HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-06-29, Page 8X'HVBSPAY, JUNJjJ Wh, 1»39 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE The beauty parlor that enhances your beauty y Spiral, Croquig- nole or Combination Permanents for warm summer days. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Exeter Markets Wheat 54e. Oats 34c. Manitoba-’s Best $2.65 Welcome Floui* $1.95 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Shorts $1.30 Bran $1.40 Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, Butter 20-23C. A large 19e medium 16eB 12c. dressed $11.85 I WOOL WANTED COOKED MEATS for the Hot Weather Canada Packers EXETER & CENTRALIA Haul Trailer With Bicycles Harold Riley and Jack Eidt, of In­ gersoll, pulled into town Tuesday evening on two bicycles and drawing a trailer. The boys were on their way to camp at Inverhuron Beach near Tiverton. They use the trailer for sleeping accommodation and carry­ ing their equipment. The boys made the trailer taking less than a week to do so. On the side of the trailer were their nicknames, Fat and Zeke. They made fifty miles from Ingersoll on Tuesday and camped in Exeter over night, leaving early Wednesday for their destination. Virginia Ham Cooked Ham Coronation Loaf Headcheese Meat Loaf Bologna Weiners, Etc. Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. REST YOUR EYES You don’t have to stop work to rest your eyes if you have us supply you with the proper rest glasses. C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday Two Operators No Waiting ANDERS ERVICE TATION [yfl 3 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. HiU, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship 11 a.m.—Public Worship conducted by Rev. Wm. Young B.Sc.A. Morning service only in July These Cool and Inexpensive Dresses come direct from New York. They are well made and are smartly styled. The materials are different and are fast colors, A number of Good Styles at $1.59 UNION SERVICES Main Street and Jamess Street United Churches Rev. R. C. Copeland of Main in Charge Music under the direction of Evelyn’ Huston 'and the Main Choir. 10 a.m.—Church School Street Miss Street Francis Family Reunion The Francis Family reunion was held at the farm of John Fletcher, eleventh concession of Usborne, on Saturday, June 17th. Dinner was served at twelve o’clock to about eighty persons. Twenty relatives were in attendance from Crosswell, Mich. A program was enjoyed af- er dinner consisting of readings, songs, musical numbers and speeches after which sports were indulged in by all. Supper was served at five- thirty, following which all left for their homes with the hope of meet­ ing again next year at Crosswell, Mich., on the third Saturday June. next picnic are: President, B. Francis, Exeter; Vice-President, Hy. Francis, of St. Marys; secretary, Bert Fletcher, Woodham. SAVE THE COUPONS ......-4 i I 1 LOCALS 1 1 d __ __L .1B NOTICE PAYMENT OF TAXES Exeter taxes may be paid in the Town Hall, June 26th to 3Oth, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. except noon, and un­ til 9 p.m. June 30th. W. C. Pearce, Collector in The officers elected for the M. NOTICE There has been a great number of complaints made throughout the town of late regarding the destruc­ tion, both public and private, also of petty thieving, of which many cases has been reported. The Women’s In­ stitute reports the destruction of * tables and other equipment at River­ view Park, placed there for the ac­commodation of those who wished to make, use of them. The efforts of the Institute is to be commended for the good work they have done, and their work will be protected. Now, without further warning anyone found guilty of perpetrating the of­ fences herein mention will be prose­ cuted according to law and no more leniency will be shown. Govern yourselves accordingly. W. D. SANDERS, Reeve Ruth Fraser returned to Saturday after a few days’ her home here. Edna Hearts, of Toronto, REMOVAL SALE OF MILLINERY —'Just in time to get that new white wheat or leghorn hat for the holiday. Prices range from $1.45 to $2.75, al­ so colored hats and matrons’ black hats at very low prices for quick sale.—G. M. ARMSTRONG itp FARMS FOR SALE—I have sev­eral choice farms for immediate or fall possession.—C. V. Pickard, Exe­ter, phone 165. HOUSES FOR home in Exeter, easy terms; also SALE—A comfort- every convenience, houses in Hensall, Crediton, Centralia and Parkhill. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. Responsible handy man wants to work. Could assist carpenter, con­ tractor, painter or farmer. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE— Storey and a half brick house, centrally situated, hen­house and garage, garden; 70-acre farm with brick house, bank barn, handy to towns. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. WANTED—Old envelopes (before 1880) with stamps on them. Will pay spot cash for those suitable. D. C. Melzer, Belvidere, Hl., U.S.A. 2tp. LOST—Small, black book, side opening, containing work records of 1938. Reward. Please leave at the Times-Advocate. CASH—For Dead Animals and Fox Horses. We remove dead animals Reverse phone charge. Phone 47rl5. JACK WILLIAMS, Crediton 6-22-4tp FOR SALE — 10-20 McCormick- Deering 29 model tractor. Apply to Earl Morley R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig. Itp FOR SALE-—A work mare weigh­ ing about 1,300 pounds. Apply at Times-Advocate. Itp. LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE—Luther Reynolds, phone 177r4, Exeter, ltc FOR SALE — Baby carriage and baby bed, both in first-class condi­ tion. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE—TWO storey brick residence,'every conven­ ience, on Main street, north. Infor­ mation Miss M. Weekes, Exeter. FOR SALE OR RENT —Modern brick cottage Centralia, 6 rooms, fur­ nace, garage and barn, one acre land with fruit trees etc. Apflly box: 273 fixeter, Ont. phone 231. CASH FOR FOX HORSES —We Miss Evelyn Howard, who has been teaching school at Blyth, is home for the holiday. Mrs. Strange has returned from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and is now recuperating in the country. Miss Gertrude Ratz, of Shipka, visited with Miss Helen Westcott, ovei* the week-end. Mrs. T. J. Kestle and Mrs. Hos­ kins are visiting with their brother, Mr. Samuel Rowe, of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knight and family, of Seaforth, visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. Knight’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrew. Miss London visit at Mrs. was called home last week owing to the serious illness of her father, Mr. E. A. Follick. Mr. George Ewing and. son Jack, of Sherbrooke, Que., and Mrs. Fis- sette, of Brantford, called on friends in Exeter on Sunday. The Mitchell School Board has (engaged Miss Mayme Pridham, of Russeldale, to fill the vacancy cre­ ated by the resignation of Miss Fan­ nie Farrant. Mrs. H. C. Rivers, who recently underwent a serious operation in Victoria Hospital, London,' was last week brought home in an ambulance. She is getting along very nicely. Miss Mildred Jones Hicks, daugh­ ter of Mrs. Byron Hicks, of Centralia has been successful in securing her First-Class Interim certificate at the London Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tomlinson and son, Maurice, of Ft. William, are spending their holidays with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Tomlin­ son. Mr. Hugh MacKinnon has accept­ ed a position with the King Con­ struction Company of Oakville, and has left to take over the engage­ ment.-—-Zurich Herald. Village gardens are looking well. Mr. W. J. Ryckman dug his first new potatoes on Monday of this week, the 26th inst., and found them large and excellent. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Porritt, who have been visiting with the lat­ ter’s brother Mr. G. S. Howard and other friends in this vicinity left on Saturday for their home in Calgary, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris, Waits- boro, Washington; Miss Hettie Sweet Mrs. Wm. Sweet, Masters R^ss and Patrick Leneham, of London, visited- with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sweet on Sunday. Mr onto; and Harlene, of Walkerton, guests with Mr. and Mrs. John for Decoratipn Day. Mr. and Wm. J. Statham and Lois, of don, also visited with them. Rev. pleted charge moved recently purchased on Andrew .St. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Penrose and family to Exeter. Mi*. Wm. Fraser received word on Saturday of the death of. his uncle, Mr. James Fraser, of Port Huron. Deceased was born in Mooresville, some 80 years ago, but has been a resident of Port Huron for a num­ ber of years, in Exeter Recent and Mrs. and Mrs. Ashfield; tario, Cal. Fallis, sarnia. ’ staff of the International Manage- and Mrs. John Harley, Tor- Dr. George C. Hind, Mrs. Hind were Hind Mrs. Lon- Mr. Penrose, who his ministry on the is superannuating to Exeter into the com-has Elimvllle and has house he He has been a visitor and vicinity $very summ’er. visitors in the home of Mr. W. H. Johnston were Mr. Ernest Blake and son, of Mrs. W. B. Fallis, of On- ., and her daughter, Miss The latter is o& the remove dead animals. Reverse bhpne . . women’s Protective As-charge. Phone 47 r 15, Jack Wil-’ J** womens protective asliams, Creditor, 6-22*4tp sedation. Air-Pressure Lubrication, Electric Vulcanizing Tube Repairs Car Washing and Waxing Full Line of Supertest Products WARREN SANDERS Phone 247 Lessee 24-Hour Service ...Your Permanent... A Naturelie Permanent Wave now will last all summer. You can be sure that you always look your best All Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE Work Guaranteed. Phone 245 LIVE AND LET LIVE .... IS MY POLICY If you are a Barber you expect to make your living at your trade and if you are in the Transport Business that is what you expect to make a living at. I am a (Tailor) by trade and that is what I expect to make my living at. Service and work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. To you people that have what you! call a contract with a London Dry Cleaner spend your money in OWN TOWN and get some of it back T. H. ELLIOTT Dry Cleaning, Tailoring, Repairing PLANTS FOR SALE your GERANIUMS PETUNIAS SALVIA AND FLOWERS FOR BEDDING TOMATO PLANTS CELERY PLANTS L. DAY & SON A LAST MINUTE REMINDER . . COAL PRICES ARE ADVANCING Just in case it has slipped your mind we want to remind you that there ane only a few days left in which to buy D&H Anthracite at reduced prices. You’re going to need coal in a few weeks, so why not place your order now . . . and save money all winter? Call JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33, Residence 157 next FREE OFFER For a limited time only we will give one load lane gravel FREE with every five loads cement gravel. For a gravel that proves itself satisfactory for every purpose. Phone 171r3, Exeter CudmOre Standard Gravel ANOTHER BIG WELL Chatham, June 20th,—In 55 work­ ing days, Bruette No. 5 Well, 10 miles s.w. of here, was drilled to completion at 3290 feet, with the last 32 feet of excellent gas and oil pay. When this latter was first struck, Oil came up and went over the top of the 70 steel derrick and has been flowing, by heads, ever since. A 450 barrel oil tank has been set at the Well and already several truck loads of Oil have been delivered from it, even before the Well was completed. Under present conditions, it is flowing 100 barrels of Oil and half a million cu feet of Gas per day. E. P. Rowe, consulting geologist, 350 Bay St., Toronto, has now made the location for the next Well to be drilled at once, viz, prairie No. 8 which is directly in line with Bru­ ette Nd. 5 and 2,000 feet distant, Competent critics believe that Prai­ rie No, 8' will make history in oil production, if seven big Wells, all producing and within a mile of it, mean anything. All of them have both Gas and Oil. 11 a.m.—Main Street — Dominion Day p.m.—James Street—A Holy day Invitation Union Prayer Service at Main Street on Thursday at 8 p.m. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Fourth Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon WE NEED YOUR HEAD TO RUN OUR BUSINESS TOMLINSON’S Permanents that Satisfy Plione 146 LOCAL NEWS Entrance examinations are in pro­ gress this week. School closes this week for the summer holidays. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Lawson, List- owel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson. Mr. Bill Wilson, of Strong’s Drug­ store, London, is holidaying at his home here. The roses are now at their best and there are some beautiful climb­ ing roses in full bloom. Mr. and Mrs. don, visited Lawson and on Monday. Mr. R. D. T. J. Wilson, Lon- with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. other relatives in town Mrs. S. A. Pople- of Blyth, attend- Day Services on Philp, stone and Dorothy, ed the Decoration Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Eacrett and daughter Aldythe, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Leon V. Treble and son Ted, of Toronto, visited with the former’s father, Mr. E. Treble over the week-end. Mr. Percy Lawson, who has been relieving at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Southampton, was home for the week-end. He leaves Friday to relieve at Hamilton. Mrs. E. R. F. Neil, of Hazel Park, Mich., is visiting her father Mr. Wm. Ogden, of Whalen and friends in Exeter. Mrs. Mary Mrs. Riddell Cora Clarke, Sunday with Clarke.. Mr. Charles Bailey, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bailey and Mr. A. E. Fuke, of London, called on friends in Exeter on Monday. They also called to see Mr. Charles Mc- Donell in Hensall. The engagement is announced of Catherine Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Merner, of Zurich, to Mr. Carl (Bob) Burn, sort of Rev. and Mrs. Emil Burn, of Milverton. The marriage will take place quiet­ ly in Zurich July 1st. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers was in Lon­ don Thursday of last week where she attended a very interesting session of the Ontario Historical Society. The members were shown numerous his­ torical sites; they visited Springbank Park and were entertained to after­ noon tea at Del eware. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd and daughter Sylvia. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd, Jr., I of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard union on Sunday last which was held Chamberlain and daughter Beverley pit Pine Grove Park, Pt. Huron. The and Mrs. Mary Bloomfield, of Lon-' numbering don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eie.e6n£ -Oobpuig_ana wattora, Jonathan Kydd. j Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of j ------_o — —...._ . London, visited with the latter’s par-.August union services will be held ents Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks the lat-Jke Presbyterian churches of Ex- rtf’ flirt wrtrtlt ’TTif^V <111(1 IldlSclll* ScrViCG Willer Py1 the .5 held in Ca.ven Church each Sunday returned from a motoi flip to Noith mornj11£r during July conducted by Bay and Callendar where they saw , Rev> M*r< of Hensall. During the quints, Mr. Garnet Hicks and the first ten days of July Rev. Mr. Miss Olive Lawson accompanied them Hill will assist with the boys* cam.p at Kin tail. Among those from a distance who were in Exeter for Decoration Day were Miss Olive Quance, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brand, of Alvin- ston; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt, Mr. Norm Patterson, Mi*, and Mrs. Wal­ ter Dearing, Mrs. Win. Rollins, Mi*, and Mrs. Ernest Flynn, of London: Mr. wm. Dlgnan, of Lucan; Mr, and iMrs, James Dearing, of Dorchester, called on Clarke, of and Louis, of London, Mr. and Granton, and Miss visited on Mrs. H. C. M1‘. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair, Dor­ othy and Donald left Sunday for a well-earned holiday. They are on a motor trip to the West where they will visit with relatives. They are motorihg through the United States and are going as far as Calgary* Banff and Lake Louise, *rhey will return through Canada, WE OFFER A BETTER RANGE OF DRESSES IN VOILES, CREPES AND SHEERS. THESE DRESSES, ARE EXCELLENT VALUES AT $2.95, $4.50 and $5.95 FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE A regular $1.00 quality that comes in sub­ standards in the newest shades Pair 59c LOVELY LISLE HOSE In all the season’s best selling shades. A fine quality, good wearing hose Per pair 25c UNBLEACHED SHEETS A good quality sheet, unbleached, that will give excellent service, 72 x 90 inches. While they last 89c LARGE TURKISH TOWELS English make, sixe 20 x 40 inches. A re­ markable towel for such a low price Each 25c LUGGAGE LUGGAGE You will be wanting a new Club Bag, Gladstone, Overnight Bag, Aero Pack or Suit Case L°r . hoIldtys We offer a splendid selection for you to choose from. They are made by McBnne, who make quality goods. 4-YARD WIDE LINOLEUMS 2 only pieces of 4-yard wide Linoleums. These are English quality. Special price this week Per Yard $2.65 PURE LINEN RUSSIAN TOWELLING The best value we have seen in months. Extra strong pure linen with Blue, Green, Red and Yellow Per Yard 25c 14 Dozen Traveler’s Samples Men’s Socks No two pair alike in this assortment. Values are 50c to 75c per pair. These are wonder­ ful values on sale at 35c pair or 3 pair for $1.00. GROCERY SPECIALS HUSKIES 1 pkg................................ 13c Get 1 pkg........................ lc 2 for............................... 14c PUNCH For Cool Drinks Orange, Lemon, Lime 2 for ...................25c CANNED Peas Sb.„. 3 '•> 25c Tom. JuiceSHORTENING 2 1-ib. pkgs. . 20c RINSO 1 Large pkg......................22 c 1 Small pkg.................... lc 23c CORNSTARCH 3 boxes .... 25c BAKING POWDER 1 lb. tin ..... 15c SPECIAL TISSUE 3 for..................20c SEEDED RAISINS 2 boxes. . . . 25c Southcott Bros. Mrs. S. Fitton is confined to her bed through illness. Mr. Norm Floody, of Windsor, vis­ ited in town on Sunday. Rev. R. E. Southcott, of Sombra, visited liis mother in town on Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alt, of St. Louis, Missouri, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May during the week. Rev. D. C. and Mrs. Hill and fam­ily were in Toronto on Tuesday where Mr. Hill attended the meeting of the Board of Miss Dorothy Mr. Charles Cox, and Mrs. J. K. Knox College. Cox, of Woodstock, of Goderich and Mr. Cornish, of Bruce- field, visited on Sunday N. Hannigan. Mr. Louis B. Hill and tine wife and family, i Blanche Ann Tonkin, of with Mrs. son Valen- and Miss _______________ , Highland Park, Mich., attended the Mitchell family reunion last week. Mr. H. T. Rowe, Mr. Joseph May, Miss May Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allison motored to Toronto Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. John May. Mr. May has not been well suffering from the effects of a stroke but is at present greatly improved. Union services by the Main Street and .Tames Street congregations will commence next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Copeland will be in charge of the services during the month of July. Rev. Mr. Page, Mrs. Page and John will holiday in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer and Ser- verne and Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Winer and Donald attended the Winer re- pieueiic num anu vvctnuiu, Ont., Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Marlette, Snover and Kingston U.S.A. During the months of July and Summer Goods for the men folk See the New Smart and up-to-the-minute Arrow Shirts Ties, Socks, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps and Sweaters W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. their monthly of a picnic at of Mrs. J. H. pot luck sup- Mrs. Jones: “I’ll take this apart­ ment, but you’ll have to plaster up that mouse hole.” e Agent: Madam!” “Er—that’s the kitchen, The Mission Circle of James St. United Church held meeting in the form the summer cottage Jones. Following a per, a short business meeting was held. Then games, a treasure hunt and contests were enjoyed. The ev­ ening was brought to a close .when Miss Dorothy Welsh moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Jones and "For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow” was sung. Mrs. Jones replied in the manner of “Will Ye No Come Back Again.” “All right back there?’’ called the conductor from the from of the car. “Hold on!” came a feminine voice. “‘Wait till I get my clothes bn/’ The entire carful turned and craned their necks expectantly. A girl got on With a basikiet of laundry. o--0—o “I don’t know what theMan: modern youngsters are coming to. My wretched office boys persistent­ ly whistle while the work.” Second Ditto: “You’re fortunate. Mine just whistle.” o—-o-—o Teacher (note to patent: “Your boy Charles shows Sighs of astig­ matism, vestigate ft?” Mother exactly understand what Charles has done, but I have walloped him tonight and you can wallop him to­ morrow. That ought to help.” Will you please investi- and take steps to correct (not to teacher): “I don’t