HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-08-03, Page 8TllUK-SIUY, AUGUST 3, 1330 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe Exeter Markets DON’T HAVE STRAGGLES Swimiping need not spoil your Hajr» Our Permanents defy Moisture SPIRAL — CROQUINOLE — COMBINATION Rhone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Wheat 49-53Jc. (according to grade) Oats 25c. Barley 35c. Creamery Butter 1 Dairy Butter 20-2 Eggs, A large Eg-’s, medium Eggs B 12e. Logs, dressed HOLIDAYS 2Ge, 2 19c. $12.00 Our office will be closed MONDAY to WEDNESDAY August 7, 8, 9 • •Sale of Summer Dresses • • Miss Jessie Gillespie, of Brandon. Man., visited at the home of Mr. C. Monteith and sister Ella last week and is also renewing old acquaint­ ances in Exeter, Hensail and also with her brother in Seaforth. Mrs. Frank Bettis, of Toronto, came up last week to visit her mo­ ther Mrs. Fanny Triebner, who has not been enjoying very good health for some time. Mr. Bettis is also spending this week at the home of Mrs, Triebner. Mrs. Wm. Abbott, Mrs. Mary Gil­ lard left some time ago for Alberta where the former is visiting her dau­ ghter, Mrs. Arto Delve, of Taber, Mrs, Gillard is visiting with her sis­ ter Mrs. White, at Hamiota. They both report a wonderful trip. Mrs. Abbott left from Taber on Saturday last for visit her —- The — Ideal Meat Market HOME COOKED Meat Loaf 18c per lb. Also a Full Line of COOKED, SMOKED, CURED AND FRESH MEATS Phone 38 Main St. Vancouver where brother, Mr. J. T. she will Seed. NOTICE to breakdown of stacker, are giving away a of green pea straw. CANADIAN CANKERS LTD. Owing ensilage quantity Q I i i ■a NOTICE—Dr. Cowen’s dental of­ fice will he closed for two weeks be­ ginning Monday, July 24th. LOCALS C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office O'pen 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 DON’T JUST SAY “COAL” SPECIFY D&H ANTHRACITE MEN! HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK WITH A LARGE MANU­ FACTURING CONCERN OF 200 daily necessities used in every home. Sure and quick repeaters. No exper­ ience needed. Good pay every day if active, and permanent business cer­ tain if persevering. Investigate our Plan at once without obligation. CATALOGUE FREE. FAMILEX 570 St. Clement, Montreal. co. In­ sign See me about that paint job. side or outside work done: also painting and furniture. Terms reas­ onable.—TOM WALKER 8-3-2tc. farm of two year- STRAYED — Onto the Lloyd Hodgson, Centralia; ling heifers. Owner can have some by proving property and paying ex­ penses. “Off-season” chicks often prove ■profitable investment—if ity. Pullets reach high as regular supplies fall erels hit market when broilers and roasters scarce, ed number famous Bray chicks avail­ able through August.—Ben Case, R. R. 3, Exeter. right qual- production off. Cock­ fresh-killed Limit- FOR SALE — Homes, large and small in Exeter, Hensail and Credit­ on. 90 acres at Staff a, comfortable brick house, barn and other build­ ings.—Wm. Pearce, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE—Lot 24. 14, Hibbert, formerly William Con. „ . - Glen Estate, 100 acres. Several acres of good timber. Brick house and bank barn, both in need of repair. Price. $3,500.00. Apply: Mortgage & Trusts Company, Sarnia, Ontario. 2tc. The Industrial NOTICE The dumping of Rubbish on the roads in the Township of Stephen is prohibited. Persons doing so will fined according to the provisions the Township By-law. Dated at Crediton this 21st day July A.D. 1939. Chester Mawhinney, Reeve Herbert K. Eilber, Clerk be of of Custom Plowing. combining Threshing Wein Bros. and FOR SALE—I have sev-FARMS _ _ ____ _ _______eral choice farms for immediate or fall possession.—C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter, phone 165. FREE OFFER For a limited time only we will give one load lane gravel FREE with every five loads cement gravel. For a gravel that proves itself satisfactory for every purpose. . Phone i71r3, Exeter Cudmore Standard Gravel HOUSES FOR SALE—A comfort­ home in Exeter, every convenience, easy terms; also houses in Hensail, Crediton, Centralia and Parkhill. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. CASH-—For dead animals and fox horess; also ten weaned pigs for sale Reverse phone charges. Phone 47rl5 Jack Williams, Crediton. 6-2 0-3 tp Mr. Ed. Ward, of Tuckey Trans­ port. is holidaying in London. Mr. Gordon Brooks, of Brampton, is holidaying for a week with hl3 aunt, Mrs. Delbridge. Mrs. Mary A. Coleman. Seaforth spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Green. Mrs. J, M. Southcott, Florence and Donald have returned after spending the month of July at Grand Bend. Mrs. Frank Coates and granddau­ ghter, Shirley Coates, have returned after holidaying for a week at Grand Bend. Miss Willis and Mrs. Brown, of Marlette, Mich., and Mrs. Vennor, of Montreal, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Green. Miss Hazel Elliot, nurse-in-training at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital is spending two weeks’ vacation at her home here. Miss Reta Rowe, Miss Barbara Dinney and Miss Ada Gaiser, Credit­ on, were holidaying for a week at Grand Bend. Exeter was visited with a steady downpour of rain Sunday. There was no rain north of Brucefield, warm weather prevailing. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hern spent Sunday last visiting with friends at Glamis. North Huron. Mr. and Mrs. John Peart, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner returned Friday last after visiting with relatives at Shallow Lake. The many friends of Mrs. John Gould will regret to know that she is very ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Campbell. Master Ronald Hookey, Jr., has returned to his home in London, af­ ter holidayng with his grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. daying at Aidershot, ton this week and Oaklands Bible Conference, which is being held there. Mr. Aylen has returned to his duties at the Bank oE Montreal after holidaying at his home at Verona. Mrs. Aylen is remaining at Verona for a couple of weeks. Mrs. C. A. Southcott, Miss Stella Southcott and Miss Ethel Coward are spending the month of August at Grand Bend. Master Jack Southcott of Sombra, is visiting with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hipgrove and son and daughter, Victor and Mar­ jory, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hookey and Jim over the week-end before proceeding to the World's Fair at New York. Mrs. Fred Birtch, of Lexington. Mich., and Miss Violet Willis, of Marlette, Mich., spent several days visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Birtch visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Miss Willis visited at Hensail. Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Hill, and family returned Saturday to Ham­ ilton after spending two weeks at the home of the former’s mother, and with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Beck- ler. Mr. and Mrs. Ridge, of Ham­ ilton, spent the week-end with them. The engagement is announced of Stella Ruth, youngest daughter of Mr. A. Ingram to Mr. George Henry, only son of Mr. G. Bawden and the late Mrs. Bawden, Lucan, the mar* riage to take place in Saint Johns, New Brunswick, early in August. Miss Marilyn Campbell and Mr. Gerald Campbell, of Exeter, Mr. Stewart Campbell, of London, are spending two weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hllborn, of Keswich; also at Midland and Toronto. Miss G. M. Stewart, who has been holi- Top-flight performance of a coal de­ pends on its consistant high quality. D&H gives top-flight performance because superior preparation insures purity, while accurate sizing provides steady, even heat. Heat that makes your home happy. Don’t be satisfied with just plain Coal. Specify D&H JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33, Residence 157 GRAIN BUYING We are now’ in a position to handle grain of all kinds and highest pos­ sible prices will be paid. Also gov­ ernment wheat will be received at the elevator. For Further Particulars Phone R. G. SELDON & SON 90 or 2W, Exeter Electric Welding We wish to announce we are open­ ing an electric welding shop in H. HORTON’S BLACKSMITH SHOP Electric welding done on all kinds of machinery. FRANK HORTON Hookey and Cook are holi- near Burling­ attending the Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston were Mrs. James McDonald and daughter Mar­ guerite of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman and children, of Iro­ quois Falls and Mrs. Freeman’s mother, Mrs. Albert Johnston, of Auburn. They also visited Mrs. Johnston sister, Mrs. Thomas Har­ vey and many other friends. •Mr. Sandy Elliot, and daughter, Marion, Robert Norris, Lawrence and Lloyd Wein left Sunday by auto for the West. Mr. Elliott and daughter will visit with the former’s brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ness Moore at Plato, bert Norris will visit Davidson, Sask, and will spend some time Sask. Mr. Ro- at his home at the Wein boys in the West. ...Permanents... TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 Mrs. 0. A. Elliot and Miss Hazel are holidaying in Detroit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Penhale, of Tor­ onto spent the week-end with the latter’s mother. Mrs. Sanders, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Walker, 3rd concession of Stephen. Mr. E. J. Penhale, of the London Life, Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Walker, on Tuesday. Mr. Penhale has recently been transferred from the Halifax branch back to Kitchener. Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the BOSSENBERRY HOTEL, EXETER CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.— Public Worship Evening service only in August Sunday School and Congregational Picnic, Turnbull’s Grove Friday, afternoon, August 4th. UNION SERVICES Main Street and Jamess Street United Churches Rev, A. Page, of James Street charge. Music under the direction of W. R. Goulding and the James choir. 10 a.m.—Church Schools in Mr. St 11 a.m.—James Street—Rev. Page 7 p.m. — Main Street—-Rev. Page. Thursday 8 p.m.—Prayer Hour (Main Street) A. TR1V1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Ninth Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m. — Holy Communion and Sermon “The Transfiguration” Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guenther and family, Barbara, Glenn and Margaret after a two weeks’ visit with Mrs. Guenther’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sanders, returned to their home in Detroit, Sunday. Mr. Guenther vis­ ited with friends in Sudbury, Lon­ don and Dashwood. Mr. W. H. Dearing, who has been seriously ill at his home with a heart condition, is improving nicely. Mrs. Dearing, who recently fractured her right arm at the elbow and.is carry­ ing it in a plaster cast, had the mis­ fortune to again fall striking injured arm and bruising her Fortunately no further injury done to the arm. Mr. Ossie Walker, a former ployee of the Exeter Times, now a rancher near Edmonton, Alta., ac­ companied by Mrs. Walker, called on a number of friends in Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. Walker left Exeter for the West, about 35 years ago. He and Mrs. Walker are on an extensive trip having just returned from Cali­ fornia where they attended the Ex­ position at San Francisco. They also attended the World’s Fair at New York. the hip. was em- GIRLS’ SOFTBALL BENEFIT GAME for MRS. K. HUTTON Injured Player EXETER GIRLS vs. FOREST Basket Factory Team Tuesday, Aug. 8th Game starts at 6:30 EXETER CONCERT BAND AND TEAMS PARADE AT 6:15 Admission 25c and 10c Come! Enjoy a Good Game! Join the Crowd in Helping Mrs. Hutton Every Summer Dress on our racks is greatly reduced for quick clearance. You can buy two for almost the price of one. See Our Values at $1.98 and $2.98 LOCAL NEWS = MERCURY KNEEFLEX HOSIERY HE With the mesh elastic top. This hose ab- sorbs all. knee strain, lengthening the wear- EEE ing quality. EH PER PAIR $1.15 SILK HOSE = The best value we know of in Silk Hose. HE Our regular $1.00 quality in sub standards HE comes in the season’s newest shades. == ALL SIZES, PER PAIR 59c = = NEW PRINT APRONS EEE In an assortment of new patterns. They sss are all made by the blind. = PRICED AT 29c, 39c, 49c, 79c ENGLISH TURKISH TOWELS = That are real values. We offer a fine as- EE sortment at the following prices ~ 20c, 25c, 29c, 39c and 40c EH ee McBrine Luggage for Your Vacation he EH We offer a-fine range of Ladies’ and Men’s Luggage made by McBrine in Twin Sets, Glad- HEE EEE stone Bags, Suit Cases, Overnight Cases at attractive prices. HE HE UNBLEACHED SHEETS = These are of good quality, Long Wearing == and Easily Washed Unbleached Factory. s=s The size is 72 x 90 inches. = SPECIAL AT EACH 89c MEN’S FINE SHIRTS HE With attached collars in a wide range of HE new patterns and colorings. = VERY SPECIAL AT $1.00 EACH S HE COTTON TEA TOWELS = In Fancy Colored Borders. A good towel == for a little money. HE 15c or 2 for 25c 14 DOZ. MEN’S HOSE (SAMPLES) EE Values 50c to 75c. A fine assortment of EEE patterns to choose from. = SPECIAL AT 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 HE = Good Values in China Department = = Large White Cups, each....................... 5c Colored Egg Cups, doz........................50c == Large White Cups and Saucers, doz. . . 85c Clover Leaf Cup and Saucers....................... == HE White and Green Water Glasses, each 5c Cut Glass Wine and Water Glasses . . 10c == = SEE OUR NEWEST PATTERNS IN DINNERWARE — 97 Piece Set for..............$24.95 | . GROCERY SPECIALS | == FOR PICKLING EEH Heintz Pure Vinegar n 1 gal....... 59c = SUPER SUDS EEE With your choice of Plate = or Dessert Dish FREE is 1 box................19c TOILET SOAP Assorted With Glass Bowie FREE 2 cakes.... 25c HORNE’S PUNCH == Lemon, Orange, Grape and E= Lime —E Large bottle .. 20c Zinc Rings, doz................21c EEE Rubber Rings, 6 doz . . 25c, = SEALERS Quarts, 1 doz.‘.......... $1.10 Pints, 1 doz..................95c BREAKFAST COCOA Hershey’s = 1-2 tin...............15c HE SHORTENING § 2 1 -lb. pkgs. .'20c SPECIAL BLACK TEA Bulk, lb..............39c | Southcott Bros, j ^111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 Summer Goods for the men folk Moir vis- grandpar- Green.See the New BABY CHICKS Look at these chick bargains. Day ; Old Grade A White Leghorns $7.50, : 90% Pullets $14.95, Cockerels, $3. . Barred Rocks $7.95, Pullets $10.95, Cockerels, $6.75; New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids $8.45, : Pullets $11.75, Cockerels, $6.75. Ten day old add two cents, two weeks old add three cents, three weeks old add seven cents to day old prices. Extra Profit Grade add one cent. Older pullets and capons. Shipped | O.O.D. promptly. I Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited ) daying at Grand Bend, accompanied Fergus, Ontario them to Toronto, for one day only MONDAY, AUGUST Till will be pleased to give free ex-and ........ amination to any sufferer and to de­ monstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days. This appliance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance fol’ you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don’t let this op­ portunity get away from you. Re­ member the date. Considerable government wheat is being taken in at the Exeter eleva­ tors by R. G. Seldon & Son. The wheat is a good quality, the test av­ eraging 62 to 6-3 lbs. to the bushel. The average yield is around 39 to 40 bushels to the acre. Oats are now being cut. They have been held up a little owing to the wet weather. Mr. Catherine Hedden a former resident of Exeter, who has been re­ siding in Lucan for some time moved to Centralia where she will make hei' home. Her daughter (Beatrice) Mrs. Carson and two daughters Shirley and Bella arrived recently from Al­ berta and intend making their home with Mrs. Hedden. They attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel Sweet, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Kydd, Jr., of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. When they re­ turned home Monday Miss Ethel Kydd accompanied them to spend a few weeks holidays. On Sunday ev­ ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kydd were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke and children. Doreen and Ross, Mrs Mary Bloomfield and Roy Austin. Miss Marie He'yw'ood visited in London with Miss Doris Stadlebauer. Monday next has been proclaimed Civic Holiday and all places of busi­ ness will be closed. Mr. Wm. Gardner, of Cass City, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson. Misses Ola and Audrey ited for a week with their ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Hillery Horton has returned home after visiting .with her dau­ ghters in Tillsonburg and Toronto. Mr. W. J. Lower, of Ind., is visitin Mrs. John Taylor, of the Snell Block. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech were at Port Huron over the week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. Slater. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dobbie, Isa­ belle and Barbara, of Smith’s Falls, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moise. Mrs. O. M. Horne and daughter Gwendolyn, of Winnipeg, are visit­ ing with Mrs. Oren Winer and other relatives. MJ Miss Patsy Hawkins, of Toronto, spent Tuesday of this week with her great grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James Green. Miss iShirley Moise has returned home after visiting with Miss Betty Elliott at the United church manse at Thamesford, MiSs Gertrude Stewart, of Oshawa and Mrs. Clarence Hllborn, of Kes­ wich, called on Mr. and Mrs. James Green durihg the week.Ii J. M. Southcott and Robert, W. J. Beer and Jack Moise are leaving Friday for Niagara Falls and the World’s Fair at New York. “Mr. Charles Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. *Ward Fritz spent the week-end at Lions Head with Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen Mr. ing at of the i spent here. I II La Porte, g with his ^daughter, , Exeter.”—Zurich Herald Orville Lawson, who is reliev- one of the Hamilton branches Canadian Bank of Commerce, the weeki-end at his home Smart and up-to-the-minute Arrow Shirts Ties, Socks, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps and Sweaters W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mrs. John Norry’s many friends will be pleased to learn that she is recovering fiym her recent illness. Miss Ella Link, of Watford, and Misses Madeleine, Milly and Matilda Bertrand, of Detroit, are holidaying at the Either cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. John, Willis are leaving Thursday to visit with rela­ tives at 'South Bend, Ind., and also in Marlette anti other places in Michigan. Mr. Francis Blatchford, of town is critically ill at his home. His dau­ ghters, Mrs. Linklater, of Goderich, and Miss Ida Blatchford, of Detroit, are here caring for him, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Francis and daughter Jane, of Tavistock, accom­ panied by Miss Darlene Rowcliffe, of Detroit, visited on Sunday -with Ml*, and Mrs. Geo. Jaqties. Mr. S. J. V. Cann, a Great War veteran, left this week for Christie Street Hospital, Toronto for treat­ ment. Mrs. Jas. Geddes, St. Thomas, ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes .and Mr. and Mrs. William Pearce attended the opening of the Glen Horne Hotel, Glen Orchard, Muskoka, Saturday, having the hon­ our to be among those served the first meal which was deliciously pre­ pared and nicely served. A number of friends of Miss Ola Reid gathered at the home of Miss Laurene Beavers on Thursday even­ ing of last week. After a pleasant evening spent in playing Chinese checkers, a mirror served, for Stratford where she will train for a nurse. Laurene presented Ola with Pie ahd ice cream were Ola left the first of August