HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-08-24, Page 8THURSDAY, AUGUST &4th, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe NOTICE V’s Beauty Shoppe will be clos­ ed Saturday, September 2nd to Thursday, September 7th. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress LEAVITT'S THEATRE This Theatre Is Air Conditioned Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY “DAWN PATROL” with ERROL FLYNN and BASIL RATHBONE j TWO NIGHTS OXLY | MIDNITE, MONDAY AT 12:05 Monday Night, August 28th “FIVE CAME BACK” with CHESTER MORRIS, WENDY BARRIE and an All Star Cast Exeter Markets Wheat 49-53Jc. (according to grade) Oats 25c. Barley 35 c. Creamery Butter1 2 Ge. Dairy Butter 20-23c. Eggs, A large 23c. Eggs, medium 21c. Eggs B 15c. Hogs, dressed $10.00 — The ■— Ideal Meat Market HOME COOKED Meat Loaf 18c per lb. Also a Full Line of COOKED, SMOKED, CURED AND FRESH MEATS Phone 38 Main St. o • o Those wearing Correct glasses will tell you of the relief and comfort imparted by properly fitted glasses. Life looks differently through them. Don’t Neglect Your Eyes C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office epen 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 I* All Summer Dresses Greatly CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon,—“The Threat of War” UNION SERVICES Main Street and Jamess Street United Churches Rev. A. Page, of James Street in charge. Music und.er the direction of Mr. W. R. Goulding and the James St choir. 10 a.m.—Church Schools 11 a.m.—Main St. Rev. Arthur Page 7 p.m.—James Street Rev. Arthur Page Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service in James Street Church. To clear the balance of our Summer Dresses the price on every dress has been greatly reduced. It will be to your interest to see them and buy one or two. Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches by 90 inches This Sheeting is an exceptionally good cotton, fine weave, good weight and long wearing. We bought a quantity to get them at this low price. Each 89c Regent Yarns for Knitting Regent Yarns are considered one of the best lines that are made. We carry a full range of shades in the following: SEA SHELL 15c, SEA GULL 20c, SEA BEACH AND BONNIE LASS 25c | TWO NIGHTS ONLY | TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, August 29th and 30th “JUAREZ” (Warezz) with PAUL MUNI, BETTE DAVIS , BRIAN AHERNE First Performance 8:15 p.m. Bartie Motz is holidaying at Granu Bend this week. FOUND—Between Khiva and Mt. Carmel one dress and one shirt. Owner may have same by paying for advt. David Geromette, Jr., R. R. 3, Dashwood. FOUND—A pair of glasses (be­ lieved to be a paii* of child’s glasses) Apply to S. Purdon at Mr. S. Ross’. LOST—A tortoise-shell cat, near Exeter station. Answers to name of Ginger. Owner lives in Hamilton, Ontario. Please return to Mrs. L. Aidworth, Exeter. Reward. FOR SALE—-A 4-burner oil stove for sale. Apply Ideal Meat Market. FOR SALE—Dawson Golden Chaff Wheat from registered stock. Apply Harry Strang, R.R. 1, Hensail, or phone Exeter 177rl6. 8-23-tf. FOR SALE—-Used 5-tube cabinet Victor radio. First $15.00 takes it. Sandy Elliot, Exeter. PEACHES—Good quality canning peaches, ripe after August 28. Bring baskets to the orchard, Ridge Road, Bosanquet, 4 miles southwest of Thedford. Get your supply at reas­ onable prices. Geo. A. Donald, Thedford. ltp. WANTED—Small sum of money, on mortgage for two years, 5 per cent, interest half yearly. Apply at Times-Advocate. Gladioli Cut Blooms 25c. a dozen. Norman Norry. tfc FOR SALE—9x18 Wilton Rug in good condition.—J. C. Vidt, Exeter. NOTICE Owing to breakdown of ensilage stacker, are giving away a quantity of green pea straw. 31 CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. HOUSES FOR SALE—A comfort­home in Exeter, every convenience, easy terms; also houses in Hensail, Crediton, Centralia and Parkhill. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. See me about that paint job. In­ side or outside work done; also sign painting and furniture. Terms reas­ onable.—TOM WALKER 8-3-2tc. For Good Quality, Serviceable Din­ nerware at Moderate Prices. See our large assortment at S. B. TAYLOR’S Jeweller and China Shop. TO EXCHANGE —A brick house in the City of London either on a farm, or a first mortgage on a farm, in the vicinity of Exeter. For further .particulars, apply to J. W. Morley, Exeter, Ontario. 8-17-2tc. nicely house, shed; Wm. ltp FOR SALE—50 acre farm situated, comfortably small good bank barn, implement also a frame house in Exeter. Pearce. FARMS FOR SALE—I have sev­ eral choice farms for immediate or fall possession.—C, V, Pickard, Exe* ter, phone 165. FREE OFFER For a limited time only we will give one load lane gravel FREE with every five loads cement gravel. For a gravel that proves itself satisfactory for every purpose. Phone 171rS, Exeter . Cudmore Standard Gravel i “ I LOCALS I i_________ ______£ Miss Marjorie May is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. W. Hall, at Mitchell. Mrs. N. Creech, of Toronto, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech Mrs. T. McCurdy and Miss Tenie are holidaying with relatives in Es­ sex. Mr. Eric Carscadden has returned after visiting his parents at Russell, Ontario. Mr. Alan Pickard, of Regina, is visiting with his brother, C. V. and Mrs. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. G. Padfield, Brant­ ford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell. Mr. Nelson Taylor, of Richmond, Que., is visiting with his nephew, Mr. S. B.and Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Allen Pond and son James, of Toronto, spent the week-end witn Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. Norman and Gordon Penrose are visiting with their grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. Penrose of town. Mrs. J. G. Jones and Miss May, are holidaying at their summer cot­ tage “The Mayflower” at Grand Bend. Mrs. Wm. Kuntz returned home Sunday after visiting fox* several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bickell, London. Mrs. Emerson Cornish, who was in London for ten days receiving treatment at Victoria Hospital has returned home much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and Maida, of Whalen and Miss Eleanor Durfield, of Sault Ste. Marie, spenv Monday at the home of Mrs. A. Dun­ ning. Mrs. Gertrude Hockey and son Mr. ‘Kenneth Hockey are holidaying in Lansing and other parts of the States. Mr. and Mrs. Norsworthy and son Scott, have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Mr. Norsworthy is manager of a Bank at Trenton. Mrs. Case R. Howard, of New York, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gidley. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteford of New Jersey, were visitors here. Ola Morley, of Whalen, and Mar­ jorie Earl, Alma and Ray Jaques, ol' Zion, have returned to their homes after visiting theii* grandmother, Mrs. A. Gunning. The South Section W.M.S. of the Huron Presbyterial will meet at Grand Bend on Thursday, October 17th. Mrs. (Rev.) Hugh Taylor will be guest, speaker. Rev. Mr. Penrose conducted the service at Goshen on Sunday last relieving for Mr. Peters, who is on vacation. Mr. Chas. Godbolt assist­ ed with the singing. Mr. W. H. Dearing is again, able to be around following his recent illness with a heart condition. He was up town Monday for the first time since his illness. Mr. Wm. May and Gordon motored to Rochester, N. Y., on Saturday ana were acocmpanied home by Mrs. May ■who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ericson. Mrs. Pletch and son Louis, of Walkerton; Mrs. Searle, of St. Thomas and Miss Searle, of Kewatin visited on Tuesday with Mr, an'd Mrs, W. E. Middleton. Mr. Aquila Sheere, of Lansing, Mich., is visiting with his brother and sisters in town. Mr. Sheere is recuperating from a second operation which he underwent in a Lansing hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Davis and three children. Of Ft. Erie, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Rathfan, of Port Col- borne, parents of Mrs. Davis, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ferguson, of : Toronto, motbred up and visited with | Mr. and Mrs, Rd. Coates. They re­ turned Wednesday accompanied by I Miss Ila Westcott, who has been holidaying here. DON’T JUST SAY “COAL” SPECIFY D&H ANTHRACITE Toil-flight performance of a coal de­ pends on its consistant high quality. D&H gives top-flight performance because superior preparation Insures purity, while accurate sizing provides steady, even heat. Heat that makes your home happy. Don’t be satisfied with just plain Coal. Specify D&H JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33, Residence 157 FARMERS, ATTENTION We have now on of Shorts, Bran, ings and Salt. Also Government received at the elevator. For Further Particulars Phone hand a full stock Hominy, Screen- Wheat is being R. G. SELDON & SON 90 or 2W, Exeter SCIATICA PAD JSEUHITIS hl lie lumbago rull MUSCULAR • INFLAMMATORY THOMAS’ RHEUMATISM REMEDY A highly recommended and medically endorsed product quickly and efficient­ ly removes the cause. See your druggist or write THOMAS’ RHEUMATISM REMEDY 21 Yale St. London, Ont. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlsa Twelfth Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon “Chief Things First” The 51st Anniversary of Trivitt Memorial Church will be held Sun­ day, September 3, 1939 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. THE PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION /i .’M v Announcing the coining of Rev. E. Clemens, September 3rd, to take charge of this pastorate. There are Special Services every night this week at the Mission with Mr. V. Trimmer and Mr. R. Robinson in /charge. You can­ not afford to miss hearing these talented young men with their music and message. Come! Services for Sunday, August 27 10 a.m.—S. S. and Bible Class 11 a.m.—Devotional Service and Communion. p.m.—Great Evangelical Meet­ ing to be held in the Theatre. Pastor J. T. Edgar s Visit Our China Counter Many new lines have been added for the tourist trade, bring in your visitors and show them around. We always have something new to show you. Beautiful All Wool Kenwood Blankets See the new Floral Tints in .Kenwood Blankets. We carry a full range of colors in plain shades. Also plain white with candy stripe borders. 15 Pieces of Turkish Towelling These towellings are imported direct from England and by buying them direct you save as much as five cents a yard. See our values at 15c, 20c, 25c, 27c and 35c. English and Russian Pure Linen Towelling In a wide range of bright colored stripes for tea towels, also a splendid weight and good drying linen that comes from Russia that is splendid for roller towels. Special, yard 25c GROCERY SPECIALS SOAP P & G 5 bars 19c CHICKEN HADDIE 2 tins.............25c BUS DEPOT IS NOW LOCATED AT Tomlinson’s Barber PHONE 146 TIMETABLE Southbound Leave Exeter daily except and Holidays 8:50 a.m. 4:55 Sundays 6:05 p.m. Holidays 8:50 a.m. 6:05 p.m. Sundays p.m. Northbound Daily except Sunday and Holidays 1.45 p.m. 7.15 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 1:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. For further information see Local Agent Western Ontario Motorways AGENTS WANTED! FAMILEX WILL START YOU in a .profitable business like hundreds of others throughout Canada. No experience required. We train you. Liberal commission for selling 200 guaran­ teed necessities. Meet all competition successfully. Ambitious salesmen, write for FREE catalogue and plan without obligation, FAMILEX Co. 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. PIANO TUNING & REPAIRING Our tun ex* Mr. S. BOA RDMAN. formerly 11 years with Heintzman & Co will be in Ex­ eter and in the course few days. Kindly 1 e orders with Martin. Repairing and demothing a ; specialty. Be sure and wait Boardman. It pays. district of a a v p W. COFFEE Maxwell House 1 lb. ti n........................ 39c V2 lb. tin ...................... 20c SALMON Golden Net 1 lb. tin ... . 25c SPECIAL Choice Pastry Flour JAM Choice of Raspberry, Straw­ berry and Orange Large jar . . . 25c 24 lb. bag 43c CLASSIC CLEANSER 3 tins...........13c HEINZ PURE VINEGAR 1 gal.................55c SHAKER SALT Iodized or Plain 3 cans . . . 18c Southcott Bros FOR SALE—Registered No. Dawson’s Golden Chaff ”” (O.A.C. 61) 2nd generation, 2 bush- relatives and el bag, sealed, 9<’c. per bushel. Orders over 8 bushels 10c. less. Some first generation at ^l.SO per bushel, exceptionally true to variety. This wheat yielded an average on four fields of 56 bus. pei* acre. Nice sample, cleaned and graded and from stinking smut.—Alex M. wart, Ailsa Craig, Ontario. Grant McTavish, of Shakespeare, and Glen, of town, are holidaying at Grand Bend this week. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Wood, of Sud- for bury, visited during the past week i with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, the J parents of the former. I Miss Merna Sims is at present vis- 1 iting with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wheat Melvin L. Sims, of Windsor and .with I friends in Detroit. Snell, who has been relatives and friends some time, returned to Fall Suitings lr free Ste- Mr. A. Tomlinson, who conducts a barber shop and hair-dressing par­ lors, has moved from the north to the south side of the building he has son off beauty parlor and private room for shampooing. The rooms*have been redecorated, indirect lighting addeu and new pressed steel chairs provid­ ed. been occupying. Mr. Tomlin- has had the building partitioned, for barber shop, waiting room, EXETER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Flower Show Saturday, August 26th in th£ — Carnegie Library DOORS OPEN FROM 3 to 6 and 7 to 10 p.m. No admission will be charged, but a Director ‘will be present to receive contributions in aid of the work of the Society. We have now on hand a fine display of New Fall Suitings and Samples TIP-TOP SAMPLES W. R. JOHNSTON SAMPLES I Mrs. Eliza ■ visiting with in Exeter for Windsor on Wednesday. Mr. Willis Downie and sister Miss Mildred, of Duluth, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter while on their way to Ottawa, Montreal and New York. Mr, and Mrs. G. P. Holmberg, Ethel and Jean, of Sault Ste. Marie, are visiting with Mrs. Holmberg’s father, Mr. L. Day. Mrs,. Jas. McCormick and her mo­ ther, Mrs. J. T. Whittle, returned to their home in Saskatoon, Sask., af­ ter visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ son Statton. Mr. and Mrs. William Soldon and family, of Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale spent Sunday latter’s daughter, Mr. and Dowell, of Denfield. Mrs. Ray Wilson, and Helen, of days with Mr son. Helen is other week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark, of For­ est, and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Neth- ery, Ruth and Billy, of Belgrave, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Van Camp. Mr., and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, Miss Margaret Ellerington and Mr. Les. Coates, have returned home after a pleasant week’s holiday taking in the World’s Fair, New York. Mrs. G. M. Matheson, of Ft. Wil­ liam, is visiting with her brother Mr. and Mrs. A, Tomlinson. Before her recent marriage Miss Tomlinson was a stenographer and held a gold medal as typist and silvef medal for shorthand, I I with the Mrs. Wm.i daughter, London, spent several and Mrs. Wm. Thom- remaining for an- Prepare for the cool weather Get Your Order In Early W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Miss Ann E. Turnbull, R.N!, 01 I New York, is spending her vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. Turnbull, Mr. Wilfred G. Turnbull, recently returned to Toronto after visiting his mother. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. nW. H. Johnston were Miss Grace Blake, teacher in Drumbo Continuation School and her sister, Miss' Olive, of Lucknow; also Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson and son "Morley, of Auburn. These latter visited Mrs. Johnston’s sister, Mrs, Thomas Harvey and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, and three children, of Acton, visited Mrs. Thomas Harvey on Sunday. Mrs. Macdonald is a daughter of Mr. Sam. Rowe and the late Mrs. Rowe, toe Lottie Perkins, of Galt. Mrs. Har­ vey and Mrs. <T. Batson and children returned with Mr, and Mrs. Macdon­ ald tor a tew days’ visit in Acton. The Women’s Auxiliary Guild and Little Helpers of Trivitt Memorial church held a picnic on Thursday at Riverview Park with about forty present.The afternoon was spent in games and after a bountiful supper races were run. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims visited with friends in Ailsa. Craig Sunday. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatter, who had been visiting there with Mr, Hatter’s par­ ents ovei* the week-end, Mr. A. W. Johnston, M.A. onto, Actuary with Life and Dr. and Mrs, ston and Peter, of have returned home a few days here With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. At Wallkill, the second-named is phy­ sician-in-charge of the new Reform­ atory Prison there. Tor- the Excelsior W. Cecil john- Wallkill, N.Y., after spending •I »