HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-06-29, Page 5THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE IBCUW. JUS® 30th, 1930 HENSALL Coming to Hensall C. R. Wilkinson, R.O, Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. Q. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the. purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those . that have not beep properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m? to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment W. Bonthron and meat in Hensall Union cemetery. The sympathy of the community is ex­ tended to the bereaved family. Mrs. Kate Cantelon and Mrs. Ren­ nie are holidaying at Pike's Bay. Mr. Robt, Cameron has been con­ fined to his home fox' several days owing to ill health, Dr. G. R. Collyer, Mrs, Collyei’ and family, of London, visited with their friends Mrs. chased Mr. W. street. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Moore intend leaving this week for Kingston, where they will spend the summer vacation. Rev. R, A. Brook conducted Sab­ bath School anniversary services at the United church at Elimville on Sunday. Mr. Garnet Case reopened his bak­ ery at Grand Bend on Tuesday and will be in business there during July and August. Mr. Ed. Taylor, who, has been re­ lieving on the C. N. R. tracks for Mr. John Tapp returned to his home in Blyth on Saturday. Members of the local Huron Lodge No. 244 A,F. &A ,M. will attend Di­ vine worship in the Evangelical Church Zurich on Sunday evening. Mr. John Tapp, who .has been vis­ iting with his son in Ottawa return­ ed home on Saturday and commenced his duties on the C.N.R. tracks on Monday. Owing to Saturday being Domin­ ion Day a public holiday the band Will play on Friday night and the stores will all remain closed on Sat­ urday. Mr. Geo. Fee is painting the ex­ terior of his dwelling and we believe intending to erect a the front which will the appearance. Mrs. S. McQueen operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital London on Saturday morning last. Hex' many friends hope for her very speedy recovery. Mr. Douglas Sangstei’ is engaged at the C.N.R. station in place of Mr. Donald Walker, who is camping with a numbex’ of the Middlesex-Huron Regiment at Thedford. Quite a number of the ladies of Carmel Church attended the W. M. S. Presbyterial meeting held at field on Tuesday. A picnic held following the meeting. Mr. Alpine McEwen, who has been employed at Thompson’s Elevators fox’ the past several years, is not en­ joying the best of health and is tak­ ing a well-earned rest at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton, of Tex­ as, are visiting relatives in and around the village. It is several years since Mr. and Mrs. Horton have been home on a visit and their many friends are pleased to see them. An advocate for tile Temperance ■ cause conducted the service of the United Church on Sunday morning. The choil’ sang a beautiful anthem, with Miss Florence Welsh, soloist. uxV auspices ^of“\he L^dieV^Aid"^^ Rev. Mr. Penrose, of Elimville, con- the choir. ‘hi 77------ -- ducted the evening service aud the was furnished by~ the ba*nd. choir sang an anthem. H. E. Roppel acted as chairman forQuite a number from here attend-’ ■’ ------i--’’ .... ed the Strawberry Social at Chisel­ hurst United Church on Friday ev­ ening. Io at Brook duet. R. A. win, Biowes,.satf^ several numbers. ^The^Wph&lo Class picnic of the UnitfedLph’ureh was held at Bayfield p^vFi'iday evening with about forty Resent. .Following supper, a good ' program of sports was held. Every­ one reported a very enjoyable time. Masonic Officers Installed Installation of officers was held at Huron Lodge No. 224 A.F. & A.M. , ontMonday evening, June 26th by Woxh Bro. R. Dalrymple. Following 1939-40: here on Sunday. Anna MacDonald has pur- the dwelling and property of J, Jones on North Richmond Mi*. Harold Sherritt, of Dundas, spent the week with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. Miss Mary McGregor, who has been quite ill is much improved at date of witting. Mrs. N. E. Cook and daughter • Norma left this week foi' New York to attend the World’s Fair, Mr. and Mrs. J. spent the week-end in Waterloo Southampton visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore family attended the Passmore union held at Springbank on Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, Strat­ ford, visited last week ter’s brother, Mr. Fred is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry to, visited over the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. C. Cook. Mrs. Robert Eacrett and Miss Aldythe Eacrett, of visited last week with Mr. J. W, Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner, of London, attended the funeral of the late George Brock on Wednesday. Mr. Skinnei’ was in business here for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman spent a few days visiting with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDon- ell, prior to taking up residence in Atwood where Mr. Taman has taken a position with the Roe Feeds Co. Rev. Boyle, Moderatoi’ of Huron Presbytery, of Blyth, conducted the services in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mrs. Young con­ tributed a beautiful solo “Come, Thou Weary” and the choir sang an anthem. Mrs. Annie Logan and Mrs. Mar­ tha Harvey returned home from Marlette, Michigan, on Saturday af­ ter attending the funeral of theii’ brother the late Thos. Hudson. They were accompanied home by their nephew and are this week visiting with relatives in Manito waning. Rev.*W. A. Young conducted an­ niversary services at Smith’s Hill on Sunday and took with him a quar­ tette comprising Miss Irene Hog­ garth, Miss Mabel Workman, Mr. J. Bengough and Mr. Frank Battersby, who assisted in tfhe service of song, with Mrs. W. Ay MacLaren as ac­companist. / Leaving for Fergus Rev. W. A. Young has accepted a call from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Fergus, at a meeting of the Presbytery held in Carmel Church, on Friday afternoon. Mr. Young will? be released from this congregation^ after Sunday, Septembeo><rd. Mff. and Mrs. Young have beenrresidehtsy of this village foi’ the paWX seven years and will be greatly missed, both in religious and social circles. Union Services During the month of July service will be held in the Presbyterian' church here in the evening ^only.-*i^-4hp list of officers fox’ Rev. W. A. Young will conduct<$fc^^^M^:?E. D. Kyle; I. P. M. service in Caven Church, Exeter, ix the morning and the service here ih the morning will be withdrawn. Dur-i in,g the month of August service will be held in Carmel Church in the morning only, conducted by Rev. D. C. Hill, of Exeter. Funeral of the late George Brock The military funeral of the late George Brock was held on Wednes­ day from Hensall United Church and was conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook, assisted by Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Blyth and Rev. W. A. Young. A beautiful quartette Miss Florence Hess, Mr. W. Harry Horton, ter Branch of and members Huron Regiment firing squad, which took part at the cemetery. They were led in the procession by Hen­ sall Citizen’s Band. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. O. Goodwin, Alf. Clarke, Reeve Shaddick, Sidney Mc­ Arthur, Fred Beer and Sam Doug- all. The floral tributes were very beautiful and included wreaths from the United church, the family, Cham­ ber of Commerce, Legion, Council, School Soard and a number of sor­ rowing friends ixi the village. Inter- and Re- with the lat- Corbett, who Cook, Toron- and Mrs. daughter London, and Mrs. A. Young, whs sung by Welsh, Mrs. George O. Goodwin and Mr. Members of the Exe- the Canadian Legion of D Co., Middlesex- new porch add greatly underwent on to an in Bay- was Miss Bella Smale sang a so- the program and Miss Ruth and Miss Bella Smale sang a A quartette comprising Rev. Brook,! Messrs. W. O. Good-\ Harrv^lforton and Claude The meeting was opened by singing a hymn followed by the Scripture reading and prayer by Rev. R. A. Brook. Dr. I. G< Smillie and Mr. Sam. Rennie sang a beautiful duet. Mr, G. Follick favored with a read­ ing. A duet was sung by Mrs. G, M. Drysdale and Mrs. Geo. Hess. Miss Greta Lammie played a beautiful violin solo accompanied by Miss G. Luker on the piano. Mr. Sam Ren­ nie favored with a solo and the very interesting address given by Mrs. Knight concluded the program. Mr. W. C. Pearce, of Exeter, moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Knight and Rev. R. A. Brook led in prayer. Refreshments were served and Mrs. Knight was given an opportunity to renew acquaintances. Honored on Birthday A very pleasant evening was spent on Thursday, June 22 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, when about thirty-five relatives ga­ thered in honor of Mr, Enoch Park­ er’s seventy-ninth birthday. Supper was served from tables on the lawn. At the head of the table where Mr. Parker sat there was a beautiful birthday cake decorated with pink and white and with pink candles on it. After supper a presentation took place, a small wagon prettily decor­ ated in white and green was drawn across the lawn to the tables by Mar­ jorie Cudmore and Donna Parker, Following behind at the end of green streamers were Margaret Parker and Dorothy Keys. They presented Mr, and Mrs. Parker with a beautiful portable radio. Mr. Parker thank­ ed the family for their kindness, and for the beautiful gift, and hoped they would be .spared to enjoy many more such gatherings. All joined in sing­ing for “They are Jolly Good Fel­ lows.” The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time. Dr. and Zu- be DASHWOOD W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartieib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week at office over the Post Office, in rich, last three days of week. Decoration Day Services will held in the Goshen Line cemetery on Sunday, July 3rd. The Dashwooc Memorial Band and other speakers will be present. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Calfas and family, of Sarnia, were visitors here on Thursday.Mrs. Fred Genttner is spending a few weeks in Detroit.Mr. and Mrs. Sam Witzel, Toron­ to, visited with his mother Mrs. Wit- zel last week.Mrs. Gottschalk, who has visiting with her daughter in Thomas has ' Mrs. Jane is spending and Mrs. E.Dashwood berry social evening.Mrs. T. Watson and son _ visiting with hex' mother Mrs. Wrn. been St. returned home. Guenther, of Kitchener, a few weeks with Mr. R. Guenther. band attended in Kippen on a Straw- Tuesday Jack are 1 Snell. A very successful Stra wherry So­ cial was held on the lawn of the Evangelical church last week under During the supper musicRev, Id. Kyie; i. p. m.» j. p. J'Bn'^ey;^. W., A. C. Robertson; J. W. "aXh. 'Hyde; Chap., I. Chapman; BABY CHICKS Bafty Chicks, White Leghorns Barred Rocks, Brown Leg- New Hampshire Reds, 08c.; Rocks, Jersey Black Giants, Heavy Surplus, 07c.; Eight A.-1 ,07c.; horns, White Surplus'*06^; Day-old Leghorn Pul­ lets ,15c.; Rocks ,13c.; Barred Rock Cockerels .07c,; Leghorns .02c. Four week olil Pullets .30c. Telephone Granton 38-3. A. H. SWITZER, ilATCHERY Granton, Ont* J. W. Bonthron; secretary Goodwin; D. of C., M. G. ’Drysdale; S. D., Dr. I. G. Smillie; J. -PyPJ/ H. Upshall; I. G., Geo. Thomn- '?on; S. S., W. D. Bryce; J. S., Dr. D. Steer; Tyler, Jas. Priest. There was a large attendance and refresh­ ments wex’e sexwed. Will Observe 62nd Wedding Anniversary on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty will quietly observe theii' 62nd wedding anniversary on Thursday, June 29th at their home here. They were married in Hensall by Rev. Tyler. Mrs. Petty before hex' marriage was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dinsdale, of Hay Township. Mrs. Petty was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Petty, of Hay Township. Mi’. Petty was Hensall’s first reeve and one of it’s first residents, and has been in business in the village foi’ a great number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Petty are very valued members of St. Paul’s Angican Church. They had a family of seven, four of whom survive, namely,—Mrs. Lome Scott, Toronto; Mrs. Abbott, Detroit; Mrs. ■Kennedy, Winnipeg and Mrs. (Dr.) Smith, of St. Marys. One son Han- ;son, and a daughter Gertrude lost their lives at the Great War and Millicent died as a result of illness contracted at the war. We extend hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Petty on their wedding anni­ versary. W. M. S. Hear Splendid Address The W. M. S. of the United church had as their guest on Monday even­ ing Mrs. J. F. Knight, Dominion President of the W. C. T. U. of Ed­ monton, Alta. Mrs, Knight is a wi­ dow of the late Rev. J. F. Knight, who was stationed here at the Meth­ odist chui'ch a number Of years ago. the program presented in the church auditorium.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maclsaac and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hartman at­ tended the wedding of their daugh­ ter Mary Maclsaac in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spear spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mclsaac.Dr. and Mrs. E. Broughton, Miss Grace Kellerman and Czar, all of Toronto, attended the funeral ot their father, the late Jacob Keller­ mann on Sunday. Miss Ruth Humble and Miss Hannam, of Sarnia, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. R. Goetz. Spear - Maclsaac On Saturday, June 17th Miss Mary Maclsaac and Mr. Howard J. Spear, of Detroit, exchanged their vows of marriage at St. Ambrose Church, Grosse Point, Mich. For her wed­ ding Miss Maclsaac chose a gown of white net and long matching veil. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lily-of-the-vallpy. Her sister Jean was maid of honor and wore a gown of blue net and matching tiera and carried joink roses. The brides­ maids, Miss Maxine Bischoff and Miss Phyllis Stockwell, friends of the bride wore pink net gowns and matching tiera’s and carried Talis­ man roses. Mr. Edward Miller, cou­ sin of the groom was the best man. Mr. Willis Maclsaac, brother of the bride and Mr. Lewis Kohler, friend of the groom, were ushers. Follow­ ing the ceremony dinner was served at the bride’s home for the ixnmed- " . was Lake JDrceae mu, axici wiuuix LUC yOUlXg couple left for a motor trip through Canada and to New York for World’s Fair. On their return will reside in Pontiac, Mich. CLANDEBOYE friend iate families. The reception held in the evening at the Breeze Inn, after which the the they Miss Marjorie Flynn, of Exeter, visited Saturday with Miss Frances, Murdock. Miss Kay Elliott, of Thorndale, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Simpson. Rev. Bruce Martin, of Christ Church, McGillivray, was ordained by the Right Rev. C. A. Seager, Bishop of Huron, in the church of St. John the Evangelist, in Kitchen- ex' on June 11th, Mr. Bill Bristow spent the week­ end in London with his father Mr. Melvin Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. McVey and son Homer, of Thorndale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. McVey, of Mooresville. A presentation was held last Wednesday evening in the basement of the United Church in honour of Rev S. R. Johnston, who is going to Cottanx. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coursey and family, oi Lucan called for a short visit Sunday evening with Mrs. Eliza­ beth Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Simpson, CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. A« Hedden and Ek gin, of Lucan, visited Mr. and Mrs, S. King. All the congregation ton United Church are be at Sunday School morning as a photographer will be there to take pictures of all connect-[ weeks returned home with him, ed with the church and Sunday School, The . ______________ ____.. dx^aw was exceptionally large. So; Mrs. J, Armstrong is visiting with lUI1 tli6 *vvc?citli6r incin lius liecn very friends a.t ShipkH* kind and nothing has occurred to w ,2 .mar these Satui'day night proceed-' Mr’ Mrs, M. Sholdice, of Bi'in- ings. The hour for the draw 9:30 sley’ were Sunday visitors with Mr. has also given the farmer a chance and Mrs. Albert Harlton. to get to town in plenty of time despite the busy season and the Sunday with of the Credt- requested to next Sunday CENTRALIA Mr. Donald Hicks, i spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks, Rev. J. Falconbridge ronto a couple of days Mrs. Falconbridge and children, who have been visiting there for several of Clinton, his parents was in To-; this week. EXETER LADIES WEAR Phone 228J Miss Agnes Anderson and Mr. , and Mrs. Murray Elliott spent the attendance at Saturday’s week-end at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock visit­ ed with relatives in St. Catharines whole arrangement js working out for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown and Ber­ nice motored north over the week- 1 end where they saw the Quints at Callender, I very satisfactory for both merchant and customer alike. Following are last /Saturday’s prize winners: Fifty pounds, Wilburt Sims; twenty pounds, Lloyd Gaiser; ten pound bags, George Eilber, Andy) Mr. and Mrs. M. C. iSleamon and Mathers and Mrs. M. W. Telfer. j June spent the week-end at their cot- The tickets, which were well tage at Grand Bend, shuffled, were drawn by Charles) Fahrner. Mr. Jack Smith called the names. There is just one sugges- Mrs. Ewart Powe, Mrs. Scandrett and Corinne, of London, visited with tion, your handwriting may not* be ^Ir‘ and ^rs* Wm. Skelton on Mon- nearly as clear to someone else as it day week- is to you. Unless you write very, clearly indeed; try printing your name, it may be ajl that lies between you and 50 pounds of sugar. A ladies quartette from New Ham­ burg, including Grace Peacock, Flor­ ence Riddell, Florence Dengis and Mrs. Convey rendered several selec­ tions-at the Sunday morning service of the Evangelical Church and also in the Sunday School. Their offer­ ings were much appreciated. Mrs. Howard Renney, of Detroit, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtzel. The Evangelical Mission Circle held their annual picnic at Grand Bend Monday evening. A committee including Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Ma- letta Wein, Norma Finkbeiner, Irene Fahrner and Alma Ratz had charge of the program of sports. Lunch was served at Eilber’s cottage. All re­ ported a very enjoyable evening. The men’s quartette rendered sev­ eral selections at the Memorial ser­ vice of the East Williams cemetery at Nairn last Sunday. Miss Elva Lamport left Saturday for Port Alberni, Vancouver, where she will visit for a few weeks with her brothers Melvin and Edward. The ladies of the Crediton United Church served a bountiful Straw­ berry Supper to a large number of people on Tuesday evening, June 27, followed by a slendid program. The United Church Sunday School held a very successful picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday last. Ideal weath­ er prevailed and many enjoyed a dip in the lake. A programme of sports was carried out and resulted as fol­ lows: Pea.nut scramble for child­ ren under 5; Boys. 5 to 8, Lawrence Lightfoot, Orland Taylor; Girls 5 to 8, Eveleen Hill, Betty Lou Swartz; Boys 8 to 12, Kenneth Taylor Ross Brown; Girls 8- to 12, Edith Hill, Lois Swartz; Boys 12 to 15, Russell King, Bruce Mack, Girls 12 to 15; Kicking the Slipper, Edith King, Doris Hill; Young Men’s Race, fil­ ling a bottle with sand, Roy Lam­ port, Nelson Lamport; Young Ladies paper plate race. Doreen Baker, Ila Lamport; Married Men, eating soda biscuits, Melvin King, Rev. Mr. Glad­ man; Married Women throwing ball in box, Mrs. S. King, Mrs. J. Maw- hinney, Mrs. M. King; Clothes Pin Race, Murray Neil and Mrs. R. Tay­ lor; Post Office Race Murray Neil and Mrs. R. Taylor; the Treasure Hunt was won by Doreen Baker. The single men defeated the mar­ ried men in a game of softball. Misses Dorothy and Mildred Hicks entertained at a tea on Sunday af­ ternoon in honor of Miss Florence Mitchell, bride-elect of next weeiku Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, of Chatham, and Mrs. D. Hodgson at­ tended the Hodgson family picnic at Poplar Hill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephen and children, of near Kirkton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Benner, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Beaners. Miss Lucille Gilbert, of Victoria Hospital, is getting along as well as can be expected. Misses Gwen and Dorothy Hicks, of London, spent the week-end at their homes here. The stores of M. C. Sleamon, J. W. Pollard and Fred Warner, barber will be closed Wednesday afternoon through July and August. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Cavanagh, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Essery, Mrs. Clif. Turner and Marion, of London, were Sunday visitdrs of Mrs. W. Par­ son’s and Mrs. M. Kershaw. was members Mr. F. a solo — QUALITY WITH ECONOMY — Saturday being a Holiday this Store will bp open FRIDAY EVENING Come in and take Your Choice of our DOMINION DAY SPECIAL We have a Complete Line of Sheers, Plain and Printed? Sharkskin Dresses and Suits; Wash Silk, Printed and Plain Spun also Cottons and Voiles, all ranging in price from 98c to $4.95 A Complete Line of Childrens Eclipse Dresses in Silk, Prints and Voiles, also Misses and Children’s slips. WE HANDLE PENMAN’S HOSIERY EVERY TUESDAY & FRIDAY NIGHT BERNIE COULTER And His Orchestra DANCING 5c Three Miles South of Exeter No. 4 Highway, near Centralia ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs, Harold Martyn, of Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Jap. Pea­ cock, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Noi’- man Martyn, of London were visit­ ors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns. The Y. P. Union visited at the County Home, Clinton Friday even­ ing last and put on a programme al­ so provided the inmates with treats. Commencing next Sunday this church will be an appointment on the Thames Road Circuit with Rev. Wm. Mail' as will be at 10 Sunday School m. Alternate will be at 7 p.m. The Sunday School anniversary services of this church were held on Sunday last and were well attended, Rev. Mr. Brook, of Hensall, deliver­ ed two fine addresses. A children’s choir led in singing at the morning service and the regular choir at the evening service. Last Sunday being Decoration day at Exeter Cemetery, a number from here attended the services held .there in the afternoon. Messrs. Wm, Gilbert and Kenneth Johns and Laverne Skinner were in Sarnia on Monday. Misses Rhoda and Mary Westlake and Mr. Charles Westlake, of Exeter Mr. G. H, visited on Sunday with Mr. John on KRUEGER — FAHRNER A very pretty wedding was solem­ nized last Saturday afternoon when Miss Erma May Fahrner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fahrner was united in marriage to Ross Krueger third son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger, of Waterloo, riage took place under a decorated arch on the lawn of home. The wedding march was ed by Mrs. F. W, Morlock and rance Wein sang “Because”, ceremony was performed by A. E. Pletch. Miss Fahrner The mar- the bride’s play- Law- The Rev. was gowned in white net over taffeta with lace jacket and a long tulle veil caught with a corsage of lily of the valley. Miss Bernice Fahrner, sis- ter of the bride was maid of honor. She wore a pink sheei' dress ovex' satin and carried a bouquet oi' red roses. The bridesmaid was Ruth Krueger, sister of the She wore a gown of blue trimmed with black velvet with white accessories. She a spray of American beauty roses and fern. Clarence Fahrner was groomsman. Mrs. Fahrner wore a gown of white sheer with a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Krueger was gowned in orchid sheei’ with white accessories and a similar corsage. Following the ceremony a wedding suppei' was served at the bride’s home with cake. bride ... of confetti on a wedding trip, the bride travelling in a dress of rose shade with Bei'ge colored coat with white accessories. The couple will reside at the bride's home at the conclusion of a honeymoon in North­ ern Ontario. Miss groom, taffeta ribbon carried to 75 guests, the table centred a lovely three-tier wedding After the wedding supper the and groom left amid showers “Say, mister,” said the little fel­ low to a next-door neighbor, “ate you the man who gave my brother a dog last week?” . “Yes.” “Well, ma says to come and take them all back.” THAMES ROAD The Passmore Family reunion held at Springbank Park on Satur­ day between fifty and sixty were present. Sunday morning service Staples, of Toronto, sang “Nearer My God to Thee” by Lewis Carey, also a duet with Mrs. A. Mor­ gan ‘The Garden of Prayer.” Both numbers were lovely contributions to the service. Rev. Mr. Mair spoke on “Grey hairs there were, but he knew it not.” The seventh annual Pym picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland. Sports were en­ joyed during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, John Essery were the oldest couple present, and they are enjoy­ ing very good health. They planned to hold the 1940 gathering at Mr. Essery’s home at Centralia. Mr. Wm. Essery was re-appointed president, and Mr. H. Davis, secretary-treasur­ er. The countryside is looking lovely in this district. Crops are looking good. Wheat is beginning to turn and bai'ley is heading out, fruit ap­ pears to be plentiful too. Masters Glen and Ray Stewart and Miss Wilma Borland passed in Thames Road School on their year’s work. Three others are writing papers. A demonstration of Canadian Cook-wear was held at the home of Mrs. Archie Morgan on Friday even­ ing. Mrs. C. Merkley and Master John were visitors with hei' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cann for the week­ end. Mrs. Walker has returned to hex' home at. Cromarty. Mrs. Parker, of Chiselhurst, is staying with hex* son, Darrell. She is not enjoying very good health and has decided to give up her home at Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Staples and family were guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner foi’ the week-end. Thames Road guests of Whalen, anniversary even­ ing service Sunday, and were very hospitably entertained at the close. choir were the CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn and daugh­ ter Margaret have returned home af­ ter visiting in Windsor and Detroit. Master Kay Heatle, of Windsor, is holidaying with his grand parents Mr, and Mrs. H. Kuhn. Mr. J. W. Morley and mother Mrs. J. Morley; of Exeter and Mrs. Wilson Anderson visited Sunday with their sister Mrs. Mitchell in Parkwood Hospital, London. Mr. Herb Brown and lady friend, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Glanville. Mr. Wm. Heatherby, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mrs. Heatherby who has spent a few days here returning home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cottle and son of near Exeter, spent Sunday with Mrs. Cottle's parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waghorn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brokenshlre and Douglas and Betty, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson and Mrs. Eroken- shire, of Centralia, KIRKTON We are glad to report that Mrs. McCurdy is well enough to return to hex* home at Dr. Campbell’s after spending the past month with friends in Sarnia. Mrs. John Johnson j.s holidaying with her sister Mrs. James Kemp. ’ Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphreys have moved to theii* home across the road in Blanshard. Mr. Ei'ic Humphreys has taken over the business. Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Cluff and Mrs. J. Cluff attended the Passmore pic­ nic held at Springbank on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fletcher, and Mrs. Wilson Gregory spent week-end at Pt. Rowan with and Mrs. H. G reason. Mrs. R. R. Copeland week-end with hex’ son Copeland. Mr. E. N. Shier and . _ _____ _ Burgin called on Mr. C. F. Marshall ‘ Herdman, and Dr. Ferguson in Hamilton this past week. The St. Paul’s Sunday School held their annual picnic on Grand Bend. A good joyed this outing. Those That Attended Horae Week at Guelph Mr. Ed. Switzer, Mr. and Mrs.' visited with her mother Mrs. John Roy Switzei' and son Jack visited | Cornish on Sunday last, the College on Tuesday. Mr. John;------------------ Morphet, Miss Mullen, Miss Eliza Shier and Miss R. Kirk spent Thurs­ day at the O.A.C. Among the many features which were much enjoyed were the Provincial Rose Test Gar- , den and special gardens of Iris, Glad­ ioli, Peonies and Lilies, as well as a fine new perennial border and a Lily Pool which had just been com­ pleted. O.A.C. pastor. The service a.m. on Sunday and commencing at 11 a. Sundays the service spent Mr. Mr. the Mr. the Ario Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routly, of 'Kirkton, were Sunday visitors with slLrda7a“tlMrMaDa “rs-t , mmnpr pn-1 Mrs‘ Gor(i°u Penhale returned home on Sunday fre^m Victoria Hos­ pital, London, where she recently underwent an operation for goitre. Mrs. Clifford Talbot, of Goderich, Farm and 5,500 visitors attended the on Thursday. SHIPKA Sunday, July 2nd is Mission-Next _ ary day in the Sunday School. Spec­ ial instructions will be given. Miss Nola Hutchinson, of Park­ hill, visited over the week-end with relatives here. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mr. Kellermann who passed away very suddenly on Friday. The fun­ eral service was held on Sunday af­ ternoon to the Zurich cemetery. Mrs. Wesley Jones, of Crediton, is visiting at present with relatives here. Mr, Sam. Sweitzer, of St. Thomas, visited on Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Broughton and fam­ ily, Miss Grace Kellermann and Mr. Czar Kellermann, of Toronto, at­ tended the funeral of their father on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Fassold and children, of London, visited the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Milt Ratz. The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held on Thursday, July 6th, at the home of Mrs. Major Baker at 8 p.m.The community extend their sym­ pathy to the Kellerman family in the sudden death of their father, Mr. Jacob Kellermann.Congratulations to Lila Finkbeiner and Roy Pickering in passing their entrance examinations.Mrs. Hudson and Miss M. Hud­ son, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner. Long hair for men and short hair for women was the style in south­ western America 2,000 years ago. Women’s hair was cut and made into string. JEFFRO [11893] 173364 Pure bred Percheron Stallion, grey roan, white on off hind feet, bred by L. C. McLean, Magnetic Springs, O. Jeffi’o is well-known in this district. LA CARMEL [15785] 224525 Pui'e bred Percheron Stallion. Black, boxm June 9th, 1934. Import­ ed from Ohio. Son of Sunland Ce­ lesta, a grandson of Laet and is out of the dam of Melitot breeding. Both horses will truck this season. TERMS —$12 to foal, due March 1, dents to mares at mare must be retuxmed regularly or will be charged foi' whethei' in foal or n-ot. Owners disposing of their mares before foaling charged full insurance foal or not. Full information Crediton. ELI KING, Proprietor be routed by ensure mare in 1940. All acci- owner’s risk; time will be whether with phone 36r2, Imported Percheron Stallion DUSSOTOY (Imp.) (12930) (170258) Enrollment No. 2339. Form 3 Dussotoy will be routed by trail­ er this season. For route end terms see J. IRA MOIR, phone 171r2 Exeter ife Round Trip Bargain Fares JULY 7th and 8th from EXETER to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Fails. Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Strat­ ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Colling­ wood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West Jo Beardmore. _____ For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult NearOst Agent See handbills for complete list of deetlhatious T 307-A CANADIAN NATIONAL I---------------X—------- ----------—.