HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-04-20, Page 8THUBSHAY, APRIL 20tl>, 1089 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe PERMANENTS that will leave your hair soft and healthy Phone 112i Vera C. Decker, Proprietress Evenings by Appointment FIT YOUR HORSES NOW FOR SPRING WORK Exeter Markets Wheat 58c, Oats 30e. Manitoba's Best §2.65 Welcome Flour §1.95 Low Grade Flour §1.40 L*xOrtj §1.3u Bran §1.40 ■Creamei’y Butter 27c.Dairy Eggs,Eggs,Eggs, Eggs, I^gs, 24c,Butter 21- large 17 c. A medium B 14c. C 13c. dressed, §11.00. 15a. 'uflt F1S — use — Walker's Condition Powder Guaranteed 100 per cent, pure For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store PUBLIC NOTICE FRESH CAUGHT Pickerel Fillets 1 No Bone No Waste Ready for Frying 25c lb. to Your Eyes if you expect them to give you a life­ time of service. Have them examined by, and if needed get glasses from C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office open 9 a,m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. Q. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday Schoo* 11 a.m.—Public Worship Sermon. “Coming to Jesus' 7.00 p.m.—Public WorshipSermon: ‘The Authority of Pilate’ Thursday, April 20 at 3 p.m. in the basement of the church Annual Easter Thankoffering of W. M. S. Guest speaker, Mrs. Reidie, Cro­ marty. i” Ek Spring Dresses and Coats We invite you to come in and look over our new range of New Dresses and Coats, you will like the New Styles and Materials, which are moderately priced NEW DRESS MATERIALS For those who want to make their own dresses we are showing new Cottons, Spun Rayons and Crepes, Priced from 29c to $1.00 yard RAYON HOSE A good number to wear around the house. Comes in all the most wanted shades. A Good Value. Per Pair 25c LADIES’ SILK HOSE 15 dozen ladies’ pure silk full-fashioned hose and. all the newest shades for spring. Outstanding Value. At Per Pair 59c LADIES’ PURSES Showing a fine new range in many styles and colors. Priced at $1.00 and $1.95 We wish to announce that we have taken over the Supertest Service Station in Exeter to be known in future as the Sanders Service Sta­ tion. We will continue to handle the well known Supertest Products. Complete Service. Phone 247. — E. W. SANDERS Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. Avoid Touring Troubles - Safeguard yourself against difficulty along the way with sound Insurance in a na­ tionally - operating company. The Lumbermens meets every require­ ment. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister ■Sunday school 158. and supply of vacuum NOTICE — We repair all parts for all makes __ _____ cleaners and washing machines; also electric refrigerators. See us first.— W. J. BEER. LOST OR STRAYED — Large striped Persian cat answers to the name of Laddie. Anyone knowing whereabouts please call SAVE THE COUPONS ERNEST C. HARVEY LOCALS MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Phone 47 Auto 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.—The members of the I.O.O.F. will attend this service. Monday 8 p.m.— Y. P. Union Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service May 7th---Sunday School Anniver­ sary — Judge Mott, Toronto Boy’s and Men’s Clothing Comprising a very smart range of the newest patterns and styles. Any of these may be had with one or two pairs of pants. You will want to own one of these new suits when you see them. Galvanized colony house for sale— Original price §125 will sacrifice for §35; also 25 acres of grass land for pasture to rent. Silas Stanlake, tele­ phone Dashwood 35rl3. tfc. The annual meeting &f the Ex­ eter Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Miss L. M. Jeckell on Wednesday, April 26th, at 7:45 p. m. sharp. Convenors of all com­ mittees please have reports ready. Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Custom ploughing, discing and cultivating. Reasonable prices. Apply to Wein Bros., Dashwood. FOR SALE—Blue coat, hat and purse to match in good condition for girl of ’ cate. ten. Apply at Times-Advo- SALE — A good scantling,FOR frame stable 20x30 ft. all double boarded -with tar paper between with a good life and with a leanto 10x20 double boarded. Apply to George Mawhinney. 4-20-3tp FOR QUICK SALE—Three 3-year- old colts and two 1-year-old colts. Terms very reasonable. Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, Dashwood. ltp Mr. Benson Williams is recovering after being ill with erysipelas. Mr. Ethelbert Marsh, of Brantford called on Mrs. Gillard last week. Frances Murdock, of Clandeboye, spent Easter holidays with Marjory Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman and children, of London, visited in town Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Levett, of London, visited with Mrs. W. T. Acheson over the week-end. Miss Mary Easton has home after holidaying weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Saxon. Fitton has home after, spending a See Sanders Service Station for complete lubrication and check up for spring. FOR SALE—A tent, up once, 12x 14 ft. 4 ft. wall. Apply to N. Statton. PAPERHANGING! Big sample book of Empire Sun­ worthy Wallpapers; Preston Steel Roofing.—John Ridley, phone Kirk­ ton 14rl6, 4-20-2tp. returned for two FOR RENT OR FOR SALE—Two storey brick residence, every conven­ ience, on Main street, north. Infor­ mation Miss M. Weekes, Exeter. FOR SALE—Little pigs, 4 to 6 weeks old. Apply to Hubert Hey­ wood, R.R. 3, Exeter.ltp MAN WANTED — To work farm. Apply Times-Advocate on ltp toWANTED—-A woman wants get work by the day house-cleaning Or any other work. Apply at Times- Advocate ltp AUCTION SALE — There will be held an auction sale of household goods and also the real estate of Mrs. Ida Rollins, Main street, April 29 th. Watch this paper for particu­ lars next week. WANTED TO BUY—-Walnut fur­niture, chest of drawers, commode, 4 poster bed, spindle bed, ornaments and glass dishes. Apply Box 28ON, Times-Advocate. 4-20-2tp WANTED—A number of yearling cattle to pasture. Plenty of water. Apply at Times-Advocate. Grass Farm near Shipka for rent oi' cattle taken in. Apply Times-Ad- vocate. ltp. HOME WANTED—I have a client wishing to buy a home in good re­ pair and with modern conveniences If you wish to sell, see me at once C. V. Pickard, Exeter, phone 165. F ' ' FOR 21, W. SALE—Seed Barley O. A. C. T. Colwill, Centralia. 3tp FOR soon, wood. SALE—2 cows to freshen Apply A. E. Oestricher, Dash- FOR SALE—-Strawberry and rasp­ berry plants, different varieties; also a quantity of honey, amber and light. W. F. Abbott. 4-6-3tp. BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmore’s cement gravel for all ce­ment. work. Approved by engineers. AU grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt service for all concrete jobs. Phone 171r3, Exeter. H. T. Gudmore, R.R. 1, Hen­sail. 4-13-tfc PIGS FOR SALE—six weeks old; also 2 sows to let on shares. Apply to Geo. Barkner, Exeter North, ltp 50 ACRE FARM FOR RENT; also; a number of -farms for sale.—W. C. j Pearce, Exeter. ...... FpR SALE—1 riding plow, nearly new; 1 team disc.—M. M. Russell, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 36rl5, Dash­ wood, WANTED — Eox horses and dead animals. Jack Williams, R.R. No. 3 Dashwood, phone Dashwood 34ri5. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m. — “What Can We Know About God” 3 p. in.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“Be Converted” Monday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday 7.3P p.m.—Prayer Meeting FORSYTHE AND TOOKE SHIRTS In forfused or separate collars. Showing a new range for spring. $1.50 and $1.95 STANFIELDS SHIRTS AND SHORTS This is a new line and one that is very • popular with young men Each 50c MEN’S OXFORDS Made by Valentine & Martin; in styles that you will like, and of quality that will give excellent wear. Oxfords from $2.95 to $7.50 BILTMORE HATS In the new styles and shades that are so popular this Spring.. . Priced at $1.95 to $3.00 Curtains and Curtain Nets The largest and best assortment that we have ever offered. You will be surprised at what small cost you can replace your curtains this spring. We invite you to see them. returned home after spending a couple of months visiting in London. Miss Margaret Walker, of Staffa, spent the Easter holidays with her grandmother, Mrs, D. Davis. Mrs. F. Bi Andrews and son Bobby, of London, visited for a few' days last week with Miss Ruth Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rydall, of Shallow Lake, were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd. Miss Phyllis Bierling R. N., of the Watei’loo-Kitchener Hospital visited ■on Friday with her .parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bierling. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Penhale, left Monday on an extended trip thro’ the Western Provinces going as far as Victoria, B. C. Mr. Howard Elliot accompanied by Miss Geraldine Armstrong and Mrs. George Armstrong spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Chadwick, of Windsor, visited recently with and Mrs. Wm. Pincombe and and Mrs. Garnet Flynn. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes Billy visited with Rev, and Mrs. J. H. Stainton and family in Guelph on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce and daughters Eva and Mrs. Wm. Gaiser visited with relatives at Shedden, Iona, Fingal and St. Thomas last Friday, Mrs. M. Hannigan, was in Sarnia on Saturday attending the silver wedding of her cousin Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris. Mrs. D. Rowcliffe, of Walkerville, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. A. Mitchell, Centralia, attended the funeral of her aunt, the late Miss Julia Spicer, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moise and family motored to Thamesville on Sunday taking with them Miss Betty Elliott who spent the Easter holi­ days here with Miss Shirley Moise. Miss Dorothy Herbert, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner over the holidays. Mrs. Herbert and Mrs. Steele visited with Mrs. Skinner on Thursday Miss Dorothy returning home with them. Mr. and Mrs. George Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn and Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Flynn attended a shower in. London on Friday night for the former’s brother Mr. Gordon Flynn, who was recently married to Miss Paul, of Deleware. Dr. Elarry Seldon and Mrs. Seldon and two children, of Rochester, Mihn., visited over the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon. Dr. and Mrs. Seldon left on a trip to Buffalo,-Zi Kingston and Ottawa, their children _ remaining here until the return of | their parents. i FOR SALE — The parsonage at Elimville. Persons interested apply to R. E. Pooley, Winchelsea, sec’y. of Parsonage Trustee Board. Play Well Presented The play “Minick” by New Andrews United Church, London, was presented under the auspices of Main St. Evening Auxiliary in Lea­ vitt’s Theatre, Tuesday evening to a full house. The large cast of players took their parts well. Mrs. N. Hockey on behalf of the Evening Auxiliary presented Miss Eleanor Abbott with a prize for selling the most tickets. St. Mr. Mr. and Hard Time Social The Young Ladies’ Bible Class of James St. Sunday School climaxed the attendance contest which has been running during the winter months by a hard time party, to which the Young Men’s Class was invited, on Tuesd'ay evening. The room wds appropriately decorated with ruffled newspaper lamp shades, blocks of wood as seats and lit with candlelight. Games and contests were .enjoyed. The evening was brought to a close with a bountiful l-unch. Purpie Martins Back The Purple Martins, true to in­ stinct, arrived in Exeter, Tuesday, April 18th. The annual battle with the sparrows 'for possession of their homes immediately took place. The Martins arrived in Exeter last yeai' on the 17th and the yeai' before on the 16th. x To Carry On At a meeting of the committee in charge of the Huron County Home at Clinton Mrs. John Jacobs was en­gaged to carry*on the management of the Home until the County Coun­ cil meets in June. She will be as­sisted by Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek. The teacher was trying to make Elsie understand subtraction she said: ‘‘You have now supposing there missing what would you “No music lessons,” promptly. and ten fingers, were three have then?” said Elsie WHERE BEAUTY BLOOMS TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 Seriously III Mrs. Ellen Hoskin, of town, is seriously ill with pneumonia. Her many friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Gets Splendid Position Miss Ruby Wood, who has been on the staff of the Canadian Cahners Ltd. in Exeter is to be congratulat­ ed on being transferred to Ridge­ town where she will be" in charge of the office there. Miss Wood leaves on Monday for her new duties. Recovering From Pneumonia Mr. Walter H. (Dick) Harness, of London, formerly of Exeter, is ill FARMS AND HOUSES FOR SALE —Several excellent farms, Immediate __ ___ ______ __ ____ , nossessiOtt If desired. Hbdses in Exe-!in Victoria Hospital with pneumonia Ann din? villages Reas- ’following the flu. He has been quite ter and stirrounding Villages, neas m huf, ig afc pregent consldei.aMy onablo prices and terms. C. V, Pick proved. His brothers visited him ard, phone 165, Exeter. .. on Sunday, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Second Sunday After Easter 9.45—Sunday School 11 a.m.-Holy Communion & Sermon Corporate Communion and Thank-Offering for the W. A. THE PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one Block North Creamei’y) Friday night Bible Study, 8 Subject: “The Book of Revelations” Services for Sunday, April 23rd p.m.—'S. S. & Bible Class p.m.—'Devotional Service p.m.-—Great Prophetic Message “Proving from God’s Word” “The Future of Russia &„ Germany” Come and enjoy these services with us. J. T. EDGAR, Pastor of p.m. GROCERY SPECIALS 2 3 8 3 Used Cars.’.’. 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN with Trunk low mileage. Recondi­ tioned. 1936 CHEVROLET COACH, Standard, Trunk, Low Mile­ age. 1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN, Master, Good condition. Special Used Trucks 1937 MAPLE LEAF TRUCK— 2i/2 ton, 157 in. W. B. Tires 8.25 x 20 Rear Duals; 7.50 x 20 Front. 1937 MAPLE LEAF TRUCK—- 2y2 ton, 157 in. W. B. Tires 32 x 6 Rear Duals; 7.50 x 20 Front. 30 Low Priced Cars to Choose ‘ From. EXETER BLEACH 3 bottles . . 15c CHIPSO 1 box..............19c CORN FLAKES Kellogg’s, with Cereal Bowl Free 2 large boxes . 25c * LEMONS Large and Juicy 1 doz..............29c Choice WHITE COOKING BEANS 7 lbs. for . . . 25c CHOICE FLOUR 24 lb. Pastry Flour ... 47c 24 lb. Bread Flour....... 73c COFFEE Fresh Ground 1 lb.....................26c Special MATCHES 3 boxes .... 19c BROOMS Five String . . 23c Southcott Bros Phone 16 COAL? YES! BUT BEST OF ALL - IT’S D&H ANTHRACITE COAL is not just any old coal when its D&H Anthracite. D&H is • Cone-Cleaned and rigidly inspected. It reaches your home Clean — Pure — Packed with Heat. Do as others do — don’t order JUST coal — or­ der the best D&H Anthracite. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 .Residence 157 South Sea College of Music ANNOUNCE 1 the opening of a legitimate School of Music in the near future and is in no way connected with any other School of Music References Furnished | Information: Call Bossenberry’s I Hotel 1 AND CO. Phone 100 INVESTMENTS., A SPECIALIZED SERVICE' based on the requirements of the Individual Investor LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES " Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges Prompt and Efficient Service For further information apply PREMIER SECURITIES LIMITED Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501 W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming, President and Manager Investment Analyst ......, - ----- .................. » ----------------- . ■ r' 1 ...........' - “Invest With Confidence” You May Reverse Charges When Placing Orders by Telephone DEATH OF MISS IRWIN Miss Sarah J. Irwin, a former teacher of the Exeter P. S., died in East Wawanosh on Thursday, April 13 th. Born in East Wawanosh in 1873 she resided in that township the greater part of her life. Two brothers and one sister survive. Miss Irwin was a member of the Belgrave Anglican Church. A private funer­ al service conducted by Rev. Pocock, of Florence and assisted by Rev. Weekes, of Belgrave was held at the home of her brother George Irwin. Mrs. Colin Fingland, of Walton, sang “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be”. Five nephews and one great-nephew acted as pallbearers. Interment in Wingham cemetery. Miss Irwin was a former teacher in the Exeter Pub­ lic School having taught here from the fall of 1903 to 1906 when she became ill and for the past 34 years has been an invalid. She attended, Trivitt Memorial Church in Exeter. Mrs, Van Camp, of town, attended the funeral and spent a few there. days you I“Darling, when I’m with lose all sense of time.” “Me, too, honey, Let’s stop Where and get a newspaper and see what day it is, some- Ready Made Suits complete $18.00 Suit complete with 2 pair trousers $24.50 Single and double breasted styles MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW W. W. T A M A N f*HONE 81 EXETER, ONT. |P James Street Y. P. U.- With the president Vera Decker in charge the regular Monday meeting of the Jaihes St. Y. P. U. opened by singing “Stand Up For Jesus” Rev. Page ledm in prayer after which the business was discussed. Barbara Dinney read the minutes of the pre­ vious meeting. After singing hymn 324 Pauline Follicle led the Young People in prayer followed by the scripture lesson which was read by Hazel Woodall. Several accordian solos were rendered by Laurene Beavers. The topic “Sunday - a Holy Day or Holiday” was well tak­ en by Mrs. Wm. 'Cook. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and the Mizpa,h benediction, FAMILEX profitable of others experience AGENTS WANTED! WILL ST ART- YOU in a business like hundreds throughout 'Canada. No required. We train you. Liberal com­ mission for selling 200 guaranteed necessities. Meet all competition successfully. Ambitious salesmen, write for free catalogue and plan with obligation, FAMILEX CO. 670 St, Clement, Montreal. p leerlez'- Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no mofe^than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and Will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First THE TIMES-ADVOCATE