HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-11-02, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1939 For Charm, Beauty and Individuality Croquinole, Combination and Spiral Permanents Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress JOHN W. WARD Optometrist Chiropractor, Electro Therapy Announces that he is returning to Exetei* Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week and quarters south Hotel where he old as well as Exeter Markets Wheat 49-53$c. (according to grade) Oats 30c. Parley 52c. Buckvineat <55e. Creamery Butter Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, Comfortable THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE will occupy his old I of the Bossenberry will welcome all his any new customers. | Walker’s H Condition Pbwder B An Etctllcot Toni t For s Hor»« Cattle Sheep HogcPoJky S ft lawdaW § \ H**M*f**hr»d by § M.WALKeRpJm. 0. s utrtA ortww? 33 c. Butter 27-30c. A large 35c medium 32c dressed $11.00 Glasses — AT Reasonable Prices SEE The Perfect Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Hogs Sheep and Poultry For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store PUBLIC NOTICE Regards Sale of Lands for Taxes Listed in the County of Huron Tax Sale together with all charges and costs. And as provided for by the On­ tario Statutes. If the price offered for any land at the adjourned sale is less than the amount due for arrears of taxes, together with charges and costs, the Municipality may purchase the same for the amount due. By Order, JOS. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk W. D. SANDERS, Reeve TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE REVISION OF VOTERS’ LIST I will attend at Township Hall, Elimville, at eleven o’clock on Mon­ day, November 6th, to correct the Voters’ List for the Township of Us- borne for the year 1939. J. M. COSTELLO, County Judge Dated October 24th, 1939. ofApplications for the position Manager and Matron for the Huron County Home, Clinton, will be re­ ceived up to and including Novem­ ber 10th, 1939. J. M. Roberts, County < Goderich, Clerk , Ont. NOTICE Will the party removing Ditcher from the Township Yard in Crediton please return same as it is required.—Geo. Eilber, Road Super., Crediton. 10-26-3tc. the FOUND—On the Lake Road about six weeks ago, a large wrench. Own­ er may have some by proving pro­ perty and paying for advertisement. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Some houses in Exe­ ter with small acreage suitable for poultry or fruit growing. — W. C. Pearce, Exeter. LOST—Two-year-old heifer, black with white face, from lot 3, con. 5, Hay. Phone Wm. Hooper, Dashwood. FOR SALE—Man’s fur coat, wo­ man’s skates and boots, size 4, robe, horse blanket and force pump. Apply at Times-Advocate. 2tp. FOR SALE—1-6, 1-4, 1-2 and % electric motors; also wood turning lathe with attachments. Motors, gen­ erators, etc., rewound and repaired. Lome Johnston, Exeter, Ontario 2tc. WANTED—Dead animals and fox horses. For sale—a bunch of good ewes. Reverse phone charges. Jack Williams, phone 47rl5 Crediton. ll-2-4tp. FOR SALE—-Barn, 80 and 40 feet wide. Apply Crediton. feet long Wolfe, 2tp A. Rock famous FOR SALE—70 Barred yearling hens from Scott’s Strain of Seaforth, Geo. Link, phone 341'21, Dashwood. tfc. 90 acres good soil, buildings and water supply, reasonable terms. Many others and houses in Exeter, Hensall, Crediton and Lucan. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. . ltp WANTED — 30 cattle foi' winter feeding. Frank Parsons, R.R. 1, Hen­ sail, Houses for Sale—Several comfort­ able homes at very reasonable prices, in Exeter, Centralia, Hensall and Parkhill,—C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. Farms for Sale — 70 acre farm, good house, bank barn, everything in best shape. Reasonable price. Other farms of different acreage.— C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. APPLES—Talman Sweets, Snows, Spies from certified orchard. Visit­ ors welcome to inspect orchard. Jas. Gardiner, phone 21110, Kirkton. 1 I I LOCALS I j_____________________[ Miss Lily Hunter* is confined to her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber Marion visited in London on day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson’ are confined to their home through ill­ ness. Mr. C. H. McAvoy, of Wingham, visited with his mother in town over the week-end. -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale and Clifford visited in London and St. Thomas on Sunday. Miss Mary Van Camp spent the week-end with Miss Catherine Camp­ bell at Glanworth. Mr. and Mrs. George Earl spent the week-end in Toronto visiting with Mrs. Earl’s brother. Messrs. Marvin and Lome Howey of London, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mr. Rowe Dinney, and Mr. Phil Meek, of Stratford, visited at the former’s home over the week-end. Miss Phyllis Bierling R.N., of the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital visited at hei’ home on Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. Reg. Beavers and bride, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers. Mrs. Westlake, of Exeter North, is visiting with her daughters, Misses Flossie and Annie Westlake in Lon­ don for two weeks. Mrs. Lloyd McBride, of Windsor, (nee Marion Walper) week-end with her aunt, Elliott, Carling street. Mr. Alf. Andrus, of Hardware, has been off duty for two weeks owing to illness. He was up Monday for the first time. Mrs. Samuel Sweet and sister, Mrs. Ferguson have returned to Exeter after visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. McInnis at Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heaman and son Fred, of Carmen, Man., are vis­ iting with the former’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Baker. They are on their way to Florida for the winter. >Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon Appleton and Mrs. Earl Parsons visited on Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. William Kress, at Wingham, also visiting at Lucknow and Whtechurch. Mr. and Mrs. O. Sweetman, Tor­ onto, spent several days during the past week at the home of Mrs. Paul Coates and "visited with the Coates connection in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Em. Smith, of Kip­ pen announce the engagement of their daughter June Magdalene to Frank McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McCowan, of Brucefield. Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders have returned after a pleasant holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill at Grand Bend. Grand Bend has been a riot of coloring with the turn­ ing of the leaves. Mr. E. M. Dignan, Mrs. I. M. Sanders, Mrs. Beavers and Mrs. Tra- quair were in London Tuesday even­ ing attending a rehearsal school for the officers of district No. 5, O.E.S. at the Temple building. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hookey, of London, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey over the week-end.. The latter is confined to her bed through illness. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. S. J. Elliott who has 'been pretty much confined to his home from the results of a paralytic stroke he suffered some months ago left Tuesday for Windsor where he will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vin­ cent. There died in Forest on October 26th, Miss Annie Lena Marshall, ag­ ed 87 years. Miss Marshall at one time resided on the ninth concession of Stephen before the family moved to Forest. iShe will be remembered by her many old friends. The engagement is announced of Helen Burrows, Toronto, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burrows, Stratford, to Tom Pryde, North Bay, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Pryde, of Windsor. The wedding will take place the latter part of November. Mrs. A. E. Andrew, of Pointex, Sask., who has been visiting her brother and sister, Mr. Edward and Miss Effie Treble left Tuesday for London to visit her sister, Mrs. Hos­ kins, and from there will go to To­ ronto to visit another sister, Miss RUby Treble, before returning to her home in the West. 'Mrs. Andrew en­ joyed her trip east and was delight­ ed at meeting many old friends. She noted numerous changes as .many Of the old friends have passed away. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston had the pleasure Of a short visit last Friday from her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake and daughter, Miss Olive, Ash'field Township. On Friday evening they were present at the Convocation of the Western University in London as their daughter, Miss Grn.ce Blake, received her B. A. diploma that evening, aS a reward for some years faithful study extra-murally LOCALS and Sun- spent the Miss L. E. Traquair’s C. E. ZURBR1GG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday a the TAKE THE WORRY OUT OF HOME HEATING: — BURN D&H ANTHRACITE A binful of D&H assures all heat you need to keep your home cozy and warm, and, because it burns longer and is easy to regul­ ate, it takes the worry of frequent furnace attention out of home heat­ ing. Try a ton! Phone 33, Residence 157 JAS. P. BOWEY Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone BUSINESS CHANGE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas) C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public 'Worship Sermon: “Simon’s Wife’s Mother Evening service withdrawn nition of the Anniversary St. United church. Tuesday, November 6th at regular meeting of Caven ( tional Circle at the home of Miss L. M. Jeckell. in recog- in Main MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 a.m. and V p.m. Rev. Bruce Grey, Assistant Secretary of Homo Missions, Toronto 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday 7.30—-Prayer Meeting i 245 ir Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats AT LAST SEASON’S PRICES All our Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats were bought months ago when prices were very low. To-day they are a great deal higher and many materials cannot be procured at any price. Buy that New Coat at old prices. BOYS’ COATS $6.00 to $9.95 i MEN’S COATS $12.50 to $25.00 Ladies’ Coats and Dresses Our racks are full of New Dresses and Coats made from materials that cannot be procured today. You will find a splendid assortment from which to choose. They are real money savers. Stanfields and Ceetee Underwear at All Prices We are fortunate in haying a good stock of underwear in both Stanfield’s and Ceetee Makes. We advise early buying. Before long they will be considerably higher. ssz JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader ■The Minister MEN’S FLEECED COMBINATIONS Dodd’s Fleeced Combs, are a good weight and are warm and cozy. Sizes 36 to 44. EACH $1.40 MEN’S FLEECED SHIRTS & DRAWERS Dodd’s Knit Fleeced Shirts and Drawers. A good warm garment at a low price. PER GARMENT 79c a.m.-11 3 p.m.—Sunday School The evening service will be with­ drawn. You are invited to attend Main St. Church Anniversary. Mon. 8 p.m.—Y, P. Union Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 2.3 0 p.m.—W. A. Meeting Thursday, 8 p.m.—Bd. of Stewards Friday afternoon and evening—IS. S. Convention. Having purchased the Grocery Stock and Equipment from Mr. S. J. V. Cann, we solicit your business in this line and also carry Tobacco, Confectionery, Fruit, and a full line of Home Baking Breads, Buns, Cookies, Pies, Etc. Your Patronage will be Appreciated1 JOHN APPELBECK j i TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss 22nd Sunday After Trinity 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 10:00 Sermon J O wing to the Main St. Anniversary there will be no evening service. a.m.- a.m.- ’Sunday School -Holy Communion and “Perseverance” 40 Pair Miner and Dominion Rubber Boots at $1.95 Pair A good rubber boot not to heavy in weight, the last we will have at this low price. PER PAIR $1.95 50 Pair Ibex Large Size Flannelette Blankets In white or grey with blue, pink, yellow, green, or mauve borders, also plaid checks in green, blue and mauve. While they last, per pair $2.35. GROCERY SPECIALS AYLMER SWEET CORN 3 cans............25c PEANUT BUTTER glass tumbler... 15c AYLMER SOUPS 3 for . ... 25c SODAS OXYDOL GEM LYE Salted or Plain 2 pkgs ........... large size .. 21c 3 cans •••••• 25c WAX BEANS 25c BLEACH 2 bottles .... 13c EXETER given that the the Assessment of Exeter will We wish to announce to the public that in future 2 cans for . . 19c Choice Spy Apples TOILET SOAP assorted 5 cakes..........25c with glass bowl free COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF Notice is hereby Court of Revision of Roll of the Village hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, on Friday the third day of No­ vember, 1939, at 8 o’clock p.m. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk 20th, 1939 R. A» FINN’S Wormfoods Dated at Exeter, October FOR SALE—McClary’s range, coal or wood. S. Exeter. higli-oven B. Taylor, ltp for POULTRY, HOGS AND HORSES will be handled by Brownings Drug Store EXETER FOR SALE—100 acres of level clay loam, no waste land, school on farm, large bank barn, water inside, brick house, good fences, never fail­ ing spring well with windmill, low taxes, close to churches, easy terms. This is one of the best producing farms in the district. Apply to Carter, R.R. 6, St. Marys,w.Geo. Ont. MEN WANTED You’ll like being a Familex Earn easy money in a district pre­ viously covered selling the best line of daily necessities on the market. For further information and FREE CATALOGUE': Familex, 570 St. Clement, MONTREAL. Man. LEAVITT’S THEATRE Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 2nd, 3rd and 4th DOUBLE FEATURE I’M FROM THE CITY” Feature Comedy with JOE PENNER “The Saint Strikes Back’ Starring GEORGE SANDERS U MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY November 6th, 7th and. 8th Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture “Out West With the Hardys’ with • MICKEY ROONEY and LEWIS STONE Coming:-— “BANNERS OVER OTTAWA” technicolor featurette, featuring the Royal Visit to Ottawa “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” “YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU” “LET US LIVE” A Organize War Service Units The ladies of Caven Presbyterian church met Monday afternoon and formed a war service unit to work in conjunction with the Red Cross. The officers are as follows: Presi­ dent, Miss Jeckell; vice-president, Mrs. D. C. Hill; secretary, Mrs. Dun­ lop; sub. secretaries, Mrs. Pollen, Miss Hatter, Mrs. Fuke, Mrs. Pilon, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs. Sillery. The Red Cross War Service Unit of Main .Street church has' been formed with the following officers: President, Mrs. Geo. Layton; vice- president, Mrs. W. G. Medd; Secre­ tary-Treasurer, Miss Lillian Huston; Work Distributors, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Quance, Miss Broderick, Mrs. Lamp­ man, Mrs. F. Hatter, Mrs. E. Russell Mrs.Tuckey, Mrs. Green. Caven W. M. S. wasdelightful supper meeting on October 26th in the school- of the church when about forty HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of Huron Coun­ ty Council will be held in the Coun­ cil Chambers, Court House, Goder­ ich, commencing Tuesday, Novem­ ber 14tli, 1939, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputa­ tions, applications and other busi-. ness requiring attention of Council, should be in the hands of the Clerk by November 11th. J. M. Roberts, County Clerk Goderich, Ontario the James Street church on Sunday evening last Miss Patsy Porterfield, of Listowel, sang a de­ lightful solo “Beautiful Isle of Some­ where.” Miss Porterfield’ was visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Joynt, of Hensall and came down for the evening service. Miss Pearl Wood also sang, her selection being “The Wondrous Cross.” At the morning service Miss Reta Rowe and A. E. Wuerth sang a duet. At Janies Street Y. P. U. Fall Suitings We have now on hand a fine display of New Fall Suitings and Samples TIP-TOP SAMPLES W. R. JOHNSTON SAMPLES Prepare for the cool weather Get Your Order In Early W. W. TAMAN A held room members and guests of the Society were present supper being under the supervision of Mrs. E. Pollen, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. H. G. iStrang. The hour was interspersed by community sing­ ing with Mrs. Cochrane presiding at the piano. Those present also en­ joyed two pleasing solos rendered by Mrs. T. Coates, a guest ing. The main feature of was the presentation of bership certificate to Mrs. Fred Hun­ kin, who was long a faithful mem- 'ber of the Society, but has now re- ■ moved from our midst, was made by I Mrs. W. Sillery and generously re­ plied to, on behalf of Mrs. Hunkin,’ by Mrs. Jno. Selves her daugh­ ter with whom she now resides. Mrs. Darling, of Ailsa Craig, her eldest daughter* was also present for the occasion. After ordinary routine lantern slides were shown eer Presbyterian missions prairie provinces beginning early Selkirk settlers of old Keldon- an on the Red River, Manitoba and extending to the Peace River, Alta. Mrs. Hill the president, presided throughout the meeting, thanking all who had helped to make it a suc­ cess. The November Thankoffering meeting is to by addressed ibyi Mrs. (Rev.) Lhhef of Goderich. of the even- the meeting a life mem- 'business, of pion- of the with the On Monday evening James Street Y. p. U. entertained Hensail Y. P. U. The president Vera Deckel’ opened the meeting followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Rev. Brooks took charge of the devotional part which was presented by Hensall Y. P. U. A vocal duet by Claude Blowes and Harry Joy'nt followed with Scripture reading by Gladys Passmore and a prayer by Rev. Mr. Brook. After a vocal duet by Ruth and Mr. Brook a very interesting talk on “New Can­ adians” was given by Miss Murray. After singing a hymn, Mary Van Camp and Irene Sweet took charge of the games and contests. A boun­ teous lunch was served at the close. Hensall Y. P. U. thanked the James Street Unidn for the social evening and a suitable reply was made the PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. president. by oc- on Died at Parkhill The death of Mr. G. E. Tuckey curved at his home in Parkhill, Friday, October 27th, at the age of 75 years, 9 months. A service was held at the house on Monday Octo­ ber 30th, conducted by Rev. Mr. Kiteley, and at the Melrose cemetery by Rev. Mr. Oliver. He leaves to mourn, his wife, whose maiden name Was Rhoda Sims, and two brothers, William, of Windsor and Walter, of New York. Mr. Tuckey has suffer­ ed ill health for the past foul* years, a stroke being contributory to his death. Relatives and friends were present from New York, Windsor, London, Thedford, LUcan, Crediton and Exeter, Centralia Y. P. Entertain On Tuesday evening Centralia U. entertained James Street P. U. to a Hallowe’en party. After unmasking, James Street young people presented a program. The worship service consisted of quiet music played by1 Laurene Beaver, a poem read by Mary Van Camp. Pray­ er by Laverne Christie, Scripture read by Allen Richards; solo iby Ruth Brown and the topic by Vera Decker. A hymn was sung. Then the following numbers with encores were given: Instrumental, Tommy Walk­ er; reading, Dorothy Green; guitar selection, Earl Heywood; instrumen­ tal, Laurene Beavers. Centralia Y. P. then took charge of the games and contests, followed by a lovely lunch. Vera Decker moved a vote of thanks to Centralia which was seconded by Earl .Heywood. Reg. Hodgson presi­ dent of the Centralia Union replied. P. Y. Y. Twelve Hundred Attend Zurich Church Siupper The congregation of St. Peter’s Lutheran church, Zurich, entertain­ ed about 1,200 persons Thursday night at a successful fowl dinner. Besides a splendid representation of the community, there were many from distant places, including De­ troit, Midland, Mich.; TorOnto and Saskatchewan. During the dinner music was furnished by the Evan­ gelical S. S. orchestra, of Dashwood, after which Rev. Mr. Turkheim, pastor of the church, acted as chair­ man for an interesting program. iI ALIENS REGISTERED Aliens In Huron County are being registered. Chief J, Norry, of town, is appointed to look after the registration in the south part of the county. Other appointees are James Reynolds, Goderich; Geo. Allen, of Wingham and Heliner Snell, of Sea­ forth. All aliens must be registered and must report once a month. now Sunday School Convention The annual Sunday School Con­ vention for this district is being held in James Street United church on Friday of this week with sessions at 2 p.m, and 7.45 p.m, Supper will ’be served in the bhsement by the ladies of the church for 2b c. Special speaker for the gathering will be Rev,.Walter B. Craw, of London, Who is representing the O.R.E.C. It is expected a large delegation will be present from the fifteen schools represented. Visitors from other schools are cordially invited to at­ tend the sessions. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Mrs. B. preszcator are in London attend­ ing a District Convention Of the Women’s Institute,