HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-11-09, Page 5£ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HEN SALL The Chamber of Commerce are are sponsoring a euchre and dance in will give a very interesting report of Hensall Town Hall, Friday, Novem­ ber 17th. Proceeds in aid of the Community Christmas Tree, There will be good prizes for euchre. Lunch provided. Murdock’s orchestra will furnish the music. Admission 25c. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron vis­ ited on Sunday with relatives in Han­ over. Mr. Jack Horner, of London, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolff. Mr. Robert MaciMarun underwent an operation in the London Hospital this week. Miss Ruth Whitmore, of Zurich, has taken a position with Mrs. Alex Buchanan. ‘Master Donald Adams, of Dash­ wood, was holidaying last week with Master Ross 'Corbett. Mrs. Robt. Higgins, of Exeter, vis­ ited with relatives and friends in town on Wednesday. Mr. John Craig has been confined to his room for the past week with an attack of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams, Dash­ wood, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John 'Corbett. Miss Violet Willis and friend, of Marlette, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Taylor. Mrs. Ted Taman, of Listowel, Is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell. Mr. Howard Hemphill, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W E Hemphill. Miss Elizabeth Slavin returned to her home after a very pleasanit visit with relatves near Chiselhurst. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Olmstead, of Ailsa Craig, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins and fam­ ily. Little Peggy Rowcliffe, five-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe is seriously ill in the hos­ pital. Mr. Thos. Smale .underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last week. Mrs. William Dabus returned to her home after a very pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson, Go­ derich. Mrs. H. O. Dayman and Mrs. Lou Simpson left this week for Arizona where they will spend the winter months. Miss Ruth Paisley, of Toronto, was in town on Sunday owing to the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. E. Rennie. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell and son Keith, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with relatives and their friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of Lon-, don, spent the week-end at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham and son Bobby visited with Mrs. Baynham’s parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Moir on Sunday. The Toll Brothers will present their Travelogue and Lantern Slides in the United Church ening, November 10 th Large numbers from the amateur contest with the “Harvest Campaign” at Ex­ eter Monday and Tuesday evening. ■Mr. and Mrs. Roy ’.MacLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B’elJ and family visited on Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, Thames Road. Mrs. Thos. Palmer, who has been confined to her room for ’’the past week suffering a heart attach is very much improved at date of writing.Miss Olive Walker R.N., i%turned to New York on Sunday after at­ tending her mother Mrs. G. Walker, who recently -underwent an opera­ tion. Miss Florence Welsh was a guest at a bridge party at Golf Clu'b, London, honor of 'Miss Verna elect of this month. Mr. Herb Hedden, confined to the Scott pital, Seaforth, with his hand was able to return to his home on Sunday. A number of the ladies of Carmel Church W. M. S. attended a meeting of the W. M. ,S. of the Huron Pres­ bytery in First Presbyterian church, Seaforth, on Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Walker, who underwent a very serious operation in Clinton Hospital last week is very much im­ proved ,and was able to be removed to the home of her daughter. Mrs. George Gould this week. Mrs. E. Rennie, who recently under­ went on operation in Clinton Hos­ pital suffered a severe heart 'attack and is quite ill at date of writing. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Rev. R. C. MacLean B. A., Bim- brook, conducted services in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday. The choir sang two anthems with Miss Irene Hoggarth as soloist. Next. Sun­ day Rev. Mr. Weir, of Portage Prairie will preach. Quite a number from here tended the wedding reception on Friday 'ev- at 8 p.m. here attended in connection the Highland this week, in Morgan, bride- who has 'been •Memorial Hos- an infection in La at- ___ _ __ ______ in Watson’s Hall, Kippen on Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Block, of Zurich. The young couple were presented with a studio couch. The Hensall-Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion B.E.SjL., 1<57» held a very successful Bingo and Dance in the Town Hall,, Hensall on Wed- nesday evening. Fifteen prizes were I members of the Finance committee) — 4,-.. —"“'meet the delegates from Seaforth, i Exeter and Zurich re division of I rural territory for canvass work in . order to eliminate overlapping and I Reeves Shaddick, of Hensall and Armstrong, of Hay, volunteer to in­ terview the county council re grant. Zurich members asked information regarding organizing a sub branch The benediction was pronounced, given foi* Bingo and twelve geese raffled. Music was furnished by Murdock's orchestra. Red Cross wool for distribution is now on hand. Please apply at the Hensall Library on Tuesday and on Saturday afternoons and evenings. Anyone unable to apply in person call Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, convenor of the knitting committee and a sup­ ply of wool will be delivered. Rev. II. A, Brook conducted th< services in the United Church Sun day and baptized the children of Mr and Mrs. F'rang Lostell, • Mr. an Mrs. Feme MacLean and Mrs, John Pepper at the service. The choir sang lightful anthems. Armistice Day Service To in United Church The Annual Armistice Day vice is to be held in the United Church on Saturday, November 11, at 2.30 p.m., when Rev. R. A. Brook will deliver the special adjdress. All places of business are requestd to close during the service.. Celebrates Eightieth Birthday One of Hensail’s highly respecte citizens Mrs. Helen Dow celebrate her eightieth birthday at her horn here on Saturday November 4t Mrs. Dow has been a resident of thi village for the past three years mo ing here with her husband, the la Mr. William Dow from their fan on Highway No. 4 near Brucefiel and has endeared herself to ma friends here through her personalit We wish Mrs. Dow many more ha# birthdays. Senior Women’s Institute The regular meeting of the H sail Senior Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. D. G. St on Wednesday evening at 7;30 p with Miss Beryl Pfaff presiding opened the meeting by singing Institute Ode followed by ‘0 Cana The business was discussed and t roll call answered by the “Name a British Colony.” The motto “T1 is my Native Land” was very a given by Miss Mabel Workman. R R. A. Brook was the guest speak and gave a splendid address “Peace and International Relation Misses Goldie Cross and Ru Brook favoured with a musical nui ber on the guitar. Mrs. R. J. Moor gave a very interesting demonstra tion on “The British Empire.” Afte (singing a hymn the meeting close with the benediction. Dainty r freshments were served at the clos Miss McGowan Addresses M. O. The Mission Circle held their re gular meeting in the United churc on Friday evening when the mem bers entertained their mothers t supper at 6.30 p.m. The guests speaker was Miss McGowan, Presby- terial Secretary of Mission Circles, of Blyth, who gave a very interest­ ing address on China, showing lan­ tern slides and many articles she brought home from China. Miss Mc­ Gowan spent four years in China. A worship service followed presided over by Miss Mary 'Clarke.. The Scripture was read by Miss Mary Goodwin and Miss* Elva McQueen led in prayer. A beautiful piano solo was played by Miss K. Drys­ dale followed by singing a hymn and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Young People Visit County Home The Young People's Union of the United Church motored to Clinton on Monday evening and presented a very splendid urogram at the County Home. The opening hymn was sung and Rev. J. Richardson led in pray­ er. This was followed 'by a sing= song led by Rev. R. A. Brook. Miss Goldie Cross gave a very interesting reading which was followed by a dance by Doris Buchanan accompan­ ied by Miss Greta Lammie. Misses Kay Drysdale and Francis Noakes played a guitar selection and Patsy MacDonald sang and danced accom- anied by was sung Kennedy, orchestra A reading was given 'by Mrs. Hess followed by a chorus Midnight Serenaders, namely Goldie .Cross, Ruth Brook, Goodwin, Gladys Passmore and Elva McQueen. A vocal solo was given by Mabel Fairburn and a piano in­ strumental by Gladys Luker. Messrs. Claude Blowes and Carey Joynt sang a very humorous vocal duet All the numbers were very well re­ ceived. and encored. After singing “God Save the King” the inmates were given treats 'by the young people. Red Cross Society Meet The Red Gross meeting of the di­ rectors and convenors of the various organizations was held on Friday night in the Town Hail at 8 p.m. with Rev. R. A. Brook presiding. Re­ ports from the various committees were read. A discussion re the pur­ chase of needles. Moved by Mr. J. W. Ortwein and seconded by Rev. .Mr. Chandler, that as members of Hensall Red Cross branch we com­ mit ourselves to a share in the rais­ ing of $3,000,000 and that the mat­ ter be referred to committee on Fi­ nance for suitable organization and canvass. The president reported that he had the Charter framed for which he was voted thanks. Mr. Ross McKay and Dr. D. G. Steer that the branch of the Red Cross re­ quest the county council for as liber­ al a grant as they deem possible. Moved that the convenors and some Jones and Horton that By-law No. 11, Nomination and Election be giv­ en first and second reading. Carried. Shepherd and Horton that By-law No. 11 be given third and final reading and finally passed. Carried Jones and Shepherd that we journ to meet November 15 th. ried. DASHWOOD ad- Car- Mr. an morning two de- Be Held Bob Hess. A vocal duet by Ruth Hess and Ross Selections from the Hyde were very much enjoyed. George by the Misses Mary The regular meeting of the village council was held on Monday even­ ing November 6th at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Jones and Shep­ herd that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. J. W. Ortwein appeared as a dele­ gate from the United Church re the rent of the church shed also suggest­ ed the council place fire insurance on the shed to the extent of a $1,000 Miss Clarissa Mitchell appeared stat­ ing she was being orvercharged for insulin. Fred Beer appeared re the Cana­ dian Legion wreath for Remem­ brance Day. Same to be ordered as usual also asked a'bout the holding of the holiday November 11th.. The Council requests the stores and the places of business to be closed at least during the service. Lee Hedden reported re the re­ pairs to sidewalks; also some holes in the streets need filling and stat­ ed W- Alexander as being willing to supply walnuts to plant in the park Same to be gratefully accepted. The treasurer reported $’3,76'5.00 as being paid on 193'9 taxes and amount of total tax $12,280.26; also reported School of Municipal Officers London as being very beneficial. Correspondence read as follows: R. Ducharme, Dept. Public Wel­ fare, Municipal World, County Clerk County Treasurer, Red Cross, Dept, of Pensions and National Health, C. W. Hawkshaw, Prime Minister of Canada, Prime Minister of Ontario, Hydro Electric Commission, Dept, of Highways, W. 0. Kerr, J. Roger, Dept. Municipal Affairs, J. G. Hen­ derson, Ontario Association of Ru­ ral Municipalities, same dealt with and filed. Bills and accounts: Berry Brothers Inc., paint, hall, $18.75; County of Huron, spraying road oil, $40.32; A. Spencer & Son, material, streets, $1.40; Bonthron Drysdale, material, hall, $14.'55; Bank of Montreal, interest, $83.65; Lee Hedden, salary $55.00; J. A. Patterson, selecting jurors, $1.50, expenses to London $10.00, total $11.50; R. E.’ Shaddock, selecting jurors $1.50; :R. J. Patterson, select­ ing jurors, $1.50; County of Huron, hospitalization funds $71.75; Clark, supplies, streets, $12.2-5 Hess, printing $11.75; Hensall dro, hall $5.31; United Church, of shed $5.00; H. O. Dayman, relief groceries $15.00; Oliver relief, milk $3.00; total Horton and Shepherd and accounts as read be ried. to date roll of re the held at Alf. ; g. hy- rent Rowcliffe, $352.23. that bills paid. Car­ Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S, PENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartieib Block, Dash' wood, first three days of week ano at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich. last three davs of week. i VAUD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. L. Bender wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends who assisted them in any way during the campaign that has just been concluded. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, »th, 1031/ The New 1940 Ford and Mercury Cars Are Here and Are Selling The Following Used Cars Will Give Someone a Lot of Satisfaction A public meeting will be held on Thursday, November 9th at 8 p.m. in the basement of the Lutheran church for the purpose of organiz­ ing a Red Cross Unit in this district. All interested are urged to be pres­ ent at this meeting. Mrs. J. Bruce, who spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Robt. Hayter has returned to home in Windsor. 'Captain Dr. Eugene Tieman Mrs. Tieman, of Kingston, spent the week-end with his Mrs. E. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. R. field, visited with and Phyllis on Sunday. Mr, Wilbur Graybeil, of Woodstock spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. Graybeil and sister Beatrice. Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and family of Detroit, spent the week-end with ! her mother Mrs. Hamacher, who re- | A missionary turned to Detroit with them to' spent a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mdsaac and family, of Windsor, spent the week- I end with his mother, Mrs. P. Mdsaac t Mr. and Mrs. N. Scott, of Bow- 1 manville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kleinstiver. 'Mr. Fred Preeter, of Stratford, spent a few days in this vicinity this week. | Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, of Lon­ don, are visiting for a few days with friends. , Among those who attended the ' funeral of the late Jackie Baker last week were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guen­ ther and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guen- ; ther, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, all' of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. F. Burke, De­ troit. Hallowe’en prowlers are requested to return the log-truck to the plan­ ing mill at once. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Le Clair, Flint, Mich., and Mrs. John Grill, of Owas­ so, visited with relatives here over the week-end. Mr. George Keller­ man who spent the past week in Michigan returned home with them. Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Close, of Sea­ forth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman. Mr. Czar Kellerman, of Toronto, spent a few days with his brother Harold. Mrs. Felix Wilds, who has been ill for some' time is critically ill with slight hopes of recovery. A special Walther League Rally will be held in the Lutheran church on. Sunday evening when Rev. Mr. , Kuster, of Sarnia, will be the guest speaker and will address the yo-ung people. John Baker Buried The funeral was held Thursday of last week of John Frederick (Jackie) Baker, only child of Mr. and Sidney Baker, of Dashwood, died in his 12th year. He had ailing for about six months, service was held at the home of his parents, with Rev. H. E. Roppel of­ ficiating. George Wolfe and Jim­ my Taylor, two of his school friends sang “When He Cometh” and Harry Hoffman also sang. The pallbear­ ers were: Ray Guenther, Hubert Schroeder, Ray Weido, Harold Moier Harry Hayter and Garnet Weibery and the flower bearers were school­ mates. Burial was in Exeter cem­ etery. Lutheran Conierence at Dashwood The pastors of the western con­ ference of the Ontario District met in conference at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, during the last week in October. About thirty cler­ gymen under the chairmanship of the local pastor, discussed various phases of church-work, at home and abroad, brought to their attention' by the president of the Ontario Dis­ trict, the Rev. F. Malinsky, -Elmira. In this year the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church is observing the Centennial of the beginnings of this church-body, which was char­ acterized, among other things, by a Thank-Offering which to date lias reached the sum of $.800,000. It was Mrs. Rundle, reported that nearly all congrega- the hostess and committee in charge, tions in Western Ontario had partic­ ipated, the rest to fall in line during the remaining part of the year. The routine affairs of the church, both financial and pastoral received due consideration. A number of essays, too, were read, the Rev. W. A. Pie­ per, of Clifford, offering one on “Church Discipline”; the Rev. F. Malinsky on “Let us search and try our ways”; the Rev. W. Radtke, of St. Catharines on “Sabbath.” The Radio Committee reported that the _ CBC has been very generous in pro- • viding facilities for the broadcasts of Lutheran services emanating from Toronto and that broadcasts from St. John’s Church in Toronto would be continued during the winter pro­ viding that sister congregations would lend a helping hand in refray­ ing the nominal cost conducted therewith. It was urged to public­ ize the weekly “Lutheran Hour” which brings the Gospel message to past Mrs. her and parents Mr. and their the this af- CREDITON PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting will he held in .he Town Hall, ‘Crediton on Thursday vening, November 9th at 8 p.m. for he purpose of discussing the organ- zation of a branch of the Canadian led Cross 'Society. A good attend- nce is requested. Chester Mawhinney, Reeve H. K. Eilber, Clerk The council of the Township of cGillivray met the Stephen Coun- I on Monday evening in the Town all to settle the boundary account 1* the present year. They were •eated to a goose supper after which II were given an opportunity to eak. Everyone expressed lasure and also referred to plendid idea of meeting in lanner to discuss Municipal airs. On November 5th in the United hurch -Sunday School, Helen Bul- ock gave a splendid report of the Sunday School convention held at xeter last Friday, rograrn was also given. A trio 'You’re Mother is Praying for You” was rendered by Mrs. Lawrence wartz, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Wood- 11. A reading “Canada’s Child” as given 'by Doreen Baker. Henry Eilber received word last week of the death of his sister Mrs. mma Scott, of Plainfield, N. J., Mrs. Scott was born in Crediton and ften visited her friends and ives here. We extend to the ily our sympathy. Our council and clerk have in Goderich this past .week attend­ ing the Court of Appeal which eard the evidence submitted by the ownship Valuators. The session vill open again on the 13 th inst. nd will take at least three more ays. Rev. Angus Smith will conduct the ervices on the Crediton charge of he United Church next Sunday. Word was received here on Mon- ay of the death of Mrs. John Fink- einer, who died in Lakewood, O., n her 89 th year. Her remains will ie interred in the Crediton ceme- ery this Thursday afternoon. More >articulars next week. Mrs. F. W. Morlock is teaching he principal’s roqm. of our school ntil such time as Mr. Brown can e released from the Benmiller School. H. K. Eilber and Harry Beaver at- . tended the Directors’ meeting of the i Hay .Insurance Co., in Zurich last ; Saturday. The company has been i very fortunate this year and up to . the present the losses only amount to $3,000. The work of repairing the main drains through the village has been , completed. Considerable roots were found in the tile at the church and also at the outlet near the river. Mrs. Humiller and Mr. Treller, of Detroit, visited home of Mr. George Eilber week-end. Mose Faist was laid up severe cold for a few days this week and obliged to stay at home. Godfrey Nicholson has reshingled his house. He has rented a portion of it to John H. Gaiser who intends moving to the village in the near future. A number from here attended the special .Sunday School convention of this district in James Street United Church last Friday. The address of Rev. Mr. .Craw, of London, was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hendrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hendrick and Audrey, Mr. Laird Hendrick, of the Blue Water High­ way, north of Grand. Bend and Miss Pearl Wiegand of, Dashwood, visited with Mr. and Sunday. Mr. George Koeltzow and of Detroit, visited friends in community over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. Berg, Mrs. MacDonald, of Detroit, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahner. Mrs. Annie Haist left for Detroit, after visiting for two weeks with relatives in the community. Mrs. Adeline MacDonald returned to her home in New Hamburg after visiting for a week with Mr. Mrs. Chas. Zwicker. Mrs. Hugo Schenk, Edward Jeanette, spent a few days at Dover. Mrs. MacDonald, who been visiting in Port Dover returned home with them. * Mr. and Mrs. Fahner was in Go­ derich Tuesday on the jury. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock, Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahner visit­ ed in Kitchener on Sunday. Miss Pearl Haist, of Anil Arbor, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Haist. Mrs. Ed. Callfas, of Saskatchewan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahner. The town is observing Saturday, November 11th a public holiday since it has been proclaimed as such by the Federal Government. rela- fam- been' George at the over the with a Mrs. Ed. Hendrick on Treller, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Carl Haumeller, the J. the and and Port has I G. Reid; of Bay- Mrs. J. C. Reid i LOOK THESE OVER 1939 MERCURY SEDAN with heater. This car has low Mileage and has always had a governor set at SO miles per hour. 1939 DODGE SEDAN with heater. Only 7000 miles. A nearly new Fordor Sedan. 1938 FORD FORDOR SEDAN has not been run at all this year. Original mileage guaranteed only 6000 miles. 1937 PLYMOUTH COACH with Trunk. A real nice clean car at a very low price. 1937 FORD COACH with Trunk. 1935 DODGE COACH with Trunk and Priced to Sell. 1935 FORD COUPE with Rumble Seat. Newly overhauled. 1934 FORD FORDOR SEDAN, Newly Overhauled. Looks and runs like a new car. Winterize Your Car Now at the Ford Garage PRESTONE ONLY $3.45 PER GALLON Reasonable Prices on Alcohol and all Winter Grease and Oil SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Three Fully Experienced Licensed Mechanics co C“IT’S FORD FOR FORTY” SANDY ELLIOT i millions every Sunday at 1.30 over J 88 stations of the Mutual Broadcast­ ing System with Dr. W. A. Maier of St. Louis, as speaker. A pastoral Communion service was conducted ■with Revs. C. A. Kramer, of Welles­ ley and M. Pollex, of Wartburg as ' preachers. The conference guests : were housed at the various members of Zion congregation and their gen­ erous hospitality was deeply appre­ ciated, place i i . The next conference takes next April in Kitchener. Mrs. who been The CREDITON EAST Everett Sims and Miss Cutting of Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mrs. Henry Motz is visiting for a couple of weeks with her daughters Mrs. Heatherley and Mrs. Scheiding in London. Mr. and Mrs. William Bender and ' Betty and Mrs. Ed. Penhale and Grace spent .Saturday in London. Mrs. Wm. Cliffe and sons Billy and Beverley spent Monday in Lon­ don. Mr. Jack Anderson, of London, spent -Sunday at his home here. Mr. HURONDALE regular monthly meeting of ! KIRKTON Mrs. Stewart Shier spent the past week with her brother Mrs. C. Han­ na, of London. Mrs. E. Stone and granddaughter Goldie Walker are holidaying with Mrs. R. Davis in Toronto. Mrs. Lome Marshall is spending the next two weeks with her mother Mrs/ A. Ro'binson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers and fam­ ily, of Stratford, were Sunday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ballantyne and daughter, of Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fletcher- Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs- Wilfred Doupe were Mrs. Avery, Mr. Wm. Hodge and Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Doupe. Hold Meeting at Mrs. Benham The L. A. of the Kirkton United Church held their monthly meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Wm. Denham. (Some 2'5 were pres­ ent. After the usual business, a good, program was provided and at the close a ten cent tea was held, real­ izing over $3.00. Hunters Gone North Messrs. Ira Marshall, Lome Mar­ shall, H. Beery, Wm. Arthur and N. Switzer left for the North Country on their them day. annual hunting trip. We wish every success and a good holi- all the The the .Hurondale W. I. was held at the home of the 'Misses Keddy on Octo­ ber 25th with a good attendance. The opening exercises were conducted by the president Mrs. Kernick. Roll call was “Economics we can practice and enjoy. Business discussions followed. Mrs. N. J. Dore, president of Exeter Red Cross Society attended and helped materially in the form­ ing of a war service unit to work with the Red Cross and in answer­ ing questions. Mrs. Kernick was appointed Red Cross representative. -Sub. Secretaries are Mrs. Kestle, Mrs. A. Moir, Mrs. Cudmore and Mrs. G. Bolton. The program followed with com­ munity singing. Mrs. Morgan gave a short talk on the motto “Every wise woman buildeth a home. An inter­ esting address was given by our Agricultural representative, Mr. C. 'Shearer, of Clinton. A vote of thanks was tendered those taking part in the program ~ " Lunch was served J. to by by Special Services Anniversary services were held at the Kirkton United Church, (Sunday, November 5th with Rev. G. Murray Cliidley, of Cooksville, as the special speaker. Special music by the choir assisted by the Mills’ Brothers, of Woodham and a male quartette from Cromarty supplied the music for the day. Rev. and Mrs. Chidley enjoy­ ed visiting old friends in and around the village as he was a former'pas­ tor at the Old Stone Church. Those who attended the services from a distance were' Mr. and Mrs. Gammell, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodge of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. W. Moody Mrs. N. Goulding, Miss Mary Gar­ diner, Mrs. James Gardiner and a great many more from Thames Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walkom, Munro; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly, of Elim- ville; Dr. and Mrs. Pridham, Mit­ chell; Mrs. F. Pridham and Honor­ able Jas. Gardiner, Ottawa. (The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Kestle. I i I It is not the way you work — it’s what you accomplish that counts. Round Trip Bargain Fares NOVEMBER 17th and 18th from EXETER to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Strat­ ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford. Newmarket, Colling­ wood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to Beardmore. i For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult Nearest Agent See handbills for complete list of destinations T337B CANADIAN NATIONAL