HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-08-24, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 24th, 1939 Sixty-Sixth Year IB Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Coats for Fall and Winter o o o o o o o The new coats for fall and winter are now in stock. We do not hesitate in stating that this is the finest range we have ever shown. The cloths are of British make, trimmed with luxurious furs of Persian lamb, sable, wolf, fox, etc., in the very latest styles and popular colors. As well as regular, we feature half sizes. Our prices are very reasonable. ial Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday s RINSO Large Package .........................each 22c Royal York Coffee New Blend, Regular Grind per lb. 35c Helmet Corned Beef Regular Size Tins ................per tin 11c Bulk Soap Chips Hillcrest Brand ...........................3 lbs. 23c SLICED PINEAPPLE Royal Brand, Singapore ...........2 tins 19c CUBS—The New Cereal Last Call for Free Sample ....... 2 pkgs. 25c Fig Bar Biscuits Lion Brand, an old favorite ..per lb. 15c Hawes’ Floor Wax 4. oz. bot. Lemon Oil free with ,1-lb. tin 45c BREAD—We carry Middleton’s Bread, Sliced or not sliced; a Bread—All fresh daily. We appreciate your Bread Order. For School Opening Suits for Youths, Boys and Juveniles Greens, Blues, Browns and Greys New shipment of suits from juvenile sizes right up to the large student sizes, all with two pairs of trousers. We give you a good selection to choose from and our prices are as low as good suits can be sold. Boys’ Bicycle Pants, Student’s Pleated Longs Etc. New shipment boy’s double seat bicycle pants, Zipper pockets, at $2.00 to $2.50, and big boy’s pleated worsted long trousers, good hard finish, Carharrt Make at $2.95 pair. Reliable School Shoes - - - Sisman’s Oxfords, Scampers, Athletic and Badminton rubber soled shoes, two-toned Elk shoes, al­ most anything you want in good school shoes for boys and girls at moderate prices. New Style Felt Hats - - - Check Patterns For young men. They come in Blue, Green and Brown at 2.00 each, Real. smart styles. Phone 32 Jones & May J iiiilillllllliiiiiiliiiililliiiiiiiiiiliiiililllliiiiiliillllliiiliiiiliilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiihi Sterling Brand HOUSE PAINT $2.98 gal. MADE IN THIRTEEN LOVELY SHADES AND SURE MAKES A REAL JOB OF YOUR HOUSE ooooo—O—ooooo Now is the time to have that NEW Furnace .installed or the old one taken down and fixed up; also how about your furnace pipes. Prices are cheap now. ooooo—O—ooooo Highest Prices paid for second-hand Stoves on the purchase of a new one. See these new Stoves at our store ooooo—O—ooooo Kilzen Cattle and House Spray Kilzen Weevil and Mill Fumigant ......... ooooo—O—ooooo SEE THE DIFFERENCE PURINA MAKES CONCENTRATES FOR HOGS AND POULTRY ooooo—O—ooooo Reduced Prices on New and Used Oil Stoves and Ovens Traqu air’s Hardware Tinsmithing Sign Work Plumbing Mrs. Tantoli and two sons, George and Jimmy, have returned after vis­ iting for some time in Carnarbon and Toronto. The Hoffman Trio, Harry Hoff­ man, Mrs. M. Tieman and Gertrude Hoffman, of Dashwood, sang at the morning service in the James Street United Church on Sunday. Mrs. Tie­ man and Miss Gertrude Hoffman al­ so sang a duet. Their singing de­ lighted the congregation. $1.25 a gallon $4.50 a gallon The Canadian National Exhibition opens in Toronto Friday of this week. Mr. W. J. Powell was called to Victoria Hospital on Saturday to see his father who had a weak spell but we are glad to report that the old gentleman rallied and is very well again. The nurses say that he is very cheerful and hopeful. Mr. Po­ well fractured his hip in a fall re­ cently. I Your Superior Store Ik Memorial Service ZION CEMETERY will be held SUNDAY, AUGUST 27th at 2:30 p.m. SPORTS DAY EXETER Wednesday, Sept. 6th at 1.30 p.m. Baseball, Softball Tug of War, Bicycle Races Dance in the Evening Under auspices of The Extfer Athletic Association Admission 25c and 15c In Montreal Hospital Nat, son of Mr. and Mrs, Launce Battersby was taken to Montreal on Friday, August l'Sth, to the Hospital, for Crippled Children in that city, where he will undergo surgical treat­ ment in the near future. It is ex­ pected Nat will be in the hospital from five to seven weeks. Trip Through the Maritimes Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard, Miss Evelyn Howard accompanied by Miss Mary Howard, of Goderich, hdvO just returned from a very enjoyable mo­ tor* trip through Quebec, Gaspe and the Maritime Provinces, return­ ing through the New England states. During their absence Mrs. Howard’s sisters Mrs. F. Hess, of Hensail, Mrs. A. McDonald, of Dundas and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Manson, of Dundas have been holidaying at their home. UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS The following as the results of the Upper School Examinations held at the Exeter High School. (*) indicates that the candidate has passed on all papers. As in other tests 1 indicates 75 to 100' per cent,; 2 indicates 66 to 74 per cent.; 3 in­ dicates 60 to 65 per cent and Credit 50 to 59 per'cent, ♦Beckler, Grace—-Lit. Cr. ♦Borland, Mary—Geom. Cr,, Fr. Comp. Cr, Brook, Ralph—Comp. Cr., Geom. Cr. Campbell, Gerald—Alg. Cr., Fr. Comp. Cr. Christie, Laverne—Lit. Cr., Mod. Hist. Cr„ Zool. Cr., Chem. Cr., Fr. Comp. 2. ♦Dixon, Janet—Comp. 2, Lit. 2, (English 2). Dougall, Marion—Mod. Hist. 2, Trig. Cr,, Zool. Cr. Fahrner, Austin—Lit. 2. ♦ Ford, Clarence—Lit. Cr., Comp. Cr. v Fuke, Stewart—Alg. 1, Bot. 2, Zool. Cr., Phys. 1, Fr. Comp, Cr. ♦Gaiser, Myrtle—Mod. Hist. 3, Geoin. Cr., Trig. 1, Lat. Auth. Cr., Lat. Comp. Cr., Fr. Auth. Cr., Fr. ‘Comp. 3. Haberer, Mildred—Geom. Cr., Trig 2, Fr. Comp. Cr. ♦Harvey, Doris—Geom. 2, Chem. Cr., Lat. Comp. 1. ♦Hern, Laurene—Lit. Cr., Zool. 2. ♦Hern, Margaret—Zool. 2. ♦Hess, Frederick—Comp. Cr., Lit. 1. ♦Hogarth, Betty—Trig. 2, Bot. 1, Zool. 1, (Biology 1), Chem. 1, Lat. Auth. 2, Lat. Comp. 2, (Latins 2), Fr. Auth. 2, Fr. Corap. Cr. (French 3). ♦Holt, Beulah—Comp. 3, Lit. 1, (English 2). Johns, Hazel—Zool. Cr. ♦Kestle, John—Comp. 1, Lit. 2, (English 2). ♦Kydd, Irene—Comp. Cr. ♦Luxton, Frederick — Comp. Cr., Lit. 2. MacKinnon, Archie — Phys. 2, Chem. 2. ♦Mair, Stuart—Comp. Cr., Lit. Cr. Morgan, Helefn—Comp. 3. Oestricher, Eunice—Trig. 2. Prouty, SteWart—Comp. 2, Alg. Cr., Bot. Cr., -Ctfeni. 3. ♦Russel, Patricia—Lit. 1. . Skinner, Elgin—Comp. Cr., Mod. Hist. 2, Trig. Cr., Chem. 3. ♦Snell, Grace—'Lit. Cr., Trig. 1, Bot. Cr., Zool. Cr., Lat. Auth. Cr., Lat. Comp.' Cr., Fr. Auth. Cr., Fr. Comp. 2. Southcott, Robert—Comp. Cr. Snell, Orville—Comp. Cr., Geom. Cr., Trig. 2, Fr. Auth. Cr., Fr. Comp. Cr. ♦Taylor, Grant—Alg. 2. Geom. 2, Trig. 1, (Math. 2), Bot. 2, Zool. 3, (Biol. 3), Phys. Cr., Chem. 2, Fr. Auth. 2, Fr. Comp. Cr. Traquair, Dorothy—Zool. 2, Fr. Auth. 2 Fr, Comp. Cr. ♦Walper, Helen—Mod. Hist. 1, Alg 2, Geom. 1, (Math. 1), Lat. Auth. 1, Lat. Comp. 2. (Latin 2), Fr. Auth. Cr. Fr. Comp. 2. Webb, Ilene—Fr, Auth. Cr., Fr. Comp. Cr. ♦Young, Shirley—Lit, Cr. The results are satisfactory. In the department of Mathematids and Physics there were no failures in Physics or Algebra, one in Geometry and 2 in trigonometry. In Biology and Chemistry there were no failures in chemistry and only seven alto­ gether in thirty attempts. In French there were four failures in 22 at­ tempts. In the twelve non compul­ sory papers average number of fail­ ures ran less than 2 per paper. In these subjects the candidates have optional courses and naturally take subjects most suited to their ability. There were twenty-eight passes on the two compulsory papers, a larger number than is usual. In addition to the ten subjects re­ corded to the credit of Beulah Holt in last week’s paper, in the Middle School results, the two in Upper School English, with second class honours are to be noted bringing the total to twelve for the year. The taking of two year’s work in one can be attempted only with special per­ mission and could be accomplished only in very exceptional cases. Grant Taylor, eBetty Hogarth, My­ rtle Gaiser, Helen Walper and Grace Snell who passed an aggregrate of 39 papers without a failure are deserv­ ing of special congratulations. FOAL CLUB FORMED A meeting for the -purpose of or­ ganizing the Exeter District Foal Club was held in Exeter with Wil­ liam Coates, president of Exeter Agricultural Society in charge. Of­ ficers elected were: President, Alvin Rowe, Exeter R.R. 1; vice-president, Wilmer J. Ferguson, Exeter, R.R. 3; secretary-treasurer, Edwin Miller, Exeter R.R. 3. Speakers were Ste­ wart McEwen, Stanley Township; J. C. 'Shearer, agricultural representa­ tive and Clark Fisher, secretary of Exeter Agricultural Society. FINGERS AMPUTATED IN THRESHING MACHINE Mr. Roland Williams, of Usborne, had his right hand badly lacerted in a threshing machine on the farm of Louis Johns, Elimville, Wednesday of last week. He was removed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, were it was found necessary to amputate about two-thirds of the hand. His condition at present is fairly satis-? factory and he is expected home in the near future. Mr, Williams was assisting in operating the separator* and was at the back of the machine feeding some straw into the blower after it had passed through the cut­ ting box. In some manner the straw shot his hand upward and the suc­ tion from the knives drew his hand into the revolving blades. It all happened in the fraction of a second. Dr. Fletcher was called to the farm and immediately had Mr*. Wil­ liams taken to the hospital in Lon­ don where an operation was per­ formed. Mr. Williams will have the use of his thumb and the great­ er part of the forefinger, the others having been amputated. Mr. Williams is well-known throughout the district, having taken a keen interest in the South Huron Plowman's Association and engaged in various interests and his many friends regret to hear of the serious accident that has befallen him. PROPERTY TRANSFER Mrs. (Dr.) G. S. Atkinson has dis­ posed of her residence on Andrew St. to Mr. Edward Davies, of Lon­ don. Mrs. Atkinson is having an auction sale of household effects on Friday of this week, an advt. of which appears on page four. She and her daughter Lorraine are mov­ ing to London following the sale. They have many friends in town the best wishes of whom will accompany them to their new home. Mr. Davies is employed as traveller foi* Supertest and will make his head­ quarters in Exeter. Mrs. Davies is a former Exeter girl, Miss Elsie Knight. With their family they will move to Exeter next week. We welcome them to our midst. The real estate deal was put through by C. V. Pickard, agent. AUTO ACCIDENTS An auto accident took place Sun­ day afternoon on the sideroad about six miles west of Huron street when a car driven by Orville Webber went out of control when it struck some loose gravel. With Mr. Webber were Misses Lorraine and Catherine Armstrong and Norma Parsons. The car rolled completely over and the top and body were badly demolished. Fortunately the occupants escaped with minor bruises and lacerations. Head-On Collision Injured in a head-on collision of two cars on the Parkhill-Grand Bend highway late Saturday night, Mrs. Minnie Young, wife of Gordon Young, of Corbett, was on Sunday taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, for examination of head injur­ ies. At hospital it was stated that she had lacerations about the head and an X-ray examination was made but Mrs. Young’s injuries did not appear immediately serious. An occupant of the second car, Miss Cora Shaeffer, parkhill, was also cut about the face, but did not require hospital treatment. Three other occupants of the two cars es­ caped, with a shaking up. Mrs. Young was riding in a car driven by her brother-in-law, James Young, with her 14-year-old son, Roy, as another passenger. This cat, at 11 p.m. met. almost head-on a car driven by William McKinnon, Park­ hill in which Miss Shaeffer was rid­ ing, five miles north of Parkhill. McKinnon’s car was almost entirely wrecked and the Young car badly damaged. Both the injured women were taken to their homes, but later it was decided that Mrs. Young should have X-ray to determine if there was any further injuries, and she was taken to London at noon Sun­ day. The impact jammed the two cars together and for several hours the highway was blocked and passing traffic was forced to take to the ditch. The accident is under Investiga­ tion of Provincial? Constable Ship- ley, of Strafhroy. FLOWER SHOW The Exeter Horticultural Society have 142 members this year, and their slogan for the Flower Show on Saturday is “Every Member an En­ try,” The weather this year has been most favorable for growing show blooms, so a record display Is expected, and may we remind you that it is staged for your education and enjoyment. Don’t fail to see It BURIED AT EXETER The remains of the late Mrs. Mar­ tha Hoose, of Schenectady, N. Y., were brought to Exeter Friday of last week for interment in the Exe­ ter cemetery. Born in Crediton, her maiden name was Martha Hearnan, daughter of the late Wm. and Jane Heaman. She was in her 71st year. For the past 30 years Mrs. Hoose has resided in Schenectady. She passed away August 16th. Mr. E. R. Hopper met the body at St. Thom­ as and brought the remains to Exe­ ter by ambulance. The deceased is survived by two sisters and tw'o brothers, Mrs. John Keys, of Lon­ don; Mrs. Charlotte Hockey, of Ex­ eter; Thomas and Jeremiah Hea­ man. The funeral, Friday was con­ ducted by Rev. A. Page. The bear­ ers were Messrs, b. M. Francis, Geo. Mawson, Norman and John Hockey, Norman Heaman and Mr. McCor­ mick, the latter of London. PLANNING FIELD DAY The Athletic Association of Exeter is sponsoring a full afternoon of sport, Wednesday, September 6th. Full particulars as to teams will be given next week. The Association has been functioning since spring only but has been active during the sum­ mer with baseball and softball and is looking forward to an interesting winter season. Come out oh Sept. 6th and while enjoying an afternoon of real sport give the Association your backing. It will be appreciat­ ed. . HEAVY GRAIN MOVEMENT Large quantities of wheat have been moving over the Huron and Bruce subdivision of the C.N.R. to Goder­ ich during the past two weeks. Sixty- six cars of wheat from Ilderton, Ex­ eter, Centralia, Brucefield and Luck­ now, were shipped to the Goderich Elevator and Transit Company from August 6 to August 18. The grain is the property of Canadian Wheat Board. BOWLING NOTES An Irish Trebles Bowling Tourna­ ment will be held on the local greens to-night (Wednesday.) There is a good entry. One rink of Exeter bowlers took in the tournament at Granton on Monday evening. Another rink took in the Trebles at Goderich the same evening. Two rinks of bowlers took in the Scotch Doubles at Seaforth Wednes­ day afternoon of last week. W. E. Middleton and R. N. Creech won fourth prize. A rink of bowlers composed of Bor­ den Sanders, Gordon May, R. N. Creech and R. G. Seldon were win­ ders of second prize at a bowling tournament recently held at Clinton. Two rinks of bowlers attended the Granton tournament Wednesday of last week. A rink of mixed doubles took in the Rowing Club tourney at London Saturday afternoon and ev­ ening. The latter won a prize for having the largest plus in the last game. There was a good turn-out for the weekly bowling jitney on the local greens Friday evening of last week. First prize went to Mrs. Medd, Mrs. Carey, Bert Rivers and Gordon May with 3 wins plus 1-8; second, Wm. Cook, Mrs. Jos. Davis, Reg. Moffatt and H. C. Rivers, 2 wins plus 9; third, Mrs. Howey, E. J. Wethey, G. Layton and R. G. Seldon, 2 wins plus 7; fourth, Mrs. Telfer, Dr. Roulston, B. M. Francis, and W. E. Sanders, 2 wins plus 5. Mr. Chas. Stewart accompanied by his mother, Mrs. R. Stewart, and sister Miss Gertrude, returned Mon­ day after holidaying for ten days motoring as far as Callendar and North Bay and visiting at Cheswick and Orono. SEPTEMBER SUPPLE3IENTAL EXAMINATIONS Lower School Tuesday, September 5th, i-;j p.m. Grade 10—Math, and Gen. Science Grade 9—'Business Pr. 3-5 p.m. Grade 10—Latin and French Grade 9— Mathematics Those with one paper only may begin at one o’clock Wednesday, September 6, 9*11 a .tn. Grade 10—History Grade 9—Br. Hist, and Gen. Science 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. Grade 10—Geography Grade 9—Geography and French Results will be ready the sains week so that the candidates will not be delayed in ordering books for the coming year. Edmund J. Wethey, GODERICH JUVENILES WIN TIMES-ADVOCATE TROPHY Claude Turner's Juvenile Lions of Goderich had little trouble winning the Huron-Perth group champion­ ship in Goderich Tuesday, defeating Clinton 7-0. Stuart Henry, Goderich youthful pitching sensation who hurled a no-run, no-hitter in Clinton last Friday, failed to repeat, allow­ ing three hits, all of a scratchy vnr- iety. He struck out nine Clinton batters. Walter Westbrook, playing short for Goderich, hit a long home run to centre for Goderich in the fifth, driving a run in ahead of him. “Thacker” Bloomfield hit a double with the bases loaded. Foi* Clinton, it was too much Hen­ ry all the way. The team, however, contributed two smart plays,. There never was any doubt about the game, which was witnessed by the biggest crowd of the season. When the game was called in the first half of the eighth, Goderich was leading 13-0, the score reverting to the last of the- seventh. It was Goderich’s 16th victory of the season, with three losses. With the group championship went The Exeter Times-Advocate trophy, pre­ sentation of which Was made by Mr. James Paterson, of Hensall, presi­ dent of the Huron-Perth League. Goderich now meets Chesley, Bruce League winner, in the next O.B.A. round. Goderich ......... 110 131 0—7 10 3 Clinton ........... 000 000 0—0 3 5 Henry and Bissett; Cook, Mon­ teith, McDonald and Powell. Irish Nine Take First in Finals Lucan Irish nine defeated Clinton the first of a best of 2 in 3 series in the Huron-Perth Intermediate finals by a score of 7-4 in Clinton Monday night. Hudson held the Clinton nine to five hits while the winners rammed out 12 off Draper. Clinton, had a short lead in the fourth only to be overtaken by the heavy-hitting Irishmen. The second game will be contested in Lucan on Thursday ev­ ening. The players were,—Lucan—Bur­ gess, cf; R. Paul, ss; Amos If; Hud­ son, p; Fairless, 3rd; Murdie lb; Larkin, rf; Murray, c; G. Paul 2b. Clinton—G-lew, cf; H. Hawkins, 2b; White, ss; J. Hawkins, 3b; Dra­ per, p; Hovey, lb; Colquhoun, If; Gibbs, c; Nailans, rf. Summary R. H. E. Lucan ....... 002 021 020—7 12 1 Clinton 000 300 001—4 5 1 Umpires—Dinsmore, plate; Arm­ strong, bases. LOCAL NEWS Miss Patsy Russell is spending this week at Grand Bend. Miss Elaine Dobbs, of Toronto, is holidaying with Miss Verna Coates. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt and family spent last week holidaying at Sauble Beach. Mr. Jos. B. Creech has returned home after a motor trip to Montreal and Ottawa. Stewart Fuke has returned home after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fuke at Markham. Shirley Taylor is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris, at Chiselhurst. Mr. Silas Reid, who has been at the Byron Sanatorium for some time, has returned to his home in town. Misses Jean and Betty Coates have returned home after visiting with, their uncle Mr. A. J. Luxton, of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stewart. Joan and Jerry, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart over the week-end. Mr. Gordon Mattingly, Sarnia, and Miss Dorothy Cox, Reg. N., Wood- stock, spent Monday at the home of Mrs. M. Hannigan. Dr. and Mrs. Dunlop and daughter Julia have returned home after holi­ daying on Manitoulin Island. ’They also enjoyed a motor trip as far as North Bay and Callendar. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lhldenfield, Al­ vin and Arnold were in London, oh Tuesday afternoon, attending th©' funeral of Mr. Lindenfield’s neloe, Mrs. Wilber Doane, (nee Evelyn Lin- denfield, Reg. N.) Mr. and Mrs. L. Steele, Mr, and Mrs. J. Remant, of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. W, Remnant, of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie, of HespOler, spent the week-end with Mr. ana Mrs, Arthiif Campbell.