HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-04-27, Page 4Thursday, april 27th, 1939 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BIRTHS ELLSMERE — At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital, on Monday, April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, Bert Ellsmere, a daughter (Gwynne Diane) THOMSON — At the Women’s Col­ lege Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday April 16th, 1939, to Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Thomson, the gift of a son, (John David Craig.) WRIGHT—At Strathroy Hospital, on April 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Clark.) Wright, a son, (Robert DEATHS Exeter, on Monday, AprilGILL-..In 24th, 1939, Elizabeth Jane Wilcox widow of the late Frank Gill, ag­ ed 80 years. PRO-DGER—In London at his late residence 575 Pall Mall street, London, on Saturday, April 22nd, 19'3 9, William, beloved husband of Martha (Ford) Prodger 68th year. in his BRINSLEY announcement John Ballantyne, of the Road, wishes to announce •gagement of his Jean Elizabeth, to Lome A., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, of Kirk­ ton. The marriage to take the latter part of April. Thames the en- eldest daughter, place CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Clyde Heywood and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald, wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia­ tion for acts of kindness and mes­ sages of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement; also for the beau­ tiful floral tributes and those who loaned their cars. 'Special thanks to Rev. Mr. Copeland who officiated and to all who so kindly helped with the chores at the barn. GARD OF THANKS Mrs. William Essery and the nieces and nephews of the late William Oke wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy extended during Mr. Oke’s illness and in their recent bereave­ ment. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. C. Harness wishes to thank 'those who remembered her with cards, letters and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Louis Schroeder and family wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors .for the kindness shown ..during their recent bereavement; also for those assisting at the church and home. 2 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Eva Stapleton, of Hensall, desires to express her thanks and appreciation to the Exeter Lions Club, who so kindly made it pos­ sible for her four boys to have their tonsils removed at Mrs. R. J. Pat­ terson’s Hospital recently. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elliott and sons Bruce and Tom, of ited with Mr. and Mrs. lard, Mr. and Mrs. Garnett daughter Margaret and of Forest, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Baker visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Norman on Sunday. The first calipers have Mr, and Mrs, Clinger and Chas. Giles have come to the season. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mousseau, of St. Catherines visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Mousseau, Mr. Robert Mousseau’s mother and father, .Mrs,. Noonan, pf Windsor is visit­ ing for a few weeks with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs, Harmon Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holt were call­ ed to Pt. Huron owing to the sick­ ness of Mrs. Holt’s sister, Mrs. Wal­ ter Lumbard, The last report re­ ceived indicates that she is doing fine, Mr. Johnston attended a funeral at Whalen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Statton visit­ ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Statton. Miss Violet Mole, of Exeter, vis­ ited Miss Doris Baker over the week­ end. Mrs. Ed, McPherson is visiting her daughter Mrs. Elgin Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moussea visited Mr. Moussea’s parents on the Water Highway on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Love, don, visited his parents ;Mr. Mrs. Tom Love on Sunday. Be sure and attend the prayer meetings held from week to week, every Wednesday. There will be room made for you. Mr. Shearer Addresses H. & S. Club The Grand Bend Home & School Club held theii’ regular monthly ‘ meetings in the school on Monday evening. Members of the B line club were in attendance as guests. With Miss Hodgins, vice-president in the chair the meeting opened by singing one verse of the Maple Leaf Forever The and was one school fair. song. Miss Greene conducted a Quizz contest. Then Mrs. Stanlake sang a solo. Mr. Shearer as Agricultural Representative for Huron County, then delivered a very able address choosing as his to'Pic “Conservation and Reforestation.” He said of 800,- 000 assessed acres of land in Huron County less than 6 per cent is wood land. He presented reasons why we need more woods and also ways in which the county was trying to en­ courage tree planting. He urged I people to get tree conscious. This should begin with children. After 1 the singing of the National Anthem lunch was served. Sarnia, vis- Abner Moi- Statton and Mrs, Capes, Turnbull returned Mr. and stay foi’ Blue Lon- and minutes were read and approved the business was discussed. It decided to make a donation of dollar as a special prize to the Mrs. Mason led a sing MOUNT CARMEL Spring Cleaning Time Again If you are going to replace that worn out mattress or bed spring this season WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE OUR BEDDING DEPARTMENT WE STOCK MATTRESSES AND SPRINGS TO FIT ANY BED AND AT PRICES TO SUIT YOUR PURSE ♦ ................... ’ ■ ..........................■ • ■ ' ■■■ ■ ’ -• We have never had a better or larger stock of DINING, BEDROOM AND LIVING ROOM FURNITURE TO CHOOSE FROM We have a large stock of LIVING ROOM FURNITURE, IN ALL THE NEWEST DESIGNS AND COLORS, AT VERY MODERATE PRICES We also stock a large assortment of Occasional Chairs, Liv­ ing Room Tables, End Tables, Radio Tables, Desks* Studio Couches, Day Beds, Tri-Lite Lamps, Table Lamps, Cedar Chests and Mirrors E. R. HOPPER’S FURNITURE STORE, EXETER STOCK AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS USED CARS Special this Week on all Coupes 1938 Ford V8 Blue Coupe with heater, small ^mileage. R. & G. money back guarantee only $650 with back $600 AUCTION SALE hasThe undersigned auctioneer been instructed to sell by public auc­ tion being the estate of the late Wm. Oke AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE, STOCK, PttW MENTS & HOUSEHOLD EjFFECTS The undersigneed auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction, on Main Street, EXETER, on FRIDAY, APRIL 2Sth 1939, at 1 o’clock the following; HORSES—Roan gelding, 9 years old; roan gelding, 10 years old; buy mare. CATTLE — Brindle cow, due i» June; Jersey cow, due in June; Hol­ stein cow just freshened; Jersey cow; 5 years old; Jersey cow, fresh; Jersey bull rising two; seven spring calves. IMPLEMENTS—Binder, 2 plows, heavy wagon, light wagon, flat rack, gravel box, stone boat, buggy, sleighs set harrows, 2 scufflers, buggy pole,, scraper, doors, set double harness, single harness, horse collars, sling, . ropes, Delaval cream separator, 15 loads manure, forks, hoes, whiffle- trees, neckyokes, chains, boxes, bar­ rels, pails and other articles too numerous to mention, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 'Cook stove, heater, radio, two tables, two beds/springs, rockers, chairs, cellar stove, onion crates, igas drum, quan­ tity of sealers, pots, pans, dishes, potatoes, Victrola. ‘REAL ESTATE ■— At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the house and lot, frame house, good bank barn, drive shed, on Main Street, Exeter. Sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE 'Chattels, ‘Cash. Real Estate, 10 percent on day of sale with the bal­ ance in 3 0 days. MRS. CLYDE HEYWOOD, Prop. FRANK TAYiLOR, AuctioneerConcession 1, Lot 7, Biddulph Tut, MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1939 at one o’clock sharp the following; HORSES—-Percheron horse rising 4 years; Percheron horse rising 4 years; Percheron horse rising 6 yrs. weighing 1940 lbs. CATTLE—Fat steer; 6 two year old steers; 16 yearlings; Hereford bull. .FURNITURE—4 dressers, 4 bed­ steads, 4 small tables, springs, mat­ tresses, feather ticks, mirror, lino­ leum, new; large arm chair, Victro- la, clocks, electric washing machine, electric stove, tubs, tub stand, chest of drawers; 3 rockers, settee, couch, 2 leather upholstered rockers, 3 arm chairs, two stoves, 2 parlor chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, drop leaf table, rugs, couch, 2 sewing machines, kit­ chen cabinet, curtains, pots, pans, sealers, Ford coupe, Willy’s Knight. TERMS — CASH GEO. HEPBURN, MISS VERA ‘SERY, Executors J W. MORLEY, Solicitor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub-, lice auction at Main Stect, EXETER, on SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1939 at one o’clock the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Two bedroom suites, 2 beds and springs, 2 mattresses, 2 feather ticks, feather mattress, chest of drawers, extens- (ion dining table, 6 chairs, sideboard, 5 small tables, number of pictures, three rocking chairs, reed rocker, couch, arm chair, 2 occasional chairs Singer sewing machine, radio, hall mirror, hall seat, 1 tapestry rug, 2 eomgoleum rugs, 6 kitchen chairs, 'Fuller floor brush and mop, 2 carpet sweepers, 2 good mirrors, 2 coal oil heaters, 1 toilet set, quantity of canned fruit, some sealers, dish­ es, crocks, graniteware and alumina umware, ‘stepladder, tub and board, 8 coal oil cans, demijohn, wheel­ barrow, ladder, washing machine garden tools and other articles too numerous to mention. ! ’REAL ESTATE — Lots number 1938 Ford V8 Grey Coupe * heater. R. & G. money guarantee only ............... 1934 Ford V8 De Lux Coupe. R. & G. money back guarantee only ........................ $340 1933 Ford V8 Coupe. A car you would be proud to own. only ..................................... $295 And Some Special Bargains in j Cheaper Cars 1929 Whippet 4 Cylinder Sedan in real nice condition, only $125 1929 Essex Coach ................. $75 1927 Pontiac Coach, very low mileage and in perfect condi­ tion ...........................................$75 Chevrolet Coach ................. $50 and several good used trucks from $50 up to the 1936, 1937 and 1938 Models ES- . GREENWAY and Mrs. Stewart WebbMr. family, of Dashwood, visited on Sun- | day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Geromette. 1039 and 1040, east side of Main St. Mrs. W.^prest, of Brinsley, spent in the Village of Exeter, according compiled plan 20. On the pro- I perty is a 2 1-2 storey brick house i house in good -repair with furnace ; and bath, a frame 'stable, a igood | well and cistern. I TERMS OF SALE | Chattels, Cash. Real Estate, 10 I per cent, on day of sale with .the bal- . ance in 30 days. I EVA DELBRIDGE & R. WELSH, Attorneys for Ida Rollins, J. W. Morley, Solicitor for Attorneys FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer andMrs. D. Geromette has returned after spending a few days in Hunt­ ington, Ind., visiting her son, Brother Gerrard. Mrs. Brady and Mr. and Mrs. Pitt, of Hamilton, spent the week-end at the home of Miss Kate Carey. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hortham, of Thedford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Geromette. Miss Veronica Ducharme, of Drys­ dale, is working at the home of James Dalton. Mr. Earl Ratz bought a new Pon­ tiac from Hartman’s Garage last week. Mr. James Dalton spent Monday sister, Mrs. Agnes Gilfillan, who in Q0(ierich. .. ’ | we are pleased to report that Mrs. 1938, in Joseph McKeever has recovered from her recent illness. We are also pleased to report that Mrs. M. Regan has recovered from her recent 'Mr. and and young London. Mr. Frank Coughlin spent Tuesday in London. Mr. Michael Madden and his dau­ ghter* Bernadine spent Thursday in Exeter. Mr. George Coughlin received a foot injury on Friday -Of last week. He was helping to tear down the south portion of the church sheds and stepped on a rusty nail which pierced his foot. We are glad to re­ port the injury was not serious and George is able to be around again. Mr. Augustus Morrissey spent Mon­ day in Buffalo this week. Mr. Mor­ rissey shipped cattle for sale on the Buffalo market. IN MEMORIAL ROUTLY — In loving memory of John A. Routly who passed away six years ago May 1st, 1933. Days of sadness still come p’er us, Tears in silence often flow, (For memory ever keeps you near me, Though you died six years ago. Ever remembered by his wife, Min­ nie. Monday with her daughter Mrs. El­ mer Sheppard. Mr. Dean Brown has started saw­ ing logs at his sawmill at Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wellman and Marilyn of Port Huron, spent the week-end with Mrs. A. McIntosh and other friends. Mrs. W. Hicks is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. Gillies and infant son. I 'Messrs. Dawson Woodburn, James Wasylyk and Miss Betty Aitken, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn. Miss Mary McGregor, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor. Word was received here last week of the death of Mr. W. B. Fallis, of | Ontario, California. We extend sym­ pathy to the relatives and friends of Sandy Elliot Exeter. Phone 64 Walter Hill; President,. Mrs. James Dixon; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Er­ win Scott; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Garnet Hodgins; Secretary-Treasur­ er, Mrs. Mac Allison; Assistant Sec­ retary-Treasurer, Marie Boland; Di­ rectors, Mrs. Mac McDonald, Mrs. Erskine, Mrs. Wasnidge; District Director, Mrs. J. L. Amos; Home ‘Economics, Miss Northgraves; Agri­ culture & Canadian Industry,. Mrs, L. Allen;. Education, Mrs. W. Watson Legislation, Mrs. Reg.. Wilson; Health & Child Welfare, Mrs. Mar­ tin Watson; Canadianization, Mrs. Alen Reid; Historical Research, Mrs. W. J. Smith; Relief & Sunshine, Mrs. Patterson, ■ ’Mrs. . Wm. Luther, and Mrs. Thos. Lee; Community Ac­ tivities, Mrs. Dan Lewis, Evelyn Tweddle; Publicity, Mrs. R. Smith; Question Drawer, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Slack returned on aftei’ spending two weeks son Lorraine in Pontiac. Mrs. Jack -Herring and of London, spent Sunday brother Mr. Raymond Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley were pleasantly surprised Saturday even­ ing on the occasion of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Relatives ga­ thered there to express their best Wishes to them. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lightfoot, of St. Marys, visited friends here day. About twenty teachers from district with their inspector Young visited Brinsley School on Thursday evening last. The McGillivray Women’s Institute met last Wednesday for the Annual1 Mrs. Craven; Pianist, Mrs. Alen Reid meeting. The following officers were 1 and Mrs. Tom Lee; Auditors, Mrs. elected: Honorary President, Mrs. Melvin Allison and Mrs. Wasnidge. ’Saturday with her two girls with her Sun- this Mr. ................. As low as 39c. to $1.35 ........................................ 69c to $1.10 Every gardener needs one $1.10 Little Wonder Garden Tool Efficient for close Work 35c. Sheep Manure and Gardenite Fertilizers ------------- -----------------------------------_------------------------------— April Showers Brings Gardening! AND GARDENING REQUIRES TOOLS! jGarden Rakes ... (Garden Hoes ..... Hand Cultivators ‘Lawn Combs sure clean your .lawn and do not tear up roots 25c. and $1.15 ’ Garden Seeds just arrived ; 5c. pkg. or 7 pkgs, for 25c. ’SPECIAL SALE: I lb. O. E. Wax regular price 59c.; bottle Scratch Remover FREE 1 qt. O. E*. No Rub reg. price, 98c.; 1 Lamb’s wppl applier ? V SPECIAL SALE FOR APRIL,-- JAP-A-LAC TIME-TESTED FLOOR ENAMEL Wear’s Like a Pig’s Nose Regular Price $1.35—NOW ONLY 98c. 1 * iPhone 181 Lindenfield’s .Hardware Exeter** J**' IN MEMORIAM GIDFiliLLAN—In loving memory of my dear father’s devoted twin passed away suddenly, one year ago today April 25th, 'San Francisco, California. Ever remembered by her Isobel G. Turnbull. niece, SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will be held on Thursday after­ noon May 4th at the home of Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer. Miss Edith Stewart, Miss Irene Van Camp, and Miss Nola Sweitzer, nurses-in-training in Victoria Hos­ pital, London, spent the week-end at the latter’s home. The community extends congrat­ ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Diet­ erich who were married last week. illness. Mrs. Napoleon Geromette son spent Tuesday in Silos CISTERNS, WALLS, FLOORS and Etc. Built to your Specifications. Phone us now before our books filled. Yours for business, HUGHILL BROS. 34-616 Clinton are P. S. — We have some early Warba the“deceased.‘ Seed Potatoes (2 weeks earlier than cobblers), while they last at $1.50, bin run. This seed cost us $4.00 per bag in 1937. Also a few' bus. of red Clover Seed free from bad weed seed. WINCHEL5EA Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridige and family, 'Of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Quite a number from attended the funeral of A. Duffield on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerslake and Malcolm, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mr, and Mrs. Alt. Hicks, of near Exeter spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal. (Mrs. F. V. Horne and Kathleen visited one day last week with „ and Mrs. Harry Ford. Visitors during the week with and Mrs. Walker Kerslake w.ere: and Mrs. John Gi*ay/ of Detroit; Mrs. Al. LawsOh, of Elin't, Mich.; Mr§. S. Coonan, of Wyandotte. - Mr, and Mrs. Will Batten and son Edward, of Detroit, visited ip the community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kerslake of Lumley Mrs. Rebecca Stewart and Charles, of Exeter, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kers­ lake. Mr* and Mrs. R. W. Batten add family Mrs, W. F. Batten called on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Motley, of Whaleh on Sunday. Delbridge. around here the late Mr Mr Mr. Mr, KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Bailey, of St. Marys, spent the past two weeks with their daughter Mrs. D. McCurdy Quite a number in the village are still on the sick list. Miss Ella Routly, of London, spent the week-end with ‘her sister Mrs. Alex Crago. Mrs, Lucy Batten has returned to her home after spending the winter months with her; son Mr. W< Batten. Mrs. John Williams spent Sunday with, Mr. John Williams Who-IP still in' Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. E. Watertdh, Lon­ don, were Sunady guests at the home df Mr. E. Switzer. Miss Regie Gallop, of London, called on friends in this village on Sunday1.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doupb, of Tor­ onto, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe. Mi*. Fred I-Iaberer has sold his 75- acre farm near Zurich to Mr* Geo. Regier, BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks, White Leghorns .08Jc.; Barred Rocks, Brown Leg­ horns, New Hampshire Reds .'09Jc.; White Rocks, Jersey Black Giants .10Be.; Heavy Surplus .08|.; Light Surplus .07 Be.; Heavy Cockerels ,06c.; Leghorn Cockerels .02c. Four week old Pullets .30c.; five weeks, 35c. Telephone Granton 38-3. A. H. SWITZER HATCHERY Granton, Ontario TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to .May 1st, 1939, at 1 p.m. for crushing and loading 2,000 yards of gravel in Skinner’s Pit in the Township of Usborne and hauling same on the roads in the Township of Stephen. Work to 1st next September and to be pleted by 15th of October, price per yard for crushing and ing in bin and price per yard for hauling. The lowest or tender not necessarily accepted* ^HERBERT K. EILBER, Clerk Crediton Crediton, Ont. April. 17, 1939 4-20-2tc. start com- State load- mile any CREDITON EAST, .Mr. and (Mrs. David Sturgeon son Russell and Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and two sons and Mrs. .John Baird, all of Grand Bend, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mrs, Alex Hamilton and son Barry returned to their home Bend after a few weeks' her parents Mr. add Mrs. wis. ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. Roland son Bobby and Mr., and Mrs. Henry Mojtz spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Kuhn and son of Baden, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn, the latter still con­ fined to his bed. Mr, Joe Mattene, of near . Dash­ wood, has hired with Mr. Charles Hoffman for the season. Mr, Billy Cliffy has hired with Mr. Sanibel King for the season. MORTGAGE. SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale contained in a certain ' mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offer­ed for sale by THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer at PUBLIC AUCTION on WEDNESDAY the THIRD day of MAY, A.D. 1939, at the hour of One O’clock in the afternoon at the farm of WILLIAM BUCHANAN, Hensall, Ontario, the following property, namely: All and Singular that certain par­ cel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town­ ship of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot Number Sev­ en (7) London Road Survey in the Third Concession of the said Town­ship. z At the same time and place under the authority of a Landlord’s Dis­ tress Warrant, there will be offered, for sale the following chattels: and at Grand visit with Harry Le- Motz and HIGH QUALITY BABY CHICKS AT REASONABLE PRICES Healthy Chicks From Healthy Hens Large Type S* C. White Leghorn Large Egg Size Strain Barred Rocks Rock - Leghorn Cross Breeds Special Sale price' for this' week on 4 week old Leghorn Pullets and 4 week old Rock Pullets Special sale price on Barred Rock cockerels for 2 weeks only. Day old rock cockerels $5.00 per 100. Start­ ed 1 to 4 Weeks old Barred Rock cockerels at low prices t)ls.count on orders placed 3 weeks in advance 4 * Lakeview Poultry Farm WEIN BROS. black brood mare white legs, white face, 8 years old bay mare 4 years old black gelding- white face and legs 1 year old. , On the said lands there is said to- be erected a d’welling house with suitable farm buildings: i The lands will be* sold subject to- a Reserve Bid; TERM'S OF SALE OF LAND: Twenty-five' per’ eent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale And the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent per annum. TERMS OF SALE OIF CHATTELS: Cash. Fbr further particulars and con­ ditions of sale, apply to Commissioner of Agricultural Loans, East Block, Parliament Bldgs* Toronto, Ontario* Mortgagee .vvwn at Toronto this 11th day of EXETER April A.D. 1939. 1 1