HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-05-11, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THLHSOAY, MAY Utb, l»3t> Coming to Hensall C. R. Wilkinson, R.O. \ Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOOPWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment specially recommended to HENSALL Mrs, W. R. Davidson is visiting with relatives in Wingham. Miss Doreen Farquhar spent a few days in Toronto last week. Rev. W. A. Young was in Clinton on Tuesday attending^ Presbytery. Mrs. Wm. Dabus spent the week­ end visiting with relatives in Lon­ don. Mr. John Swan, of London, visited over the weekend with his father Mr. Alex Swan. Miss Kay Drysdale, of London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents.Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMillan vis­ited with friends in Hanover and Durham on .Sunday.Miss Margaret Hobkirk, of Detroit spent a few days here last week -vis­ iting relatives and friends. Miss Violet Schwalm, of ,S>t. Thom­as visited on Saturday with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Miss Helen Moir visited for a few days this week at the home of her sister. Mrs. Oscar Tuckey near Exe­ ter.Rev. Andrew Boa, of Norwich, visited last week with his sister Mrs. Geo. Smale and brother Mr. Wm. Boa.Dr. D. G. Steer is having some improvements made and some in­terior decorating done to his dwell­ ing on King street.Miss Marguerite Drysdale, Stettler, Alta., gave a very interesting dress to the Mission Band in United church on Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink and Billy visited on Sunday with former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Fink in Hanover.Mr. Harold Bonthron left Sunday for Toronto - where he will attend the Embalming 'School for several weeks.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gram, Lans-1 ing, Mich., visited over the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gram. ■ |Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and dau-1 ghter Shela and Mrs. Brandy, of Delhi, visited on Sunday at the home of the former's mother Mrs. Wm. Pfaff. „-Mrs. Brazier, Miss Dorothy and Mr. Jack Brazier and friend of Lon­ don visited on Saturday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer. Bev. Mr. Wright, of Brucefield, conducted the services in the United Church on Sunday. A Sacrament of Baptism will be held next Sunday, Mothers’ Day at the morning service. Mrs. Everett Fletcher, who has been visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Fink returned to- her home in Moorefield on Sunday. 'Rev. W. A. Young conducted both services in Carmel Church Sunday. A Sacrament of Baptism will be held on Sunday, Mothers’ Day, at the morning service.Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster attended the funeral of the latter’s sister in London on Tuesday. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Foster in her bereavement.Mr. Howard Hemphill, of Toron­to, visited last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, who have returned from an extend­ ed trip to Florida.xMr. and Mrs. Otis Minor and their daughter Joanne, of Port Huron vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'MacLaren and Mr. and Mrs. F. Corbett. Quite a number of pupils from Hensall School and the surrounding schools attended the annual Musical Festival held in James Street church Exeter on Friday evening and Sat­ urday.Mr. A. L. Case C.N.R. station agent, who has been confined to his home for the past couple of weeks with influenza is able to be out again Mr. W. C. Thompson relieving agent returned to Clinton.Mr. Robert Drysdale, who has been employed with Silverwoods in London for the past several months has accepted a position with Bon- thron & Drysdale and commenced his duties here on Monday.Miss Kilpatrick, assistant teacher of the Continuation School, who has been confined to her re— '”“hScarlet Fever, is improving ent’s "in 'strathroy on Sunday. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston were Mr.E. McrrL?*’, of Clinton and that lady’s sister Mrs. Johnston of Drayton. Mr. Joseph Hood, of Kippen was another welcome visitor. The Eckardt Bros. Swiss Bell Ringers presented a Musical Review in the Town Hall here on Tuesday evening. This was an outstanding musical attraction. and the stage Robert Drysdale, who ad- the son the Hy. London for the past several months thron”&" Drysdafe and commenced his duties here on Monday.Miss Kilpatrick, assistant teacher of the Continuation School, who has been confined to her* room with IL. —, L and was able to go to the home of her par­ent’s in Strathroy on Sunday.Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison, of Clinton LEFT THE ARMY WITH RHEUMATISM setting and lighting £>£fect§ were very beautiful. „We are pleased to welcome to our .town<Mr. W- J- Jones, father of Mr. Arthur Jones, who will make his home with his. son. As a member of the Hensall village Council he will Still be interested in the welfare of ■that village, where he will serve un­ til the end of the year.The annual meeting, of the Hen­ sail Senior Institute wil be held at the home of Mrs. G. M. Case Wed­ nesday evening May 17 th at 3 P-®- voiuie; The roll call will be answered by the > * payment of fees, This will be a so- f cial meeting featuring Prof. Quizz and all members are aBked to bp present. Visitors are welcome. Mr. and Mrs, Roy W- Stowell and Miss Marguerite Diysdale, of Stet­tler, Alberta, arrived here by motor on Friday and will visit for some time with Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Drys­dale and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mac- Laren. IMr. Stowell is manager of the Royal Bank at Stettler and Mrs. ■Stowell is a sister of Mrs. W. A. MacLaren and Mr, G. M, Drysdale,The Public and Continuation Schools reopened here this week af­ ter being closed for several days ow­ing to the outbreak of Scarlet Fever, Miss .Plumbsteel, of Clinton, is sup­ plying for Miss Kilpatrick, teacher at the Continuation School, who is confined to her room with Scarlet Fever. • Mr. Geo. Smale, who has been employed as teamster at Mr, Thos. Welsh’s saw-mill for thg past num­ber of years, has given up employ­ment with- Mr. Welsh in order that he may take charge of the apiary of the late Mr. Paul Boa. Mr- Welsh presented Mr. Snrale with a handsome chair in appreciation of his faithful services during the years he was employed by him. Mission Cii’cle Meet The Mission Circle of the United Church held their regular meeting at the home of Miss Irene Douglas on 'Friday evening with a very good attendance. Refreshments were serv­ed and Miss Goldie Cross presided over the meeting. The Scripture was read by Miss Mary Goodwin and Miss Norma Cook led in prayer. A Missionary story was read by Miss Gladys Passmore which was very in­ teresting. Mise Irene Douglas gave the topic On “Mission Work in Southern Saskatchewan.” Pool Room To Be Opened Here Mr. E. Doerr and Mr. E. Jonas, of Blyth, are opening a pool room in the vacant store beside the Bank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. . Doerr and family have moved into the aipartment of Mr. T. C. Joynt. They were former residents of Hensall, having lived here a few years ago in Mrs. Agnes McDonald’s house. Mr. F. W. Gladman, Barrister and Solicitor, who has had his office . in the rear of this store has moved 1 chair, to the rear of Mr. W. O. Goodwin’s opening, prayer, store.’ H,r ------- - Young People’s Union Meets _ ____ The regular devotional meeting of with a solo by Mrs. M. Tiernan. In tbw TL—.,o T x-LL U-L" h?’'* L; ----—x *'r—in" the “united"" Church on Monday H. E. RoppeL I I Now Fit to Join Again Twenty years ago, he left the .army, constipated and rheumatic. To-day, he is ‘fit and nimhle — a merry romping grandad,, 61 years’ I “I came out of the army with rheumatism,” he writes. “It was es­ pecially bad in my feet. I started taking Kruschen Salts, and in a few months I found relief from my rheu­ matism. I became nimble on my feet. Now at 61 —- weighing 168 cheerful, energetic, and ready to play with my ren.” —F.E.B. Many people grow old their time because they vital need of health internal cleanliness. Eventually, they adopt the healthy Kruschen habit. Then,'probably for the first in their lives, they start getting rid every day of waste material from the sys­ tem. The' result is renewed health and vigour. Ailments due to a clog­ ged system vanish, youth returns, and life become^ really worth liv­ ing. - I am always grandchild- long before neglect one the need for DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. Mrs. Jones, of Russel Point, O., spent the week-end with relatives.Miss Kathleen Merner is spending a few weeks in Detroit.Dashwood Planing Mill which was destroyed by fire some time ago has been rebuilt and is now an up-to-date factory ready for business. Mrs. F. Willert, who spent the winter with her daughter in Michi­ gan has returned home.Miss Helen Luft, who has been in London for some time returned home last week.Quite a number from here attend­ ed Conference in Kitchener Sunday.Elgin Merner is spending a week with friends in Detroit. Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S.The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. held their regular meeting in the church basement with Mrs. W. Wolfe in the Mrs. D. Tieman led in the ___„ pr""", this was followed by responsive reading. The chapter ' in the Study Book was given by Mrs.G. Link. They were then favored _ -- _____- ’i the Young People’s Union was held the absence of the president, Mrs. in the United Church on Monday H. E. Koppel, the vice-president, evening with Miss Gladys Passmore ■ Mrs. D. Tieman took the chair for presiding. The opening hymn .was the business session. The minutes of followed by a prayer by Miss Ruth the previous meeting were read and Brook. The Scripture was read by their adoption was seconded by Mrs. Miss June Saundercock. Mr. Ken- W. Wolfe. The convenor of the neth Hicks presided over the busi-1 Work Committee, ness. IL. -■_____, --Z--Li 27interesting reading and Mr. W. B.ibeen quilted. —o - JLlIglLLl zzlz. -L”"" Mr?. P.. II. T . a Bible contest the meeting closed delegates to the W. M. S, Conven- with the Mizpah-, benediction. W. M. S. Meeting .The W. M. S. of the United church have our Annual Strawberry Social held their regular monthly meeting on june 21st. The 'committee in on Thursday afternoon in the church I charge of the Social are as follows: The opening hymn .was the business session. The minutes oli I.II_ ’■‘LL L_ xr__-___ _—'‘L ----IThe Scripture was read by theii^ adoption was s'ecbnded by Mrs. - ' —............ of the ___ __ ___ _____ j, Mrs. D. Tieman, Mr. Carey Joynt gave a very | reported that three more quilts had xxx^x^vlxxx,__I1..B __I. I.L. 17. 77 L-— „_7LI. Mrs. M. Tieman andCross sang a delightful solo. After Mrs. R. H. Taylor^were appointed I tion^to be held in Stratford. It was moved by Mrs. M. Tieman and sec- : onded by Mrs. W. Wolfe, that we held their regular monthly meeting |on june 21st. ? The 'committee with Mvs. Chas. Mcibonell presiding Mrs.^E. Guenther, convenor; Mrs., in the absence of the president Mrs. I Tieman,'Mrs. J. C. Reid, Mrs. R..: W. b: Cross. After the opening h. Taylor and Mrs. D. Haugh. There* hymn was sung, Mrs. Laffie led in | were 21 sick, visits made during the prayer and the Scripture was read; mOnth. After the roll call and col- by Mrs. Albert Spencer. The min-|iectjon Of fees the meeting was clos- utes of the previous meeting were e(i by repeating the Mizpah benedic- read and adopted and the roll call was called. The business was dis­ cussed and the birthday’ party will be on May 19 th. The speaker to be Mrs. Craw, of MoKillop. Miss Irene Douglas played a beautiful piano in­strumental, after which the offering was received. Miss -■ Margaret Hob­ kirk gave the topic from the StudyBook which was very interesting.! ___o _______________ The meeting, closed with a hymn and pressive and instructive sermon on tinn. the benediction. Hensall’s First Reeve Celebrates Eighty-Fourth Year Mr. Geo. C. Petty, celebrated .his eighty-fourth birthday quietly at ,his home here on Wednesday, with his wife and Dr. Geo. and , Mrs. Smith and family, of St. Marys. Mr. Petty was one of the first, residents of Hensall, and has been in business here ever since the village was in-, corporated. He was the first Reeve of the village, served on the coun-. cil for many years and was County Warden in 1920 and is the only sur­ viving member of the old council. ! Mr. Petty is a Conservative in poli­ tics and is a very valued member of ■St. Paul’s Anglican church. Both Mr. and Mrs. petty are enjoying 1 good health and celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary a few years • ago. They have four daugh-' ters namely (Alice) Mrs. Abbott, of Detroit; (Maude) Mrs. Kennedy, of Winnipeg; (Blanche) Mrs. Lome Scott, Toronto and (Gladys) Mrs. I (.Dr.) Smith, St. Marys. Miss Blanche1 Petty, of Toronto, is a sister. CREDITON The many Craditon friends of Miss Marguerite Amy who has for some ti.au been nurse-in-training at the Victoria Hospital, London, will be J 4*v+**v <jA. pleased to learn that she has grad-1 London, were ^tth-end guests with uc^d and has been awarded the co-11. N. Marshall, veted degree of “R. N.” Miss Amyl - -...■ - ........... j*. been practicing her profession, attending Mrs. Charles Zwicker. The fe*.Uuation, which took place last Friday at the Western University VV...X attended by Mrs. Emmery Fahr- ner, Mrs, Roy Ratz, Mrs. Gordon Morlock, Mr. and Mrs. Amy and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Clark, of De­troit, v-3ited a few days in the viL la,ge. Urs. F, W. Clarke returned with them and will visit her sister in Marretta, Ohio. Miss Pearl Haist and Mrs. Neer- garth, of Ann Arbor, Mich., have been visiting their mother, Mrs. M. Haist, who has been very ill. Arrangements are being made to have a place reserved in London for the school children of Crediton on June 7th where they will have the opportunity of seeing Their Majes­ties, Kink Geor|ge VI and Queen Elizabeth. •Rev, and Mrs. F. M, Faist, Ches- ley, visited a few days with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Faist. Quite a number attended the Con­ ference at Kitchener last Sunday. A missionary program was given in the United Church on Sunday School on .May 7th. Miss Helen Fink- beiner gave a reading from the life of a student missionary. Misses P. Hill and Berneice Finkbeiner sang “After the Sunset.” iMrs. Rachel Sims, of Exetei’ is visiting relatives here.'Mr. Erwin Lewis, of London, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mrs. Eli Sims and son Billy are spending a few days in Exeter with Mr) and Mrs. Wm. Wareing.Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn attended the funeral of the former’s sister the late Mrs. Carter, to St. James’ cemetery on Saturday. The sympathy of the community is extended to the brothers and sister.iMr. and Mrs. Chas. .Schroeder have returned home after visiting with friends in Detroit, Birmingham and Saline, Mich.Mr. John Appleton who recently sold his farm near Greenway to Mr. Wm. Bullock has moved back here ■to his former home and recently oc­cupied by Mr. Gordon Merner.Mr. Gordon Merner last week pur­ chased the house owned by Mr. Hy. Trick and has moved in.Mr. Jack Anderson has accepted a position in London and ' "there last Monday. Mission Circle The Crediton Evangelical Circle held its meeting at the home of Jacob Ratz on May 2. ing was opened with the Mrs. Freeman Morlock in The Circle Song was sung followed by prayer, discussed. Mrs. , KIRKTON Mr. Samuel Shier, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with hie sou Mr. Stewart Shier.Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall, of- Quite a number from the village attended the musical festival held at James Street church, Exeter, on Saturday last. We extend congratu­lations to all the pupils from Kirk­ton School. Miss R. Cunningham, of Stratford, is holidaying with Miss Ellen Hazel­wood. Mrs. D. Kemp, of St, Marys, spent the past week with her sister Miss J. Robinon. Young People Entertained Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Lewis enters tained some 30 young married people Friday night. The evening was spent in a singsong, contests and music after which a very dainty lunch was served by the hostess, The report was a good time spent by all. THAMES ROAD Presentation A very pleasant evening was spent Thursday when about thirty young people journeyed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller, a recent bride and groom, of Woodham, where the evening was spent in games and cro- kinole. A happy expression of their good wishes was the gift of a coffee table and reflector. Jim was a pop­ular member in this community. At the close of the evening lunch was served. Mrs. D. Coward was a visitor in London last week. Rev. H. and Mrs. Wright, Bruce­ field, were visitors at the Manse on Friday. Mrs. Sinclair and family and Mrs. Kennedy spent Sunday with their parents.Sacrament service was held Sun­day morning. A large congregation was present when nine young people were taken into full membership. Mrs. John Hodgert sang a fitting Rev. Wm. Mair and Mrs. entitled is number. ... ___ . A. Gardiner sang a duet “'Softly and Tenderly Jesus ing.” CENTRALIA Mr.of Call- Lon- left for / Mission Mr. and Mrs. J. Mugan, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. C. O’Brien.Mrs. Jane Armstrong is visiting with Mrs. J. Brown, of Dashwood. Mrs. Pollock, of Ripley, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks.Mr. Donald Hicks is working at the Clinton Creamery.Miss Margaret Cook spent the week-end in London.Next Sunday will be Mothers’ Day in the Church here with the Rev. Mr. Falconbridge giving the address. The meet­ president, the chair. which Atas ___ ... . Business was discussed. Mrs. .Freeman Morlock was appointed the delegate to the x. ^Vx,WJl Women’s Missionary and Mission . June 2X2nd"’More particulars"later? Circle Convention in Stratford. The: ^>- remainder of the meeting consisted of a hymn, the reading of the Scrip­ ture, a vocal solo?’a reading, a piano instrumental, the’synopsis of a chap­ ter of . the Study Book and a hymn and was in charge of the finance committee, Marguerite Guettinger, Leila Morrey, Nola Faist and Dor­ othy Ratz. Lunch was served and social half.hour spent. SHIPKA a MOUNT CARMEL £ The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held on Thursday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. Mat. Sweit­zer. It was decided to have a Straw­berry Festival on the. evening of j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz attended the graduation at Victoria Hospital on Thursday evening last.On Sunday next Sunday School will be at 10.30 a.m. and preaching service at 7 p.m.I Mothers’ Day services will be held 'May 21st at 10.30 a.m.Last Sunday being Missionary day a paper was given by Miss Dor- ' othy Harlton.i ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer spent I Sunday last in Kitchener attending ■ the Evangelical Conference. The Y. P. S. held their regular 1 meeting on Wednesday evening of • this week at the home of Mr. and Quality Counts tMbst ■cat AnarWnllAlln ■Mi MB Jk M MB MM * *0 James Street United Church, Exeter present the famous duo MacDUFF COPELAND SCOTLAND’S MOST VERSATILE ENTERTAINER Two Hundred Laughs and KENNETH DUFF BRILLIANT LONDON VIOLINIST Scottish Bagpipes Two Hours of Grand Variety THURSDAY, MAY 11th at 8 o’clock Family Ticket $1.00 Children 15cAdmission 25c vin and family, of Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. The Winchelsea Creamery Com­ pany have installed a new boiler the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Prance visited on Sunday with friends at Green­ way. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pyne visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Quite a number from this com­ munity .attended the musical festival held at James Street church Friday evening where all the pupils took their parts well, .credit is due to Mr. Wein in the they were all trained Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke family spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Fred Dobbs , of Saintsbury. Mr. and Mrs. E. Willard, Hensall called on relatives in the community on Sunday. USED CARS Winchelsea Much way and and 1938 Ford V8 De Lux Tudor Sedan, R. & G......................$750 1936 Ford Long Wheelbase stake 2 ton truck, nearly new tires 34 x 7. R. & G., entire satis­ faction or your money bock. 1927 Fordson Tractor with fen­ ders. CHISELHURST The - monthly devotional of the Y. P. U. was held schoolroom of the church ______ evening May 2nd. The meeting open- ed hy singing “More Love to Thee” after which -Rev. R. A. Brook led in Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call lanswered. Russel Fer­ guson, the devotional convenor, then took charge of the remaining part of the program. The Scripture les­ son was read by Frank Young, after which Erla Teffrey gave a chapter from the book “Girls who made meeting in the Tuesday 1929 Fordson Tractor with im­ pulse starter. Several Good Cars from $25 up Sandy Elliot Exeter Phone 64 BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks, White Leghorns • 081c.; Barred Rocks, Brown Leg­ horns, New Hampshire Reds .091c.; White Rocks, Jersey Black Giants .101c.; Heavy Surplus .081.; Light Surplus .07>c.; Heavy Cockerels .06c.; Leghorn Cockerels .02c. Four week old Pullets .30c.; five weeks, 35c. Telephone Granton 38-3. ' -x ' GXAYV *5 d v Ullv LX- XJ~L vz W L UVJ. A • vv AA 11 Uz JL1 U AX C* M kz U Aa. XJ Al 1*J W JA. \J AXA AA 45 A. fow fioni tills neighboihood <it-I Mrs. Hsrix JlQ/rltOH. iGoocl,, followed bv the tonic elvenended the funeral of the late John! Mr. Harry Sheppard and friend . M Brooks which was verv friter- Dignan, of London, on Monday. Mr. Miss Ruth Lamport, spent the week-i Mr' Brooxs wmen was very inter Dignan’s first wife was Miss Doyle, end with Mr. and Mrs. David Hol- esting. Hyhm ‘Upward Ever Upward’ a sister of the late Michael Doyle land, Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. G. was sung and the benediction pro- and former resident of the locality. McNair, Ailsa Craig. nounced. Choir practice for Mothers’nounced. Choir practice for Mothers’ Day was then held followed by a contest directed by Ruby Dalyrmple. Mrs. F. Nichols, of Toronto, and daughter Florence spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kercher. Mrs. Wm. Parsons, who has been sick is somewhat improved at the time of writing. Mr. and Mrs.' Ward Forrest and daughter Anna iGrace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dalrymple. v.The annual convention of the Y. P. U. will be held in Wingham on Monday, May 15th. Miss J. Ven- ner and Miss R. Dalrymple were ap­ pointed delegates' from Chiselhurst to attend the meeting. Mr. John Pepper is wearing a smile these days. It’s a girl! WOODHAM Mr. Wm. Mills, choir leader, is busy preparing the Sunday .School scholars in the service of song for our Anniversary 'Sunday, May 21st.Rev. A. Laing preached a very im- ±,___ ______2 i__i___n,_ _______ -j. | Sunday morning last and the choir ‘L..1-12 .771 a beautiful anthem witli Miss Gertrude Carnm taking the leading parts..Friends of Miss Amanda Shier are sorry to know that she is confined to her bed having slipped and fallen and injured the muscles of her leg' quite severely at the home of her sister Mrs. Spearin in St. Marys on Saturday last. *Mr. Clarence Mills is all smiles these days. It is a baby boy.Miss Olive Thacker, teacher of Revere School spent the week-end at the home of her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and Shirley, of Washington, visited Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone of Kirkton. Mr. Wilbur Wynn and Mrs. Pol­lock motored to London on Sunday last to visit with Mrs. Wynn, who is ill and confined to her bed at the home of a friend.Mr. Fred Doupe visited Mrs. Doupe and little daughter in Victoria Hos­pital, London, on Sunday last.Seeding and housecleaning is order of the day. ; favored with a beautiful anthem 7.77, 7.-' ' " ' ‘‘ 1 ' the leading parts. M.r. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar, Kippen, announce the engagement of their daughter Doreen Wilma, to Walter C. Spencer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer, Hensail, the marriage to .take place the lat­ter part of May. It Is Now Time to Order Your Chicks ■ Make Them This Year i the Mr. Michael Madden suffered a severe heart attack Sunday evening. We are pleased to report his condi­ tion is improved and we sincerely hope to see him out again in the > very near future. I Mrs. James Dalton and son Jim­my spent Tuesday' at the home of her sister Mrs. Napoleon Geromette.' Miss Winnifred Madden, Toronto, is spending a few days with her father Mr. Michael Madden during his illness.Messrs. Janies Bre^n and Madden scent Wednesday of week in Forest.Mrs. Annie Mulligan, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Morrissey. , Miss Elizabeth Miller has taken a position in Zurich. IRev. Father Fogarty attended the funeral of the late Rev. Father Dan- zer in St. Columban on Monday.Mr. Frank Coughlin left on Tues­ day on a business trip to Chicago.We are pleased to report that the local cases of Scarlet Fever are re- covering nicely hoped that the ing is over.At the annual _____„ .Name Society of this parish on Sun­day the following new officers were elected: Alonzo McCann, President; Charles Regier, vice-president and Charles Glavin, secretary-treasurer. Mr. H. Hartman spent Monday of this week in London. ZION Mission Circle will Saturday at the home ren Brock.Mrs. George Earl be held next of Mrs. War- A. H. SWITZER HATCHERY Granton, Ontario ■■■■■■■■■■MBBBBBBBBB'faBMBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB _ spent several days last- week with her daughter Mrs. Norman Brock.The Zion school pupils attended the Musical Festival at James Street Imported Percheron Stallion DUSSOTOY Hogarth Chicks Out prices are very reasonable for High Quality Chicks. .....' - ■ „...................... ' - ... „ . ...... .....■■■x Get your cockerels now for early Broilers: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns* Mr. Hogarth will be glad to help you with any of your poul­ try problems. jJL CROMARTY Mr. Roy MclCullogh, who has been under the doctor’s care is able to be out and around again. Although feel­ ing very weak. A few more who have been laid up with the ‘flu’ are re­ covering. Mr. Ross Houghton is still very weak. The farmers in the vicinity are getting pretty well on the way with the seeding, the weather has been very favorable. The fine barn belonging to Mr. Sam McCurdy was burned to the ground on 'Saturday afternoon. It remains a mystery what caused the fire as it appears it had started in the straw stack. Mr. McCurdy was able to release any stock that- was in the barn at the time, the separator and a number of other implements. Miss Olive 'Spehre is spending a few days in Tdrbnto with friends. Miss Ada Speare, of Seaforth, vis­ ited over the week-end with her fa­ ther Joseph .Speare, preparations are oh the, way for the celebration of an “Old Boys Re­ union” at the Crdmarty School to be held in June. TOhn United Church on Saturday evening, last' Combined services will be held at l Zion church on Sunday owing to Mothers’ Day at 9.45 a.m.I ’’l/F■wd’ UnTmvo zvf TT'vaf’O’i* ‘xttCJ — £ ’ ------. ited on i Harold Miss several I Zion church on ^Sunday owing to i Mrs. Herman Kyle, of Exeter, vis- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hern.Verna Jaques is spending months in St. Marys. ■ (Imp.) (12930) (170258) Enrollment No. 2339. Form 3 Dussotoy will be routed by trail­ er this 'season. For route and terms see WINCHELSEA J. IRA MOIR, phone 171r2 Exeter tfc ■Seeding is almost completed this community. and as there has not | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham, in CUB -------- _____„ _____ ... . , __ __ ___ _____ _______, Of been any new cases reported, it is Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. ’----J_________danger of it spread­ meeting of the Holy BRINSLEY Anniversary services will be in St. Marys Church on Sunday May 14th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 .. Mothers’ Day service is to be ob­served in the United Church Sunday afternoon next at 2 p.m.The ladies of the United Church met in the basement on Wednesday last and quilted two quilts for the missionary bale.Mrs. Herb Sherritt, who has been staying with her, sister, Mrs. George Hodgson, intends moving to Grand Bend in the near future.The farmers are all busy at spring seeding. w ....The Brinsley Mission Circle girls held their May meeting ill the base­ment of the United Church on May 6th. The meeting opened by sing­ing hymn 381 with the president Myrtle Neil presiding followed by prayer. Roll call was answered by the name of a flower. Reta Hodgson read the scripture reading followed by a poem “Early spring.” read by Marion Morley; Jean Webb gave the topic. Gladys Neil favored us with a Song. Keith Scott read a poem ‘Builders.” This part of the meeting was brought to a close by singing hymn 352 followed by the Mizpah benediction, Contest given by Evelyn Twaddle and won by Myrtle Neil. Lunch was served. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Sunday visitors in the village were Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Collier and Grace of Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and Shirley, of Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirkland and Malcolm, of Thames Road, with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman HOrne; Mr. and Mrst George McGa- CREAM held next p.m. Exeter Creamery Co., Ltd Cream will be received at the Exeter Creamery on Saturday Nights beginning Saturday, May 13th, 1939