HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-10-12, Page 5is:: ~ .ffl! ,r=^=='-;=--====
Cnmind tn M An co 11 I The Benior'Women’s Institute held 111 Illg LU ntllbdll their regular meeting on Wednesday
CD WiILikaam D A 'evening at the home of Miss Gladys• 1%. II llKluSOD, l\»v« Passmore. Dr. Addison of Zurich
i was the guest speaker.Ophthalmic Optician 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hedden and
Wino-ham daughters, of Hamilton, spent the1 gnam week-end with the former’s mother
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S 'Mrs. Catherine Hedden and mem-
Storc, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday.bers 01 the ,
in the month, for the purpose pf I 'Mies Hannah Murray’s group of
testing eyes and fitting- glasses. Dadms Association of Carmel
Difficult cases and those
have not been properly fitted, ^aiaed at Gue^ Tea lb^ M1S‘
specially recommended to con- ippeb , T
suit me. Hours 10 p.m. to 6 p.m.L fhe Rippen East Women’s Inst!-
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
. tute are sponsoring a Euchre and
Dance in the Town Hall, Hensail on
I Friday evening, October 13 th. AU
‘proceeds are in aid of the Red Cross
. Society,
Miss Evelyn Corbett, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parker accompanied by Mr.HENSALL
(Mrs. Jack Cobbett is visiting with E, Schroeder spent a few days last
Mrs. P. H. Devlin in Stratford. | ^eek visiting with the former’s cou-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ch Dayman spent sins Mr, and Mrs. Alger Brown in
the week-end at Meaford, Oxford, Mich.
Miss Grace Strange, of Toronto, I ,Mr' and Mrs,
visited on Sunday with” Miss Edith
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. McAsh, London,
were recent visitors with relatives in
Mrs. Hannah Workman visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and
family attended the Ridgetown fall
fair last week.
iMr, and Mrs. E. B. Shortt, Toron-,
John Callas, of
Santa Barbara, Calif., visited last
.week with the latter's mother, Mrs. I John Dinsdale and sister Mrs. Alda
Simmons. ,Mrs. Callas remained for
I seVeral weeks’ visit.
| Mrs. A. L. Case returned home
(last week from St. Joseph’s Hospit-
| al, London, where she underwent an
operation recently for the removal of
'her tonsils. Miss Farr R. N. accom-
ipanied Mrs. Case home.
_ __ ____________I 'Mr. Kenneth Galvin, of March-
to, were week-end visitors with Miss well, Sask., who is attending Tor-
Emma Johnston.
Miss Helen Moir, of London, vis
ited on Sunday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Moir.
Miss Vera McVicar, of London,
spent the holiday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale.
Mrs. Peter Fisher, of Brucefield,
visited over the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey and
family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir.
Mr. Norman Willert, of Eyebrow, 'Luck Supper in the basement of the
Sask., visited last weejk at the home {church next Monday evening. A good
of his brother, Mr. Ezra Willert.
Mr. Robt. Passmore, of Toronto,
visited over the holiday with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore.
Miss Lettie Love, of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rennie, Sea
forth, visited on Sunday with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. Howard Hemphill, of Toron
to, spent the week-end with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemp
Mr. Milton and Lloyd Ortwein, of
London, spent the holiday with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W .Ortwein.
Miss Marjorie Adams, of Toronto,
was the guest of her uncle and aunt
Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Smillie over the
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson, of
Tillsonburg, visited over the week
end with the latter’s sister .Mrs. W.
Miss Edith Parkins,
spent the week-end at
her parents Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Delhi, spent the week-end with the (special music by the choir added to
former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John, the services. The duet in the anthem
Passmore. {“Praise to the Lord of the Harvest”
-Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, Listowel was taken by Miss Florence Welsh
and Mrs. George Hess. A very beau-
itiful duet “The Holy City” was sung
•by Mrs. Lee Hedden and Mrs. Geo.
I Hess. At the evening service a male
quartette comprising Messrs. W. O.
Goodwin, W. B. Carlisle, H. Horton
land Wm. Love sang “Followers of
the Man of Galilee” and the
sang “In Glad Thanksgiving.”
Wohelo Class Meets
The Wohelo Sunday School
of the United Church held
1 meeting in the church on Friday ev
ening with a good attendance. After
singing the opening hymn, iMrs. P.
McNaughton led in prayer. Miss G.
Passmore gave a very humorous
I reading! followed by the Scripture
lesson .by Mrs. Lome Chapman. The
'■minutes were read and adopted and
the roll called. The business was
discussed and hymn 448 sung. Miss
Mattie Ellis gave a very interesting
'reading. After singing hymn 322
the meeting closed with the Mizpah
■ benediction. Games, contests and re
freshments concluded the evening’s
ronto University and friend .Mr. Wil
fred Wilson, also of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Mr. and
Frank Lostell, of Hillsgreen.
j Misses Violet Hyde and Margaret
!Bell returned home this week from
(London, where they attended, as
delegates from Carmel Church, the
| Presbyterian
| vention held
• church.
( The Young
United church are holding a
Young People’s Con-
in New St. James
People’s Union of the
(program is being provided and Rev.
fR. A. Stone, returned miissioiiary
from Japan will show motion pic-
1 tures.
Rev. MacDonald, of .Lucknow, con
ducted Thanksgiving services in the
Carmel Church on Sunday. Special
music was rendered by the choir, the
j solos in the anthem were taken 'by
j Miss Irene Hoggarth and Mr. Frank
i Battersby. “A Song of Praise” and
“Thine is the Kingdom” were sung
by the choir.
To Organize a Red Cross Society
A public meeting will be held in
the Town Hall, Hensall, Thursday,
October 12th at 8 p.im. for the pur
pose of organizing a Hensall Branch
of the Canadian Red Cross. The
special speaker will be R. C. Hayes,
lawyer, president of the Goderich
.Branch of Red Cross and Donald
’Campbell, Goderich war veteran.
organizations oif the
vited to co-operate.
I Thanksgiving
Rev. R. A. .Brook
village are
of Exeter, 1
the home of fme Thanksgiving services
Jame3 United Church on Sunday taking as ! his subjects ‘‘The Challenge of the
Passmore, of Harvest” and “iSpeak to the Earth. ’
were week-end visitors at the home
of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. McDonell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Toron
to, spent the week-end at the home
of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Cornelius Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Her,b Britton and
daughters, of Dublin, visited on Sat
urday With Mrs. Hannah
and Miss Mabel,
Mrs. Ida Harding, Mr.
Wm. Harding, of London,
Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Corbett.
Mr. Ray Patterson and friend, of
Toronto, spent.the week-end holiday
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Patterson.
Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
visited over the holiday with her
mother Mrs. A. Scruton and sister
Mrs. Peter McNaughton.
Dr. R. P. L Dougall, Mrs. DoUgall
and family, of Petrolia, visited Sum
day With the former’s parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Dougall.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Thompson
and family, of Toronto, spent the
week-end with Mrs. Thompson’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Chippey and
Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Stratford, visit
ed on Sunday at the home of the
latter’s brother, 'Mr. Fred Corbett. |
Mrs. Roy parlmOr and daughter
Caroline, Of Windsor, visited over
the week-end with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher.
• Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fairburn and
family, of Tillsonburg, visited over
the week-end at the home of the
former’s sister Mrs, Joe Hudson.
and Mrs.
spent last
church on
United Chinch W. M. S.
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church was held in
the basement of the
Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. with
the vice-president, Mrs. Carrie Bal-
lailtyne presiding. The opening
’ hymn was sung followed by prayer
jby 'Mrs. Merner. The minutes of the
{previous meeting were read
.adopted and the roll called.
business was discussed and plans
.made to attend the W. M. S. Conven-
■------ ----- tion to be held at Gi‘aiid Bend, Oct.Mr. and Mrs. James MacMartin, of ti7tn. anyone wishing to go to hand
their names to Mrs. C. Cook before
. The November meeting
Mrs. E. L.
Mickle, superintendent of the Baby
Barrie* visited over the holiday at
the home of the latter’s mother Mrs. (jate. __ _____
Robt Bonthrdn and sister, Mrs. -Lou is to be ln charge of
IMr. and Mrs. Frank Parkes and {Band and all the mothers are cord-
fiamily, Of Woodstock, spent Thanks- tally invited to be present. The of-
giving Day with their uncle and fering was received and Mrs. Brook
annt, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. O’Brien, Of (presided over the remainder of the
Usborne. ,-
Miss Irene Hoggarth spent the followed by the Lord’s
program. Another hymn was sung
Prayer in
week-end holiday’With friends In,unison. The Scripture lesson was
London and attended the P. Y. P. S. read by Mrs. J. Passmore. Interest-
Convention held in New St. James ing letters were read by Mrs. Brook,
church, who also &aVe "work In
Africa” which was very interesting.
The meeting was closed by singing
a hymn and the benediction.
Sheppard » Smillie
A very pretty wedding was sol
emnized on Saturday at 3 p.m. at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Smillie, when their youngest dau
ghter, Mildred, was united in mar
riage to Harold Sheppard, Toronto,
son of Mr. John Sheppard and the
late Mrs. Sheppard, of Hensall, Rev.
R. A. Brook, of the United church
performed the ceremony, Dr. I. G.
Smillie, of Hensall, played the wed
ding music. The bride looked
charming in an afternoon frock of
dark green wool crepe and carried
autumn flowers. The young couple
were unattended. During the signing
of the register Dr. I. G. Smillie sang
“At Dawning.” The wedding dinner
was served from a beautiful arrang
ed table centred with the bride’s
cake, and decorated with roses and
white candles. Only the immediate
relatives of the young couple being
present. Dr. Jennie Smillie, Toronto,
poured tea and the home was beau
tifully decorated in autumn flowers
and leaves. Later the bride and
groom left on a honeymoon trip to
Detroit. For travelling the 'bride
donned a smart grey
On their return they
Toronto. Those who
wedding from Toronto
nie Smille, Miss Margaret
and Mr, and Mrs. J. S, Wren.
tailored suit,
will reside in
attended the
were Dr. Jen-
The annual fowl supper staged by
the women of 'Crediton United
Church last Wednesday night at
tracted an attendance of 900. From
half past-five to some time after 9
o’clock a steady stream of patrons,
who took advantage of the ideal
weather filled and refilled ten large
tables. Alfter the supper an inter
esting program was given in the
north end of the church shed by the
choir of James St. church, Exeter
under the direction of W. R. Gould-
Rev. A. E. pletch will be the guest
speaker at anniversary services of
the Evangelical church at Rodney on
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Penrose, Exeter,
will occupy the pulpit of the Evan
gelical church here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Decker, of Zur
ich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Gaiser.
Mrs. Lydia Mclsaac, left for Mon
treal, where she will visit with her
daughter and son-in-law Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond English,
of New Hamburg, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. John English.
Miss Hazel Woodall, of Exeter,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Rev. Otto Braun, of Reed City,
Michigan, will assist at special ser
vices at the Evangelical church be
ginning Monday evening, October
23rd.' Everyone cordially invited to
attend. Rev. Braun has a clear
grasp of his message and delivers
it with eloquence and spiritual power
His sterling character and speaking
ability recommends him to all Chris-
tain organizations as a man of God
with a message from God.
IMr, and Mrs. Herb Haist, of
Detroit, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner.
Week-end visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner were
Mrs. G. T. .Baker, Dr. and Mrs. Orme
of Toronto; Mrs. Floe Walker, of
Wyoming; Mrs. Don Van Winkle and
son Junior of Detroit and Mrs. Hy.
Dyer, off Detroit; who returned home
on Sunday after a few weeks’ visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and Miss
Walker attended the funeral of Miss
(Lucinda Reid at Bayfield, Monday.
Fire caused by lightning destroy
ed the barn on the premises of Mrs.
Berry in the west end of the village
early Sunday morning. Aroused
out of her sleep by Mr. Woodall, a
neighbor, who turned in the alarm.
The fire brigade responded, but a
favorable wind and a heavy down
pour of rain prevented the fire from
spreading to the other buildings.
The barn was partly covered by in
Everyone is Invited
Did you ever think of your news
paper as a community institution ill
which you were a partner. Did you
ever realize that often you enjoy
reading a report, an article, an item
of news, because some other reader
was thoughtful enough to pass it
along to the correspondent or the
editor? Did you ever realize that
every now and then you yourself
come into possession of interesting
reports, articles and items of news
which others might be glad to read?
A weekly newspaper is indeed a
community institution. Its function
is to seek and gathers news from
various sources and pass it on to all.
Just as you enjoy learning of
your friends and of doings round
about you, so others enjoy learning
of you and the things you know. The
correspondent- invites you to call by
telephone, or to write us all the
items of nows that are of 'local dr
general interest. You’ll enjoy this
active partnership in the production
of this paper. Shall we begin this
knowPrisoner: “Judge, I don’t
what to do.”
Judge: “Why, liow’s that?*
Prisoner: “Well, t swore to toll
the truth, but every time I try, some
lawyer objects.”
Dr. W, D. Bryce, L.p.S., D.D.S.
Al o|ficp in Hart'mib Block, pash-
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Rost Office, ip Zu
rich, last three days of week.
Anniversary Services will be held
in the Evangelical Church on Sun
day with Rev. E- B'urn, of Milverton,
as the guest speaker. An illustrat
ed lecture with colorful moving pic
tures will be given on Monday even
ing by Messrs. Nethercott and Carr,
of London.
Special Harvest Home Services
will be held in the Lutheran church
on Sunday.
Mrs. T. R, Johnston and Mr. and
Mrs. Graham Leslie and Marion, of
Galt spent Monday with Mrs. J. C.
Reid and Phyllis.
Miss Zeta Nadiger R.N., who spent
the past weeks with her parents has
returned to Howell, Mich., where she
is nursing in a hospital.
Miss Martinson, of Elmira, and
Miss Waldie, of Goderich, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Tor
onto, spent Thanksgiving with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tie-man.
Murray Wolfe, of Fort Erie, and
Mrs. Sillery, of Seaforth, spent the
holiday with Mr. and -Mrs. W. Wolfe.
Mrs. Catherine Hedden and son
and daughter, of Hensall, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Hedden, of Hamilton,
were visitors with Mr. Jonas Hart-
leib and Lavada on Monday.
Mrs. D. Tieman has returned home
after an operation in St, Joseph’s
Hospital, London, last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Czar Steinhagen, of
Port Dalbousie, spent Thanksgiving
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Steinhagen. Mrs. Betty Taylor who
spent the .past week with her brother
returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. White and son Rohl,
and Mildred and Nanqy Jane, of De
troit, spent the week-end with her
mother Mrs. Witzel.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Wind
sor, were holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Carr and Miss
Ruth Weber, of Sarnia, spent the
holidays with Mr.' and Mrs. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Eiwin Mclsaac and
family, of Windsor, and Mr. Milford
Mclsaac, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mrs. P. Mclsaac.
(Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemayei’
and Albert Miller and Mrs. T. Rest-
emayer spent a few days with their
friends in Sit. Clemens.
JMr. and Mrs, E. Flynn, of London
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E-
<Mrs. Stadel'bauer and family, of
London, were Sunday visitors with
hei’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft.
Dr. Lome Tieman, who has spent
the past week with his parents re
turned to his home in Ottisville, N.
Y., on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Elgin ISchatz, of
Toronto and Mr. and (Mrs. Otto
Schatz, oif Detroit, spent Thanksgiv
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz
Miscellaneous Shower
A very pleasant time was spent at
the home of Mrs. Jacob Fischer when
Leona Fischer entertained at a mis
cellaneous shower for Ruth Hopcroft
bride-elect of early October. As
Ruth entered the room the girls
joined in singing “For she’s a jolly
good fellow” after which Leona read
the address. ,Miss Hopcroft gave a
very hearty reply by thanking all
for their kindness. The remainder
of the evening was spent in contests,
games and airplane bunco with
prizes going to Mrs. Hopcroft and
Doris Willert. A dainty lunch was
then served.
The address reads as follows:
Dear Ruth,-—■
Having heard that a very happy ;°n Saturday to join Mrs. Carson and
event is to take place in your life, daughter, who have been residing
we, your neighbors and friends have here for the past few months,
gathered here this evening -to wish j 'Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham vis^
■' ’ London on
-r r
We have a full line of Fall and Winter
Accessories in stock including:
Hot Water Heaters, Defrosters, Fans, Exide
Batteries, Goodyear and Dominion Tires
Be sure and have your car checked at this time of
year in regards to Ignition, Valves and Carburator
to insure proper performance in cold weather.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and
family and Mr. S. Davis, of London,
were visitors with Mrs. Parsons and
Mrs. Kershaw on Thanksgiving Day.
•Mr. and Mrs. J. Mugan, of London
spent the week-end with Mrs. C. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks visited
over the week-end with relatives in
Weekend visitors with Mrs. Bask
erville and Mrs. Brokenshire were:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brokenshire and
iifamily, of Saul-t Ste. Marie; Mr. and
tMrs. Mervin Brokenshire and family,
| oif Hagersville; Mr. and Mrs. Wright
■ o.f Windsor; Mr. Arva Brokenshire,
I of London; Mrs. Garnet Baker, of
[Toronto and Mrs. Edwards, of Illin
ois, U.S.A.
'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tapp and
. Allen, of Exeter, were week-end vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard. I Mr. Carson arrived from the West
and Mrs. Albert Mitchell. This part
of our meeting was brought to a
close with the reading of a very ap
propriate poem by Mrs. Geo. Hicks.
Mrs. McFalls took s charge of the
business. Reports were given by
the recording and supply secretaries
and the treasurer. Plans were
made for the annual bazaar and a
supper to be held in the schoolroom
of the church on November 10th
Mrs. George Hepburn and Mrs. Mur
ray Elliott were named as delegates
to the sectional meeting at Grand
Bend on October 17th. The meeting
was closed with prayer.
Note These Features of
Approved by The
Hydro Electric Power Commission, of
you much happiness and as you- look ited with relatives in
at marriage think of it as being a Thanksgiving Day.
in life for yon Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Afbibott and
children visited with Mrs. Clara
Afbibott on Sunday.
Mr. Donald Hicks, of Clinton and
Miss Marie McCaulay, of Wiarton,
were week-end visitors with the
■former’s parents Mr.
drew Hicks.
The annual auituimn
services will be held
here on Sunday, October 15th.
guest speaker for the morning ser-
quiet wedding was solemnized vice will be Rev. Mr. Moores, Lucan
(united Church and for the evening
l Rev. D. Gladtman, of London, form
erly oif Crediton. The choir will he | assisted by Mr. Frank Taylor, Exeter
On Sunday last a very interesting
address was given in the Sunday
school here by Mrs. Wlldfong,
.Dashwood, missionary convenor
Junday Schools.
Centralia W» M. S.
The regular monthly meeting
' the Women’s Missionary Society was
• held in the church on Tuesday Oven- , ing of this week with a good attend-!
ance present. Mrs. George Hicks led | ST.
this occasion
way showing
wonderful adventure
and your husband.
We could not let
pass without in some
our appreciation of your friendship.
We ask you to accept these gifits,
wishing you a long, happy and pros
perous wedded life.
Signed on behalf of your neigh
bors and friends.
Keys - Kraft
at 11 o’clock at Elmwood Avenue
Presbyterian manse, London, Rev.
T. W. Gilmour D.D., Officiating when
Verna Ellanore Kraft, younger dau
ghter of Mrs. J. L. Ktaft and the
late Mr. Kraft, of
came the bride of Douglas Beaton
Keys, youngest son of W. R. Keys, __
Beaconsfield Ave., London, and the Jg-
late Mrs. Keys. The bride was very
charming in a street-length dress of
Copenhagen blue with smart navy
blue hat. A corsage of red Better
Time roses made a pretty accent.
They were unattended. The bridal
couple left on a trip to Toronto and
points east, the bride adding to her
wedding ensemble a navy blue coat.
They will reside on BeaconJield,
Ave., London.
Dashwood, be-
Customer: ‘‘Have you a book cal
led ‘Man the Mastei* of Women’?
Salesgirl: “The fiction department
is on the other side, sir,”
and Mrs. An-
Th an koff ering
in the church
'the worship service and the meeting
opened by singing hymn 259 follow*
, ed by prayer by Mrs, McFalls. The
, Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. L.
{Hicks. A vocal duet .by Mrs. Harold
Lightfoot and Marjorie Essery was
greatly appreciated. The chapter in
th^e study book ‘The Untouchables in
• India” was very ably dealt with by
Mrs. George Hicks, Mrs. Lome Hicks
Mrs. McGovern and family,
the week-end with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. D. Lewis.
Rev. Mr. Moore, of Lucan, occu
pied the pulpit in the United church
on Sunday last.
Mr. John Trevethick who has been
visiting his son Melvin in Toledo has
returned home.
A number from here attended the
ball game in Lucan on Thanksgiving
day. The game was between the
“Irish Nine” and Galt.
Anniversary services are to be held
in the United Church next Sunday,
October 15th. Rev. Mr. Falconbridge
of Centralia will have charge of the
morning service and Rev. Mr. Moore
of London, the evening service. The
choir are preparing special music.
Death of John J. Amos
Mr. John J. Arnos, of Lieury, died
on Sunday last, He was in his 83rd
year. His wife predeceased him six
years ago. Mr. Amos is survived by
four children,, George of Tillsonburg
Hilton at home and Rose at home
and Mrs. Tom Wilson, of Aulburn;
also two brothers James, of Hamil
ton and Joseph, of McGillivray and
Mrs. James, of Calgary. Interment
was made in Mar’s Hill cemetery.
CONSTRUCTION—Simple and rug
ged. Built to last a liftetime. Just
one moving part and it rotates in
high-grade bearings which require
lubrication only once a year.
MOTOR — Heavy duty. Built for
continuous operation with ample re
serve for overloads, yet exceptional
ly efficient on fractional loads.
protection should the motor be
subject to overloads which are long
enough and heavy enough to cause
damage to motor.
age conditions: Cattle chop %c to
1c, Hog Chop lc to 2c per hundred
Wm. J. Thomson
Phone 4.8 r 2 Kirkton
Centralia, Ontario
Fowl Supper
to be held in
Thursday, October 26
Supper from 5 to 9 p.m. followed
by program of local talent
Adm.: Adults 65c Children 35c
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, of
Port Huron, were Tranksgiving vis
itors of Mr. James Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth King and
daughter Patricia, of Detroit, were
week-end visitors with Mrs. J. Aik
Mr. and Mrs. H. Millson, of Lon
don, visited Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. T. McVey.
iMiss Gwynneth McGowan, Lucan,
spent the week-end with Miss 11a
'Mrs. Horatio Simpson, who is very
ill is under the doctor’s care at St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London. We hope
for a sipeedy recovery.
Ladies’ Guild
Christ Church, McGillivray, held
their September meeting of the La
dies’ Guild at the home of Mrs.
Elizabeth Sinvpson and Mrs. Arthur
Simpson on Thursday last. The meet
ing opened by a prayer by Rev. Mr.
Martin, rector, followed by a hymn
and the Lord’s Prayer. Scripture
was read by Rev. Mr. Martin, The
minutes were read of the last meet
ing. A social afternoon was spent
after which a dainty lunch was serv
ed by the hostesses. Rev. Mr. Martin
and Mrs. George Dixon, president,
thanked the hostesses for the use of
their home and the delightful lunch,