The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-11-02, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ft 1989
Rev. R. C. MacLean B.A., will con
duct seryice in Carmel church, next
Miss Evelyn Corbett was the
guest of Miss Audrey Twitchell over
the week-end, •=*
Mr. I-Iarry Arnold, who has been
quite ill, is somewhat improved at
date of writing.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the High School dance at Exeter
on Friday night.
Mr. Harry Arnold, who has been quite iil, is somewhat improved at
date of writing.
Miss Evelyn Hunkin, of Thames
Road, visited last week with Mr, and
Mrs. Roy MacLaren.
Rev, W. A. Young and Mrs. Young
of Fergus, visited with friends in
and around town on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins visited
with a number of old friends and ac
quaintances in Denfield on Sunday.
'fhe Toll Brothers will present a
Travelogue and pictures in the Unit
ed Church on Friday, November 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown, of Ox
ford, Mich., visited over the week
end with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Parker.
Mrs. Geo. Walker underwent a
very serious operation for removal of
a goitre in Clinton Hospital Monday.
Mrs. Hannah Workman and Miss
Mabel Workman visited on Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, of
Mr, George (Sutherland, who has
been confined to his room suffering
from the effects of a fall is grad
ually improving.
Mr. Daniel McNaughton, who has
been confined to Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth, for several weeks
still continues quite ill.
Miss Jean Bonthron and family
Miss Mary Parke, of London, spent
the week-end at the home of the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Dr, Harry Joynt and friend of
By'ron, spent the week-end at the
home of the former’s mother, Mrs.
Alice Joynt.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgert and
daughters Lillian and Jean, of Lon
don, spent .Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Passmore of Delhi on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. McMichael, Miss
Beatrice Joynt and mother Mrs.
Joynt and Miss Patsy Porterfield, of
Listowel, visited on Sunday with
Mr. T. C. Joynt.
Rev. A. J. Gowland B.A., of Tor
onto, conducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian church on Sunday. The
choir sang two anthems with Mrs.. W.
A. Laren, as soloist.
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser
vice in the United Church on Sun
day and the choir sang two anthems
with Miss Ruth Brook and Mr. Car
ey Joynt, taking the duet.
Messrs. Thos. Sherrtt, Harold
Sherritt, Thomas Dougall, Ben Case
and Milton Russell returned last
week from a very pleasant holiday
and fishing trip up north.
Miss Olive Walker R. N., of Al
bany Hospital, New York, is attend
ing hei* mother Mrs. Geo. Walker,
who recently underwent a ‘ serious
operation in Clinton Hospital.
Miss Edna .Saundercock, who re
cently underwent an operation for
appendicitis in iScott Memorial Hos
pital, Seaforth, is sufficiently recov
ered to return to her home here.
Mrs. E. Rennie, who recently un
derwent an operation in Clinton Hos
pital, is gradually improving and
was able to return to the home of
her sister Mrs. Kate Cantelon last
The Young People’s Unon of the
United Church were very pleasantly
entertained at a Hallowe’en Social
at James Street United Church, Ex
eter on Monday evening. Next Mon
day evening they will visit the
House of Refuge, Clinton.
The regular meeting of the breth
ren of the Masonic Lodge was held
on Monday evening with a large
representation . of members present.
Mr, Ross McKay gave a very inter
esting address on “The Hebrew
Race.’’ Refreshments were served
at the close of the meeting.
Alvin D. G. Bell, who took the
Honour Mathematics and Business
Course at the University of Western
Ontario, received the Bachelor of
Arts Degree at the Autumn Convo
cation. His parents,--Mr. and Mrs.
William G. Bell and Mrs. John Mc
Allister attended the graduation.
Miss Gladys .Luker, the very effi
cient-bookkeeper at Mr. T. C. Joynt’s
Dry Good store has been confined to
her home with a severe throat in
fection. Miss Luker has been em
ployed with Mr. Joynt for about 11
years and this is the first time she
has been detaineci from the store
through illness.
Funeral of the Late Mrs. Neelands
A* well-known resident of this vil
lage passed away in a London Hos
pital, Friday in the person of Mrs.
I Louise Neelands, wife of the late
Mr. Thomas Neelands, both of whom
, were residents of this village fox* a
I number of years. The funeral was
held from the United Church Mon
day at 2 p.m, conducted by Rev. R.
'A. Brook. Interment in Hensall Un-
ion cemetery. The pallbearers were:
Messrs. T, J. Sherritt, John Coulter,
Owen Geiger, Geo. Follicle, J. W.
Ortwein and John Zuefle. Two sons,
Roy, Chicago and Douglas, Cleve
land and one daughter, (Edna) Mrs.
Arthur King, of Chicago attended
the funeral.
Mrs, W. A. Young Addresses W.M.S.
The annual Thank-offering meet
ing of the W. M. S. of Carmel Pres
byterian Church was held on Thurs
day afternoon in the Church with
the president Mrs. C. Hudson presid
ing. After singing a hymn Mr.
John Dallas led in prayer. The Scrip
ture was read by Mrs. Roy MacLar
en followed by singing another hymn
Mrs. C. Hudson gave a short reading
on “Thank-offering Givings.” The
offering was received and dedicated
by singing a dedication hymn. Miss
Margaret Dougall sang a very beau
tiful solo ‘The Lord is My Shepherd’.
Mrs. A. Dougall accompanied on the
piano. Mrs. W. A. Young, of Fergus,
gave a very interesting address and
stressed the importance of every
member of the W. M. S, A hearty
vote of thanks was extended to Mrs.
Young and the meeting closed by
singing a hymn and prayer by Mrs.
All Tired Out
Before Dey Hall Over
Women who should be strong and
healthy become^eak, run down and
worn out, and are unable to attend
to their household duties. They get
up in the morning dreading the
day’s work ahead of them.
' Some disease or constitutional dis
turbance has left its mark in the
form of shattered nerves, impover
ished blood, and an exhausted con
dition Of the entire system.
Women will dnd in Milburn’s
Health and Nerve Pills the remedy
they need to supply food for the
exhausted nervo force, and one that
Will help them back to sound, perfect
health again.
'the T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
CREDITONOYSTER SUPPER...In view of the fact that there have B
been no new developments in polio- E
myelitis in the community and as ~
every precaution has been taken, the ~
In A fl (TP Hflll Wnniiham Department of Health feel certain S
UlCUIgU nail, VVUUUliaill that aJ1 danger from the desease is =
now past. Therefore the general ~
quarantine will be lifted on Thurs- ~ 1 day and churches will re-open Sun- =
day and the school on Monday. E
The Women’s Institute will meet =■
Wednesday1, November 8 th at 8 p.m. ( =
i Reports of delegates to London con- • ~
vention. ~
I Miss
ed the
[Hoppe, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Thurs
day of last week.| Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, of
Harrv Camlachie, visited over the week
end with Mrs. Mary Roeszler.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clark and son
Glenn, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Kestle and daughter Janet, of
(Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and
[Mrs. F. W. Clark.
| The School Board nave engaged
Mr. Sidney Brown, of
principal of the school
.cancy made owing to
Mr. Scherbarth. Mr.
Under auspices of L.O.L. 493
Followed by Concert by Willie Bell
and his company of Entertainers
Admis.: Adults (50c, Children 35c
Berneice Fahrner, Mrs. H. ,
Mrs. Alt. Holtzman, Messrs,
and Henry Fahrner attend-
funeral of the late Eylmer
Only 5 Days to Go
... in the > »•(•
Great Exeter Fall Harvest Campaign
Allen Berry, W.M,
Committee—Harry Webber,
Cole and Hugh Berry
RMMMMWOIMMlimCTlWIirwnM f ■ 1 WfflOTm —I MM H ■irrwi
ritt, Mrs. Geo. Walker, Mrs. John |
Walker, Mrs. Russell Broderick, Mrs.
Gascho, Zurich; Miss E. Johnson,
Mrs. W- Cole, Cromarty.
Inspection convenor: Mrs. C. Cook
committee, Mrs. Ballantyne, Mrs. W.
A, MacLaren, Mrs. A. Spencer, Mrs.
Oesch, Zurich.
Hospital Supplies convenor, Mrs.
D. G. Steer; committee, Mrs. Harry
McMillan, Miss Fulton, Mrs. O’Dwy
er, Zurich.
Packing and Shipping convenor,
Mr. Ross McKay; committtee, Ken.
Hicks, Roy MacLaren, Miss
Luker, Mrs. Roy Bell, Mrs.
Horton, Wilson Carlisle.
Knitting convenor: Mrs.
Goodwin; committee, Miss
Lammie, Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. H.
Lawrence, Miss Beatrice Manson,
Mrs. Annie Logan, Mrs. R. J. Cam
eron, Mrs, John Passmore.
Finance and Publicity Committee
of Red Cross Hold Meeting
The Finance and Publicity com-
mittee of the Red Cross Society met'
in the Council Chamber on Friday , Church (Sunday evening next and will
evening October 27, 1939, with a, conduct the services at the Shipka
good representation of members and Brinsley appointments. Mr, Da-
presnt. Mr. W. R. Davidson chair-. vidson is coming as a prospect to
---------- ------A *t'*' re-
Young People Hold Hallowe’en
The Young people of Carmel Pres
byterian church held a very delight
ful Hallowe’en Social at the home of
Mrs. R. J. Cameron on Monday ev
ening with about fifty young people
in attendance. The house was de
lightfully decorated for the occasion
and the program opened with a sing
song led by Miss Mabel Workman.
The president, Miss Irene Hoggarth,
presided over the remainder of the
program which, opened by singing a
hymn followed' by prayer by Miss
Ma'bel Workman. A piano solo by
Hiss Helen Dick was much enjoyed.
The following convenors were then
appointed: Worship, Miss Mabel
Workman; Fellowship, Mr. Allen
Davidson; Service, Mr. Harold Bon
thron; (Social, Misses Helen Moir
and Violet Hyde and Mr. Alvin Bell
Misses Enid and Edith Parkins play
ed two selections “'Spring Time in
the Rockies” and “Someone Like
You” on the guitar and violin, which
were very much enjoyed. Rev. D. C.
Hill, of Exeter, was present and told
a weird story, followed by games
and contests. Dainty refreshments
were served and a hearty vote of I
thanks extended to Mrs. R. J. Cam
eron and Bobbie by Miss Irene Hog
The Late James McClincliy
There passed away at his home i
Benmiller, as
to fill the va-
the death of
Brown has
’taught the Benmiller school for five
years and comes to Crediton highly
| Mrs. Fred Kerr returned home
Sunday after spending a week
I Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Kleinfeldt,
.Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce,
I of Cromarty; Mr. Kenneth Klein-
W. O. feldt, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Presz-
Greta.ctor, Lorraine and Bobbie, Exeter,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Kleinfeldt on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kestle and
Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tre-
vethick visited with Mrs. Sarah
Hawkins and Mrs. Flo Walker at
Wyoming on Sunday.
Rev. Richard Davidson, Toronto
will occupy the pulpit of the United
Amateur Show, Beauty Contest and Dance
Secure Your Ticket Now at any of the Member Stores or From Your Favorite Contestant
Each Ticket Sold Casts 5,000 Votes for Your Favorite. The
Most Votes on Ticket Sales will be Given
1st, 10 Million Votes 2nd 5 Million Votes
4th, 2 Million Votes 5th, 1
Contestants Obtaining the
a Bonus of:
3rd, 3 Million Votes
Million Votes
• ••Pay Up Your Old Accounts ...
“BONUS” or extra votes are given for the payment of accounts. These votes are given ac
cording to the age of the account. That is the elapsed time since the last payment made
the “OLD ACCOUNT SCHEDULE:”on the account. This is
Up to One Year . .
1 Year and over . .
2 Years and Over
3 Years and Over
5 Votes to
100 Votes to
200 Votes to
500 Votes to
and Over 700 Votes
and Over 800 Votes
and Over 1000 Votes
and Over 2000 Votes
to the
to the
man declared the meeting open for tbe vacancy* caused by* the
business. Moved by Mr. George Hess * 10
seconded by Mr.
that Mr. W. A.
pointed Secretary.
Mr. E. L. Mickle
A. E. Consitt that the name of Miss
E. Johnson be added to the member
ship of this committee namely the
Finance and Publicity. Carried. (
Moved by Mr. E. L. Mickle sec- W. J. Clark, formerly of Windthorst
onded by Mr. Dagg that out objec--Saskatchewan. Mr. Clark was bom
February 5, 1873, one and a quarter
miles south of Crediton. He was
the son of the late Alexander and
Ellen Clark. In 1899 he was united
in marriage to Miss Marie E. Lam
port of Crediton. They resided in
London until the year 1907 when
they moved to Windthorst, Sask.
Two of their children were born in
London, Ontario, and one in Wind
thorst. They celebrated their fortieth
wedding anniversary on April 12th
last. Mr. Clark is survived by his
loving wife and one son, Otto, who
moved from Windthorst to Kam
loops, B.C. a year ago. Five brothers
and one sister also survive, Robert,
of Cress, Sask.; Alex, of Langdon,
N. D.; Wes., of Mather, Man.; Herb,
of Peace River; Hugh, of London
and Mrs. John .Ford, of Mather,
Man. The funeral took place Wed
nesday, October 2-5th from the home
of his .brother-in-law, Ezra Lamport.
The pall-bearers were: Messrs. Geo.
Lawson, Clayton Sims, Jack Hedden,
Milton Bedford, Gordon Lamport,
and Clemens Clark. Interment
made in Exeter cemetery.
Harry Lawrence
MacLaren be ap-
Carried. Moved by
seconded by Miss
signation of Rev. D. Gladman.
members of the congregation
urged to be present. Services
commence at 7 p.m.
Death of William J. Clark
The death occurred in St. Joseph’s
Hospital, London, on Sunday, Octo
ber 2-2nd after a short illness of Mr.
Buy “Future” Trade Cards
$2.00 FUTURE ------ 40,000 VOTES $5.00 FUTURE------ 200,000 VOTES
[tive be set at $100.00 per month,
| commencing September 1st, 1939.
Moved by Mrs. Middleton, seepnd-
ed by Mrs. G- Hess that a delegation
be appointed for the purpose of
meeting and soliciting donations
from the following councils: Hay,
Tuckersmith, Stanley, Usborne and
Hensall. The delegates appointed
to meet Hay Council were: Messrs.
Dagg and E. ~ '
Twp. Council, Messrs. A. Bell and
Klopp; Tuckersmith
here on Wednesday, James McClin- iR°bt. Cooper; Stanley Twp. Con
chy in his 72nd year following an ic^» Messrs. W. Davidson and Clai-
illness of about two weeks. The de- |6nce Parke; Usborne Township
ceased was born on the Goshen Line COUJ^C1J> ,^fssr®* Samuel Dougall and
Stanley, where he farmed all his life Rowcliffe; Hensall council, Messis
until moving here three years ago. E. L. Mickle and Geo. Hess.
He was united in marriage thirty- ■ Moved by Mr. Dagg and second-
two years ago to his widow, who ed by Mr. W. R. Dougall that
survives him together with two dau-,we invite the Legion and Chambci
ghters (Irene) Mrs. 'Manley Jinks, of Commerce to put on Bingo,
----;T 'Euchre and Dance under their own
auspices, the proceeds from same
for Red Cross purposes. Carried.
Moved by Miss A. Consitt, second
ed by Mrs. Middleton that we ad
journ to meet November 10 th at 8
p.m. Carried.
Hensall and (Lolus) Mrs. Jack Tin
ney, -Sexsmith; three sons, Garnet of
Egmondville; Edgar and Beverley at
home. Two brothers John of the
Goshen Line and George, who resides
with him and one sister, Mrs. Ed.
Johnston, Hullett and ten grand
children. The funeral service, which
was private," was held from the late
residence on Friday afternoon, con
ducted iby Rev. R. A. Brook of the
United Church. Mrs. Hedden, Miss
Bella -Smale, Miss Greta Lammie and
Rev. Mr. Brook sang two beautiful
hymns ‘Take My Life and Let it Be’
and “(Safe in the Arms of Jesus’’.
The floral tributes were very beau
tiful. Interment was made in the
Bayfield Cemetery.
The pall- bearers were Messrs, Lome
Armstrong, Wm. Armstrong, Robert
Mc'Clinchy, Orville McClinchey, Lloyd
Dowson and David Stephenson. The
friends and relatives from a distance
attending the funeral were Mrs. F.
Grayson and sons Harry and Fred,
Mrs. Pete Zetelle, London; also a
large number from Clinton, Hullett,
Bayfield and Zurich.
Red Cross Society Appoint
Rev. R. A. Brook, president of the
Red Cross Society presided over a and Mrs. Herb Harleton before re-
largely attended meeting in the |turning f0 hOme jn Moosejaw,
Town Hall recently when the fol
lowing convenors and committees
were appointed:
Finance and Publicity Convenor,
W. R. Davidson; committee, Harry
Lawrence, Geo. Hess, -Mark Drys
dale, Sidney McArthur, Mrs. Middle
ton, Miss A. E. Consitt, Miss A. Lo
gan, Mr. Dagg, Mr, E. Klopp, E. L.
Mickle, W. A. MaoLaren, R. J. Coop
er, W. R. Dougall, Fred Beer.
Work Convener: Mrs. Basil Ed
wards; committee, Mrs. J. W- Mac
Laren, Mrs. Glen MacLean, Mrs.
Bryce, Mrs. Prang, Mrs. Geo. Hess,
Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Miss Nora Petty,
Miss Minnie Reid, Mrs. Wm. G. Bell.
Buying and Storing Convenors:
Miss Katie Sco-tt and Mr, W. 0.
Goodwin; committee, Mrs. A. W. E.
Hemphill, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Sam
Rennie, Miss O’Brien, Miss Margaret
Hobkirk, Mr. Marner and Mr.
cho, of Zurich.
Gutting convenor, Miss Amy
nolds; committee, Mrs. W. R.
vidson, Mrs. Fred Smallacombd,
Lome Luker, Miss Anna Dators,
.Fee, Mrs. Minilie gangster;
iSewing convenor} Mrs. R. J.
terson; committee, Miss Helen
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Mrs. T. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and fam
ily, of Exeter, visited on Sunday last
with relatives here.
Next Sunday being Missionary
day in the Sunday School special
instructions will be given.
Miss Ida Sweitzer, of London,
spent Sunday last at her home here.
Mr. Blair, of Lucan, preached in
the United Church on Sunday last.
Mr. Louis Schroeder spent Sunday
at his home here returning
don on Sunday night.
Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson
returned home from their
to Lon-
Bawden . honey- *
moon trip on Friday last and are
now settled in their home in Park-1
hill. i
Mr, Sam. Sweitzer left this week
for Timmins where he has secured a
iMr. and Mrs. Thos. Harleton visit
ed the past week at the home of Mr.
Mrs. John Baynham is visiting with
relatives in Centralia for a few days.
and Mrs. Everett Stebbins,
The family of Mr. John Morley
and the late Mrs. Morley held a re
union at the home of their son, Mr.
'and Mrs. Cyril Morley on Sunday
last. Those present were Mr. and
-Mrs. Chester Morley, of 'Parkhill;
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Morley and
family, of St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Morley and Leslie, of McGilliv
ray; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Glenn and
family, of Arkona and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Leckie and babe, of Windsor.
I Miss Ilene Watson spent last week
with her mother, Mrs. L. L. 'Craven.
I Mr>«and Mrs. Ed. Gamble, of Iona,
spent the week-end with relatives.
Mr. Garnet Pierce has returned
from the hospital and feels much
On Friday night last there was a
Red Cross Society branch organized
at West McGillivray. Mrs. Garnet
Hodgins is 'Secretary - Treasurer;
Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice was made con-
'venor of the work committee and
Oliver Amos convenor of the Finance
' committee.
I The yapng people of the neighbor-
" ,liood held a party in the basement of
.United Church on Monday evening.j Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, of
'Denfield and Mr. and
‘Stokes, of Ailsa Craig,
day at the home of Mr.
i Mr. and. Mrs. Albert
Mrs. Lisle
spent Sun-
and Mrs. G.Mr. _
Mrs. Silas Stanlake and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Stebbins attended the funeral
on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Stebbins’ infant son at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Percy Weido, of Waterloo,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stebbins Mr, and Mrs. James TreVethick.
_ . Hess and
children and Mrs. Hess 'Sr., of Zur
ich, spent Sunday at the home of
. Pat-
on Monday.
Wedding bells are again ringing ill
this neighborhood.
■Miss Lorna Kraft,
spent Sunday with her
and Mrs, E. G. Kraft,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E .
.'family spent last Sunday with Mr.
(and Mrs. William Eagleson near
Mr. and Mrs, Milford Ayotte, of
Birr, are spending this week with
Mr. and Mrs, Pius Dietrich,
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Mason spent
last Sunday with relatives at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Ben MdOann spent
Friday in London,
of London,
parents Mr.
agleson and
Use Trade Cards on All Transactions
It’s not the person havnig the MOST money spent for them, it’s the person having the
most votes who’ll win. Make sure you get the most votes for your money
Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S,'
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week
at office over the P-ost Office, in
rich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher
Eunice, Mr. Sam Oestricher, Mr. G.
Kellerman 'and Mrs. Lovina Keller
man attended the funeral of the late
Mr. John Grill, of Owasso, Mich.,
whose wife was formerly Mary Kel
lerman well known in this vicinity.
Mr. George Kellerman is spending a
week with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and
family, of Windsor, spent the week
end with his parents.
Mrs. Fassold spent last week with
her daughter in Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, of St.
[Thomas, visited here on Fl'iday with {her mother, Mrs. Gottschalk, who re
turned with them where she will 'spend the winter.
Billie Ness who spent the sum
mer in the West has returned home.
School will
.Festival on
Keep the
when the Toll Bros, will be here.
Miss Antoinette Ziler spent a few
days in Detroit last week.
Death of (Jackie) Baker
The sympathy of the community
is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker in the loss of thei’i* only son
John Frederick (Jackie) who passed
,away on Tuesday, October 31st lii
I his 12 th year. Jackie has been con
fined to his bed for about nine
months and was a very patient and
contented sufferer. All that medical
Skill and loving care could do was
done for him but without avail and
his sweet little life passed out to
God. The funeral service will be
held from their residence on Thurs
day at 2 p.m. with interment in the
■Exeter cemetery, Rev. Mr. H. El.
Roppel will conduct the service. We
commend the mourning ones to Him
who said “Suffer the children to
come unto me and forbid them not
for of such is the Kingdom of Hea
ven” and hope and pray that finally
there may be a grand reunion in
that home beyond this life,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. Hedley Unger and Mrs. I. Den
nison called on relatives at Palmer
ston, Listowel, Bornholm and Mit
chell last Thursday.
1 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whitlock, of
St. Thomas, visited with the form
er’s mother Mrs. P. Whitlock Sunday
Mrs. Garnet Johns and Mis“s Dor
othy Johns were in-Atwood Wednes
day visiting Mrs. Fred Long.
Mrs. Maud Harvey, of London,
was a guest at iMr. Wes. Johns’ the
first of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen and
Mrs. Thos. Bell motored to Detroit,
on Saturday and returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Butler, London,
were callers in this neighborhood
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher
at Kirkton on Sunday last.
Mission Circle
' The Mission Circle met at
home of Doreen Coultis on ’Saturday
afternoon last. The president Mar
ion Miners opened the meeting with
a hyhnn and the Lord’s Prayer was
repeated in unison. The roll call
was answered by sixteen members
on a “Thanksgiving Message”. Ina
Ford took charge and the girls sang
“Sing to the Lord of Harvest”. The
Scripture Lessons were read 'by
Irene Johns. Laura Ford read a
poem “Loving Words”. Marion and
Margaret Miners sang a duet “A
Stranger at the Door” which was
much enjoyed. Gladys Johns played
a piano solo; Gladys Johns read a
paper from Miss McGowan on ‘Hints
to Mission Circle.” The meeting clos
ed with the hymn “Come Ye Thank
ful People Come” and the Mizpah
W. M. S.
The October W. M. iS. meeting
was held at the home of Mrs. Thos.
Bell on Wednesday, October 25th
with fifteen members present. Mrs.
Wes. Horne presided over the meet
ing and opened with singing hymn
26; Mrs. R. Batten then led in pray
er. Roll call was answered by a
quotation on “Thanksgiving’’ and
minutes were read and adopted. A
thanksgiving reading was given in
unison. Psalm 724 was read re
sponsively and Scriptures readings
were read by Mrs. Frank Brock,
Mrs. Jno. Prance and Mrs. S. Hunt
er. Hymn 669 was sung and a
reading from the Missionary Month
ly by the leader. Mrs. Ed. Johns
our delegate to the Convention held
at Grand Bend gave a good report
of the same. Mrs. Horne read an
article on the “-Budget.” The por
tion of the New 'Study Book “Mov
ing Millions” was given by Mrs. Will
jElford. After singing hymn 16 the
meeting closed with the benediction.
Evangelical Sunday
hold their Christmas
December 22nd.
date November 21st
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis, Of
Elimville, spent ’Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Lou Fields.
( Sunday guests with
Cluff were Mr.- and
Ryckman, of Exeter;
Robert Robinson, Doug, and Helen,
of Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Cluff and Don, of Kirkton.
A number of our villagers are laid
up with the cold.
Miss M. Pridham spent Saturday
with her sister Mrs. G. H. Burgin.
A few of our boys were on a wild
goose chase on Saturday.
Mrs. I. N. Marshall spent last
week with her mother, Mrs. Lankin,
of Granton.
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs.
“Have you forgotten that, five
dollars you owe me?”
“Certainly not. Didn’a you see
me tty to dodge into that doorway?”
An electric cliair is a kind of per
iod furniture — it ends a sentence.