The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-10-19, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER lQth,THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe For Individual Charm and Beauty Combination, Croquinole and Spiral Permanent Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Exeter Markets Wheat 49-53SC. (according to grade) Oats 30c. Ba”ley 52c. Bu kwheat 55-GOc. Creamery Butter 33e. Dairy Butter 24, 27e. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Hogs, FOR Comfortable CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev* Douglas C. llill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 1111111111 IF. Glasses AT A large medium B J-fte dressed 32c. 30c. $11.25 SEE 78th * ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 a.m. and 7 pan. Guest Speaker REV, J. B. RHODES, M.A. Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats AT LAST SEASON’S PRICES JOHN W. WARD Optometrist Chiropractor, Electro Therapy Announces that he is returning to Exeter Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week and quarters south Hotel where he old as well as will occupy his old of the Bossenberry will welcome all his any new customers. s Walker’s Condilion Powder Q AnEiCtUeatlfeftt For y Hanej. Cattle HoocPodtn f4 fl W Grr h f-4 UWTVM H gs § ■« Rtcwfahntd » ■ 1 K WALKCRPhe. 9, a M-nriR The Ideal Meat Market C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest approved methods of Eyesight Testing used. Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday The Perfect j Stock Tonic | for Horses, . Cattle, Hogs| Sheep and Poultry Choice Quality Meats Phone 38 Main St For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS use ROSEDALE ALBERTA COAL Alberta is the Best Domestic Coal notice Will the party removing the Ditcher from the Township Yard in Crediton please return same as it is required —Geo. Either, Road Super., Crediton. 10-26-3tc. i i i Qi mm r iit. i.—it—- b Don’t Supper Hall on mission 5.30 to S. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33, Residence 157 FOR SALE — Girl’s winter coat, wine colored, very smart, size 11. Price $5.00. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. FOR SALE—Kitchen range, like new. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to Box S., Times-Advocate. APPLES FOR SALE — Spies and russets. Bring your own container and buy cheaper. Allen Miller, two miles north of Grand Bend. ltp Married experienced farmer would like position by the month oi- year, or what have you? Canadian, re­ liable, cate. Canadian, Apply Box W1 Times-Advo- ltp SALE—One upright QuebecFOR coal heater, small size; one Aladdin table lamp with shade, one Coleman iron practically new. Apply to Wm. Sweitzer, Shipka. ’ LOCALS 1 1 ! G forget the Pork and Bean in Trivitt Memorial Parish Tuesday, October 24tli. Ad- 25 c. Supper served from visited during - the Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Varna, is Mrs. Frank Phone 245 I ) SCIATICA NEURITIS LUMBAGO MUSCULAR INFLAMMATORY THOMAS’ RHEUMATISM REMEDY A highly recommended and medically endorsed product quickly and efficient­ ly removes the cause. See your druggist or write THOMAS’ RHEUMATISM REMEDY 21 Yale St. London, Ont. a L. is relatives. of Detroit, spent his sister, Miss the past week. Miss Dorothy Kuntz Hamilton and Toronto past week. Mrs. Jas. Grassick, of visiting with Mr. and Wildfong, of Hay. Dr. and Mrs. MacDonald, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt on Sunday. Mr. Henry Welsh returned Friday night after visiting with his nephews and nieces in Toronto. Mr. Peter Case is again able to be out after being confined to the house for several days. Mr. E. A. Howald visited for few days with Mr. and Mrs. V. Roulston, of Simcoe. Mrs. .M. M. Harvey, of London, visiting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Harvey and other Mr. Thos. Tapp, a few days with Mary Tapp during Miss Doris Harvey, nurse - in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, was home for the week-end. i Mrs. F. J. Sanders and son Gor­ don and Miss Frances Kay, Toron- to, are the guests of Mrs. I. M. band­ ers. The auction sale of farm stock and implements of Noble Scott, con. 2, Stephen, is being held today, Thursday. j Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sayers and son i Bill, of Dresden, visited [and Mrs, R. N. Houses for Sale—Several comfort- week-end. able homes at very reasonable prices. in Exeter, Centralia, Hensall and Parkhill.—C. V. Pickard, .phone 165, Exeter. WANTED — A boy’s second hand wagon in good condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED — 30 cattle for winter feeding. Frank Parsons, R.R. 1, Hen- sall. STRAYED—A two-year-old steer has strayed onto a farm in Stephen Township. For particulars apply to Times-Advocate. Creech with Mr. over the Butler, ofDelmer the guests of Dr. FOR SALE—One way ticket to Saskatoon, Sask., Elliot, Exeter. Sandy STRAYED—-From Lot 15, sion 11, McGillivray, aged tethering chain. L. Amos, R.R. ram with notify J. Craig. Conces- Lincoln Kindly Ails a 2tc. 2, with and min- acres, shed, FOR SALE — Choice 5 0 brick house, bank barn, drive garage, hydro, furnace, buildings in good repair, never failing water sup­ ply; 3 miles from Exeter. Apply Drawer N., Exeter, Luther Reynolds. 2tc Farms for Sale — 70 acre farm, good house, bank barn, everything in best shape. Reasonable (price. Other farms of different acreage.— C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. WANTED—-To purchase Leghorn and Barred Rock Send full particulars and for sale. Sam Pattison, Ont. White pullets, number Fergus, 4tc. APPLES and grades youi’ order tralia. kinds Leave FOR SALE—All of winter apples, with Murray Nell. Cen- 9-28-6tc APPLES—Talman Sweets, Snows, Spies from certified orchard. Visit- , ors welcome to inspect orchard. Jas. Gardiner, phone 21rl0, Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Winnipeg, were D. A. and Mrs. Anderson during the past week. Miss Irene Van Camp, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent Thursday and Friday of last week at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Will McLaughlin, of Brantford, visited on Sunday Mrs. Helen Hoskin and; Mr. Mrs. M. Amy. Rev. J. B. Rhodes, a former ister, will be the special speaker at Caven Presbyterian church Anniver­ sary service next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moir, Misses Ola and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. James Green spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Box, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Prouty and Ivan, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Colling­ wood visited in Clinton, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanley. Clifford Penhale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale had his tonsils and adenoids removed at Dr. Flet­ cher’s Hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton, Brant­ ford, and daughter Mrs. Thompson, of Belleville, spent Sunday and Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. South- cott. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie have returned Lammie C. N. R. ing over livery in connection with his other duties at the station here. from Goderich where Mr. has been relieving at the depot. Mr. Lammie is tak- the freight and express de­ 19 HURRY HURRY MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 10 a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Worship 7 p.m.—-Caven Presbyterian Anni­ versary Thursday 7.30 p.m.—-Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader -The Ministera.m.-11 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—The Minister Mon. 8 pan.—Y. P. Union Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayex’ Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss 20th Sunday After Trinity LAYMEN’S SUNDAY a.m.—Morning prayer & Sermon A special laymen’s address by London Laymen 10.45 a.m.—-Sunday School Owing to Caven Presbyterian An­ niversary there will be no evening .service. 10 We wish to announce to the public that in future All our Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats were bought months ago when prices were very low, To-day they are a great deal higher and many materials cannot be procured at any price. Buy that New Coat at old prices. BOYS’ COATS $6.00 to $9.95 MEN’S COATS $12.50 to $25.00 Ladies’ Coats and Dresses Our racks are full of New Dresses and Coats made from materials that cannot be procured today. You will find a splendid assortment from which to choose. They are real money savers. Stanfields and Ceetee Underwear at All Prices We are fortunate in having a good stock of underwear in both Stanfield’s and Ceetee Makes. We advise early buying. Before long they will be considerably higher. MEN’S FLEECED COMBINATIONS Dodd’s Fleeced Combs, are a good weight and are warm and cozy. Sizes 36 to 44. EACH $1.40 MEN’S FLEECED SHIRTS & DRAWERS Dodd’s Knit Fleeced Shirts and Drawers. A good warm garment at a low price. PER GARMENT 79c 40 Pair Miner and Dominion Rubber Boots at $1.95 Pair A good rubber boot not to heavy in weight, the last we will have at this low price. PER PAIR $1.95 50 Pair Ibex Large Size Flannelette Blankets In white or grey with blue, pink, yellow, green, or itaauve borders, also plaid checks in green, blue and mauve. While they last, per pair $2.35. GROCERY SPECIALS CHATEAU CHEESE AYLMER GRAPE JUICE 2 lb. Wooden Box . 55c 2 bottles for . 25c SUGAR SACKS While They Last 3 for...............: AYLMER CATSUP CAMPBELL’S SOUPS 2 bottles for . 25c RAISINS 3 tins • •• . 35c VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE! CONTESTANT AT j TOMLINSON'S R. A. FINN'S Wormfoods Seeded 2 . . .. 25c 10 5 2 CORN SYRUP lb. Pail .................... Ib. Pail .................... lb. Pail .................... At the Low Price SUPER SUDS With Glass Dish Free Per pkg............19c Barber and Beauty Shop Phone 146 CUSTOM CHOPPING We have installed a hammer mill and chopper and will be open for custom work on Saturday, October 7. We stock a complete line of Poul­ try and Hog Feed. Your business will be appreciated. WEIN BROS. A Bazaar will be held in the Parish Hall of Trivitt Memorial church Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, November 3rd and 4th. Sale of homemade cooking and articles suitable for Christmas gifts. tfc OLD AND NEW TIME Exeter Opera House 69c 35c 19c BAKING POWDER 1 lb. tin. . .15c for POULTRY, HOGS AND HORSES will be handled by Brownings Drug Store EXETER *1 Southcott Bros. II- I wish to inform the the C. N. R. has joined and freight delivery and will be handled by me. give prompt and efficient service. —Ray Lammie public that the express in future it I hope to Robt. Kydd, Findlay and Detroit, re­ visiting with Findlay’s parents, Mr. and WED., OCT. 25: Music by KEN McNICHOLS ORCHESTRA Fall Suitings Ap'plebeck, of the store and C. Harvey, Mr. S. J. V. The first snow of the season fell on Saturday last. There was quite a downfall for a time but it did not last long. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, of Detroit, who have been visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, for several days, returned to their borne Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bayfield, have rented apartment of Mr. E. formerly occupied by Cann, and are opening up a grocery and home baking (business. They have a family of three boys. They moved in on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston en­ joyed a pleasant week-end visit from their son Albert, of Toronto. Other very welcome visitors were a num­ ber of former pupils of Mr. John­ ston’s, viz: Mr. John Moran, of De­ troit, a former teacher of Whalen and his brother Rev. Fr. W. Moran, of Ridgetown, Ont.; also Mrs. Ida J. Callis, of Santa Barbara, Calif, and her sister, Mrs. Alda .Simmons, Hen- s all. Miss E. Laraway, of Preston, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aylen. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Rydall, Shal­ low Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rydall, of Meaford, were recent vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mr. Geo. Vrooman, of turned home after Mrs. Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Miss Celesta Wickwire, oif Leam­ ington, motored to 1__ friends and spent Monday and Mrs. F. J. Wickwire White. A number from town Goderich Tuesday evening attending the memorial service for the late F. G. Weir, auspices. Rev. A. a former conducted the services in the James St. church on Sunday last. Mr. El­ liott sang a solo at the evening ser­ vice. His many friends here were pleased to-see and hear him again. He was accompanied to Exeter by his daughter Betty who visited with friends. Rev. Mr. Page, of James St., conducted anniversary services on his old charge at Thamesville. Mrs. Page and John accompanied him. W e have now on hand a fine display of New Fall Suitings and Samples Exeter with with Mr. and Miss were at J.P., held under Masonic* i E. Elliott, of Thamesville, pastor of Main St. church, TIP-TOP SAMPLES W. R. JOHNSTON SAMPLES Prepare, for the cool weather Get Your Order In Early W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. WOMEN WANTED MAKE MORE MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE. We are looking for ambitious women who are FREE to work and MAKE MONEY, in an in­ dependent business. Our lines in- !includes over 200 daily necessities. WANTED—Boarders or roomers. Many valuable territories now avail- We also have good home for elder- able. No experience necessary. For ly person requiring care during the .FREE DETAILS and CATALOGUE Winter months. For further particu- INQUIRE TODAY: Familex, 570 St. lgrs please phone 61w. Clement, (Montreal. Wm. Hodgert, Floor Manager SPECIAL DOOR PRIZE Admission 25c AGAIN MARCONI presents the Radio Buy of the Year On Display at G. A. HAWKINS HARDWARE Exeter, or at Your authorized dealer T. LLOYD BALLANTYNE Exeter, Ontario E89N ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO STOCK UP AT THE * • 2 Mr. Geo. Anderson is again con­ fined to hi& bed through illness. Mrs. Fred Church, of Otterville, visited with her sister, Mrs. I. M. Sanders, Sunday. On Friday of last week principal J. B. Creech and the members of the public school teaching staff attended the London and District Teachers’ Institutes regional conference which met in the London Technical School. 1600 teachers from six Western On­ tario counties were present. A key­ note of the conference was a forecast by V. K. Greer, chief inspector of public schools in Ontario, that high school entrance examinations Will be completely eliminated. The corner-stone of the new school building was laid one year ago, Oct. 26, 1938. Mrs. Sidney E. Leitchfield, of De-- troit, visited one day last week with Mrs. Percy Welbber at Victoria Hos­ pital, London. Mr. Webber, Mr. Wesley Webber and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale visited with her On Sunday. Mr. Henpeck (to o boss)—“Sir, I think it’s about time I got a raise.” Boss: “What are you talking about? We just put a raise in your envelope last week.” Mr. Henpeck: “Why doesn’t my wife tell me about these things?” Walker’s OWING TO PRESENT UNSETTLED CONDITIONS THIS MAY BE THE LAST 2 FOR 1 SALE FOR SOME TIME TO COME.Exeter, Ontario