The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-10-05, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER f»th, 1980 HENSALL Miss Helen Dick had her tonsils removed last week at the office of Dr. D. G. iSteer. Mr. Daniel McNaughton still con­ tinues seriously ill in .Scott Memor­ial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. Harold Bonthron is in Tor­ onto this week writing examinations at the Embalming School. Miss Dorothy Farquhar, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with rela­ tives in and around Hensall, Master Bobby Bell visited at th® home of his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Roy MacLaren this week. ■Mr. John Tapp spent the week­ end visiting his son Mr. James Tapp Mrs. Tapp and babe in Ottawa. Miss Emma Johnston attended the funeral of a relatiye Mr. Robert Nicholson at Wingham recently, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sissler and babe, of Denfield, visited on ’Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mrs. Geo. Hess and Miss Jennie Murray are in Galt this week at­ tending the W. C. T, U. Convention as delegates.Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, London, ^visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Pepper of St. Thomas, spent the week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs, E, L, Mickle and family. Mrs. (Dr.) Smith and children, of St. Marys, visited recently with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, C. Petty. Mrs. Eva Stapleton and family moved last week to the farm dwell­ ing of Mr. Alex Stewart on Highway No. 4, North. Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill is having the dwelling of the late Mrs. W. C. Davis repainted, which presents a fine appearance. Mrs. Lawrence Baynham and fam­ ily, of Exeter, visited this week with Mrs. Baynham’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir,Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacMartin, of Barrie, visited recently with the lat­ ter’s mother Mrs. Robt. Bonthron and Mrs. Lou Simpson. Mrs. Russel Love and babe, Kin­ cardine have been visiting for the past week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John R. MacDonald. Mr. Robt. Passmore who has been holidaying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore has returned to resume his studies at Toronto Uni­ versity.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Jack visited on Sunday with Mrs. Brenkolt in Kitchener.Quite a number from here attend­ ed the High School Field Meet held in Seaforth on Friday. The local stu­ dents are to be congratulated on the prizes they received.Mr. Fred Corbett received the sad news of the death of his brother-in- law, Mr. P. H. Devlin in Stratford, last week. The deceased was in his 75th year and dropped dead with a heart attack.Mrs. A. L. Case, who underwent an operation foi’ the removal of hei’ tonsils and throat treatment in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week is improving. Mr. Peter Moir is making exten­ sive improvements to the dwelling he recently purchased from the es­ tate of the late Mr. Richard Blatch- ford. The work is being done by Mr. James Sangster.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee, Fenton, Michigan, spent the week-end at the home of the latter’s brother Mr. F. Corbett and attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, the late Mr. P. H. Devlin, who dropped dead in Stratford last week. Rev. C. L- Mitchell, B.A., B.D, Conducts Services Rev. C. L< Mitchell, B.A., B.D., of Vernon, Ontario, conducted services in Cannel Presbyterian Church on Sunday and delivered very fine ser­ mons. The choir sang two beauti­ ful anthems with Miss Irene Hog­ garth taking the soprano solo. Plan to Organize Red Cross Society The regular meeting of the Hen­ sall Senior Women’s Institute will be held on Wednesday evening, Oc- Carmel ’Presbyterian church met on DASHWOOD Monday evening in the church to pr- ganize for the coming year. Mrs. A. | pr, D. Bryce. UD.S*. D.D.fi W. Kerslake presided over’ the open-j y M M * ing of the meeting A hymn was sung followed by prayer by Miss Hannah I Murray. The Scripture lesson was1 read by Bobby Cameron, The busi­ ness was discussed and Allen David­ son presided over the election of of­ ficers as " ............. Hoggarth let Hyde;Campbell;urer, Mr. _ Miss Margaret Dougall garet pell and Miss tDENTAL SURGEON At office ih Hartieib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days pf week and at office over the post Office, in izu- i rich, last three days of-week, I ! Mrs. Betty Tailor is visiting with her brother in Port Dalbousie. I Mrs. Miles, of S^ynia and Mrs, Falkhaufer, of Toronto, are visiting ■ with Mr. John Bender, Dr, Lome Tieman, of Unionville, N, Y„ is spending his vacation with his parents Mr, and Mrs. D, Tieman. i Mrs, George Bullock has returned, home from St. Joseph’s'Hospital in , London, where she has spent the past few weeks, We hope for a speedy recovery. | Miss Viola M ui’i e Vincent has ac- septed a position at London, Master Ronnie Garvey entertained , t, ■ a number of his little friends to aThe W. M, of Carmel Presby- birthday party on Tuesday afternoon, tenan church entertained the Home! Mr> and Mrg John gchwaim, of Helpers at their regular meeting held gehwaing} Mrs, L- Valjett, ofon Tuesday evening in the church, j and ^nna jjess, of Zurich Mrs. Jas. Patterson presided over the • were viSitora with Mr, and Mrs. Hy, following program which opened by Hoffman on Monday, crin rr r» lvNrvrtYi r 11 rvxxrorf hxr ! * ' , ' *» « ...... _ ,» _____ by "Mrs. Wm. Bell. las. The minutes of the previous] Mr< ajld -vIra. .SpCa*o, uf meeting were read and adopted. The pontjac Mich., are visiting with Mrs. roll call was answered with "Peace’ p Mclsaac as the text word. The business was| ’ Mr> and MrSt Len< Hopkins, discussed and the offering received .bridal couple, of Ottawa and Mrs. after which Mrs. A. Logan led in ~v, p;iU,lifXO v;pr_ prayer, Mrs, John Cairns favoied ors wjtbi Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk with- & vocal solo* 'Mis, (Rov.) Q& Tuesday, C. Hill and Miss Jeclcell of Exeter and jjrg ]sjorinan Vincent and were guests and Miss Jeckell gave aa family visited with their daughter address on 'Work of Home Helpers . and son_in.law> Mr. and Mrs,-. Harold Another hymn was sung followed by pramce, of Thedford, on Sunday, a guitar selection by Miss Emahe response to a special request, Hoskins. “ ----- topic on — _____„followed by prayer led by Mrs. Hill. Dainty refreshments were served. (Intended for last week) The W. C. T. U. met in the base­ ment of the United Church Thurs­ day afternoon with Mrs. C. L. Jinks presiding over the devotional .part of the meeting, A hymn was sung fol­ lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in unis­ on. Mrs. John Passmore read the Scripture and sentence prayers were given by the following: Mb's. Hedden Mrs. Elder, Miss Murray and Mrs. McQueen. Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess sang a beautiful duet, “Have .You “jy," 2 - -y -5- ,; . d _* -jf.Been in the Garden with Jesus” ac- 01 tnAvll_lag® 01 on companied by Miss Irene Douglas on’ follows: President Miss I. ; vice-president, Miss Vlo- secretary-treasurer, Mr. G. , assistant secretary-treas- Bobby Cameron; pianist, 'I. Miss Mar- |MI ... .. ULI Violet Hyde were appointed delegates to attend the Presbyterian Young People's So­ ciety Convention to be held in New St. James Church, London, October 6, 7, 8 and 9th. After the closing hymn the Lord’s prayer was repeat­ ed in unison and the Mizpah bene­ diction pronounced. AV. M. S. Entertain Home Helpers A number of relatives from heresinging a_ hymn followed by prayer C ----- — The Scripture attended the funeral of the late Mr. lesson was read by Mrs. Wm- Doug-. John Ziler ip parkhill on Monday.. The minutes of the previous | and ^rg. Harold .Speare, of Hopkins, of St. Thomas were visit- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent and and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.- Harold alection by Miss Emane Iu response to a special request, Mrs' ,ci!s Hudson gave the ■ Rev. H, E. Roppel Will attend the - What Indian Village Lite ^ooth anniversary of the Willoughby Needs. A. closing bymn was su.^s, Evangelical' Church____w____ __ _ i near Niagara Falls, Ontario, next Sunday, October 8th. This was* Mr. Roppel’s first charge after his seminary gradua­ tion in 1918. So the opportunity to assist there again on this historic occasion is one of rare distinction. . Rev. Mr. >S. Peachey of the Minnonite I church will conduct services here ; on Sunday as supply in the pastor's absence. The Dashwood Evangelical chprch is busy planning and preparing for the 44th anniversary of the building of the present church which has now graced the roadside at the approach j way No. *83*for nearly half a century companiea oy miss> irem] The anniversary will be observed on of Sunday and Monday October 15th Hess presided ovei thes lemauidei of and Rev_ E Burn, of Milver- the meetino. Miss Jennie Mui 1 ay, ton, Ontario, will be the guest speak- *’aY® an„ er at tlie Sunday services and anipeiwnTnnnnPe™hn «nn^p illustrated lecture with colorful Mrs. 01 aw, of IMClx.il! Op, W11O SP0K6 ninvin0* will ho ffiven Moil~in the interests of the organization. | f1 { Hess a^!ai7ed7cT& an S01mte^T d tnt6h^ hekl > evening of good wholesome enter- Galt/(^tober^rlT’to'stlf6 J*10 ”eneral I)uWle of was sung and the benediction closed tlns community. the meeting. . ’ Death of Mrs. Thomas Keys I Mrs. Thomas Keys formerly Mary . Elizabeth Sharpe died on Sunday 1 morning at her home in .Stephen Tp., , where she had resided for the past ___ „____. .1 . ___ ; l her 81st year and was born at Scarboro. She is survived by a daughter Pearl at home; two _sons Ernest and Albert, Mrs. Wesley Johns,' Crediton , and | A private "funeral service was held] at the residence on Tuesday after-1 noon followed by a public service in Shipka United Church. Interment was made in Exeter cemetery. KIRKTON Mr. J. A. Graham, of Huntoon,' ^ty years. JjShe was in Sask., visited with her niece Mrs. R. Morrison. ____, ___ ___ ______ Mr?-. Chester Hazelwood and son of Stephen Township and two sisters Edison, Mrs. Wm. Hazelwood and Mrs. Wesley Johns, Crediton and son Bill, of Detroit, spent part of last, Mrs. .George Shepherd,, of Parkhill, week with. Mr. Walter Hazelwood. ‘ ’ ““.... Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marshall and daugh­ ter Marilyn, were Sunday guests with Mr. Fred Lankin. Quite a few attended the annual Anniversary services held at Paul’s Church on Sunday. St.THAMES ROAD Heavy frost Saturday night made CENTRALIA Mr. George Hicks left on Thurs-1 day, of last week on a trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mugan, of Lon­ don, were week-end visitors with Mrs. C, O'Brien, Mrs, O’Brien return­ ed with them tor a few days visit. Mrs, John McFalls is visiting with relatives in Ducan, Mr. and Mrs. M. Haskett, Lucan, Miss Velma Haskett and friend, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Clara Abbott. Miss Gladys Hutchinson is work­ ing in London. Mr, and Mrs. Brock ! have gone to Lucan to spend the wintei* months with their daughter Mrs. Hutchinson. Miss Mildred Elliott left on Sun­ day for Sarnia to train for a purse in the hospital there. Mr, and Mrs. Lome Hicks enter­ tained at dinner at their home on Saturday evening in honour of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs, An­ drew Hicks on their wedding anni­ versary. Mrs. G. Hennissey and Mary, Ber­ nice and Eunice spent Sunday in Goderich.Mrs. Frank Conlin spent a couple of days last week in Ingersoll as a delegate to the C. W. L. Convention. Mrs, Margaret Sullivan, of Viking, Alberta, is renewing old acquaint­ ances in the neighborhood. The president and a number of the members of the Centralia Home and School Club will attend the Regional Conference of Home and School Clubs in London on Thursday of this week, Mr, M. Sleamon and sister-in-law Mrs, E. Calfas visited with relatives in Windsor over the week-end. Mr. Gerald Godbolt was in Tor­ onto over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown nice visited with relatives iton on Sunday. Miss Beulah Skinner is with relatives in Toronto. presentation The members of the Truth Seek- EE ers Sunday School Class gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray ~ Elliott on Monday evening of last week in honour of their daughter ~ Mildred who was- leaving for Sarnia j— to train for a nurse in the hospital « there. The evening was spent in playing crokinole. Just before lunch was served an address was read by zzz Greta Pollard and Margaret Cook presented Mildred with a wine moire j == satin evening gown. Mildred express- | s=: ed her appreciation for the beauti- ful gift. After lunch all joined in izs singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fel- sx low.” EE Home and School Club The Home and Scnooi Club held ~ their opening meeting in the school == on Friday evening with a very good attendance. Mrs. Penwarden pre-. ~ sided and the meeting opened with I singing a hymn followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Falconbridge. The min-} :== utes of the last meeting were read »i and adopted and "the treasurei’ gave olil | a report. Mrs. Alvin Essery and Miss | Greta pollard favoured with a piano duet. A vocal duet by William Skelton and Greta Pollard was great­ ly appreciated. Several business mat­ ters were dealt with. Dr. Cowan, of Exeter, was the guest speaker and he delivered a very interesting ad-j '■'Xljoe 9 WINCHELSEA Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Kirkton Fair on Friday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, Saints- bury, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooiey, Mar­ ion, Irene and Dorothy and Bobbie, ■Miss Ella Francis visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bean, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. R. Brock of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. James Calder and .... ------------- ---- ,son Gordon, of Ingersoll, visited ontober 11th at the home? of Miss G.,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Del- bridge. Miss Hazel Johns, of Elimville, spent Sunday with. Miss Ethel Pool­ ey. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock and Beryl visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Heywood, Elimville. Mrs. Ben Elder, of Hensall and Mrs. Jess. Case, of Toronto, called on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis. ■Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Collier at Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten and John spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and Kathleen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hal'ry Ford, of Elimville. Quite a number from this com­ munity attended the travelogue giv­ en by the Toll Bros, held in James Street United Church, Exeter, Mon­ day night. Mrs. Tanton, a nurse of*Passmore. --------- - - — ,Dr. Grenfell in Labrador, is to be the guest speaker and Mrs. Harold Jackson will give the demonstration on "Health.” Everyone interested is urged to attend this meeting, as plans are to be made to organize a Red Cross Society. Mrs. Gauld Guest Speaker at AV. M. S. Anniversary Mrs. Gauld, former missionary of Formosa, China, for forty years, now of Toronto, addressed the congrega­ tion at the W. M. B. Anniversary in the United Church bn Sunday morn­ ing. A large congregation was pres­ ent to hear the very fine address ol Mrs. Gauld, who is well known in this district. The choir sang a very appropriate anthem. Rev. Mr. Pen­ rose, of Exeter, conducted the even­ing service and choir sang a beauti­ ful anthem. Rev. R. A. Brook con­ducted anniversary service in Cred- iton United Church Sunday evening. Young People Elect Officers The Young People’s Society of the WANTED OATS, BARLEY, MIXED GRAIN, FEED WHEAT AND SOYABEANS, AT THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. At present we are paying the following prices: 70c per bus 48c pci* bus. Oats ....... ............... 340 per bus. Wheat........ Barley ................. 48c per bus. Buckwheat Mixed Grain $1.00 per hundred Picked up at your farm. All weights must be standard. If you have grain to dispose of, it will pay you to get in touch with us* ROE FARMS MILLING CO. ATWOOD, ONTARIO PHONE 55 and Ber- in Cred- visiting EXETER LIONS CLUB EXFTER ARFNAJLui A aTa<Lm4JL W w EXETER BAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE Benny Palmer’s Orchestra WITH NEW AND OLD TIME JITNEY DANCES GIVEN AWAY FREE Each night a draw will be made and the holder of the lucky ticket will have the choice of A Boys’ or Girls’ C. C. M. Bicycle or $50.00 in Merchandise from the store giving out the lucky ticket. Holders of tickets must be present to secure these prizes. In Addition to the Above There Will be SIX DOOR PRIZES EACH NIGHT OF $10.00 IN MERCHANDISE From Merchants in Hensall, Zurich, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Centralia^Crediton Exeter Those attending the frolic should deposit coupons in box of their trading area. Big Draw Friday Night Who will get the trip to the World’s Fair, value $200? IN ADDITION THE FOLLOWING PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY Sparton Radio, value $79.95; C.C.M. Boy’s or Girl’s Bicycle, value $35.00; Lady or Gent’s Coat or Suit, value $25.00; also One Ton of Coal, Set of Graniteware, value $10.00; All Wool Single Plain Blanket, 100 lbs. Sugar, 20 Gallons of Gasoline, Hot Point Iron, $5.00 in Merchandise Holders of the lucky tickets will be allowed to purchase these prizes for 25 cents. Admission: Adults 25c; Children 12 yrs. and under, 10c The Lions Club appeals to you for your support in their work for Crippled Children havoc in our gardens—so now we _ ^an^_x.du®p can clean up for fall and look for­ ward to bulb planting. Mrs. Cephas Pym is very ill at her home. Sacrament service was held Sun­ day with a large attendance, eight young men being received into full membership. The pastor's address was on "Rebuilding the fires of En­ thusiasm”. The choir rendered an appropriate number. Mrs. ‘ / gation was buried on Monday after­ noon. Miss spent Dalrymple of Roys congre- Beth Ballantyne, of London, the week-end at home. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routly children, of Gravenhurst were cent visitors at Mr. Wm. Routly’s. Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, of Seaforth visited a couple of days at Mr. Chas. Stephens. Mr. Wm. Elford and Miss Flor­ ence Bell sang a pleasing duet at Sunday morning's service. Sacrament was administered to a goodly num­ ber. The W. A. are sponsoring a play "■Simple Simon Simple” on Wednes­ day, October 11th. This play has been put on about forty times. A chicken supper will also be served the same night. Remember .the date October 11th. Mrs. Lewis Johns has some Cit- j’Ons grown last year which are quite firm and free from decay. They have a fine flavor when preserved. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and family from Seaforth were Sun­ day visitors at Mr. Jno. Brock’s. Mr. and Mrs, L. Johns and ily were visitors on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith in duiph. The Mission Circle The Mission Circle held their meet­ ing at the home of Doris Elford on Saturday last. Margaret Miners add Doreen Coultis took charge of the meeting which was opened with the hymn "Sing to the Lord of Harvest” The Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison,The roll call was answered by twenty-one members on a verse from the Bible beginning with S. A hymn was sung, Ethel Pooley read the Scripture lesson. A Stofy from the Missionary Monthly "Our Friend the African” was given by Hula Herdman, Doris Elford read a poem "Let us smile”, sentence prayers by Margaret Miners Leona Coward* Irene Pooley, Meeting closed with a hymn and benediction by Margaret Miners. and re- fam- with Bid­ CREDITON Rev. Harrison Becker, of Illinois, ■ called on friends in the village on Sunday. | Mr. Fred Kerr, Miss Walker, Mr. , A'.jzo Culbert and sondress on dentistry. Bernice Brown ■ Frederick are spending a few days and Jane Sleamon favored with a j at Boat Lake, near Wiarton. • m . 2 j . The meeting was then | brought to a close by singing "0 J tieth Canada” and all repeated the Miz- pah henediction. WOODHAM Anniversary services will be in Woodham United Church Sunday, October 8th at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. G. C. Wilkinson of Hickson, who t.lL preach at both services. j A large number from here attend-, ed the Kirkton Fair last Friday af- ’ ter noon. | We are sorry to report that Mrs., Gorby continues quite ill. Mrs. __....... ' ____., . Washington, spent a ,few days last week visiting at her parents’ home here and also with her sister Mrs. Laverne Stone at Kirkton. Special services marked the seven- l anniversary of the United Church here on Sunday, October 1. Ideal weather conditions prevailed and a large crowd was present at the morning service, and listened to a very practical and inspiring address by Rev. Mr. Copeland, of Exeter. All seats and aisles were filled in the evening when Rev. R. A. Brook, of r v Hensall, who was pastor when the will1 Present church was erected, was the | speaker. Mr. Brook chose as his held WHALEN Miss J. Finlayson and Miss Maida Morley spent the week-end at the former’s home near Kippen. Miss Elsie Robbins, of Hensall, holidaying with Mrs. F. Gunning. Mrs. Alice Gunning, of Exeter, visiting for a few days with Wilson Morley. is is Mrs. Mrs. D. A. Johnson, of Grand Bend spent a few days during last week with Mrs. Thos. Gunning. Hydro was installed in the United Church last week the work being done by Mr. J. Tomlinson, of Wood­ ham. Rev. Mr. Gill, of Wellburn will be the speaker at the church service on Sunday afternoon next. BOYS AND GIRLS his ‘With Christ Through the and delivered a very forceful address which was listened to with rapt attention by an appreciative au­ dience. The local choir rendered ^^nders^on1 and-Shirley of two anthems at each service and the .. h. Ancteison.ana-bmuey, oi Rey. BrQok and Wg daughter Ruth, sang a very pleasing duet in the evening. Service was withdrawn ■ in the Evangelical Church in the evening. Rev. Mr. Pletch and his congregation were in attendance, Mr. Pletch assisting with the service, i | An Appreciation j What greater record could any I man possibly leave behind him when he "Crosses the Bar” than the reali­ zation on the part of those who knew him that in his passing a use­ ful life had ended. We refer to Mr. Henry Motz who died suddenly last Wednesday morning. A devoted hus­ band and father, who lived up to his family responsibilities with loyalty; a worker in a life’s vocation that was $2.00 Door Prize; Admission 50c well marked by his faithfulness to ’ the interests of his employer. The ’.impressive funeral service on Sunday ' was conducted by Rev. A. E. Pletch, who paid tribute to the life of the departed. We pass on to the be­ reaved our sincere sympathy in their darkest hour. Women’s Institute The regular meeting of the Cred­iton W. I. met in the Town Hall. The meeting opened by singing the Ode and repeating the Lord’s Prayer ill unison with the president occupy^ in the chair. Roll call was answer- I ed by showing "My First Photo.” ;Motto: "Deeds are mightier than words”. Mrs. L. England took the chair for the program which was as : follows: "Maple Leaf Forever”. Miss J. Mountain gave a paper on "His- ory of our School.' Instrumental duet ' by Mrs. G. Morlock and Mrs. K. (Fahrner. A talk by Mrs. Walker of i Exeter on Red Cross work and the organizing, which proved'•interest- ’ ing. Guitar duet by Miss A. Skinner ’ and Mrs. R. by Mrs. 0. Haist ___ .i "O Canada’’ was sung after which a i reading was given by Mrs. L. Wein, , "Thanksgiving”. The National An* 1 them was sung in closing. Hostesses, Mrs. L. England, Mrs. D. Finkbeiner, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. L. Wein. A Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. E. Law- son seconded by Mrs. Telfer, ....DANCING.... DUBLIN to WILLIS TIPPING and his Grand Bend Casino Orchestra on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th FOR THE Middlesex-Huron Regiment The Regiment is appealing to the young men in Exeter arid surrounding Villages and County to stop and think of the duty which is ours to per­ form as British Subjects* Local training will be held at Exeter in the evenings* This will not interfere with your present position, A high physical standard is being maintained. Apply at the Exeter Opera House 7 p. in. to 9 p,rn. LIEUT. J. L. McKNIGHT Officer in Charge which proved '•interest- King. A paper was given ‘ ' '"The Creation.” I WANTED TO JOIN THE JUNIOR BRIGADE THE FOLLOWING HAVE ALREADY JOINED Elmer Willis, Leonard Wells, Billy Moise, Mac and Don. Grant, Jimmie Wilson, Ken Cudmore, Ted Han­ nigan and Helen Davis FIRST PRIZE 1940 Bicycle, Boys’ or Girls’ to Fit You SECOND PRIZE A Beautiful Wrist or Pocket Watch JOIN UP TODAY* AT PRESENT THERE ARE MORE PRIZES THAN THERE ARE CONTESTANTS. YOU CAN WIN! COME TO THE HEADQUARTERS OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, MAIN ST., EXETER * I