HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-09-14, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Coming to Hensail
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be M W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes find fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those , that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensali
for appointment
Mr. and’Mrs, J. W. Bonthron spent
Sunday in Waterloo.
Dr. I. G. Smjllie and Mrs. Smillie
returned home after a very pleasent
visit with relatives and friends in
Miss Audrey Twitchell was the
guest of Miss Evelyn Corbett on
Miss Greta Lammie visited recent
ly with her sister Miss Amy Lammie
in Windsor.
Miss Margaret Hobkirk, of Detroit,
is visiting with relatives and friends
in the village.
Mrs. Uttley, of Zurich, visited re
cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Da'bus.
Mr. Lome Elder, of Montreal, is I
visiting with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. John Elder.
Mrs. Jas. Mutch, of Auburn, was
a recent visitor in town the guest
of Miss Emma Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White, of Lon
don, visited with relatives and
friends in town on Stmday.
Mr, Robt. Passmore returned from
a very pleasant holiday spent in Tor
onto, Huntsville and at Bigwin Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foster have
moved into their new and up-to-date
dwelling on Main street and are get
ting nicely settled.
Mrs. Victor -Fee is having an up-to-
date porch built on her dwelling, the
Work is being done by Messrs. John
H. Cochrane and Wm. Horney.
Miss Ethel Murdock and Mrs. V.
Hoggarth, of Calgary, who have been
spending the past several weeks in
town left on Sunday for their home.
Mrs. B. Campbell and son Keith,
of Toronto, spent the the week-end
with the former’s sister Miss Ethel
Murdock and Mrs. Vera Hoggarth.
Mrs. William Mangnall and Mr.
Kenneth Mangnall, of Beachville
were recent visitors with Miss Hattie
Sutherland and Mr. Geo. Sutherland.
Miss Olive Walker, R.N., returned
to her duties at Albany Hospital,
N. Y., after a very pleasant visit
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Bonthron
motored to Brockville where Mr.
Bonthron attended the Postmasters’
convention as a member of the Hur-
on-iPerth Executive.
Elaine Hoskins, who underwent an
operation- for appendicitis in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last
week, is improving and is expected
to return home soon.
The executive of the Young People
of Huron Presbytery met in Carmel
church on Monday evening for mak
ing arrangements for the Fall Rally
to be held in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook re
turned home after a trip to the
World’s Fair, New York. They were
accompanied by their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry ,Cook, of Toron
to. . '
Mr. John Craig, who recently' re
turned home from Victoria Hospital,
London, where he underwent an op
eration some time ago, is much im
proved in health. His many friends
hope to see him out soon.
Rev, R. A. Brook conducted ser
vices in the United Church Sunday
and Miss Bella Smale and Mrs. Geo,
Hess sang a beautiful duet. At the
evening service Mr. W. O. Goodwin
rendered a pleasing solo.
The Mission Circle members of
the United Church attended the ban
quet held in Northside United church
Seaforth on Friday evening when
Miss Patterson, missionary from In
dia was the special speaker.
The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres
byterian church held a sewing meet
ing at the home of Miss Mabel Work
man on Monday evening. Dainty re
freshments were served by the host
esses at the close of the evening..
Rally Day services will be held in
the United Church next Sunday
morning. A boys’ and girls’ chorus
will assist the regular choir and Rev.
R. A. Brook will speak on the sub
subject “The Church School Moves
Quite a numer of ladies of Carmel
Presbyterian Church attended the
W. M. ,S. Presbyterial held in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on
Tuesday, when Mrs. John Williams,}
Full IPfomnation from Agents
Provincial President; of Toronto,
was the special speaker.
Mr. Win, Dabus had the misfor
tune while riding' home on the run- ■
ning-board of an automobile driven |
by Mr.
A very pleasant time was spent at
the home of Mre. Bertha Bell on
Wednesday evening when the Young
People of Carmel r ‘ ‘ ,
Church held a weiner roast, During 'second reading,
the evening Court Whist was played
and a very enjoyable time had by
Quite a number from here attend
ed the Drumhead Service held in Vic
toria Park, Exeter, on Sunday. Rev.
K. H. Palmer, of.Palmerston former
private secretary for Sir Sam Hughes
during the Great War was the spec
ial speaker, and delivered a very fine
Blacksmith Shop Re-Opened
Mr. Arthur Bushey has re-opened
the blacksmith shop of the late Geo.
Brock. Mr. Bushey is an experienc
ed blacksmith by trade and will no
■doubt serve the public in the same
pleasing manner as Mr, Brock.
Carmel Church Pulpit Vacant
Rev. D. C. Hill conducted services
in Carmel Presbyterian church on
Sunday and declared the pulipit va
cant and the congregation prepared
to hear calls for a minister. The
choir sang a beautiful anthem at the
morning service and another anthem
at the evening service. Next Sunday
Rev. John Sutherland, of Toronto,
will preach here.
Harvest Home Services
St. Paul's Anglican- church was
beautifully decorated with a profus
ion of flowers, vegetables and fruits
for the Harvest Home Service on
Sunday. Rev. Canon Wallace of St.
James Westminster, was the special
speaker at the morning service and
Rev. Dr. Anderson, of London, de
livered the special sermon in the
evening. Rev. M. A.- Hunt also as
sisted. The choir sang very appro
priate anthems for. the occasion.
United Church W. M. $.
The W. M. S. of the United church
held their regular meeting Thursday
afternoon with the Honorary Presi
dent, Mrs. Chas; McDonell presiding
in the absence of the president Mrs.
W. B. Cross. After singing the
opening hymn Mrs. McDonell led in
prayer. The scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. N. E. Cook and the
business discussed. It was decided
to hold a sale of home-made cooking
in Bonthron & Drysdale store on
Saturday, Sept. 23rd. Hymn 332
was sung and a very beautiful duet
played by Miss Greta 'Lammie on the
violin and Mrs. Vera Hoggarth on
the piano. A review' and preview of
the work done in the past year was
led by Mrs. Chas. McDonell assisted
by Mre. A. Spencer and Mrs. W. B.
Carlisle. The ’ meeting closed by
singing hymn 25 'and the Lord's
W. M. S. of Carmel Church Meet
The W. M. S. of Carmel Church
held their regular meeting on Thurs
day afternoon in ’the1 church with the
president, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, pre
siding. After singing hymn ‘I Need
Thee Every"Hour”. Mrs. Hudson led
in prayer, The Bible Lesson Psalm
147 was read by Mrs, Peter Manson.
The minutes of’the previous meet
ing were read and. adopted and the
roll call answered with a prayer.
The business were discussed and ar
rangements made to attend the W.
M.S. Presbyterial to be held in Knox
church Goderich Oh Tuesday, Sept.
15 th. The next’meeting to be held
on Tuesday; Octbber 3rd at 8 p.m. iWillert, for the past couple of weeks
when the Home Helpers will be en- -"‘-----**
tertained.’ After singing a hymn Mrs.
Dallas todk the topic on the “Bhil
Field which'was' very interesting.
Mrs. Hannah Workman led in prayer
and another hymn was sung follow
ed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison.
Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the village
council was held in . the Council
Chamber on Monday' evening at 8
p.m. with all members present. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read. Jones and Shepherd; That the
minutes be adopted as read. Carried.
Lee Hedden reported re the repairs
to the pavement and catch basins
as being completed also for the re
quest for two ‘/No Parking” signs
from the Bank of. Montreal and also
suggested some furnace coal be se
Twitchell and. Shepherd: That we
order five tons of furnace coal from
W. R. Davidson. Carried.
Miss Clarissa Mitchell appeared re
insulin, the same explained to her.
Correspondence read as follows:
Red Cross Society, re forming a
Society here; Dept, of Welfare, Dept,
of Municipal Affairs, County Treas-,
urer, Huron Expositor, Hensali
School Board. Same filed.
Bills and accounts:
. , O. Rowcliffe, relief r milk,
'Cook’s Store, relief groceries,
Dept, of Health, insulin $1.95
on Expositor, printing $3.57;
cipal World, supplies $3,12;
Bonthron, postage $5.00; Lee Hed
den, salary
hydro $5.09;
Park, $3.60
sign, $4.10; Total $100.4$.
Jones and Horton: That
and accounts ad read be paid
HOrton and Jones: That the Clerk
be instructed to add the cost of the
Roy Campbell on Friday of
thrown Just opposite the
Mr. Dabus suffered facial
and a bad shaking up,
weed cutting to the following per
sons property in the Collector’s roll:
G. McEwen estate, $1,80; Mrs. Hyde
40c.; Geo. Todd estate 60c.. Carried.
Jones and Shepherd: That we set
the tax rate for the year 1939 as fol
lows: County rate 3.5; village 12.9;
library 0.5; Debenture 4,3; School
10.9, relief 0.4. Total taxable rate
,of 31 mills plus the provincial grant
of 1.5 mille. 'Carried.*
I Twitchell and Horton; That By
Presbyterian (laws 10 and 11 be given first and
' ~ ” j. Carried,
Shepherd and Jones; That By-laws
10 and 11 be given third and final
reading, Carried,
Horton and Twitchell: That we bill
the Dept, of Highways for the sum
of $54.60 for the cost of the road
oil on Highway No. 84. Carried.
Twitchell and Shepherd: That we
adjourn. Carried.
Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk
Miss Grace Lodder, of Brown City,
Mich., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Treitz.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and Mr.
Ed. Beaver are sipending this week
at Boat Lake near Wiarton where
Mr. Kerr is building a cottage.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women’s Association of the
United Church was held in the school*
room on Thursday last. With the
president presiding. The meeting
opened ’by singing hymn “Jesus Is
Calling” followed by prayer. The
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
R. Finkbeiner. Roll Call was answer
ed by fourteen members. Plans were
made to serve a hot fowl supper on
October 4th. Hymn “You May Help
a Load to Lighten” was sung and
the meeting was iclosed with the
Mizpah benediction. The hostesses
Mrs. E. Chambers and Mrs. W. Mack
served a dainty lunch.
School re-opened last Tuesday
morning and so ended the long sum
mer vacation for teachers and pupils.
With the ringing of the school bell
at Crediton last Tuesday the boys
and girls embarked upon a voyage
of discovery, ‘manned ‘by a capable
crew. To passengers and crew we
extend best wishes for happy and in
teresting days of smooth sailing on
the seas of learning. Those pupils
who were successful in passing to
higher grades, and those who went
to school foi' the first time this week
will find thrills aplenty as they ex
plore the courses of study.
Women’s Institute
The regular meeting of the W. I-
'was held Monday evening in the
Town Hall, President Mrs. Ewald oc
cupied the chair. Motto: “Wilful
I waste makes woeful want.” Roll call,
(“Something useful from discards”
| which all responded. Miss J. Moun
tain took the chair for the program
as follows: Song: Paper on “Home
Economics” given by Mrs. I. Fink
beiner; duet, Mrs. E. Fahrner and
Miss E. Morlock; speaker, Mr. Vidt,
of Exeter on “Refrigeration” which
was very interesting. We all bene
fited by it. A pleasant surprise
was the bringing of strawberries'
which have been in the locker since
24th of June. They were delicious
and were enjoyed by all. Instrumen
tal by Miss L. Mollard. Song, Host
esses, Mrs. F. King, Mrs. W. Grieves
Mrs. W. Oestricher, Miss Jean Moun
tain, Mrs. R. Finkbeiner. A vote of
thanks was then given by Mrs. H.
Eilber and seconded by Mrs. C. Sims.
Mrs. Zimmerman, of Windsor, who
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
'returned to her home on Sunday.
| Mrs. M. Kershaw who has been
■ been visiting relatives in the West
for the past couple of months return
ed home on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Molitor, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Molitor and Marlene, Thed
ford, were Sunday visitors with
and Mrs. J. Pollard.
Mrs. D. Hodgson visited with
'son Cecil in Toronto last week
* attended the Exhibition.
| Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil
; Hur-
F. G.
$55.00;'Hensail Hydm
J. McClinchey,
; Ed. Little,
the bills
'son, of Detroit, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker and Dor
een visited with Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Swartz in Crediton on Sunday.
I The Sunday School Anniversary
(service held in the church here on
[Sunday morning was well attend
ed. The church was beautifully de- | collated with autumn flowers and
.ferns. Special music was provided
by the choir and Mr. Norman Mit
chell rendered a very fine solo. Rev,
Mr, Brown, of Lucan,' was the guest
speaker and he delivered an inspir
ing message, taking as his subject,
Slidw6r For Bride-Elect
On Friday evening of last week a
number Of friends gathered at the
koine of Miss Mildred Elliott and
presented Miss Ruth Kleinstiver, a
bride-elect With a -miscellaneous
shower. The home was gaily decor
ated with autumn flowers for the oc-
casion and the gifts were presented
in decorated baskets by Misses Mil-
idred Elliott and Doris Grefo. An ad
dress Was read and the presentation
.of several pieces of Pyrexware was (made by Mrs, Pen warden and Mrs.
Dave Smith on behalf of the Centra
lia School and Home Club of which
I Miss Kleinstiver was a member. Miss
Lillian Elliott sang several numbers
Lunch was served.
Dr, W. D. Bryce, L.D,S., D,D.S.
dental surgeon
At office in Hartleib Block, Pagh-
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in Zu
rich, laBt three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. E- Nadigei- are visit
jng with friends in Kalamazoo and
Mt. Clemens, Mich.
Mrs. Reid spent the week-end at
Port Elgin.
Mrs. Gill has returned after a
pleasant visit with friends in Detroit.
Miss Ella Zimmer has returned
to Detroit after sipending her vaca
tion at her home here.
A large number from here attend
ed the Drumhead service in Exeter
on Sunday afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Noll, of Milver
ton, attended the funeral of the late
Mr. Peter Mcisaac on Saturday.
Special Missionary services will be
held in the Lutheran church Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hotchkiss, of
Detroit, spent the week-end with
Quite a number are attending
London Fair this week.
Miss Myrtle Qaiser left for Lon
don on Monday where she- will at
tend Normal School.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ziler and
Antanette, spent Sunday with John
Ziler, of Parkhill, who is seriously
ill at present time.
Death of Peter Mcisaac
shadow of gloom was cast over
community on Wednesday*
morning September 6th when it was
learned that Mr. Peter Mcisaac had
passed away very suddenly while vis
iting at the home of His son Milford
in Detroit having suffered a heart
attack. He was in his 71st year be
ing born on the twelfth concession
Stehen Township.
He had suffered a fractured hip
in a fall about a year ago and was
just nicely able to get around again.
Mr. Mcisaac had been engaged in
the undertaking business for the past
3 0 years and was also manager of
the Hay Municipal Telephone Sys
tem at Dashwood which positions he
held at the time of his death. Prior
to this he had been engaged in the
furniture business and also the de
livery business running a stage be
tween Parkhill and Dashwood, Exe
ter and Grand Bend bringing many
of the first campers to Grand Bend.
He is survived by his widow (nee
Lucinda Kleinstiver) two sons, Mil
ford, of the Michigan Bell Telehone
Co., of Detroit and Ervine of the Bell
Telephone Co. of Windsor; one bro
ther Angus, of Detroit and also 13
The floral tributes were many and
beautiful showing the high esteem
in which the deceased was held.
The floral bearers were Messrs. E.
R. Hopper, R. N. Rowe, Robt. Din-
ney, of Exeter; Mr, W. H. Hoffman,
of Zurich; Mr. Vernon Pinkham and
Mr. Russell MacArthur, of London.
The pall bearers were Messrs. R.
Goetz, Richard Baker, Harry Zim-,
mer, Alonzo McCann, Patrick Sul
livan and Jack Madden,
The funeral took place from his
late residence on Saturday, Septem
ber 9th and High Mass was sung in
Mt, Carmel Church at 10 a.m.
Father J. M. Fogarty. I
took place in the adjoining cemetery at Mt. Carmel. '
Music will be furnished by the Exeter Band
Mills’ Super-Sound System will be Used Clown and Juggler will Entertain
Admission 25c; Children 15c, Cars 25c
WM. COATES, President
Old Time Dance in the Arena at Night
Grafton & Co., London, Donate Silver Tray for
Best Team on Grounds.
. 16 and under. First Prize, Bicyle Tire or
Fountain Pen; Second 75c; Third, 50c.
12* and Under — 75c, 50c, 25c
R, N. CREECH, Treasurer CLARK FISHER, Secretary
Foal Club to be Judged at 1 p.m.
Alex Rhode offers $7, $5, $3, $2 for the best
“Three Bacon Hogs. All Hogs in Competition
^vill be Judged Live and Dressed Weight, 100
Points for each and will be taken to Hamil
ton Night of Fair and paid for at Market Prices.
Half Mile — 75c, 5Qc, 25c
Wednesday and Thursday
2.28 and 2.22 Trot or Pace — Purse $100'
Every Heat a Race — $40, $30, $20, $10
Five per cent, to Enter to be paid at one
o’clock. Horses eligible day of race. Hors
es at Owners’ Risk.
Children will line up at Exeter School and par
ade to Grounds headed by the Band
Ten minutes allowed for drill, $4, $3, $2
Mrs. Ross Dick and two children
who have been visiting the former’s
sister Miss Edna Cochrane R.N., have
returned to their home at Smitheville
! Mrs. Alice McTavish, of Ailsa
(Craig, spent a few days last week
| at the home of her neice Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Parsons.
| Miss Doris Alexander who is at
tending the London Business Insti
tute spent the week-end at her home
Mr. and Mrs. R. Parsons. .
I <Mr. Elmore Gackstetter, Miss E.
Price and Miss Elizabeth Miller, of
Zurich, visited recently at the home
' of Miss Irma Ferguson.
Miss Edna Cochrane visited over
the week-end with her sister Mr. and
Mrs. R. Dick of Smithsville.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, of Den-
field spent Sunday at the home of
Miscellaneous Shower
A pleasant evening was spent last
by.Tuesday evening at the home of Mr.
Interment (and Mrs. John Bell, when the ladies
, of united Church presented Miss
Olga Bell bride-elect of this month,
with a miscellaneous shower. The
first thing on the program was a
mock wedding by six young ladies,
Mrs. William Bell, as bride; Mrs. A.
McMurtrie, groom; Doreen Cooper,
bridesmaid; Beatrice Cooper, as the
groomsman, Mrs. Morley Cooper, the
• bride’s father; Mrs. Harry (Colwell,
parson. Miss Jean Ivison played
the wedding march, after which a
i decorated wagon laden with gifts
was drawn into the presence of the
bride-elect by two little girls, Mari-
The Y. P. U. held a very success- Mousseau and Beth Morris and
ful roast in Cudmore’s pit on Tues-(Mrs. Allan Johnston read the ad-
day night of last week. The first dress. Although
part of the evening was spent in
games and community singing. After
the weiner roa)&t watermelon was
the managing board of the United
He is survived by his sorrowing
wife and a host of friends.
The funeral which was largely at
tended took plac.e from his late resi
dence on Monday at 2 p.m. with in
terment in Baird’s _ cemetery. His
pastor, Rev. E. F. Chandler officiat
ed assisted by Rev. R. R. Connor, of
Embro, a former pastor of • Kippen
United’ Church. A duet entitled
i “My Hope is Built” was sung by
(Mrs. E. Butt and Miss Jean Ivison,
The pall-bearers were Messrs. John
Cochrane, Herbert Jones, Ear] Sproat
‘John Henderson, James W. McLean
'and William Sinclair. The beautiful
[floral tributes were tokens of the
(great love and respect held for the
[deceased. /
| Those who attended the funeral
from a distance were Mr. and Mrs.
[John Monro, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mon-
;ro, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Monro and
[Mrs. Keown, all of Fox Point, North- [ern Ontario; M.r. and Mrs. Upshall,
Clarence and Mildred, of Port Elgin;
Rev. and Mrs. Connor, Embro; MissRev. and Mrs. Connor, Embro;
Croshier, of Brantford.
Mr. Earl Drover, of London, spent
the week-end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs, Thos. Drover.
Miss Jean Dalrymple, of Waterloo
epent the week-end with Miss Ruby
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greenless, of
Detroit, called on ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Venner on Saturday last.
Olga was taken
completely by surprise she made a
very fitting reply. Lunch was then
served by the ladies.
On Friday night the choir of St,
Andrew United Church gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bell
and presented Miss Olga Bell, bride-
1 elect and Mr. Ernest Chipchase with
an occasional chair. The address
was read by the organist and choir
leader Miss Jean Ivison, Mr. Norman
Alexander made the presentation.
Both Olga and Ernie thanked the
choir in a very pleasing way and all I joined in singing “For they are jolly
good fellows.”
Dentil of Wesley French
A shadow of gloom was cast over
this community on Saturday when
word was received that one of the
well known and highly respected
residents of the village had passed
Mr. and Mi's. Ross Hern spent
several days last "week at Tobermory
and Manitoulin Island.
Miss Elsie McKee has resumed her
duties at the school. Many improve
ments have been made in the school
during holidays.
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Lindsay, of
Erie, Penn., visited on Thursday
With Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. .George Earl spent
several days with their daughter,
Mrs. Harold Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Labourins and
family, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl.
Misses Marjorie Earl, Hazel Hern, 'away in Seaforth hospital in the per
Irene, Jean and Anna Brock are at- son of Wesley French in his 77th
'tf_„r. The deceased had been in
! poor health about two yeai’s but boi;e
his suffering uncomplainingly and
was always cheerful. He was born
in Dairy West, Toronto Township
and 56 years ago was united in mar
riage with Miss Henrietta UDshall
and went to Port Elgin where they
lived for seven years and
nine years ago moved to
where he has since resided.
Mr. French was a former
diet and for a number of years taught
the young men’s class in the Sunday
After union he served on
tending the High School at Exeter iyear
this year.
Final Dance at Spruce Grove
FRIDAY NIGHT of this Week
And His Orchestra
i Three Miles South of Exeter
No. 4 Highway, near Centralia school
Stewart, of Oshawa
Exeter after a few
her sister and bro-
and Mrs. Gordon
Joseph Bullock and
attended the Gower-
Mr. ana
and son
in Lon-
Miss .Gertrude
has returned to
days’ visit with
ther-in-law, Mr,
Mr. and Mrs,
daughter Helen
Kleinfeldt wedding on Saturday,
, Mr. Isaac Sims and four children
of Exeter, are visiting at the hoiqe
of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of
London, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Henry Motz.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe
Donovan spent Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham and
son Russell attended the funeral of
the former’s brothers, the late Mr.
Baynham at Shipka, on Tuesday,
Quite a number of relatives and
friends from here attended the show
er at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Edwards in" honor of their daughter
Lillian whose wedding took place on
(Intended for last week)
On Wednesday afternoon there
passed away at the home of her
son, Darrell, Mary Elizabeth Parker,
75 years of age, after nearly
months’ illness. ' She leaves
brothers, Enoch, of Hensali;
riam, deceased; and George of
elhurst and one sister, Mrs. John E.
Pollock, of Fillmore, Saskatchewan.
Interment took place on Friday at
McTaggart cemetery following ser
vices at Chiselhurst United 'Church.
Rev. Mr. Brook and Rev. Mr. Mair
conducted the services.
Mrs. Gunning, Of ‘Exeter, is stay
ing with her daughter, Mrs. P. Pass-
Mrs. Walker, off'Cromarty, is stay-
with her daughter, Mrs. D. Parker.
Mrs. E. L.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
spent the past week with
Pletch of Walkerton.
Mrs. S. Anderson and
ghter Audrey are holidaying with
friends - in Toronto.
Silo filling is quite in order these
days in 'this vicinity.
Quite a number from this district
attended the Western Fair, London,
this past week.
The United Church welcomes the
Rev, C. L. Lewis to the morning ser
vice after an absence of six weeks
When he was taking services in Kis-
bey, Sask,
Mr. Clif Morre, who is working.for
Mr. M. Dobson is off work with blood
poison in his hand,
Public School reopened Monday
with Miss
Miss M.
epent the
M,rs. Q. H. Burgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe and
daughter Roxine and Howard Hodge
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Hodge, of Goderich.
Rally Day services will be held
in Brinsley United church next Sun
day afternoon. Rev. D. J, Gladman
is the minister and J. L. Amoe is the
I Mr. John Amos has returned to
Mrs. Allie Grey, who has epent the
summer with Mrs. Mary Carter, re
turned to her home in Toronto.
Mrs. Walter Morley is on the sick
list, We hope for him a speedy re
Bean harvesting is the order of
the day.
School has re-opened with Miss
Robertson and Miss McLeod as the
Mr. J. H. Amos, Mary, John Kirk
patrick and J. L. Ainos attended the .
funeral of Rev. David Rogers in St.
Thomas last week. Rev. Mr, Rogers
was a former minister on the Ailsa
Craig circuit.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McAlpine
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D.
E. Walkom, of
Prldham, of
week-end with
Munro as
her sister
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weiss and Mrs.
Mary Weiss, of Sarnia and Mrs.
Marie Weiss, of Detroit called on
their aunt Mrs. C. Hanover and also
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stebbins on Sat
urday, August 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanover, sen
William Ronald and daughter Shir
ley Ann, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr.
and‘;Mrs. Louis Hel4 and sen Peter,
of Waterloo spent the 20th of August
with their mother and father Mr.
and Mrs. J. Hanover and sister Flor
ence and
brother-in-law Earl steb-
Cop (bawling out lady
‘Don’t you know what 1
mean when I hold Up my hand?”
Lady (meekly): “I ought to, I’Ve
been a. school teacher for twenty