HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-03-09, Page 8THURSDAY, MARCH Oth. 1030 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Permanents.,. V’s Beauty Shoppe Phone 112 for Appointments Vera C. Decker, Proprietress FOR SALE Pea Ensilage $1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 13 noon CANADIAN CANNERS FIT YOUR HORSES NOW FOR SPRING WORK use Walker’s Condition Powder Guaranteed 100 per cent, pure For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store Stray black collie dog, in town two weeks. Will owner or anyone will­ ing to take him phone Dr. Steiner. WANTED—Experienced maid, for couple, no children. Mrs. Chas. Mea- kins, phone 650, P.O. 541, Goderich, ltp. FOR SALE — I h.p. %, and small size motors for sale. Motors, generators, etc., rewound and repair­ ed, any make. Lome Johnston, Ex­ eter. 2-9-2tc. IFOR SALE—Hereford bull about 10 months old. ILegal for registra­ tion. Apply Times-Advocate. WANTED — Middle aged house­ keeper for farm two in family. Apply Times-Advocate. ltp. BARN FOR SALE — Rock elm frame 35x50. Clifford Brintnell, Ex­ eter. 2-9-3tp. FOR SALE—Bronze turkey hen and gobbler. Apply John Hender­ son, Kippen. ltp •6 good white lbs.; 20 For immediate sale­ faced, grass cattle 700 shoats 40-60 lbs. Apply to Harvey Godbolt, phone 175rl3, Exeter. dueFOR SALE — Choice sow, the end of March; also 8 to 10 loads of good mixed hay. Will take in 8 or 10' head of cattle to feed until spring. Apply at Times-Advocate. Itc SEED GRAIN CLEANING We are now prepared to clean and grade seed grain in our plant at Crediton. Oats and Barley clean­ ed, graded and separated. Als,o we clean peas, beans, etc. We clean and buy and sell all varieties of Clovers and Grasses. No. 1 seed Oats and Barley for sale. Phone 3w. Night’ 44. Zwicker’s, Crediton. HOUSE FOR SALE—Brick cot­ tage on Albert Street, Exeter, 5 rooms, modern conveniences, also 2 lots and barn. Apply Chas. Fisher, Exeter, R. R. 3, Telephone 176 r 5. —Frame dry cel- FOR SALE OR RENT- house, hard and soft water, lar, acre of land on Huron Street. Apply Crediton 18 r 15.3-2-2tc •FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres, good soil, brick house, machine shed and bank barn, all in excellent con­ dition, unfailing water supply, bush, 20 acres fall wheat; 1 mile from school and church. Priced low. Other farms. C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE—Me­ dium sized, 2 good lots, well under $1,000.00 with terms. Other houses. •0. V. PICKARD, phone 165. FOR SALE — 1 h.p. heavy duty electric motor in good condition $45 with shafting and pulleys $50 Apply at Times-Advocate. FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres of choice farm land. Well watered, good buildings including 4 good poultry pens; hydro in house and barn. Foi’ particulars apply Mrs. CAiarles Wat­ son, Londesboro. 2-23-4tc. Stock clearing ture and stoves ladies’ seal coat, reasonable Theatre. offer sale of used furni- to be sold, one cloth refused. One coat, no Opposite 2-16-tfc. Exeter Markets Wheat 60c. Oats 30c. Manitoba’s Best $2.6u Welcome Flour $1.95 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Shorts $1.30 Bran $1.40 Creamery Butter 27c Dairy Butter 21-24c. Eggs, A large 16c. Eggs, A medium 14e. Eggs, B 13c. Eggs C, 12c. Hogs dressed $11.50 A Full Line of FRESH, CURED and SMOKED MEATS OYSTERS Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS The James Street G.G.I.T. groups are presenting a play “The Old Pea­ body Pew” by Kate Douglas Wiggin, on Friday, March l(Jth at 8 o’clock. Adults 15e, children 10c. re —Q i 1 1ILOCALS ia———-__ _______- ___1 -a CORRECTION A St. Patrick’s Dinner Friday, March 17th in Main Street Church. ■Mr. W. R. Goulding is confined his home with influenza. Mrs. J. W. Skinner, of London, visiting with Mrs. M. Heywood. of Wing- Rose Rus- Ellen Wilkinson, visiting with Mrs. I ■I Francis Murdock, week-end to is of Clande- with Mar- THE EYES always do their BEST but sometimes their best is below normal. An imper­ fect eye tries to perform a perfect duty and the at­ tempt always means' trouble. If you would get the help we have to offer it would be better for both you and your eyes. C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Newest Approved Methods of Eyesight Testing Used Office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except Wednesday The advance in Automobile insur­ ance rates won’t increase your bud­ get, if your insure in a LUMBER­ MENS dividend paying policy'. MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 47Fire Phone 47 Auto ERNEST C. HARVEY WHERE BEAUTY BLOOMS TOMLINSON'S Hairdressers Phone 146 OUR BIGGEST ASSET is a Satisfied Customer Our reputation and future depends on satisfied customers. That is why we sell D&H Cone-Cleaned Anthra­ cite, the best, most dependable all weather fuel we can obtain. D&H Anthracite conies from the richest coal seams and is cone-cleaned and rigidly inspected. We it’s der take pride in our delivery too— courteous and dependable, a supply today! Or- I CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, ILA., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Public Worship conducted by Mr. Douglas Steward of U. of W. O. Tuesday, March 14 at 8 p.m.—'Caven will entertain the y.P.S. of Car­ mel Presbyterian Church, Hensail JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor IV. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Cost of Religion 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—-“Between two Generations” Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 2.30: Women’s Association The Junioi’ choir will furnish the music at the Sunday evening service. sssa MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robei’t Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p. m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Preaching mission of Dr. John Coburn, March 26 and April 3. New Wallpapers for Spring Get your papering done early before the paperhangers get too busy. Before you decide on your new papers we would like you to look through our sample books.The new pat­ terns and colorings are sure to please you. You can buy good quality papers as low as 10c,12c,15c,18c, 25c to 35c UNBLEACHED SHEETS Made from a good, strong, fine unbleached cotton. This is a Special for this month- 2 yard? by 2% yards EACH 95c HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES These are real value. A fine quality cot­ ton that will wear well. 42 inches and special value at PER PAIR 69c KENWOOD BLANKETS Snuggle under a warm Kenwood Blanket these cold nights and know real comfort, There are shades to blend with any color combination in the room PLAIN SHADES $5.50 ESMOND PLAID BLANKETS One of the warmest and best values we can offer you in Blankets. Colors: Green, Rose, Mauve and Blue. Each $2.00 New Coloring and Patterns in Prints It pays to buy quality merchandise. Our best quality prints are fast color and give re­ markable wear. We are showing two patterns that are especially good for comforters. Ask to see them. Per yard 29c. OVERALLS AND SMOCKS Made from 8 oz. Denim. These garments are well made and full fitting. On sale this week at EACH $1.49 BOYS’ RUBBER BOOTS Made in same quality as mens. They give more wear than lighter weight and are much worn by women on the form PER PAIR $1.50 MEN’S WORK SHIRTS With Zipper or button fronts, in Blue or Wine shades. These are good shirts for $1.00 MEN’S RUBBER BOOTS Every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. They come with red or grey soles. PER PAIR $1.95 GROCERY SPECIALS Russell visited, with JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 .Residence 157 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Third Sunday in Lent p.m.—Sunday-School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Subject—“Loyalty” Service every Wednesday evening during Lent at 7.30. 3 7 BABY CHICKS 9 mo- Mrs. Wor DAIRY BUTTER Per lb...............21c Choice Spy Apples CORNED BEEF 2 tins............25c PEANUT BUTTER Bulk, Choice , SWEET PICKLES Large jar .. . . 25c 2 lbs.25c SALMON 2 tins • •25c OATMEAL Fine or Coarse 7 lbs. for .... 25c Aylmer Choice GOLDEN BANTAM CORN WAX BEANS 2 tins.............20c W.e would have to charge more for our chicks if we paid agents to sell them. Large production and sell­ ing direct enables us to sell at these prices. Grade A Heavy Breeds, $11; Pullets $18.00; Cockerels $8.00; Leghorns $10.i5i0; 'Pullets $22.00; Cockerels $3.00. Bxtra Profit, Special Mating Grade and Started Chicks slightly higher. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited Fergus, Ontario FOUND — A boy’s black aviator hat, with fur flaps. Apply at Times- Advocate. Mrs. ham, is sell. Miss boye, spent the jorie Flynn. Miss Patricia Miss Gertrude Turkheim, of Zurich, over the week. Miss Marjorie Flynn took part in the Children’s Program ovei’ OFPL Saturday morning. On Friday evening last some of the high school teachers and several pupils were in London taking in the show. Rev. D. C. .Hill is leaving the lat­ ter part of the week to visit with his mother Mrs. J. R. Hill in Ottawa for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and family and Miss Viola Turner, of Arkona, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, of Lon­ don, visited with the former’s ther Mrs. S. West and Mr. and Bruce Tuckey on Sunday. On Monday evening next Rt. Bro. F. J. McLeod, of Ailsa Craig, D.D.G.M, will pay his official visit to Lebanon Forest Lodge. ■Suckers were running in the river at Grand Bend the latter part of last week. Some of them were offered for sale in Exeter Saturday evening. Mrs. John Taylor, of the Snell Block, had a valuable Persian cat poisoned last week. It does seem too bad our pets have to meet such fate. Mrs. J. McTavish, of the Exeter Ladies’ Wear, is in Toronto this week on business and while there attended the Toronto Skating Car­ nival. Miss Eileen Snell underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils at Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital on Monday. Miss Reba Simmons R.N. was in attendance. Miss Laurene Beavers very ac­ ceptably presided at the organ in the James St. United Church on Sunday evening owing to the illness of the organist, Mr. W. R. Goulding. Miss Barbara Atkinson left last week for Toronto where she has en­ tered Toronto General Hospital as nurse-in-training. Barbara also visit­ ed a couple of days previously with Miss M. E. Ross, 139 Howland Ave. FAMILEX profitable of others experience AGENTS WANTED! WILL START YOU in a business like ‘ hundreds throughout Canada. No required. We train you. Liberal com­ mission ‘for selling 2 00 guaranteed necessities. Meet all competition successfully. Ambitious salesmen, write for free catalogue and plan with obligation, FAMILEX CO. 570 St. Clement, -Montreal. FOR STEADY HEALTHFUL ECONOMICAL Always Specify ‘blue coal9 J————" For quick service—PHONE 40w • ••USED CAR... BREAD FLOUR Five Roses, Purity and Robin Hood At Lowest Prices BROOMS 4-String $ TEA 1937 1936 1936 1935 1933 1931 Each •••••• 23c Brown Label ..................37c Yellow Label ..................32c Orange Pekoe ................42c MAN’S: CHANCE—100- on pavement, $500 down. YOUNG acre farm Many other farms large and small. Several houses in Exeter, Hensail and Crediton. W. C. Pearce ltp WANTED — Fox horses and dead animals. Jack Williams, R.R. No, 3, Dashwood, phone Dashwood 34rl5. 2-9-4tp RENTfarm for sale or to 100 acres west £ lot 11 and south lot 12, located 2£ miles west of Crediton, Stephen Township, Huron County, good buildings 10 acres fall wheat, fall plowing done, immediate possession, if thinking of purchas­ ing a farm it will pay you to look this one over first, Mrs, Robert Ma- wliinney. Apply to Thomas Mawhin- ney opposite this farm. 2-9-fctp. James Street Mission Circle James St. Mission Circle held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Betty Coates. The meeting was opened with a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Page. Dorothy Welsh took charge of the business. Several items of business were discussed and it was decided to hold the next meeting on Tuesday, April 11th. After the roll call the minutes were adopted, Betty Coates charge and the meeting continued with the use of a hymn. The Scrip­ ture was read by Ardys McFalls fol­ lowed with prayer by Dorothy Tra- quair. The 4th chapter of the Study Book was very ably taken by Lau­ rene Beavers. We were then favor­ ed with an instrumental by Dorothy Welsh. Miss Celia Christie then gave us a very interesting talk on her recent trip to the coast which was much enjoyed by all. The meet­ ing closed with a hymn and repeat­ ing the Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. W. C. ALLISON Successor to H. T. Rowe ALBERTA COAL AND COKE read and then took Electrician estimates willingly given, First class materials used only, John Tomlinson, Woodham, 1 phone Kirkton 62r2. ltp SPECIALS Chevrolet Chevrolet De Lux Sedan Chevrolet Sedan with Trunk. Master Sedan Standard Deluxe Chevrolet Master Sedan Chevrolet Coach Phone 16 ?ll I in 1930 Chevrolet Sedan Deluxe Equipment. Chevrolet Coach Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOP J 1930 Ford Coach All Work Guaranteed « Exeter Phone 245 New Spring Suitings 1929 1928 1929 Ford Ford Coach Sedan Pontiac Sedan 1934 Chev’let Heavy Duty Truck with Platform and Racks. SNELL BROS AND CO EXETER Phone 100 James Street AV. A. The meeting of the James Street Women’s Association was held on Thursday, March 3rd with a good attendance which opened by singing a hymn. Mrs. G. Mantle read the scripture and offered prayer. Mrs. C. Kestle the president was in charge of the meeting. After business ses­ sion a short program followed: Miss Florence Down gave a very interest­ ing reading “Bargain Day”; Mrs. H. C. Carey favored with a piano solo and Mrs. Sturgis favored with a solo “Beautiful Garden of .Prayer”. Lunch was served at the close of the meet­ ing and a social half hour enjoyed. Our New Stock of Spring Suitings Has Arrived Samples of Tip Top, W. R. John ston’s and Cook’s. Come in and look them over. * New Spring Hats and Shirts on Display 'I ■Messrs. Reg. Beavers and Bob Clarke, of Sarnia; and Mr. George Beavers, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Dorothy Cox, Reg.N., of Wood- stock, Mr. Clarence Larmon, of Bur­ ford, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cornish and daughter Anna, of Brucefield, visit­ ed at the home, of Mrs. N. Hanni­ gan during the week-end. INVESTMENTS A SPECIALIZED SERVICE based on the requirements of the Individual Investor LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges Prompt and Efficient Service For further information apply PREMIER SECURITIES LIMITED Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501 W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming, President and Manager Investment Analyst “Invest With Confidence” You May Rdvetse Charges When Placing Orders by Telephone Trivitt Memorial W. A. The Women’s Auxiliary or Trivitt Memorial church met in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening. The meet­ ing opened with hymn 403 follow­ ed by the Litany and prayers by the president. Miss E. M. Bowey gave the Scripture reading. The roll call was answered by a Bible Verse containing the word Repent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer gave her report. Mrs. Bierling gave a reading on “Fasting.” Mrs. Thom­ son read a poem “The Story of a Cent.” Mrs. O. Winter read a por­ tion of the Study Book. The meet­ ing closed with hymn 314 followed by the benediction. Main St. Evening Auxiliary The March meeting of,the Main St. Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. E. R. Hopper, on Wed­ nesday evening, March 1st, Mrs. H. Skinner’s group having charge of the devotional part of the meeting. The opening hymn was sung followed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unis­ on, Psalm 703 was then read re­ sponsively. Miss Dorothy Green then favored with two readings. Mrs. Hockey the president took charge of the business. After singing another hymn Miss Marjoty Broderick, Mrs. M. Walker, Miss Marjory Medd and Mrs, E. Russell presented a chapter in the gtudy Book, The meeting then closed by singing “J6bus The Very Thought of Tkee” and prayer offer­ ed by Mrs, Copeland. A dainty lunch Was served, W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. ■Ml Caven Congregational Circle The C. C. C. of Caven church met at the home of Mrs. C. Simmons on Tuesday, March 7th, with a very good attendance. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Earl Mitchell in the absence of the president, Mrs. Hatter. The meeting was opened by a hymn followed by the Lord’s pray­ er repeated in unison. Mrs. Wil­ lard gave the Scripture lesson fol­ lowed by a hymn. The Various com­ mittees were appointed for April: Envelope, Mrs. Dow and Miss Jeck- ell; lunch, Mrs. Oke, Mrs. E, Mit­ chell, Mrs. A. Mitchell, Mrs. II. Strang. It was decided to hold the next meeting, April 2nd, at the church to clean the silverware, etc., a cup of tea to be served afterward. Busin'ess of the Circle was then dis- ciissed, A reading entitled “A One- Sided Telephone Conversation” was given by Mrs. A. Moir followed by a couple of contests, both being won by Mrs. Jack Kydd. After this a dainty lunch was served by Mrs, Sil- lery, Mrs. Kydd, Miss Hatter and Mrs. Pollen, The meeting closed by singing “God Save the King.” Send a Greeting Card in recogni­ tion Of your friehdshlp, A card for Mery occasion on display at the Times-Advocate. James Street Evening Auxiliary Mrs. A. Page was hostess on Mon­ day evening to the March meeting of the James Street Evening Auxiliary The president presided over the opening exercises. Mrs. W. Allison led in prayer. Donations for the layettes were brought in, many dain­ ty knitted articles, blankets, etc, were received and it was decided to again send tliein to Saskatchewan. Miss Gladys Stone took charge of the program. Devotional was taken by Misses Betty Kinney, Stella Southcott, Gladys Stone and Nellie Carmichael t and prayer by Mrs. Sharpe. Quartette by Misses Lulu Lindenfield, Verna Wood and Mrs. M, third chapter of the Study Book was given in an interesting manner by Mrs,. Page. Plano solo by Miss Pauline Follick. Mrs. C. Tanton gave a talk on the Red Gross work in Northern Ontario and gave inter­ esting experiences of her work among the earlier settlers In var­ ious districts. Pier message was very timely and much appreciated. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benedletioh following! which lunch was served by Miss G. Stone’s group and a social times enjoyed. Coates, Pearl Fletcher. The