HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-08-17, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE tlWIBSnAX, AUGUST 17tl>. )03» HENSALL Miss Gladys Luker is Holidaying in Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Parker, of London, visited with Mrs. Alice Joynt Sunday. Mrs. Steer, of Mount Forest, is visiting with her son Dr. D. G. Steer. Mr, Oliver Joyce, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Boh Pass- more. Miss Elizabeth Slavin is visiting this week with relatives and friends in Varna. Mrs. Harold Bell underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Higgins, of Exeter, called on relatives and other friends in the village last wek. Mrs. (Dr.) I, G. Smillie returned home after a very pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Toronto. Dr. Harry Joynt, of Byron, visited on Sunday with his mothei' Mrs. A. Joynt. Mrs. Harold Scruton and children, of Port Dover, are visiting with rel­ atives here. Mr, and Mrs. Dayman, of Simcoe, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doerr. Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins visit­ ed over the week-end with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn in London, Rev. D. C. Hill, of Exeter conduct­ ed the service in Carmel church on Sunday morning and the choir sang ‘’Blessed is the Man.” Mr. Fred Bonthron is having the roof of his dwelling re-shingled. The work is being done by Mr. James Walker, of Brucefield. ‘Rev, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young and family returned home on Mon­ day after a pleasant holiday in For­ est. Mrs. R. J. Ferguson, of Minnea­ polis, Minn., left for her home after a very pleasant visit with her sister, Miss Emma Johnston and friends in this tonality. Misses Lois and Marion MacLar- en spent a few days last week visit­ ing with their cousin Miss Alice Glenn near Clinton. Mr. Harry Mew, of Goderich and Mr. Wesley Butt, of Windsor, were in town on Sunday visiting with rel­ atives and friends. Mr. Wm, Fraser, who underwent an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, recently returned to his home here Monday. Mr. Mark Drysdale, who under­ went an operation recently in St. Joseph's Hospital, London returned to her home here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Toron­ to, visited last week with the form­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron and daughter Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, returned home after a very pleasant motor trip to Southampton, Callander and North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett very quietly observed their thirtieth wed­ ding anniversary at their home on Thursday with the immediate mem­ bers of thp family present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, of Toronto, Mrs. Errol Drummond and Misses Dorothy and Marion Drum­ mond, of St. Marys, called on friends here on Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) D. G. Steer underwent an operation for appendicitis in tne Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Watson Wood underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr, and Mrs. wm. McLean and family and Mrs. A. Murray and dau­ ghter Mary, of Hamilton, visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. J, Pass- more. Mr. Wm. McLaren underwent an operation in Scott Memorial Hospit­ al, Seaforth, on Friday and at date of writing is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Ila Wood, of Santa Barbara, California, who has been visiting for the past several months with her mother, Mrs. John Dinsdale and sis­ ter Mrs. Alda Simmons returneu home last week. The girls’ bridge club had a very pleasant .picnic and outing recently in honor of two visiting former members, Miss Ethel Murdock, of Calgary, Alta,, and Miss Emalie Mor­ rison of Toronto. Mr. Peter Moir has purchased the property on S. Richmond street from the estate of the late Richard Blatch- ford and occupied by Mrs. Eva Stape- tOn. We understand Mr. Moir in­ tends making extensive improve­ ments. Mr. Robt. Passmore took charge of the service in the United church- on Sunday morning and the choir sang a beautiful anthem. Dr. I. G. Smillie played the organ in the ab­ sence of the organist Miss Greta Lammie. Mrs. Geo. Kerslake, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cann and Mr, ...Dancing at Spruce Grove... EVERY TUESDAY & FRIDAY NIGHT BERNIE COULTER And His Orchestra DANCING Sc Three Miks South of Exeter oft No* 4 Highway, near Centralia and Mrs. Wm. Jeffery and daughter Ilene, of the Thames Road and Mr. Wm. Johns, of Elimvijle visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. AV. M, & Meeting The W. M. S. of the United church held thejr regular monthly meeting in the church and Mrs, Carrie Bal- lantyne presided in the absence of the president Mrs. Cross. The open­ ing hymn was followed by prayer and Mrs. Cornelius Cook read the Scripture lesson. A very interesting talk on Temperance was given by Miss Jennie Murray. The topic 'Weld­ ing the World* was very ably given by Mrs. Geo. Hess. A solo entitled “Still, Still With Thee” was very beautifully rendered by Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, after which the meeting was closed with prayer. Carmel Church W, M. S. The regular meeting of the Car­ mel Presbyterian church W. M. S. was held on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John Dallas presiding. The meeting opened by singing a hymn followed by prayer led by Mrs. Dal­ las. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered with “Trust.” Another hymn was sung and tne business discussed. It was decided to hold the next meeting one week darlier, September 7th owing to the Presbyterial meeting. A duet was sung by Mrs. Hannah Workman and daughter Miss Mabel Workman, ac­ companied by Mrs. W. A. MacLarcn on the piano. The topic “Village Life in India’ was given by Mrs. Dallas and was very interesting. Mrs. B, C. Edwards led in prayer and the meet­ ing closed by singing a hymn follow­ ed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and family and Mrs. S. Davis, of London, were recent visitors with Mrs. W. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goodhand at Parkhill. Miss Margaret Cook was holiday­ ing at Grand Bend. Mrs. I-Iedden, of London was a recent visitor with her sister Mrs. Harness. ’ Miss Lucille Gilbert, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for sometime recovering from an acci­ dent is able to be out again. Miss Winnie Field visited with her aunt in Princeton for a couple of weeks. Miss Greta Pollard was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gil­ lies in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and son of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight on Thursday of last week. Mrs. E. Willard and family return­ ed home last week after visiting for a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs. J. Burgess in Windsor. Miss Gladys Andrews, of Swift Current, Sask., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. Hodgson. Mrs. Dickson and son Joe and Miss Helen Martin, of Windsor, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Connor. Mr. Arthur Brooks has returned home after visiting with his brother in Chicago for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot, Grand Valley, are visiting with Mrs. Thos. Willis. Mr. Bill Cook, of London, is visit­ ing with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook. Mr, and Mrs. J. Mugan, of London spent the week-end with Mrs. C. J. O’Brien. Mrs. Lome Hicks visited over the week-end with relatives in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg and sons of London, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen war den. Rev. J. Falconbridge returned home a couple of weeks ago after attending the M. R. A. Conference in Hollywood, California. Mr. Donald Hicks, of Clinton, vis­ ited over the week-end with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mrs. M, Sleamon and June are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. <C. Murdy, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Harris were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Essery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock visited with relatives in Shipka on Sunday. Mrs. J. Burgess and daughter June, of Windsor, are visiting with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connor. Centralia AV. M. $. The August meeting of the W.M.S. .was held at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) ’Falconbridge on Tuesday of last week. Miss Flossie Davey was in charge of the Worship service and the meeting was opened with singing hymn 84. Rev. Falconbridge led in prayer, The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Skinner. Mrs. Falcon­ bridge favored with a solo. The first' chapter in the study book was taken by Flossie Davey and Mrs. N. Mit­ chell. Ret. and Mrs. Falconbridge each gave a short address followed by prayer by Mrs. Falconbridge. Hymn 95 ,WAs Mrs. Penwarden presided over the business part Of the meeting. Lttnch was served by Mrs, Falconbrid^H assisted by MrS. W, Obnnor, Mr. and Mrs, Myles McCabe and Mac, of Walkerton, formerly of Cen­ tralia, were Civic Holiday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. BaMI O’Rdutke, Of Brucetield. CREDITON Services for NCxt Sunday Evangelical ............... M5 a.m. ' Brinsley ......... 3.15 ip.m. Union Service^ United 'Church 7.30 Miss Marion Treitz, of London, is visiting with relatives in the com­ munity, Last Sunday in the United church Sunday 'School Mr, J. Woodall was acting superintendent and a mission­ ary program was given. A duet “Gos­ pel Bells” was given by Mrs, J. Woodall and Mrs. L. Swartz. Read­ ing “God's Children” by Frederick Tilley and Mary Lamport gave an article dealing with the unjust treatment of Jews in Germany at the present time. Miss Marjorie Wein and Miss Helen Schenk spent their vacation at Grand Bend last week. ** Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wright ,W^re Mr. and Mrs. Harry Private and Miss Marguerite Wright, of London. Mr. Ross Johnston Stewart Wright, of Zurich and Miss Lorna Kraft of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finkoeiner, Mr. <M. Finkbeiner and Berneice spent the week-end with Mrs. M, Finkbeln- er’s mother and sisters in Hamilton. Mr. George Collingwood and lady friend, of Port Huron, Mich., spent Sunday with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Wein, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richmond and family, of Norwich; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Krotz and family, of Mill­ bank, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Young and Mrs. Leonard Wing, of Pigeon, Mich, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, H. Smith. Miss Elaine Mitchell arrived home Monday after spending three weeks holidays in Kington and Marmora. Mr. Eugene Finkbeiner spent a week at Hamilton and Peterboro. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch left for Pt. Carling in Muskoka where they are spending two weeks’ vacation. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Drier visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Oestreicher, KIPPEN Miss Dora Pybus, of London, spent" a few days last week with her grandmother Mrs. H, Richer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Collingwood and family, of Hamilton, visited recently at the home of the former’s uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie anc daughter, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. McMurtrie during the week. Miss Velma Ferguson, of Chisel­ hurst, is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons. Mr. W. Horney and Miss Ruth Colwell, of Cargill, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney and attended the Horney reunion at Grand Bend. Mrs. H. Richer and Arthur spent a few days in Plattesville recently. Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, visited recently at the home of his sister Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. A. Gackstet- ter spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson, Ilderton. Mr. Norman Alexander spent last Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Chand­ ler and family at their cottage at Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, of Denfield, and Mr. and Mrs. J, Carter, of Clandeboye. Mrs. Mina Love is visiting at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. A. Gack- stetter attended the Horney reunion at Grand Bend on Civic Holiday. GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs. J. Paxman returned to London Monday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pol­ lock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prance and Lois, of Winchelsea, visited on Thursday with Mrs, T, Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown visit­ ed On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker, of Grand Bend. Miss Fern Kelly, of Port Huron visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Miss Lillian Ulens and Mr. W. Forsythe, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. W. T, Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sheppard, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Engish, We are sorry to report Mr, Bill Elson hasn't been very well lately. We hope to see him out again soon, Mrs. Parry Thompson, of Lieury, visited on Saturday with hei* father Mr. W. J. Brown. Miss uia ulens visited last week With friends in Windsor. Messrs. Harold Pollock and Ttay Voung spent Friday in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn, of Kipped, and Miss Ruth Weber, of Dashwood, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Willis Hotson, of London, sent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson. Mrs. Russell Pollock, Margery and Miss Mary Corbett returned to Lou­ den on Sunday after spending a week with friends here. Miss Marjorie Oliphant, of Ham­ ilton, is visiting her grandmother, i Mrs. A- Itidley1. DASHWOOD Dr. W, D. D.D DENTAL SURGEON At office in Haxtieib Block, Pash- wood, first three days of week and at office over the poet Office, in Zu- rich, last three days of week, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oestricher and family, of Chicago, are spending their vacation with relatives here. Mrs. McNevin, of London, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher. i Mr. Percy Rleinstiver, of Chicago, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Win.; Kleinstiver last week. Mr. and Mrs, L. Morenz spent a few days in Kitchener last week. Mr. Sam Witzel, of Toronto, visit­ ed his mother Mrs. Witzel last Wed­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Czar Steinhagen, or Port Dalhousie, spent the week-eno with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Miss Oneida Restemeyer Reg, N., and Miss Edna Frank Reg. N., of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Restemeyer last week, Harry Hoffman took a motor trip to Millville, pa., a few days last week Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Schatz, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz. Rev. and Mrs. Luft spent last week-end in Michigan. Miss Eunice Oestricher visited with friends in London last week, Master Ross Stadelbauer, London, is spending his holidays at his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. p. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Max Feldrappe, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Kuntz- Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Koessel, of Lansing, Mich., spent last Thursday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz. Jimmie and Lenore who spent a few weeks at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. C. Pfile returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder and daughter Annie Marie and Mrs. Lempke, of Windsor returned to their home on Sunday after spend­ ing two weeks vacation with friends here and in Walkerton. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Lang and Helen, of Youngstown, Ohio., and Lillian Miller, of Akron, Ohio, spent a few days with the Kraft sisters last week. Mrs. Jim Smith and Shirley, or Windsor, are visiting with her father Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada, Miss Jean Held is spending her vacation with friends in Detroit. Mrs. C. Bosh, of Detroit, is visit­ ing with her mother Mrs. Merner. Miss Jarmaine?’ Armstrong, of London, is spending her vacation with Miss Oneida Restemeyer. Misses Ruth and Shirley Guenther have returned after spending the’ir vacation in St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wein, bridal couple have returned after spending their honeymoon in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Pochler, of Fort Wayne, Ind., visited with her mo­ ther Mrs. F. Willert last week. Mr. Pochler has returned and Mrs. Poch­ ler will visit with her mother for a few days. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Gossman reunion at Grand Bend recently. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. A. Kellerman last Friday evening, the occasion being a miscellaneous shower for Miss Florence Baker, bride-elect, who was the recipient of any beautiful gifts. A very sociable evening was spent after which a dainty lunch was serv­ ed. (Intended for last Week) Rev. and Mrs. Roppel and their daughter Hope left on Tuesday af­ ternoon, August Sth for^ their vaca­ tion. They will visit friends in To­ ronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points. During their absence the Dashwood Young People’s Mis­ sion Circle will have charge of the church service on Sunday August 13th, at 10 a.m. and Rev Denny Bright, of London, district secretary of the Bible Society, will occupy the pulpit On Sunday morning, August 20th.' There will be no Sunday ev­ ening service here throughout the month of August. Miss Hope Roppel has been en­ gaged temporarily for the past ten days in a store in Tavistock, Ont., to relieve other clerks who are off on their holidays. * EXETER McColl-Frontenac Cook’s Rock Bottom Store Chainway Stores Ltd, F. G. Wright & Co. Huron Lumber Co. AV. C. Allison AV. AV. Taman G. A. Hawkins White’s Bakery Exeter Ladies AVear Exeter Dairy Highland Hill Dairy AV. J. Beer Jones & May Middleton’s Bakery A. E. Wuerth R. G. Seldon & Son Southcott Bros Bossenberry Hotel Huron Garage E. R. Hopper James Lawson Martin’s Music Store C. E, Zurbrigg Ijindenfield’s Hardware Tuckey Transport River’s Meat Market S. B. Taylor Rollie’s Grocery Frank Coates Ideal Meat Market Walker’s Drug Store Browning’s Drug Store James P. Bowey For Good Quality, Serviceable Din­ nerware at Moderate Prices. See our large assortment at S. B. TAYLOR’S Jeweller and China Shop. BRINSLEY Mi*, and Mrs. George Vaux, Tor- oiito, IinvO Visiting "vvitli IMi** Joseph Amos and Miss Mai’y Amos. Miss Ilene Watson, of London, spent the week-end “with her mother Mrs, Lin Craven, Mrs. Tom craven and soil Jackie accompanied by his friend Stephen Hoffman, of Detroit, spent the past week With relatives and friends. Lily and Mary Semeiioff, two fresh air girls,, of Toronto, hate spent more than two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mary Carter. Reta Hodgson and Martel Wat­ son are attending girls camp at Go­ derich this week. MOUNT CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beach, De­ troit, are spending their vacation with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKeever. Mrs. Mc­ Keever returned with them and will spend a couple of weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Ducharme and family, of Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Ducharme’s sister Mrs. Joseph Mahoney here, af­ ter spending their vacation in Que­ bec. Miss Madeline Glavin, Colgan, is spending the balance of her vacation at the home of her father, Mr. Joseph Glavin, here. Mr. John Madden and Misses Kate and Bernadine Madden spent Friday at Sarnia and Ipperwash Beach, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Glavin spent Thursday in London. Mr. David Sheppard purchased a Pontiac coach from Hartman’s Gar­ age last week. Messrs. Gordon and Jerome O’Rourke spent Saturday of last week in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, James Dalton and family visited Bayfield last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Doyle and daughter Grace, spent a few days In Midland last week. Messrs. Ed. Hogan and John Ma­ honey spent Sunday at Drysdale., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Ger- omette and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton and family attended the celebration of Rev. Fr. William Murray’s twenty-fifth anniversary Mass at St Marys church in London on Saturday. Miss Catherine Keough is spend­ ing a few weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Benomme and family, of Detroit, spent a few The Exeter Lions Club have launched their second drive for funds to carry on their child welfare work, particularly sight saving .Since the inauguration of the club the following work has been carried on for underprivileged children; supply 3096 plots of milk; held 17 eye examinations; provided 9 pairs of glasses; provided for 15 toofil and adenoid re­ movals; supplied 2 pairs orthopedic brace? and boots; sponsored juvenile hockey and base­ ball teams; sent 10 hoys to boy’s summer camp; provided Christmas entertainment for a thousand children, giving toys, candy and clothing; provided an outfit of clothing for a blind boy to enable admission to a school for the blind; a donation to the Canadian Na­ tional Institute for the Blind. Money spent through this organization goes from 2% to 5 times as far as the money spent individually. To carry on the work the local Lions Club have inaugurated their second drive for the raising of money. J Tickets at 25c each are now being sold, and a drawing will be made FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 6th when the prizes will be distributed. 1. —Trip to the World’s Fair, value $200.00. 2. —General Electric . Radio, value $79.95. 3. —C. C. M. Boy or Girl’s Bicycle, value $35.00. 4. —Lady or Gent’s Coat or Suit, value $25.00. Also One Ton of Coal, Set of Graniteware, value $10.00; AH Wool Single Plain Blanket; 100 Pounds of Sugar, 20 Gallons of Gasoline; Hot Point Iron; $5.00 in Merchandise. Holders of the lucky tickets will be allowed to purchase these prizes for 25 cents. Boy’s or Girl’s C.C.M. Bicycle or $50.00 in Merchandise to be Given Away Free The following merchants co-operating with the Exeter Lions Club are handing out tickets from their store from now until October Sth and 6th on a free draw for the above prizes. All you have to do is to write plainly your name and address on these tickets, deposit them in the boxes in any of the stores or at the Times-Advocate and then be at the big frolic October 5th and 6th. 'October 5th and 6th, on Snell Bros. & Co. Traqnair’s Hardware Flynn’s Barber Shop Exeter Times-Advocate F. W. Huxtable W. G. Medd A. O. Elliot B. AV. F. Beavers ZURICH Stade & Weido Klopp’s Service ” Quality Meat Market Johnston & Kalbfleisch J. Gascho & Son Dominion Hotel Merner’s Store Zurick Drug Store Willcrt’s Bakery Eckel’s Bakery Oescli Grocery Zurich Creamery GRAND BEND Wally’s Meat Market J. W. Holt Ravclle’s Store Desjardine’s Store CENTRALIA G. F. Penwarden Centralia Farmers’ Co-Op. Co. Shamrock Creamery J. A. Pollard days last week with Mrs. Denomme’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Regier. Mr. and Mr.s, Wilfred Hogan and family spent the week-end in Chat­ ham. Mr. Sam Lamport .purchased a new Pontiac from Hartman’s Garage re­ cently. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge, and Kevin spent the week-end at the Grand Bend, Misses Pauline and Edith Abbott, of Lucan, spent a few days last week with Miss Audrey Fletcher. Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Sherwood Brock were Mr. and Mrs. Launce Battersby and family, Exeter, Miss Jessie Heywood, Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe of near Exeter. Miss Gertrude Stewart of Oshawa, visited a couple of days last week with Miss Genevieve Kerslake. Miss Norma Fletcher holidayed a few days last week with her grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher, of Exeter. Miss Shirley Appleton, of Exeter, spent a few days with the Misses Myralino and Shirley Murray. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Irene and Dorothy and Miss Mildred Veal spent the "week-end at Turnbull’s Grove. Master Billy Knox, of Blanshard, is holidaying with his aunt Mrs. F. Brock. Master Beverley Alexander, of Lumley, is holidaying with his cou­ sin Miss Jean Davis. Miss Dorothy Pooley had her ton­ sils removed in Hr. Fletoher’s Hos­ pital on Monday morning, Wo hope for a sbhhdy recovery* T CREDITON Clinton G. Morlock E. K. Fahrner AV. E. Wenzel E. Zimmer Lloyd England Faist Bros. F. AV. Morlock U. H. Schenk H. F. Young HENSALL Dayman’s Groceteria T. C. Joynt H. McMillan Bonthron & Drysdale Roy Weber Middleton’s Drug Store AV. O. Goodwin Cook’s Rock Bottom Store Hensall 5c to $1.00 Store DASHWOOD Pfile’s Shoe Store Dashwood Creamery Zimmer’s Garage Rader’s Garage Wesley Wolfe Hemphill’s Bean Market Dashwood Meat Market V. L. Becker Dashwood Planing Mill D. Tieman Furniture & Hardware E. Nadiger L. H. Rader E. Tieman & Son Alex Zimmer ELIMVILLE The wind storm on Saturday after­ noon blew down quite a number of trees in this neighborhood but the buildings did not suffer much dam­ age. -On Sunday morning Mr. Riem Johns lost a fine horse from the lightning. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell have been holidaying at Grand Bend dur­ ing the past week. Miss Ruth Skinner is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weitzman, at Nia­ gara Falls, N.Y. Misses Bertha Smithson and Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas, are spend­ ing their vacation in this vicinity. Miss Mary Johns has returned to London after holidaying at her home for a couple of weeks. Rev. Mair’s series of sermons on Courtship and Marriage have been •interesting and instructive. Another very pleasing feature of Sunday ev­ ening service was a beautiful solo "Leave it With Him” by Mrs. Alec ■Berryhill, of Blanshard, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson of Centralia. Miss Nancy Griff, of Stratford, has been visiting with relatives here recently. Miss Ruth Weber, of Sarnia, Miss Betty McKellar, of Cromarty and Miss Ella Routly, of London, have been visiting with Mr. Wm. Routly. Misses Helen and Audrey Mitchell of Centralia, spent a few day? in this community. More than 23,000 acres of barren and weed infested land in community pastures in the drought area of Western Canada have been re-secd- ed to Crested Wheat Grass, Brome and sweet Clover.