HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-04-06, Page 5Ft, < THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE LOOK YOUR BEST! ! ! ! SPECIAL ON PERMANENTS All Work Guaranteed MILDRED HACKNEY Phone 39, Hensall HENSALL on an- Council out this Additional Hensall news other page. The Hensall minutes have been crowded week. Mr. F. W- Gladman has opened an office in the rear of the vacant store formerly occupied by Mrs. Sangster. Mr, W. J. Jones returned te» his home here after spending a few days at the home of his son Exeter. Mr. (Fred Corbett has fined to his room owing but is somewhat improved at date of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore, of Delhi, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Join. Passmore. Miss Nellie Fee, who has spent the past number of months in verton returned to her home last week. Mrs. Hannah Workman and (Mabel Workman attended the eral of the late Mr. Thos. Workman at Kippen on Tuesday. Mi's. Annie Logan returned to her home last week after spending the past several weeks with rela­ tives in Windsor and Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. William MacLean and family, of Hamilton, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sparks, Bruce­ field visited on Saturday with the former’s mother Mrs. Marjorie Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks have just returned after spending the Winter in Florida. Mrs, Fred Smallacombe returned after spending a few days in Guelph with her daughter-Jean, Mrs. Arthur Boyd, who underwent an operation for appendicitis. She was accompan- ‘ ied home by her grandchildren Mar­ ie and Jack Boyd. The services in the United church on Sunday were conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook, who delivered very fine sermons taking the Cross True “The City that The choir sang thems. A male very appropriate ner of the Cross.” Mrs. Thos. Welsh has purchased the dwelling property of the estate of the late Miss Clara Volland on Queen street, which has been oc­ cupied for the past,5 number of months by Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rands. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. S. Welsh will move into this property in the near future and Mr. and Mrs.' Rands will move into the house re-1 Arthur in been con- to illness Mil- here Miss fun- as his subjects “Is to Experience” and Made Jesus Weep" two beautiful an- chorus also sang a number “The Ban- cently occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Harvey MacLaren, Past Musters’ At A«F» & A«M. Lodge Jt being past Masters’ night at the Huron Masonic Lodge on Mon­ day, April 3rd, the conferred the Fred Dawson of Exeter. A thren from E meeting. Dainty refreshments were served at the close. Passion Week Services in the United Church Services was held in the United Church on Monday evening Rev. R. A. Brook preached a fine sermon. His subject was Guise of Utility”. Miss Bella Smale sang a beautiful solo. At the Wed­ nesday evening service Rev. Mr, Brook spoke on “The Barren Fig Tree” and Mr. W. O, Goodwin sang a solo by special request. Pre-Com­ munion Service will be held on Good Friday evening at 8 p.m. Mrs. Lee Hedden will contribute a solo. The choir of the United Church are arranging special numbers and an­ thems under the effeient leadership of Mr. W. O. Goodwin for Easter Sunday, Easter Thank « Offering Meeting The Easter Thank-Offering Meet­ ing of the Arnold Circle was held at the home of Miss Mabel Workman on Monday evening with a very good attendance, The president Mrs. Roy Bell presided over the opening exercises. Easter music was played by Mrs. Young which opened the meeting. Miss Beryl Pfaff gave an Easter poem entitled “Thirty Three Years” followed by singing “Christ The Lord is Risen Today.” Mrs. Roy Bell led in prayer. The minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered with an Easter verse, The business was discussed and arrangements made for a Mother and Daughter Banquet to be held on the Monday following Mother’s Day. The offer­ ing was received alid dedicated by Mrs. Bell Workman was read Mrs. Roy reading entitled Easter.” A beautiful piano duet was played by Mrs. Young and Miss Irene Hoggarth, Miss’ Workman then introduced Mrs. B C Edwards who gave a very interesting address on “Making the Most of Life’s Sec­ ond Best.” Mrs. and Miss Margaret beautiful duet “The Wounded For Me” Mrs. Young on the _ play entitled^ “On Life’s Highway” was presented by Mrs. Roy Bell, Misses Irene Hoggarth, Hannah Murray, Helen Moir, Margaret Bell, Violet Hyde and Mrs. A. W- Kers- lake. Hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” was sung and the. meeting closed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. A very dainty lunch was served by mem­ bers of the Circle. Past Masters’ third degree on Bro. of Lebanon Forest large number of bre- Ixeter attended the when very “The after which Miss Mabel presided. The scripture by Miss Helen ' Walker. MacLaren gave an Easter “Mother Wang’s Malcolm Dougall Dougall sang a Hand That Was accompanied by piano. A short Sai * PIC STARTER C'nis Feeding Costs-- Assures Biggei- Profits Keep little pigs husky and growing by starting them on Shur Gain Pig Starter at 3 weeks of age. You can cut feed costs and avoid costly set backs by seeing that the sow’s milk supply is supplemented by the kind of feed that keeps little pigs growing fast. Extra Vitamins, Minerals and Proteins • are needed; the feed must be palatable, and it must not be too coarse for easy digestion. Slmr Gain Pig Starter offers ' all these advantages. Play safe, follow the Shur Gain Way to bigger Hog Profits. Shur Gain Pig Starter is made from guar, antced formulas. Compare this low price for 100 lb. bag................................................ 21 per cent. IT per cent. $2.10 $1.90 SHUR GAIN HOG MINERAL SHUR GAIN HOG CONCENTRATE GROWER $2.75 $2.75 $1.55 $1.50 SHUR GAIN FATTENERHOGSHUR GAIN HOG CENTRALIAEXETER FOR SALE BY CENTRALLY FARMERS’ CO.-OP. Centralia T. B. ALLEN EaWpihar s’ The Exeter Agricultural Society will sponsor a Boys’ Foal Club tor farmers* sons or helpers, between ages of X4 and information and Ellerington, p, Elliott or Andy 20 entries. 20, inclusive, For registration see F. Passmore, Murray Easton. Maximum A 4-act play entitled “THE GIRL FROM OUT YONDER” will be presented by the Brucefield United Church Young People in THAMES ROAD CHURCH TUESDAY, APRIL Uth, 1939 Admisison 25c. and 15c, P, Mclsaac & T, H. Hoffman announce the purchase of the Funeral Stock and Equipment of the late Daniel Maclsaac in Crediton It is our desire to serve the funeral ■purchasing public in the Crediton area as Mr. Maclsaac has in the past, At the present time business will be carried on from the P, MacJsaac Funeral Service Establishment at Dashwood, and for your convenience when about to select a Casket, a car will be arranged to call for you and convey you to and from Dashwood; also day and night Ambulance Ser­ vice. in CENTRALIA HALL on THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1939 GEO. OLLMAN ORCHESTRA Admission 25c. Cafeteria Lunch Easter Novelties P. McISAAO T. HARRY HOFFMAN Ontario Licensed Embalmers Telephone: Dashwood 70 and 10 DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich. last three days of week. , Try a Nestle Oil Permanent MARIE KRAFT, Hairdresser Phone 81, Dashwood Dashwood Walther League Presents 3-act play “WAKE UP FOLKS” Rader’s Garage THURSDAY, APRIL 13th at 8 p.m, sharp Admission 25c—12 or under 15c. EVERYBODY WELCOME — and and Tor- Mrs. E. R. Guenther, who has been visiting her sister' in Florida returned home on Saturday. Her mother Mrs, Hooper' who spent the past three months there returned with her. Mr. and Mrs. David Tieman Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman Nancy spent the week-end in onto with Mr. and Mrs. Cook, 'Mr. Wm. Stire and two children spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Stire who are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther have returned home after spending a few days in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor spent the week-end in Detroit sor A number of relatives from here attended the the late Mr. John Jacobs in Cinton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. tended the funeral of the late Mr. J. Ogden on Wednesday. Hubert Res?temeyer to his home with the flu. Special Lenten Services are being held in the Evangelical church this week. The Walther League of the Luth­ eran Church will present a 3-act play “Wake up Folks” in Raders’ , Garage on Thursday, April 13tli at S p.m. I (Mr. Milford Merner has purchas­ ed the butcher business and property on Main ( Son. Mr. ' Monday. and Wind- and friends funeral of Nadiger at- her brother in Kirkton is confined I I street from E. Tiernan & Merner took possession on ZION The Zion W. M. S. were enter­ tained by the Elimville W. M. S. at the home of Mrs. J. Bailey on Wed­ nesday of last week. Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her Mrs. Allan Jaques. On Friday evening the ity meeting was held in school. A very interesting program was enjoyed by ail. The guest speaker.was Mr. E. Adamson. This was the last meeting for this season. The W. M. S. meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Jaques on Thursday. A ten cent tea Will be served at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern visited on Sunday with Mrs. Herman Kyle, of Exeter. A number in the community sick with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, Exeter, visited oh Sunday with and Mrs, Melville Hern, Mr. Nelson ’t’oWlfe aim sister have moved to their new home in Exeter, daughter cotnmun- the Zion are , o£ Mr. WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR EASTER NOVELTIES PRICED FROM lc. to $1.00 # * * Fancy Easter Baskets Made-to-Order Before Buying See Middleton’s * * * Hot Cross Every Week-end Until Easter Leave Your Order For Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday W. E. Middleton We Deliver Phone 52 Seed Grain Cleaning We are now cleaning and grad­ ing seed grain of all kinds. Oats and Barley cleaned, graded and separated. Peas, Beans, Clovers, Etc. cleaned at reasonable prices. Seed Grain, Clovers and Grasses for sale CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. George Cook have returned to their home at Camlachie after spending the winter months' with the latter’s sister Mrs. Charles Roeszler. ] Mrs. Robert Mawhinney, of Alvin- 1 stop, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney and other friends. * We ,,are glad to hear that Mrs. C. Zwicker, who has been ill for a num­ ber of weeks is improving. Mr. Ward Fritz, of Zurich and Mr Henry Zimmer, of Dashwood, pur­ chased the blacksmith shop from Mrs, will Mr. the them every success. Large flocks of wild ducks have been sighted in the neigh­ borhood during the last week on the way to the Northern nesting grounds. Mrs, Smith, of Detroit, visited last week with her sister Mrs. Dan Mac- Isaac. Last Sunday Sunday School having Rev. D. speaker, Elaine the Waifs of the Street.” An Easter program is being prepared for Easter Sunday. A barn demonstration will be held on Monday, April 10th, at Wm. Oestreicher’s, north of Crediton. This will be under the cH”ection of Prof. Stuckley from O. A. C. All farmers or anyone interested in feed­ ing, caring for or breeding good live stock should attend, for these meet­ ings are always very interesting and prove to be an education to all. Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W. M, S. was held at the home of Mrs. Sam Lamport, Thurs­ day afternoon. There were four mem­ bers and 2 visitors present. The president then took charge of the devotional period. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted The members present reported 20 calls, 25 sick visits, 28 treats, 16 cards, 2 plants and 1 bouquets were sent. The business of the meeting was then transacted. The ladies pur­ pose to have a sale of home baking on Saturday, April Sth. Mrs. Ezra Faist took charge of the program which opened with a song. Mrs. A, E. Pleteh gave the chapter in the Study Book. We were then favored with a quartette. Rev. A. E. Pletch gave us a talk on Stewardship. The meeting was closed with song and prayer, A dainty lunch was served, and a vote of thanks was tendered to the host­ ess. Lunch committee was given by Mrs. L. Schwartz and seconded by Mrs. H. Schenk. Dan Mclsaac, Mr. Earl Zimmer conduct a garage business and Joseph Bullock will blacksmith business. continue in We wish geese and THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1030 I 0 ZWICKERS Phone 3W day Night CREDITON, ONT 44 E. L Johnston Painter, Decorator Phone 183W, Exeter Sec Wallpaper Samples and Paint Charts, also Catalogue of Shades, Drapes and Upholstering Goods. Get my special price for first ten customers on painting of brick, Stucco and concrete spray and brush painting. Get price on white washing of cellars and stables. I am also agent for el­ ectric floor sanding. Let me give you ail estimate on any of your jobs. ' $ MIDNIGHT DANCE AT KIPPEN starting 12.05 MONDAY, APRIL 10th —• With ■*— BENNY PALMER General Admission 50c. the United 'Church were fortunate in Gladman as special Mitchell sang “Even . CENTRALIA Miss Margaret ’Cook spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cook in London. Miss W. Pollock and friend, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, of Ripley, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Gordon Baynham, who has been quite ill, is able to be up and around again. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard were: Mrs. Alice Curtis, of Tillsonburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. Moli­ tor and Mr. and Mrs. G. Molitoi’ and daughter of Thedford. Misses Dorothy and Mildred Hicks of London, spent the week-end with theii* mother, Mrs. B. Hicks. Miss Beulah Skinner, who recent­ ly underwent an operation in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, was able to return home on Thursday last and Is doing nicely. Mr. John Essery for .a couple of days surance business. Sunday evening Centralia United Church will be pre­ sented titled tumes 5 Several members of the Exeter I. 0.0.F. attended the Brucefield lodge Wednesday evening when a degree team from. Wingham lodge exemplified thd Work of the third degteh on three candidates from the Exeter Lodge. was in Toronto, last week on In- service in the in the form of a pageant en- 'The Cross’ with fancy cos­ and Eastei’ music. Centralia Y. P. U. Centralia Y. P. U. held regular meeting on Tuesday the president Reg. Hodgson presid- siding. Hymn 9 2 was sung followed by a paper by Lucille Gilbert. Busi­ ness was discussed and Margaret McIntyre took charge. Hymn 191 was sung. Reg. Hodgson read the Scripture. Florence Mitchell gave a reading. A duet was sung by Mar­ garet McIntyre ’and Ruth Kleinstiv- er. The topic “Sabbath Observances’ was given by Gerald Godbolt follow­ ed by a discussion by Rev. Falcon­ bridge. The meeting was closed with the use of hymn 179 and the Mizpah benediction. their with CROMARTY surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Butler last Mon­ day evening, the occasion being her eighty-fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Fischer, of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Butler, of London, were among the friends which num­ bered around thirty to spend an ev­ ening of enjoyment together. Mrs. Butler was completely taken by sur­ prise but was pleased to have an ev- ening once again with her neighbors and friends, Messrs, Richard dud Joe 'Speare arrived home last week after gpend- ing the winter in Harriston and Tor­ onto. Mr, Wm. Hamilton is Still confin­ ed to his bed through illness. We ia.ll wish him a speedy recovery. A "Wow! this JAP-A-IAC FLORENAMEL special is somethingl" fleet ImmI Unite Stesked! JRP-n-Lne Reg. U35 Value A true enamel for wood, cement or worn Iinoleumfloors.Resists FLOREnnmEL LINDENFIELDS’ HARDWARE PHONE 146 PHONE 146 ....SPECIAL EASTER PERMANENTS These new oil waves, are so beautifully rich looking, so adaptable, they’ll add new life and luster to your hair This is the greatest Permanent Wave bargain of the season. No failures — a Guaranteed Permanent Wave — Successful on every type of hair Scientific Oil OTHER SPECIALS A Machineless Permanent that is cool and comfortable. PERMANENT ENDS — SPECIAL PRICES — ALL AGES Personality Permanent 4 A charming distinctive coiffure of individuality. A wave that will revitalize dry and snarly hair. A solution that contains Vitamin F TOMLINSON’S BARBER and BEAUTY SHOP PURINA OUALIT CHICKS From PURINA FED FLOCKS ...BABY CHICK TIME... THIS YEAR SAY, POOLEY’S Our triple LLL Chicks will make you money for they LIVE LONG — LAY FINE -LARGE EGGS We guarantee 100 per cent, live chicks at 14 days old. Ask us about this plan. Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Leghorn-Rock Cross and New Hampshires from the most outstanding birds in Ontario All breeders blood-tested Order now from Telephone 14r7, Kirkton R. E. POOLEY WINCHELSEA