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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-10-05, Page 6
* THURSDAY, OCTOBER IStli, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 1 J Good Exhibits at Kirkton Fair Outstanding exhibits in all de- sweepstakes* Andrew Parle, Mitchell partments featured the Full Fair at • Carriage class—Brood mare* A* Kirkton on "Friday afternoon of last .Wallace; foal, A. Wallace; 3 year week. During the first part of the:old, Wm. Decker, John J. Kreis; 2 afttciicon the weather was fine hut year old, Norman «Engei. E. J» At- later in the day intermittent showers well; sixrJe carriage, Mm. pecker, sent the large crowd, of sp?.k .ators' John J. Kreis; span of carriage, J. scurrying for shelter. The rains were J, Kreis; sweepstakes, A. Wallace, of short duration. Kirkton has al-1 Hackney—Single horse in car ways en„oyed notable exhinit of riage, M. Hooper & Son; lady driver horses ana this year was no ex<ep- John J. Kreis, M. Hooper & Son; tion. The cattle 'also were of a high; single turnout* M. Hooper & Son, J. standard. At the ^oneiusion of the judging the ynre animals nareded before the grandstand. The indoor display was ex eption- ally good. There was a iiiah show ing of roots parti u’arly turnips and mangolds. In the domestic class J. Kreis. General Purpose—Brood mare, C. Miller; foal. Wm. Decker, Cliff Mill er; 3 year old, M. Hooper & Son; 2 year old, M. Hooper & Son, J. Blair, E. J. Atwell, Maurice Blackler: one year old, M. Hooper & Son and 2nd; the display of home-made cooking i team and harness. M. Hooper & Son, would whet anyone'*.* appetite. The (Norman Engel; sweepstakes, M. flowers, especially the dahlias, made»Hooper and Son. a very fine showing. Splendid com- ' 4 Judge—W’m. Nairn pliments were heard on all sides. | The Perth (Machine Gun) Battal-t ion headed by Band paraded an appeal was Concessions crowd. The prize winners were as follows the Perth Regimental around the track and made for recruits, galore catered to the CATTLE shall & 8; Kirkton See., White Bros., □’Neil Bros., A. E- Etherington, White Bros., Jas. H. Robinsou; Locker Service, Exeter* special, White Bros. Judge—George Waldie Dairy Cattle—'Jersey, two year old heifer, Roy Francis. Holstein—bull, 2 years and over, S. J. Hammond, Frank Herbarth, S. J. Hammond; milch cow, Frank Her- barth 1 and 2 ; S. J. Hammond; 2 year old heifer, S. J. Hammond 3, 1 year old heifer 2, Fra ng Herbarth; bull calf under an© year* S. J. Ham mond 3, heifer calf under one year, S. J. Hammond, Frank Herbarth, S. J. Hammond; best male, S. J. Ham mond; best female, Frank Herbarth Perth Holstein Club* S. J. Hammond 2, Frank Herbarth. Boys’ Calf Club Following is the placing of the calves at the fair and not the gener al proficiency awards for the cash awards: Frank Rogertson, 2 Andrew Arksey, 3 Harold Clark, 4 Chester Snow, 5 Gordon Nethercott* 6, Bill Nethercott, 7 Carmen Bragg, 8, Alex Ross, 9 Clayton Jones. A. Jas. Service, BOBBY PORTER PICKS A WINNER Passes valuable tip along to others Making the headlines is nothing new for Bobby Porter. Hard hitting outfr” ......’’*• and now with Syracuse Ch Beach football player, star hockey plgyer for Marl- boros and other teams, he is one of the best and best liked all-round athletes in sport. Here is his rule for keeping fit, “I take Kruschen Salts every morning of my life, It keeps me regular and to my way of thinking that is more than half the secret of good health. I recommend Kruschen to all those sub ject to rheumatic pains, I RECOMMEND KRUSCHEN TO ALL V- ■ ; -■ ; lumbago, sluggishness or any of the ordinary ills that result from faulty elimination of poisons and waste." Kruschen contains several highly refined mineral salts important to the well-being of mankind, ’ These salts, in combination, promote regularand proper functioning of the organs of elimination, 'Ider with T lets, ...... . >nto superb Balmy Berry; Taylor 'special. Robert- A,V -pie, Mrs 'Pooley, Mrs, Mrs. Robert- ; doughnuts. I Shorthorn, 1939, bull two years jold and over, Wm. Oestricher; one i year old bull, WThite Bros., William • Oestricher; milch cow, Wm. i tricher; two year old heifer, j Bros.* Wm. Oestricher; one jold heifer, White Bros, and ; bull calf under one year, White Bros, with ’Wm. Oestricher and 3nd; heifer calf foal, E. J. Atwell, Allen Berry; foal, W. J. Dale, E. J. Atwell, Allen Berry 3 year old, Geo. Coyne; 2 year old, Frank Hamilton, W. J. Dale, Wilson Brown; 1 year old, Milton Hooper & Son, Robert Hamilton, Lome Allen sweepstakes, George Coyne. Heavy Draft — Brood mare with foal. C. A. Barnett; foal, C. A. Bar nett, AV. J. Dale; 3 year old, C. S. Atkinson, Frank Hamilton; 2 year old, W. J. Dale; 1 year old, WT. J. Dale; team, Frank Hamilton; sweep stakes, Frank Hamilton. Percheron or Belgian — Brood mare with foal, Percy Miller, A. Berry, Jas. Blair; 3 year old, John J. Kreis; 2 year old, John J. Kreis, John T. Hern, James Blair; team, Huron Co. Home* John J. Kreis; foal, Percy Miller, Jas. Blair, Fred Jamieson. Percy Miller; sweepstakes Percy Miller; Ernest Nutt special, W. J. Dale; Township of Fullarton, special, for agri. 3 year old, Wilson Brown. Judge—G. Robertson, Fergus Roadster—Brood mare with foal, Harold Berry. 5 firsts and 2 seconds one year old roadsters, third, Lorne Allen; single roadster Andrew Park; POULTRY HORSES Oes- White year 2nd; Agricultural—Brood mare under one year, Wm. Oestricher & 2nd; best male, White Bros.; best , female, Wm. Oestricher. Aberdeen Angus—Two yr. old bull Geo. E. Schmidt, and 2nd; milch cow, A. E. Etherington, George E. Schmidt; two year old heifer, G. E. Schmidt and 2nd; one year old hei fer, G. E. Schmidt and 2nd; heifer calf, A. E. Etherington, G. E. Schmidt; best male, G. E. Schmidt; best female, A. E. Etherington. Hereford—O’Neil Bros., Denfield, took 7 firsts and 5 seconds, one third; Ross Marshall, 2nd for bull calf. Grade Cattle—Milch . cow, Orval McLaren. Cromarty and 2nd; two yr. old heifer, A. E. Etherington, 0. McLaren; one year old heifer, 0. McLaren; heifer calf under one year 0. McLaren and 2nd, O’Neil Bros.; two year old steer, Arnold Wiseman and 2nd; one year old steer, White Bros, and 2nd, Arnold Wiseman 3rd and 4th; steer calf, Andrew Arksey, Newton Clarke; fat steer, ’White Bros., Arnold Wiseman 3rd and 4th; baby beef Blanshard, White Bros., and 2nd, James H. Robinson; Us borne, E. A. Etherington, R. Mar- White Rock, ck., T. Crew* Doug las Bros., hen, Douglas Bros*, Thos. Crew, cockerel, Douglas Bros., pul let, Douglas Bros.; Barred Rocks, show, cock, Thos. Crew 1 and 2, hen Thos. Crew 1 and 2; Barred Rocks, utility, Douglas Bros, four firsts; A. 0. V. Ro'cks, hen, Thos. Crew; White Wyandottes, Thos. Brock, 4 firsts, 3 seconds; Columbian Wyandottes, T. Crew, 4 firsts, 4 seconds; New Hampshires, pullet, Frank Hicks, ck, Frank Hicks, hen, Thos. Brock, ckl., Thomas Brock, 2; R. I. Reds, hen, Douglas Bros., Thomas Brock; W. Leghorns, show, Douglas Bros., 4 firsts, Thos. Crew 2 seconds; White Leghorns, utility, T. Crew, 2 firsts, 1 second; Jersey Black Giants, Douglas Bros., 4 firsts and 2 seconds special prizes, Mrs. Garnet Murray, 3 firsts, Newton Clark 1, 2 and 3, Frank Hicks, 2, Thomas Crew 1 first Light Sussex, Thomas Brock, 4 firsts; Bronze turkeys, young male, Mrs. Wes. Doupe, Mrs. Garnet Mur ray; Toulouse turkeys, Douglas Bros. 4 firsts, Mrs. Wes, -Doupe 4 seconds; Emden geese, Bros., 4; Geese any other Thomas Brock 4 firsts, 2 seconds; Pekin ducks, Douglas Bros., 4 firsts; Indian runner ducks, Mrs. J. Grieve, Seaforth, 2 firsts; Rouen ducks, Douglas Bros., 4 firsts, Thos. Brock 2 seconds; W. H. Switzer, 2 seconds. keeptheblood stream pureand impart that priceless feelins of . abounding vigour and fitness. Tasteless in tea or coffee or in a glass of water. Bottles ..................... at 25c, 45c ITS THE LITTLE DAILY DOSE Srel THAT DDES IT tomatoes, red, W. H. Switzer, Alvin Crago; tomatoes, pink, Miss E. Tay lor, J. T. Hern; Citrons, H. Treum- ner, Mrs. Thomson; pumpkin, H. Truemner, Allen Berry; watermelon, H. Truemner, Mrs. Dalrymple; muskmelon, John O’Brien; squash, Garnet Doupe, W. H. Switzer; on ions, white, Miss E. Taylor, C. S. Atkinson; mammoth squash, W. J- McKenzie; cucumbers. Alvin Crago, Maurice Blackler; onions, red, R, E- Doupe, Mrs. Morrison; hubbard squash, W. J. McKenzie, Mrs, Grieve collection of vegetables, W. J. Mc Kenzie. Canadian Canners special, New ton Clark; Farmers* Club special, wheat, Roy Francis, Alvin Crago, M. Hooper & Son, Stewart Shier; oats, M. Hooper & Son, Alex Crago; bar ley, Lloyd Hern, M. Hooper & Son, Mrs. C. Sweitzer, J. T. Hern. Judge—Norman L. Carter brown, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe* W. H, Dearing; homemade buns, Mrs. Alt. Robertson* R. E. Doupe; tea biscuits Mrs. A. Robertson, Mrs. Garnet Murray; tea biscuits, special, .Mrs. Robertson, Jas. Stephen; angel cake Mrs. Ewart Pym, Mrs. Robertson; angel cake special, C. A. Barnett, R. E. Pooley; light cake, .Mrs. W. Doupe Allan Berry; light .cake special, Mrs. W. Doupe, Allan Rerry; dark cake, Mrs. Robertson, A. Berry; dark cake special, Mrs. Robertson, A,*. ’apple pie, Miss Elizabeth Mrs. Roberston; apple Miss Elizabeth Taylor, son; lemon pie, R. E. Robertson; doughnuts, son, Mrs. L. M. Shier special, Mrs. Ro Lqqhu Mur ray; pumpkin pie, Jas. Stephen, T. Hern; pumpkin pie, special, Jas, Stehen, Miss Taylor; tarts, Le ona Murray, Mrs. L. M. Shier; short bread, Miss Taylor, A, Berry; short bread, special, Miss Taylor, A. Berry meat loaf, Ray Mills, Mrs. W, Doupe relishes, Lou Fletcher, Mrs. E. Pym; jelly, Mrs. Robertson, A. Berry; sour pickles, Ray Mills; sweet pickles, Mrs. Robertson, L, Fletcher; catsup, Ray Mills, W. H. Dearing; canned rhubarb, Miss Taylor; Ross Marshall; canned .cherries, C. S, At kinson, L. Fletcher; canned rasp berries, W. H. Dearing, Miss Taylor; canned pears, Mrs. Wes. Doupe, Mrs. Robertson; canned plums, Miss Tay lor, Mrs. Robertson; canned peaches Ray Mills, Mrs. Robertson; canned strawberries, Newt. Clark, Clarence Routly; canned apples, W. H. Dear ing, Mrs. Robertson; canned grapes, W. H. Dearing, Ray Mills; canned corn, W. H. Dearing, Wm. Urquart; canned peas, M. K. McCurdy, Mrs. Robertson; canned tomatoes, Mrs. J. Dalrymple, R. E. Doupe; vegetable marmalade, Ray Mills, Stuart Shier, canned chicken, Mrs. Wes. Doupe; noon lunch, Mrs. Wes. Doupe, Clar ence Routly. Judges—-Mrs Alvin Crago, Mrs. E. Robinson. J. Douglas variety, FRUIT HOGS when you feed ft SHUR-GAIN BIG 50" Make your grain go further by mixing it with Shur Gain Big 50 for a complete laying mash. Shur Gain Big 50 contains in balanced formula the pro teins, minerals and vitamins that your hens need for continuous heavy egg production. .Consult us here in Exeter for all your feed requirements. Big 50 is the Quality Concentrate that has produced wonderful results for thousands of poultrymen. It is economical. It keeps hens healthy, vigorous and thrifty. You can “be sure with Shur Gain.” t Remove bones and flake one small can o£ salmon. Mix with 2 table spoons horseradish, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 4 tablespoons mayon naise, seasonings. Spread gener ously between bread slices; spread outside of each sandwich with melted butter, toast on both sides under low broiler heat until brown. Pour over the sandwich a sauce made of melted cheese. Flake’ one pound of canned or cooked fish Aid place in casse role. Slowly melt % lb. cheese in double boiler; stir in % cup milk. Four this over the fish. Cover the mixture with mashed cooked potato, and line the rim. of the casserole with unbaked biscuits. Bake in hot (42 54 oven until biscuits are done. There are so many delicious varieties of Canadian FISH available all the year round, no matter where you live, that you can add pleasing new dishes to the family menus. And remember, Fish is nourishing, and is easily digested. Ask your dealer about the different kinds of Fish he can get for you, and arrange to serve Fish to your family often. department fisheries, OTTAWA. salmon sandwich deluxe Yorkshire, boar one year or over, Fairway Farms; sow having raised pigs, Jos. Taylor, Fairway Farms. Tamworth—Boar, one year or over Lome Allen 1, 2, and special, sow having raised pigs, Lome Allen, 1 and 2. Grade Bacon Sow—'Jos. Chas. Paul, Fairway Farms Switzer and Lloyd Hern'. Pen five bacon hogs, C. nett, Herb Foster, Oliver McCurdy, Sheldon Fuller, John Berry, Mrs. C. Switzer. Judge—Percy L. Switzer Taylor, Mrs. C. A. Bar- SHEEP W. H. Henry, of Belgrave swept the Oxford Downs and Leicester classes. John K. Thompson & Son, Strat ford, took the prizes for Shropshire Downs. A. D. Steeper & Son, Ailsa Craig, swept the Lincolns. Southdowns ewe, 1 and 2 J. I<- Thompson & Son, Fairway Farms 3rd; Shortwool ewe, Fairway Farms W. M. Henry; market class, pen, long wool, W. M. Henry, A, J. Steep er & Son; pen, short wool, J. K. Thompson & Son 1 and 2, Fairway Farms 3rd. Judge—D. Ross McTavish GRAIN AND SEEDS Wheat, sheaf, Stewart Shier, Doupe, Allen Berry; oats, W. A. Doupe, Allen Berry; Fall wheat, bush., M. Hooper & Son, Alvin Cra go; oats, Frank Hicks, M. Hooper & Son; barley, Hilton Truemner, F. Hicks; white beans, large, Switzer, Ray small, Hilton Pym; golden Brock; East Indian corn, Mrs. Hey wood, T. Brock; Sweet corn, New ton Clark; insilage corn, M. Hooper & Son, Allen Berry, stalks; ears ot insilage corn, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, Ross Marshall. ROOTS & VEGETABLES FOB face BOOKLET POTATO AND FISH CASSEROLE Depaffrrtenf of Fisheries, Ottawa. Flease send me your 52*page Booklet, ”100 Tempting Fish Recipes Name.........................................*............ (PtBASK PRINT LETTERS PLAJNLY) •Address. ■* Fall W. A. W. H. Mills; white beans, Truemner, Mrs. Ewart bantam corn, Thomas Green Mountain Potatoes, Hilton Truemner, M. Hooper & Son; Irish Cobblers, Frank Hicks, C. S. Atkin son; Dooleys, Hilton Truemner, Mrs. Wm. Thomson; Swedish turnips, F. Hicks, Mrs. W. Doupe; heaviest tur nips, Mrs. W. Doupe, Hilton Truem ner; field carrots, W. J. McKenzie, H. Truemner; Truemner,' J. T. intermediate, C. S. Marshall; mangolds, Clark, Alvin Crago; Mrs. W. Thomson, Heaviest mangolds, Mrs. Thomson; carrots, intermediate T. Brock, A. Crago Miss snips, Mrs. flat, cabbage, red, W. J. McKenzie; cab bage, round, J. O’Brien, W. J. Mc Kenzie; cauliflower, W. J. Kenzie; celery, Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Ray Mills; red mangolds, H. Hern; mangolds, Atkinson,.. Ross yellow, Newton sugar mangolds Ross Marshall; Ross Marshall, carrots, short, E. Taylor, Mrs. Morrison; par- , C. Routly, A* Berry; red beets Grieve, M. Blackler; cabbage, T. Washburn, Mrs, E. Pym; Apples, Fall Variety—Dushess of Oldenburg, Mrs. J. McKenzie, Thos. Hern; Sweet Pear, Hilton Truemner Gravenstein, Fairways Farms, Mrs. J. McKenzie; Wolfe River, Alvin Crago, John O’Brien; Blenheim Pip pin, Hilton Truemner, Mrs. J. Mc Kenzie; Maiden's Blush, Garnet Doupe, M. K. McCurdy; Alexander, Hilton Truemner, John O’Brien; Wealthy, Hilton Trueimfer, John T. Hern; Colverts, Hilton Truemner, Thos. Hern; Cayuga Hilton Trumner; St. ton Truemner; Fall Doupe, Roy Francis;. Crago, iety, ton Truemner; Fallawater, M. K. | McCurdy, Hilton Truemner; Golden ' Russet, W. H. Switzer, Beatrice Doupe; Roxboro Russet, R. E. Doupe Wm. Harding; Mann, Fairways Farms, W. J. McKenzie; King of Tompkins, Hilton Truemner, W. J. McKenzie; Macintosh Reds, Fair ways Farms, Clarence Routly; Nor thern Spy, W. J. McKenzie, Fair way Farms; Ontario, W. Denham, H. Truemner; Peewaukee, Mrs. Clar ence Switzer, Mrs. D. Goulding; R. I. Greenings, 0, Roger; Taiman Sweet, Mrs. J. McKenzie, Stewart Shier; collection of apples, 3 of each kind, 12 of each variety, Hil ton Truemner; crabapples, Mrs. C. Switzer, W. H. Switzer; crabapples, yellow, T. Brock, W. H. Switzer. Plums—Pond's Seedling, Hilton Truemner; collection of plums, 5 Of each kind, 4 varieties, Hilton Truem ner. Pears— Duchess, Hilton Truem ner.; Sheldon, Beatrice Doupe, Fair ways Farms; Bartlett, H.-Truemner, Thos. Hern; Flemish Beauty, Hilton Truemner, Grapes— Truemner, Mrs. C. Switzer; 3 bunches, John O’Brien, Goulding. DAIRY EXHIBIT Red Strealc,, Lawrence, Hil- Pippin, R. Er Snow, Alvin M. K. McCurdy. Winter var- Baldwin, Stewart Shier, Hil- Fallawater. Fairways Farms. Concord, 3 bunches, H. Niagara, Mrs. D. PUPILS’ WORK Pencil drawing; John O’Brien, Mrs. E. Pym, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; writ ing, Second Reader, Maurice Black ler, W. E. Nairn; writing, Third Reader, C, Routly,. Ray Mills, Mrs. L. M. Shier; writing, Fourth Read er, M. Hooper, John Berry, John O’Brien; collection of weeds, C. Routly; collection of weed seeds, A. Berry; collection of infectious in sects, Mrs. R. Morrison; collection ’of grasses, grains, C. Routly; collec tion of photos, . nature subjects, C. Routly; collection of native woods, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; early potatoes, Mrs. Dalrymple, Mrs'. T. Constable, Mrs. R. Morrison; late' potatoes, Leona Murray, Thos. Crew, D. Gor don Dow; garden carrots, Leona Murray, Ray Mills, John O’Brien; parsnips, Leona Murray, Mrs. Constable; ripe ducumber, Mrs. McHenry, Stuart green •cucumber, O’Brien, T. Crew; I A. Berry, Mrs. L. ly; sweet corn, Mrs. L. M. Shier, A. I Robertson; pop corn, Mrs. Wes. Doue, D. G. Dow, Mrs. T. Constable; pumpkin, Mrs. iL. Crew, W. E. Nairn; H. Dearing; citron, ry, <C. Routly, M. onions, A. Berry, Leona Murray, M. Hooper & Son; tomatoes, Mrs. . R. Morrison, R. Mills, A. Berry; North ern Spy, Mrs. L. M. Shier, A. Berry; King of Tompkins, Mrs. Shier, S. Shier; sample of buttonhole, Mrs. Shier; cookies, Mrs. Shier, C. Rout ly; soda biscuits, Mrs. Shier; light cake, nil; best dressed doll, C. Rout ly; water color painting, William Urquart, Mrs. E. Pym, T. G. Dow; bouquet of cut flowers, Mrs. R. Morrison, A. Berry, D. Dow; sun flower, T. 'Crew, Mrs. L. McHenry; largest hen’s eggs, fresh, A. Berry, C. Routly ,Mrs, E. Pym; collection of postage stamps, C. Routly, Mrs. W. Doupe, Mrs. A. RobertsonF pen cil drawing by public school pupil in Blanshard, Usborne, J. O’Brien, A. Crago. Judges—Mrs. Stuart Shier, Mrs. W. Brock. T. L. Shier, John Hern; C. /Routly, John round blood beets, M. Shier, C. Rout- Mrs. L. M. Shier. corn, Mrs. McHenry, Thos. watermelon, W. Mrs. L. McHen- Hooper & Son; 1 poundDairy butter, 5 pounds in prints, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, D. G. Dow; dairy butter, fancy display, D. G. Dow, Garnet Doupe. Judges—R. Humphreys, Wes. Shier ART Old painting, landscape, Mrs. J. Dalrymple and Mr. W. E. Nairn; oil painting, any other object, Mrs. J. Dalrymple, W. E, Nairn; water colour, from nature, Mrs. J. Dalry mple, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; water colour any other Object, Mrs. H. A, Ftiss, Mrs. J. Dalrymple; sepia, Mrs. J. Dalrymple, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; pastel, Mrs. J. Dalrymple, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; Crayon or charcoal, Mrs. J. Dalry mple, Mrs, H. A. Fuss; pencil draw- • ing, Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Dalry mple; pen and ink sketch, Mrs. Dalrymple; brass work, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; stencil design, Mrs. J. Dalry mple, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; penmanship, R. E. Pooley, Jas. Stephen; painting on china, Mrs. J. Grieve, -Maurice Blackler. domestic science Honey, extracted, C. >S. Atkinson Mrs. Dalymple; honey, in Mrs. J. Dnlrymple; maple Mrs. Dalrymple, Clarence homemade bread, Garnet Mrs. Wes. Dottpo; homemade bread. section,, syrup, Routly; Doupe, LADIES’ WORK Lingerie set, 2 pieces, Ray Mills; night robe, Irene Brooks, Mrs. M. L. Shier; knitted bedjacket, Mrs. T. 0. Flynn; - ladies’ knitted suit, Mrs. L. McHenry, Irene Brooks; apron work Mrs. T. 0. Flynn, Leoha Murray; fancy apron, Florence Elgie; house dress, Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Leona Mur ray; ladies’ purse, Mrs. Lome Mc Henry, W. E. Nairn. Children's Wear Child’s knitted costume, Mrs. T. O. Flynn, Allen Berry; child’s dress from old garment, Mrs. Ewart Pym, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; baby’s carriage cover, Mrs. T. O. Flynn, Irene Brooks; infant’s dress, Mrs. T. O. Flynn, Mrs. L. McHenry’, child’s ber et and booties, Irene Brooks, Ray Mills; pyjamas, Mrs. T. Constable, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; men’s fine shirt with collar attached, Mrs. T. Con stable; sleeveless pullover, Mrs. J. Grieve, Miss Irene Brooks; hand knit socks, (coarse wool) Mrs. Jas. Grieve, Robert Dobson; hand-knit socks (fine wool) Mrs. T. Constable; hand-knit mitts, (coarse wool) Mrs. T. Constable; embroidered) Lorna Murray, T, Constable; table Mrs. M. L. Ghier, Henry; card table Henry, Mrs. T. 0. Flynn; Afghan Mrs. James Stephen, cushion, knit or crochet, any cushion any style, Mrs, Constable, Mrs. T. 0, centrepiece (colored Mrs. scarf, (coloured) Mrs. Lome Mc- cover* Mrs. Me* Mrs, Constable I 100 lb. Bag SHUR-GAIN BIG 50 CONCENTRATE $4.60 Sold by McKNIGHT BROS., Exeter CENTRALIA FARMERS, Centralia CANADA PACKERS, Exeter and Centralia Flynn; living room accessories not on, list, Mrs, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Con stable. Dining Room Accessories Buffet set, white, Florence Elgie, Mrs. Constable; buffet set, coloured, Miss Irene Brooks, Mrs. >L. M. Shier; table centre and tray cloth, white, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; .centrepiece (tat ting trim) Florence Elgie, Beatrice Doupe; luncheon cloth & serviettes, Mrs. L. M. Shier, Mrs. Constable; breakfast set, applique, Mrs. L. M. Shier, Mrs. 'Constable; Tea Cosy, Mrs. O. 'Flynn, Mrs. Shier; dinner napkins, Mrs. Constable, Mrs. Lo.rne McHenry. Bedroom Accessories Pair of pillow slips, embroidered .Mrs. Shier, Mrs. Wib. Cluff; pair of | pillow slips, other style, Mrs. H. A. I Fuss, Mrs. M. L. Shier; guest towel,1 lace trimmed, Florence Elgie, Mrs. I Constable; large towels, linen em broidered, Mrs. Constable, Mrs. M. L. Shier; bath towels, Florence gie, Jas. Stephen; pillow slips arid sheet, colored border, Mrs. H. Fuss; boudoir pillo/w, Florence El gie, Irene Brooks; dresser scarf, Florence Elgie, Irene .Brooks; van ity set, Leona Murray, Mrs. O. Flynn boudoir lamp shade, Mrs. O. Flynn; kitchen curtains, Mrs. M. L. Shier, Leona Murray; teatowels and pan holders, Irene Brooks, Mrs.McHen ry; best collection of kitchen acces sories, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; quilts, Mrs. M. L. Shier, Robert Dobson; rag floor mat, Mrs. J. Grieve, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; yarn floor mat, Leona Mur- W. H. H. Dearing; H. Dearing, Marigolds, 4 W. H. Dear- W. H. Dear ♦ El- A. ---- ------------ '.......................... Mrs. Heywood, Sidney Adamson; Dahlias, collection, Sidney Adamson Mrs. Heywood; Dianthus, 'Clarence Routly, Mrs. Heywood; Gladioli, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Walters; Glad ioli, 6 spikes, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Walters; Gypsophila, T. Washburn,. W. Doupe; Balsam, W. H. Dearing; Mattiola, W. H, ‘Dearing, Fairway Farms; Phlox, Drummondi, W. 1-L Switzer, W. H. Dearing; Phlox, per ennial, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Hey wood; Petunias, single, Mrs. Wes. Doupe, Mrs. W. H. Dearing; Petun ias, double, Mrs. Heywood, Switzer; Scabiosa, W. African Marigolds, W. Mrs. Grieve; African blooms, Mrs. Heywood, ing; French Marigolds, ing, Mrs. Grieve; Verbena, Mrs, Hey wood, W. H. Dearing; Pansy, Mrs. J. Grieve; pansy, collection, Mrs. J. J Grieve, Mrs. Heywood; Zinnias, Mrs. .Heywood, Mrs. Wes. Doupe; Annuals W. H. Dearing, Clarence Routly; collection of perennials, W. H. Dear ing; cut flowers, Mrs. Heywood; spray, Mrs. Heywood; rose, Mrs. D. Goulding, Mrs. Heywood; collection of roses, Mrs. McHenry, W. H. Swit zer; bouquet, Mrs. Gouding, Mrs. Heywood. ' House Plants—Amaryllis, Frank Hicks; Begonia, fibrous, Mrs. Wes. Doupe; Begonia, tuberous, double, Miss Irene Brooks; Begonia, tuber ous, single, Clarence Routly; Ger anium, single, Mrs, Wilfred Doupe; Geranium, double, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; house plant in bloom, Thos. Washburn, W. H. Dearing; collect- , C. ray, Mrs. M. L. Shier; fancy bed Washburn, W. H. Dearing; coll spread, Irene Brooks; quilt any de-1ion flowering house plants, sign, Mrs. (Constable, Leona Murray; quilt pieced, cotton, Elgin Crago, Mrs. M, L. Shier. Old Ladies’ Work Hand hemming, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; knitting and lace, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; cross stitch, Mrs. Constable, Leona Murray; best made cotton article, Florence Elgie, Mrs. T. O. Flynn; fancy work bag, Mrs, (Constable, Mrs. Flynn; cutwork, Mrs. M. L. Shier, Mrs. McHenry; best article for gift, Mrs. Cluff, Hannah Rinn; fancy knitting, Mrs. M. ,L. Shier, Mrs. Con stable; smocking, Mrs. Shier, Mrs. Fuss; best article from old stocking, W. G. Dow, Mrs. H. A. Ftiss. Judges—Mrs. C. L. Lewis and Laura Radcliffe. HORTICULTURAL PRODUClTS Cut Flowers—-Antirrhinum, dragons, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. tors; Asters, straight petaled H. Dearing, Mrs. Pym; Asters, et, W. H. Dearing, Mrs, Doupe; Asters, curved, Mrs, wood, W. H. Dearing; Asters, curv ed petals, Mrs. Heywood, W. H. Dearing; Cosmos, single, Mrs. Ewart Pym, W. H. Dearing; Cosmos, double W .H. Dearing; Dahlia, 4 blooms, Snap- Wal- , W. com- Wilfred Hey* Routly. House Plants and,.Foliage—As paragus pumosus, L. Fletcher, Thos. Washburn; Asparagus springer!, L. Fletcher; Begonia, Rex, W. Urchart, Mrs. Wes. Doupe; Begonia, other, John Berry, Mrs. Wes. Doupe; Ferns Thos. Washburn, Mrs. Wes. Doupe; Rubber plant, Mrs. Grieve, R. E, Doupe; collection of foliage plants,. Mrs, Wes. Doupe, Mrs. John Berry; Window Box, R. E. Doupe; Jerusal em Cherry, R. E. Pooley, Mrs. Wes. Doupe. Judge—J. J. Brown SPECIAL EVENTS Foot races, boys under 16, Jack Urquhart, Grant Mills, Ray Cham bers; girls under 16, Lorraine Cope land, Lena Coward, Roxy Doupe, B. Clarke tied; open 100 yards, R. Paul Gerald Paul, Bill Switzer; bicyple race, 16 and under, Carl Decker, Lloyd Cottle, Ray Chambers; old time fiddlers contest, Fred HarbOrn Ward Alien, William Hyde; pie eat ing contest, Olay toil Jones, Dud Cor nish, John Batten, Harry Sparling, George Hamilton; best school parade S.S, 11, Rlatishard, S.S. 9 Blanshard. and No. 10, Blanshard; best school drill S.-S. 11 Blanshard, 10, Blan shard and 9 Blanshard. b> 4 tf* i •