The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-08-17, Page 8TftCRSBAY, AUGUST 17th, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe DON’T HAVE STRAGGLES Swimming need not spoil your Hair. Our Permanents defy Moisture SPIRAL — CROQUINOLE — COMBINATION phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Exeter Markets Wheat 49-5 3 (according to grade) Oats 25c. Barley 35c. Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs Hogs, Butter 2Q-23e, A large medium B 11c. dressed 21c. 18e. $10.00 LEAVITT’S THEATRE — The —• Ideal Meat Market This Theatre is Air Conditioned THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Double Feature “SUDDEN MONEY” Starring CHARLIE RUGGLES — also — , “RENEGRADE TRAIL” with “HOPALONG CASSIDY” BOYD HOME COOKED Meat Loaf TWO NIGHTS ONLY | 18c per lb. Also a Full Line of COOKED, SMOKED, CURED AND FRESH MEATS Main St. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 DON’T JUST SAY “COAL” SPECIFY D&H ANTHRACITE Top-flight performance of a coal de­ pends on its consistant high quality, D&H gives top-flight performance because superior preparation insures purity, while accurate sizing provides steady, even heat. Heat that makes your home happy. Don’t be satisfied with just plain Coal. Specify D&H CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Public Worship All Summer Dresses Greatly Reduced JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33, Residence 157 MIDNITE, MONDAY AT 12:05 MONDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 21st “ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE” ALICE FAYE, TYRONE POW­ ER, AL JOLSON | TWO NIGHTS ONLY | TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd and 23rd “DODGE CITY” In Technicolor with ERROL FLYNN and an Star Cast all COMING- “DAWN PATROL” “JUAREZ” Mrs. Bert Knight, of Los Angeles, Calif., has been visiting and Mrs. F. W. Gladman friends in Exeter. with Mr. and other Ice Cream Bricks, 17c. Middleton’s. at W. E. Gladioli Cut Blooms 25c. a Norman Norry. dozen, tfc FOR SALE—9x18 Wilton good condition.—J. C. Vidt, Rug in Exeter. NOTICE Owing to breakdown of ensilage stacker, are giving away a quantity of green pea straw. CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. See me about that paint job. In­ side or outside work done; also sign painting and furniture. Terms reas­ onable.—TOM WALKER 8-3-2tc. For Good Quality, Serviceable Din­ nerware at Moderate Prices. See our large assortment at S. B. TAYLOR’S Jeweller and China Shop. TO EXCHANGE — A brick house in the City of London either on a farm, or a first mortgage on a farm, in the vicinity of Exeter. For further particulars, apply to J. W. Morley, Exeter, Ontario. 8-17-2tc. WANTED TO BUY—Copy of His­ torical Atlas of Huron County, 1879, by Belden. Write Box 2, Lucan, On­ tario. SALE-—Holstein heifer toFOR freshen in about two weeks. Ap­ ply to Archie Etlierington, R. 1, Hen- sall, phone Exeter 171r42.ltp FOR SALE—50 acre farm situated, comfortably small good bank barn, Implement also a frame house in Exeter. Pearce. nicely house, shed; Wm. ltp heiferSTRAYED—Three-year-old with horns, weighing about 900 lbs. from lot 3, Con. 11, McGillivray. Information gladly received by Earl Pickering, Ailsa Craig. ltp NOTICE The dumping of Rubbish on the roads in the Township of Stephen is prohibited. Persons doing so will be fined according to the provisions of the Township By-law. Dated at Crediton this 21st day of July A.D. 1939. Chester Mawhinney, Reeve Herbert K. Eilber, Clerk Custom Plowing. combining Threshing Wein Bros. and FOR SALE—I have sev-FARMS___ _____ _____ _ eral choice farms for immediate or fall possession.--C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter, phone 165. FREE OFFER For a limited time only we give one load lane gravel FREE with every five loads cement gravel. For a gravel that proves itself satisfactory for every purpose, Phone 171r3, Exeter Cudniore Standard Gravel wlli HOUSES FOR SALE—A comtort- hotne iu Exeter, every convenience, easy .termsj also houses in Hensall, V, Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. Phone 38 LOCALS FARMERS, ATTENTION We have now on hand a full stock of Shorts, Bran, Hominy, Screen­ ings and Salt. Also Government Wheat is being received at the elevator. For Further Particulars Phone UNION SERVICES Main Street and Jamess Street United Churches Rev. A. Page, of James Street in charge. Music under the direction of Mr. W. R. Goulding and the James St choir. 10 a.m.—‘Church Schools R. G. SELDON & SON 90 or 2W, Exeter 11 a.m.—James Street— Rev. Arthur Page The Hoffman Trio will sing 7 p.m. — Main Street— Rev. Arthur Page Prayer Service, 8 p.m., Wednesday, James St. NOTICE—Dr. Cowen’s dental of­ fice will re-open next w’eek after be­ ing closed while on vacation. Miss H. Dignan is at the office this week for the making of appointments. Mrs. M. E. Lucan, Atwood, is visit­ ing her sister Mrs. Jonah Sims. The Exeter Band will parade the Main Street Friday evening next play-ing a number of selections. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Laing, Donald and Barbara, of Erin, spent their holidays with relatives in Exeter. Miss Caroline Davis, of the post office staff, is holidaying with rela­ tives at Sudbury. Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mr. Wm. Davis spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Atkinson at Grand Several rooms at the Exeter pub­ lic school are being redecorated, the work being done by Mr. E. L. John­ ston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houghton, and daughter, Joan, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis return­ ed home the latter part of last week aftei’ holidaying with relatives at South Bend, Ind., and at Marlette and other places in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jasney daughter, of Crediton, Mrs. Nat. bett and Mrs. Russell Brintnell spent Saturday in Bend. and Cor- and M. E. Gardiner, of with relatives and Blenheim and Mrs. C. A. of Sudbury, spent the with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. after New Fair Creech and Misses Jean Saturday for ladies will J. Luxton. Ottawa be- Eric and Mon- young Mr. A. visit in George and Mawson, of Mrs. Elmore of London, son, of Exeter. London. Mr. and Mrs. Meaford, visited friends in Exeter during the past week. They returned to their hdme Tuesday and Miss Dorothy Davis re­ turned with them on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson, of Chi­ cago; Miss Phyllis Ann Daniels, of Greenfield, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Mack Rosser, of Dunsford, past week Russell. Mr. Frank Johns, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Morey, of Toronto, Mrs. Hope of Oakville and Mrs. Hardman, of Toronto, motored up Saturday and the latter are visiting with Mrs. Johns here. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper, of town and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCool of Wingham, returned Monday holidaying for over a week in York taking in the World’s and the sights of the city. Messrs. Jos. Carscadden and Betty Coates left treal where the visit their uncle They will also fore returning. Mr. and Mrs. town, and Mr. Tuckey and Donald, spent last week in Muskoka, while there they had a pleasant boat trip on Lake Muskoka. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wells and Caroline, of London, visited for a week in Detroit and Pontiac, Mich. They spent the latter part of the week in Exeter, Mrs. A. S. Davis re­ turning to London with them dn a visit. On Sunday, August 6th, flowers adorned the pulpit of the James St. United church in loving memory of the late Earl Christie, B.A. His favorite hymns were used in the service and a solo was sung by Mr, Frank Johns “The City Four-Square” in his memory. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Agnew, of Detroit; Mr. R. J. Eacrett, Wood- stock, Mrs. Peter Munn, of Hensafi; Mr, and Mrs, burg, Master W. Forrest, St. Peters- Killy Lavery, of Braht-easy Lciius, aiau nuuses m rteiisan,» , j .... »Crediton, Centralia and Parkhilt C. ICord who spending a couple of weeks here, To clear the balance of our Summer Dresses the price on every dress has been greatly reduced. It will be to your interest to see them and buy one or two. Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches by 90 inches This Sheeting is an exceptionally good cotton, fine weave, good weight and long wearing. We bought a quantity to get them at this low price. Each 89c Regent Yarns for Knitting Regent Yarns are considered one of the best lines that are made. We carry a full range of shades in the following: SEA SHELL 15c, SEA GULL 20c, SEA BEACH AND BONNIE LASS 25c Electric Welding We wish to announce we are open­ ing an electric welding shop in H. HORTON’S BLACKSMITH SHOP Electric welding done on all kinds ot machinery. FRANK HORTON 3-»S-2tc. SCIATICA r»ATfc NEL7 KIT IS Hl lie lumbago IVA MUSCULAR * w INFLAMMATOKY THOMAS’ RHEUMATISM REMEDY A highly recommended and medically endorsed product quickly and efficient­ ly removes the cause. See your druggist or write THOMAS RHEUMATISM REMEDY 21 Yale St. London, Ont. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemisa Eleventh Sunday After 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer “Loyalty” The 51st Anniversary Memorial Church will be day, September 3, 1939 11 a.m. aud 7 p.m. Trinity & Sermon of Trivitt held Sun- / Misses June Clark and Margaret Melville returned home after spending the past Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. James spent Wednesday ten days in Downs.ana London, spent Sunday Horney and Miss Maude Mrs. Anderson and Mr. family, of ■with Mrs. Horton. Dr. and and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were in Lexington, Mich., visiting with Mrs. Birch, cousin ot Mrs. Beavers. Rev. and Mrs. E. Hodgins, of Ed­ monton, were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Byron Hicks, Cen­ tralia. Mrs. Truman Elliott, and daugh­ ter, Doris and Jean Hagerman spent several days last week in London visiting with Mrs. Clifton Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Bettis, who have been here two wreeks visiting the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. Fanny Triebner, returned to Toronto last week. Doris and Rex Skinner, Centralia, have returned after visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Motz, of London. Misses Nola Sweitzei’ and Van Camp, nurses-in-trainin; Victoria Hospital, London, at the latter’s home on Monday. Mrs. C. H. Sanders, Borden, Brit­ tain, Miss A. Sanders and Mrs. Mc­ Avoy, are holidaying this week at Bangor Lodge, Muskoka. Miss Annie Westlake, of London, arrived Saturday for a month’s visit ,with her mother, Mrs. Westlake in Exeter North. with Mrs. Irene g at visited Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard, of town, Mr. A. Pickard, of Regina, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Glad­ man, of London, returned last week from a very pleasant motor trip to the Maritime provinces going as far as Halifax. They also visited Cape Breton Island. TOMLINSON Barber Hairdresser Visit Our China Counter Many new lines have been added for the tourist trade, bring in your visitors and show them around. We always have something new to show you. Beautiful All Wool Kenwood Blankets See the new Floral Tints in Kenwood Blankets. We carry a full range of colors in plain shades. Also plain white with candy stripe borders. 15 Pieces of Turkish Towelling These towellings are imported direct from England and by buying them direct you save as much as five cents a yard. See our values at 15c, 20c, 25c, 27c and 35c. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Motz and family and Alta Harvey are holiday­ ing at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, Les. Coates and Miss Margaret El- lerington left Sunday for New York to take in the World’s Fair. Mr. Russell Brintnell spent the week-end in Exeter with and son and then returned work in Sliedden. Miss Emily Morrison, and Miss Minnie Reed, were welcome callers for it recently with Mr. and Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. J. Giles, of Hamilton, at their summer home at Cedar Springs. Mrs. Louisa Horton, her daughter Berneice, and Mr. Bert Martin, all of Oshawa, spent several days last week with Mrs. Horney and Miss M. Horton. Mr. James Morrow, ex-M.P., of Manitoba, after a month’s visit with friends in Exeter, Hensall and Kip­ pen, returned this week to his home in Winnipeg. Mrs. Kaufman, who has been visit­ ing her neice, Isobel Turnbull, for the past three weeks, left on Satur­ day'for Glencoe to visit her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Singleton, before returning to her home in Brantford. Messrs. Ulric Snell and William Sanders have returned after spend­ ing a week in the Bruce peninsula >and fishing in Georgian Bay. They also took in the bowling tournament at Owen Sound on Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clarke, Mar­ garet and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. George Grant, of town and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh, of Hensall, attended the Miller-Clarke wedding in Lon­ don on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis, of town and Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Fran­ cis and daughter Beth, of Woodstock are attending the 80th birthday an­ niversary of their uncle, Mr. William Francis, of Croswell, Mich. his wife to his of of a short vis- Mrs. W. H. Toronto, Hensail, II English and Russian Pure Linen Towelling In a wide range of bright colored stripes for tea towels, also a splendid weight and good drying linen that comes from Russia that is splendid for roller towels. Special, yard 25c GROCERY SPECIALS For Pickling use HEINZ PURE VINEGAR 1 gal. . . ..55c PURE LARD 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 20c CHOICE JAMS Strawberry, Raspberry and Orange Large jar . 25c uaPORK & BEANS Campbell’s or Libby’s 3 large tins . . 25c NEW POST FLUFFO Large pkg. . . 25c 1 glass tumbler free in each pkg. BAKING POWDER Quarts 30c Pints 22c SPICES FOR PICKLING RUBBER RINGS 6 doz. .. 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 tins............20c TOMATO JUICE Aylmer or Campbell 3 large tins . . 25c Southcott Bros WE’VE GOT IT! Prosperous Mr. Asselstine has it! YOU CAN GET IT TOO! CASH IN on the BIGGEST, BEST line of HOUSEHOLD NECES­ SITIES to be sold direct from fac­ tory to consumers. $$UCCE$$ assur­ ed. Write todav for FREE PAR­ TICULARS. FAMILEX PRODUCTS COMPANY, 570 St. Clement St.., Montreal, Que. St. k. EXETER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Flower Show Saturday, August 26th in the Carnegie Library DOORS OPEN FROM 3 to 6 and 7 to 10 p.m. No admission will be charged, but a Director *will be present to receive contributions in aid of the work of the Society. F LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Mabel Wood, of Waterloo, is visiting with friends in Exeter. Miss Jean King visited with Aud­ rey and Doris Mitchell last week. Miss Helen Finkbeiuer is visiting friends at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McLaren, of Warkworth, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Lee Wilson, Norma and Jim spent Civic Holiday with Mrs. H. O. Dayman at Grand Bend. Mrs. Smith, of Brantford, is vis­ iting with her sister Mrs. Daniel Davis. Miss Armstrong has moved her millinery shop into the Snell Block. The opening date will be given later. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Tor­ onto, visited with Mr. Ed. Vosper, over the week-end. Misses Mary Gardiner Martene are holidaying Bend this week. Miss Ethel and Carol Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss Sanders and Miss Vosper. Mrs. D. Hodgson, Centralia, spent the week-end with her son, Earl, at Rondeau Park. Mr, Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, vis­ ited with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers for several days. Mrs. N. Hockey, Thelma and Har­ old, have returned home after holi­ daying at Grand Bend for two weeks. Miss Mona Gould, of Galt, visited during the past week at the home of Mrs. M. F. Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horne, and fiainily, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchell on Sunday. Messrs. Maurice Griffith and Jack I Scott, of Toronto, who came to Ex- I eter by airplane and visited with the i former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith at the home of Miss Annie • Handford, returned last week to To- J ronto, A number availed them­ selves of the opportunity of an air­ plane ride while the young men wore here. r and Edna at Grand Vosper, of Ik Summer Goods for the men folk See the New Smart and up-to-the-minute Arrow Shirts Ties, Socks, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps and Sweaters W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr. W. B. Fallis, of Ontario, Cali­ fornia, and Claude Fallis, of Mount Forest spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. Misses Ardys McFalls, Vera Deck­ er and Mary Van Camp, and Messrs. Gerald McFalls and Garfield Thom­ son spent a few days at Wasaga Beach, Penetang and Midland, tak­ ing in a boat cruise to the 30,000 Islands on Georgian Bay and the Martyr’s Shrine at Fort Ste. Marie, returning by way of Owen Sound and Eugenia Falls, A visitor to Exeter this week was Mrs. Bergeron, who was a member of Mr. Ernest Heap’s Dramatic Com­ pany which appeared for several seasons at the old opera house dur­ ing its Canadian and American tours. Mrs. Bergeron returned to her home In Timmins Tuesday, after visiting lier parents Mr. and Mrs, David Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bragg, Ger­ aldine and Bruce, returned to their home In London after spending a week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fybus. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Godbolt and daughter Pauline, of Exeter, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Pym. Mrs. Caldwell, •Who had been visiting her daughter, returned home with them.—Listowel Banner. , Among the visitors at Grand Bend on Lake Huron is Mrs. Lorraine Dodge, an attractive young lady and former telephone operator, made the headlines on several occasions in the past year. It whs just about a year ago that,, her husband, the wealthy young Danny Dodge, of Detroit, lost his life in the tragedy at Honey Har­ bour. She is summer home Fred Holmes. vacationing at ■ the of her brother-in-law, of Windsor.