HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-03-16, Page 8WU1|SDA¥> MARCH 10th, 103Q THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Permanents... V’s Beauty Shoppe Phone 112 for Apppintmepts Vera C. Decker, Proprietress FIT YOUR HORSES NOW FOR SPRING WORK Walker’s Condition Powder Guaranteed 100 per cent, pure For Sale at Exeter Markets Wheat 60c. Oats 30c. Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Flour $1.95 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Shorts $1.30 Bran $1.40 Creamery Buttet' 2 6-27c. Dairy Butter 21-2 4c. Eggs, A large 18c. Eggs, A medium 17c. Eggs, B 16c. Eggs, pullets 15c. Eggs. C 14c. Hogs dressed $11.50 Illi Walker’s Drug Store A Full Line of FRESH, CURED HIGHWAY FARM WANTED—A farm, on or near highway or county road, with good buildings, hydro available, I have enquiry for such a farm. If you wish to sell see C. V PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. and SMOKED MEATS OYSTERS 1 HE Ju I Jum always do their BEST but sometimes their best is below normal. An imper­ fect eye tries to perform a perfect duty and the at­ tempt always means trouble. If you would get the help we have to offer it would be better for both you and your eyes. C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office open 9 a.m. to 5 P.m, every week day except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN * CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday Schopl 11 a.m.—Public Worshiip Sermon: Jesus as Prophet 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: Burden-Bearing Thursday, March 16: Regular meet­ ing of W. M. S. at the manse at 3 p.m. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader HOUSE FOR SALE—Frame house property of the late John Willert, almost opposite the Lutheran church in Dashwood; double lot with good stable on cement blocks. Apply to Ed. F. Willert, Dashwood, phone Dashwood 47 r 20. 3-13-3tp Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS Are you receiving a sale reward of 20 per cent, or more of your Auto­ mobile Insurance cost? Why not? MUTUAL INSURANCE If not AGENCY Fire Phone 47 Auto 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—The Minister The choir will render your favor­ ite selections. Tuesday, 8 p.m.-—Y. P. Banquet Wed. 8 p.m.—(Prayer Service Sunday, March 26th, Rev. Dr. John ■Coburn, Toronto. FOR SALE—8 room frame house on south Richmond St., Hensail. Must be sold. Apply to F. W. Glad­ man, Exeter, or Chas. Jinks, Hen- 3-16-4tpsail. SALE- and one 11-hoe A-l shape. Apply FOR er drill drill in McKniglit, Exeter. One 13-hoe fertiliz- fertilizer to G. M. 3-16-2tp. CATTLE HAY FOR SALE ply J. T. Hicks, Centralia, R. 1. — Ap- R. No. ltp - -Q i I I LOCALS j !__________________£ St. Patrick’s Dinner in Main St. United Dinner 35c. ERNEST C. HARVEY Terra-LOST—-Hub cap for 1933 plane between James Ballantyne’s and Exeter. Finder kindly leave at Times-Advocate. ltp FOR askas. R.R. 1, SALE—Seed oats, Early Al- Albert Mitchell, Centralia, phone Kirkton 48rl4. 3-16-2tp FOR RENT—95 acre pasture farm lot 17, con. 5, Hay, first class grass with running water. Apply to John Mousseau, Grand Bend, Oakland House, phone Dashwood 56rl. FOR SALE —- I h.p. %, %, and small size motors for sale. Motors, generators, etc., rewound and repair­ ed, any make. Lorne Johnston, Ex­ eter. 2-9-2tc. BARN FOR SALE — Rock elm frame 35x50. Clifford Brintnell, Ex­ eter. 2-9-3tp. ■About 6 weeks Elmer Reeder, Exeter. ltc PIGS FOR SALE- old. GOOD SOWS FOR5 SALE—Had litter each. Bacon type. First No bargaining. — 4 one $100 gets them. W. J. Seymour, Exeter. FOR SALE—Hatching eggs from thoroughbred White Leghorns, ply Wes. Wein, Crediton. Ap- cot- , 5 rooms, modern conveniences, also 2 lots and barn. Apply Chas. Fisher, Exeter, R. R. 3, Telephone 176 r 5. HOUSE FOR SALE—Brick ( tage on Albert Street” Exeter, BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE—Me­ dium sized, 2 good lots, well under $1,000.00' with terms. Other houses. C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. FOR SALE—120 acres, wonderful­ ly stiuated for quick sale. Several other farms. —W. C. Pearce. PAPERHANGING — Big sample book of Empire Sunworthy Wall­ papers; Preston Steel Roofing.— John Ridley, phone Kirkton 14-16. 'Stock clearing sale of used furni­ ture and stoves to be sold. One ladies’ seal coat, one cloth coat, no reasonable offer refused. Opposite Theatre. ' 2-16-tfc. • WANTED — Fox horses and dead animals. Jack Williams, R.R. No. 3, Dashwood, phone Dashwood 34rl5. 2-9-4tp RENT LOCALS nHWHHBI 4* Church on Friday, March 17. served from 5.30. Admission Cooking Sale at Griggs’ Station­ ery Store under Ladies Guild church on 3 p.m. Now is the time to be sure your hair is in perfect condition for a PERFECT PERMANENT Special prices for Hot Oil Treat­ ments till Easter TOMLINSON’S ft Hairdressers Phone 146 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister11 3 p. m.—Sunday School 7 ip.m.—The MinisterPreaching mission of Dr. John Coburn, March 26 and April 3. KHXWCH9 the auspices of of Trivitt Memorial Saturday, March 18 th at Coates is confined to liis OUR BIGGEST ASSET is a Satisfied Customer New Wallpapers for Spring Get your papering done early before the paperhangers get too busy. Before you decide on your new papers we would like you to look through our sample books.The pew pat­ terns and colorings are sure to please you. You can buy good quality papers as low as 18c, 25c to 35c10c,12c,15c, FARM FOR SALE OR TO 100 acres west i lot 11 and south J lot 12, located 2i miles west of Crediton, Stephen Township, Huron County, good buildings 10 acres fall wheat, fall plowing done, immediate possession. If thinking of purchas­ ing a farm it will pay you to look this one over first. Mrs. Robert Ma- whinney. Apply to Thomas Mawhin- ney opposite this farm. 2-9-3 tp. Mr. Rd. home through illness Mrs. John Peart is recovering from an illness of a number of weeks. Mrs. Laura Prouty is visiting at the home of her brother Mr. James Green. Miss Carolyn Davis, of the Post Office staff, has been through influenza. Mr. Alf. Andrus, of Hardware, has been off week owing to illness. Miss Evelyn Lawson, visited with her mother Mrs. Lawson over the week-end. Mrs. L. Lawrence, of London, vis^ ited with her sister Mrs. Harvey Pol­ len the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tuckey and son, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson. Messrs. A. E. Fuke and Geo. Wil­ lis, of London, attended the. funeral of the late James Dignan, Tuesday. Mr. Ted Buswell, of University of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bus­ well. Miss Matilda White, who recent­ ly fractured her hip in a fall, is still confined to her bed but is somewhat improved. Mr. T. O. Pauline Follick, staff, have both influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, visited with Mrs. Jackson’s sister Mrs. Leo Hennessey. Mrs. Geo. Etherington, who has been ill; but who was on the mend, has not been as well during the past week. Mr. John Dignan, who has spent i the winter with his daughter Mrs. Brown, of Kingsville, returned home last week. Mrs. K. J. Sims has been visiting for the past two weeks at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Sims, of Windsor. Larry, little son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Hutton, who has been ill with scarlet fever, has recovered and the family is now out of quarantine. Mrs. T. McCurdy returned Mon­ day after visiting foi- several days with her brother Mr. Hugh McDon­ ald who is quite ill at his home in Essex. 1 Mr. Jack Kernick, of Little Long Lac, left Tuesday after visiting for 1 a week with his grandafther Mr. Wm. Kernick, Sr., and other rela­ tives. Stan Smith’s orchestra was heard over C.F.P.L. again on Monday ev­ ening, mental couple Mr. indisposed Tra^uair’s duty for a of London, W. Southcott and Miss of Southcott Bros, been off duty with Eric for Jackson, of several days HURRY Our reputation and future depends on satisfied customers. That is why we sell D&H Cone-Cleaned Anthra­ cite, the best, most dependable all weather fuel we can obtain. D&H Anthracite comes from the richest coal seams and is cone-cleaned and rigidly inspected. We it’s dcr take pride in our delivery too— courteous and dependable. Or- a supply today! JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 .Residence 157 SEED GRAIN CLEANING We are now prepared to clean and grade seed grain in our plant at Crediton. Oats and Barley clean­ ed, graded and separated. Also we clean peas, beans, etc. We clean and buy and sell all varieties of Clovers and Grasses. No. 1 seed Oats and Barley for sale. Phone 3w. Night 44. Zwicker’s, Crediton. MORE HEAT IN YOUR R00M5 LESS WASTE ^UP THE CHIMNEY^ BURN ‘Blue coal’ phone 40w W. C. ALLISON Successor to H. T. Rowe ALBERTA COAL AND COKE Stan played a piano instru- and Alan Penhale sang a of solos. Rowe Dinney, of the Royal Bank staff, London, who has been i holidaying at his home for the past. three weeks is relieving for a few, weeks at the Appin branch. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt / Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Mothering Sunday Fourth Sunday in Lent p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon 3 7 _ “God’s Purpose” St. John I.H: 16, Service every Wednesday evening during Lent at 7.30. EMHMBSB • •• 17 USED CAR... 1938 1936 J Chevrolet *4# - Master Coach Chevrolet Chevrolet Master Sedan Standard Deluxe1936 Sedan with Trunk 1933 Ford Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Master Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929. Ford Model A Coach 1928 Ford Model A Coach 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1934 Chevrolet 2 ton H.D. Truck Racks and Platform 1937 Chevrolet Vs ton Pick-up AND CO. EXETER Phone 100 INVESTMENTS A SPECIALIZED SERVICE based on the requirements of the Individual Investor LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges Prompt and Efficient Service For further information apply PREMIER SECURITIES LIMITED Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501 W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming, President and Manager Investment Analyst “Invest With Confidence’’ You May Reverse Charges When Placing Orders by Telephone '......" •• ■ ......■ ............ .......-----------------------........................................................ ==UNBLEACHED SHEETS HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES EE Made from a good, strong, fine unbleached These are real value. A fine aualitv cot-mmmm MMMM cotton. This is a Special for this month*ton that will wear well. 42 inches and MMWMM 2 yards by Z1^ yards special value at === EE EACH 95c PER PAIR 69c == ss KENWOOD BLANKETS ESMOND PLAID BLANKETS ■1 ■ i~~n Snuggle under a warm Kenwood Blanket One of the warmest and best values wesssthese cold nights and know real comfort.MMWK There are shades to blend with anv color can offer you in Blankets. Colors: Green,EE wZm combination in the room Rose,Mauve and Blue. PLAIN SHADES $5.50 Each $2.00 EE EE New Coloring and Patterns in Prints EE It pays to buy quality merchandise. Our best quality prints are fast color and give re-s markable wear. We are showing two patterns that are especially good for comforters.y**~ Ask to see them.Per yard 29c.■■ ' ' '! ■MMMM OVERALLS AND SMOCKS BOYS’ RUBBER BOOTS == i ■' ~ y Made from 8 oz. Denim. These garments Made in same quality as mens. They give are well made and full fitting. On sale more wear than lighter weight and are as this week at much worn by women on the form EACH $1.49 PER PAIR $1.50 SS szz MEN’S WORK SHIRTS MEN’S RUBBER BOOTS EE ==With Zipper or button fronts, in Blue or Every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory |g Wine shades. These are good shirts for wear.They come with red or grey soles.EE m i n $1.00 PER PAIR $1.95 ss GROCERY SPECIALS l l l l l l l BON AMI AMMONIA CORNFLAKES ■ZZS EE 2 tins...............25c Snowflak#Sugar Crisp EE ll l l l l l 3 for . .• • •13c 3 pkgs................21c 1---T JEWEL SHORTENING 2 1-lb. pkgs.. 25c SALADA TEA COFFEE EE *—-*Black or Mixed Gold Medal MMMM CLEANSER 1 lb.................. 70c 1 lb................... 39c==Classic 1-2 lb.............. 35c ==■ as 3 cans...............13c * == WHEATLETT SODAS —— MMM BUY ONTARIO CHOICE CHOICE SPYS HERE 6 lbs. for « • • •25c 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c EE EE Southcott 1 Bros.in Exeter,Phone 16 P_.2 rnlilllliliiiillliiillllllllllliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllillllllllliillllllllllllliiiiiililiiiilillllllllliiiiiliilllllllliiiiilliinr^ Marion Pooley Beauty shop All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 James St. Y. P. U. The James St. Y. P. opened their regular meeting with Vera Decker in charge. Aftei’ singing a hymn Ha­ zel Woodall led in prayer. Ruth Brown played a piano solo which was enjoyed very much. Ardys Mc- Falls read the Scripture lesson. Mr. Medd very ably took the topic "Do We Want a Democracy in Canada” Hymn number thirty was sung and Earl Heywood favored with a sole accompanied by guitar. Dorothy Welsh gave a reading and the meet­ ing closed with the Mizpah benedic­ tion. A business meeting was held in preparation for the banquet which will be held next Tuesday, March 21 when Rev. D. McTavish of London, will be the speaker. James Street W. M. S. The regular meeting of the James Street W. M. S. was held in the church parlors with the president in the chair. Following the opening exercises a quilting was discussed. It was decided to quilt on Wednesday, March 22nd after which a 10c. tea will be served. The Strangers’ Se­ cretary reported making ten calls. The finance committee presented the question of a lilac tea in May. After discussion- it was unanimously car­ ried. Other1 plans Were discussed for the fall work. Mrs. Christie took charge of the worship service and ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO STOCK UP DURING THE Our New Stock of Spring Suitings Has Arrived Samples of Tip Top, W. R. John ston’s and Cook’s. Come in and look them over. New Spring Hats and Shirts on Display W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. read the scripture lesson. The theme for the meeting was “Love Thy Neighbor.” This part of the service was in dialogue form, Mesdames May- Beavers and Roulston taking part. Questionaire by Mesdames Ogden, Delbridge and Beavers. Ten com­ mandments of good will were taken by different members. A double duet was sung by Mesdames Beavers Christie, Taylor and Delbridge; Mrs, Thomson and Mrs. Moise led in prayer. The program was as fol­ lows: Solo by Mrs. A. O. Elliot with Mrs. Carey accompanist; reading by the temperance secretary Mrs. G. Walker; instrumental by iLaurene Beavers; musical number by the Mission Band. The chapter of the study book was very ably taken by Mrs. J. M. Southcott, the topic being “All Working Together.” The Church of All Nations in Toronto and Sault Ste Marie were given as an example that an antagonism can be broken and all men shall be brothers. A ten cent tea was serv­ ed at the close. Exeter, Ontario