misses Lila
and Audrey Finkbeiner and Mr, Har
old Finkbeiner spent Saturday in
Miss Lillian Lovfe, who has spent
the past week with her sister in Ex
eter returned home.
Mr, Borden Schrader has returned
home after a month’s visit with rela
tives in the U. S.
The School and Home Club held
their meeting last Wednesday even
ing at the school with Dr. Cowen
from Exeter as their guest speaker.
Rock Wool Insulation
200 Odd Sashes .... Half Price
Storm Sash and Combination Doors
Double Feature
California Frontier”
“Let Us Live”
Huron Lumber Co*
Phone 48 Exeter
Timo l^11 the case for the respondents
LzlG aHu 1 v c VV lime I win be presented tomorrow and sue-
DANCE ceeding days until finished.
In five days reams and reams of
Wed., Nov. 22
November 20th, 21st and 22nd
Double Feature
Ride a Crooked Mile”
“Some Like It Hot”
James St. W. M. S.
The regular meeting of the After
noon Auxiliary of James .Street Unit
ed church was held .In the church
parlours on November’ 9 th with a
good attendance. The president was
in the chair. During the business
session a letter was read from Mrs.
M. Brown, missionary of Chantung,
China, expressing their extreme need
(lu‘ aoowiauv,?, uwijus iv ljic was read by Madeline Gilfillan. I of war. She also stated that a dol-
On Monday evening the little girl j jar woujd feed an adult or a child
pupils of Genevive’s Sunday School f01, a On nwtion> Mrs< Bus.
I class gathered at her home and pre- veB g app0}nted f0 receive any
Mr. and Mrs. A. McCann and their
daughter Mary attended the wed
ding of Mrs. McCann’s niece, Miss
Cecila Dietrich of Sarnia last Tues
Mr. and Mrs. F. Coughlin and son
George spent the week-end with rel
atives in London.
Mi^s Mary Regan, of Lucan, spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gelinas, of
Zurich, spent Sunday with the lat
ter’s mother, Mrs. Leo. Dietrich.
John Hall Jr., is ill in the hos
pital. We hope he will soon be bet
ter and home again.
We are sorry to report that Mr£.
H. Miller is on the sick list. We hope
for a very speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Glavin spent
Thursday in Thedford-
Please don’t forget the dance on
Friday night sponsored by the C.Y.O.
Mr. David Geromette Jr., spent
Friday and Saturday in London.
Mr. M. Doyle and son Jim, Lon
don, spent Monday with friends here.
■Mrs. Paul Masse, of Dashwood,
spent last Thursday with her daugh
ter Mrs. H. Carey.
Miss Geraldine Harness, of Strat
ford, spent Wednesday with her
grandmother, Mrs. McPhee.
Misses Kate and Bernadine and
Mr. Jack Madden spent Tuesday in
We wish to extend our sincere
sympathy to the family of the late
Mrs. Richard O'Rourke in their re
cent bereavement. Mrs. O'Rourke
was buried in Our Lady of Mt. Car
mel cemetery on Friday last.
Ulens, Windsor, spent
with her mother, Mrs.
Bend with
and Mrs.
Brown is visiting with
Mrs, A, Hicks is visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. J, Paxman and friends in
Miss Laura Dixon and friend, of
Brinsley, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Woodburn.
Mr, Harold Pollock and Mr. Sel-
bourne English, of Detroit, spent
the week-end with friends here.
Miss Lillian
the week-end
W. T, Ulens.
'Mrs. Russel
with relatives in Arkona.
Miss Evelyn Bullock who has
spent the summer at Woodham is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Pollock.
Mrs. C. Woodburn returned home
last week after spending a week
with friends in Toronto.
'Misses Doris and Ruby Hicks are
visiting with friends in Hamilton.
Miss Ula Ulens returned to her
home here after spending some time
in London.
The Harmony Class ,pf the United
Church met on Friday evening at
of Detroit,
week-end with friends
Master Edwin Tufts was taken to
Victoria Hospital, London, foi* a
tonsil operation this past week.
Miss Jean Morley, of Whalen, re
turned to her home after spending
the past two months with her sister
Mrs. A. Brock.
A number from the village and
vicinity attended services at Mount
Pleasant church on Sunday,
The Jr. Farmers’ Club held a
social evening and dance in Aber
deen Hall Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock of
eter, spent the week-end with
und Mrs. E. Humphreys.
Mrs. John Sawyer is holidaying
with friends in Kincardine.
Entertain Young People
A very pleasant evening was spent
Friday evening last when some 40
young people of the United church
Kirkton were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe
and their son Lorne. Rev. Mr.
Lewis led in a sing song, games of
all kinds provided a gread deal of
amusement, after which a dainty
lunch was served by the hostess as
sisted by her sister Mrs. Fred Roger.
The president of the Y. P. thanked
Mr. and Mrs. Doupe and Lorne for
so delightful an evening well spent.
Lorne very capably replied.
Showered by Sunday School Girls
and Pupils
A very pleasant evening was spent
Tuesday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Walker Kerslake when
opinion evidence has been given. For • tbeir daughter Genevive’s Sunday
the best part of today Fred Walker, gchdOi mates gave her a kitchen
owner of the Oakwood Park, Grand sii0Wer of cream and green articles,
Bend, continued on the stand in jus- brougkt in by Marion Kemp and
tification of his valuations as jjarbara Kirkby in a pretty decorat-
against those of the township and ed baSket. The evening was spent lubh- ubcllcounty figures. The wide variation*in sames and contests The address1^ ’ - e6,!51us ,LUB“ ueeu
in assessments was again in evl-'“ f a iIor ^slstanoe, owing to the ravages
dence, as it was throughout the
A central business property — a ___ ____________|____
general store — in Grand Bend is [rented her with a lovely silver cake*
valued by the local assessor at $1,- '
900; by Mr. Walker at $.2,700 and
by Mogg and Quinlan at $4,500.
Seeking to show that Mogg and
Quinlan did not use the same yard
I plate. The address was read by
Rhoda Kirkby. Genevive very cap
ably replied to these showers and
also displayed her trousseau and in-
--------- —---- _ . (vited the girls to call on her at her
stick in all municipalities one resi-'new home. We all join in. wishing
j dential property in Blyth, the only 1 Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Allan much joy
I urban place to have its assessment' and happiness.
’reduced, was reviewed my E. S. Li-
| vermore, K.'C., for the appellants,
[ Mr. Amos, special valuator, put a
RE-OPENED AT GODERICH Price of $2’900 on the home of Ed'
ward Silib. It is assessed locally forMONDAY i $4,000 and by Mogg and Quinlan for
! $2,60 0. This is the one case, so
' far, in which the county valuators
have been low.
Stephen’s township clerk, Mr. Eil
ber, who also is secretary of the
the Hay Mutural Fire Insurance Co.,
placed in evidence a list of fire in
surance policies on Stephen Town-
McNichol’s Orchestra
W. HODGERT, Floor Manager
at Grand Bend are
$■5 00 to $3,0'00, based;
selling price, and rent
$400 per season of two
the Tribunal was told
(Continued from Page One)
they occupy
worth from
on today’s
for $150 to
Monday afternoon by Fre.d Walker,
land owner and building contractor., ^“7^ bindin7s/thT7mou7t"of
On an average, however, they are insurance carried being based on
only rented half the season, said two-thirds of the replacement value
witness. . , . ., ■ of buildings as they now stand. How-
Mr.^ Walker. in his ^evidence quot- evei.( a majority of cases the in-
[surance carried was more than the
(assessment figure put on the pro-
. perty by Reuben Goetz, special town-
•ship valuator, who also is agent
the fire insurance company.
ed recent sales to substantiate his <
evidence. Like other appeal valu-'
ators his assessment figures cut in1
between those of the local assessor •
and the county appraisers. For in
stance, one of the better properties,
a lot with 80 feet frontage on the
beach and a depth of 267 feet, a
modern log cottage 26 by 40 feet,
concrete foundation, garage, plumb
ing and electric light, is assessed by
the local assessor for $1,150, by the
township’s appeal valuator at $2,-
850 and by the county valuators at
Mrs. Omer Burney enter
members of L.O.B.A. and
(donations for their relief. Mrs.
Brown will be remembered by many
as she spoke when home on her last
furlough on the occasion of the Sun
day Easter Thankoffering when all
the organizations of the W. M. S.
were seated in the centre of, the
church. A letter of appreciation
from Upper Canada Tract Societies,
to any and all organizations, who
helped assemble parcels of maga- j-“ * 7.
zines, books, papers, etc. Report- ship" service.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to the family of the late
Mrs. Richard O’Rourke whose fun
eral was held Friday morning to the
Mt. ’Carmel Cemetery,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
spent Thursday at Grand
the latter’s parents, Mr.
T. Tetreau.
Mr. Harold Pollock,
spent the
Mr. and
tained the
L.O.L., Greenway at their home re- I
cently. j’Several ladies from the vicinity'
attended the quilting and l'0c tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Mrs. Robert Murray’s under the aus- > ROniph with a good attendance. The
pices of the Ladies’ Guild, of Grace ■ president, Mr. Roy Whiting was in
Church, Greenway. .'
Mr. Jas. E. Hodgins, of the Mol- j
lard Line, spent Monday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Steeper
and Lyle.
The South Perth Training School
was held here last Wednesday even
ing with an attendance of 83. St.
Mary Y. P. U. conducted the wor-
. Guests were present
Enjoyed Best Summer of Any in
Last 20 Years
have exper-
years’ residence
•! charge. The meeting opened with
i a hymn after which the Scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. Harold Bro-
phey. Mrs. Elton Curts and Mrs.
Milton Pollock read suitable select
ions and Mrs. Whiting read “In
Flanders Fields”. Mrs. McIntosh led
in prayer. The roll call was ans
wered by a Scripture text contain
ing the word “Peace.” Another
hymn was sung and the worship
period closed with the Mizpah bene
diction. Contests were put on by
'Mrs. Harold Brophey and were much
enjoyed by all. The class then dis
cussed matters of interest. It was
decided to send $5.00 to the Sick
Children’s Memorial Hospital in Tor
onto and that a box of Christmas
gifts and clothing be sent to a fam
ily at Monteith N. O, through the
missionary at Cochrane. The class
accepted an invitation from 'Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Brophey to hold the
next meeting at their home on De
cember 1st after which the gifts will
be wrapped attractively and packed.
Lunch was served by the ladies and
a social hour enjoyed,
ciated the kindness of Mr.
and also
Rev. J. Morley Colling, of Devine
Street United Church, Sarnia, has
been advised of his recommendation
to a chaplaincy in the Second Divis
ion of the Canadian forces. Mr. Col
ling was a former pastor at Grand
The W. A. held their meeting at [ing also that the missionaries have)fr01n Avonbank, St. Marys, Granton,
the home of Mrs. Alvin Pym Thurs- .. ...
day afternoon of last week. Mrs. C.
Stephen took charge of the meeting,
which opened with, a hymn and the
Lord’s prayer was repeated in unis
on. Two minutes silence was ob
served. Mrs. Franklin Skinner read
the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Garnet
Johns and Miss Ruth Skinner each
gave a reading pertaining to Arm
istice Day. Mrs. John Delbridge de
lighted the ladies with a piano solo.
Mrs. Harold Bell sang a solo “The __ _ ................ ............... ___
Saviour of Galilee.” The ladies elect- .'theme was "Battle for peace.” The j 1 __
ed their officers for the coming Worship Service was conducted by after church last Sunday and decid-
year. The result of which was as ^rs. M. Heywood, the theme, “God ed having a Christmas entertain-
follows; President, Miss R. Skinner, ^pf an people of the earth.” Mrs. 'ment on Friday evening, December'Bruce Romph
vice-president, Mrs. Alvin Pym; Se-^pph and Mrs. Sharp led in prayer. ~
~ ‘ jPsalm 724 was read in unison. The
hymn, ‘Who Givest(All” was sung
land Mrs. Heywood read a poem, ‘Not
[Peace but Swords.’ A Thanksgiv
ing reading by Mrs. E. Buswell, ’“One Good Sleep” and a duet by
Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs. L. Rowcliffe [
were enjoyed by» all. ‘ !
book “Moving Millions”
introduced by Mrs. Page,
chapter being on India,
on “Contrasts of Madras” then fol
lowed by Mrs. Southcott and Mrs.
Anderson. The Indian Village, its
need and their customs was read by
Mrs. Christie. Glimpses of Chris
tian Life in Indian villages was giv
en by Mrs. E. Stone. Where there-are
Christian schools, there are higher
standards of living, better homes,
schools and churches, large Bible
classes and as many as 350'0 attend
lectures. Educate a boy and you
have an individual, educate a wo
man and you uplift a whole family.
The hymn “Take My Life and Let It
Be” was sung and the president clos
ed with the Mizpah benediction.
given personally to sailors on ves-.^t, pleasant, Zion, Usborne; Kirk-
sels 8,000 gospels, 15,000 gospel ton. The Y. P. U. of Woodham serv-
I tracts and 600 Sunday School papers ed lunch at the close.
season. They) The patriotic Community Club in
tend holding a concert in the Orange
Hall, Friday evening, November 24.
A good program is being provided.
This concert will be for the purpose
,of raising money for the Red Cross
Everybody welcome.* The W. M. S- met in the Sunday
i ial held at Grand Bend was given school last Friday and 'quilted three
by the delegate, Mrs. Horney. The quilts for Missionary purposes.
I The Sunday School executive met
, weeklj* during the season. ’
'would be glad to have any further
j supply which we might have on hand
in the future. Mrs. Stone, Mrs. j Horney, and Mrs. Southcott were ap-
j pointed a nominating committee. A
jvery interesting and informative re-'work.
I port of the South Section Presbyter- j
All appre-
and Mrs.
Mr. J.
John Paterson, of Ilderton,
on Tuesday with Miss ‘Maud
cretary, Mrs. John Delbridge; treas
urer, Mrs. Harold Bell; pianist, Mrs.
Freeman Horne; singing leader,
Mrs. Hubert Heywood.
j Mr. Wm. Johns visited at Inger-
10> soli, during the week-end and MissOn Friday evening November
the friends and relatives gathered Dorothy Johns visited in London,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Camp- j
bell Dow, Russeldale in honor of
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgert, Port
Hope, on the occasion of their 20th
wedding anniversary.
The address was read by
Hodgert and the presentation
made by Mrs. John Bell and
Will Hodgert.
Following is the address:
Dear Ken and Ethel,
We, your friends and relatives are
gathered together tonight, to remind
you lest you may have forgotten,
that twenty years have slipped by
since you launched upon the sea of
We are sure that when you look
back upon these years - it may not
seem long - on the otherhand it may
seem a long time, but whatever it
may have been - it has passed, and
that is why we are here tonight, to
send you on the next twenty years
with our good wishes for the best of
luck, that the old ship “'marriage”
may still have in it a part of that
other old ship namely “courtship”
and if this be done, we feel that clear
weather and good sailing shall still
lie ahead of you, and that by and by,
you may reach the harbour of suc-
I cess and contentment.
| WTe ask you now to accept these [gifts, which we hope shall bring
'you new warmth in these somewhat
[chilly days and the other, that your
t table may have upon this gift, all
-GODERICH, Nov, 14.—^The sum
mer resort town of Grand Bend had
its best season this year of any in
the last 20 years, the tribunal hear
ing appeals against Huron County
equalized assessment was told to
day by Fred Walker, special valua
tor, as the court concluded its fifth
day in session.
“It was the best I
ienced in my 20
there. There was double
for cot-tages of an ordinary year,”
said Mr. Walker under cross-exam
ination of J. G. -Gibbon, of Waterloo,
who is representing the 16 town
ships that didnt’ appeal.
Stephen Township, in which Grand
Bend is located, is questioning an
increase of one and one-half million
dollars in its assessment, attributed
chiefly by Mogg and Quinlan, coun
ty valuators, to expansion in that
area. j
Many Londoners own cottages at I
Grand Bend. |
Of the $45,000 taxes on Stephen’s)
tax roll last year only $.300 remains 1
unpaid, H. K. Eilber, township clerk, |
told the board, which is composed of t
Judge Clement, of Waterloo County; ;the goods things of life to feed you
Judge Costello and Sheriff Johnston [
of Huron.
“That's something of a
and 1 trust you are proud of
commented Judge Clement.
"We are,” replied Mr. Eilber.
With evidence for the apellants
The chivarii boys and their lady
friends gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Johns, last Thursday
evening and presented Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Long (nee Margaret Johns)
of Atwood with an occasional chair.
I Mr. Jackson Woods, who is in
Westminster Hospital, London, is
doing nicely. He was visited Sun-
'day by quite a number of friends
from this vicinity.
Mr. Ned Avery, of ,St. Thomas, vis
ited at Mr. Wes. Horne’s and Mr. W.
Horne’s and
Other visitors
Routly were
Whiteford, of
Mrs. Stanley Whiteford and daugh
ter Donna and Mr. Hilson
of Ingersoll.
We are sorry to report
ter Carmen Herdman has
fined to his bed again. Master Geo.
•Kellett is also ill with pleurisy. We
sincerely hope they will both
be around again.
Mr. Wm.
with Mr.
Mr. and
St. Marys,
that Mas-
been con-
ton United church parsonage on
Saturday, November 11th, 1939,
Genevieve Pearl, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs.
borne, to
and Mrs.
quhar, by
Rev. C.
Ker slake, Us-
B. , son of Mr.
C. Allen,
L. Lewis.
Jand cheer to the end of the jour-
j Signed on behalf of your relatives
; and friends.
| Mr. and Mrs. Hodgert gave very
[fitting replies and the evening was
spent in dancing,
lot 20, South
Township, on
8, Catherine
the late Richard O’Rourke, in her
’82nd year.
her late-residence,
Boundary, Stephen
Wednesday, Nov.
'O’Rourke, wife of
§2nd. Romph.
Mr. Wendell Camm, school teach- j
er, of Camperdown, Ontario, spent
the week-end at his home here. 1
Bride Showered
The young ladies class together
with their teachers, Milton Hooper
and Mrs. W. Switzer, met at the’
afraid so.
“Am I too
Cannibal Chief:
But you’ll do for break
late for
Our new study home of lMrs Wm. Thomson on the i
was then
The first'
A dialogue
U. F. W. O. Meeting
theNovember meeting of
Bend U. F. W. O. Club met
home of Mrs. Garnet Patter-
“O Canada” was sung and the
8th line of Blanshard and showered ;
the newlywed Mrs. E. Baker (nee'__j\Ir-
Jannette Thompson) with
[ever aluminum set. The
• was pleasantly spent in
a wear-
amusements. Lunch was served and
''Jannette thanked the ladies
graciously for their gifts.
Xiicensed Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist using a calbro-
niagnowave radionic instrument
A Radionic Examination Will Reveal the Cause of Your Sickness.
Hours: 0 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 6 p.m. Closed Wednesday
Afternoons. Open Tuesday and Saturday Evenings, 7:30 to 9:30
Phone—Residence 321; Office 419-J.
ofMr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter,
Dashwood, announce the engage
ment of their daughter Reta Lena,
to Mr. John M. Synder,’son of Mr,
and Mrs, A. Snyder, of Hamilton,
the marriage to take place Novem-1
ber 2 5th at Windsor, i
at the
103rd Psalm was read by Mrs. Max
Turnbull followed by the Women’s
Creed and the “Maple Leaf Forever”
The roll call was answered by “A
hobby I have or one I wish I might
have.” The poem “In Flanders’
Fields” was given by Mrs. D. Hen
drick and a reading given by Mrs.
Colin Love on “Peace.” It was sug
gested that the members of the club
donate a pair of blankets to the
Salvation Army at
the chair for the election of officers
for 1940 President, Mrs. Don. Hen
drick; Vice-President, Mrs. Elgin
Webb; board of directors, Mrs. Sam
Hendrick, Mrs. Raymond Kading,
Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs. Eddie Gill;
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Will Love;
Marketing committee, Mrs.
Hendrick, Mrs. RosS Love;
ing Secretary, Mrs.
the December
Mrs. Sam Hendrick took
Geo. Grant and Gary spent
with the former’s grand
Mrs. Clarke, at Creditor.
The Ladies’ Guild of Grace church
Greenway, held a successful quilting
at Mrs. Robert Murray’s Wednesday.
Mrs. W. H. Hayter is at present
visiting friends at Bayfield.
Mrs. and Mrs. J.
Sunday evening with
Ross Love.
On Friday evening
tion of Grace -Church,
gathered 'at the home of Mr. Robert
Murray’s for a pleasant evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray and
presented them with some hand
some silver.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Miss 11a
Hodgins and Mr. S. J. Keyes were
present at the cenotaph services in
Ridley spent
Mr. and Mrs.
the congrega-
and Mrs. Bruce Walker, of
Hillsgreen, visited on Sunday at
■ the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Coch-
i rane.
Mr. C. Mousseau is enjoying a very,
■ pleasant hunting trip
I Mr. and Mrs. Orville
.Thames Road, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm,*’Horney.
,1 We are sorry to report that Mrs.
A. Monteith is confined to her room
through illness. We wish her a very
speedy recovery.
A number from this vicinity were
to Hensail on Friday evening to
hear the lectures of the Toll Bros.
Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Fairbairn
formerly of the Town Line moved
to their new home in Hensail which
they recently purchased. They will
be greatly missed in this vicinity.
Mr. Arthur Long and Mrs. E. Tay
lor spent a day in Stratford recently.
Mrs. (Rev.) Gauld returned mis
sionary from Formosa, spent a few
days last week with her niece Miss ,
Jean Ivison.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, Miss I.
Ferguson and Mr. A. Gackstetter
spent an evening recently with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson of Chisel
Miss Helen Love spent the week
end with her grandparents, Air. and
Mrs. Walter Fairbairn of Hensall.
Miss Jean ivison spent a day re
cently ill Clinton.
! Miss Edna Dayman and Mrs. L.
in Northern
Cann, of the
on Sunday
Rev, Mr. West, Moderator of the
Presbytery, occupied the pulpit in
the Presbyterian church here on
Mr. John Robertson and mother
visited with friends in Granton on
Sunday last.
Mr. Andrew McLellan and family
have moved from the village and in
tend staying with Mrs. Jos. Speare
for the winter.
Mrs. Neil McKellar spent a f,ew
days of this week visiting friends in
the village.
Mr. Oswald Walker has .made a
fine improvement to his property by
way of building a nice balcony at the
back of the store.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the concert in
Staffa on Friday
the auspices of the Women’s Insti
Miss Mary Earl spent several
last week with Mrs. A. Gunning of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern spent 'last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Par-
:kinson of London.
School will be held on Wednesday
night at .St. Marys United church.
Next Wednesday evening the con
cluding night will be held in Kirk
ton United church.
Miss Verna Jaques spent the
week-end at her home.
$r. Wm. Hern, of Saskatchewan,
is engaged at the home of Mr. Jas.
Mr. Thomas Hern who underwent
an operation for appendicitis return
ed home on Monday. We are also
pleased to state that Mr. Wellington
Brock is improving,
Mr. and Mrs. George Earl, Exeter,
and Mrs. A. Gunning spent Tuesday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Earl.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moir and
family, of St. Marys spent Thursday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Hern.
The community gives a very hearty Brock spent Tuesday last in Lon-
welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bak- don.
er who have moved into their new
110 ill 6
The meeting of the Zion Mission
Circle was held at the home of Erl-
ma Jaques. The meeting was open-
‘ 474.
The minutes were read and adopted
[after which Anna Brock then read a
;poem. Hymn 513 was then s-uhg.
; Erlma Jacques gave
I Marjorie Earl favoured
instrumental. Collection was then
I taken. The study book, "Freedom”
was given by Laureeh Hern. Hymn
Tile meeting closed
with the Mizpah benediction,
Perth Regional Training
the Town Hall at
night last under
Lloyd ed by singing hymn number
Lloyd Taylor;
Press Reporter, Mrs. Max Turnbull;
Pianist, Mrs. Maude Hodgins; Audi
tors, Mrs, Jack Ridley and Miss M.
Hodgins; roll call, Mrs. Carlyle Tay
lor, Mrs. Clarence Schade,
Special number, Mrs. Garnet Pat-,
terSon. The meeting closed with the'508 was sung.
National Anthem and lunch.
then sung,
a reading,
us with an
) Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, Miss I.
Ferguson and Mr. A. Gackstetter,
spent Tuesday in London.
i Mrs. Bechler, who has been visit
ing at the home of her daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ropp has
gone to visit her daughter at Blake.
Mrs. Mina Love, who has spent
home of her
Love has re
and Mrs. Ross Desjardine
and Miss Marjorie and Wally Des
jardine visited in Detroit for the-
■Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webb, or
Lansing, Mich., visited with Mr.
Webb’s father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Webb for the past few
Quite a number are laid up with
Mrs. E. Mousseau visited with
iMr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull over I the week-end. Mr, Mousseau is oil
[a hunting trip to the North Country.
’Mrs, Gill is oti the sick list.
| Mrs.
■ Verda
,She is
I Mr.
[Turnbull are hunting in the north.
Pago visited her daughter,
in London Hospital Sunday,
getting along fine.
Fred Fading and Mr. Jackthe past week at the
son Mr. and Mrs. Ross
tufnea to the home ot he, daughter 1^'"tint'h™ Mr. and Mrs. McEwen, of Hensall. '* • • ® Uip’ Heies hop
Mrs. H. Ricks and Arthur spent ___ __ ___ ______
a day last week with friends in [with her parents Mr, and Mrs. John
Stratford and Bright.
of Kensall,Ing he is lucky.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gill visited
Gill over the week-end