HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-03-23, Page 8THU1WAX. MARCH 2». 103»THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe PERMANENTS FOR EASTER that will leave your hair soft and healthy Phone 1152 Vera C. Pecker, Proprietress Evenings by Appointment FIT YOUR HORSES NOW FOR SPRING WORK —* use Walker’s Condition Powder Guaranteed 100 per cent. pure. For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store NOTICE Mrs. Russell Broderick has taken over the dancing class of Mrs. Gil­ bert Brooks (nee Ena Gooding) Anyone interested kindly get in touch with Mrs. George Flynn, Exe­ ter, or Mrs. Russell Broderick, of Hensail. NOTICE TO CLUB MEMBERS The Thames Road Farmers’ Club would like all orders for grass seed left with the secretary or with Jones & May by April 1st. We are handl­ ing Shur-Gain fertilizer again this year and can give the best of service. Other companies are trying to take our business away from us. They have appointed no less than eight club members to sell fertilizer and one agent has offered S per cent, off a mixed fertilizer and 6 per cent off phosphate. In order to keep our club together we are quite willing to pay a dividend that will exceed that offer. We will also pay a divid­ end on the oil we sell. STAY WITH THE CLUB.—-P. Passmore, Sec’y. FOR SALE —• In the village of Winchelsea on St. Marys - Exeter County Road, 1% acres of land, 7- room house with hydro, 2-piece bath 2-car steel garage, steel stable with hen house over garage and stable to accommodate 3 00 hens. Good reason for selling. Apply to Ralph Batten R.R. 1, Woodham. ltp. Ford Philco Car Radio, 193 8 mo­ del, sold new for $60.00, Oui’ price on this one only $25. Also nice cab­ inet Philco Radio for $25.00. These are real bargains. Sandy Elliot. FOR SALE—Colony house 10x12. $40.00.—R. E. Balkwill. ltp FARM FOR SALE—50 acres, east half lot 25, con. 7, Usborne, house barn, silo, hen house, drive shed, spring, never failing; 5 acres young bush, sand and gravel pits. Apply to Mrs. Peter Whitlock, R.R. No. 3 Exeter. ltp FOR SALE—Piano and bench, $25, Saturday at-779 Colborne St., London. ltp. TO RENT — Grocery store and apartment. Apply E. C. Harvey, Exe­ ter. ? 3-23-2tc FOR SALE—Seed Barley O.A.C. No. 21, Apply Alvin Essery, Cen­ tralia. 3-23-2tc FOR SALE—100 acres, exception­ ally well located, easy terms. 12 0 acres on highway, close to town, electricity. House in Exeter, Credit- on and Hensail. Wm. Pearce. ltp FOR SALE—'Girl’s spring coat and hat nearly new, size 6 years, will sell for half price and also pair of black oxfords, size 12. Apply to the Times-Advocate. ltp WANTED — Dressmaking, house­ hold sewing, dyeing.—Mrs. Hy. Ford R.R, 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 44-6. HIGHWAY FARM WANTED—A farm, on or near highway or county road, with good buildings, hydro available. I have enquiry for such a farm. If you wish to sell see C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter; HOUSE FOR SALE—Frame house property of the late John Willert, almost opposite the Lutheran church in Dashwood; double lot with good stable on cement blocks. Apply to Ed. F. Willert, Dashwood, phone Dashwood 47 r 20. 3-13-3tp FOR SALE—8 room frame house on south Richmond St., Hensall. Must be sold. Apply to F. W. Glad­ man, Exeter, or Chas. Jinks, Hen­ sail. 3-16-4tp FOR SALE—One 13-hoe fertiliz­ er drill and one 11-hoe fertilizer drill in A-l shape. Apply to G. M. McKnight, Exeter. 3-16-2tp. FOR SALE—-Seed oats, Early Al- askas. Albert Mitchell, Centralia, R.R. 1, phone Kirkton 48rl4. 3-16-2tP FOR SALE—Hatching eggs from thoroughbred White Leghorns. Ap­ ply Wes. Wein, Crediton. HOUSE FOR SALE—Brick cot­ tage on Albert Street, Exeter, 5 rooms, modern conveniences, also 2 lots and barn. Apply Chas. Fisher, Exeter, R. IL 3, Telephone 176 r 5. BUICK HOUSE FOR SALE—Me­ dium sized, 2 good lots, well under $1,000.00 with terms. Other houses, C, V. PICKARD, DhOild 105, Exeter Markets Wheat 60c. Oats 30c. Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Flohr $1.95 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Shorts $1.30 Bran $1.40 Creamery Butter 26-270. Dairy Butter ?l-24c. Eggs, A large 16c. Eggs A medium 15c. Eggs B 14c. Eggs G 13c, Hogs, dressed $11.90. A Full Line of FRESH, CURED and SMOKED MEATS OYSTERS Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS —------------------ -—-----—-------- i 1 i <»«■»,>■... . — 0 1 LOCALS I I A sale of home-baking will be held at Grigg’s Store on Saturday at 3 o’clock, March 25th by Caven Mis­ sion Band. Under the auspices of the Murray Mission Band of Main Street Church, an entertainment will be held on Friday, March 24, at 7:45, consisting of piano duets, vocal solos and duets, and recitations by M. B. members. Selections that were given over the radio will be repeated by request. Miss Jean Murray, Hensall, will be our guest speaker. An offering will be taken to aid our mission fund. Everybody welcome. Mr. George Anderson is seriously ill at his home. Tuesday, March 21st, was the first day of Spring. iMr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks, Hen­ sail, spent Monday at Mr. and Mrs E. C. Appleton’s. Miss Eileen Snell has taken a posi­ tion in the dry .goods department of Jones & May. Mrs. F. Gill has not been as well lately and on Sunday was removed to Mrs. Seymour’s. Mrs. g. R. Prebble and son Frank, of Uderton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery. Mr. Orville Lawson, of the Cana­ dian Bank of Commerce staff is vis­ iting with Mr. N. Floody at Windsor Miss Annie Handford has return­ ed to her home after visiting with her sister Mrs. Geo. Griffith for the past five months. Miss Eva Pearce who has been vis­ iting for three weeks with her sister Mrs. Wesley Redmond, of Detroit, has returned home. Mrs. Alfred Furry, of Prince Al­ bert District, Sask., spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ap­ pleton. Motorists have only a few days in which to buy their 1939 licenses. By the looks of things there will be a big rush at the last minute. Constable Norry is again register­ ing all revolvers. Persons with wea­ pons of this kind will be well advis­ ed to have them registered at once. Mr. H. O. Southcott was in Tor­ onto over the week-end, Mrs. E. A. Follick and Mrs. Sydney Davis ac­ companied him to the city and Visit­ ed with relatives. Miss Pearl Whiteford, Mr. Ear’ Whiteford, of Clandeboye, Miss Mar- ilynne Campbell, Mr. Graham Camp­ bell visited on Sunday with Miss June Coughlin of Atwood. On Thursday of last week Dr. G. F. Roulston attended a meeting of the Kent Dental Society at Chatham and gave one of the four clinics pre­ sented there by the London.Society Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mr. David Mawhinney, Mr. Frank and Miss Ida Glanville attended the Mawhinney Golden Wedding at Crediton Mon­ day. Mr. Thos. Appleton, who on Fri­ day of this week will celebrate his 84th birthday, has reported the first robin of the season, Mr. Appleton is a remarkably smart man for one of his years. Steady winter weather has pre­ vailed for over a week and the ther­ mometer registered around the zero mark a couple of nights the latter part of week. There is more ice on the rink than there has been all win­ ter. Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Hunt and three auto loads from the Trlvitt Memorial A. Y. P, A. motored to Clinton Monday evening to attend a Huron County Lenten Rally Ser­ vice. Rev. Mr. Findlay, of London, was the special speaker. Rev. D. C. Hill was in London on Monday attending & meeting of the business committee of the Synod of .Hamilton and London. Arrange­ ments were made for the holding of the Synod at St. Andrews church, Stratford, April 24th, Girl wants position in town ar I mother’s helper, Aply Ylmes-Advo­ cate. Benefits FROM GLASSES ARE SOON NOTICEP Many experience immediate relief while others it is more gradual. It is decidedly worth your while to take the welfare of your eye? ser- siopsly and have them ex­ amined by C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday Are you receiving a safe driving re­ ward of 20 per cent or more of your Automobile Insurance cost? If not —-Why not? MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Phone 47 Auto ERNEST C. HARVEY Now is the time to be sure your hair is in perfect condition for a PERFECT PERMANENT Special prices for Hot Oil Treat­ ments till Easter TOMLINSON’S Hairdressers Phone 146 For Quick Heat or Steady Warmth Burn D&H Anthracite Heating your home in unsettled March weather is no problem, when you burn D&H. This easy-to-regu- late coal gives you quick heat or steady warmth—which ever you re­ quire. For your supply of D&H Anthracite just call JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 .Residence 157 To Greet the Spring— A NATURELLE PERMANENT WAVE Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Phone 245 Stock clearing sale of used furni­ ture and stoves to be sold. One ladies’ seal coat, one cloth coat, no reasonable offer refused. Opposite Theatre. 2-16-tfc. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT 100 acres west 5 lot 11 and^south i lot 12, located 2| miles west of Crediton, Stephen Township, Huron County, good buildings 10 acres fall wheat, fall plowing done, immediate possession. If thinking of purchas­ ing a farm it will pay you to 'look this one over first. Mrs. Robert Ma­ whinney ... Apply to Thomas Mawhin­ ney opposite this farm. 2-9-3tp. FOR COZt sjeaBY HBALTHFUiheaT at lowest’^1 C05t W. C. ALLISON Successor to H. T. Rowe ALBERTA COAL AND COKE I INVESTMENTS | ' A SPECIALIZED SERVICE H based on the requirements of the Individual Investor | LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES H Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges « | Prompt and Efficient Service 1 For further information apply j PREMIER SECURITIES LIMITED g Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501 H W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming) s President and Manager Investment Analyst i “Invest With Confidence” You May Reverse Charges When Placing Orders by Telephone CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. 3. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m,—'Public Worship Sermon: ‘The priesthood of Jesus’ 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “The Glory of God." JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Rev. Dr. John Coburn in Main St. Church Union .Service 3 p.m.—Church School 7 .p.m,—Dr. Coburn Monday, 8 p.m.—Dr. Coburn Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Dr. Corburn Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Dr. Coburn MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader Morning Service Only (Union) 11 a.m.—-Dr. John Coburn, of Toron­ to, Evangelist. 3 p. m.—Sunday School TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M, A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemfss Passion Sunday 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon The Call to Sacrifice St. Duke 9:24. Service every yzednesday evening during Lent at 7.30. ...USED CAR... SPECIALS 1938 Chevrolet Master Coach 1936 Chevrolet Master Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Standard Deluxe Sedan with Trunk 1933 Ford Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Master Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Ford Model A Coach 1928 Ford Model A Coach 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1934 Chevrolet 2 ton H.D. Truck Racks and Platform 1937 Chevrolet % ton Pick-up SNELLBROS. AND CO. EXETER Phone 100 •BARN FOR SALE — Rock elm frame 35x50. Clifford Brintnell, Ex­ eter. ltp. UNION SERVICES Union services will be held in the James Street and Main Street United Churches conducted by Dr. John Co­ burn, a noted evangelist of Toronto, beginning Sunday 26th. Service at 11 a.m. in Main Street ahd at 7 p.m in James Street followed by services each night during the week at 8 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­ day in James Street and Thursday and Friday in Main Street. New Dresses for Easter We invite you to see our showing of New Dresses that we have ready for your approval. Stylish Coats for Misses and Women Styles and Materials are a decided change from last season. You will find in our stock some very smart numbers that are very reasonably priced. New Materials in Men’s Top Coats You will want a smart new Top Coat for Ejaster. Be sure to see our new showing in Rag­ lans or belted backs. Prices vary from $14.95 to $18,50. Young Men’s and Men’s Suits for Easter It is about time to be thinking about that new suit. We are showing the New Models, Weaves and Colorings. Prices too, will interest you. $15.00 to $25.00 with two pants. New Curtains and Nets Your Old Curtains will be getting to look a little shabby. Call and see what your money can buy at per yard 18c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, ahd 50c. Wallpapers in New Patterns and Colorings A few rolls of our new paper will make a great difference in the appearance of your home. You can buy such smart designs as low as 10c, 12c 15c to 25c. GROCERY SPECIALS BRAN FLAKES Kellogg’s 2 for...................20c LEMONS 1 dozen.............29c WASHING SODA Arm and Hammer 3 boxes...........25c m BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks: White Leghorns 9c; Barred Rocks, Brown Leghorns, New Hampshire Reds, 10c; White Rocks, Jersey Black 'Giants 11c Heavy Surplus 9c; Light Surplus 8c. 5 per cent discount on early orders with 10 per cent deposit. Telephone Granton 38-3. A. H. Switzer Hatch­ ery, Granton, Ont. The W. A. of Main 'Street Church held a successful St. Patrick’s sup­ per last Friday, March 17th. G. J. Dow is holding an Auction Sale of Ontario Bred Horses to-day (Thursday.) Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston en­ joyed a visit last Saturday from C. L. Heywood, Ailsa Craig and iC. W. Crozier, Parkhill, both being teach­ ers. The latter is the son of W. P. Crozier, Dungannon, a former schoolmaster of this couple of old Cherry Grove School, Ashfield, over sixty years ago. Mrs. Moses Gardiner, of Regina, visited for a week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Strang and called on friends in this community. Mrs. Gardiner, of late, has been making her home with her daughter in Chicago and visited with her sister, Mrs. Hannah, of Toronto. Highland Hill Dairy We are sure that the people who visited our dairy on our opening day will agree with us that we have one of the best modern equipped ,and sanitary dairies in the prov­ ince. In fact we received a splen­ did report from the Govern- ’ ment Inspector who visited us three weeks ago. Anyone who did not See otir dairy on our opening day is cordially invited to come at any time, as we aim to keep it in the Same sanitary con­ dition at all times. >N. Stanlake & Son III Choice Spy Apples HONEY Pure Clover 10 lb. pail ... 95c FLOUR Choice Pastry 24 lbjbag ... 49c RINSO 3 boxes .... 25c 1 GOOD NEWS FOR MEN.... Advance Showing of New Fabrics and Styles Mr. M. R. PARK, Special Johnston Approved Clothes rep­ resentative will visit us on MONDAY, MARCH 27th WHY HIS VISIT IS IMPORTANT: 1. He brings dozens of actual fabrics with him for Spring and Summer wear, 2. ' He brings an outstanding array of new styles and ideas created by Johnston designers. 3. His many years of experience is at your disposal. He will help you select your most becoming fabric and style. Plan to be in our store on the above date. It’s an outstand­ ing opportunity for you to choose your new tailored-to-meas- ure Johnston clothes. You’ll be Well rewarded if you’re there. SUITS 22.50 UP W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. ■Mrs. Annie Geddes, of St. Thomas is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes. A car load of members of the Eas­ ter Star Chapter attended a meeting, of the Eastern Star in St. Marys on Wednesday night. Several from town have received post cards from Dr. and Mrs. Ander­ son who are enjoying the beauty of the palms and flowers of Florida. The weather has been hot with the sun shining nearly every day. They are making their way back to Fort Wayne, Ind., to visit with their dau­ ghter. Notice to tho Public of Exeter Concerning my meeting of the council at the last meeting March 13 By the account given by the 'Clerk the correct version of the affair was deliberately conceited with a view to belittle by ^reputation as a citizen of Exeter. The truth of the whole af­fair which smells, putrid to me will be published by me in the near fu­ ture when the affair has been set­ tled to my satisfaction, I am truly yours, A citizen of Exeter W, J. SEYMOUR 15 OATMEAL / Bulk—(Fine or Coarse 7 lbs. •••••« 25c FRESH SODAS 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c CLEANSER Old Dutch 3for...............29c MUSICAL PROGRAM James Street Choir rendered sev­ eral favorite selections following the service on Sunday evening under the direction of Mr. W. R. Gould­ ing. A good congregation was pre­ sent and enjoyed the various re­ quest numbers with Rev. Mr. Page in charge of the service. “The Stranger of Galilee," solo by Miss Pearl Wood; organ and piano sel­ ection by W, R. Goulding and Miss Laurene Beavers; Mrs. Margaret Fletcher sang the solo part in “The Sinner and the Song," Mrs. T. Coates Miss Reta Rowe, Messrs W. Cut- bush and A. Fawcett singing the qhartette accompaniment. The choir also .rendered two numbers. MEN! HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK WITH A LARGE .MANUFAC­ TURING CONCERN OF 200 daily necessities used in every home. Sure and quick repeaters. No experience needed, Good pay every day if ac­ tive, and permanent business certain if persevering, Investigate our Plan at once., CATALOGUE FREE: FAMILEX CO. 570 .St. Clement, Montreal.