HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-05-04, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1939 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe Far Mothers’ Day, May 14th give her a Permanent! A Gift that Will East Phone 113 Vera C» Decker, Proprietress Evenings by Appointment AU juveniles under eighteen years of age interested in baseball are ask­ ed to register their name and age with James Bowey. There is every prospect for a juvenile league, and the Bions Club are anxious that Ex­ eter shall enter a team. Exeter Markets. Wheat 58c. Guts 30c. Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Flour $1.95 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Shorts $1.30 Bran $1.40 Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Butter 21-2 4e, Eggs A large 17c. Eggs, A medium 16c. Eggs, B 14c. Eggs, C 13c. Hogs, dressed, $10.79 I i Dressmaking, quilting, fancy oi -plain done reasonably.—Mrs. W. H. Harness, Andrew street. ltp. FOR SALE—9 little pigs 6 weeks old: also Yorkshire boar. George Wright. ltp. SALESMAN WANTED—Live wire to sell Melotte Cream Separators and other lines. Apply Carlyle Dent. 3 87 Central Ave, London. ltp. FOR SALE—2 storey brick house hydro, fire place, barn, stables, hen house, orchard. Will be sold at a bar­ gain for cash. Apply to Mrs. J. Binger. Parkhill. 5-4-2tp. FOR SALE—8 small pigs. Apply to Chester Dunn, Hensail R. R. No. 1 ltp. WANTED—Hens, broilers, phone Fair. 2571 or write J. J. McFarlane, 629 St. James St., London and truck will call. Please state number. 5-2-8tp. Genuine Imported French ROCQUFORT CHEESE FRESH CAUGHT Pickerel Fillets No Bone No Waste Ready for Frying 25c lb. IN THIS DAY OF Conservation, men and wo* men of mental and physical strength wear glasses as much for the preservation of vitality as for the better-, ment of vision. Have Your Eves Examined by C, E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J Rev. Douglas Q. Rill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday schpoi 11 a.m.—Public Worship Sermon; “Concerning Tempation” 7.00 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “Trusting the Word of God’’ JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. IL Goujding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader IFOR SALE—Irish Cobbler pota­ toes. Apply to Harold Kellerman, of Dashwood. 2tc. FOR SALE—The parsonage at Elimville. Persons interested apply to- R. E- Pooley, Winchelsea, Sec’y. of Parsonage Trustee Board. All of­ fers made before May 24, 1939. FOR SALE—1-2, 1-4 and 1-6 h.p. Electric motors or electric refrigera­ tors repaired; also vacuum cleaners repaired and part at lowest prices; car generators repaired and rewound any make. Lome Johnston, Exeter, Ont. 2tc. Thames Road Farmers’ Club are taking orders for hard coal. Prices advance on May 15th and in order to take advantage of the lower price orders must be in by May 15th. Any­ one who cannot take delivery now, more coal will be ordered in June. P. PASSMORE, Secretary. TO RENT—Two hundred acres of land for .pasture. Hay and good farming land. Apply to Andrew Bu­ chanan, Hensall, Ont. 2tc. For Sale—A few bushels of Early Cobbler potatoes, also strawberry and raspberry plants. Apply to W. F._ Abbott, of Exeter. ltp. FOR SALE—Young, fresh Durham and Holstein cow with calf at foot. Apply to E. Lindenfield. ltc POTTED PLANTS — Suitable for sick rooms. 'Spanish Onions and Early Cabbage ready.—L. DAY & SON. FOR SALE — 100 acres, No. 4 Highway, fine buildings, hydro, etc. Fall wheat, plowing completed. At a sacrifice for immediate or fall pos­ session.—iC. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE — A good scantling, frame stable 20x30 ft. all double boarded with tar papei* between with a good loft and with a leanto 10x20 double boarded. Apply to George Mawhinney, phone 800, Crediton. 4-27-3 tp. FOR RENT—Brick house, stable and garage on Carling Street, Silas Stanlake, Hay. Phone 35 r 13 Dashwood. HOME WANTED—I have a client wishing to buy a home in good re­ pair and with modern conveniences Tf you wish to sell, see me at once C. V. Pickard, Exeter, phone 165. Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St, SAVE THE COUPONS NOTICE RE REFUSE On Tuesday of next week the muni­ cipal Council will begin the collection of refuse and continue until the col­ lection has been completed. Citizens will please have refuse piled in suit­ able containers in front of their resi­ dence. BY ORDER Miss Marjorie Pearce, of Toronto, is visiting with her parents for a few days. Mrs. Merton McKelvey, Ingersoll, visited with Miss Allie Handford over the week-end. Miss Lucy Harwood, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollen. Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto, is visiting with her parents Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. Eli Christie, of London, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Miss Hazel Elliott, nurse-in-train­ ing at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hos­ pital, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. Ted B'uswell, who has com­ pleted his first year in chemical en­ gineering at Toronto University,. Is home for the holiday. Mrs. Wm. Coward (nee Isabelle Appleton) who has been seriously ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and son Harry and Harold Foster, Tor­ onto, spent the week-end visiting with Miss Annie Handford. Mrs. Church and two sons Edwin and Marchand, of Otterville, visited with the former’s sister Mrs. C. H. 'Sanders one day last week. Mr. Rd. Coates, who has been con­ fined to his home for a number of weeks, has 'been able to be out around during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant, of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith, of Seaforth, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle. BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cud more’s cement gravel for all ce­ ment work. Approved by engineers. | All grades’of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt service for all concrete jobs. Phone 171r3, Exeter. H. T. Cudmore, R.R, 1, Hen­ sail. 4-13-tfc WANTED — Fox horses and dead animals. Have grass for a number of cattle, jack' Williams, R.R. No. 3, Dashwood, .. , BABY CHICKS A number of brethren from the Exeter I.O.O.F. were at Hensall on Sunday evening attending Divine Worship with the Hensall brethren. The weather has remained cool during the past week. Farmers have been working their land and a warm rain is needed to put it in good con­ dition. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne, of Hensall and Miss Utah Clarke and Mr. Harry Miller, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moussou and Marion, who have been spend­ ing two weeks’ vacation with Mrs. Evelyn Broderick left’Tuesday morn­ ing for their home in St, Catharines. Mr. Thos. Seldon and his mother, Mrs. Veale, of London, England, are visiting with the former’s cousin, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon. Mr. Sel­ don is a solicitor who has been in England for a number of years. Mrs. J. McTaVish and son Gleb spent the weekr-end visiting with her son Gordon, of Shakespeare. Mrs. McTavish had a birthday on Satur­ day and her son motored over tak­ ing his mother back ' with him to celebrate the occasion. Driving an uninsured or partially insured car is like racing a train to I a crossing; you may win, hut the cost is too great if you lose. MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY! Fire Phone 47 Auto ERNEST C. HARVEY Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 « -We’re buying our ELECTRIC RANGE TRADE IN YOUR OLD Electric Week at Exeter Public Utilities, W. J. Beer or E. R. Hopper WUERTH’S SHOE STORE Carries a Full Line of Men’s and Boy’s Shoes, Rubber Boots, Run­ ning Shoes and Scampers — All Kinds of Repairing We feature the method of Invisible Soleing. Prices Moderate A. E. WUERTH NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Every owner of a dog who neg­ lects to obtain a tag and keep It securely fixed on his dog, or Who uses a tag upon a dog other than that for which it was issued shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Ten Dollars. During the months of May, June, July and August in each year, no dog shall be allowed to run at large within the limits of the corporation. 4-27-2tc. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk ....................................................in. n>iiiii lih iwn Four five and six weeks old cock­ erel bargains. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds. (■Grade A 4 weeks 15c., 5 to 6 week^flfc. Extra profit Grade add .01c. SpecJttl Mating add .02c. , ''A1 Twoddic. Chick HatOhhides Limited Fergus, Ontario HEAD FIRST FOR BEAUTY TOMLINSON’S Iks-1 Mr. Russell Snell has moved into the apartments newly fitted up by Mr. E. Lindenfield over the Old post office, the apartment being very comfortable and convenient. Mr. A. R. Tom’llnson is moving into the apartment vacated by Mr, Shell. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Lammie spent the week-end visiting in Windsor and Detroit. While in Windsor they had the pleasure of a trip through the Ford factory and saw the hew Lincoln car which will be used by Their Majesties King George VI and * Queen Elizabeth on their visit to • I Canada. TOOKE & FORSYTHE SHIRTS It pays io buy good shirts. That is why we stock these two good makes. $1.50 to $1,95 SPECIAL SPECIAL Mr, McCrae, of Colonial Dresses, Ltdv will be here Thursday, April 27th, with a full range of Summer Dresses, Come in and select your style and have'it made in your siz;e. MEN’S SUITS AND TOP COATS S Sujfc Tpp Cq£U tJlat are Planning to buy. We believe we have >vhat you want at the price that you are prepared tp pay. Come in and look them over. * STANFIELD SHIRTS AND DRAWERS In a new weave and style that is liked by the younger folk, Per Garment 50c SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY 11 a.m.—Judge Mott, Toronto 7 p.m.—<Rev. W. M. Kiteley, Presi­ dent of the London Conference. The Junior Choir will furnish the music for the day. Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—“Remnants for Religion’’ 3 p. m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“Sacred and Secular” Monday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Meeting .................... TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Fourth Sunday After Trinity 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon • 3 p.m.—Sunday School THE PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one Block North of Creamery) ’ I Friday 4.3 0 p.m.—Children’s Service ! Mrs. Kerr will gave a special illus­ trated message to the children — Bring your children. Friday 8 p.m.—Evangelistic Meeting Services for Sunday, May 7th 10 p.m.-—S. S. and Bible Class 11 p.m.—Devotional Service 8 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Rev. and Mrs. E. Howard will con­ tinue services every night except Monday and Saturday Come an'd enjoy the services with us! Pastor J. T. EDGAR PRICES REDUCED Buy D & H Anthracite Now Act promptly to take advantage of this once-a-year money saving event. D & H is always a guarantee of a more comfortable home at a lower fuel cost. Now, at our special low prices ou can save a substantial amount on next Winter’s heating cost. But don’t put it off. Phone Now. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 .Residence 157 Caven Congregational Circle The regularly monthly meeting of the C.'C.C. was held at the home of Mrs. Hatter Thursday afternoon. The meeting was opened by hymn 399 after which the devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. White followed by hymn 706. The various reports for the month were given and the following new committees were ap­ pointed. Envelope. Mrs. Dow and ’Miss Hatter; Flower, Miss Jeckell, Lunch, Mrs. A. Moir, Mrs. I. Moir, , Mrs. Pilon, Mrs. Dow and Mrs. Ca*n j Program, Mrs. White and Mrs. Clar­ ence Simmons. The June meeting was postponed until the second Tues­ day owing to the visit of the King and Queen. The meeting to be held ■at Mrs. Arthur Mitchell’s. The new business was then discussed, after which a program, followed by lunch. Miss Ruth Fraser is spending this j week in London. INVESTMENTS A SPECIALIZED SERVICE based on the requirements of the Individual Investor LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges Prompt and Efficient Service For further information apply PREMIER SECURITIES LIMITED Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501 W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming, President and Manager Investment Analyst “invest With Confidence” You May Reverse Charged When Placing Orders by Telephone LADIES’ COATS AND DRESSES llaV? so1methinS new to show you and 'we have some very special values in smart styles tnat aie sure to please you, We invite you to look them over. FREE—A BEAUTIFUI/CONGOLEUM RUG TO BE GIVEN AWAY See this Lovely Rug in our window, This Gold.Seal Congoleum Rug is 6 ft, x 9 ft. and will be given to the one guessing the number nearest to that enclosed in envelope. You do not have to 'make a purchase to entitle you to a guess. NEW PATTERNS IN 4 YARD WIDE LINOLEUMS Aiound house cleaning time you will want a New Linoleum. We carry a big stock of 4 yard Linoleums. Bring in the measurements of your room and get our prices. LINOLEUM RUGS AT BIG REDUCTIONS We have been fortunate in securing a number of large Linoleum rugs. This is a discontinued pattern and we can quote you special prices, saving you several dollars a rug. Ask to see them. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS This week you will be in the midst of your house cleaning and will be wanting new curtains. We have thfe biggest assortment we have ever offered in made up curtains or by the yard. Per Yard 20c, 25c, 35c, to 75c WALLPAPERS WALLPAPERS We can supply you with a fine range of papers for kitchens, bedrooms and dining rooms for as little as 10c a roll. These come in plain as well as figured patterns. Also a big range at 15c, 18c, 20c and 25c GROCERY SPECIALS GINGER COOKIES 3 lbs....................25c CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS 1 Large Box ................ l$c 1 Small Box ................ lc TOMATO JUICE 2 cans ..... 16c DAIRY- BUTTER 1 lb. 21c CHICK OATMEAL 7 lbs. for . . . 25c CHOICE JAM Raspberry, Strawberry, Ap­ ple and Plum Large jar . . . 25c SALMON Fancy Cohoe 1 Ib. tin ... . 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 tins.................19c CHOICE CANNED, Wax Beans, Golden Bantam Corn, Tomatoes 2 for..................19c FRESH VEGETABLES AND PINEAPPLES FOR SALE HERE Southcott Bros In FINAL SHIPMENT The final shipment of turnips from Huron and Middlesex Counties for the 19 3 8-39 season left Exeter Sat­ urday bound for the southern Unit­ ed States. This shipment represent­ ed the last of a cro.p of 100,000 bu­ shels shipped from this district to the United States in the past few months. Inspector Charles McPhail of Clinton, who checked the final load earlier in the week said that the export crop in 1939 was the largest in these counties' compara­ tively short' turnip-raising history. Mr. McPhail, who spent the winter in Exeter, has moved back to Clin­ ton. About 7 5 per cent, of the tur­ nips raised this year were waxed in­ dicating that producers stressed quality as well as quantity. Western Ontario tunnip shipments across the border in 1939 will exceed 2000 rail­ road cars and 500 truckloads. James Street Evening Auxiliary About forty members of James Street Evening Auxiliary were pre­ sent on Monday evening for their regular meeting held at the home o| Mrs. Sturgis. The president pre­ sided over the opening exercises and business. Mrs. F. Sharpe led in prayer. It was decided to have a quilting on May 16th. The report of the Presbyterial which was held in Wingham was given by Miss Celia Christie and Mrs. H. C. Carey. A very Interesting letter was read from Mrs. Entichnap, Kincaid, Sask, for the layettes received from the Auxiliary and an acknowledgement from Mrs. John Parsons for birth­ day cards received. It was also de­ cided to have Mrs. Hugh Taylor, of Toronto, who recently returned from attending Madras Conference, as OUr guest in October. Miss Hel­ en Penhale took charge of the pro­ gram. Scripture was read by Mrs, A. Hamilton. Miss May Jones gave a brief talk on Stewardship and fed in prayer. Miss Helen Penhale read an appropriate poem. A vivid des­ cription of the fifth chapter of the ■Study Book was given in a very capable manlier by Mrs. J. H. Jones, Miss Marion Cowen played a delight­ ful instrumental and a lovely quar­ tette was suhg by Miss Heleii Pen- hale, Mrs, M, Cudmoj’e, Mrs. E. Lih- denfield and Mrs. Goulding. Fol­ lowing the close of the meeting lunch was served by Miss Feiihale’S group. Ready Made Suits complete $ 18.0 Suit complete with 2 pair trousers. $24,50 Single and double breasted styles MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW W. W. TAMA N phone si Exeter, ont. D. D, G. M, Bro. M. McKellar, of Seaforth paid his official visit to the Exeter Lodge No. 67 I.O.O.F. Tues­ day evening. He was accompanied by several visitors. The guest of honor delivered a very fine address and .several short speeches were made. At the close refreshments comprising rolls, hot beef and coffee were served. Choir Entertained On Friday evening the Session of Caven Church and their wives enter­ tained the choir at a supper held in the Manse. Rev. D. C. Hill presided and Mrs. Wm. Sillery took charge of the community singing. Mr. Jos. Sen­ ior, for many years leader of the choir, told how the first choir was organized more than sixty years ago, when Mr. Hartley was the minister, and of subsequently developments. Mr. Strang expressed the apprecia­ tion of the Session for the faithful services of the choir and of the pres­ ent leader and organist, MrS. Coch­ rane, who replied briefly. At the con­ clusion of the supper the choir held a practice and the Session met in the study to deal with matters of church business. James Street Y. p. U. The meeting Monday evening was opened by a hymn followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Miss Dorothy Welsh was in the chair and made the an­ nouncements concerning the next meeting. Rev. Penrose, of Elim­ ville, was the guest speaker and he spoke very ably on the topic “Daily Meditations.” The meeting was clos­ ed by singing several hymns and re­ peating the Mizpah benediction. Trivitt Memorial Women’s Auxiliary The Women’s Auxiliary of Trivitt Memorial church met oil Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall. The meeting opened with the singing or hymn 318 followed by the Litany and prayers led by Mrs. Tanton. The secretary called the roll. The minutes Of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. Tanton read ?usilorfc>p?pnt‘ MeTaggart gave the scripture reading. The treasurer K! J**’. 2’ Winer andMiss liUGlm Ststftlsiko thori r&va ya- ports On the W. A. Annual. The meeting closed with the benediction. ’