HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-04-13, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 13th, 103» V’s Beauty Shoppe PERMANENTS that will leave your hair soft and healthy phone 112 Vera C, Decker, Proprietress Evenings by Appointment FIT YOUR HORSES NOW FOR SPRING WORK use Exeter Markets Wheat 58c. Oats 30c. Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Flour $1.95 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Shorts $1.30 Bran $1.40 Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Butter 20-23C. Eggs A large 18c. Eggs, A medium 16c. Eggs. B 15c. Eggs, C 14c. Hogs, dressed, $11.00. I Walker’s Condition Powder Guaranteed 100 per " cent, pure For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store A Full Line of FRESH, CURED At- Mr. Ogden’s Funeral Those attending the funeral of the late John R. Ogden from a dis­ tance last week were: Mr. Jack O. Armitage, of Kirkland Lake; Mrs. Ervin Loueh, of Tillsonburg; Mr. and Mrs. E. R. F. Neil, of. Royal Oak Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. James Ogden and daughtei’ Jean, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutton of London; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger, Dashwood, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armitage, Lucan. and SMOKED MEATS Ideal Meat Market Phono 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS HOME WANTED—I have a client wishing to buy a home in good re­ pair and with modern conveniences If you wish to sell, see me at once C. V. Pickard, Exeter, phone 165. * CLOSING OUT SALE Used furniture, stoves, etc. Bar­ gains. Opposite Theatre.LOCALS FOR 21, W. SALE—Seed Barley O. A. C. T. Colwill, Centralia. 3tp REST OR FOR SALE—TwoFOR stprey brick residence, every conven­ ience, on Main street, north. Infor­ mation Miss M. Weekes, Exeter. FOR SALE—2 cows to soon. Apply A. E. Oestricher, wood. freshen Dash- FOR RENT—5 0 acre grass running water, Hay township. . to Thomas Laing, Hensall P.O. farm, Apply FOR SALE—Strawberry and rasp­ berry plants, different varieties; also a quantity of honey, amber and light. W. F. Abbott. 4-6-3tp. TO RENT—7.5 acre grass farm, all clear, lot 4, con. 7, Hay Township Apply to Edgar Broderick, Exeter. FOR SALE— Girl’s spring coat and hat to match, green, size 10 yrs. Apply at Times-Advocate. See and have your car checked by the new King Motor tune-up ma­ chine just installed by Snell Bros. & Co. FOR in good Times-Advocate. SALE—Buckeye Incubator, condition, 110 egg. Apply ltc BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmore’s cement gravel for all ce­ ment work. Approved by engineers. All grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt service for all concrete jobs. Phone 171r3, Exeter. H. T. Cudmore, R.R. 1, Hen­sall. 4-13-tfc PIGS FOR SALE—six weeks old; also 2 sows to let on shares. Apply to Geo. Barkner, Exeter North, ltp WANTED—A good used Fordson tractor radiator core. Notify. Robt. Cann phone 172r52, Exeter R.R. 3. ltp. McCor-FOR SALE — Two 10-20 ____ mick-Deering Tractors, both in good shape. Apply Orville Sawyer, Science Hill, phone Kirkton 23rl6. ltp. WANTED— House to rent, particulars. Apply Box 280M. State 50 ACRE FARM FOR RENT; also a number of farms for sale.—W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE—1 riding plow, nearly new; 1 team disc.—M. M. Russell, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 36rl5, Dash­ wood. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE rwOTTWiHrawwea MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Phone 47 Auto ERNEST C. HARVEI All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 LAID TO REST • • • Edward of last Page of A solo Millions Saved for Policyholders — Are you taking advantage of “Insur­ ance at Cost” in the Lumbermens. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader Look Your Best.1 Enjoy Real Eye Comfort.1 Enjoy the wide, clear-to-the- very-edge vision provided by the new Coredal Lenses. We recommend and fit these superior Canadian-made lenses. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D, "• Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday Schoox 11 a.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “Doubting Thomas be­ lieves” 7.00 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon—“Fishers of men” We invite you to come in and look over our new range of New Dresses and Coats, you will like the New Styles and Materials, which are moderately priced NEW DRESS MATERIALS For those who want to make their own dresses we are showing new Cottons, Spun Rayons and Crepes. Priced from 29c to $1.00 yard RAYON HOSE A good number to wear around the house. Comes in all the most wanted shades. A Good Value. Per Pair 25c LADIES’ SILK HOSE 15 dozen ladies’ pure silk full-fashioned hose and all the newest shades for spring. Outstanding Value. At Per Pair 59c , LADIES’ PURSES Showing a fine new range in many styles and colors. Priced at $1.00 and $1.95 C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office open 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday a.m.—The Minister -Sunday School -The Minister Y. P. Union -Prayer Service -W. M. S. 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Monday 8 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m.- Thursday 2.30 p.m.- May 7th---Sunday School Anniyer- sary — Judge Mott, Toronto Boy’s and Men’s Clothing Comprising a very smart range of the newest patterns .and styles. Any of these may be had with one or two pairs of pants. You will want to own one of these new suits when you see them. VISITORS IN TOWN Among those who spent the ter holidays in town were: Miss Leola Johns, of Toronto, at her home. Mr. Sydney West, of Fergus, with his mother. Mr. Bill Wilson, of London, spentSunday at his home. Mr. Norman Floody, of Windsor, with friends in town. Mr. Clarence Boyle, of London, on Sunday at his home. Miss Ella Link, of Watford, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, Miss Eileen Lewis, of Western University, at her home here. Mr. James Sweet, of London, with his brother Mr. Samuel Sweet. Miss Berniece Delbridge and Ralph, of London, with their parents. Miss Evelyn Lawson, of London, with her mother Mrs. S. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of Lon­don, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn. Miss Lorraine Armstrong, of Lon­ don, with her mother Mrs. V. Arm­strong. .Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, of London, with friends m the com­munity. Miss Annie McGill, of Brantford, at her grandmother’s Mrs. T. Mc­Curdy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sparks, o£ Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Gordon. Mrs. Roy Alderson and family, of Arkona, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collingwood. Mr. Rowe Dinney of the Royal Bank staff, London, with his parents on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, with the latter’s mother Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh Wayne, of Hensall, with Mr. Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Miss Dorothy Cox R. N., and Clarence Lannon, of Burford Mrs. M. Hannigan. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis family, of Toronto, with Mr. Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fleischauer, and little daughter, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Norry. Miss Margaret Penn am, of London and Miss Gladys Penhale, of Wind­sor, with their parents. Mr. R. E. Keddy, of Ottawa, with his uncle and aunts Mr. Chas, and Misses H. and N. Keddy.Mr. and Mrs. Mac Rosser and Mar­garet Ann. of Blenheim, and Mrs. Milton Rusesll.Miss Irene Mooney, of ivrumu, visited over the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Will Ryckman. Mr. Grafton Cochrane, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Williams and son. Bob, of Rochester, N. Y., with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coates. Miss Utah Clarke and Mr. Harry Millei-, of London, with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson and daughters Nancy and Jane, Toron­ to, with the former’s mothei’ Mrs. T. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs, John Carmichael, of Toronto, spent Good Friday with the former’s sister Miss Nellie Carmi­ chael. Mr. and Mrs._ Oscar Anderson and‘ mixture not labeled 35c doz. Eas- and and . Mr. with and and with Mr. Toronto, Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE The funeral of the late Kestle was held Thursday week conducted by Rev. A. James Street United church, was sung by Mrs. Thos. Coates “No Night There.” Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Will Amy and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Amy, of Burford and Mr. and Mrs. Orby Kestle, of De­ troit; Mr. Frank Kestle, of Inger­ soll; Mr. E. S. Down, of Sheddon; Mrs. Wilsie, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kestle, of St. Thomas and Mr. Harold Kestle of Laurence Station. The bearers were Messrs. Harold Amy, Thos. Yel­ low, Austin Dilling, Leland Jory, C. Fisher and Frank King. Janies St. W. A. James Street Women’s Association held their regular meeting in the church parlors on Thursday last. Owing to the absence of the presi­ dent, Mrs. F. A. May, 1st vice-presi­ dent took charge of the meeting. Devotional part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. F. Sharpe. Mrs. Ray Waghorn rendered a delightful piano solo. Toll Bros, have accept­ ed an invitation to give their travel­ ogue in Exeter on Monday, October 2nd. Lunch was served by the host­ ess and her committee. Gladioli Bulbs The eight varieties listed: Break of Day, Pink; Dr. F. E. Bennett, Orange Scarlet; Golden Dream, Golden Yellow; Joyful, Rosy Or­ ange; La Couronne, Cream and Red; La Paloma, Orange; Mar- nia, Orange Tinged Pink; Pic­ ardy, Apricot Pink. 6c each, 3 for 15c or 1 doz. for 50c. Collection No. 1—Choice bulbs, 1 each of 15 varieties, named and labelled, 60c or 30 for $1.00. Collection No. 2—Choice bulks, 1 each 14 varieties, named and I labelled 70c. 1 doz., Ideal for garden cutting family, of Sarnia, visited with their i parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ander­ son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Milliken and family and Elizabeth Ann Balkwill, of Harriston, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Balkwill. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blaisdale, with their cousin Miss A. Fish. Miss Fish returned to Detroit with them for a . few weeks.Mr. and Mrs. Harley C. Sande'rs 1 and son Chester, Misses Eileen and Vera Kestle, of Windsor, spent Eas­ ter with relatives. Mrs. Melvin Guenther and family, of Windsor and Bobby Burns, De­ troit, with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders. Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor., Miss Janie Hogarth, of London and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, of Sud­ bury, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho­ garth. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ford and ily, of London, visited with .... Lamport and Mrs. Hoskin on Eas­ ter. Mrs. Lamport’s condition ‘ tinues quite serious. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ensinger, of Granton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks, of Usborne, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks south of Exeter. „ ___ _ _______ __________ Mr. George Stewart, of Belleville, if persevering, investigate our Plan, and Mr. Andrew Stewart, of Toron- a n* a tj a ctTTtn t? 1 visited on wltii tlieii sis*at cnee. CATALOGUE FRLb.itw Mary Bolton, who is ill at FAMILEX CO. 570 .St. Cfement., tho home of Mv> and Mrs. E. Linden- Montreal. field. Cash 'paid for old glass dishes and ornaments, also walnut furniture or old melodian. Write Box LN Times- Advocate. 2tp. WANTED — Fox horses and dead animals. Jack Williams, R.R. No. 3 Dashwood, phone Dashwood 34rl5. FARMS AND HOUSES FOR SALE —Several excellent farms, immediate possession if desired. Houses in Exe­ ter and surrounding villages. Reas­ onable prices and terms. 0. V. Pick­ ard, .phene 165, Exeter. WANTED — Dressmaking, house­ hold sewing, dyeing,—Mrs. Hy. Ford R.R, 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 44-6. Ii fam* Mrs MEN? HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK WITH A LAUGH MANUFAC­ TURING CONCERN OF 200 daily necessities used In every home, Sure and quick repeaters. Nd experience needed. Good pay every day if ac­ tive, and permanent business certain i COU- or 3 doz. 90c Free 1 pkt. Dahlia-flowered Zin­ nias with every $1.00 or over order of Bulbs Norman Norry Exeter Ont. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11:00 a.m.—Rev. C. J. Moorhouse W. M. S. Easter meeting 3 p. m.—Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—The Minister Monday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Meeting TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss First Sunday After Easter 9.45—Sunday School 11 a.m.—^Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon “The Easter Hope” 1 Cor 15:17. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Melsom and children Betty, Graham and Law-” rence, of Woodstock, and Miss Het­tie Sweet, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sweet on Good Friday. See and have your car checked by the new King Motor tune-up ma- i chine just installed by Snell Bros. & Co. 1937 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SE­ DAN with Trunk, 19,000 miles. 1938 CHEVROLET MASTER COACH, low mileage. 1936 CHEVROLET COACH trunk, in real good condition. 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN, low mileage, upholst­ ery like new. 1933 FORD FORDOR SEDAN. A real buy for someone want­ ing a Sedan. 25 Good Used Cars including many low priced ones to choose from. Special Used Trucks 1937 2yz Ton Maple Leaf Truck 8.25 x,7 rear tires, Dual; 7.50 x 7 front. This truck has been completely overhauled and should give new truck' service. 1937 2i/2 Ton 157 inch wheel base Maple Leaf Truck, 32 x 6 rear tires, Dual; 6.50 x 20 front. A good truck for haul­ ing stock. ’ 1937 y2 Ton Pick-Up, Chevrolet. Low mileage. SNELL BROS. EXETER AND CO. Phone 100 INVESTMENTS A SPECIALIZED SERVICE based on the requirements of the Individual Investor LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges Prompt and Efficient Service For further information apply PREMIER SECURITIES LIMITED Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501 W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming, President and Manager Investment Analyst “Invest Wth Confidence” You May Reverse Charges When 'Placing Orders by telephone FORSYTHE AND TOOKE SHIRTS In forfused or separate collars. Showing a new range for spring. $1.50 and $1.95 STANFIELDS SHIRTS AND SHORTS This is a new' line and one that is very popular with young men Each 50c MEN’S OXFORDS Made by Valentine & Martin, in styles that you will like, and of quality that will give excellent wear. Oxfords from $2.95 to $7.50 BILTMORE HATS In the new styles and shades that are so popular this Spring.. . Priced at $1.95 to $3.00 Curtains arid Curtain Nets The largest and best assortment that we have ever offered. You will be surprised at what small cost you can replace your curtains this spring. We invite you to see them. GROCERY SPECIALS MUFFETS 2 for ..... . 19c CORNSTARCH 2 for...............19c BRAN FLAKES (Kellogg’s) 2 for...............19c CHOICE MAPLE SYRUP P & G SOAP 5 bars for .. . 19c SHOE POLISH (Nugget) 2 for .19c PeaS xv ETb.™ 219c Tomatoes OXYDOL 2 boxes PUFFED WHEAT (Quaker) 2tfor ...... 19c DUTCH CLEANSER 2 for..................19c CHOICE SPY APPLES Southcott Bros COAL? YES! BUT BEST OF ALL - IT’S D&H ANTHRACITE COAL is not just any old coal when its D&H Anthracite. D&H is Cone-Cleaned and rigidly inspected. It reaches your home Clean — Pure — Packed with Heat. Do as others do — don’t ordei’ JUST coal — or­ der the best D&H Anthracite. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 3.3 .Residence 157 VISITORS OUT OF TOWN Among those who spent the Easter holidays out of town were: Mrs. R. N. Creech with relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Maud Heywood with her dau­ ghter in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman at Woodstock and Burgessville. , Mr. J. Senior and daughter Blanche in Toronto with relatives. Mrs. Ellen Davis, Bill and Walter with the former’s daughter, London. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques in Tavistock with Mr. ana Mrs. James Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Smth with the latter’s mother Mrs. Saundercock at Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant in Glencoe. Mr. Les. Coates and Miss Margaret Ellerington at the former’s home in Brampton for the week-end. Miss Marilyn Campbell, of Exeter, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ est Whiteford of Clandeboye, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes and Billy with the former’s mother in Glencoe on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor tand daughter Jean and Norma Dearing, of Stephen spent Easter in Detroit and visited with Mr. Taylor’s broth­ er at St. Clair Shores. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Whiteford, of Clandeboye, and bert, of McGillivray, end in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. W. eter, Mr. Fred Ford of Toronto, Miss Margaret Wi’ight, of Brucefield, spent Easter in Wind­ sor and Detroit. Mr. Melvin Cui- spent the week- J. Ford, of Ex- and Mias Horne We the undersigned Beauty Shops will close each Wednesday- at 12,30 p.m. commencing April 19 th to Oc­ tober inclusive. V’s Beauty Shoppe, Marlon Pooley Beauty Shoppe, and Tomlinson’s Beauty Shop. 3-30*3tp ‘Ml Ready Made Suits complete $18.00 Suit complete with 2 pair trousers $24.50 Single and double breasted styles MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. r Easter Music A beautiful Easter Service of Story and song “The Dawn Immortal” was presented in James Street Unit­ ed Church on Sunday evening by the choir under the direction of Mr. W. R. Goulding. Rev. A. Page conduct­ ed the service and read the accom­ panying story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Several choruses were sung by the choir, a ladies’ chorus, solos by Misses Helen Penhale, Jean Sheere and Pearl Wood and a male quartette by Messrs. W. R. Goulding, W. Cut­ bush, A. E. Wuerth and E. Linden­ field. At the morning service the pastor delivered an inspiring Easter message and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Miss James St. Mission Band A musicale and tea was held in the church parlors by the James St. Mission Band on Tuesday afternoon. Following a program of musical numbers and readings tea was pour­ ed at a daintily appointed table by Mrs. A. Page and Mrs. H. Kyle. Lunch was served by the members of the Mission Band. The leaders or the Band, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs. J. M. Southcott were assisted by Mrs. C. W. Christie and Mrs. S. tytoFalls. The proceeds amounted to $15,00’. was administered. Reta Rowe sang a solo. BABY CHICKS No need to buy your chicks through agents, buy direct by mail and save money. Grade A Barred Rocks, NeW Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, Hy­ brids $11.00, Pullets $18.00, Cock­erels $6.00, White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns $10.50, Pullets $22.00, Cockerels -$3.00. Free poultry guide and calendar. 0 TWOddlc Cjiiick jflatcheries Limited Fergus, Ontario Main Street Evening Auxiliary MiSs Marjory Medd was hostess to the Easter meeting of the Main St, Evening Auxiliary on Wednes­ day April 5th. Mrs. Earl Russel’s group had charge of the devotional part of the meeting and opened by singing a hymn and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Ray Waghorn then favored everyone with an • instrumental. Mrs, Ho­ckey, the president, then discussed the business for the evening, after which another hymn was Sung. An Easter1 pageant was then presented by Mrs Russell, Mrs. Balkwill, Mrs. Rundle. Mrs, Waghorn, Miss Myrna Sims, Mrs. Tuckey and Miss Dorothy Ryckman then closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served.