HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-05-18, Page 5*** I THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1030 HENSALL * I J • il I i •Ji i I >n 1 » I ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Daniels had motored to Brantford to visit ovex* the week­ end, having lived there for a num­ ber of years prior to moving to Hen- sail. Arnold Circle Honor Bride-Elect A very pleasant evening was spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) Young when the members of the Ar­ nold Circle held a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Walker, bride-elect of this The early part of the evening was spent in games after which the bride-elect was showered with mis­ cellaneous gifts, After opening the gifts Miss Walkei' made a very fit­ ting reply. A very dainty lunch was served from a table decorated in pink and white with pink and white streamers extending from the chan- NEW & OLD TIME DANCE in CENTRALIA HALL on FRIDAY, MAY 19th, 1939 McNICOL’S ORCHESTRA Admission 25c CREDITON Don’t miss the big Furniture sale at Hopper’s Furniture store. Miss Beaver, end at Miss visited parents Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haist. Mr. w. IL Wood, of Toronto vis­ ited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Rev. and Mrs. Pletch, of Pem­ broke; Rev. and Mrs. E. Pletch, of Stratford, visited at the Evangelical Parsonage last week. Reeves Chester Mawhinney, W. D. Sanders, of Exeter, Hetherington, or Wingham; N. Trewartha, of Clinton; Deputy-Reeve Brown of Goderich; Ex-Warden Haacke, of Goderich Tp., were in Toronto on Tuesday in con­ nection with the equalisation of Huron County. A Father and Son and a Mother and Daughter Banquet will be held Wednesday evening, May 31st in the Sunday School auditorium of the Evangelical Church, sponsored by the Dorcas and C. I, C. classes. A splendid program is being arranged. Rev. E. Burns, of Milverton, a form­er pastor will be the guest speaker. A special Mothers’ Day program was given at the Evangelical Sunday School last Sunday. Vocal duets by Aldona Wuerth and Verna Wein, a reading by Elsie Gaisex* and a solo by Chas. Hoffman, The guest speak­ er was Miss Emily Desjardine, of Grand Bend, who spoke on “The Duties of Mother.” She gave some very practical illustrations and di­vided her address in three parts; first, the mother should give her children a sound mind and healthy body; second, a good education; third, a happy home. Miss Desjardine favorably impressed the Sunday School with her interesting and in­ spiring effort. Recognitions were given Mrs. G, Finkbeiner, the oldest mother present and Bernard Brown the oldest father. Joyce Elaine Hoff­ man was presented with a testament for being the youngest babe present. Mrs. Emmery Fahrner and Mr. Clayton Sims were taken to St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, and both underwent serious operations. We hope to hear that they are getting along as well as can be expected. Prize winners at the sugar drew on Saturday night were: William Morlock 50 lbs.; Lome Finkbeiner, 25 pounds; Win, Roeszler 15 pounds and Wilfred Hogan 10 pounds. Mothers’ Day in the United Church ■Mothers’ Day was very fittingly observed in the United Church Sun­ day morning. A large crowd filled the church auditorium and the ser­ vice was led by the pastor Rev. D. Gladman and the Superintendent of the Sunday School, Mr. H. Mitchell. The theme of the program was “The Glory of the Nation” and the songs and exercises by the children were exceptionally well given. The choir composed of the mothers of the con­ gregation rendered A selection with Mrs. Ross Taylor and .Mrs. M. Telfer taking the duet and Mrs. Garfield Hill taking the solo par-|, A very ap­ propriate duet was also sung by Mrs. A. Baker and Mrs. L. Schwartz. A baptismal service was held when six children were baptized by the pastor and Rev. Mr. Pletch, pastor of the Evangelical Church was present and officiated at the baptismal service of little Anna Margaret Gladman, in­ fant daughter of Rev, and Mrs. D. J. Gladman. IT’S COMING! i The American Style Orchestra ! SINGING TRIO TRUMPETERS TROMBONES FRENCH HORNS SMARTEST — GAYEST ASSEMBLY EVER! TIP TIPPING and his Cascade Rythm Orchestra WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th CENTRALIA Hopper's Furniture tgale positively ends May 27, so do your shopping early. We deliver any distance. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Neil and son, of Bad Axe, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Neil. Miss Gwen. Hicks, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks.. Fred and Scotty Raynham, Arthur Field, Bill Elliott and Jim Cook left on Thursday of last week for New York to attend the World’s Fair. Mrs. Lome Hicks and Miss Wilda Pollock R.N., of Kitchener, return­ ed on Saturday evening after spend­ ing a week in Rochester N. Y. ;Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith, spent the week-end with relatives in Tor­ onto, Bunday visitors with Mr. Arthur Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and Teddy, Mrs. Julia Scan- drett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Proc­ ter and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry, of Har­ riston and Mr. Donald Hicks, Clin­ ton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs, R. Smith and Mar­ lene and Miss Alice Adamack, of Exeter-visited • on Sunday with the latter’s parents near Thorndale. Mr. Ed. Willert, who has been ill for sometime is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mugan, of don, were Sunday visitors C. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman ily moved on Monday of to Goderich, Mr. Thos. Smith will run the chopping mill for Mr. Hart­ man. Misses Dorothy and Mildred Hicks of London, spent the week-end with their mother Mrs. B. Hicks. Mr. W. T. Colwill is in New York this week on business. Mothers’ Day Service Mothers’ Day Service in on Sunday morning was by a large congregation. The was decorated with plants vis- the Miss Mary Little, of London, ited at her week-end. Mr. Fred ill for the glowly improving. Miss Lauretta Bell, of London vis­ ited over the week-end at her home on Highway No. 4. Mr. Mervyn Ryckman, of Toron­ to visited last week with his sister Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. M.r berg, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Kate Cantelon, Miss Lettie Love, of spent the week-end at the her parents Mr. and Mrs. Love. Miss Clarissa Mitchell word this w eek of the death of her aunt Mrs. Foster, aged 95, of Byron, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and family, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Moir. Mr. and Mrs. Herring ter, of London, visited with Mrs, Herring's mother Mrs. Little. Miss Jean Bonthron, of visited on Saturday at the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonthron. Miss- Dorothy McQueen, don, visited over the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mc­ Queen. Mr. Homer Tinney, who had his tonsils removed at the office of Dr. D. G. Steer last week out again. Mr. and Mrs. John son Ross Mr. and Dashwood, Mrs. J. home after a with her mother Mrs. Yourigblutt, in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, of Blen­ heim, visited last week with the lat­ ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonell. Mrs. Walks has purchased the house and lot of the estate of the late Mrs. Ellen Moir and will move into the same shortly. Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, of London, visited on Sunday with the former's mother Mrs. Wm. Coleman and aunt Miss Annie E. Consitt. Visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer on Sunday were the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steer son and daughter, of Mt. Brydges, and Mrs. Steer’s mother Mrs. Brazier and son and daughter, of London. Miss Doreen Farquhar, who has held the position of bookkeeper with Bonthron & Drysdale, for the .past ten years has resigned her posi­ tion, which will be filled by Mr. Bob Drysdale. Miss Farquhar is a popu­ lar bride-elect of this month. Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Stowell, and Miss Marguerite Drysdale, of Stat- tler, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale left on Sunday on a two week’s trip to New York to the World’s Fair travelling by way of Toronto, Kingston and Quebec. Rev W. A. Young conducted both services liver in g Baptism morning lightful End of the Way.” The choir two beautiful anthems, soloist Mr. Young. Shower for Bride-Elect A number of the former neighbors and friends from Tuckersmith gath­ ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker on Tuesday evening in honor of their daughter Helen, bride­ elect of this week. A social time was spent and the bride-elect was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. A dainty lunch was served. Injured in Accident in Brantford While visiting in Brantford on Saturday, Mr. William Daniels was knocked down by a truck driven by Mr. Gales Suddaby, on Colborne St. at the junction with Brant Ave., and suffered a fracture of the left hip. He was removed to the hospital. home here Corbett, who past several ever has been weeks is Helen week. Cafeteria Lunch Ferris Cantelon, of Schom- Toronto, home of William k received Mrs. Peter and daugh- on Sunday London, home of J. W. of Lon- is able to be Corbett and 'Sunday withvisited on Mrs. Albert Morenz, at W. Bonthron returned very pleasant visit at Carmel Presbyterian de- very inspiring addresses, service was held in the and Mrs. Young sang a de­ solo “When I Get to the sang Rev. bn Imported Percheron Stallion DUSSOTOY (Imp.) (12930) (170258) Enrollment No. 2339. Form Dussotoy will be routed by trail­ er this season. For route and terms see J. IRA MOIR, phone 171r2 Exeter tfc 3 Helen Teller and Miss Edna of London, spent the week- their respective homes. Gertrude Haist, of Goderich, over the week-end with her WOODHAM ANNIVERSARY SUPPER Anniversary Services of Woodham United Sunday School will be held SUNDAY, MAY 21,st, 1939 i at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. conducted by Rev. Keith Love, R,A«S R.D., KintoreI Special music by the school assisted ; by the orchestra, Supper and Enter- [ May 24. Supper will be served at the Orange Hall from 5,30 followed by a pro­ gram consisting of a play “The Red- Headed Step-Ohjld” presented by the young peopFe of Woodham. Adm.: Adults 30c.; Children 25c. Rev. A. Laing, Pastor Milton Cooper, Superintendent deliers to the corners of the table. a? and a very enjoyable time was spent in a social hour. Presentation to Bride-Elect A very pleasent evening was spent Friday at the home of Mrs, (Dr.) D. G. Steer when about twenty girl friends gathered in honor of Miss Doreen Farquhar bride-elect of the evening was spent in playing court whist after which Mrs. Harman and Mrs. 'Claude presented Miss Farquhar with table mirror and bridge lamp. Miss Farquhar made a very fitting reply The guests were then invited to the dining room and a very dainty lunch was served from a table decorated in pink and blue trimmings and centred with a huge basket of snap­ dragons, pink candles and bud vases of forget-me-nots and bleeding heart. A social hour was spent and very enjoyable time was had by all present. Kitchen Shower for Bride-Elect About seventeen girl friends ga­ thered at the home of Misses Bar­ bara and Margaret Shepherd on Friday evening and honored Miss Helen Walker, bride-elect with a kitchen shower. The early part of the evening was spent in games and contests and a dainty lunch was served by Misses Edija Saundercock, Nellie (Fee, Barbara' and Margaret Shepherd. After lunch Miss Goldie Cross played the wedding march for a mock wedding with Miss Nellie Fee as bride, Miss Norma Cook groom and Miss Pearl Harpole, the minister. Several piano selections were played by the girls and the bride-elect Miss Helen Walker was escorted to a decorated chair by Miss Edna Saundercock and present­ ed with a beautiful decorated basket of gifts. Miss Walker thanked all with a few well chosen words and all joined in singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” j Ladies’ Aid Hold Interesting Meeting The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel church was held on Tuesday evening with Mrs. Robert Cameron presiding. After singing a hymn Mrs. Young led in prayer, j then conducted a sing song accomp- The minutes of the previous meeting anied by Miss Irene Hoggarth on the were read and adopted and the busi- [piano. Miss Alice Pfaff proposed a ness discussed. Mrs. Manson's group presented the following program: A musical selection by Margaret and Jean Love which was very much en­ joyed. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell con­ ducted a spelling match, followed by a Quiz contest conducted by Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren, A balloon con- i test was very much enjoyed, were given foi’ each. A very lunch was served. Mothers’ Day Services Held Local Churches ■Special Mothers’ Day Services were held in the local churches on zSunday, In the United church a special program was followed, very appropriate for the occasion. Sunday church Messrs. Forrest number sang a Queen read a very interesting story of the “Golden Room.” There was six baptisms at the morning service and Rev. Mr. Brook delivered very appropriate sermons at both ser­ vices. The choii’ sareg two beauti­ ful anthems. Funeral of the Late Andrew Boa The funeral of the late Andrew Boa, aged 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boa. was held from the home of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smale, on Thursday afternoon conducted by Rev. W. A. Young. The floral tributes were very beauti­ ful showing the esteem with which the young man was held. The pall­ bearers were four cousins of the de­ ceased, Roy Williams, Thomas and Howard Smale and Lloyd MacDpn- ald and Otto Stephan. Intdhhfent in MacTaggart’s cemetery.^ .feniwiv- Maynard Blowes a Prizes dainty in the " ’ . The School pupils attended with their teachers and Clarence Smillie and Edison assisted Rev. Mr. Brook. A of Sunday School pupils chorus and Miss Elva Mc- ES i I At Regular Prices ‘ Men 50c; Women 35c;, Danping Free LAKEVIEW CASINO, Grand Bend Make Them This Year Ohr prices are very reasonable for High Quality Chicks. Get your cockerels now for early Broilers: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns. Mr. Hogarth Will be glad to help you with any of your poul­ try problems. ELECTRICIAN WOODHAM, ONT. Estimates freely given. Prices Reasonable Agent for the famous PARMAK ELECTRIC FENCES Sold on a money back guarantee Charges up to 30 miles of Fence Phone Kirkton 62-2 a ing are his parents, one sister, Eva, Mrs. Shell, of Detroit and five brothers at home, George, Paul, Jack, Alex and Mac. Among those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mrs. Shell, of De­ troit; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Boa, of Norpvich and Mrs, Brightmore, of London. The sympathy of the com­ munity is extended to the bereaved family. Arnold Circle Hold Mother and Daughter Banquet About seventy guests and mem­ bers of the Arnold Circle attended the Mother and Daughter Banquet held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Monday evening. After partak­ ing of the delicious supper prepared by the members of the Arnold Circle Mrs. Roy Bell, president, act­ ed as toastmistress and made a very appropriate speech, welcoming the mothers and guests. Mrs. Young 1 toast to King George and Queen I Elizabeth which was responded to by singing God Save the King. Miss Beryle Pfaff proposed the toast to Mothers, which was responded to by Mrs. Young. conducted a Quiz this Mrs. Andrew Margaret Dougall played a delight­ ful piano duet. Miss Ruth Young gave a reading entitled “Miss Anna­ belle McCarthy.” A quartette com­ prising Misses Mabel Workman, Irene Hoggarth, Emalie Hoskins and Margaret Sangster sang “My Moth­ er’s Prayers Shall Follow Me,” Mrs. Young accompanied on the piano. The offering was received and Mrs. Bell introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. G. M. Young, of Lucknow, who gave an excellent address on “Chang­ ing Places.” Miss Margaret Doug­ all favored with a vocal solo “God Save the King” was' sung. Mrs. Bell then contest, following Dougall and Miss KIRKTON out and ■with Lon- Mrs. fam-and this week the at- The church tended church and spring flowers and presented a very attractive appearance. Special music was provided by the choir. Mr. Donald Blair led the service The story “The Room of Gold” was told by Clifford Hicks. A dramatization of the address was very ably present­ ed by Mr. Arthur Hastewell and his Sunday School class. The Mothers' Day address was given by Rev. Fal­ conbridge. A baptismal service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Falconbridge and one baby was baptized. DASHWOOD Dr,W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs, .Huron spent the week-end the latter's mother Mrs. Jas. Smith Shirley, of Windsor and Mr. J. KHIVA and Mrs. Albert Cook andMr. Mr. Joe Kenney, of Detroit, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Mc­ Cann. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clarke were: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurm and family, of Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beaver and baby, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baker, of the Lake Road, spent Sunday the latter’s parents Mr. and Wm. Mason, purpose in their lives. with Mrs. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Mousseau, of Kippen and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull on Sunday.Mr. James Denomme, of Drysdale has rented Mr. John Mousseau’s barber shop and has opened up for business.Mr. and Mrs, McNall, of Blyth, are visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig.Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mollard, park­ hill, Visited Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mol­ lard on Sunday.The Scott family, of Sarnia, were visitors with Mr. and- Mrs. William Patterson over the week-end. ' The fishermen have their nets in and are getting some fine fish. * Mr. BruOe Edglbson is all smiles. A baby girl has come to Stay.The prayer services at the differ­ ent homes’ are attracting good crowds and the new help is assisting in car­ rying them on. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson Visit­ ed at Granton bn Monday. Studios, Tables of all kinds, Oc­ casional Chairs, Mirrors and Lamps, all specially priced at Hopper’s Furniture ifiale* Don’t miss the big Furniture Sale at Hopper’s Furniture Store. Mrs, N. Goulding called on friends in the village and also at her farm home Saturday. 'Miss Irene McKenzie, of Pt. Elgin, spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. James Preebles, of Anderson, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford and fam­ ily, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazelwood, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. Walter Hazelwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. Parish, of Avon- ton, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Switzer. Kirkton Boys Heard on the Air Those tuned in on CFIPL London, Wednesday evening heard these tal­ ented young men in the persons of Wm. Switzer, Gerald and Leon Paul, These boys carried off first prize on the Ken Soble Amateur program last winter and are again to be congrat­ ulated on their very fine work. Mothers’ Day Observed in S. S. On Sunday morning the special Mothers’ Day program was followed led by the Superintendent Mr. C. Routly. Appropriate readings and music were given by members Of the school and the address was given by Mr. K. B. Clysdale, of St. Marys. The church was decorated with lovely cut flowers. Rev. C. L. Lewis took the evening service and preached a very fine sermon fol’ Mothers’ Day. A ladies’ quartette rendered a very appropriate number at the evening service, Y» I*. U. Hold Special Meeting The Young People’s Union held a very successful meeting Tuesday ev­ ening. The worship service opened with quiet music. Miss Elaine Robin­ son took charge of the meeting. The Scripture was taken by Edwin Tufts. A reading was given by Roxie Doupe and the guest speaker, Rev, G. w. Birtch, B.A., of Tavistock, gave a very fine address. Music by Barbara Kirkby; reading by Marion Kemp and a solo by Thelma Cluff. This xvill be the last time to hear Rev, Mi*. Birtch as he has accepted a position in the Foreign Mission Field in West China. Burns, of Port witn Mrs. Witzel. and daughter ____ _____ _ 2 . and Mrs. Bill Miller and son Billie, of Detroit, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada.Rev. John Oestricher, of Rosen- dahl, who attended the General Con­ ference in Kitchener last week spent a few days with his fathr Mr. G, Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce, Mr. J. Snider, Misses Reta and Grace Hay­ ter, of Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter over the week-end.Mr. and Mrs. E. Edighoffer and daughter of the West, are visiting with her sister Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc- Mr. Wm. Schroeder and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Hintz, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hamacher, who continues very ill. Mr. Schroed­ er, who has been attending her ther for a few weeks will stay a weeks longer.Mr. J. Mose, of Ripley, Mr. Mrs. Carl Hueston, Beatrice Madge, of Bayfield visited with mo- few and and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter and family on Sunday. of Cromarty, her daughter observed in the THAMES ROAD Reception The young people of the commun­ ity arranged a social evening and dance at Farquhar Hall on Thurs­ day evening when they honored and presented Mr. and Mrs. Lome Allen (nee Jean Ballantyne) with a day couch. Dancing was enjoyed with lunch served at midnight. Mrs. O, Walker, spent Sunday with Mrs, Parker, Mothers’ Day was Sunday School and Church service on Sunday morning. Miss Helen Selves gave the story of ’The City of Gold’ Four teen age boys gave the drama undex* the leadership of Mr. Aimer Stewart, with Masters Edwin Miller, R. Bollings, Glen Stewart, John Kreitz taking part. The sacrament of baptism was carried but during the service, the children baptised being the little daughter of Mr. and •Mrs. Alvin Cottle; Mr, and Mrs. A. Etherington’s son, Mr. and Mrs. C. Allison's daughter and )Mx*. And Mrs. Otville Beavers’ son. The choir sung A suitable number with Miss Anne Morgan taking part. An instructive address was given by the pastor who closed the service by singing that fine bld hymn “My Mother’s Prayer.’ Boxer: “Have I dene Tm any damage?” Disgusted Second: “No; but keep on swingin’ your arms about. The draught might give ’im a cold.” Old Time Dance KIPPEN FRIDAY, MAY 19th FRANK KENNY AND HIS HOOZER HOT-SHOTS Featuring the Gelinos Sisters Admission 25c O<1 a.nd' Exe- Mad- and Sunday Mr. and MOUNT CARMEL Don’t miss the big Furniture Sale at Hopper’s Furniture Store, Mr. and Mrs. H. Overholt, spent Sunday at the home of the latter’s mother, Mrs. D. Mahoney. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bedard, Zurich, spent Sunday with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Morrissey. Mr. F. Couhlin returned home on Monday after a short business trip. Miss Francis Campbell is employ­ ed at the home of John Hill for the summer. John Hall is all smiles. It’s a boy. Misses Regina McCann, Frances and Marion Mahoney spent Sunday afternoon at Miss H. Reardon’s. Miss .Margaret Eller in gt on Miss Reba Simmons, both of ter, are nursing Mr. Michael den during his recent illness. Miss Catherine Walker and boy friend, of Detroit, are visiting at Mr. S. Morrisons. Miss Veronica Ducharme spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme of Drysdale. Virginia O’Brien was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, . London, where she is to have her tonsils removed. We wish her a speedy recovery. Through the efforts of the men in the parish considerable improve­ ment has been accomplished in the appearance of the church grounds this week, particularly that in front of the cemetery. This provide a good parking near future. Mr. Parry Thompson day in London. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Eli Thompson is recovering from her recent illness. Mr. Matthew Doyle, London, was a visitor in this locality on Monday. .Mr. A. Hartman has taken a re­ newed interest in farming since win ning a fine general .purpose recently. ground will space in the spent Tues- horse the doc- CLANDEBOYE Hopper’s Furniture (Sale positively ends May >27, so do your shopping early. We deliyer any distance. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brook family, of London, spent with the former’s parents, Mrs. T. Brook. Mrs. Eli Carter is under tor’s care. We hope for a speedy re­ covery. Miss Inez Hendrie is visiting with Mrs. G. Gilbert, of Denfield. Miss Blanche Robinson spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson, Ailsa Craig. Mr. Arnold Morgan, of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with Simpson. Mr. Len Powell, the week-end with Ansley Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson ana Marion spent Monday in London. A number of farmers around this locality are busy sowing sugar beets. of London, spent his mother Mrs. CREDITON EAST Out goes oui’ Dining Room Furni­ ture, at prices you can afford to pay.—'Hopper’s Furniture Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son Barry, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. Jack Anderson, of London, spent the weekend at his home here. .Mrs. Wilson Anderson and Mrs. J. Morley, Mr. Jim Morley and; Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Exeter, visited Sunday with their sister Mrs. H. Mitchell, who is ill in the Hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Merner and daughter and Mr. Sam Lawson spent iSunday in Alvinston. Mrs. Wm. Snell, of Exeter is vis­ iting her daughter Mrs. Elmer Kel­ lar. Miss Dora Gianville, of Toronto, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gianville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz. H WHALEN Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hodgins vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Squire. Misses Marjorie Parkinson is spending a few days with Mrs. Nor­ man Docking, of Munroe. Miss J. Finlayson, spent the week­ end with her parents at Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Catherine Morley, week-end visitors this community. Miss Mabel Elliott, of London and Miss Jean Morley, of Lucan, visited on Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Andei-son, of Thames Road, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Squire. Hayes and Miss of Brantford, were with relatives in Big Opening Dance... SPRUCE GROVE on No. 4 Highway - 3 miles south of Exeter near Centralia To BERNIE COULTER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Tuesday, May 23rd and every Tuesday and Friday 9 pm. to ?? Dancing 5c Sponsored by B. H. Coulter CREAM Cream will be received at the Exeter Creamery on Saturday Nights beginning Saturday, May 13th, 1939 Exeter Creamery Co., Ltd. Round Trip Bargain Fares MAY 26th and 27th from EXETER to TORONTO Also’ to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Strat­ ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. To Stations OshaWa and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboto, Campbellford, Newmarket, Colling­ wood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, CapreOl and West to Beardmore. Ii'er Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult Nearest Agent See handbills for cothpiete list of destinations T 146A CANADIAN NATIONAL .. ■*......------------------------------->