HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-03-23, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE PIRLVA FEI) FLOCKS A CH from, | ..Baby Chick Time THIS YEAR SAY: Pooley’s over 50 per cent. Old Hen Breeders Leghorns mated to males from hens four-years old or over, also B. Rock, N. Hampshire and Leg­ horn, Rock* Cross. Our Triple L. L. L. Chicks will pay you well. They Live Long, Lay Fine, Large Eggs ■■ WINCHELSEA LOOK YOUR BEST! ! ! ! POOLEY SPECIAL ON All Work PERMANENTS Guaranteed MILDRED HACKNEY Phone 39, Hensall HENSALL . Mrs. Chas. Jinks was a recent vis­ itor with relatives in Windsor. Miss Mary (Little, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. ■Miss Mary Stinson spent the week­ end at her home in London. Mrs. I. G. Smillie, is relatives and friends this week. Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, visiting with in Toronto of Durham, visited this ‘week with relatives and friends here. Mr. Harry Hoy, spent the week-end Mrs. Ed. Fink. The Exeter Lions banquet in the Commercial Hotel on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell visited in St. Marys on Sunday. Miss Marion Paisley, of Toronto spent the weekend with her grand­ mother Mrs. Rennie. Mrs. Brassier, Jack and Dorothy, of London, spent Saturday with Dr. D. G. Steer and Mrs. Steer. ,Mr. John Timms, of St. Marys, is visiting with his cousin Mrs. Walks and Mr. and Mr. A. W. Kerslake. Miss Nellie Fee, of Milverton, spent the week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fee. Mr- Ray Patterson, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson Miss Mabel Gill, of London, visited over the week-end with her sister Miss Edna Gill and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Toron­ to, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Cor­ nelius Cook. Mrs. Wm. Nicholson, of Parkhill, is visiting for a few weeks with son-in-law and daughtei’ Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ireland Mr. and Mrs, F. T. Field, of Tees- water, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hicks. Miss Mary Buchanan, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Alex Buchanan and members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, Blen­ heim, visited over the week-end at the home of the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs. Chas. McDonell. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the hockey Tuesday night Woodstock. Rev. W. A. this week attending a meeting of L of Kitchener with Mr. and Club held a her and and match in Clinton on between Clinton and Young is in Toronto SEED GRAIN CLEANING We are now prepared to clean and grade seed grain in our’ plant at Crediton. Oats and Barley clean­ ed, graded arid separated. Also we clean peas, beans, etc. We clean and buy and sell all varieties of Clovers and Grasses. No.,> 1 seed Oats and Barley for sale. Phone 3w. Night 44. Zwicker’s, Crediton. It Is the Board of Sabbath Schools and Young People’s Societies. Ari executive jqeetiug of the Con­ servative Association of Huron and Druce was bold in the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon, March 16th. Miss Sadie Fletcher, who has been ill with the flu in Scott Mem­ orial Hospital, Seaforth, is improv­ ing and expects to return home this week. Chief of Police Lee Hedden has received registration certificates for small arms and those revolvers are required the same. Miss Beryl Pfaff was her home last week with an attack of influenza. Miss Annie E. Consitt was supplying for Miss Pfaff at the Public School Mr. Garnet Mousseau been confined to his .past week with an fluenza is somewhat date of writing. Master Ross Corbet, who spent the past week visiting with his grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz at Dashwood returned home on Sat­ urday. Miss Delphine Jackson, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for the past several weeks, receiv­ ing treatment for diabetes, returned to her home on No. 4 Highway on •Saturday. The many friends of Miss Amy Reynolds will be pleased to know that she is much improved Tn health since her recent operation in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, and is ex­ pected home this week. The services in the United church were very well attended on Sunday, with Rev. R. A. Brook conducting both services. The choir sang two beautiful anthems “More Love To Thee 0 Christ” and “Soldiers of the Cross.” Mr. Orville Twitchell has purchas­ ed the adjoining lots where fire swept the buildings recently owned by the Canada Trust Co. He intends erecting an up to date garage 45x45 feet and workmen have commenced draining the premises this week. The services in Carmel Presbyter­ ian church Sunday were conduct­ ed by the pastor Rev. W. A. Young who delivered excellent sermons Two fine anthems “Blessed Is the Man” and “The Lord Is My Shep­ herd,” were sung by the choir. Quite a number attended the an­ nual meeting of the Huron Farm­ ers’ Co-Operatve Co. Ltd., which was held in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon. The auditors’ t reports and manager’s statements were pre­ sented. Directors were appointed and the general business transacted. Miss Jean Foster, who has been in Kitchener for several months taking a course in hairdressing ‘in­ tends opening a beauty shop here in the near future. Miss Foster has rented the apartment over Hemp­ hill’s drug store and expects to have it furnished and ready to commence business this week. A picture appeared in the London Free Press on Saturday of Mavr Reid, five years of age, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid, London who was successful in passing her second grade pianoforte with hon­ ors in the Toronto Conservatory of Music, having started taking lessons about one years ago. Both Mavis’ parents were Hensallites, her ther being a daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert McArthur her father a son of the late Mr. Mrs. Hector Reid. “WHITTLIN’’ Three-Act Comedy presented by the Y.P.U. United Church, Crediton at* Mooresville FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1939 Music Between Act? Admission 25c and 15c A bewill of the in Zu- Gertie Wed- possessing to register confined to who room .for attack of improved has the in- at mo- late and and Nomination Held Nomination for a village Council­ lor was held in the Council Cham­ bers on Monday evening to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Councillor George E. Brock. The following were nominated: Robt. Cameron, Jas. Sangster, McNaughton, Harry Horton, 'Geiger, Fred Smallacombe and Mickle. Mr. Harry Horton elected by acclamation. Oddfellows “At Home” The Oddfellows held an ‘At Home’ on Tuesday night about present including wives friends of the members, played Ladies Marys; ladies’ lister; foot. layon played on the violin and gui­ tar. A delicious lunch was served. Bride-Elect Honoured With, Miscellaneous Shower A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madge on Monday when their dau­ ghter Mildred, bride-elect of this week was honored with a miscell­ aneous shower. The gifts were pre­ sented in a beautifully decorated basket in mauve and yellow, by Mrs. John Faber and Miss Helen Walker. Messrs. Petei’ Owen E. L was fifty being and lady Cards were as follows: Hudson, St. and .prizes won first, Mrs. .Lloyd ; gent’s first, John McBeth; consolation, Mrs. Jim McAl- gent’s consolation, J. Broad- Frank Kenny and Arthur Fin- Make Them This Year Our prices are very reasonable for High Quality Chicks. Get your cockerels now for early Broilers: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns. Mr. Hogarth will be glad tn help you with any of your poul­ try problems. BABY CHICKS When you buy chicks from a Sales Agent his commission is always in­ cluded in the price you pay. When you buy Tweddle Chicks you buy direct from the Producer and save money, Grade A Heavy Breeds $11. Pullets $18.00, Cockerels $6.00; Leghorns $10.50, Pullets $22.00, Cockerels $3.00. Free Poultry book Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited Fergus, Ontario DASHWOOD Dr, W. D. Bry^e, L.D.S., D.p.S, DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, rich, last three days of week, Harry Hoffman and sister visited friends in Tavistock nesday night. •Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, St. Thomas spent the week-end with her mothei Mr, and Mrs. S. Gottshalk. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and family, of Kitchener, spent the week­ end with her parents Mr. and Mrs.- Hy. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Toron­ to, were week-end visitors with Mr and Mrs. T. Tieman. Mrs. Greer, of Port. Arthur, is vis­ iting with Mr, and Mrs. Louis Mor­ enz. Miss Florence Baker, who has been visiting in Detroit and Wind­ sor returned home on Sunday. KHIVA Miss Doris Baker, of Grand Bend spent Sunday with Miss Ila Mason. Mr, and Hrs. Milford Ayotte near London, spent Sunday with Hr- and Hrs. Pius Dietrich. Hiss Dorothy yoison, of Mount Carmel, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ziler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Stanlake at Grand Bend, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Mason attend­ ed the funeral of the late Mr, George Webb at Grand Bend on Friday, The bride received many beautiful gifts and in a few well chosen words thanked all for their gifts. Latei the guests were invited to the din­ ing room where the wedding gifts were displayed by Mrs. John Faber and Miss Helen Walker displayed the bride’s trousseau. A very dainty lunch was served ‘by several friends of the bride, Irish Night The Ladies Association of Carmel Church held a very successful Irish night Tuesday evening. Rev. W- A Young was the chairman for the ev­ ening and gave a short address and the orchestra comprising Mrs. James Mustard and Fred Daters played Irish music. A piano duet by Mrs. Young and Miss Irene Hoggarth war very much enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Young then ntroduced Rev. Samuel Kerr, of Brussels who presented very pic­ turesque and descriipture pictures o' England, Ireland and Scotland, es­ pecially of Ireland, Mr. Kerr’s na­ tive land. Irish jokes were given by Mrs. Young, Miss I. -Hoggarth and Mrs.,W. A. McLaren. A very inter­ esting reading “Larry O’Dee was then given by Mrs. Frank Farquhar Rev. W. A. Young sang a beautiful solo “A Little Bit of Heaven” accom­ panied by Mrs. Young on the piano After singing the National Anthem lunch was served by the ladies. Young people Hohl St. Patrick’s Social The Young People’s United Church held a ful St. Patrick’s social room of the church on Monday ev­ ening. After singing one verse of “Onward Christian Soldiers” the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in uni­ son. Rev. R. A. Brook, chairman gave an address and presided over the following program: A reading by Elaine Beer, Miss Gladys Luker played a delightful Irish melody on the piano. Billy and Betty Mickle sang a duet “The Dear Little Girl” accompanied by Mrs. E. L. Mickle on the piano. Mr. Wm. Hyde played a violin solo and Rev. R. A. Brook sang a beautiful solo. A very des­ criptive travelogue on Ireland by Mrs. I. G. Smillie and given by Mrs. Ken. Hicks. A very interesting reading was given by Mrs. G. Hess followed by a cornet solo by John Beer. Mrs. E. L. Mickle then fa­ vored with a piano instrumental. Joyce Broderick and Ross Kennedy sang two beautiful duets, cal contest was conducted Kilpatrick; a duet by and Mrs. Hess. Games were conducted by Mr. es and a dainty lunch CREDITON Mr. Charles Fahner of the Blind Institute, London, is spending a few ■days at his home here. The W. A. of the United Church are holding a Hard-Time Party with a Pot-Luck; Eupper next Wednesday evening, March 29 th, supper served 5.30 to 8 p.m. Everybody welcome Good Prices at Sale A sale of livestock and farm plements was held at the farm Edward Morjock, last Tuesday was very well attended. Prices high, everything being in good con­ dition. Mr. and Mrs. Morlock have moved to their new home in Credi­ ton. Bride and Groom Feted Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hendrick were presented with a beautiful silver flower basket by the Stephen Exetei’ and Usborne Religious Coun­ cil. Mr. Hendrick has been president of that organization for the past two ELIMVILLE 'Mr. A. C. Whitlock brought his mother Mrs. p. Whitlock home from St. Thomas last Friday, where shi. had been visiting with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw was able to be brought home on Sunday from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she has been since FebVuarv 1st. Her friends are delighted to know she has made such excellent progress since her operation and sincerely hope it will continue. Mrs. Wm. Elford is recovering from an attack of tonsilitis. Doris is still confined to her bed with bron­ chitis but hei- condition is much bel­ ter. Mr. Laverne Skinner is ter. He suffered a serious the flu recently. much bet­ relapse of Union of the very success­ in the school A musi- by Misr Hedden contests Mrs. and Claude Blow- was served. CENTRALIA Cecil D. De Mille’s moving ipicturer the “King of Kings” will be given ir Centralia Church next Tuesday ev ening. See advt. on this page. Mrs. Harris West is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Mills at Ft Erie. Mrs. John McFalls is confined to her bed owing to illness. Mrs. Arthur Tapp, of Exeter, vis­ ited a couple of days this week witr. Mr. and Mrs. J. pollard. Rose Marie Hartman entertained Miss R. Kleinstiver and a number of girls to a birthday party on Saturday in celebration of her seventh birth­ day. The Home and School Club wiP hold their meeting iu the school on Friday evening of this week. Rev D. Gladman, of Crediton, will be the guest speaker. Everybody is wel­ come. The Ham Supper held in the base ment of the Church on Friday even­ ing last was well attended. The play “Little Miss Jack” was very ably presented by the Brinsley Young People. Music between acts was provided by the Skinner trio and the Buswell trio. Centralia Y. 1’. U. / The Centralia Y. P. U. held theix regular meeting on Tuesday evening The president Reg. Hodgson presid­ ed. Hymn 255 was sung followed by a prayer. The meeting was in the form of a hardtime party and Don­ ald Blair the social convenor took charge. Orijoyed and the ing the Games and contests were by all. Lunch was served meeting was closed by sing- Na tfo nal. Antltqin. "She said I could kiss her1 Tony: on the cheek.” Jack: “Did you do it?” Tony: “Not exactly. I did know which cheek she meant, and so I kissed her in between the two.” not Friendship requires deeds—Rich­ ter. Send a Greeting Card in honor of their anniversary, birthday or cards for any occasion at the Tlrncs- Advcoate. im- of and ran CLINTON—One of the marks of Clinton is being ed from 'Clinton’s business centre it being the John Schoenhals flour mill which has been idle for two years. At one time a sawmill was operated along with the flour grinding. old land­ dem olish- years. United Church Y.P.U. regular meeting of the CreditonThe United church Y. P. U. was held on Thursday, March 16th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport. The meeting in charge of Doreen Baker and Lillian Finkbeiner opened with a hymn followed with prayer by Jack Galloway. Beverley Cliffe read the Scripture lesson. The topic on St. Patrick was taken by Miss Reed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and thirty-two members responded to the roll call. A reading was given by Howard Lightfoot and a musical number by Helen Bullock another reading was given by Helen Finkbeiner. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Games and contests were played and at the close ofthe meeting lunch was served. GRAND BEND in the Friday L USED CARS LESS THAN $50.00 Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Sedan Ford Touring Whippet 4 Door Sedan Star Sedan Essex Coupe AND SEE THESE GOOD CARS FOR LESS THAN $100.00 1927 Pontiac Coach, very low mileage 1927 Chrysler Coach , in surpris­ ingly good condition 1929 Essex Coach 1929 Ford Roadster 1928 Ford Coach Mr. Abner Mollard took railroad banquet at Sarnia night. (Miss Muriel Fallis, of visited with friends over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lovie moved into Mrs. Ellen Desjardine’s house on Tuesday, having sold their farm Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Statton have gone on a visit to Sarnia. A very large crowd attended the weekly prayer meeting last Wednes­ day evening. Messrs, Frank and Walter Stat­ ton visited their sister Mrs. Frank Allister in St. Marys on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Molitar, of Thed­ ford, visited their daughter Mrs. L- Rav'elle on Sunday. Mr. Sim Dewey, of St. Marys, is visiting friends in the village. Mr. B. Green, of Sarnia, visited at his home here on Sunday. Mr. Ed'die Gill is sporting a new Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love, Thed­ ford, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. on Monday. Mr. moved week. Sarnia Love and Mrs. Don Hendrick onto their farm this MOUNT CARMEL have past Miss Elizabeth Dietrich, London. . spent the week-end at the home of her brother Mr. Joseph Dietrich. Miss Laura Mass, Dashwood, spent Sunday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. David Geromette. Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Denomme and family visited at the home of the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J Regier over the week-end. The play and social evening held in the parish hall on the eve of St. Patrick’s Day was a real success. The caste and the directors deserve to be congratulated for a good perform­ ance. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glavin spent Sunday at the home of their daugh­ ter, Mrs. Joseph Carey. Mr. William Reid purchased a Ford car from Hartman’s .garage this week. Mr. Joseph Carey is confined to his bed with an attack of the flu. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Neil Regan has taken the con­ tract qf feeding some young cattle for Mr. Matthew Doyle. Mr. Frank Coughlin is feeding cattle for Matthew Doyle and W Revington. One of the first signs of Spring in this section was to see Mr. B Morrissey and his brother John Mor­ rissey jogging their race horses the ether day in preparation for the coming racing season. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Rourke spent Sunday at the heme of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Regier, AND FOR LESS THAN $200.00 your choice of the following5 1929 Plymouth Coach 1929 Ford Coach 1930 Ford Coach 1931 Pontiac Coach 1929 Whippet 4 Sedan 1929 Whippet 6 Sedan 1928 Chrysler Sedan These cars are in good condition and Priced to sell Sandy Elliot Phone 64 Exeter A THVUSDAY, MARCH S3, 111 SO YOU ARE INVITED TO THE SPRING OPENING — of the — Exeter Ladies’Wear I have now a complete line of Ladies’ Spring Coats and Dresses in all the latest shades, styles and fabrics; also a smart new line of House-Dresses and House-Coats. A shipment of Penman’s Hosiery in all the new Spring Shades has just arrived. HIGH QUALITY BABY CHICKS PRICES AT REASONABLE Healthy Chicks From Healthy Hens Large Type S.C. White Leghorns Large Egg Size Strain Barred Rocks Rock-Leghorn Cross Breeds Special Price for tills week on 4- week old Leghorn pullets anr 4- weelc old Rock Pullets. Special Sale’ price on Barred Rock Cockerels for 2 weeks counts on orders placed advance. Lakeview Poultry WEIN BROS. only. Dis- 3 weeks in Farm EXETER BROWN—BRADLEY A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. James’ Anglican Church, Park­ hill when Miss Geraldine Dunedin Bradley, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley, of Kincardine, was united in marriage to William How­ ard Brown, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, of Bervie. The ceremony was perform­ ed by Rev. F. L. Lewin, a former rector of Bervie parish. The bride was dressed in blue silk crepe with accessories to match. The wedding music was played by Mrs. F'. L. Le­ win. After a short honeymoon in London and .St. Marys the couple will reside in Kincardine. “KING OF KINGS” Moving Pictures under auspices of the Sunday School in Centralia United Church TUESDAY, MARCH 28th at 8 o’clock p. m. Admission 25c and 15c A 4-act play entitled “THE GIRL FROM OUT YONDER” will be presented by the Brucefield United Church Young People in THAMES ROAD CHURCH FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1939 Admisison 25c. and 15c. Electric Washing Machine Bargain $58.50 You can safely follow the judgment of your eyes when you buy this ma­ chine, with stream-lined tub; offset wing agitator for faster, cleaner washing — large soft ringer rolls — attractive two-tone finish. The mo­ tor requires no oiling and the trans­ mission oil lasts 5 years. You owe i* to yourself to at least see this ma­ chine before buying any washer. We have several used electric re­ frigerators for as low as $50.00. Agents for Frigidaire, General Electric Refrigerators, Radios, Washers, Ranges, Irons, Toaster, etc W. J. BEER ATTENTION FARMERS We are agents for Fertilizer mix­ ing ingredients (Amophas, Potash, Phosphates) that can be sown with the ordinary grain drill and save up to $7.50 per ton. All analysis in ready-mixed fertilizers carried in stock, buy. Get our James Phone:Kirkton prices before you Gardiner KIRKTON, R. R. 1 21-10 MAKE YOUR CHICKS THRIVE THIS SPRING Shur-Gain Chick Starter Why Shur-Gain Chick Starter Gives Results: SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter gives the best results and raises the most chicks because it is carefully and scientifically made of the very finest selection of chick growing and health producing ingredients that money can buy. The extra chicks you save and raise by using SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter will more than pay you for all the food used. The right start means proper development—and last, but not least, heavy and consistent egg production. THAT, AFTER ALL, IS WHAT YOU WANT. SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter, 19 per cent, Cotton bags... $2.50 SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter, 19 per cent, Jute bags.... $2.45 CANADA PACKERS LTD. EXETER and CENTRALIA E. H. Carscadden at Bray Hatchery