HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-05-25, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY g^th, 1939 Exeter Markets The beauty parlor that enhances your beauty Spiral, Croquig- nole or Combination Permanents for warm summer days. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Vera C, Decker, Proprietress NOTICE Springtime is Here Summertime is Coming We have switched to Summer Schedule. Our trucks will endeavor to leave for London by nine o’clock a.m. Please call early. Yours for Better Service. TUCKEY TRANSPORT Phone 25w Wheat 60c. Oats 34c.Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Flour §2*00 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Shorts $1.30 Bran $1.40 Creamery Butter 25c. Dairy Buttei' 20-23c. Eggs, A large 17c. Eggs, medium 15c. Eggs. B 14c. Hogs, dressed $11.00 COOKED MEATS for the Hot Weather WEEKLY HALF-HOLIDAYS We, the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter, agree to close our places of business every Wednes­ day at twelve o’clock noon beginning Wednesday, May 31st and during the months of June, July, August and September. E. R. Hopper Jones & May Southcott Bros. ■Swift Canadian Co. E. Lindenfield River’s Meat Market A. E. Wuerth T. H. Elliott Grigg Stationery . J. ' ' R. B. H. ■G. Virginia Ham Cooked Ham Coronation Loaf Headcheese Meat Loaf Bologna Weiners, Etc. Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS Senior G. Seldon W. F. Beavers S. Walter A. Hawkins Martin’s Music Store W. W. Taman C. Tanton Chainway Store. J. A. Traqualr Canadian Packers Ltd. C. Fairbairn Exeter’ Ladies’ Wear S. B. Taylor James Lawson G. M. R. N. W. J. F. G. V. G. Essery Exeter Locker Service Armstrong Rowe Beer Wright Home From the Coast Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Penhale return­ ed home Saturday after a pleasant trip extending over five weeks to the Pacific Coast. Going out they visited at Edmonton and with Mr. Penhale’s sisters, Mrs. F. Cladson, at Vancou­ ver and Mrs. Hannam of Maple Bay near Duncan B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Pen­ hale spent some time visiting the branches of the Canadian Canners at Penticton, Ashcroft, Kamloops and Kelowna. On their return they vis­ ited at Banff, Calgary and Winnipeg and with Miss Gladys Kestle at Cop­ per Cliff where they had the pleas­ ure of going through the smelters. They had a most enjoyable trip with fine weather most of the time. At Vancouver and Victoria the flowers were exceptionally fine. Horse Killed While C. W. Tuckey was driving his team from the near-by farm of his son Bruce, along Highway No. 4, half a half north of Exeter on Thurs­ day of last week, a car driven by C. Brown, of Farquhar, struck one of the horses. The animal was thrown violently into the ditch and was in-, jured so seriously that it subsequent­ ly had to be destroyed. FOR SALE—'One horse scuffler, like new. Inquire at Lindenfieid’s Hardware. 5-2 5-2 tc. NOTICE—Will the party who picked up a new pig trough in mis­ take at J. R. Ogden’s auction sale kindly return the same, to Simmons’ Blacksmith shop and save further trouble as the party is known. FOR SALE—2-burner Perfection Oil Stove with oven; Plugin Ranget- te, Small Chesterfield, small Cook Stove.—R. E. Balkwill.ltp TO RENT—A five-room on Gidley Street. Apply K. cottage, Sims, ltp. J. light-LOST OR STRAYED—Two grey Hereford heifers, one year old. Anyone finding same please notify M. M. Russell, phone 3 6rl5, Dash­ wood. TO RENT — Modern brick house on Main street, garage. Apply Mrs. H. Gidley. Homes in Exeter and surrounding villages and farms, large and small, FOR SALE — W. C. Pearce, Exeter. HOMES FOR SALE—Several good homes in Exeter at different prices. Also two good buys in Hensail. Your •chance to buy a home for less than $500.00 — C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. WANTED—‘Hens, broilers, phone Fair. 2571 or write J. J. McFarlane, G29 St. .Tames St,, London and truck will call. Please state number. 5-2-8tp» BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmore’s cement gravel for all ce­ ment work. Approved by engineers. All grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt service for all concrete jobs. Phone 171r3, Exeter. H. T. Cudmore, R.R. 1, Hen- sall. 4-13-tfc WANTED —* Fox horses and dead animals. Rave grass for a number of cattle. Jack Williams, R.R. No, 3, Dashwood, a 1 I I The regular meeting of the Exe­ ter Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) D. A. An­ derson on Tuesday, May 30th at 7.45 p.m. a good attendance is request­ ed. LOCALS Trees are in leaf and the lilacs are in bloom. Mi’s. Wm. E. Etherington is con­ fined to her bed. Miss Helen Finkbeiner has taken a position at Grieve’s Lunch Shop. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffatt and fam­ ily spent Saturday and Sunday in Toronto. Mr. .Sydney West, of Fergus, spent the week-end visiting at his home here. The dandelions are a riot of color brightening up the fields and the roadsides. Mr. Wm. Sims left this week for the north country to resume work in one of the mines. Miss Martha Hunter is in Victoria ; Hospital, London, having undergone an operation on Mr. and Mrs. Simcoe Tuesday eral of a friend, Mr. Kenneth Hockey who is tak­ ing a course University of the holiday. Hydro was hours Sunday afternoon while pairs -were being made to the Dash­ wood line. Goderich tax rate has been set at 45B mills for 1939, a reduction of three and a half mills as compared with last year. Melba King, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin King of Stephen, who has been ill with pneumonia, is showing some improvement. Mr. Wm. Penhale who has been attending Art School in Toronto has passed his first year exams with hon­ ours and is home for his vacation. In a report of James St. W. M. S. last week, it was mentioned that a guest tea will be held on June 3rd. This was an error, it should have read June 23. Miss Doris Penhale underwent an operation for removal of tonsils on Thursday last at Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital. The operation was performed by Drs. Fletcher and Weekes. Mr. R. R. Hagerman, of Oakland, Calif., spent Friday and iSaturday with Mrs. Horney and M. A. Hor­ ton and visited with his daughter Jean whom he has not -seen for and a half years. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horton, Geraldton, Ontario, are visiting former’s sisters Mrs. Horney Maude A. Horton. Mr. J. Horton superintendent of the Hard Rock mine at Geraldton. Dr. and Mrs. Roulston motored to Toronto Sunday and on Monday were present at the wonderful re­ ception that Toronto gave Majesties, King George Queen Elizabeth. Mr, J. E. Penhale, city for the London Life Insurance Co., at Halifax, attended a convention in London last week and visited his grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Sanders, of Stephen Township. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. accompanied by 'Mr. and Van Horne, of Clinton Irene Mooney, of Toronto, leave on Friday for upper Michigan to at­ tend with A been walk building to the hew school bulldin,_ A new Walk is also being laid on the north side of Victoria St. from An­ drew street to the Arena. Misses Laurene Beavers, Betty Coates, Barbara Dlnney, Dorothy Traquair, Vera Decker and Mrs. (Rev.) Page motored to St. Thomas i on Wednesday to attend the crown- ( ing of the Queen of the May at Alma. College Amphitheatre, This is recog-1 nized as a great seasonal event in Western Ontario; , Friday last. G. Layton were at attending the fun- Mrs. Smith. in Embalming at Toronto was home off foi1 a couple of re­ the for 8.30 9.45 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon “What the Church 'Stands IFor” Anthem—“Our Blest Redeemer’’ This being the birthday of the church let each one endeavour to be present. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—“iHow to be a Disciple of Jesus” 7 p.m.—“The Heart of Living” Monday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayei' Meeting THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE PLANTS FOR SALE L. DAY & SON 23c Southcott Bros 10 11 10 11 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Aidworth vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mc­ Clellan in Stratford on Thursday. No matter how careful you may be, it takes two to make an accident; in most cases one who was careful, and one who was not. COTTON TEA TOWELS In Colored Stripes Special, 2 for 25c Two Operators No Waiting ANDERS ERVICE TATION OUR SPECIALTY PERMANENTS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Phone 47 Auto ERNEST C. HARVEY TURKISH TOWELLING This is our regular 18c line. 3 pieces only. Special this week at per yard 15c TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Whitsunday a.m.—’Holy Communion ■ a.m.—Sunday School SALT Plain or Iodized 3 boxes .... 16c IN THIS DAY OF Conservation, men and wo­ men of mental and physical strength wear glasses as much for the preservation of vitality as for the better­ ment of vision. Have Your Eves Examined by C. E. ZURBR1GG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office o>pen 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship Sermon—“Brotherly Love” The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 7 p.m.—Service withdrawn owing to Anniversary of Carmel Church, Hensail. Friday, May 26th, at 8 p.m.—Pre­ paratory Service. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—The Minister 7 p.m.—The Minister Wednesday 8 p.m.-—Prayer Service The Woman’s Association wil meet on Friday, June 2nd at 2.30 p.m. This is last meeting of the season. A full attendance is desired. Big Reductions on Rugs and Floor Coverings COMPARE THESE PRICES 6 ft. x 9 ft. Linoleum Rug Regular $6.25 for $4.25 7 ft. x 9 ft. Linoleum Rug Regular $7.85 for $5.95 9 ft. x 9 ft. Linoleum Rug Regular $9.35 for $6.95 2 Only 12 ft. x 15 ft. Linoleum Rugs, Regular $21.95 for $17.95 2 Good Patterns in 4 yard wide Linoleums, Regular Price $3.50 for $2.95 9 ft. x lOYz ft- Linoleum Rug Regular $10.95 for $9.95 12 ft. x 12 ft. Linoleum Rug Regular $17.35 for $14.95 12 ft. x 13i/2 ft. Linoleum Rug Regular $19.25 for $15.95 BEAUTIFUL AXMINISTER RUGS AT SPECIAL PRICES 9 ft. x 10^ ft. Regular Price $29.95 for $26.95 9 ft. x 12 ft. Regular Price $34.95 for $31.95 paper blinds 5 DOZEN GREEN LINEN BLINDS Green only Regular ......................................15c Reg. $1.00 quality. These are sub-standards. Special, 2 for ...............................25c Special each 79c 24 PAIR FRILLED CURTAINS 2-YARD WIDE FBLTOL t Regular 59c. Si>ecial at 39c Regular 75c yard for 65c ROOM LOT WALLPAPERS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS $1.19 — $1.29 — $1.49 — $1.79 to $2.49 Air-Pressure Lubrication, Electric Vulcanizing Tube Repairs Car Washing and Waxing Full Line of Supertest Products WARREN SANDERS Phone 247 Lessee 24-Hour Service NOTE THESE LOW PRICES ON SMALL MATS AND RUNNERS THEY COME IN GOOD PATTERNS AND COLORINGS 18 inches x 30 inches Special ....1....................59c 27 inches x 70 inches Special ........ Hall Runners 27 inches x 70 inches Special $2.25 UNBLEACHED SHEETS These are exceptionally good value, 72 x 90 ins. Special Each 89c FRILLED CURTAINS 2)4 yards long, Green, Rose, Blue, Red, Yellow Special at $1.00 Geraniums, all kinds; Canna, Dracana, Fibre Rooted and all kinds Begonia, Fuchia, Ferns, Coleus, Vin­ ca, Ageratum, Pansy, Giant, and all kinds Petunia; Zinna, Stocks, Wilt­ resisting Asters, all kinds. Six kinds Tomatoes,. Peppers, Spanish Onions, Early Cabbage, Cel­ ery. Hanging baskets and window box­ es filled to order. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins were in Toronto Monday to witness the visit of Their Majesties to that city. Tom Penhale, aged 12, a pupil at the Exeter Public .School while crossing the street when returning home at the noon hour Tuesday was run into by another lad on a bicycle. He was knocked down and was some­ what bruised and scratched. He was carried to his home near by. No ser­ ious results are anticipated. TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 GROCERY SPECIALS SHORTENING 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 20c JAM Choice of Raspberry, Straw­ berry or Plum 32-oz. jar .. . 25c CHOICE BREAD FLOUR 98 lb. bag ...............$2.45 24 lb. bag ...............70c CORN Golden Bantam 3 cans ....25c TEA Special Black 1 lb* • • • • • •39c This will be your week for Pineapples. Let us supply your order Willys Overland Cars are Selling Like Wild Fire was to their VX and manager Ryckman, Mrs. Geo. and Miss an Annual Reunion and to visit relatives. new six-foot cement walk has laid this week connecting the in front of the old school i* Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 TUCKEY TRANSPORT OUR STOCK OFFERS A GOOD SELECTION OF NEW SUMMER APPAREL 300 Overland Cars left Windsor for the Western Territories last week, which shows Ontario buyers they appreciate the fact Overland cars save 50 per cent, on driving costs. We will be on Exeter Main Street from 10 o’clock in the morning till 8 o’clock at night on Friday, June 2nd. See us for further information on the above date. Phone 34-616, Clinton, or call at my residence, R. R. 2, Seaforth. JOHNATHAN E. HUGILL, Agent INVESTMENTS A SPECIALIZED SERVICE based on the requirements of the Individual Investor LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges Prompt and Efficient Service For further information apply PREMIER SECURITIES LIMITED Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501 W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming, President and Manager Investment Analyst '- - ' -I m n-.ir-f ' '..in iir"rf“'fi.iiiiilTni- j'- •>, “Invest With Confidence” You May Reverse Charges When Placing Orders by Telephone Agent for Forest City Laundry and Dry Cleaners Special Prices on Re-Tex Cleaning Ladies’ Dresses or Men’s Suits, each ......................... 95c 2 Garments for ................. $1.50 Each additional garment ... 75c FOR INFORMATION PHONE 25W STRAW HATS 95c UP Barrel Brushed Wool Sleeveless Sweaters 95c Summer Underwear Shirts, Socks, Neckties, Etc SELECT NOW FROM OUR FINE STOCK PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXBTBK, ONT. NEWS Prices Slashed on D&H Anthracite To day’s price* on D&H are much lower than last winter, yet, you get the same high quality coal. Fill your bin with D&H Anthracite to day and save a substantial sum the best coal money can buy. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 .Residence 157 ACTIVE MEN WANTED on Souvenir medals of the visit of Their Majesties to Canada have been distributed to the scholars of both the public and high schools of Exeter Miss Nellie Carmichael has return­ ed home after spending a few days in Toronto where she was present on the occasion of Their Majesties’ visit. Traffic Officer, Wm. Robinson was in Toronto on duty on the occasion of the visit of that city. Mrs. panied him. Mr. ceived ber of casion Their Majesties to Robinson accom- Get in on this big money making opportunity now With a nationally known concern. Excellent proposi­ tion for sincere, dependable men. No experience necessary. We assist in selling. Finest fast selling line of necessities everyone - rich and poor - must have. 900 succeed actually to make good living. For details and catalogue FREE — FAMlLEX, 570 St. Clement, MONTREAL and Mrs, the congratulations of a num­ friends on May 24th. The oc- being their fortieth wedding anniversary. A number Of friends and relatives called on them during the afternoon and evening. George Geddes re- Pupils Hear the King’s Speech The pupils of the Exeter H. S. and some of the higher rooms in the P. S. had the opportunity of hearing the address of King George VI at the unveiling of Canada’s War Mem­ orial at Ottawa and also of hear­ ing some of the highlights of the Toronto reception and also of hear ing the address of the Queen bver the radio when Public School Prin­ cipal J. B. Creech parked his car near the building and the addresses were heard by means of the radio he has in parked escape his car. The scholars Were in the windows on the fire- and surrounded the car. Farm Purchased No matter what the sages say, When life is rough and full bumps. There’s nothing that can smooth the way, Like holding hands when hearts are trumps. , o£ Mr. Frank parsons, who has been renting his brother Roy’s farm in Us- borne township has purchased the farm of Mr. Andrew Moir. The farm is equipped with hydro. Mr, Parsons will move to the new home in the fall. Re will operate both farms this summer.