HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-08-24, Page 54
« h
Mr, Thos. Briptnell, of Chiselhurst, CREDITON
had the misfortune last week while,
I moving the threshing machine into I The Crediton district was shock-
the barn to have two of his fingers «d on Monday to learn of the sudden
" * Herman
Beaver in his 58th year. Mr. Beaver
was in fairly good health until last
Bunday evening when he collapsed.
He died Monday morning. Left to
mourn are five brothers and one sis
ter. Harry and Edwin, of Credit
on; William, of London; Fred of
New York and Herbert and Clara at
The funeral took place on
Miss Jessie MacMoran, of Illinois!
m W t isochron. severea when eaught in a pulley, He and untimely death of
Miss Ma.rirai'ftt JnnnRtnn in «mnv- ... . ■ _ - z. .... 4.. -ki,. ron, *Miss Margaret Johnston is enjoy
ing a week’s vacation.
Mr. Frank Battersby, of London,
spent Sunday with friends here,
Mrs. Thos. Suitor, of Montreal,
visited last week with her mother,
Mrs. Ellen Coxsworth,
Dr. Samuel Coulter, of Toledo,
Ohio, visited recently with his father
Mr, John Coulter.
Mr. Harvey Hudson, of Ilderton,
visited on Sunday with his parents
Mr. and Mrs, Colin Hudson.
Mrs. Gus. Voth and babe, of De
troit, are. visiting with Mrs. Levi
Simpson and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
Miss Jessie PaiSley, of Toronto, is
holidaying with her grandmother
Mrs. Rennie.
Miss Lila Steer, of Mt. Brydges,
is visiting at the home of her bro
ther Dr. D. G. Steer.
Miss Helen Moir left on Sunday
for London, where she has accepted
a position.
Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne is being
visited by her son Mr. Lome Bal
lantyne and wife Mrs. Ballantyne.
Mr. Carl Passmore had his tonsils
removed at the office of Dr. I, G.
•Smillie on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sparks, of De
troit, visited over* the week-end with
relatives here.
Mr. Harold Sheryitt, of Dundas,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Sherritt.
Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs. Fred
Beer are enjoying a week’s holidays
at Turnbull’s Grove.
Miss Grace Brock, of London, 1b
holidaying with her mother Mrs.
Geo. Brock and family.
Mr. an.d Mrs. John Dick, of Oril
lia, visited with relatives and friends
here last week. ■ (/
Mr. Harold Shepherd, of Toronto,
visited over the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. John Shepherd.
Misses Betty and Joyce Mousseau,
of Zurich, visited.last week
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick, of
don, visited on Sunday with
Marjorie Sparks.
Miss Grace Schilbe has accepted
a position at the home of Dr. D. G.
Mr. John Miller, of Exeter, spent
the week-end with his son-in-law and
daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Day
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Kading and
babe, of London, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Kading’s parents Mr. and
Mrs? Colin Hudson.
Mrs. Herb Britton and children,
of Dublin, visited last week with her
mother Mrs. Hannah Workman and
sister Miss Mabel Workman.
Miss Gladys Luker returned home
on Sunday after a very pleasant vis
it with Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Strat
Miss Laurabelle Wright,
field, had
the office
Mrs. D.
li er tonsils removed at
of Dr. D. G. Steer last
G. Steer, who underwent
an operaton for appendicitis in the
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
recently returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and
Miss Violet Hyde visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ferguson
and daughter Edith in Seaforth,
Mr. Wm. L. MacLaren, who re
cently underwent an operation in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
is a little improved.
Mr. and Mrs. George Could, of
Clinton, visited on Sunday with the
latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. Thos. Parlmer left this week
for North Dakota, where she will
make her home with her sister Mrs.
Breen, who has been visiting here
for the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown and
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Marshall and
family of Oxford, Mich., visited on
’ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Freddie Robinson, who
seriously ill, following an
for appendicitis in Scott
Hospital, Seaforth, is somewhat im
proved at date of writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Thompson
and family, who have been holiday
ing for the past few weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. John Fisher returned to
their home in Toronto on Sunday.
Mr. John Stacey, of Orillia, visit
ed with relatives and friends in tae
village last week. We are pleased
to meet with Mr. Stacey again ana
see him looking so well.
Rev. D. C. Hill, of Exeter, con
ducted service in Carmel Presbyter
ian Church on Sunday morning. A
trio comprising Mrs. MacDougall,
Mrs. A. Dougall and Miss Margaret
Dougall sang very iovely.
Misses Marjorie and
Johnston returned to their
Windsor last week after
several weeks holidaying
home of their grandmother Mrs. J.
Fred Cor-
has been
home in
at the
was attended to by Dr. I. G. Smillie,
Mrs. Roy Parlmer and daughter
Caroline, who have been visiting for
several weeks with the former’s par
ents Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Fisher re
turned to their home in Windsor on
Mr. Roy Parlmer, of Windsor,
viisted over the week-end with rela-. home,
fives here, Mrs. Parlmer and Caro- Wednesday afternoon at .2 p.m. from
line, returned home with him after a the homestead on the fourth conces-
pleasant holiday with Mrs. parlmer’s 6i°n of Stephen township. Interment
------I took place in the Crediton cemetery,
conducted I The funeral was conducted by Rev.
- ~ ? The pall-bearers
morning and Master Albert Mitchell,■ were Frank Triebner, Lawrence Hill
parents, Mr. and Mrs.^John Fisher.
Mr. Robt. Passmore .
service in the United Church Sunday , G, Gladman,
______ ________ ____ ah_.x •wjxz.'l. woi'P ’PuctiiV Ti’ia
of Windsor sang a solo. Rev. Mr. Ered Finkbeiner, Ed. Harrison, John
Brook will conduct service in the j Willis and Wellington Haist. The
sympathy of the community is ex
tended to the bereaved.
A men’s quartette of the Evangel
ical church are assisting in the Dec
oration services at -Mar’s Hill next
Sunday afternoon.
United Church next Sunday morning
Rev. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Young
and family returned home this week
after a delightful holiday with their
friends at Port Rowan, Rev. Mr
Young will conduct communion ser
vice in Carmel Presbyterial church
on Sunday morning September 3rd
and wiil deliver his farewell ser
mon at the evening service prior to
leaving foi’ his new charge at Fergus
The funeral of the late Mr. Robt,
N. Douglas, was held from the Unit
ed Church, Blake on Thursday af
ternoon, interment in Bayfield ceme
tery. Surviving are his widow, for
merly Miss Mary E. Dick, of Hensall
and two daughter Miss Gladys Dou
glas R.N., at home and (Margaret)
Mrs. Donald Turner, of London.
Quite a number from here attend
ed. the funeral of the late Mrs. Sam.
Thompson on Friday from the home
of her son Mr. George E. Thompson,
second concession of Hay.
Organize a W. C. T. Union
A meeting was held in the United
Church Monday evening for the
purpose of organizing a W. C. T. U.
of the ladies of Hensall and Exeter.
It was moved by Mrs. Pearce and
seconded by Mrs. Johns that an or
ganization be formed with Exeter as
the outpost. Moved by Mrs. Elder
and seconded by Miss Sutherland
that Mrs, Geo. Hess be president.
Carried. Moved by Mrs. McQueen
and seconded by Mrs. Passmore that
Miss Jennie Murray be Correspond
ing Secretary. Carried. Moved by
Mrs. Pearce and seconded by Mrs.
Jinks that Miss Douglas be Record
ing Secretary. Carried. Moved by
Mrs. Cook and seconded by Mrs. Fee
that Mrs. McQueen be treasurer.
Carried, Moved by Mrs. Pearce and
seconded by Mrs. McQueen that Miss
Sutherland be Press Reporter. The
meetings to be held on the third
Thursday of each month. Moved by
Mrs. Pearce and seconded by Mrs.
Jinks that Miss Murray be vice-
president. Carried.- Evangelistic
Supt,, Mrs. Passmore and Mrs. Jinks;
Anti-Narcotic Supt., Mrs. Elder.
W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three, dayB of week
at office -over the Post Office, in
rich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb and
daughters, of Pontiac, Mich., return
ed to their home on Sunday after
spending their vacation here and in
Rochester, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNiven and
son Donald, of Dorchester and Mrs.
T. Day, ot Crumlin were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oes-
Mr. and Mrs. John Hauser, Rod
ney, spent the week-end with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. George Weig
Mrs. Vernofi. Schatz is spending
a week with her brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Bender in Toronto.
Misses Helen and Ann Morgan and
Miss Margaret Allison, of Thames
Road, are spending a week with Miss
Eunice Oestricher.
Mrs. Reid has spent a few days in
Rev, D. Bright, representative of
the Bible Society occupied the pulpit
in yie Evangelical church last Sun
day owing to Rev. H. E. Roppel’s
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and
children returned to their home in
Detroit after sending a few weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Baker en
tertained a number of boys on Tues
day evening in honor of their son
Jackie’s eleventh birthday. We re
gret to say that Jackie has been
confined to his bed for the past four
months owing to ill health but is
improving nicely now. The evening
was spent in games and Contests af
ter which a dainty lunch was served.
Bob Blackwell,
the week-end in
and Mrs. Irvin
of Brantford,
the commun-
Fahner, Kit
chener, spent Sunday at the home
Mr. Chris. Fahner.
Rev, F. M. Faist, of Chesley,
former Crediton boy, will preach
the Evangelical church next Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. M, W, Teller are
holidaying at Milton. Mr. McKen
zie, of Toronto, is relieving at the
Canadan Bank of Commerce.
A temperance program was given
at the United church Sunday School
on Sunday last. Mrs. Daniel Lewis,
of Brinsley, as guest speaker, gave
an inspiring talk and Mrs, A. Baker
and Mrs. L. Swartz contributed a
duet, "Love Lifted Me,”
Last Sunday concluded the Union
services of the Evangelical and Unit
ed Church for the summer months.
Rev. D. J. Gladman occupied the
pulpit at the Evangelical church
last Sunday morning. His deeply
spiritual message coupled with a
wealth of practical application held
the interest of the congregation all
through the sermon. Miss Pearl
Woods, of Exeter, was present and
rendered two fine selections to the
intense delight of everyone present.
A delightful social evening was
held at the home of Mrs. A. M. Berry
Monday evening the occasion being
to honor the 79th birthday of Mr.
Wm. H. Brown. About twenty of
the neighbors and friends were pres
ent and the evening was spent in
music, games and speeches. Mr. Wm.
Gaiser, who will himself celebrate
his 74th birthday on September 3rd,
extended congratulations to
Brown and Mr. Jos. Finkbeiner
others also extended best wishes
told some early reminiscences.
Brown expresed his appreciation. The
ladies served refreshments, the host
ess providing lemon water-ice.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Aid and the Trustees
church held a special
Church service will be held next
Sunday at 10:30 and Sunday School
after the service.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Marr, of Detroit, spent
Sunday with
The Ladies’
of the United
meeting on Thursday evening last
and decided to redecorate the
church on the inside, Mr. L, Rink
er, of Dashwood, has. the contract
and also wiring the church foi* hydro
Mr. C. Morlock, of Crediton doing
the work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynch, of Detroit,
visited with friends here on Sunday.
Miss Nola Sweitzer nurse-in-train
•ing at Victoria Hospital, London,
spent Saturday afternoon at
home of her parents Mr. and
Matt. Sweitzer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Merriott
Mr, L. Schroeder attended the
eral of Mr, David Merriott, of Klon-
dyke on Friday afternoon last.’
It’s your big chance to save many dollars on a sleek-
looking, modern, used car! Pick from the widest
range of models and makes we’ve ever offered—at the
lowest prices we’ve ever asked! Get the car your family
wants or the truck your business needs. They’re fine
cars and trucks, good for many thousands of economi-
cal miles. Comfortable, safe to run. Many cars are
R & G — renewed and guaranteed, carry our 2-day,
money-back guarantee and 50-50, 30-day warranty
against mechanical defects. That’s 100%
satisfaction or your money back! Pick your
1 of reconditioning, too. Easy terms!
r _____
1938 Ford Tudor
Very Low Mileage
This car by actual test runs 27 miles to
the gallon of gasoline and does not
require oil added between changes, it
1933 Plymouth Coach
All good tires, newly painted a nice
dark green. Bring in your Model A
and make us an offer.
1931 Maple Leaf Truck
Dual wheels, power dump box, new
license. Reduced from
a genuine Ford Heater and sold
for over $1,000. Our price today
we give a 100 per cent, guaranteeand
on tires, battery and all mechanical
parts for 90 days.
1937 Ford Coach
Mohair upholstering, genuine
heater, new tires, original paint,
metal grey, that still looks like
Today’s Price
1935 Hudson
4 Door Sedan with new tires and hot
water heater. This car has been
thoroughly gone over and will be sold
R. & G. 100 per cent, of your money
back if you are not 100 per cent, sat
isfied after driving this car for 2 days
and 50-50 guarantee for 30 days on
all mechanical parts.
1934 Ford Tudor
Sedan, 2 new tires, good motor and a
nice looking car.
BESD $350 now $295
1929 Chev Coach
was $175 now $125
1929 Chev. Coupe
was $140 now $95
1928 Chrysler Sedan
was $140 now $95
1929 Whippet Sedan
Real Price
was $150 now $125
1928 Nash Sedan
Motor overhauled. Was
$125 now $75
Get here before
these bargains go
$275 to $225
1934 Chev. Stake Truck
Dual wheels, motor overhauled. These
trucks usually sell at $400. Our price
today only
1930 G. M. C.
Long wheelbase truck, motor overhaul
ed. Reduced from
$275 to $175
1930 Chevrolet
Smgle wheel, stake truck, 1 ton. A
nice little truck in good condition
1928 Ford
1 ton, stake truck, good condition
Fordson Tractor
With fenders and rarin’ to go to work.
only $165.00
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Lewis and Doug
las, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis and
family of Brinsley, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Harlton Thursday
of last week.
Mrs. Ronald Hill, of Windsor, was
a recent visitor with Mrs. Nelson
Mr, and Mrs. Rex Mills and Mari
lyn, of Wyoming, were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills.
Marilyn is remaining for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and
Donald visited over the week-enu
with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe in
Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry and young
son, of Harriston, were week-end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, of Palmer
ston, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Field
family left last week for
Mr, and Mrs. George
and the former’s parents
Mrs, Baynham, of Shipka, visited on
Sunday with relatives in Thorndale,
Mrs, Carson, Shirley and Bell are
visiting with relatives in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. K. Hodgins, of Wiar-
ing House, Toronto. The marriage
was performed by Rev. Mr. King, of
the Metropolitan Church Chapel at
9 o’clock Saturday evening, After a
reception at the Royal York Hotel
the young couple took a plane from
Malton airport to North Bay, where
they will spend their honeymoon.
; Miss Gladys Schenk, of Crediton,
i is visiting her uncle and aunt, Roy
Mr.tended the funeral of the late
Douglas, of Blake, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane
ited recently at the home of Mr. .
Mrs. John Forest,' of‘'Hillsgreen.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyde and son, of
Ridgeway, visited over the week-end
with the former’s mother Mrs, J.
Mr. C. Neil and daughter, of Zion
City, Ill., visited recently at the
home of Mr. H. Ivison and Jean.
Rev. and Mrs. Richardson, Hen
sail, visited with relatives in Kip
pen on Sunday. Mr. Richardson as
sisted with the service in the United
Miss Mildred Pybus, of Zurich,
visited on Monday with Miss Irma
Death of Mrs. Shmuel Thomson
There passed away a well known
resident of this community in the
person of Elizabeth Moir, widow ot
the late Samuel Thomson, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. James
Moodie, of Brucefield on Wedues-
day, August 16th in
She is survived by
Mrs. James Moodie,
tery. The pall bearers were Messrs.
James Smillie, Robert Thomson,
Samuel Thomson, William Alexan
der, Peter Moir and Norman Cook.
Decoration Services will be held
at Mar’s Hill cemetery on Sunday,
August 27th. Rev. Mr. Gladman
will be assisted by Rev. ,B. Martin,
of Ailsa Craig and Rev, R. A. Brooks
of Hensall. The Evangelical church
quartette and the Brinsley choir will,
furnish the music. {
Messrs. Will and Richard Tweddle and Mrs. Schenk,
and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Glenn > Donald Revington is holidaying
were over to Marlette, Mich., Sun-* with Donald Scott,
day. Mrs. Will Tweddle who had'
been visiting friends there accom
panied them home.
David Morley,
Bert Greenlee,
Ralph Drolet, of Ailsa Craig are oil1 from C.G.I.T. Camp, Goderich. This
a motor trip to Northern Ontario.
Miss Gertrude Amos is holidaying ;
in Detroit. |
The Women’s Institute f
which 'Was held at Lieury last Wed
nesday was well
had a good time.
Mrs. Dr. Niles,
has been, visiting
L. Amos.
Miss Reta Lewis, of Hamilton is
holidaying at the home of her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Dah Lewis after
being in Toronto at the wedding of
. her sister Olive Pearl, manager of
ton, were week-end visitors with the Virginia Dare, 2042 Danforth Store,
latter’s parents Mr, and Mrs. N. kilt- to Thomas Harold Hamilton, of the
chell, staff of the United Church Publish-
Harvey Morley,
Owen Amos and
Mrs. Simpson, of Lucan, is visit
ing Mrs. A. Greenlee.
Miss Mary Lee spent last Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. Earl Lewis.
Miss Beryl Maguire returned home
Lakeview Casino
Grand Bend
Last Two Weeks
Free admission before 9 pan, Tncfi»
day, Thursday, Friday
First Two Dances Free Every Night
i is Beryl’s second year.
Master Murray Maguire is spend-
, ing a couple of weeks with his sister
picnic ’ Mrs. R. R. Nickols, of Woodstock,KHIVA
Miss Meta Surerus, of Toronto,
spent a few days lats week with Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Willert.
Miss Aldene Eagleson spent the
week-end camping at Grand Bend.
Miss Edith Wurm, of Hensall
spent last Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Pius Deitrich spent
Saturday in London.
Miss Dorothy VoiSon, of Mt. Car
mel, is spending a few days With Mr,
1 Hr..- 1741 Ar,
Dancing at Spruce Grove...
And Jits Orchestra
Three Miles South of Exeter on. . - -
No. 4 Highway, near Centralia ant1 MrE- Jas' zllor-
a trip to
Mr. and
attended and all
of Lansing, Mich.,
her sister Mrs. J,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mayfield, of Zion
City, Ill., who have spent the sum
mer at the home of the latter’s uncle
Mr. H. Ivison and Jean returned to
their home on Sunday. During their
visit they won many friends and will
be greatly missed.
Miss Mildred Pybus, of Zurich,
spent Sunday at the home of her
grandmother Mrs, H. Ricker.
A number from this vicinity at-
her 95 th year,
one daughter,
of Brucefield
and one son George E., of Kippen
and two brothers Dr. Alex Moir, and
Robert Moir, of Hensall and one sis
ter Mrs. Colin McGill, Bellmont,
Man. The funeral took place Fri
day from the home of her son
George to the Hensall Union cexne-
First and second prize winners of
each Amateur Contest of the entire
season Will meet for Grand C-ash
will be one guests on
Afternoon on the Beach—-Evening
in Casino t-*- Silver Collection