The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-06-08, Page 50
Mrs. Annie Logan is visiting in
Windsor. .
Dr. MacTagggrt and Dr. William
Joynt were-in London on Monday
on business-
Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin, of Lobo
visited last, week with Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Corbett.
Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield Elhvood,
of Penfield, visited on Sunday with
Mr, and .Mrs, James Parkins.
Miss,a. McVicav, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, G, M, Drysdale,
Miss Mary Hemphill, of Toronto,
is visiting at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. E, Hemphill.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, of
Usborne, spent Sunday with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Hudson. ’’
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding and
Mrs, Ida Harding, of London, visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F.
Miss Kay Drysdale, of London,
spent the wpek-end at the home of
her parents Mr, and Mrs. G.i M. Drys
Messrs. Milton and Lloyd Ortwein
of London, visited on Sunday with
the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs.
J. W. Ortwein.
Mrs. E. Skinner, of Elimville, vis
ited on Saturday with Miss Martha
Hunter and Mrs. Lammie and Miss
Greta Lammie,
A large number from here were in
London on Wednesday for the visit
of their Majesties King George VI
and .Queen Elizabeth.
Mr. Geo. Douglas was in Toronto
last week attending the graduation
of his nephew Arthui* McAsh, who
graduated for. a minister.
A quartette comprising Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Horton, Miss Ruth
Brook and 'Mi;. W, O. Goodwin sang
several selections at Blake anniver
sary services ,o,n Sunday.
Miss Martha Hunter who _ under
went on operation in Victoria Hos
pital, London, recently is recovering
and was able to return home here
this week.
Mr. Harold Bonthron, who has
been attending Embalming School in
Toronto for the past several weeks
completed his course and returned
to his home here on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stewart, of
Toronto visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. A. L, Case, Mrs. Stewart,
formerly Miss Helen Zavitt, of Go
derich, is a niece of Mrs. Case.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock,
of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter,
of Exeter, and Mrs. P. Hunter, of
Usborne, visited on .Sunday with Miss
Martha Hunter, Mrs. Lammie and
Miss Greta Lammie.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stowell and
Miss Marguerite Drysdale, of Stet-
ler, Alberta, who have been visiting
for the past 'several weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. and
Mrs. W. A, .MadLaren, left Sunday
for their home in the West.
Rev. Malcolm Young, of Water
down, conducted the service in Car
mel Presbyterian church on Sunday
morning in the absence of his bro
ther Rev. W. A. Young. The choir
sang a beautiful anthem. The even
ing service was withdrawn owing to
anniversary services in St. Paul’s
Anglican Church. The evening ser
vice will be withdrawn on the com
ing .Sunday owing to anniversary
services in the United Church.
St. Paul’s Holds Anniversary
Rev. M. A. Hunt conducted anni
versary services in St. Paul’s Angli
can church on .Sunday morning and
the choir sang special music. Rev.
Mr. Grigg a former Exeter resident,
now superannuated from the Foreign
Mission Fields preached an excellent
sermon at the evening service. Mr.
Middlemiss, chdir leader of Trivitt
Memorial church, Exeter, sang a solo
in the anthem and Mrs. George Hess
and Mrs. Lee Hedden sang a duet.
Lucan-Hensall Play Ball, Score 3-2
A real good game, of ball was play
ed in Lucan on-Monday evening be
tween Hensall. and Lucan with a
score of 3-2 in favor of Lucan. Bat
teries for Lucan .were Murray and
Dundas with seven hits, 3 runs and
two errors. Batteries for Hensall
were Kipher arid Kerslake with six
hits, 2 runs and no errors. The win
ning run scored' ih the ninth inning
after two jnen were out.
Mission Circle Hold Meeting
The Mission Circle of the United
Church held their regular meeting
at the home of Miss Nellie Fee on
Friday evening at five-thirty o’clock
Sides were chosen for a Scavenger
Hunt, that lasted three-quarters of
an hour. Prizes were given the win
ners. A very delicious lunch was
served on the lawn and the meeting
followed opened by a hymn. . Miss
June Saundercock read the .Scripture
and Miss Elva McQueen led in pray
er. The busiriesg was discussed and
Miss Gladys Passmore invited the
Circle to hold their next meeting at
ther home. Miss Irene Douglas gave
the topic, which was very interest
ing. The meeting closed with the
singing of a hymn the benedic
W. M. S. Meeting
The regular .monthly meeting of
the Women's Missionary Society of
A-l Baby:chicks,,White Leghorns
8 c.; Barred'Rbckj/, Brown Leghorns,
New Hampshire Weds 9c.; White
Rocks, Jersey Black Giants 10c.;
Heavy Surplus 8c.; Light Surplus,
7c.; Day-old Pullets Barred Rocks
14c.; Leghorns 176.; Leghorn Cock
erels 26.. Telephone Granton 38-3.
Grriiitrin) Ontario
the United Church was held on
Thursday afternoon with the presi
dent Mrs, Cross presiding over the
opening exercises apd business. After-
the opening hynln prayer was re
peated in unison.’’ The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
adopted and the business discussed.
It was decided to have the Blyth
W. A. present the play “Dotty and
Daffy” in the Town Hall on Friday,
June 16th; also to hold a social ev-
eing on Monday, June 26th with
Mrs. (Rev.) Knight, of Edmonton,
president of the W. C. T. U. for the
Dominion, to be the special speak
er. Mrs, Brook then presided over
the following program and after
singing another hymn Mrs. Brook
read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Lam
mie then led in prayer. The first two
verses of “Take My Life and Let It
Be” was sung and Miss J. Murray
gave the topic on “Was It a Mis
take?” taken from the onward. This
was very interesting; Aftei* singing
the remainder of the hymn “Take
My Life and Let It Be” the meeting
closed with prayer by Mrs. Brook.
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the
morning service in the United church
on Bunday and the choir sang “O
For a Thousand Tongues.” The ev
ening service was withdrawn owing
to anniversary services held in St.
Paul’s Anglican church and Young
People’s Anniversary at -Chiselhurst
United Church. Rev. R. A. Brook
conducted both services at Chisel
hurst and delivered very inspiring
Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the village
council was held in the council
chamber, Monday, at 8 p.m. with all
members present. The minutes of
the previous meeting also two
special meetings and the Court of
Revision were read. Shepherd and
Twitchell: That the minutes be ad
opted as read.' Carried.
Lee Hedden reported re the gar
bage collection, also the work done
on the streets and park. Reeve
Shaddick reported re ordering the
road oil also the County Council
session. The Clerk reported two
appeals from the Court of Revision
to the Judge. Coiisiderable corres
pondence read and- filed.
Jones and Twitchell: That we pay
John Passmore the sum of $35 for
supervising of the tree trimming.
Bills and accounts read: J. J.
Taylor Co., safe $100; School Board
expenses $1,200; G. M. Case, team
ing, streets $11.60; W. Madge, gar
bage disposal $15.00; W. Foster,
tile $2.47; Lee Hedden, salary $55;
E. Willard, hauling garbage $22.50;
H. Foster, labor, streets $8.30; A.
Hildebrand, ditto $3.60; F. Daters,
ditto $3.50; R. Dick, ditto $3.80;
W. Hildebrand, ditto $3.80; R. Kyle,
ditto $3.80; imperial Oil Ltd., patch
ing material $50.06; H. Cudmore,
gravel $11.40; A. W. E. Hemphill,
supplies $4.75; W. R. Davidson, coal
$28.3iO;W. C. Hayner Co., supplies
$17.50; A. B. Rowcliffe, teaming,
Park $1.75; Huron Expositor, print
ing $2.80; Prov. Treas., Insulin $1.-
30; Treas. of Ontario Licenses $6;
Geo. Hess, printing $8.50; Hydro
Commission, hydro $5.61; J. A. Pat
erson, cartage 50c; J. Passmore
tree trimming $35.00; F. G. Bon
thron, postage $5.00; C. N., R.
school children $36.05; Total $1,-
Twitchell and Horton: That bills
and accounts as read be paid. Car
Jones and Shepherd: That By-law
No. 9 be given third and final read
ing. Carried.
Jones and Shepherd: That By
law No. 9 as read a third and final
time be passed and the Corporation
Seal attached. Carried.
Jones and Shepherd: That we ad
journ. Carried.
James A. .Paterson, Clerk
Mr. Lloyd Dolgin, of Detroit, spent
the past week with his sister Mrs.
James Howe.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer have
.moved to the .farm home of Mr. C.
Paul formerly known as the Gun
ning farm. .It, was impossible to
get a house in .the village.
Mr. Wm. Bibby.. has, completed
painting the outside of the dwelling
and store of Mr. R’. Humphreys. Mr.
Carmen Rinn is also decorating Dr.
Campbell’s residence. If a few more
would do likewise our town would
be a bright little spot.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fletcher were
guests with Mrs. Geo. .Pollen, St.
Marys this past week.
Mrs. Nellie Shier, of Bryanston
called on a number of friends in the
village this past week.
(Rev.) Mrs. Lewis and son Charles
were holidaying in Toronto this past
Mr. and Mrs. John Hind, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Baker, of Exeter, were Sun
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Sunday Visitors — Mr. and Mrs.
Alf. Paul, of St. Marys With Mr. R.
Humphreys; Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Gunning with Mr. I. N. Marshall;
Miss Margaret Miners, of Elimville,
With Mrs. R. Switzer; Mr. and Mrs.
C. Dobson and family with Mr. Mc
Curdy; Mr. and Mrs. P. Gemmell and
family, of Brussels with Mr. T. Tufts.
st. 'I’alii’s Anglican Anniversary
The St. Paul’s Anglican church
held their anniversary services on
Bunday. The speaker Rev. J. H.
James B.A., of Thamesville, taking
for his text “Consider the Lilies in
the Field.” The anthem rendered
by the choir with the solo part taken
by Mrs. R. Switzer was very beauti
ful. Mrs. Geo, Hall also sang a solo,
Rev. James also spoke in the evening
his text was “'I'hriu Shalt Love the
Lord thy God”. Gerald and Leo Paul
sang a duet, Miss G. Camm also as
Thames Road Sunday School
Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m,
Rev. Dr. Manson Doyle, of
will preach at both services
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
The children of the Sunday School
led by Mrs. A, W. Morgan will pro
vide the music for the morning ser
vice and the choir in the evening.
followed by a 3-Act Comedy Drama
by Sarnia Young People accompan
ied by St. Paul’s Sunday School Or
chestra, Sarnia,
Tea served from 6 p.m.
Admission 40c; Children 20e
Children of the S. S. under 12 Free
Supt. Minister
Dr, W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S.
dental surgeon
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three dayB of week and
at office over the Post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week.
Special Children’s Day services are
being held in the Evangelical church
on Sunday evening, June 11th. A
good program is being prepared and
the Sunday School orchestra will be
in attendance.
A Strawberry Social on the Evan
gelical Church lawn will be held .on
Wednesday, June 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Ehlers, of
Harrisburg Pa„ spent a few days
with relatives and friends in this
Mr. Paul V. Manar, young detec
tive and editor of Lansing, Michigan,
spent the week-end with Veola Vin
Miss Betty Prance, of Thedford,
spent last week with Evelyn Vincent
and Donna Bullock.
Mr. Sam Gottschalk spent a few
days with friends in Seaforth.
Mrs. Al. Mercer, of Tillsonburg,
Mr. Vangoughenette, Mr. and Mrs.
Molton and son and daughters, Mary
and Verda, of Belmont, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. Jonas Hartleib’s
and Lavada.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Raschke and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs, C. Bosh, De
troit, spent the week-end with their
mother Mrs. Merner also attending
the Merner-Luift nuptials.
During the severe thunder storm
on .Saturday lightning struck the
barn of Mr. Henry England running
along the clothes line and into the
house making a hole through the
Miss Thelma Weber, of iSarnia,
has been spending a couple of weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Merner - Luft Nuptials
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the parsonage of Zion Lutheran
Church, Dashwood on Saturday,
June 3rd when Helen Louise, eldest
daughter of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
L. Luft, of Dashwood became the
bride of Mr. Elgin Merner, son of
Mrs. and the late George Merner,
also of Dashwood. The ceremony was
performed by the bride’s father in
the presence of the immediate rela
tives of the bride arid groom.
Leaning on the arm of her father
and to the strains of' Lohengrin’s
Wedding March, played by Martha
Rader, the bride entered the living
room which was prettily decorated
with spring flowers and ferns. She
wore a dusty pink French crepe dress
with a quilted jacket and a pretty
picture hat of the same shade. Cher-
ise accessories and corsage of Briar-
cliffe roses completed the ensemble.
Miss Mildred Luft was her sister’s
bridemaid while Milford ;Merner,
brother of the groom acted as best
man. Following the ceremony a very
dainty buffet luncheon was served.
Later the happy coulple left on a mo
tor trip to Eastern points in Ontario
On their return they will reside in
The regular meeting of the Ladies’
Aid was held on the evening of June
1st at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sweit
zer with ten members and three vis
itors present. The meeting opened
by singing "Jesus is all the World tG
IMe” and the Lord’s Prayer in unis
on. .Scripture lesson was read by
Mrs. Milton Ratz..Roll call was ans
wered and reports were given. The
committee reported having secured
the James Street Young People to
put on a program for the Strawberry
social to be held on June 22nd. The
remainder of the evening was spent
in making further plans for the sup
per. A dainty lunch was served by
the hostess. Meeting closed <by.pray
er by Mrs. Jacob Ratz. a
Mr, and Mrs. Lome Finkbeinef
and family arid Mr. Thos, /Raynham
spent Sunday ih London.
Deputy-Reevq, E, Lamport .spent
the past Week ip Goderich attending,
a meeting of the County Council.
Last Sunday was Missionary Sun
day. Reading, by Stewart Sweitzer
and a solo by Mrs. Wm. iSweitzer.
Both offerings were.-well received.
The Y. P. S, held their annual
picnic at Goderich last Saturday. All
report an enjoyable time.
Mr. Lome Finkbeiner purchased a
new Pontiao sedan from Mr. Herb.
Hartman, of Mt. Carmel,
Harold Wolfe, is able to be out
again after briing confined > to d»is
bed for six weeks. While he is
still under the doctor’s care, his
many friends are glad to see him
making such a splendid recovery
and hope that he will soon be his
self again.
Children’s Day next Sunday at
the Evangelical church. The ser
vices both morning and evening Wil)
be accompanied by a junior choir
which is attracting considerable in
terest, The real program will be in
the evening at 7:30. A carefully
prepared and interesting program
Will be given. The beginners, prim
aries, juniors and young people will
take part. Missionary offerings all
day. Everybody cordially invited.
Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Braun, of
Bad Axe, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Mose
Braun, of Pigeon, Mich,, visited
over the weekr-end with friends in
the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt. England, of
Brussels, visited friends in the com
munity on Sunday.
On Sunday, June 4th, a mission
ary program was given in the Unit
ed Church .Sunday School. A read
ing “<Our Stewardship of Personality”
was given by Doreen Baker and
Helen Bullock sank “Don’t Forget
to Pray.”
Mr. and Mrs. John Hey and dau
ghter Margaret, of Zurich, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Hey attended the
wedding of Mr, Austin Hey, in De
troit on Saturday last.
Misses Mary and Elva. Lamport, of
London, spent Sunday at the home
of then* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Evangelical Mission Circle
The Crediton Evangelical Mission
Circle held its meeting at the home
of Mrs. Emerson Wein on Friday of
last week with eighteen members
and two visitors present. Erma
Fahrner presided over the meeting
which was in charge of the follow
ing committee: Mrs. Freeman Mor-
lock, Mrs. Wm. Gaiser, Irene Fahrn
er, Erma Fahrner and Jean Moun
tain. It consisted of the Circle song
a prayer, a hymn, the Scripture
reading and a harmonica selection.
An interesting and most comprehen
sive report of the Momen’s Mission
ary Convention at Kitchener was
given by Mrs. F. Morlocfc. A sew
ing project was begun. Lunch was
served and a social half hour spent.
Old People Entertained
The old people of the County
Home were guests of the Young
People’s League of the Evangelical
church on Friday evening. The old
people were ushered to the main
auditorium of the County Home and
enjoyed to the full, the program.
Gordon Ratz presided at the meet
ing. Rev Mr. Pletch gave an in
spiring address, Alma Ratz led in
prayer and Mrs. ^dwrerice Wein
read the Scripture, vocal duet by
Marjorie and Verna Wein, reading,
Ada Gaiser; harmonica selection,
Ray Morlock; men’s quartette, Law
rence and Lloyd Wein, Eldon Smith
and Earl Haist; piano trio, Gladys
Ratz, Leila Mollard and Norma
Finkbeiner; reading, H. Scherbarth;
guitar and violin selection, Ray
Morlock and Joe. Martene. In a
brief but well selected address Mrs.
Jacobs thanked the Young People
for the generosity of” the society in
entertaining the old people under
her care each year, an event so
much looked forward to and enjoyed
by them. Following the program
the old folks were recipients of or
.Father and Son, Mother and Dau
ghter Banquet sponsored by the C,
I. C. and Dorcas Sunday School
classes of the Evangelical church
was held recently in the neatly dec
orated S. S. auditorium. Two hundred
and ten fathers and sons, mothers
and daughters having met on the
church lawn began to. move into the
banquet hall as they were ushered
to their respective places at the
tables while an appropriate march
was being played by Mrs. Irvine
Finkbeiner. Brief prayer was offer
ed and all joined in. .the song of
Grace. After an excellent repast of
several courses the evening’s pro
gram continued. An appropriate sing
song was conducted by Lawrence
Wein. Rev. A. E. Pletch acted as
toast-master. H. K. Eilber proposed
the toast to the King and Queen;
toast to the Church by George Fink
beiner; toast to the Mothers, Alma
Ratz; toast to the daughters by Mrs.
Aaron Wein; toast to the fathers by
Alvin Finkbeiner and toast to the
sons by Arthur Amy, S. S. Supt. At
this juncture the guest speaker was
introduced in the person of Rev. E.
Burn, of Milverton, Who spoke on
“Stepping Stones to Success. Rev.
Mr. Burn has personality plus a good
voice and knows how to use it, his
listeners carry away with them some
thing real, and that Was what hap
pened Wednesday night. He was
entertaining to the point where the
guests felt that they had enjoyed a
real literary treat. Other artists on
the program were: Ada Gaiser, Cal
vin Fahner, H. Scherbarth, Lawrence
and XlOyfl Wein .arid Mrs, F. W. Mor-
lock'. Announcements,;, commenda
tions and a hearty vrith1 of thanks to
the’guest speaker was pro.prised by
Roy iRatz. The National Aritherii- clos
ed (,an entertaining and profitable
evetiing. ...
In a Frig
One of the best instances of ab
sentmindedness is told of a man who
had dined with a friend one night.
The nett day he Wrote to his friend
as follows: “I left mfr frWe at yohr
lodgings yesterday; .please send it
back to me if you Wilt, P.S.-^Never
mind sending the pipe, as I have
found it.”
Mrs. W. E. Ferguson, of Weston,
is spending the month of Jline with
her daughter Mrs, Mair at the par
.There will be no service at the
Thames Road 'Church on Bunday
owing to the anniversary at Roys.
Anniversary services at Roys on
Bunday will be conducted by Rev,
Dr. R. B« Cochrane, of Toronto at
11 a.m. and by Rev. J. B. Moore of
London at 7.00 p.m,
The pupils of Lumley School were
in Stratford to see Their Majesties
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
They were escorted by their teacher
Mr. Fletcher Whitmore under the
auspices of the Lion's Club Seaforth,
going by train from there, A novel
trip for most of them.
It being Anniversary services at
Roys church Sunday there will be no
service here. Rev. Dr. Cochrane, of
Toronto will preach at both services.
Dr. Manson Doyle will be the guest
speaker at Thames Road Anniver
Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Mair spent a
few days in Schomberg and Toron
to returning on Tuesday.
Messrs. Parkinson, of Blanshard,
were visitors Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. P. Passmore; also Mr, and Mrs.
W. T. Quinn, of .Exeter.
Miss Beth Ballantyne, of London,
was home over the week-end.
Rev. Wm. Grigg, retired mission
ary from Burma, India, addressed
the congregation on Sunday. Mr.
Grigg is a fluent and interesting
Quite a number from here were
in Stratford and St. Marys Junction
on Tuesday where they hoped to get
a glimpse of the King and Queen.
Mrs. Hagan, of Kitchener, visited
with her son and family Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Alexander.
There were no church services
held here on Sunday owing to Con
ference Sunday. •
A great number from here attend
ed the Anglican anniversary services
held at Kirkton on Sunday.
The W. M. S. meets on Thursday
afternoon of this week in the church
basement with Mrs. James Squire,
convener1 of Group 2 in charge of the
Friends of Mrs. Wm. Thompson
were sorry to know that she was’
taken to Stratford Hospital Tuesday
evening of last week and operated
on, on Wednesday morning. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
The many friends of Mrs. Jesse
Jacques of the London Hospital are
sorry to know she has not been so
well lately.
Friends of Miss Amanda Shier, of
Victoria Hospital, London, are very'
pleased to know that there is a I
slight improvement in her condition, I
but she still continues very weak.
The annual Woodham iSunday
School .picnic will be held as usual
at Stratford Park on Saturday, June
17th. 1939.
The Strawberry Festival of the
United Church is being held on
Wednesday, June 21st. A good .pro
gram is being arranged.
Mr. and Mrs. R. English are spend
ing a week with their son Mr. Sel-
bourne English, of Detroit.
Mr. W. Whiteside visited Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hodgson of
The Harmony Class of the United
Church will hold their picnic at Ip-
perwash Beach on Saturday, June 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Detloft and
son Richard, of Detroit, visited a
couple of days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Pollock.
Mrs. W. Sherritt visited on Tues
day with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Baker, of Grand Bend.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mr. John Laurie
on Monday. We extend our sympathy
to the relatives of the deceased.
Cromarty W. M. S.
The Cromarty W. M. S. held their
June meeting on Thursday afternoon
in the church basement. The Home
Helpers having charge of the pro
gram at this meeting were favored
in having six W. M. s; members pres
ent from Seaforth Presbyterian
church, Mrs. Jack, who gave a splen
did report of the Provincial W. M. S.
of t.he Presbyterian church held in
Hamilton, and Mrs. Aoerhardt, Mrs.
Neil Gillespie, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Will
MaoLaren and Mrs. Drover all of
whom were very welcome visitors.
Mrs. Reidie very genially conducted
the meeting and welcomed the
friends from Seaforth. Mrs. John
Hamilton and Mrs. Kenneth McKel-
lar favored those present with a duet
Mrs. James Hill and Mrs. Thomas
Scott took part in the devotional ex
ercises. At the lunchean hour Mrs.
Robert Aberhardt gave a short ad
dress expressing the pleasure of the
Seaforth members at being invited
to meet with the Cromarty friends
as five of them were former members
of the Presbyterian church here. For
the July meeting it was favorably
discussed to make it a rally meeting
of W. M. S. members, the Marion
Ritchie Young People’s Group and
the Annie Readie Mission Band as
well as an invitation to the Avonton
and Motherwell W. M. S. members.
Dr. Fraser Oliver of Toronto
teaching staff of the University spent
a few days with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Oliver; Thos. Scott.
Junior is enjoying a holiday at the
home of Rev. R. G. and Mrs. MacKay
of prince Albert, Sask., at present.
Farmers Attention!
We want to meet- a limited number of progressive farmers
who wish to increase their annual income by several hundred,
dollars growing one acre of a fancy variety of Red Rasp?
berry. The berries to be shipped to a Urge Toronto dealer
for chain store and canning factory use,
Government certified root systems furnished far fall plant
ing on attractive payment terms. Last year in Ontario, many
of oyr plantations yielded over 10,000 pint boxes to the
This offer is limited. You must own your farm. Mail re
ply to Box 280 HNC Times-Advocate before June 22nd.
A personal yisit will be made at your home to explain the
Dr. James Jarrott, of New York;
Dr. Gilbert Jarrott, of Toronto and
Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, spent
the weekend at the home of their
mother, Mrs. I. Jarrott of. the village.
Mr. William Ivison is spending a
delightful holiday at his summer
cottage at Drysdale.
Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and
family, of Brueefield, spent Sunday
at the home of the latter’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Ball.
Mr. H. Ivison and Jean, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Mayfield ard Mr. Ivison Tor
rence visited with friends at Porters*
Hill on Bunday last.
A number from this vicinity at
tended the anniversary services at
Blake and Chiselhurst on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norrie and
son, of Brueefield, visited the lat
ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. James
Jarrott, of the town line on Sunday.
Mrs. Mina Love is spending a few
days at the home of her sister-in-law
Mrs. I. Jarrott.
A number from this vicinity spent
Tuesday in (Stratford and St. Marys
and Wednesday in London the oc
casion being the visit of the King
and Queen.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. George E. Thomp
Mr. and Mrs. William Horney and
Miss Irma Ferguson and friend call
ed on Mrs. Mary Kerslake, of Exeter,
on Sunday last.
Mrs. William McLachlan and Mar
ilyn who have been visiting at the
home of her mother Mrs. John Baker
returned to her home on Sunday.
Mr. William Westlake, of Exeter,
called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney
one day recently.
Master Bobby Love had his tonsils
and adenoids removed at Dr. Steer’s
office on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fairbairn
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc
Lean, of Tuckersmith on Sunday.
The Sunday evening service here
was held under the auspices of Mrs.
W. Elford’s group of the W. M. S.
Mrs. Chas. Johns of Exeter gave the
address. Mrs. Penrose and Mrs. El
ford assisted with the service.
The Y. P^JJnion had a social even
ing at the church on Monday even
ing and are ' discontinuing their
meetings for the summer.
Miss Dorothy Traquair, of Exeter,
spent the week-end at Mr. R. Wil
liams. • .
Mr. and MrS’. Gilbert Duncan and
Mrs. A. Gardiner, of Farquhar, visit
ed at Mr. Wm. Johns’ last Bunday.
Members of the Sewing Club “The
Six Sewing Susies” weqt to Clinton
last Saturday to attend the annual
Huron County Achievement Day pro
gram. The girls 'were successful in
winning a $2.00 prize for the best
display in the sleeping garment pro
ject. The members of the class are
Misses Gladys Johns, leader; Au
drey Prance, Mildred Veal, Eva Pen
rose, Dorothy .Johns--'and Nellie
“My wife and I are trying to hook
a big fish .for our daughter by invit
ing him to dinner every night.”
“Is he nibbling?” . .
“Nibbling? Say, the sonofagun is
eating us out of- house and home.”
Place Your Order for June
Chicks Now
at Greatly Reduced Prices
Leghorns, Mixed ..................................... $ 8.00 per 100
Leghorn Pullets ............................................». $17.00 per 100
Rock Leghorn Cross Breeds, Mixed ........ 8.00 per 100
Rock Leghorn Cross Breed, Pullets ........... 15.00 per 100
Barred Rocks, Mixed ................................ 9.00 per 100
10 day old chicks add 2<J 2 weeks old chicks add 4c
Rock Leghorn Cross Breed Chicks, Pullets or Cockerels, just ’
the kind you want this time of year. Customers report ex- i
cellent growth, egg production and meat qualities in this •
cross. ;
Lakeview Poultry Farm
WEIN BROS. Exeter, OhL
Mi”, and Mrs. Orma Pollock and
daughter Iris, of Ripley; Mr. Donald
Hick’s and Mr, A. Gray, of Clinton
and Mr. Andrew Hicks were Sun
day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lome
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Penwarden and
Harold and Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Rowcliffe spent the week-end at the
Bend with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Slea-
Mr, and Mrs. R. Smith, and Mar
lene and Miss Alice Adamack visited
on Sunday with the latter’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. Adamack near Thorn
Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, of Exeter,
took charge of the church service on
Sunday morning owing to the ab
sence of the pastor Rev. Mr. Falcon
bridge, who is attending Conference.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bowden and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. F. McCann near Simcoe.
Don’t forget the picnic of the
Home and School Club on the school
grounds on Friday afternoon of this
week after school closes. Everybody
is welcome. Come and bring your
lunch basket.
Zion anniversary will be held on
Sunday, June 11th. Services will be
conducted by Rev. Bweetman, of II-
derton at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Zion W. M. S.
The W. M. S. met at the home of
Mrs. Warren Brock with seven mem
bers present on Friday. The meeting
opened with hymn 431, followed by
prayer. The ten commandments for
parents were read by Mrs, Warren.
We were favored with a piano solo
by Mrs. George Brock. The scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. James Earl.
Hymn No. 209 was sung, Mrs. Pen
rose offered prayer. Readings were
given by Mrs. Melville and Mrs. J. T.
Hern. We then presented Mrs. Pen
rose with a small rug and the ad
dress was read by Mrs. Melville Hern
We sang God Save the King, we then
packed the bale amounting to $50,
A social time was then spent to
...Dancing at Spruce Grove...
And His Orchestra
Three Miles South of Exeter ok
No. 4 Highway, near Centralia
Imported Percheron Stallion
(Imp.) (12930) (170258)
Enrollment No. 2339. Form 3
Dussotoy will be routed by trail
er this season. For route and.
terms see
J. IRA MOIR, phone 171r2
Exeter tfc